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>I was thrilled to get a $100,000 contract from Trump. It was one of the biggest sales I’d ever made. I was supposed to deliver and tune the pianos; the Trump corporation would pay me within 90 days. I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”

>But when I requested payment, the Trump corporation hemmed and hawed. Its executives avoided my calls and crafted excuses. After a couple of months, I got a letter telling me that the casino was short on funds. They would pay 70 percent of what they owed me. There was no negotiating. I didn’t know what to do — I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation, and I needed money to pay my piano suppliers. So I took the $70,000.

>Losing $30,000 was a big hit to me and my family. The profit from Trump was meant to be a big part of my salary for the year. So I made much less. There was no money to help grow my business. I had fewer pianos in the showroom and a smaller advertising budget. Because of Trump, my store stagnated for a couple of years. It made me feel really bad, like I’d been taken advantage of. I was embarrassed.
Why didnt he research his client a little better?

Why didnt he demand payment up front or tell them to fuck off?

He has no one to blame but himself for his shitty business decisions....
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So.... idiot delivers goods ahead of sale and with no contract to speak of, upset when bankrupt company still covers more than the cost of the goods.

Gotta love the clickbate title. "Stiffed" generally means did not pay at all. It doesn't mean, paid what was required by a bankruptcy court.

Contracts with terms you approve of people. C'mon now.
>been in business 30 years
>doesn't know not to sink all cash flow in one big deal
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>it's okay to commit crime is my victim is dumb
Then he should have been able to win in court very easily. He is lying
fuck off

hillary sells out our country to the highest bidding foreign country and you complain about this..

Holy fuck you people would literally lick the shit off trumps shoes, wouldn't you? You things are literally not human.
Why didn't he go take the difference in pianos? Pay for 70k in pianos, get 70k in pianos.

Is it that hard?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>sign up a legally-binding contract for 100k worth of pianos
>deliver 100k worth of pianos
>get 70k in return
>didn't sue

Things that totally happened.txt
OP is OP

ok, time for some high school level education.

When a business declares bankruptcy, a bankruptcy court decides who gets paid out of the remaining assets.

A business has to live and die on its own. An owner of a thriving restaurant opens a laundry mat. Laundramat fails and can't pay its bills. The owner can not dip into the thriving restaurant till to support the laundramat that is failing.

Say the laundramat goes into bankruptcy with $8000 in its bank account. And it owes: workers, staff, taxes, a bunch of painters for remodeling, and a washing machine manufacturer, totaling $142,000 of debt. All of the assets and all of the debts are handed over to the bankruptcy accountant, and under the bankruptcy court it will distribute remaining assets.

IRS, bank loans and other liens get paid first. Those painters wont see cash. Because the business failed and couldnt pay its debts. That's why it went bankrupt.

In the bankruptcy decision, the court officially distributed the piano owner 70K out of the remaining assets of that 1 company. Trump didn't 'stiff' anyone.

>Every day I re-learn Im smarter than every liberal and democrat, every Hillary shill, every SJW and every feminist. Every damn single fucking day.
>Feels good, man.
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>You things are literally not human.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
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attacking others isn't a defence, anon.
>selling pianos

I bet he was a jew or a slav.
Besides parts, i.e. the pianos, there was also labor. I suppose he could take the extra difference in more pianos.
They really have no ammunition, do they? This shit and that psycho fatty pageant whore.
>things that totally happened
Why would Asuka even be selling pianos? I don't believe this story for a second.
You're right that strategically declaring bankruptcy, something Trump has done a great many times, isn't illegal. That doesn't its not amoral and, for lack of a more apt term, 'scuzzy'.
They stopped teaching economics in high school for a reason.
i need more smug asuka in my life, and some misato
(((Diehl))) is just upset that Trump makes the better deals
Trump did not get rich by paying full price. Should have had everything in writing and get everything signed of as delivered and that sort of thing.
If he delivered goods without providing receipts of cost or a contract on payment to be provided at a later date, a crime didn't occur. Dipshit gave away his property
Only in America and a handful of other mafia states is strategic bankruptcy not a crime.
For an order of 100k he probably could have gone directly to the manufacturer and gotten some for free or discounted if he'd publicized he was using their pianos in his casino.

It's obvious that Trump uses small contractors because he knows they can't afford litigation against him and his lawyers so they have to settle for less.
One piano can cost 100,000 $$ big nice grand pianos are expensive this guy is making making a mole hill into mountain he should have gotten enough money up front to at least cover the out if pocket cost of the job to him.
>great many times
Dear Washington Post, please stop calling them pianos. There are no such thing
Declaring bankruptcy more than once is already pretty abysmal. Four times is a great many times considering the average number of bankruptcy declarations for individuals who have declared bankruptcy is 1.
suing Trump would have cost as much or more in legal fees than a his business could afford.

Not to mention while he is suing he wouldn't be able to pay the suppliers that HE owed money to along with having to pay for his own lawyers.
>didn't get paid
>didn't sue
Well, thats how business work. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win.
>equating business bankruptcy with personal bankruptcy
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Where do you think you are?

/pol/ is just right tumblr. Where tumblrtards thinks Hillary does no wrong, /pol/acks think Trump does no wrong.

