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Thread replies: 447
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Previous thread: >>90154944

BLM wants to take down Andrew Jackson statue.

David Duke is heading there with his right wing death squad.

The confrontation begins at 1:00, 25 minutes from now.

Alex jones crew is on the scene






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>3 minutes ago

>We Ready. We Coming. See y'all at Congo Square in a few #takeemdownnola @ Congo Square https://www.instagram.com/p/BKvt4suACOc/
oh fuck
race war.
Do you think this is Duke´s life moment?
he wants to go out with a bang
is there a livestream?
SOON 1:00
My boy Andrew dindu nuffin
He was trying to save america
>. THIS Saturday 4.9.16. Secret Location DM for details!

lol wtf, are these people even american? what's with the dating system they used.

are they just nogs who didn't learn shit?
DESU, if he got shot by a dindu, that would make the KKK seem like the good guys and redpill a lot of people.
Oh shit congo square. Googles on their own turf.
>niggers wanting to destroy history because it hurts their feefees

Fucking hell. Sometimes I wish I hadn't been redpilled, I'd be living a much less angry life.
Damnit race war already? I'm not ready. I ordered my Zyklon B with standard shipping.

stream where
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A bunch of fucking communists.

They need to be put in the ground.
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Niggers will destroy everything till there is nothing left because of "muh feels"
>1991 when
Compare that with Duke's statement from yesterday's radio program (http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/dduke/092316.mp3):

>"Unless we have [an assurance of protection of the monument by police] that's iron-clad, we will go down to the monument, as early as it takes. We will surround the monument. And they're gonna have to go through us to get to the monument."
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Niggers are to blame for the enslavement of niggers anyway.
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top kek, well done

anyone have links to live coverage?
not mine.

Lel nice

I was thinking the same thing but didnt know how to do it.
fuck, i saw that monument a month ago
not yet, people searching...
They don't even care about slavery, they just want to destroy white statues.
oh shit, will DD spark the first battle?
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>david "fed puke" duke
>david "one man to subvert the klan" duke
>david "king of israel" duke
wew, memes travel fast

use gimp, then do this:
duplicate layer
scale layer by *0.9
(repeat those until the center is filled)
layer, stack, reverse layer order
merge all layers

I use an autohotkey script that does the first two steps instantly:

Send, !lu
Send, !ls
Send, {Right}*.9{Tab}
Send, !s

then I just press ~ about 50 times then proceed to the next step
what is going on? i just got here.

andrew jackson monument isn't going to be vandalized, is it?!
shit nigger I'm not ok with this, BLM is literally vandalizing city monuments in our own country
I live here and I haven't heard anything about thing. Nothing will happen, you can't just waltz into Jackson square and tear down a massive statue with a bunch of people, you would need a crane, some massive chains and a semi to pull it down. It's also the largest tourist area in the region, and on a Saturday there will be many tourists there as well.

Literally nothing will happen except a bunch of dindus hooting and hollering.
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>Congo Square
meme magic


BLM would look like fucking retards if it weren't for David Duke.

That attention whore can go fuck himself for giving all the ammunition his opponents need.
have the police been called about this?
>have the police been called about this?
have the police been called about this?
>have the police been called about this?
have the police been called about this?
>have the police been called about this?
have the police been called about this?
>have the police been called about this?
have the police been called about this?
Oh fuck, if by any chance he pusses out or backs down, this will really embolden the fucking baboons.
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it looks like theyre planning on destroying the new orleans statue, though im not sure if anthing is happening to the (same?) statue at the whitehouse
Live stream when?
>libtards demand all confederate flags and statues be taken down
>cuckservatives give in because they're too scared of being called racist
>libtards are now going after US presidents

who could have seen this coming.
That's a spanish style date I think.
Where is this monument
Wasn't Andrew Jackson just recently removed off the bill and replaced with Tubman?

This shit is honestly shameful.
>2 dead

Including David Duke

>they are expecting one of us in the wreckage brother

kek willed it last night
Isn't Luisiana an OC state? It'd be fucking glorious to see a wall of
armed men wearing MAGA hats between the niggers and the statue.

