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>http://www.bestgore.com/beheading/ struggle-man-peel-fac

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Thread replies: 362
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This literally happened in Mexico. How fucking scared of you for these savages to take over America? They live right next to us and there's literally nothing we can do about it.
Already had like 30 threads on this. Nobody wants to watch this shit because it's horrifying and disgusting.
Evrryone who supports immigration should be forced to watch this.
Not clicking link

is it this?


If it's this, build the wall
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>tfw I watch best gore before work just to remind me of how not shit my life is compared to other people.
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I give it a

>a 9/10 for creativity
>a 10/10 for brutality
>a 5/10 for bad video quality
>a 4/10 for bad sound quality

I love it when untermenschen kill each other
What happens in it?
My kids are around I can't watch it now.
Are the guys doing this hopped up on drugs? I can't imagine how anyone could do this, no matter what the victim did.
Exceptionally brutal video shows a struggling man with peeled face and no hands being brutally beheaded with flimsy blades
TR would never do that. I suppose your one of those filthy Vanu.
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Can't be worse than 2guys1hammer can it?
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its alright
Basically it's a guy with his face peeled off, and his hands missing.

Some men put box cutters in his mouth and cut his throat with a stanley knife (the flexible blade).

The guy is gurgling and screaming, the whole process takes minutes- he's alive the entire time.

Having hacked most of his throat open and while he's still alive and is kicking and wriggling, they go to slash an artery in his armpit and the video ends. The floor is a giant pool of blood.
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It's a video of how these guys are made.
>Evrryone who supports immigration should be forced to watch this.

Can someone be brave enough to try to spread this around social media?
This is worse in my opinion
They'll just claim it's our fault.
Hell, spics on /pol/ already do this
Fuck man. Shit like that proves Satan exists.

I can imagine with sound it's worse than 3guys1hammer. That one's permanently stuck in my brains and having seen that I made a promise not to watch those shits again.
Why you gotta blame us TR for this shit? All we want is to go back to Earth, but apparently "muh profits" and "muh technology" are more important.
>literally nothing
why do so many in the US feel the need to turn to drugs and fuel demand for these people's goods and services?
what about the one with the ISIS guys throwing a big ass rock at some prisoners head until it bursts and dude spazzes out completely?
remember when snuff video was the great debate and great urban myth

now it is not

i fucken hate non whites sooooooo much

fuck this gay earth and fuck shitskins and fuck 3rd worlders including mexico

and fuck kebabs
This is what people do for money
the most disturbing video i've ever seen

guy with a skinned face and cut off hands kicking and screaming as they try to cut off his head
Oh yeah. Little did the person creating Grifter myth knew that shit like that would become prominent and real in the future.
Prolonged torture will always be worse than quick kills, that guy would have blacked out instantly.
I'm not sure which is scarier honestly senpai. This video, or the fact that I'm completely numb to seeing this sort of thing anymore.

Probably been on /pol/ for too long.
jesus fucking christ that clip, these people are not human.
If it happened to a skype, I'd make me some popcorn and watch on loop.
Maybe he was just screaming as a reflex and didn't really feel a thing, like when chicken still moves when it's beheaded.
No thanks
No. He definitely felt it. He was conscious the entire time. The blade must have been drawn across his throat at least 30 times too.

Pretty bad way to go man.

>Planetside players on /pol/

It's like watching cancerous tumors spread though the internet in real time.
fucking hell I kekd
This happened in Brazil you dumb nigger

our brains jism out a lifetime supply of chemicals tho right

i am assuming the brain would be in shock and splurting all her chemicals everywhere

i am also assuming the killers are high
in cocaine to feel like a "boss"
Saw the still picture, not going to watch it. These cartel people are dead inside. They are more depraved than Isis.
How is it possible to remain conscious after they peel off your entire face? Something is off here.
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why did they stop at the face?
where was the genital mutilation?
where was the ear cutoff sequenze?
where was the slow opening of the stomach and careful gutting?
where was slight alcohol shower on his open wounds?
where was the legos on the ground?

Video could have been more brutal, that way it was too quick and he couldn't enjoy the pain in detail. Like you can't just cut his hands off blam blam, you need to cut of the hand slowly with a knife and then you have to treat the wound a bit so he enjoys the pain some more.
Then you proceed doing this with all other limbs, then comes the skinning and other stuff, also cutting out bare chunks of flesh is very good.
He also need to be fixed on a table a dentist chair or something, where you can make sure that he doesn't bite of his tongue or suffocates before you're done.
First time I've ever been affected by gore involving people. Not trying to be edgy, this video really disgusted me. Fuck spics, literal subhumans.
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>nothing we can do about it

The solution is staring us right in the face, we only need the will and the right men.

perhaps they inject the guy with uppers,

i have not eaten breakfast yet so im not watching the video, i want to enjoy my bacon, egg toast and tomato sauce
These are your average cartel henchman high on cocain. Even they wouldn't be able to do that without a lot of drugs and fear of death for not obeying orders.
If you think about it there is only one man on earth who knows exactly how to fix mexico

drugs to keep him awake, maybe they do it very slow or give him blood transfusions to keep him alive.

Look at his hands, or nubs I should say.
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Alright mate, calm down.
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I love TR

too bad they are HORRENDOUSLY underpowered with ATROCIOUS recoil.