/pol/ lost any sanity and seriousness the moment they started backing that stupid celebrity, this place has been is nothing but a joke for the last year and half.

Nothing but pepe and feels guy maymays
>He stiffed me
Not a crime, this is business 101 you have a contract and the fact he talked to lawyer makes this really fishy, no lawyer would say that unless there completely incompetent at their job. Im a self employed person and would never do what this guy did.
>things that never happened

If any of this shit was real, they would sue Trump and win. The fact that they either didn't sue or their lawsuit failed means that they were the ones who failed to live up to their contract.
This place was always a joke but I liked it better when it was a Christian revivalist ethno-nationalist flavored joke. Trump is a literal degenerate and supporting him killed most of the original 2011-2013 /pol/ memes.
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
Things that never happened

If that really had happened, he could've sued his own lawyer and gotten the money back from him. No lawyer would ever say that, nor would he be allowed to say that.
>Country goes bankrupted
>Blame Obama/Hillary, but didn't sue him
Well, that's how government works.. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win.
Can you sue the lawyer that said "It's Donald Trumo, He has lots of money!" and advised not to take the money upfront
Do you have any evidence that this event happened as the piano merchant said?
Why is his word sacrosanct?
Do you think hillary wouldnt fund his lawsuit now if there was even a grain of evidence?
What happened in the OP's article has been articulately explained here
Fuck off
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Losing a few thousand v. Hillary losing millions not to mention human lives. Wanna keep licking her ass though while feeling superior to trump supporters? Knock yourself out kiddo
Hillary Clinton had people murdered.
>If any of this shit was real, they would sue Trump and win
How much do you think it costs to sue someone? Do you think it's free?
Why is it that Canadians hate successful people?

Trump negotiated the cost down 30%. That's fucking genius.
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>Facts can fuck off
Yeah, we've seen that argument a million times in the past year.
a small business owner should always include a clause stating the losing party pays attorney fees for winning party in contracts like this. in some states that is the law. there shouldn't have been a problem. it's his fault there was a problem.
Maybe, idk. But suing Trump would likely have cost more than the 30k he lost.

He was in a no win situation. Lawyers aren't cheap and Trump would have litigated it to death.
>-hillary and left groups wouldnt pay to sink drumpf
can't sue the federal government tard
Except he didn't negotiate the cost down 30%, that would be good business
>But when I requested payment, the Trump corporation hemmed and hawed. Its executives avoided my calls and crafted excuses. After a couple of months, I got a letter telling me that the casino was short on funds. They would pay 70 percent of what they owed me. There was no negotiating..
This is what is colloquially known as "getting jew'd"
>can't sue the federal government
Lmao do Americans actually believe this?
Free no but if your case is strong you can recoup costs which makes me think this guy hasnt got a strong case because hes not telling the whole truth

>be me
>sell $50k worth of pianos to a company for $100k with 90 day terms and no deposit
>see company go into bankruptcy
>get $70k
>cry about how i still made a profit but not as much as i had hoped for
More baseless slander

It doesn't really compare to how Hillary and the Clinton Foundation stiffed Haiti OP does it?
Sounds like Trump is a good businessman.

>leaf in charge of understanding how business works

I don't know what I expected

It must feel good to the poo in loos that Canadians are now officially the lowest form of life on this board.
Yes, thats how it works too. I don't see how that is an argument against what I say.
This doesn't change the fact that the guy wouldn't have been able to pay his bills with the money from his largest order ever tied up in court. Not even counting the legal fees he'd have to pay while litigating it because unlike him the lawyers aren't going to defer payment.

Trump could have this amount of money tied up for the rest of his life and it would do nothing to his businesses or lifestyle
>was christian
if that was the entire story, it would have been rather easy to go after. there is an unpaid bill, you can just go ahead and sell that claim off to someone else who will fight to collect on it if it's not going to be cost effective for you.
I'm sorry you live in the Arctic in a place filled with Canadians.
Well he would have had 70,000 dollars to sue him. I thinks thats enough money to sue.

Yeah it's called bad debt, you write it off and take the loss. Doing business can suckass I worked as an accountant in Longterm Care Pharmacy before i left after 5 years, Nursing Home Admins are fucking scum and will not pay MONTHLY bills of 40+k over chickenshit.
Why would Hillary and left groups pay for it at the time this happened? He wasn't a politician or running for any political office at the time and the matter is long settled. This man can't just take Trump to court now.

Go back to your anime, the adults are talking.
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Yeah, and Hillary broke into my house and disrespect my whole family
>Trump literally jews a man
>Shills will defend this

y-yes massah m-more Trump cum massah!

>owns 100k pianos
>can't afford a lawyer

Right, more like he had no legs to stand on.
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You guys spelled the sentence!
>its your fault I didn't pay you
My piano costs $50k. Pianos aren't cheap.
I was going to sell Correct the Record 1 million dollars worth of dildos but they only gave me 20 thousand. How can Hillary screw me over like this? WTF I hate Hillary now.
Hillary still owes me a million dollars for that dildo order. Trust me this is a true story.
Think about it if you're in his situation

How long is it going to take to potentially win this case? Years maybe?

