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What does /pol/ think about Lithuania?

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What does /pol/ think about Lithuania?
Complain about Russia - the country
I like your traditional culture, wedding cake and Hansatic past.
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Can I have one or two of your finest women?
Stop posting these threads everyday
You guys are a country? I thought you were a province of russia
Simple folk
Not much
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Oy Vey, Burn It Down..jpg
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jewish shithole ussr proxy state
>being proud of his ignorance
Mostly a non country, cool ancient language, hot women, subservient to Nazi and pretty good at basket ball for some reason.

ilGalskus or whatever his name is , her pretty cool

Estonia(god-tier) > Latvia(mid-tier) > Lithuana(shit tier).
Shit country,shit people
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You are just a mongol and russian rape-babies. The true Lithuanian are in Belarus right now.
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Here is a detailed map of our great country.
Nice country.

Should've used your old flag though.
Proud to be lithuanian! Who are you voting for in the elections bros?
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The language is cool. Probably the only language in Europe that has retained a lot of Proto-Indo European.
Latvia and Estonia always been irrelevant while Lithuana used to be major power at the region in the past, for sure they were stronger than Funland.

You know a shit, area that nowadays is Belarus always was full of ruthenians and lithuanians were minority there.
valstieciu ir zaliuju partija arba ts-lkd mufugga
They did a fantastic job at exterminating kikes. >95% killed.
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Why do you hate us so much?
I've heard that it's legal to openly harass non-whites and the mainstream media there still uses the term nigger or at least your language's equivalent. Is this true? If so you get a thumbs up from me.
You tried to fuck the lithuanians the same way the germans fucked you
There's a Luthanian man were I work at Sainsbury's, he seems like a good family man but he's extremely lazy. I know he's not English but they moved him to my department once (shelf-stacking) and they gave him the easiest of tasks, putting bog rolls on the shelves, it literally took him hours and hours to do this one aisle, even after a few months. Literally the most laziest and slowest working race I've ever seen. He's back in the bakery now, I don't think my store can get rid of him though.
A Lithuanian in Sweden got stabbed to death by some Google a while back - They were both like 15 or so. It caused quite a spectacle on social media, and that is the first interaction I got with Lithuanians; And you were all based as fuck. You're good in my book.
nah, we just stealed some clay from them.
No one?
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here you go, you can pick out.
A Lithuanian kid went to my school when I was a kid. He was a bit of a dick but thankfully growing up he didn't go full-on slavmode like many of them do and I think now he's a mostly-integrated member of British society. I still prefer the Poles any day though.
What the hell are you talking about, Blanka? We were in a union for half of our history. And even during the interwar period, when we actually had some territorial disputes (Vilnius was a Polish enclave in a territory that was mostly Lithuanian) all hostilities were pretty civil.
>used to be
absolutely bro tier
Lithuania? It's my favourite province in Poland.
I want all three of you Baltics disappear off the face of the Earth. You're going to cause World War 3 because of your stupidity. Why couldn't you stay out of NATO and have a balanced foreign policy with Burgers and Ivans? Now because of you autists we are soon to be on the verge of a massive war. Hope you're happy. Till then I'll be casting magic spells so that y'all just get pushed down the sea. I fuckin hate ya.
Kraut's not eaten well today. Grab a snickers
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My favorite african country
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Praise Perkunas
lietuvos liaudies partija... visa kita yra shuds
all of our garbage is flooding to work in other countries
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Hey faggot, you read Torah?
be silent western clay
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You gib back half of your clay and we don't hurt you.
Negro would be more precise translation than nigger ,since it's not really a offense.
Balanced foreign policy with Ivan... Top kek havent laughed that hard forever maybe if you learned history in school you would know diplomacy doesnt work with Ivan
Back to your cave, you egyptian slave.
Stfu you human garbage. If the mongols in azerbaijan can manage to have a balanced foreign policy so could you! Or maybe you're worse than them subkebabs. Makes you think.
I thought it was an African country until a few months ago.
My surname is the 2nd most cost common in Lithuania. Also have heard that some Lithuanian kids are verey good pickpockets. Redpill me on this pls