In 2020 he will, because nignogs demanded it
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new orleans

t. soros
Congo Square omygosh lololololo

What's the body count going to be for this event? 2 1/2 over under.
David Duke invokes Napoleonic Code!
periscope when?
They left a message on the statue last night.

I will be very disappointed if no nigger gets shot today
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is this a happening ?
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It's not hard to understand you idiots.
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Nothing happens, chimps all run away with their metaphorical tail between their legs. Check my post number.
Is this it?


Yeah totally the fashion of the 17th century
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kkk ARE the good guys
Wow, I never knew this.
Thank you for correcting the record.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.

no you fucking idiots. Tubman and her ilk are going on the back, Andrew on the from

jesus christ did you even read an article about it?
There is no reason for Tubman to be there besides WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEEEEIT

D-does numerous /pol/ threads count?
>no Moonman
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IMO this is the point where we can declare undeniable proof that Cultural Marxism was planted in the United States in order to destroy American culture. We have seen this build up for decades. Marxism is by its nature and design hellbent on destroying its host cultures. It happened in every nation that fell to communism and it is happening here now. The fact that the BLM """""movement""""" has popped up the same time as massive government and globalist power grabs is not a coincidence. As long as society is chaotic, the centralization of power will not stop. We're in a fucking war guys

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Let it begin
evidence an reason: 2 things niggers and their pet cucks can't grasp.
All Fucking Niggers Must Fucking Hang

Race War Now

Theme Song:

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No Black Americans though

There's a difference
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>Have we started the fire?

Yes, the fire rises!
Now I'm really interested in modern slavery. Why so many Eastern Europeans?
sex slavery
Sex slavery
Or, or...
>liberals constantly make excuses for for blacks
>liberals constantly lower the standard for blacks
>blacks conform to the lower standards because it's easier and they are given an excuse to
>cycle repeats
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New Orleans
I ain't clicking that shit, google.

This is fucking disgusting

I wish there was a way to fine the people who did this or whatever
We should've nuked them, but oh well.
It's what looks like a KKK forum.
I know it's happening, but 10s of thousands here? We need to bring them to heel.
Also, I forgot
What good has Andrew Jackson done for America though?
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(yes i know irrelevant leafland shit but) we had this 'deface statues of old racists' happen in canada too

pretty sad desu
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Post yfw BLM is more concerned with Western historical monuments praising US presidents than sex slavery
I came home from five months in NOLA a week ago. Fuck.

The place is two minutes from where I was working too.
BLM was spawned from the Marxist indoctrinations in our colleges.

Need to chop the serpent at it's head.
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the fire rises 2.gif
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>They're punishment must be more severe.
war hero
Commanded in the War of 1812, removed the Bank of the US, threatened to use military force to prevent (SC?) from ignoring federal laws, pushed the Indians west so we could settle farther west... the whole package
He really needs to grow his beard back. Looks creepy without it
Bout 20 mins past now. So nothing's gonna happen?
In Estonia?
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ok, now I'm mad
You can answer your own question with a bit of research. Sometimes a tl;dr doesn't cut it.
No way to find out if anything is happening yet. Don't worry tho, when shit starts happening someone will film it.
One of 3 presidents to fight the central bank tooth and nail.
He killed the Bank.
Shame we let it grow again.
Wrong time zone dumbass. It is 45 till.
based finn bro has great taste in humor
Defended New Orleans against the British during the war of 1812, with highly unfavorable odds.
I am sick of niggergrammar
I shouldn't have drove to Baton Rouge for poon.

I should have stayed in New Orleans to defend my city.
Another attempted false flag to get the debate rescheduled/cancelled
defeated the british against overwhelming odds, defeated savage indians against overwhelming odds, defeated the banks and corruption in DC against overwhelming odds. hated waste and bloat in government. the only president in united states history to pay off the national debt and make america debt free.
If you went to BR for pussy I hope you took appropriate NBC precautions.