Once you've started the case can you afford to be missing the money from your largest order ever? You have employees to pay, suppliers to pay, need to be able to buy food for your family.

Can you not only afford to have all that money missing, but ALSO afford lawyers for potentially years.

It wasn't going to be as simple as showing a judge the contract and getting your verdict that day.
literally just another anti-trump article that will have no impact what so ever. It's been thousands of them
so far and it hasn't stopped him. It will be forgotten in 2 days, and won't change a thing.
>owns some business that makes 100k worth of piano orders
>can't afford to sue
Trump has done probably 20,000 of these types of deals, think of how many hotels and properties he owns and all the contract involved in something like that.
>Well he would have had 70,000 dollars to sue him

No, he wouldn't. By accepting the 70k the matter was settled between him and Trump corp. He can't take the 70k and then further sue for the rest of the 30k.

The 100k would stay in Trump's account until a verdict was rendered.

Why do you think he'd get the 70k to sue? The fact is he'd have to be able to be able to absorb the 100k loss for a few years while suing.
I'm proud
>feels guy

You have to go back.

You're not welcome here.

no, if IF it happened, then trump was wrong not to pay. but the fucktard piano douche was wrong for not going after his money. he had some sort of legally binding contract on the pianos. he would have to be a complete idiot not to have trump's people sign for them on delivery.
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>if Trump hadn't bought his pianos then the pianoman still would not have had money to grow his business

The piano guy is lying. How do I know?

> I’d been running a music store for more than 30 years at that point ... And I had a great relationship with my customers — no one had ever failed to pay.

Absolute bullshit, and anyone who has been in business will tell you the same. It's impossible to be in business for 30 years without having unpaid receivables.

That's like claiming you run a corner store for 30 years, and have never had someone shoplift. It's astronomically improbable. There was no reason to include such an unlikely statement in the article, and it seriously calls into doubt the rest of his claim.

But that's not the only bullshit in the article:

> I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront
>I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation

Some guy who casually talks to his lawyer about contract details can't afford to use his lawyer to enforce what is presented as an open & shut case? Also incredibly unlikely.

There is obviously more to this story than this guy is claiming.
He probably didn't own them. What more than likely happened is

>Trump orders pianos Music Man
>Music Man orders them from suppliers
>Delivers them to Trump and tunes them
>Trump corp doesn't pay promptly and goes, sorry you only get 70% or nothing
>Music man still needs to pay the suppliers he ordered from
>Can't afford to sue
>Forced to accept
How can someone who does orders like this not have enough money to sue?
Its like claiming the potato distributors for McDonalds can't afford to sue.
I honestly can't imagine any situation in which someone dealing with this kind of cash could couldn't get the money to sue.
The only excuse would be if he just started his company a month earlier.
>of course he will pay he's Donald Trump
Despite what many delusional CTR's believe Trump wasn't that famous before becoming a candidate.
ugh represent urself in court

no legal fees
This is retard logic.
I'm sorry you live in America in a place filled with Blacks and Mexicans where the Jews hoard all the wealth and dangle your politicians like marionettes.
What's to defend? Looks like he'll get us good deals. You want someone who over pays, and doesn't push back when others under deliver?

Don't even support Trump, but you can't look at this and think it's a negative quality for an Executive.
Aren't lawyer fees usually part of the settlement?
Why is Asuka there?
It explicitly states in the article that the deal set the man's business back a few years.
>represent yourself in court against Trump's Harvard and Columbia trained lawyers who practice every day of the week

I'm sure that would turn out well.
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Don't care. Business is cruel sometimes. Cry moar.

Oh, and thanks for CORRECTING THE RECORD.
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>Absolute bullshit, and anyone who has been in business will tell you the same. It's impossible to be in business for 30 years without having unpaid receivables.

This. There are shitty customers in every single industry/market. Everyone single business has someone in A/R, collections or their accountant that has to deal with shit customers when it comes to credit sales.

>listening to kikes

congrats you played yourself
>Trump can't run an honest business.
B-but he'll definitely run an honest governemt!
>Piano man uses all his money on one deal
>implying he's not already marking things up 50%
depends where the transaction was made. in ny you can accept payment and still have the right to pursue the remainder as long as there is a good faith dispute, you just have to make a note of the dispute when cashing the check
You expect a lawyer in this type of case to work for free until the case is decided?

The piano man would have to pay for them. Probably a retainer plus billable hours. And he's starting 100k in the hole at this point.
Well shit, I guess the yanks have no choice but to vote for corruption, big government, wars and open borders now

I mean afterall, it is 30k and I bet that guy had his feelings hurt too.
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>implying I read clickbait, let alone clickbait about unprovable allegations

Should have sued him then. I might have cared then, at least if pianoman had won.
>It wasn't going to be as simple as showing a judge the contract and getting your verdict that day.

I've ran a business for 15 years, and more customers fail to pay me than I can count, and have taken literally hundreds of them to court over ir.

If the deal is as simple as the article says it is, then It is exactly that simple. It would be an open and shut case.

Of course, just because you get a judgement, doesn't mean you get your money, but that's an entirely different story.
>implying this story is real
>implying this is an honest government
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>Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks.