I havent played in a few months are the TR still underpowered?
>>Fuck spics, literal subhumans.
They didn't give a shit at all though. They were pissed off at the guy for not dying faster. Towards the end the guy says "puta madre" because he's been pez dispenser'd and he's still flailing around conciously.
Jesus, we truly are barbarians, we should have dropped an atomic bomb to his city or send him to a concentration camp to starve to death, or made him a slave, or shot his kids while they were at the school, or at the boy scouts camp, or made furniture with his skin, or hung him from a tree, or...
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Live by the sword die by the sword. How many of these cartel members involved in this execution will also end up with the same brutal fate? I would say a significant portion of these people will die in similar ways in their own time. Look at Detroit, at certain points the murder rate was higher than that in war zones. People dying left and right, if you were involved in that war in Detroit there is a very good chance that you will die too. Live by the sword die by the sword.
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Can't be real.
So fucking much blood.

I can't believe there is such evil in this world.
I never get why we can't just round people like this up, and remove them. No fancy business, just a quick end. Same with criminals we all know are criminal, but some construct of the law protects them unfairly.

That's my problem with Western law. It assumes people aren't criminals, so criminals are more protected than average citizens who maybe commit a crime once. Just take the complete lack of cases being solved, yet when some piece of shit pulls something, they will say "he is known to the police".

So pick him up and toss him in the hole, goddamnit. If you don't pay one bill, they come after your ass, but if you steal shit from the shop or punch people in the streets, they don't. It's messed up.
yeah the japanese used to be pretty bad too.
You better believe anon. It's been like this all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if this shit was happening in Europe as well.
Cutting up a corpse is much easier and far less disgusting than actively mutilating a man to death, so that's why they were pissed.
I'm starting to believe that the best solution to many of the problems that exist with race is simply to line them up against a wall and shoot them.

Low cost, and effective. Dump them in a mass grave.
Get help, Hans
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I am calm i'm just saying that shit can always be more brutal, this peeled off mexican just got like 1% of what is possible.
that said from overall video quality and organisation this isn't that good, those mexicans were improvising, if only they had the video editing skills of ISIS, can you imagine how glorious this piece of gore could have been?
a true shame we only got the raw grainy footage that masks all the delicious horrors.
Eat a dick, Achmed. The nukes were fully justified and saved the lives of our countrymen. If you consider the nukes criminal, you are a traitor to your country.
>legos on the ground

i speculate they are still high in the white stuff, one needs to create a chemical barrier to play like this, i think so

did the
victim kill the killers mother? i doubt it. so there us no genuine reason to kill except as a game.

and i can understand if a person actually killed ur mother, father, brothe or sister it would be natural to want to kill the killer.

but this is street games, i think so
well deserved t b h
China used to be brutal like this in the not too distant old days
do you think intelligence agencies monitor bestgore? legit question
No. This is likely to be cartel related, as will most of the serious violence in Mexico.

He probably moved into cartel territory or fucked one of the boss' daughters or something.

Probably high, but it looked like business as usual, that's all I'm saying.
Nah, I'd say the TR are pretty balanced right about now. High mag sizes, high ROF, low recoil, and fast vehicles. Whats not to love?
>moved into cartel territory

You'll get killed for moving somewhere even if you don't mind their business?
Well, I wouldn't say race. But scum. Definitely scum. There's a level of tolerance one can have for scum in the world, and in your environment. We are reaching that level.

I do not ask much of people. I'm fairly liberal, for /pol/. I don't care if you're a pervert, unemployed, a nigger, Jewish, homeless, whatever. But there is a subclass of human beings who seem to do literally nothing but make life shit for others. Either for money, pleasure, or both.

And those I would drive into the gas chambers. Because it's cheap, fast, and bloodless. But good riddance, I say. When they can't even have the basest common courtesy that even deranged homeless people have, or literal mongoloids, then why am I expected to value them? To extend the rights to them that they do not extend to others, and openly brag that they do not? Why should I harbour enemies in my midst?

I should not, that's the simple answer. Thankfully we don't have as many here, and certainly not as bad as in Mexico. But anyone who commits so heinous a crime should be disappeared. Same goes for those beastly gang rapists from the islamic world, who DO crop up in Europe. Establish guilt, and rid us of the guilty. Done. And in England's case, I'd make an exception for the officials in charge who were, effectively, complicit in the whole thing.

Pretty sure they doped the victim as well. No way he would still be conscious otherwise.

Justified, but cruel and unusual, just like this video. The point is that white, browns, reds, yellows and blacks all have members who are violent and horribly creative. You can't judge americans for what their serial killers did and continue to do every year.
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>Mexican kids in the U.S. romanticize leaders of these kinds of people
monitor? didn't you mean supply?
That's slang for dealing on someone else's turf.
"Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
Meant to quote
The thing with the nukes is, the Japs set the pace for the war. They elevated cruelty and attacking civilian targets to acceptable. They created the circumstance for total war.

And that's a stupid thing to do when your enemy has strategic bombers, and you do not.
>nothing we can do about it.

Mexico has no nukes. You could wipe their country out in a week and kill every spic, settle the land with whites. Make Polk proud.

An empty witticism for an empty mind.

This. Your move, ISIS.

#RedLivesMatter FUK THE PURP
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>Let me tell you about the jews son

Just because their tactics have evolved does not mean their goals have changed
I thought I had reached a point I could watch gore videos without flinching, my friend and I often send each other bestgore/liveleak shit for fun but this video is a whole new level. Its absolutely horrific and yet I couldn't stop watching it. We joke and say some fucked up shit on here, we get called nazi's, but compared to that we are normal, it's those men in that video that are truly evil. I'm not even gonna pretend to be edgy. The fact he's alive, you can hear him groaning, see what remains of his eyes moving, he hasn't even got hands and yet he's trying to reach and cover his throat.

Build that fucking wall.
We should find and spread footage of innocents who were tortured in the Bataclan. They were reports of live castrations and eye gouging. Someone had to have recorded that, especially the islamic terrorists themselves.