How's the water level? It was 6ft in some bits when I was last there.
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when is it happening
Can David Duke please die ? That motherfucker is the only reason people think trump is racist.
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Bought us a few decades of less jewry
>m-muh raysism
fuck off western turkey
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Yes, we still use horses here.
Estonian Russians just want gibmedats and don't want to work so they claim employment agency is using them as slaves.

what is this meme
A part of me wants them to successfully fuck up the statue, so we can hear their ass pain when private investors immediately pay for a new, bigger one.
He ushered in nearly a century of prosperity by killing the Bank and letting Americans prosper on the fruits of our own labor. It took just over a decade after the bank was revived for the great depression to happen and the Bank has just grown into a monster slowly choking us to death since then
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grabs popcorn
You are an idiot. It is 12:30 central. The Criminal act is supposed to start at 1:00.
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For good reason too. Horses scare the fuck out of nogs.
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David Duke isn't racist. Robert Byrd was you dirty skype.
I don't give a shit about racism you slav monkey, the problem is that retards like Duke hurt Trump's image.
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Intimidated by that big horse cock
Here's a list of American Figures and order that leftists will seek to destroy

>Primer: Completed
Confederates - half of america dislikes them anyways, easy target

>Target 1: Current
Andrew Jackson - racist slave owner who hated banks and represented tough ethno nationalism

>Target 2
Thomas Jefferson - racist slave owner who raped his slaves

>Target 3
Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt - strong nationalists who wanted a pure anglo-saxon society

>Final Target
George Washington - evil slave owner who founded a white supremacist nation based on slavery and indian genocide

I kid you not, this will happen. They will eventually completely change American history into their idealized version where it was founded as a evil country that needed to be liberated through social justice one step at a time.
Put up a couple basketball hoops, toss em a ball, cue degenerate rap music and the statue takedown becomes a block party, an illegal unpermitted block party. All nogs to jail, problem solved.
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When your only value is MUH DICK

You inevitably bow down to horses as superior

The sad truth about the google way of life
All this shit over a fucking statue? Yeah ripping down a statue of a dead guy that helped create the country they live in, that'll show whitey.
Could be... but our Russians are not much into gibsmedats. They are white and struggle for themselves mainly not become parasites
That's jefferson davis, dummy
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Pic related has never been so relevant.
Are we witnessing the beginning of the Great North American Race War?
>Racists create, teach and/or spread the "Blacks are inferior and scary" lie
How could anyone be so deluded
This is the continuation of the social justice attempts at removing the Robert E Lee statue in New Orleans. The city actually approved it's removal, but all contractors either refused except for a few. One of those few got his lambo torched outside of his house.

Needless to say the statue is still there. BLM is fucking retarded to try this shit.

Water went down a while ago. I'm good.
That's not the point.

It's the fact whitey would allow them to do this which would be seen as a failure to defend history.
There are other statues in New Orleans, dummy.
>racists allowed in universities
if anything it should say
>social ""studies"" ""professors"" spread white supremacy and institutionalized racism lie
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>if we didn't chimpout this process would end

How VERY interesting you stupid Googler
Enjoy your future coast-to-coast Detroit.
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Are there any streams of this going on?

They don't understand concepts like that. They think their welfare money is just Mana from the sky that comes down, rather than it coming from the tax dollars of people who do work. They also don't have any concept of having to build up your own nation (which is why they do even worse in European countries where this fact was much worse)
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Erase "Google Doc"

He's an American
dont disrespect based Ben
Stop reposting this fake fantasy meme
Just goes to show how forced the meme is if they try to google based Carson.
you dont hear about it because jews are the perpetrators.

sounds like a meme but look it up, they are all kikes and israel is even the trading hub
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Guys, call me crazy, but I think this might just be bait. We Americans aren't known for our bait, but just look at how Canada has usurped Australia's shitposting throne. I can imagine how some of our own might have grown a little envious.
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Also, you forgot "Google Doodles"

>fake fantasy meme
Which part was fake? That she was raped and murdered by an immigrant? Or that she was super pro-diversity, as are much people in Sweden?