You can read about it here:


Hardly makes sense to call this a correct the record scheme when their job is to debunk myths about Hillary, not propagate ones about Trump. It's all in the name.
>Why didn't he just sue the multi-billion dollar corporation!?
Oh, gee. I don't know? Maybe it's because he wasn't a fucking retard like yourself.
this is a repost from July. Old news, why are they reposting it
I'm thinking Trump's lawyers would make some claim as to why he shouldn't have to pay in full, or that they don't have the money so they shouldn't have to pay.

They'd bury pianoman's legal team in paperwork. There's no way this would be a quick decision.
Trump shills will defend him even when he acts like a jew. Typical hypocrisy from /pol/
This. I am now a #Shill4Hill. Bring our boy's $30K back home.
And Shillary will?
Toppest kek. She couldn't even run the State Department with any level of integrity. Hell, she won't even let women oppressed by her rapist husband speak out without fear of being "suicided"
He accepted the 70k, case closed.
If this guy has a case or would be settled in court.

The fact she's shooting his mouth off and not handling it like a business lends credence to the idea he's full of shit.
>Trump probably bought real yamaha acoustics upright or even grand piano
>these cost 7 grand to maybe even 50 grand
>30k loss stagnates his business

Bullshit. Seeing as they are piano's in all, he probably made off with a profit anyways, the margins on such an item is enormous
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This is indefensible. I am now a Cruz missile.
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Wait, I thought shills were a republican funded lie?
> Why didn't he research his client better.

I don't think this should be a line to defend your candidate of choice.
Everyone is equal in court. It really wouldn't have been that hard to prove either.
Averages don't consider the fact Trump isn't an average person. He's a fucking billionaire.
$100k is absolutely nothing for custom orders like this. It's not something you can go to the factory for.

Fucking retards talking about shit they have no understanding of.
>ask for defense
>cry and scream when it's given

why don't you take it home and actually reflect on it like an american would


that's real chinese of you bruv
he isn't defending anybody. He just said why didn't he do more research. Fuck why didn't he just ask for the cash upfront. By the same logic that "of course he will pay you he's rich" You could also say "he's rich he could pay me 100k from his wallet"
Of course you don't care that the "business man" was a fucking retard. All you care about is getting 3 cents to shitpost on forums in a desperate attempt to get more hillary voters since you know she's losing.

These shills. My sides are in orbit.
Fuck you and your pianos you faggot I hope Hillary doesn't pay you for shilling.
>Guy who can afford 1 lawyer for 3 months is equal to gorrillionaire that can afford 8 jewish Yale lawyers for as long as required.

yes. attorneys don't bill until case is over usually buy it's usually in your contract
>Took a contract on faith, no upfront payment
>didn't try to negotiate, just took money and bitched
sounds just like "hollywood is sexist because the male lead negotiated a better contract than I did"
You have to go back (to reddit).

/r/politics specifically
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed.
Fire you lawyer, dumbass. Even McDonalds takes your money upfront for a fucking shitty cheeseburger. Moron.
Is this guy retarded? Out legal system basically means the loser pays the winner's legal fees. All he would have had to do is show up in court with the contract and his fucking bank statements and he would have won.

>can't afford a lawyer

Trump can. That's the point, and it's designed to help people who have legitimate grievances with people who have more money than them.

I don't see how this is an attack on Trump so much as it is this guy running his "I'm an idiot" flag up a pole to see who salutes him. If he can provide documentation to prove his story true, he would have been able to provide documentation to win a trial.
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Holy fuck hillary is scum
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed.

>In the business for 30 fucking years
>Asks his lawyer is he should take upfront payments after T H I R T Y years of dealing with customers

What a load of shit.
This is just a hit piece that HRC was holding in her back pocket for the right time. She set the foundation in the debate to draw attention and now they have WaPo print this article.

It's campaign propaganda, nothing more. That's all WaPo is.
Copied and pasted from reddit.
Reminder that this is a shill thread. Keep up the strong MAGA


fucking 10. now go fuck yourself
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>muh pianos
Don't care.
America needs a GODDAMN wall.
Like I said, having done this if the case is as cut & dry as pianoman claims it is there is no legal trickery to be had.

Here's what actually happened, (more details from a related article here:)


Pianoman sells Trump $100,000 in pianos on 90 day terms.
2 months into it he starts panicking because Taj Mahal might go bankrupt.
Demands his money, Trumps people say we have 90 days to pay.
Shekel shock starts setting in. "Gib monies plox!"
Well, either you can wait the contracted 90 days for payment in full, or we can pay you $70k today.
He chooses to take the $70k because piano markup is ridiculous and $70k is still profitable.
Still salty about his decision to this day.
Pianos are like $30k each. He sold 3 pianos. Go pick one up and stfu.
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This fucking thread
>please Mr. Trump let me lick your boots
You have become a FUCKING disgrace /pol/

>gives net 90 terms
>can't afford to wait 90

what a moron
You have to literally go literally back you literal faggot.
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”

I just don't believe that. Nobody is this stupid.

Nobody starts work without a partial payment. You need to cover your minimum expenses in case of not getting your next installment.

