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Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 85

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"I LIVE IN X AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Navy NRL: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

-Now extremely likely to make landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Titusville.
-Likely to strengthen to Category 4 after passing through the bahamas, though has weakened since the last Hurricane General.
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Nassau, Bahamas Cam: http://www.portnassauwebcam.com/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Twitters to Check


Make sure you're safe laddies.
first for the emperor
You forgot this:
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jax beach here
When should I start watching the carnage in FL?
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/shittycollegeapartment/ reporting for duty. This shithole is gonna collapse.
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Goodbye friends.
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>tfw east coast but not getting butt-devastated by nature this weekend
305, preparing to die
Hey man, that shit is BRAND NEW. It'll be fine.
run dude you probably have atleast an hour
Well that stupid wide blsck roof thing will certainly blow away.
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Who Boca here?
"""""""""""Mandatory""""""""""" evacuation
pfffffft what am I some kind of faggot
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the soviet union called they want there building back
super rushed job and half the place is falling apart already. I'd rather be in a 30 year old block house.
ANONS: Pls livestream glorious death.
Thank you for your sacrifice!
Fuck Yeah but Sandy did fuck us.
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Go to bed, like I'm about to do, and resume watching in the morning, which is about when the first rain bands should hit the coast.
i just bought this nice ass house, if its going down, im going with it
anyone know if any livestreams are good? hard to tell since its night
To anyone that lives near the hurricane, I'm sorry, but I hope this hurricane destroys the east coast. We need massive happenings soon. Earthquake in Cali, race war, nukes, anything. Shit needs to hit the fan. FUCK THIS GAY EARTH
Wait, if this thing is going to blow it's metaphorical load on Florida, why are us South Carolinians being evacuated?
you only say that because you dont live here

grow up child
45 mins until next Intermediate National Hurricane Center Advisory, more recon missions from the Air Force and NOAA inbound.
Post more evidence it's going to hit Tampa
nothing will happen
they're makin Jax evac?
Why are you guys still there if there is a mandatory evacuation? I'm reporting you.
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Casue this sumabitch is big.
DESU these threads make me glad. I'm right in Palm Bay so I'll probably get reamed up the ass by the storm but the comfiness/levity they bring helps my neurotic retard mind a bit.
a noble sacrifice for kek
this, maybe 1 or 2 dumb fucks will die and some damage but nothing else.
i hope so, im so unprepared.
i have a ton of guns and ammo and no generator.

i just moved to a house on the beach, like a really nice house
st johns got the evac warning
Only Jax Beach I think
Which is where I am
Because non Floridians are pussies
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>tfw this shit is coming right at you
As a curious alaskafag who hasn't been paying attention how serious are things? What category level hurricane is coming at the coast?
No shit, that's why I apologized. These things need to happen though. The country needs to be destroyed before it gets better
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your life is not worth a house does it have a basement or made out of concrete

>b2 bomber for captcha

fucking spooky
Getting hit in a few hours lads. Wish me luck. I'll be sure to record some webms
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who here on the coast but got a based friend who lives inland?
How old is the roof?
>i just moved to a house on the beach, like a really nice house

take a picture to remember it by
Lived in boca for a while
Jesus christ filled with jews and super expensive, like Charleston except utter garbage, move ASAP

Funky buddha's nice tho
good riddance nigger
You have your fellow residents who have forsaken Trump to thank for your coming demise.

Kek does not forgive.
your region flag is fucked up?

how come jacksonville flags never show?
It's supposed to be like a cat 2 by time it hits there, and that's quite a lot for the south carolina coast.
who /fau/
The extension is bugged I guess
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Daytona here. I'm not even worried.


I have no doubt that Jack and shit will happen and Jack left town with this over hyped media storm.
Stay safe Bahama bro
That webm always cracks me up. Poor dude lol..

Yeah, I've been skipping those.

I'm not comfortable helping Google learn to identify military aircraft.
Delray off 95 and Linton so pretty much Boca, ran away to Tampa though.
/fau/ here

currently in tampa though, hoping I get hit
>i just moved to a house on the beach, like a really nice house

Who's your insurance carrier? Oh, you don't have one because you live on the beach in floridee?
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>tfw no publix
>tfw snugly tugged behind vilano on the mainland and not worried at all

thank you barrier islands. for those who live on barrier islands, sorry.
Currently at 3 , expected to strengthen to 4 before it makes landfall somewhere between Miami and Disney world.
It's looking like a CAT 4 for sure, with potential to get stronger since the pressure keeps dropping.