Still, thank you for correcting my records, friend.
Yes, (((russian))) oligarchs primarily, the girls go through southern europe and the Balkans


Its hot as hell.

Do you know the kind of hell 90 is with 50% humidity?
Why don't you faggot do the same to MLK monuments? There's got to be a ton of those. Escalate. Always escalate.
I feel almost like I need to buy a bunch of history books written before, i don't know, 1995? and just bury them in time capsules all over the planet. Something, anything so that this can never become the accepted history that historians 300 years from now will believe
Did it happen yet?
Because we aren't niggers who want to erase history.
So uh

When do niggers start getting shot?

Btw, bants
It's not fake, you fucking retard. The fake one was the one with the sex video in it. The one posted is 100% real.
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we leave those monuments up to remind ourselves of where we went astray.
What a fucking cuck you are.
No. Carson is an AA case that got out of control because of the dearth of black surgical candidates. He is a fucking hack that has ruined people's lives so he could perform ebin meme surgeries that would make him look good. Literally give zero fucks about that nigger being on that meme.
How are you erasing history by defacing some statues of the man who helped destroy your country?
He forced Ingen to file for chapter 11, cause them to move west.
has it happened

what time is it
Fuck off. MLK Jr rose at a time of heightened black intellect and economic prosperity. He helped the cultural problem
>niggers destroy a statue of a long dead man because they know he'd fucking kick the shit out of them if he was alive
I didn't say you should tear them down. Just tag them down. Get those niggers riled up.
Its close to 1pm here.

Cops have already been reported to be there on scene at all entrances to the statue.

Probably nothing going to pop up unless its backstabbing at night.
>Let us free!
>Let us stay here!
>Give us land!
>Integrate us!
>Give us special treatment!
>Give us a whole month holiday
>Give us welfare!
>Give us public housing!
>There's too much crime!
>Fuck the police!
>Black Lives Matter
>Kill all whites!
>Stop oppressing us!

What the fuck is wrong with nigs?
Wasn't he a womanizing commie agitator though?
>jew york

What now, burgercuck?
Fuck off, cuck. The civil rights era corresponds directly with an enormous rise in violent crime that peaked in the 90s, and still isn't close to going back down to its pre-1960s levels.
I talked to an anon last night, who confirmed he was going to the event just as an observer.
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Stupid niggers trying to remove the statue of the man that literally saved New Orleans. Every day they reach new lows. Jackson was an incredibly based president. Fought the national bank, and won his election on a wave of national populism.
It's a sign
He did have communist sympathies, I believe they would've been snuffed out
Man, they killed Kennedy for even implying that. No wonder they want to tear his statue down.
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Remind you of anything?
oh cmon what's the point of doing that on pol, you're actively censoring yourself at this point
Something about his family getting MLKs records sealed because they're too damning, I'd i recall correctly too.
Woodrow Wilson? Fuck off, dumb faggot.
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dude beat an assassin with his walking stick.
Put a cross by soros' name.
That was mostly due to him fucking a lot of holes
1. blacks act like violent savages
2. blacks get put down in self defense
3. blacks are outraged and more demand preferential treatment
4. blacks get extremely furious
5. goto 1

Also, hahahahahahah
I know about Ukrainian pimps all being kikes.
Until what?
Kennedy did more than imply, he actually printed interest-free greenbacks.
defense is spelled with an 's' in america, finfag
You know what niggers are like. Half of them are late now, and the other half haven't even gotten out of bed yet.

Where were you when the happening was cancelled on account of niggers being lazy?
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My god the hipster glasses just fucking got knocked into hyperspace by that punch.
So how are we supposed to know when shit actually happens
sitting at home learning linux stuff on one screen and not watching the happening on the other screen
There goes David Duke, to parasitically attach himself to anything remotely nationalistic and make it indefensible. I'm hoping the niggers kill him so that at least one good thing came out of his life, but its improbable that any will even show up.

>all they can do is throw paint

Still standing, niggers, just like the White Man
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As a Mexican I am here to declare that we Mexicans stand behind you in the race war against these negroes.