His lawyer is an idiot. Sounds fake.
It's stupid to not ask for money up front. He still should have gotten what was owed to him. It also should have been an easy lawsuit to settle. He's stupid for not suing.
I think you're a shill for hill
wtf? I also sold trump 100k worth of pianos. where's my money??
t. been here since 2014
Maybe that's the kind of negotiation we need to keep our country on top, not this soft shit from politicians like Clinton. And who will do anything against it when we have the best military in the world.

you've never dealt with real companies

I work for a big american fortune 500 corporation. Its extremely common not to pay people for months. Big companies they wont even notice until audit time 2 years down the line and then they ask us politely to remit money - and we do. Happens all the time, they dont even care.

The biggest pain in the ass are dudes running their own business, ones that paint walls in the loading dock, do the lawnwork because they want their money right away, stuff gets misplaced and we keep them waiting for months. NO ONE will sue a fortune 500 company.

TL;DR When dealing with big companies the payment terms will be in 60 days AT LEAST, no one will pay you upfront, ever.

>The Washington Post

>starting work without any payment

Wow, this guys is retarded. At least get 50% up front
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>Four times is a great many times considering the average number of bankruptcy declarations for individuals who have declared bankruptcy is 1.

How many business does the average business owner own?

Mark that shit up like crazy because lol it's Donald Trump, he's got lots of money
But Donald Fucking Trump ain't stupid so he checks that shit out finds out everyone else is selling that shit for less
Cry about losing your markup that you only did because of who it was
Get fucked OP
You'd be surprised.
Why didn't he sue? That's what Americans do when they're not destabilising sovereign nations, right?
>Can you sue the lawyer that said "It's Donald Trumo, He has lots of money!" and advised not to take the money upfront

Yes, actually. Assuming he was speaking to his lawyer as a client and not just when they met at the yacht club. It would be considered malpractice.
If it was such a slam dunk case of contract breach, lots of lawyers would have taken it on contingency... The winner of such an easy case also gets to collect his attorney's fees, and also punitive damages for pain and suffering, loss of income, and aggravation... He had an attorney advising him before he took the deal, and yet, he never sued? Something doesn't add up...
Obviously, this is a hit piece with some facts omitted for maximum smearing effect...


>strategically bankrupting
>his bankrupts are abysmal

wew lad
>implying anyone would/should pay full price for scratched up and inferior quality pianos
you've never had a restaurant manager comp your meal for bullshit you had to put up with at his establishment?
suck it.
should have read the art of the deal before making one with the author.
But the article you posted only said that he got a call saying he had 3 options: Accept 70%, wait until they can pay, or push them into bankruptcy. Nothing about the terms of the deal other than that it was originally supposed to be 100k so where are you getting that data?
Thanks for Trumping the Record

hey fuck you man I've only had 4 and one of them was with dinner so it doesn't count
Bullshit story...
if Trump wouldn't pay, he could have legally repossessed the pianos and returned them to supplier, than sued for all the lost labor and repossession expenses, backed up with mechanics lien on the property... the guy preferred to renegotiate 70k and cut down his profit... notice he still made a profit, just not as much as he hoped to make...
No, they don't represent /pol/. The majority of real /pol/acks are disgusted and disillusioned with Trump. It's only the pathetic faggots from r/TheDonald that have flooded here recently that call everyone who doesn't suck Trump's dick a shill.
That sounds like a decisions that Trump would have zero input in. Why is Trump being treated this way? His company is huge.
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> Because of Trump, my store stagnated for a couple of years.
> Because of Trump
Pianos still exist right? Someone is selling them. More or less of them. Maybe he should blame the after effects on liberals because the casinos are for capitalists and the piano industry was reliant on them??? Or anything

Sucks about the £30,000 though.

Why does he pay for such a shit lawyer who
A) Gave him shit advice
> “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
B) After giving him shit advice... doesn't take Trump to court.
> I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation
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Why cant Trump just give the guy 30k
trump has an army of lawyers to make it so you will end of getting your money, but the lawyer costs will cost you much more and it will take months, so it is much easier just to settle

tldr: trump is a scumbag businessman and fucks people, so probably would have been better to ask up front
Ok he's an unethical business man. But at least he isn't a globalist country wrecking murdering genocidal zionist anti-white maniac.
yeah he just sounds like a terrible businessman
>im only going to pay you 70%
>all of this happened, i have a contract that proves trump owed exactly $100,000
>anyways you can't see it
Why the actual fuck would you make a sale without taking payment.

"hey its DT he's got money"

Then the fuck can pay it there and then.
>Trump uses small contractors because he knows they can't afford litigation against him and his lawyers so they have to settle for less.

I'm learning so much about how to succeed in business from Trump.
The man is a literal goldmine of clever business techniques.
Cool story, LEAF!
CTR's stink is all over you and your post.