It's shit like this that the media refuses to show (or governments refuse to release), because it's much closer to home (the West) and would make a ton of people very pissed off.
Its crazy how calm they are and not even exited, the music in the background just put more "normal" mood to a guy being decapited with a handcuff and his head totally peeled
Jesus fucking christ. I'm going to get ptsd from this am I not?
>They were reports of live castrations and eye gouging.
From who?
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Now I wonder how it was when they actually peeled his head, the struggle the man had to face
That was brutal and inhuman....why the fuck would you film vertically in present year
The bloody police!
Not gonna watch this but someone post it on some sjw tumblr or something.
not unless we all agree theres is a common universal truth out there for all of us. i believe its love and life. if you cand have the decency to respect life and love it, then you dont care for life and are going to get killed.
I need a source you nigger. A link.
Loyalty until death
strenght in unity
>/pol/ is disgusted by gore

did the spics went too far this time?
remember when we got upset when shits killed poor innocent cats and dogs ( mans best friend )

and then there would be a rally to identify the animal abusers

i have long felt people who "immigrate" from a culture of corruption will always be corrupt.

how many refugees are literally liars?

guess what, in 3rd world countries you just pay for paperwork you cannot even confirm authenticity

we must protect our culture and christian morals so that our children can be safe, they are less safe everyday, even in our own neighbourhoods

i hate what is happening, it is real, our race is being dragged down by sub humans

i wish we could do more to assert our culture and safe neighbourhoods from being ripped away
Man I've watched plenty of bestgore shit and other disgusting stuff through 4chan or whatever else over the years, call it morbid curiosity and just a general numbness to it or whatever, but fuck that one was too much. Maybe I've changed or something recently, maybe I'm too old to watch that shit, who knows, but I didn't need to watch that

Do you have a video of this? I'd like to see it for research purposes...
Look it up you fat fingered fuck
They suppressed it because they're terrified of civil war.
I'm pretty desensitized, but I literally had flashes of the video in my head as I was about to go into the kitchen, and definitely felt my heart rate and breathing go up.
I imagine ptsd is pretty horrific and scary, but it is definitely possible to get on the light side of the spectrum after seeing something like this.
We are just human after all, capable of succumbing to emotion, contrary of what /pol/ wants you to believe.
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>and there's literally nothing we can do about it

thats what they say now, but if the claims of there being ISIS cells in Mexico then guess what?

The US military will fucking bulldoze mexico and acquire new territory in the process.
desu I'm sure there's whites that do shit like that to
>No source
Oh so it's probably bullshit.
What the fuck do I do now? I don't want fucking ptsd and I can't afford a psychologist or whatever. Jesus fucking christ I hope my psyche is strong enough to just surpress this to the lowest depths of Odin's asshole.
The French gov. and the police who were inside



Even if those bits of information were never revealed, do you think a bunch of islamic terrorists in a killing spree would put bullets in people and call it a day?
Thank you

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Oh fug :DDDDD
I'm so glad I didn't watch that video:

No PTSD for me thanks.
Are you unfamiliar with search engines?
Official police reports and one father of the victim.
Husbands castrated in front of wives.
Wives disembowelled in front of husbands.
I've seen and read of some shit, but this was something else.
Politicians covered it up.
Muslims are animals.
Suppress the memory and distract yourself, and it will become a distant memory, like a bad dream.
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I'm in the same boat. Currently in bed trying to sleep and all I can think about is this fucking video. I keep trying to imagine how the kid felt but it's making me feel sick and I keep hearing the sounds he made and now I don't ever want to talk to a human being again. Have a feeling I'll wake up tomorrow still thinking about it.
Extremely excited, especially when "green lighting" public figures becomes a thing here.
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fake hero... he puts israel and the jews before america - just like all the others

Am I the only one genuinely scared of these things....?

We cannot let the West fall into the hands of these animals. Not a single one.
No it's true. They gov't was literally covering it up.

Here's a link you lazy faggots

It's in some French vault, under Hollande's fat ass. Same goes for the footage that undoubtedly exists of the West Gate Mall attack in Kenya. Investigators there came with the same reports: Islamists tortured hostages for shits and giggles.

Our media are criminally negligent in reporting on the things that happen in Europe. Anything for the narrative. It disgusts me how they sweep this under the carpet, and then let the terrorist apologists who scream "dey wuz gud bois" run around unimpeded.

You fucking burgers wont do anything cause that will be racist, here is what you will fucking do:

1.Elect Hillary Clinton
2. In 8 years elect the american equivalent of Justin Trudeau
3. In 16 years give california back to mexico and pay reparations to every nation on earth for anything you do
4. In 20 years, cease to exist.
To be fair, the burden of proof fell on me.

Though all he needed was to put "bataclan torture" on a search engine

Some people are just lazy.
I watched the video yesterday and it ruined my night.

Certainly the worst thing I have ever seen. A mockery of human existence.
Google the official police report and the quotes from the father who had to identify his sons remains at the morgue. His sons dick was in his mouth. It was done by the terrorists while the wives guts were split open.
its not that bad

just more senseless aztec brutality

Ok, should we make a support group here or something? I think the quicker we are to act, the higher the probability we can surpress this.

I'll start by posting this:
>babby's first redpill

Are you all a bunch of newfags or what? This is a normal Monday in Mexico and has been for years. Why do you think we to build a wall so badly?
Don't call it gore

It's the future your wives and daughters voted for

i can only make a suggestion

if it is not raining outside, go for a walk where thwe are trees, flowers, fresh air

hit up a bakery and pick up somefreshly baked bread

verbally remind yourself you watched a video if spics high on cocaine killing over peso currency who probably dont even use toilet paper when they shit

hate mexicans and be anti beaner

these are my top tips to compartmentalize the footage into a discrete box that dies not overflow into all the things around you that are nice
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Thanks for watching it. Without you warning about it I might have watched it and destroyed a part of my psyche.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.
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Yeh, nah, yer a cunt. Yippee ki yay, motherfucker.
I'm not watching the video, i feel as if another shred of sanity will go out with it.
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>expect northern accent
>get nothing but salvadorean/hodurean babble

And I thought the cartel was run by us, white people from the northern states.
What a fucking shame.
you're fake flagging and you're fucking stupid

the USA is the #1 authoritarian power in the world. It is 100% clear the public and the US government that Mexican authorities are incapable of controlling drug related crime. It's only a matter of time before some of that shit spills onto american soil, and once that happens, I guarantee you that American forces will set foot on mexican soil to end this shit.