They rob our taquerias, they chimp out when our people cannot understand their ebonics, they always demand free shit at our businesses, they shoot at our mothers and fathers, they corrupt our youth.

No more of that. When the race war begins we will stand behind you Anglos.
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There is a cameraman there, so hopefully.
https://twitter.com/RevMelanieNOLA (niggerlover that wants to take the statue down)

Why these fucking leafs have this retarded "if you get killed, you win" mindset?

Killing dindus is good, getting shot is bad. Stop caring about "looking like good guys" the (((media))) will make whites look bad no matter what they do.
>a major fight that changed history
>took place after the peace accord was signed
I want the statue to stay because it angers niggers and other faggots, but let's not get all WE WUZ VIKANGZ about it. Most of everything believed about Jackson by this board of mostly fat and stupid people is a fucking lie, especially that his destruction of the economy through his specie fetish (something suffered by all faggots and retards who have never formally studied economics [and in fact have never studied it informally]) was somehow MUH ANTI JEW ANTI MUH CENTRAL MUH BANK MUH GOLD.
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>literally nothing's going to happen
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Cucks United on the scene
Mlm died in '68 dumbshit. It's like cutting the brain out of a once reasonable movement. He gave negros an intelligent voice. He was the Booker T. Washington of his time. Fighting for hard work amongst blacks instead of WEB Du Bois who wanted dumb niggers to rise instead of smart ones to speak for the community. The Internet has forever killed that idea as well.

whatever your disagreements with Wilson's economic policies, he represented a Protestant White America which is why leftists have turned on him after decades of co-opting his "progressive" legacy.

I recommend you read Wilson's "A History of the American People"
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obligatory life story
man i can smell that hobo from here
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We should invade their newly built nigger shrine.

destroy our history, and we'll destroy yours

looks like a BLM event in Mississippi where it's just the white liberals that show up
Everything that makes them different from whites.
nothing worse than nogs trying to negotiate prices at convenience stores and shit
This. every one is waiting for the great happening, they don't seem to realize its already happening and has been for the past 10 years. There isn't going to be one day where whites suddenly kill niggers in the street and chaos erupts in the street. It doesn't work that way. One day their might be a large black protest, the next day there is a muslim shooting. Happening fags are so excited about a potential battle that they are missing the war playing out in front of their eyes.
Should've gotten prime
>shitting on Duke

fuckin neo-/pol/ I swear....
Someone get Zimmerman on location NOW
lol i wonder how many of these whites are actually from Louisiana. I bet they're all artsy transplants from long island.
Central banks have been the reason for almost every major war America has fought you dolt. I bet you think we fought the British over tea taxes, too. And Hitler was just a mean ol' anti-semite.
All blacks are niggers. There is no difference.
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Looks low energy. No way in Hell these nerds are pulling anything down.
> Congo square
> . . .
> New Congo
>TFW looking for my libcuck SJW sister who lives in NOLA
>George Washington
>father of our country

Yeah...no, there WILL be bloodshed if they even dare touch anything involving him.
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they irony is that its encased in a cage.
With that logic, all whites are inbred hicks.
>white women
of course
Nothing "neo" about it, calling out controlled opposition is important.
>BLM on nigger time

you can't make this shit up.
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Cant flim flam the zim zam
>Mlm died in '68 dumbshit.
Did I say anything else, you fucking retard? The crime rate started to climb in 1960, and didn't stop until the mid-90s.

>He gave negros an intelligent voice.
There was nothing intelligent about him at all. He spewed liberal bullshit, poetry and empty slogans. Being on /pol/, you should know that there is no solution to the black problem. You can't give an intelligent voice to an inherently unintelligent people. You'll have some outliers here and there, but as a whole, they're too dumb, violent and impulsive to ever rise out of the shit they're in. Their best bet would be living in an ultra-conservative country with limited welfare and where any transgression is severely punished. That's the only language they speak.
They're marching. Kinda glad I dont have to hear the fucking drumming.
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>farther down the page
>Naked Mike Rowe confronts peeping drone with shotgun
What is this?
>what are chinks
>what are Irish
Or or maybe people seperated from each other for thousands of years may be genetically different? Insane Idea right. Maybe just maybe genetics determines behavior. I know its hard to believe because lions and bears act so similar but maybe its true.
Not really an apt comparison. Afterall Ben Carson, indisputably, was a nigger when he was young.
Big surprise.