It depends on if it veers east or, god forbid, west, how much damage it'll really do but yeah, it's looking pretty serious right now. Coastal areas and the coast of south carolina all have mandatory evacuations.

also it could make a loop-de-loop and head back around to hit florida again
sleep snug, smug
where are you

t. fellow jax beach anon
Goddamn what the fuck. Is google trying to create some sort of all powerful ai?
fuck you i voted trump and so did all of jacksonvile

he won like 90%of the vote here
you know what time its expected to hit land?

You jax beach niggas gonna die
What you're really missing out on is Harris Teeter.

>tfw cheesy bread subs
If you're ever in florida, definitely stop in for a sub. Don't buy much else though. So much of what Publix sells is ridiculously over-priced
pretty much the entire north east of Florida voted Trump in giant margins

I have faith we will be shielded
Different Jax Beach man here
I live right by Terry's country store
Where are you at
its a town home attached to just one more, it was built in 2006, its a solid brick structure
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Sleep tight anon and, stay safe faggot
It'll start buffeting the coast of Florida by tomorrow morning. the eye will be leaving the state around late friday afternoon.
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rip flordia

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Baymeadows road reporting in

Stay strong bro. You probably should evacuate to a family or friend's house if possible.
I think Central Florida is leaning Trump too, there's parades in the Villages for god's sake.

full coverage

i have more coverage than the house is worth, im good moneywise
Tomorrow afternoon / evening.
no shit! Behind the lodge, by the cemetery

we probably know each other
the house is 10 years but the roof cant be more than 5
you may have a chance then maybe, since its rock solid if a hurricane hit my studio apartment in my state, i would be fine my walls and structure is made out of cinder block.
You really need to calm down you uppity nigger, did I say you specifically or Jacksonvile for that matter? No.

Like I said, those areas that didn't and won't, you have to thank.
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Yes, I got pic related for a captcha
bought 3 bottles of liquor and 2 bottles of water

let's do this
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Los Angeles here
mexican voting for trump with my asian bitch at my side. comfy as fuck watching the show.
next to the Target and Wallmart area
Produce wageslave here.

stop invoking kek fury on my state!

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Guys don't die. We need you for votes. If you die, we all die.
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i live in daytona beach, i'm literally dead no way to leave rip
come on, that's over the ditch, not even in the evacuation area. Past San Pablo? Yeah you'll probably have a windows or 2 break that's it.
if you fail the capcha for selecting the wrong square, does that not mean it already knows or am i missing something>
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ive gotten spooky ass shit with this captcha aswell, its disturbing.
dude wtf is up with all the seeds
Also baymeadows bro reporting in. I think we good desu senpai. Soith jacksonville is master race

(can I have Aussie Citizenship now?)
Get ready for the earthquake on the fault line, spic
its literally 20 meters from the evac area.

inside zone E
No one replaces a roof after 5 years. Its a 10 year old roof, which isnt bad.
why are you measuring distance in meters?

You call yourself a Floridian??
You fucked up lol.
So can this thing actually loop around and hit florida again?
I assume you went to Fletcher?
I graduated 2 years ago, if we went there around the same time I'd be surprised if we didn't at least know of eachother
>tfw storm chaser
>lads are all down in florida preparing for the storm
>Stuck in Canada back at the office because I was convinced that this one wasnt worth chasing.
>Stuck looking at feeds and local news in florida

FUCK. It looks so cool bros
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Hell yeah anon