Daily reminder this is a slide thread.
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quick question, how'd u lose this much land?
Empty void of nothingness
>poland is lihuanian western clay
>and that's why Polish culture was pushed upon the Lithuanians
How do into this game it's so fucking hard to figure it out
its not, you are just retarded.
Legit unaware here. All I know about Lithuania is the Commonwealth was a thing at one point in time and now you apparently hate Poland. Long amount of time, I know, but what happened to you guys?
The Bisexual one needs brightening up, the grey is far too dark. Make it like a pokeball or make it white
Why do lithuanians look like asian-white hybrids?
nothing was ever pushed on lithuanians, their nobility choose to adopt polish culture because poland was a superior strength at the time and de facto a leader of the union.
jesus fucking christ you are stupid
It's really not, it just appears that way at first, after you hook on to a mechanic the rest will snowball and you'll be laughing at how simple it all seems compared to the first try or so
Except the Polish language being adopted as the official one of the Grand Duchy (instead of Ruthenian).
They're still butthurt because we took the city of Wilno back in 1921 (and lost it to the USSR in 1939, which became Lithuanian in 1990). Now they try to revenge on us by treating Ethnic Poles (as well as Belarusians and Russians) like shit.
There's a Lithuanian girl at the bar I work in, she's quite, super hard working, kind and beautiful. But not very social and doesn't like to hang around.

But mention Poland and suddenly that's the root of the worlds problems
The green in the middle of their flag is oddly disgusting
Ooh so witty. Ya slayed me sista.
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Because they have a lot of the Siberian/Finnic genes in them.
You forgot to remove your proxy, Tyreque Demarcus
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Ahmed your accent needs work
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right and it ofc was the poles who made it so yes?
not lithuanian nobles?
>pic related
Is that all? Because from the girl I mentioned here >>91606651 you'd think you guys were sworn enemies after some sort of genocide. Like legit everything is basically your fault in the world and she can't even say why, just plain brought up to hate Poland with no specifics
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you fucking faggots. how are you not at least saging this?
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They have as much Siberian and Mongol genes as you, it's very low.
Admixtures are not everything. Their ancestors are still related to the Chinese and some of the non-recessive genes remained.
Their also obviously butthurt because the Poland-Lithuania was dominated by Polish culture.
The most of the Nobles were Polish, or Polonized themselves.
yes, polonized, because >>91606292
in the end, poles dindu nufin

There's a Lithuanian qt who wants my dick.
it's literally the easiest grand strategy game in existence, i mean, GSG are hard, but this is the easiest one.
But NOT ALL LITHUANIANS Polonized themselves, some were even calling to break the Union, or wanted to remain in the Personal Union instead. Also, after they Polonized they became Polish...
Admixtures, autosomal DNA is everything, haplogroups are just memes. they are not related to Chinese, stop saying stupid shit faggot.
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>most conservative Aryan language
>genetically among the most pure Europeans
>polonized lithuanians are polish
well if thats the way you think then sure, poles were polonizing lithuanians lol
Well this is new
You keep sending disgusting immigrants over here. Notorious for helping the criminals in this country.
>haplogroups are just memes :-DDDD
this sentence is just a meme
polonized lithuanians were polonizing lithuanians...
Small country on the west. I dont't give a fuck.
The land of my ancestors would be better if they voted for order and justice.
Why does a US state have its own flag?
t. Estonian backstabber
Our clay
How long until you will die out completely?
Ask any scientist, what is more important.
I'm curious, how does the typical Lithuanian look?
No memes, be honest.
It's one of the most corrupt parties there is
They had half the name of "Poland-Lithuania". Too bad everyone knows that Poland were on top and that Lithuania was the bitch.
Blue eyes, brown hair.
1, 2, a few, several, many, loads, shittonne
Let's take a guess... a 100% accurate source of knowledge about where did your ancestors come from, or the overall knowledge of how much genes do you have from each populations. I know that they might have almost none recessive Asian genes, but they are still related to the Chinese.
>ask any scientist
>implying that every scientist has the same opinion
Provide proof that hey are related to Chinese.
All legitimate scientist have the same opinion on that.
Y-DNA is subject to founder effects and all sorts of issues. It's a good marker for population movements but overall ancestry on the autosomes tells you more about who you are.
Going by that logic Basques are more like Yamnaya folks than Norwegians because they have more R1b in total, when in reality it's totally the opposite.
>antagonize your much bigger stronker neighbor
>when called stupid and irresponsible for it, start flinging feces
>Haplogroup N is a descendant of East Asian macro-haplogroup NO. It is believed to have originated in Indochina or southern China approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years ago.
fuck off kike
I went to Lithuania in the mid 1980s to visit some family who lived just north of the Poland border. We took a plane into Warsaw, a train into some other shitty town, then a broke ass car with like a 2 cylinder engine to my distant cousins house in the middle of a Goddamn field. All they did was drink vodka and talk about blue jeans all night. Blandest diet i ever ate, too.