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

>nogs refuse to show out of fear of Duke
Nothing's gonna happen
Heading over in a few minutes, Brother. Gotta choke down some Super Male Vitality before I head out.
Whites don't have an average IQ of 85.
You're a fucking retard. King was a useful idiot, and only one propaganda tool in a much larger arsenal in a much larger conflict.

Typically, the only point of his marches or gatherings was to provoke the police or vigilantes into enforcing the law so they could play the victim. It was a pretty efffective strategy, but one that obviously had no second phase after negroes were thrust into government and the professions.
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Oh god it's another white "'""""""Indian""""""""
Also, note how they're apart from most of the niggers, forming their own clique with closed-off body language.

It's all about looking magnanimous, concerned with the losers of the world - as long as the losers don't get too close.
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Those cowards will probably start at night.
google it's the south get over it
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The New Country

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Native americans didn't have anything to keep people away from

Spicks didn't build this
Lol. That trucker hat.
>we read

No you don't
More good than any nigger.
Good policework.
Why isn't David Duke verified on Twitter lol
And not every black has an IQ of 85 either. Labeling the entire race to be the same as the dregs of their community is moronic.
Did they really mix up Jefferson Davis and Andrew Jackson?

The Department of Defense uses a different Date-Time-Group




I really wish this creepy old fuck would go away. He ruins every movement he gets involved in just by association thanks to his shitty rep. I know he's probably based, but he's a damned Pariah.
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Do you know the definition of nigger, negreo, negroid.

Most whtites are civilized. Most blacks are not. A stupid white person is still better than an average black person.
How can you be so retarded to deny that race exists and it is genetic.
Thanks for verifying the story.
Recap? What happened? I was too late..
That strategy is harder for the Nigger Lovers to use these days with Citizen Journalists being able to record video of such provocations.

Everyone saw the "Content of their character" over the last several years and they now know why everyone hates niggers.

That is why Free Speech is so important and why the SJW want to ban it under Hate Speech laws.

They can't lie as easily when yet another Citizen Journalist has video of "the content of their character" for the whole world to see.
Why don't you go learn some basic math?

You do know what the word 'average' means, don't you?
Googles aren't even good at graffiti. All the famous writers are white or Mexican
Seriously, is there no livestream of this shit?

Shit. Wish I could meet you out there. Never gonna risk leaving my city defenseless for pussy again
>low energy
>all these cucks and coalburners

Gee I wonder why.
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Guys any of you think if David Duke and his members shoot a black person, it would be a negative for Trump?
The fucking speech about it last night, I wanted to punch Obama through my television
any streams going please?
You write like a cunt. Nested parenthetical go fuck yourself.

Jackson was the best
holy shit guys



they just tricked all the police into protecting the statue but not protecting the stores from being looted!
National Museum of African American History and Culture
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So niggers can grow up to become brain surgeons. How is that bad?

Face it, there are niggers and there are blacks. If you lived in Louisiana this would be plain as day to you. You are almost as bad as these BLM fucks coming in from the other side of the country to fuck with our city. Almost.

Louisiana does shit our way, and any influence from outside (save for MS and TX) will be suspect.
>nog on bench with 5-6 white girls around

I bet he has fucked them all
Kek Confirms
Considering David Duke is like Hitler to the nogs, I'm more worried they'll take a shot at him.
Yes, and it doesn't mean "all."
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Meaning some have lower, some have higher.
>niggers being this smart
Niggers are just never on time.