Its basically the next step considering that US law enforcement agencies are already collaborating in mexico to attack this problem. Trust me, it would be far worse if there wasn't already US involvement in Mexico.
>salvadorean/hodurean babble
Maybe Mexico needs to build their own wall and stop worrying about ours.
>tfw i worked with a fat spic that constantly talked about cutting people's heads off and torture
I talked to him about different ways to torture people because I wanted an excuse for him not to murder me. I quickly found another job after that. Wetbacks are fucking disgusting and deranged and should be wiped out along with the entirety of central america.
It's a norteño accent
>Mexican kids in the U.S. romanticize leaders of these kinds of people

This is fucking true. They all brag about their violent genetic lineage with, "M-MUH AZTEC PRYDE BiTcHeZzZ" and think they run America and they start bragging about El Chapo.

When in reality Mexico doesn't give a fuck about themselves. They'll murder an entire family for 10 cents if that's what it takes.
I live in Britain, I don't ever deal with Mexicans. Also I usually enjoy gore videos, esp if its just niggers/muslims killing each other or those hilariously edited ISI vids, but this one is a new level of brutal for me.

Don't pretend it doesn't effect you, just watch it (the whole thing) and you'll see.
I watched this yesterday and I still feel bad today.

I thought I'd seen enough gore vids to be immune by now but this got under my skin.

The world has real evil in it, and suffering beyond measure. Appreciate every moment of joy and the ease with which you live it a bit more today.

Hug your wife/girlfriend/kids/dog and tell em you love em.
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Fuuuck I can't hit up a fucking bakery at this hour. I have already taken a fucking walk. It's fucking dark as shit and cold outside, I bet it will make it worse.

Will drinking lots of red wine help me with this shit?

Why the fuck did I click this shit... I just couldn't fucking let it go.

t. norteño
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>playing as the TR
Kill yourself
Meant to be ISIS* not ISI
>mexico acting morally superior to anyone
This is just a film but it's relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9soTwvBhq0

Watch near the end.
*record scratch*

>freeze frame

So you're probably wondering how I ended up here... we'll have to go back in time a bit

>next scene is skull face as a little baby

Woah not that far back!
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>war on drugs

The americas gift to the world that just keeps on giving

picture very related
The worst part of this video for me is when he gets the box cutter shoved down his throat and his reaction is to clamp onto the blade with his teeth.

that must have caused some bad galvanic shock
Also, posting this wiki.

For all my fellow sufferers,
I will be here for another hour.


Fuck this video, and fuck OP, and pray to whatever entity you believe in to rid yourself of these images.
Hernán Cortés did nothing wrong aside from not wiping the animals out once and for all.
Personally I've seen videos like this of people getting killed before.

But there was something personal about this video, the nonchalantness of the people, the radio playing famous pop songs, that made it hit a little close to home.

The distance you have sitting behind a computer watching these videos seemed a little too close with this video.

I felt like I was going over a speedbump watching this, that my desensitized view of the world is far from the actual reality.

I dunno, this video just seemed too.. real, if you know what I mean?

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religion of peace
thats what you get for voting on leftists and liberals france
>Don't pretend it doesn't effect you
I watched it and it's the worst I've seen. But I've been watching Mexican torture vids since at least 2009. I really wish these videos were on the nightly news, not one person would be against The Wall.
if night.

another suggestion.

play some different media. something corny like family guy or a cheesy 80s comedy ( because they are the best )

keep watching until you literally fall asleep

i dont want to see my pol brothers get insomnia because of fucken beaners

makes me mad
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When will the cartels finally invest in video and editing so they'll be putting out quality on the same tier as the ISIS slaughterhouse video?
Dude I don't know what will help you and how bad your condition really is if you're trolling.

When I saw 3G1H everytime I saw a lowres photo/video of a forest it reminded me of it and scared the shit out of me. Same when going to a store and seeing any kind of hammer.
I thought it would never end but it did and there were few things that helped. I'm pretty fucking convinced you can get some sort of pseudo-mini-PTSD from seeing too fucked up shit.
Take a shower and watch a comedy movie
God Bless and protect your soul
That was not a nice video. This just shows why we want the Border Wall guys.
>I thought the cartel was run by us, white people from the northern states.

This is what wetbacks actually believe.
I recommend you watch some moeshit. k-on, yuri yuri, etc.
2D is the only salvation
Dude, Jesus Christ..........
I think that this video needs to be shown on primetime on all news stations. Someone hack the news networks and play this. Then after say "Keep idolizing cartels you stupid fucking Americans" and then it should cut back to regular programming.

would be top kek

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watch Umaru
republicans are the source of all evil
fuck nixon
And this is exactly why i don't watch those fucking videos, fuck you Op for posting that shit.
But then Michael Moore would make a documentary about how mean we are and every libtard in the country would start blocking highways and rioting.
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Am I the only one here who found the video to be tame?
Is this the video that could get trump in?
same. it wasn't as bad as i was thinking it would be desu senpai

inb4 accusations of autism, edgelord, et cetera
it would sure rustle some jimmies

perhaps? i would liek to think it would

I just watched it, it's not THAT bad. The only gore video that shocked me to my core was the one of a fucking psycho beheading kittens.