But they sang this song, and i can't remember the words because it was in slav-speak, but i remember the tune very well. It was about Lithuanian pride and the meaning behind the colors of the flag. Really made me appreciate the time i was there.
the N in north Eurasia and northeast Europe is pretty much exclusively N1c1 though, by your logic Nordics are more related to near easterners because Y-DNA I split off from J some 50k years ago or so, it doesn't mean shit
>Macro Haplogroup
that was thousands of years ago, by your logic most Europea is non-white and there are no white people. except for Neanderthals.
R comes from Siberia
I is descendant from macro-haplogroup IJ, which comes from West Asia
So which haplogroup is white then?
Finest Baltic state, I like it
I haplogroup was the frist to get into Europe, so probably I. If the people from the region, which is now called Lithuania, didn't mix very much with the invading (Indo-)European peoples, they would look just like the Sapmis.
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But Lithuanians have high amount of genes from I people, don't you understand that haplogroups are only given from male to males, they can be misleading because of population bottleneck and founder effect.
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what are those, google returns nothing
He probably meant Sami
The mtDNA can be even more misleading, because a lot of women were just sold, bought, enslaved et cetera.
Lapończycy (Sami people).
this one, burgerbro?

To be fair - there are quite a lot cultural traits that we've taken from Lithuanians. I guess cuisine is the most obvious thing. So although it's mostly the Lithuanian (and Ruthenian) nobility that was polonized, there were certain aspects of Polishi culture that were influenced by Lithuanians.

I think that if it wasn't for the partitions, the relations between Poles and Lithuanians would be similar to relations between the English and Welsh, with the latter being quirky and bilingual, but not really different from outsiders perspective.

And I'm writting that as a descendent of petty nobility from Lithuania.
It's really notorious for buying votes (paying homeless people some money to vote for them)
It's shit and a country in name only. In truth, it's a parrot-state to the EU bigshots like Germany.
I'm not saying mtDNA is not, I'm posting autosomal DNA, do you even know what that is?
oh, thanks
Yes, for some reason i thought you were talking about the admixtures, and I've already said why they are misleading.
admixtures=autosomal DNA
k, nevermind

Before coming to /pol/ I always thought Lithuania was an African country.

I guess I automatically associate countries with green and yellow in their flags as shit nigger countries.
A moderately successful polish province. Pretty good all things considered
Love your people
>What does /pol/ think about Lithuania
Nothing at all.
Not always true,i have blue eyes and blond hair,there are alot of people with dark hair/brown eyes
>thinking a lithuania

i never did.
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>pic related the country
theres a song called "brangiausios spalvos"
Poles in denial like Belarussians,Ukrainians
Why are Poles so insecure?
Yar the faggots that betrayed us MUH INDEPENDENCE ya faggots belong either to the commonwealth or to Russia
lmao what a retard
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So many kurwas here
You aren't the center of universe, there's a reason why almost every single neighbor of Poland hates you.
Implying that anyone ever liked us
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My knowledge is pretty much limited to this guy, who's pretty cool being both one of the strongest men that ever lived and a local politician.
Lithuania is a corrupted shithole full of russians.
das a big boye
>4.8% Russians

Woah so many.

Fuck off gypsy.
And a bull stud.

Is that the third world country we make fun of with potato memes? Or was that Ireland.
Butthurt faggots for posters
vote rolandas paulauskas, hes based
nope, poland was hungary bitch, then Jogaila bought Poland province and they were our bitch until partition.
But then your "great hero" Witold stole Jagiełło's throne and we became independent, while you remained poor and weak.
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Irelands third world? Are they not the tech capital of Europe?

God damn you burgers are stupid, probably because you have the 17th best education system in the world, not to mention over 60% of adults who live there are overweight slobs and will die early. Stay poor America, the worlds laughing.

>Pic related, companies based in Dublin
Aš taip pat brolau :)
Germany is successful mostly, has hard-working people, but then there's someone like you. Acting like a "tough" kid, spewing random words, while being jobless or doing a crally low wage one. Enjoy your useless life till you die of cancer
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