>African American

So many bored looking college white girls just there for their Instagram likes. Jesus christ.
Is that a pastor with a mecca rug?
Mike Rowe is BASED tbqh
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Holy shit. All those cucks dancing.
In all fairness 90F in Louisiana is 100F. You have to account for humidity.

It feels like youre in a sauna with a fire. Literally walking outside and standing still will make you sweat beads. Ball soup and swamp ass for the rest of the day.

I take about 2 showers a day.
Fuck Banks!
Fuck Indians!
Fuck Niggers!
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>this video has been removed by the user.
they could sneeze on one and it would be spun against trump. best case scenario is the gaggle of cucks rush duke and company so it ends up as self defence.
My point is exactly that if you actually read the OP I mentioning, saying ALL are niggers.
He could give speaches off the top of his head and spoke in a way that made people feel there was hope. That is intelligent in my opinion. Though the other anon that responded to me may have a point. He could have just been a voice for people trying to change the politics of America. Either way. King easily in my opinion. Booker T. Washington is easily the most respectable black man of all history. He was controlled enough to not expect instant gratification. He wanted to work for black peoples respect. I now understand why you were saying and retract the first sentence of my original statement.
today, louisianna
tomorrow, mount rushmore
If this is it, 100% they'll just yell from a distance and call the cops and afterwards say they were threatened with guns so they couldn't get the statue.

A mob of googles is called in and theres more confrontation, possible throwing items
Why do they want to take down the statue
Any thing live?
That abolitionist literally looks like a dressed monkey from a circus play.
Refute this.
All blacks are niggers. If you werent a shill you would know this. You can put a monkey in a suit and train him to do tricks but he will still be a monkey in a suit.
Just because one monkey learned to speak sign language does not mean we should allow monkeys to live in our society because they can communicate.
nigger spelled supremacy wrong
Because they're assholes that's why.
>artsy transplants from long island

Thats because we have chased all the faggots outta here.
Witnessed, President Jackson.
because they're commies. this is book burning and destruction of history, just like bolsheviks did during the russian revolution.
You're black, aren't you?
All are niggers. By definition all black people are niggers. Go back to taco land spic.
Seriously he is FBI informant and a massive faggot.
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I wonder, who could possibly be behind this riot..
Can you quote that from the post of this OP for me please?

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Giving sub humans the vote was a mistake. Thinking sub humans would ever be civilized was a mistake.
it's Ebonics, racist! check your privileges and my dubs.
Yes. That is what a rumpie is on urban dictionary.
race war confirmed
KEK has delivered the words of Based Jackson from the Grave. PRAISE KEK
I dont see ropes, i dont chains, i dont see hammers, i dont see fire, i see dont trucks. Do they actually plan to remove the statue or is just a protest?
None of them see the irony in this either. People in America fucking HATE Russia, but these left-leaning parasites don't see that they're campaigning for exactly what the Russians did almost a century ago.
This is a great gif!
Duke is way more disciplined than the anti whites give him credit for. The vast majority of folks he hangs with are probably about as good at keeping their cool as well.

Remember, whites have been so completely demonized by the Education System and Mass Media, that it is easy to find whites who hate other whites.

Any violence will probably come from the black community.

They are excused at every turn as "victims of oppression."

Whites don't commit violence over race on the large scale anymore. Shooting violent criminals who are black is NOT the same thing.
Thanks Germanbro
>Fuck Banks!
>Fuck Indians!
>Fuck Niggers!
The National Museum of African American History and Culture, or I like to call it; the Nigger Shrine.


Just been built, and is opening today. The president gave a speech at it's front door this morning.
checked and thanks!
>refute this

Nigga do you even know what that is saying? All it is is a collection of quotes from like 15 unrelated journals to build a shitty infographic.

Stop using infographics to argue your point. That is what stormfags do, and you would be laughed out of any serious scientific institution.

Also think about it this way, why do you think all blacks in America are 100% African? Those statistics only hold true of pure negroid as it is tracing back through the genetic record.

None of that infographic takes into consideration the product of racemixing, which is exactly what separates blacks from niggers.