Call me edgy, but I literally feel nothing when watching gore against humans, but when it's against animals I get butthurt.
This is why we need to stop white genocide.
The world turns into Africa tier otherwise.

Please, someone start a trending hashtag with this fucking video, PLEASE.

Fuck this man, someone needs to be our hero in this.
not to mention the Memekeeper destroys everything at all ranges without even rendering
The wall just got 10 METERS higher.
>Is this the video that could get trump in?
in where anon.
what the fuck
Trips of truth Swedebro. It is clear from watching this video that some humans do not have a limit in their capacity for evil.

Build wall. This will be here in the US soon enough if we don't take action.

immediately became the most horrific video i've ever seen in my life

i've spent 16 years on the internet and seen loads of shit. the ISIS videos don't come close to this. far and away the most brutal, inhuman savagery i've ever seen.

every american has the duty to sit their shitlib clinton supporting family and friends in front of a computer and force them to watch this
I guess I need to watch some myself.
I completely agree, if only people could actually see the reality and not the fairy tale they live in. It's the same with Muslims; people need to see more of these videos, to see what's really going on
>war on drugs means Mexicans have to torture each other for fun
Explain your reasoning, please.

I'm not pro-war on drugs btw. But come on.
>Call me edgy

I call you subhuman.
I'm glad I have the sense to avoid watching shit like this.
they are descendants of aztecs, who fucked spanish moors who fled overseas, what the fuck do you expect?
>Mexican says it's not that bad
This is why we need The Wall.
videos i recommend watching for eye and mind cleaning

national lampoons ( any )
hear no evil see no evil ( classic richard pryor )
blazzing saddles ( classic nog laffs )

fuck beaners, yes they are dwarfs, under 5 foot and micro penis but there is no excuse, fuck beaners
Definitely worse.

The 2 guys 1 hammer really get me because he's crying and you can see how scared he is.

This one you cant even tell what emotions this guy is going through because he has no face.

Brutally this is worse, the worst video I've ever seen. But 2G1H impacted me more.
Anyone have Twitter?

#KeepIllegalsOut with this video

Some people have a harder time empathizing with other humans.

But this is a pretty bad way to go, even sociopaths have to admit this.
>This one you cant even tell what emotions this guy is going through because he has no face.

It would have been much worse if you actually saw the pain on his face and heard his screams as his hands were lopped off and faced peeled away.
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This has been their goal for over 2,000 years…

To bring about the coming of the Moshiach (AKA The Jewish Messiah AKA Anti-Christ AKA The One Eyed Dajjal AKA The Reincarnation of Solomon).

According to the Talmud (and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) he will rule the Goyim with a Iron Hand out of Jerusalem and each Jew will have 2,800 slaves.

Rabbi to Netanyahu : "Do Something to Hasten His Coming!"

Even Mexicans outsource their dirty work.
>he's crying and you can see how scared he is.
I thank god everyday that I didn't put the audio on when I saw that video.
I've only read about how he gurgles blood and such, and if he really does cry, my god. Thank you Jesus.

It seems so very much like the barbaric ritual practices of the Aztec, like fiendish cruelty is in Mexican DNA.
Into the white house

With open gates helped brexit. It swung lots of voters behind doing what they could to stay safe from the brown hoarded. This video is like a million times more fucking motivating .
Holy shit, thanks for the support guys. I am guzzling down wine now but I'm literally fucking shivering. I feel cold as fuck, though that might be the room temerpature. I just fucking can't get that red face and those arms reaching for them out of my fucking head. Jesus fucking christ. Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck.
it was a bad way to go i agree
underage b&
>Will drinking lots of red wine help me with this shit?

Maybe but not necessarily. Alcohol is a depressant. No more than a glass or you're just making it worse.

> It's fucking dark as shit and cold outside, I bet it will make it worse.

Physical activity helps, if you're having anxiety or a panic attack. Know that there's a bodily limit to how much stress it can handle, after which it levels out. You can't have more than 15 minutes of a panic attack peak, you can't die from it.

Calm down, watch something comfy. An episode of Columbo maybe? Some Stargate? Whatever makes you happy normally.

>guzzling down wine

Yeah.. don't do that.
>When I saw 3G1H everytime I saw a lowres photo/video of a forest it reminded me of it and scared the shit out of me.
I'll never forget the way the blood poured from that man's face until the day I die. It was like someone opened up a tap in his skull, I'd never seen blood just flow like that before.
I didn't watch it due to reading your posts, desu

Thanks for taking one for the team
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Please grow the fuck up
bit gross
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I'm not going to lie. Your mind will play tricks on you. For the next few days, months, maybe years, it has the possibility to haunt you everytime you see something reminding you of it.
Perhaps you're watching TV where there is a guy without hands and the image will immediately pop out in your head with anxiety.
Its awful.

I feel ill and need a drink
this thread does read like tumblr
>This will be here in the US soon enough if we don't take action.
It's already here. Let me tell you the story of "El Ponchis".

Once upon a time, a 14 year old sicario who went by the name El Ponchis was arrested Mexico. El Ponchis had murdered and beheaded at least 4 people, all of which were recorded on his cellphone cam. The videos were very similar to OP's video. El Ponchis can be seen torturing and taunting his victims, having a generally good time. Turn out, El Ponchis is Edgar Jimenez Lugo, an anchor baby who is technically an "American citizen" (thanks Dems)... So Mexico, being the paragon of justice, sentences this 14 year old serial killer to THREE years in jail. He was released from Mexican prison when he was 17 and sent back to the U.S.... He currently lives in San Jose, California.


at least ISIS believes they do this barbaric shit for their god, think about this lads, those fuckers down south do this for Business. If that doesnt make you hate them i dont know what will
Is this the world you guys want to live in? Look at this person here. He's that traumatized by violent fucks like in Mexico. Stand up for your country.
Now imagine seeing shit like that in real life.
I worked as a construction diver with someone named "Paco" (no I am not bullshitting).