I think we'll be one of the first areas to get power restored because of the corporate presence here.
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Holy shit did you steal this from me or is it a repeat?
(((They))) will make sure of it
no its like 5 years old, the reason why is because the HOA had to have them replaced due to some manufacturers recall on the tiles

they took the tiles out and had to remake the whole roof to accommodate shingles
u smoke mids faggot
Gott strafe Florida
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Praise Kek, Trump will be president

i lived 11 years in brazil

(not a brazilian though, thank god)
I graduated in '09, so a bit older
got any pics? I dabbled a few times in chasing storms across a few states but dropped it in favor of caving for a bit.
sucks man

should've jumped on it
unless he owns a honda and can drive away on ethanol
You are golden then. It should take an extreme pounding to do more than rip a few singles off. Insurence coveres roofs btw. My parents had one replaced during charlie
post more gifs you bitches
Send me some money before the hurricane kills you, please
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Your plant got pregnant; potency is a fraction of what it would have been. Energy that would have gone to THC production instead went into those little bastard seeds. Feelsbadman.
So does trump
good to know

im so glad i updated my flood insurance

just in case water comes in fast
Put up a stream of the storm when it hits for as long as you have internet. We'll hang with till the end anon
I have relatives in Sebastian. Are they boned?
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We're all blue down here anon

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Thats about what i ifigured. Nigger up north may be out of power for weeks but we will be okay
nigga you black or something?

asking for handouts is beneath your race

Ahh then let me explain a cultural aspect of north east Florida...everything over the ditch (over the atlantic and beach blvd roadways) is considered "inland" or "not the beach" and you are a "townie".

I just wanted to talk some shit to you there. You'll be fine. Those of us who actually live in the beach area are the ones who may have some severe property damage.
a repeat dude im not kidding yours has the top and name but i just took the squares and copied it.
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So this lady thinks somebody on a boat in the Atlantic is pumping hot moist air into the hurricane.


Really makes you think...
Good on you m8. Consider evacuating insurence will cover your shit, floading is deadly
i might but i get the feeling the power will go out before all that

that can happen easily though if there's a remotely male young stud nearby

KEK will show us the path
No, I'm a female with DD tits and an ass that won't quit
I hope to god it hits toronto and obliterates everything.

I hate spending half the year in different countries because of fucking snow
too many guns, too many valuables to leave behind.

i have a second floor in the house to hold of on if i need to.

plently of food and water

i have 600 bottles ofwater and hundreds of soup cans.

i go camping a lot, had all this before the storm except for the water
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Hope this is the one that finally kills me
Jacksonville here. Why can't I find anyone with shrooms in Jax? I'm not staying sober for a comfy hurricane.
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>comfy as fuck
>posts a fucking seedvault.jpg
Literally triggered the autism I never knew I had.
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Alright ladsies, this is my last thread.

Someone else take over the next one.

Stay safe
Stay comfy
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sorry im happily married to a Brazilian model


im good huny buns
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Im not leaving mine either
thats the way
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West Boca
oh please even other women blush when she talks to them.
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such ashame the dead all vote democratic. forgive me anons
i hope the pharmacy isn't closed tomorrow

they said they wouldn't be
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>graphic update

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C-can I come over anon?
That's because they are embarrass by his shit smell and don't know if they should tell him or not.
Pics and I will rate
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night bud. sleep tight and stay comfy too
yeah right, no offense but im not a cuck.
These threads were amusing , but nothing's happening right now so I'll just go to sleep. See you guys Friday morning.
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mark my words
we'll all be dead by then
neckbeard detected.
Because Miami may get submerged and they can all kill each other?
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that feel when you live in a city and only have one .45 and 8 rounds.
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Post your husbands picture.
It would be nice if she explained why that formation in particular is indicative of chem trails instead of just pointing and saying how obviously they are.
no i cant even grow a neck beard, ive tried

im 25 and cant grow a decent beard and it sucks
Hurricanes never go completely straight
She's cute. Good job.
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How bad could this hurricane affect voter turn out in FL?
i like the hair color
you dont know what you're talking about, stfu
>show guns you can never shoot other than in the middle of nowhere
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Went to publix in Orlando at 5pm....and everything was gone.
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It'll probably curve west and butfuck orlando and disney world
I'm hopin theyll restock around 3AM and I'll go get some shit since they open 24/7
>white trash
>hooker makeup
why keep living?
A special state of emergency has been declared for the Kanto and Chuubu regions surrounding the Tokai district. All residents are urged to evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.
>Hostess snacks
>coconut "milk"
I hope you grabbed that shit while you could, senpai.

rip usa
Damn, grocery stores must make fucking bank from hurricanes scaring people into thinking the world is going to end.
That's so cute.