Fuck these people, fuck their false narrative and their copypasta "feels".
Hillary Clinton is responsible for half a million deaths in Syria for about 30 million in donations. Life is cheap to the other side, she will sell yours for pennies on the dollar.
Keep the faith and Correct the Narrative.

oy vey muh shekels
Ok so where is the other side of the argument. I hear faggot sjw claim victim all the time yet they are almost always the ones to blame. Was stiffed? I wonder why, did he do a good job?
My parents both work in a large engineering company, specifically my mom on powerplants. Many states (and the fed) required small business (especially with minority leaders) to make up aa rather large perecentage of the budget. Most of these businesses are shit. Now while that may be a theme for most American business, these small businesses are usually absolute shit. Now I have never seen or heard one of these pianos, but people who stop and think "Oh my a poor small business got screwed by a big bad one" need to be reminded that the vast majority of these small businesses are shit, and are unlikely to grow to anything larger, and in reality should be shut down. Maybe this wasnt the case, I haven't heard anything but one side of the story.
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>have "contract" for 100k
>only get payed 70k
>don't sue

Clearly this man didn't have a legally binding contract or he's a fucking retard, probably both.
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He's a cheap scots-jew
Realistically it only costs 400 dollars to sue someone in federal court. That depends on you being smart enough to do your case pro se, though.
>Why cant Trump just give the guy 30k

The only valid reason would be if the contractor didn't fully deliver on the contract
Says the person literally licking Hilary's rotten gash.
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I own my own business. When you have a contract and someone doesn't meet their end of the bargain you put a lien on their property. If it's a huge sum of money you sue. Show the judge the contract and that's that. You get your fucking money. Guys a fucking dumbass and this sounds like bullshit.
Somebody tell me if I'm wrong here, isn't this the kind of thinking we need in our country right now? We're 20 trillion dollars in debt with massive daily trade deficits. We need to rip some of these fuckers off.

But this story does make me a bit sad because selling pianos is an honorable profession.
>things that never happened

Cute story, (((Diehl)))

Every time this happens they dont sue, its because they fucked something up and couldnt win a court case.
bullshit hit piece... notice no details... how many pianos of what brands compared to how many on the contract? Did he deliver all the specified quality and quantity? No itemized list and no contract details makes it impossible to validate any statements... maybe such list would allow us to realize the piano men was over-charging Trump for what he actually delivered, and Trump didn't let that happen... Maybe $70K for a job other could have done for $50K was actually too generous... Howard Stern complains about this shit all the time... plumbers charge him 10 times what they would charge a normal person for the same job, because some lawyer told them "he's Howard Stern, he's got lots of money..."
This story sounds fake, especially the overly trusting lawyer. I'd sooner believe a story about a kindhearted loan shark.
Crooked Trump
>asked my lawyer
>Can't afford to sue

Something's fuck there.
being a fucking fraudulent fucking leaf is scuzzy
Filling your entire digestive tract with semen mixed with Portland cement would be a good defense against the shit that apparently comes out of both ends in your case
>if you declare bankruptcy, you win
>the average person builds between zero and one companies in their life and declares bankruptcy between zero and one times
>therefore the man who builds 5000 companies is evil because his companies (not him) declared bankruptcy 4 times
If you didn't post all these pretty asukas I would feel the urge to find you and bend your fingers backwards until they made a funny sound
No, we clearly need to send Iran a few more billion that we"owe" them.

It happens a lot. Some people only have a certain amount of cash. Selling the debt would've probably netted him the same amount of money. People often take settlements because they can't wait around for years to get the payout.

His only option is to find someone that really hates Trump and has enough money to pay for the lawyers.
But Stern is a Jew and comes off of none of that money.

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
>Trump himself decided not to pay this guy for Pianos.
Sure, I'm sure that Trump has personally overseen every acquired piece of furniture his company has ever purchased. Trump may have shifty business associates, I won't deny he's not perfect, but regardless, if people want to believe that Trump personally walked up to this small business man and shit on him the they're wrong.
>my story stagnated for a couple of years
>Waiting this long to speak out

Fuck off, bullshit story from a hill shill
>Holy fuck you people would literally lick the shit off trumps shoes, wouldn't you? You things are literally not human.
No, you're just using petty attacks and we're calling them out for being petty attacks. Same thing you'd do if the tables were turned.

The fact is that a piano deal has nothing to do with the office of the presidency. And, when you consider that no crime was committed, there's literally no reason to bring up shit like this unless the "moral justification" for doing so is more faulty than the strawman you're trying to beat up.
truth mate. Half up front or no deal. I got better things to do than work for free. This isn't some retail store it's contract work. Make sure you get paid what you're owed before putting in all the work.
>only one side to every story
>a fucking leaf
You can sue for legal fees too. He probably could have defended himself just as well. "Here's my contract that states that I should have gotten $100k for the work I did" is pretty much irrefutable evidence.
What does this have to do with Asuka? This better not become an Asuka thread.
Is this originally supposed to be a Hillary supporting comic? It looks that way on the surface but then you realize that Hillary is gleefully sacrificing the lives of other people's children for her own political and financial gain
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>attacking others isn't a defence, anon.
Doesn't matter. this is a war and all means are justified. Quit being a little bitch and remember what side OP was shilling for.
Asuka got sick of the stress of fighting angels and decided to go into the piano sales business
Trump has a laundry list of thousands of lawsuits not to to mention the fraud,fines and bankruptcies
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
I'm an office manager for a small construction company. You ALWAYS ask for some money up front.....ALWAYS. I don't care WHO THE FUCK IT IS. And we are voting Trump.
>I don't know how to sue people in an open and shut case