He seemed like a nice guy, chill and friendly. He was the supervisor.

>He came to my house as I am technical and he wanted to discuss he and I making an underwater camera / computer system
>We had a few beers
>Eventually, he starts talking about how he would like to pirate a vessel, and disembowel and torture / rape the people onboard, kill the pregnant women and the children.

Yeah...buh-bye, Paco. I'll get back to you.
You're a disgusting animal worth less than the sick people who did this if you won't view what you're inviting into your neighborhood.
underage b&, underage b& everywhere, i am reporting all of the underageb&s for RULE VIOLATIONS

it's not bad, just gross.

the one in the prison with the colombians dripping melting plastic onto a prisoner was worwse.

I haven't even watched it. And that tells you something- gore is unappealing. Unlike With Open Gates.
>really does cry
Yeah it gets to a point where I think he can't even cry any more and just dry sobbing. It fucked me uo.
The screams and then he shoves the razor into his mouth....fuck
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Mods should be here quick to scoop all of you triggered underage b&s out of /pol/
Thanks for trying our board! Have a nice day!
It is. Have you heard of those refugees beheading people.
ok i will try not to

Fuck man, I am not a fucking viking. Sure I hit the gym and shit, but I live a fucking sheltered life where I don't have to experience this shit. What the fuck did you expect? I'm not a brave motherfucking sociopath

I had a victim from utoya stay at where I live once. We didn't have a door to the living room, so the poor fucker took a blanket, and fucking nailed it shut over the opening when sleeping there. Will that be me now?
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This is why you need to be armed, America.
It's worse when you read the backstory of the victim.
There are some evil in this world its beyond comprehension.
Will you shut the fuck up?

>underage b&, underage b& everywhere, i am reporting all of the underageb&s for RULE VIOLATIONS


You sound like a fucking teenager.
you should have finished breiviks work
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>God-money I'll do anything for you.
>God-money just tell me what you want me to
>God-money nail me up against the wall.
>God-money don't want everything he wants it all.

Bow down before the one (You) serve...

Just watched that one. This is far worse.
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I must be a bit fucked if it's provoking such a strong reaction in other people
I've been here for a decade, but I still have empathy. You're just an edgy teenager or sociopath.

poor gatts. I think this is the only time in the manga he makes this face.

not gonna watch the video. I can't stomach things like this anymore
DESU the more you are evolved the more you will be disgusted by this type of violence and cruelty.
I don't feel anything watching this. I don't know if my past of drinking has completely my prefrontal cortex or just desensitized by ISIS.
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Holy fuck, quit being a pussy. Shit like this is going to start happening closer and closer to you. Just look at Paris. If you can't even take a video, you're just going to accept muslim invasion and rule.
because it's part of the jews plan

import savages, ban self-defence. be lenient on savages, be harsh on the innocent

you should read up on the aims of the frankfurt school

they included destroying the nuclear family, and encouraging drug and alcohol abuse
Just pretend it was a video game and shut it out.
Go and watch some 80s or 90s cartoon intros on youtube to get positive feels

People genuinely aren't meant to see this shit. I gave this one a fucking miss and I've seen most of the bad ones.

I never thought we'd live to see the barbarians at the gates. Did you?

get off of my board
Kek back in the day /pol/ would laugh at shit like this. Now everyone here is triggered all of a sudden? No wonder CTR is abusing your cute little asses
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I watched the full video last night just before going to bed, naturally, I had plenty of nightmares with it.

I've seen some brutal shit in my internet life so far, but that one was by far the worst. ISIS executions are fast, at least.
>We didn't have a door to the living room, so the poor fucker took a blanket, and fucking nailed it shut over the opening when sleeping there. Will that be me now?

Oh come off it. You're not going to have PTSD from this. Grow some stones and deal with it in a positive manner. The only good that can come out of it is a lesson about life.

> I live a fucking sheltered life where I don't have to experience this shit

Even the vast majority of people in the third world will never experience this shit.
I'm not sure how bad it is for being OK with watching this kind of stuff.

I wonder how it would be to actually be doing this to someone.
Still won't watch it.
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it's just like the movies

Literally you.
I've never looked at his back story. I'll check it out.

The 2 guys doing it are fucked up though. Im willing to bet the cartels do this to people for some reason or another, at least I'm assuming. The 2 guys in 2G1H did this for no reasoning at all. Just literally fucked up people.
It's edgy faggots that post shit like this that are clearly the underage newfags.

Watch the video, it will make you want The Wall even more. You dont have to prove anything, this is all anonymous.
>where was the legos on the ground?
You're one sick and disturbed individual
This is edge
Sounds like he misplaced them.
They cut off his hands and face and then proceeded to slowly kill him in an incompetent fashion.
Fuck. At least make it quick.
> not all mexicans
> mexicans are not rapists
Fuck I hope Trump wins.

yeah what this guy says


Also, each time a child or a young family member reaches up to you for a hug on a sunny spring morning, a sudden chill will creep across your heart as your mind flashes back to those bloodied stumps, and the gurgling horror of the Red Mask.
How is CTR abusing pol, or anyone for that matter if they couldn't stop Trump from being ahead in almost every single debate poll in the MSM?
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dont really get the point in random torture, why not just shoot them and be done with it?

I think south americans get the point now after like 4 decades, fuck with the cartels and you die.
The video is so bad it has reduced anons to sincerely writing Reddit-tier sympathy posts.