Fuck I'm scared.
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>tfw spent all your money on guitars
Nigger I live in FL. Hurricanes don't go in a straight line.
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i hope you have shit in your pantry. Most americans have enough food just lying around by chance that they could easily survive a few days.
damn son
looks pretty straight
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Cunt here.

You guys hm'kay?

If you've voting Trump, I will pray to Kek to spare you and those near you.
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>tfw got a recording studio full of guitars and gear on an island on coastal south GA bout to get butt fucked by a hurricane.
That looks incredibly comfy.
Andrew was pretty fucking rare
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face of the beast.jpg
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The Beast out of the Sea

>The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
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Thank you for your prayers Ausbro
Radar map looks like Hillary as a skeleton with hair.

wow how incredibly stupid of a state.
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>made sure to buy some of their fried chicken for the storm
Thank god.
thanks m8
your going to fast yet, the great one has not had a head injury and we have not worshiped him yet
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who cozy in tampa here?
Not really. When people buy food for a hurricane, they buy stuff which they would've bought at another time and will consume either way. It shifts the time at which people shop to all be at once. It does not increase quarterly sales.

The only exception I would give is bottled water, as a lot of people who normally do not buy bottled water do so for hurricanes.
>eyes too far apart
>2 lbs of makeup
>fat face
3/10 2bh lad
We know, we're in the end times
>.02 cents
That was Katrina footage.
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Oviedo here, primed and ready, went on a booze run and got plenty, possibly hanging at a friends place for a hurricane party tommorow thru saturday. should be good, hang in there florida senpaitachi
That's what they get for letting Hillary win!
Frankly I'm amazed the twinkies are still there.
I walked outside and there must be hundreds of frogs singing. Kek will protect me
You're already fucked. Closest hotel vacancy his macon even if you did leave. And by tomorrow morning there probably won't be any vacant there either.
there's an army of frogs in my back yard who sing me to sleep every night. hopefully this doesn't fuck them up.
I live at UCF, when am I supposed to die? I've been hearing Friday night.

You have that the other way around, faggot. You moralless, stateless, flagless piece of shit. I know what you do. Trump is a Globalist Zionist just like Shillary. Working for the same powers.
>bottled water

wtf your whole street is gonna be flooded and the thing you think of getting is water? lol

i'm staying. how retarded am i? there are mandatory evacuations.
bring the frogs inside dude get a bucket and some rubber gloves and fill it with water put them in it and lift them inside.
>Drinking flood water
Great way to get cholera and several dozen different types of parasites
Frogs love this shit.
>mexican intellectuals
flood water is filled with literal human shit because the sewers/drainage culverts will burst. Also just lots of trash in general. Flood water is dangerous even to get on your skin if it's been stagnant for a while. Also mosquitos are a problem especially with zika now. Thanks obama
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>the great one has not had a head injury
Matthew has already gone through one eyewall replacement cycle as it passed through the Caribbean.

>we have not worshiped him yet
Depends if you define national media coverage as worship.
Mexican is already a parasite. Lesser parasites just make it stronger.
you get the darwin award.
Why do people live there if they get BTFO by weather every other year?
It's been like 11 years
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Sup anon.
>$0.02 - CTR
>$1.06 - SIDF
Because ports and good conditions for growing things

Also people like to live near the coast in general. That's where cities tend to pop up because that's where trade is concentrated, because ports.
This is typical Mexican drinking water (+ a chopped off head or twelve)
this picture is surprisingly accurate
The last time we got BTFO by the weather was 2004. It's really not as bad as people think it is.
Aye aye cap'n
>Flood water is dangerous even to get on your skin if it's been stagnant

If you have open wounds and bathe in it maybe. Otherwise it would have to be pretty special to be dangerous to your skin.

>t. I swim in swamps
ill be in the ucf area as well anon albeit in a hotel. its supposed to start tomorrow afternoon. hang in there. i hope the water doesn't stop because i only bought one bottle lol; i have beer tho!
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I found this from the recent archived one. Where did y'all find this?
Swamps are different than sewage contaminated water
Anybody from Highlands county here?
Sleep snug, smug
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They say you have to be crazy to live in Florida. They also say you are crazy to live in hurricane alley.

I say it is more of a holiday.
The GFS model is hilarious.

Whew Matthew will not let up.
Swamps are more "contaminated" than any possible sewage water that will be diluted by a fucking flood.