This means trump is a good businessman. There are no friends in business, and anyone who thinks what Trump did is somehow wrong is a fucking retard who probably struggles to count the fucking money in their own wallet - and here they are trying to tell us what constitutes good and bad business decisions. Jesus christ, the CTR shills are getting desperate.
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
>This totally happened
Shows how little you know of the court system. Civil court is a lot different than criminal court. These kinds of cases get stuck in litigation for long periods of time. Trumps attorneys would undoubtedly keep filing motions to extend the case and throw wrenches into the wheels. It actually ends up just being a war of attrition.
Does he have proof of this? They were in a contract and they should have paperwork to show for it.
>waah trump is a better businessman than me waah

if he did something illegal he'd be in jail right now

>nodad and tobaco
Which means at a certain point trump would pay more in legal fees than what he owed the piano man.
>I'm a leaf, I'll continue to impose my opinion on others in the hope that they'll forget I'm only a fucking leaf


you can sue for legal fees too dumbass
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>FUCKING LEAVES posting MY wife

since he didn't have a contract it's obvious he is making this up.
If you steal from another Telvanni, but still live, then clearly you deserve whatever you stole.
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Uhh.... If anything I want him now even more as president. If he starts doing that shit for US then the future is bright indeed. 20trillion china? qight we'll give ya 5. no? 4 it is.

I can taste chinas impotent tears now.
retard logic is believing this story without evidence
>rich dude has parasites trying to stiff him
>weak cucks get stiffed without even trying

such is life
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Oh, well you can still have Rei. She's more of an American's speed anyway, because she'll never tell you an opinion that pisses you off.

But then piano man has no money on hand to run his business and feed his family.

I understand Trump not payin when it comes to construction. Its a dirty business. With change orders or trying to use different material than what was agreed on, both sides are going to try to screw each other. If this story is real, its a case of Trump being an asshole.
You realize brand new Steinway D's are over 100k right

t. pianist

Yeah but Diehl is a Jew. Can one actually out Jew a Jew?
so does literally any other corporation

that's not at all a persuasive criticism, it reeks of liberal talking points that have been discussed to death and been found entirely wanting
>The worlds smallest violin
>And its playing:
>"I got stiffed 26 years ago
>and I am Correcting the Record only now"
>and no (You)s were given
Yeah, civil court is a lot different than criminal court. For one, there's something called preponderance of evidence, which basically means that whoever has the better argument wins.
>we both signed a contract agreeing that trump would pay me $100k for this amount of work
>prove it
>here's a copy of the contract

A case like this really should under no circumstance be caught in the quagmire of bureaucracy. Something is super fishy about this guy's story.
you're waifu a shit
Not all oem's work directly with customers. We don't know if this piano company sells directly to end users or not. They could sell directly to distributors to consolidate their supply chain.
>doesn't demand at least half of the pay up front
what is he playing in the kiddy pool or something?
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>tfw you get outbantered by a leaf
Also I would never touch that filthy whore, she smells like fish and blood

Confirmed it was a test by Trump. Piano guy didn't cut it. Not someone Donald Trump wants to do business with.
That doesn't even look like Bill
canadian pianos? i call bullshit leaf.
Did the piano guy sue? From what I hear, he just accepted the 70K and left. He accepted the 70K. If he had issue with it, then why didn't he pursue it?
Also, I'm sure Trump personally had little to do with any of it.
The Piano man clearly didn't tune those piano's to Concert pitch

Fucking pleb don't deserve my money

Capitalism is blind to ethics
>that pic

Man fuck off with forcing that anime shit like a little girl. What is wrong with you faggot?

>I'm a buisness man, I have contracts of $100,000!

>Wait what is Net-90? You mean I don't get paid up front on delivery?

>I renegotiated my contact and agreed to take a 30% hit because I'm a fucking faggot who didn't have factoring in place because I'm a buisness man who doesn't know about factoring BUT IT IS TRUMPS FAULT I RUN MY BUISNESS SO BADLY AND HAD A LARGER NEGITIVE FLOAT THAN I CAN CARRY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Fuck you.
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I'm fairly incredulous that he did not get payment via COD.

I have a business in construction. Quite frankly the payment terms suck hairy horse balls. It typically is a paid when paid clause. Which means the owner has to pay the GC before I can get paid. Many small sub-contractors such as myself have fought tooth and nail to get the law changed to a NET 30-45 day term. Unfortunately since we don't have the money the developers/GCs do, it just won't happen. I end up waiting 45-90 days to get my first draw on a job and usually that only covers whatever labor I have put out to that point, I only start 'making' money on my second draw.

But pianos? The product is completed and should be COD... This guy should have either A)Got a contract that outlined these 90 day pay terms

or like a smart guy would

B) COD...

But Trump should have payed the fucker.