It's that bad.
It's that second failed prototype from Robocop 2:

The Hammer guys did it for literally no reason.
Started with animals, peeling their skin and hanging them and then out of nowhere went on a rampage on people.

This video some guy said it was because they owed the cartel money and the person in the video was underage.
Honestly? You want to know why I didn't feel much @ all while watching this faggot video?

For one, these are SPIC cartels who are gigantic faggots and I won't pay them any regard unless they are trying to bypass the glorious wall exist SOON or if they are trying to front on me IRL, I pack a .45 with hollow points (thanks AZ gun laws). This is hardly anything bad if you look at human history. There has been bad shit like this going on since probably A. Afarensis. Humans (and humanoids) have not changed much. This is par for the course. This video should only solidify your foundation of keeping ALL SPICS OUT. Keeping ALL NON WESTERN INCLINED PEOPLE OUT of the United States.

This needs to be seen by EVERYONE, i guarantee people would be behind trump and he would win in a YUGE LANDSLIDE.

Also, NOT ALL HUMANS are created equal.
Walk it off, eh? I'll try
Good, keep convincing me I'm a pussy and maybe I can reroute my brain with this shit to just feeling like a pussy ass bitch. I need a fucing american army sarge to yell at me until I accept it.

Funny. I heard the bomb go off in the city from literally miles away. I didn't know what it was, but later that day I was on /pol/ and watching the news at the same time. "I wonder what 4chan thinks of this" I thought, and lo and behold, he was worshipped like the messiah in this place.
try this on for size


You'll probably get arrested if you do it, anyways.

Don't watch it mate. Its not British. You'll think of the video when you're ejaculating inside your wife.

Nigga will never be able to hear Funkytown or use a yellow boxcutter without getting triggered.

Unfunny affirmative action comedian George Lopez many months ago tweeted out a cartoon of El Chapo holding a knife in one hand and the head of Donald Trump in the other
I did watch it, wasn't that bad 2bh

What are you twelve? Watched this before going to bed last night and had happy dreams.

Actually first video like that I saw was that american journalist more than a decade ago screaming like a pig while they were cutting his throat. That was during the Irak invasion I think.

You'll get used to it. Just remember than you're safe, probably safer than I am where you live.
He needs to be sent this video, what a fucking BEAN FAGGOT
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> NOT ALL HUMANS are created equal.
you're right in terms of skills, talents, abilities and such but they are still humans.
They hurt the same way we do, the pain this man felt is universal. On that note White people should distance themselves from these savage fuckers. No more helping Muslims,Blacks, Hispanics the lot of these bottom of the barrel waste of humans.

have a drink and call it a day. you'll probably be fine.

you can also try playing some games or doing something else that requires concentration to take your mind off of it. or some some weed if you have that.
Laughed. True though.
Good thing it won't last forever. Human's brains are elastic.
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lol are you faggots really crying about how you got "PTSD" from this shit?

fucking pussies, just go ahead and cry in your basement when the war starts
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Thanks for reminding me that mexico is a fucking hell hole and I should never set foot in that satanic country
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Wewwwwwwwwww lad.

I've seen enough gore here over the years I'll think I'll pass.

The last one was that drunk getting his head popped by a lorry. Unfortunate way to go.

flag checks out

It's not worst than any other beheading done by muzzies. That one is just a bit more messy though.
I don't doubt this for a second.

Isn't there also a law where you can't sentence an alien, illegal or not, and you can't keep them in detention forever. So if their home country doesn't want them, a murderer could literally do no time. Is this accurate in anyway? Anyone?
Ok, I didn't watch it and I won't since I'd only regret it later.
But to the people who regularly consume gore videos: Why? Why do you want to see other people suffer and get killed in dusgusting, horrible ways? I just don't see the point. I don't say that you are degenerate subhumans or something, but I still wonder.
Non-edgy answers please.
What the fuck is going on in that video?
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Well this sounds like it's going to be hot.

I'll have a gander.
Video is good to watch for a few reasons:

1. Never allow someone to abduct you - fight. It is better to get shot in a parking lot than tortured for hours / days. You will not get another chance if you allow yourself to get kidnapped
2. Realize that there are actually people like this, don't be so trusting
3. The realization that killing people like this is actually better than buying Girl Scout cookies, and a service to humanity
4. You will work to keep your society safer and these animals out
Cortez did nothing wrong.
Mexicans not even once.

Fuck those smelly brown manlets, bunch of savages.
where the webm at tho
>ptsd from a video
What are you a girl?
how affective is an aersol and lighter as a weapon.

i dont trust 3rd worlders anymore.

i saw an arab at the trainstation wearing boardshots with an ak47 tattoo on his calf and araby writing around it, that may as well be war like

no i am not a target but i want to purge the scum or damage an attacker of an innocent person so they cannot attack again ever. if ever happens.

"it is just the way the world is", no, we can change it if we try
dripping melting plastic onto the backs of some prisoners, probably one of the most painful things you could ever experience.

Did you? You'll still think about it when you ejaculate inside your good lady.

Anyway, what happened? Im man enough to admit Im slightly frightened.

Jesus Christ, this so much. This used to be common way back in the day and anons were unfaze, oh how the mighty has fallen. Shame on you fucking normies.
Why did I watch this. I'll never forget this shit.
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Is this The Edgiest Post?
honestly where is hiro-kun? I remember moot got all buthurt, but doesn't hiro-kun at least browse /pol/?
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Same. I think I saw the same video
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>I need a fucing american army sarge to yell at me until I accept it.

This one was fine for me, I mean it's fucked up but I was able to watch it a few times and I can already tell it won't effect me as much as OP's video has.