Come on, anon. How much water/waste do you think there is compared to the water in a flood?
If doubles then Florida washes out to sea
well shit your actually getting me here the bible says not to worship false profits and here i am i was about to argue with you saying Nostradamus says a person will receive a great head injury. I maybe wrong or you might be wrong but im pretty sure it says in the bible a man will receive a great head injury then he will heal instantly and we will worship him
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t alligator.jpg
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954 here. I'm screwed, right?
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>Holy shit did you steal this from me or is it a repeat?

The real question is if you checked 1 box or 2?
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This would be great.

10/10 confirmed kek's storm if it rebounds into the gulf.
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>you will never be a cute anime girl snuggling with a cute anime girl
Why live.
P. Much.
The problem is most flooding Willa occur in coasts like reasons and most of that waters will be brackish
are you drunk?
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Goodbye Florida.
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It's left up to interpretation if the Beast is human or something else. It already has a name, Matthew.

Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
954 here too. You reckon North University will flood out?
Maybe. I'm about to go to bed but I don't want to wake up underwater.
Oh boy.
jensen beach 4 miles from the ocean reporting in, we fucked
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Gotta feed the famalamagators.
Nah. Shit starts in the afternoon....while I'm stuck working.....fuck me..
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Westside Jax here. I'm feeling pretty comfy about this senpai.
Who cares. We've already passed the carbon tipping point, the world is doomed, what's a little rain and wind?
Are you not?

I understood him perfectly fine. Brackish water imbalance fucks muh ecosystems.
>A hurricane trolling everybody

Kek wills it
Pensacola here, laughing at you cunts lol

this for Hurricane Ivan cunts
hmm this is kinda confusing now, lets see if we can go back a little who do we think the false prophet is, who has sworn against the holy one, who has made everything chaos and lies filled within the world. Theres only one person that can be that i think it is . That my friend is a kang you know which fucking idiotic kang im talking about.
Not supposed to get more than 10 in. in Deerfield. Flooding won't be the issue. The lack of electricity will be a royal pita.
Don't worry anon, I'll be your cute anime girl snuggling your cute anime body in your dreams tonight.
Are there gambling sites for hurricane pathway predictions?
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How about now
Stay safe

Might just do that sine my job is cancelled tomorrow
I guess working in after-school care has its perks.

what if it loop de loops into nicole, merges/flings nicole into florida, then tears through the gulf to finish of louisiana
Fuck. Ty anon.
Sleep with a shotgun. A alligator could could wash up next to you in bed.
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>Tfw no cutie gator
I've lived here for 10 years, when do I get my gator?
Far westside. Like damn near next county. So I guess?
But anon, what if the alligator takes my shotgun?
Any metfags on?

How did Matt form in the conditions it did? Wind shear should have surely prevented him from forming?

And how did it reach Cat5 strength with such high pressure
Any good cams for watching this?

This shit's getting pretty windty
>Buildings are still standing
Maybe I won't evacuate after all
are you saying HAARP is real?
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That is about the only thing that could throw 2016 over the top.

The year of Kek
Pray to Trump it's only there for sex.
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goodluck fellow westide bros
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Shhh, you know not what you speak of, goyim...

I've got an interest in meteorology recently, just looking to see if someone can impart some knowledge.
what you're hearing and seeing right now is about 40 mph winds. In about 10 hours these winds will be 120mph+. You can imagine what the difference will look and sound like.
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Kek did it.
Less than a mile from the coast too
You had so long too.

What have you been doing?
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I can feel it's energy. It wants us. This is our test to prove our might, anon.
No Gods or Kings. Only Man survives alone.
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I wonder
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me. i live on a coastal island of savannah ga. not evacuating.

New bread.
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Thank you for this.
It is real. Plenty of research on it. It's not a weather making machine, more like a weather guiding , influencing, and somewhat manipulating machine. it uses ultra low freq waves to do this.
about 2-3 miles for me. I told my gf to pick up a damn loaf of bread. she came home with no bread and her excuse was they all had too much sugar in them.. dont even ask. -_-
>Trusting girls to do even the most simple of shit
Some of you guys are alrite, dont go to Florida tomorrow.
So many fucking seeds topkek
>fucking normie vs. hurricane
seeing chad starve

thanks mathew
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Just move if you don't like the seasonal winds.

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