Big companies are a pain in the ass to invoice and collect from. Your invoice travels through twisted bureaucracy. You have to make sure you know the check schedule for their A/P before you enter into the contract.
Alternate title:
>I asked my lawyer for business advice, he gave me shitty advice, it's Donald Trump's fault
Either get COD or secure the account with a credit card.
Load of crap. No lawyer would have told his client that


The lawsuit would likely be over 30k for Trump if he indeed would hire expensive ones. Might as well just pay it off and be done with it. Sueing would be best option here.
Trump's business went bankrupt, ie it was unable to cover all of its payments. This is one of those four Trumpp bankruptcies you've heard about. The amount of payment was decided by the bankruptcy court. Any other payment amount would be in violation of that agreement. Frankly, I'm surprised he was able to re-coup 70% of his debts, investors often take a much larger haircut.

see >>90775360

Ah, I see.
>many times
>it's amoral
not an argument
Also it's the fucking law so as to prevent people from risking successful businesses to support failing ones. Thus compartmentalizing risk within a corporation.

Jesus fuck you leafs are fucking dumb.
Theres nothing immoral about bankruptcy court. Its there so that people like employees and investors don't get completely fucked. Not every companies is gonna make it and when youve ran 500 companies, 4 failing is a really good number. Why are fiscally illiterate idiots allowed to vote?
If this dude was relying on the $100k payment to pay his suppliers, it makes sense for him to settle for $70k. Waiting for a court payout may take forever and his relationship with his suppliers would suffer and hurt his business more than just settling for getting stiffed.
He should've explicitly read The Art of the Deal
Exactly. The people saying "Trump should have taken money out of other business to pay for this" are retarded. It is not only against stockholder interests, but illegal for Trump to use cash from a public company to pay the debts of another.

The news story is hugely misleading.
>So I took the $70,000
Fucking what
>a letter telling me that the casino was short on funds
post the letter with postmarked envelope

>I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation

Bullshit! a good lawyer would take the case and agree to get paid after the verdict if you had a solid case.

>Trump was meant to be a big part of my salary for the year

bullshit again. If it was such a crucial part of your family's' income a good businessman would have gotten a written agreement. But this story is pure fiction so it doesn't matter.

Why would Trump go to Canada to get fucking pianos in NJ?

OP is a fucking shill pushing this "Trump is a business meanie so don't vote for him" narrative.
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Jesus, this has to be the bottom of the barrel...right? Whats next, Tubas? Sandwiches? Placemats?
In this thread, liberals find out that having a business isn't free money after all and the big CEO guy doesn't just sit on a throne while sipping wine.

Turns out that it's possible to lose money when a business deal doesn't go quite as planned!
>because of trump im a shitty biz man. riiight.

take your .10c for attempting to correct the record of fuck on out of here
>My lawyer told me not to take the money upfront I swear
>I'm just now mentioning this story to anyone
This smells like bullshit.

>being a piano salesman


The nigger should have had business insurance.

Trump went bankrupt.
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>for Americans
No anon, she's for the nips who just want a waifu pillow that they don't have to carry around.
Americans get our own waifu, with hookers and blackjack.
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Whatever you say.
Holy fuck, so many retards ITT, it should had ended at >>90775360
sage still goes in all fields
R u new? Wojak was appended to what was called tfw guy years after it was posted
>/pol/ is just right tumblr. Where tumblrtards thinks Hillary does no wrong, /pol/acks think Trump does no wrong.
There's still quite a lot of posters who aren't complete newfags from r/the_donald and r/4chan, but the majority of posts are made by this newfriends
Pretty sure the american government is the most sued one in history
He probably didn't made any profit at all, good pianos are usually at least 50k, so he probably was selling some basic shit tier stuff for barely any profit
tbqh he took a bite way too big for him
>implying he is
There's a reason the casino went with some small time guy instead of a piano maker or big warehouse
Sliding something, this kind of years old reposted articles are abundant on every big board
>Trump probably bought real yamaha acoustics upright or even grand piano
>implying he did
>implying you can get them for 100k
>why does rich guy doesn't give his money away to everyone who claims debt
>We need to rip some of these fuckers off.
This isn't how economics work
Pretty much this
Should have got a better lawyer
You can come over the wall anyday, mexibro.
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You deserve to be jewed out of your money
This. It's bullshit.
He could have called the attorney general's office or he could have paid literally $90.00 to initiate a lawsuit. He could have also called a local paper and said, "Hey, I have a great story about how Trump Co. fucked me, along with rock-solid proof."

These people who got stiffed all seem phony as shit to me. I do business all the time and when payment falls through (rarely) I have used the above-mentioned methods that everyone in the world uses to get paid.
Of course it's misleading. The reason why is twofold.

One is because the writer has a grudge against Trump and wants to see him lose the election.
Two is because he has no fucking clue about corporate law, especially bankruptcy law.

Thing is. If he is aware of the law and still wrote this. He is intentionally misleading his audience. Which is about the most ((())) thing to do in such a situation.
wtf! i hate pianos now
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>having shit taste
name 5 anymays that aren't Evangelion or Attack on Titan you fucking pleb

You fuckers have no clue about being self employed or running a business or courts.



No. Sounds like he is a scammer


Fair point. Let him release his side of the story including invoices and POs and payments. If he does he is clean. If he does not he's dirty.

Beginning to think that while I hate clinton, the trump element on /pol is insane. The question is given my distaste for Hillary whether I run scripts in the opposite direction after the next debate.

Keep it up and I might.

Why can't burgers elect someone who is not a fucking dickhead?

You appear to literally have a choice between a cunt and a dick.
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