Strange how some can be worse for certain people. I think for me it's the idea of having your hands taken away from you so you can't even try and protect yourself
posted it to /r/the_donald

let us see how they react
he fucking sold this site like 2 weeks ago dude

the NSA just directly owns 4chan now
mexicans cut guys face off
try to cut his throat with a dull blade it seems
mexican is writhing around on the floor
mexican screams a little and they seem to cut his gums open with the boxcutter
that's about it
What is wrong with this world......
These things strengthen my belief in having Europe stay 100% white.
I dunno why people post it, or do it. But I only watch out of curiousity. I didn't sit around for this one though. It wasn't the visuals that got me it was the sound.

Fuck these subhuman cunts though. Everyone in that room should be gassed.
You'll fumble with those when shit goes down.

Get something actually designed for self defense
If I was an /r/the_donald mod I would sticky this video
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>his face and hand are already off from the beginning of the video and they don't even finish beheading him

Totally disappointing, desu.


Well there was that Japanese guy who killed and ate the ass of a swedish woman in Paris, got caught carrying her limbs in suitcases.

He was sent back to Japan, spent a year in a psychiatric facility and was released.

/r/the_donald WON'T TOUCH IT


Can I get some /b/lack up to upvote and post comments?

search new for EXTREME RED PILL
It helps you feel better about your own life. It becomes a personal challenge to see how much you can handle.
Morbid curiosity, everyone is fascinated with death it's human nature. They are great reality checks/red pills, what you see in these videos are never talked about by the left media, but it's important to know it's happening and it's real.

u wot m8?

i must have been on holiday that day.

srs? who owns us now?
This tbqh
>how affective is an aersol and lighter as a weapon.

Not at all.

> weapon

Get a gun license.

But since you're not actually committed to your words perhaps the best you'll bother doing is getting a baseball bat or knife.
Someone post it in /r/the_donald
yeah blood and gore doesnt really do anything to me but things like the jonestown suicide tape really mess with my head.

/u/maga_fam_fam is the reddit handle
yeah nobody made a thread about it on /pol/ because nu-/pol/ are just dumbfuck redditors

he sold it to some (((mod)))
Good to see some genuinely funny stuff on /pol/ again

I watch rekt threads for fun on /gif/, usually car crashes, and I work around skeletons daily, but this shit was just too brutal. Two things that scare me to my core are loosing my eyes and my genitals. Peeling someones face off and gauging out their eyes is just fucking unnecessary.
This is why its a good thing Hitler died.
Hirokins is gone?

The NSA owns 4chan?? Are you telling me this place has become a giant chris hanson bait?

[citation needed]
Thanks, I'll think of this next time I mistake non-whites for humans

i travel by train alot, and australia alteady got named by isis and as we know they like doing things in trains worldwide

i swear i never want to see an innocent hurt by scum, especially the elderly, bless their old souls, but really anyone trying to just live their life without hurting others
It was never announced or anything. It's just a theory.
Next time I hear someone post about the "bro-tier Catholic" Mexicans I'll refer them to this exhibit

The guy with no face was underage?
I remember when rekt threads were just fights, and gore threads were separate. Now when someone even posts a fight thread there are people getting stabbed and shit.

upBOAT that shit.
>"bro-tier Catholic" Mexicans I'll refer them to this exhibit

It's white people shit when you hear them say that.
I posted the video as a talking point in the current sticky:



>Nobody cares
>Funkytown starts playing
>Guy whistles to it
Am I the only one that wondered whether or not the guy deserved it? I mean we don't know any context, would you not do this to Soros or Obama, after seeing their handywork first hand? Would anyone argue, that there are people on Earth that do deserve to die like this? In case anyone argues for noone should die like this, what about the guys who did this, in case the one they killed was a good person?
You have been temporarily banned from participating in /r/The_Donald. This ban will last for 3 days. You can still view and subscribe to /r/The_Donald, but you won't be able to post or comment.
Note from the moderators:

Stop posting gore. It was removed for a reason.

i dont know why you cucks even bother with reddit

they are cancer
it was probably more of a message to someone that fucked them over money-wise or some other way, the people that do this kind of shit for a living aren't exactly right in the head, they do it to alleviate their boredom.
You're clearly either ethnic or very young.
That this sickens us is why we fight for a safe white society. Otherwise why the fuck do we do what we do
Wait...her? It was already disgusting enough assuming it was a male. Goddamn.
He was a kid, or at least underage.

Maybe he killed another cartel member, or simply slinged dope on the wrong street.

They don't do these things for revenge, but to send a message.
Damn I've seen way too many execution videos, this didn't seem any worse than other beheading videos. Maybe it's because the victim hardly looks human at that point.

I think the worst part was the shit music they had on.

How do you know he was a kid? The guys in the video tell him he was on the wrong side, and one of the guys asks another to help him cut the guys head off because he's very strong.
Because its our public face you fucking edgelord. Even Hitler had a PR team. Normies could never digest this place, it's incomprehensible.
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>Cortez did nothing wrong.

This is what I say when leftist faggots try to guilt trip with the
>but the ebu europeanl invaderz came and slaughtered the peaceful noble injuns!!!

>be european explorers
>come to new-world
>find a bunch of mostly naked savages wearing feathers and animal skins squatting in the impressive ruins of an ancient civilization and/or literally living in animal skins thrown over sticks
>observe their "culture"
>decide heresy
>try to convert them
>purge the majority since they are shit and possessed of demons

they shouldn't have been so merciful honestly.

Imagine... HONESTLY, where you think the world would be if the early explorers simply wiped out the Africans and new world natives.
>reddit is our public face

Is that Sword of Doom? I love that movie.
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Just watch Capt America and pretend hes redskull.
Now you realize all the ratings of films may not be invented by stupid parents but by psychological research on how things we see affect our minds.

Not to mention stuff like gore which is very real.
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