New Orleans has been a city of mixed race since slavery. It was the destination of freed black slaves, as it was a place they could live without fear of prosecution. Fun little tidbit: most of these freed slaves were mixed.

So you want to know why there is a difference between niggers and blacks? White blood. It is that simple you dumbass.
thnx anon, comfy af
We still have horse patrols here in Texas too.
>tfw one of the few city rats who can actually ride

notice she keeps saying the "state"

destroying the last of the state systems including local cops is their goal

they want federal officers
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>Can't even greentext
Fuck off newfag.
All blacks are genetically inferior sub humans. Prove me wrong.
He's a self-serving attention whore
gotta share that white guilt, anon.

in the middle of the day? I don't think so.

All of the screen shots I've seen so far at the happening are white cucks.
>Dr. Ben Carson

Prove to me he isn't a brain surgeon.
Too bad you answered to >>90180177 in your >>90180509 post.
>Woodrow Wilson

You are a dumb faggot for putting Teddy next to Wilson. Wilson was the FIRST GLOBALIST PRESIDENT. Are you a faggot or a retard?
So your saying only blacks with white blood aren't niggers?
Sorry but they are still mixed trash and will never be as good as 100% white people.
>Nigga do you even know what that is saying? All it is is a collection of quotes from like 15 unrelated journals to build a shitty infographic.
Thats not at all what it is. It is a collection of data showing that blacks are genetically different from whites. Its genetics. Sorry you're a low IQ nigger that doesn't understand anything.
Voldemorty Riddlestein
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Niggers/sjw pussied out

They are going to claim they only wanted to symbolically bring the statue down or someshit
These are dubs of truth at its finest.

You have to remember that /pol/ will forever be inhabited by autists, unfortunately.
Are you white? If so, why is Carson a successful doctor while you are sitting here shitposting on a mongoloid chiktak forum?

Makes my almonds tingle.
Are you really this retarded? Do you understand the definition of the word nigger? Do you understand averages?
Honestly they should be put in prison fir this uprising shit

>i will not follow man made laws

these guys are basically advocating sharia law
>retardation: the post

You say all blacks are niggers. I show you one that isn't a nigger.

And what do you do? Chimp out like a nigger.

Really makes me think
You don't understand statistics at all. And you don't even know the definition of the word nigger. You are a full blown retard. How do you function in society? Do you just live off welfare like all other blacks in this country?


pick one
>Face it, there are niggers and there are blacks.

I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for Ben Carson being used as an example of a good one.

>You are almost as bad as these BLM fucks

Sorry I didn't mean to trigger you.
Look up the definition of nigger right now and shoot yourself in the face.
If they take down Andrew Jackson's statue I will be pissed. I will not rest until every last one of those shit stains of society are in jail for vandalism.
No, you don't understand statistics at all. This is obvious because you take statistics and throw them on a picture, and act like that is a fact.

You do understand that statistics are just data, right? You actually have to form an argument for the data to mean anything. Where is your argument?

You debate like a fucking monkey, worse than a nigger.
>I don't know the definition of nigger
You fell for the not all blacks are nigger shills didn't you.

Do you not understand how language evolves either?

Answer me this: Do you know why they refer to Latin as a dead language?
>tried to murder best friend
>not a nigger
He is just a smart nigger
Ugh, what a pest. Blacks are on AVERAGE more impulsive and less intelligent. If you need studies to confirm this, you're hopeless.
new stream @

>all = average

You must have an IQ of like 70 or something. This really isn't that complex. Are you clinically retarded?

the average blacks are indeed niggers
so we agree there at least
So nothing is happening. No streams. No one is doing anything.

Who cares?
always making up new words. I am fucking sick of this shit
I already told you my argument. People of African descent AKA black people AKA niggers are sub humans that should all be hung or deported back to Africa.
Have a nice day for postin Johnny.
they're not going to do it, look at the change in there tone to "bring attention to it"

ffs im just trying to watch some fucking history but they keep googling it up
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periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/w/1lPJqqLAWNeJb?q=takeemdownnola

And I refuted your argument by showing you a black Doctor. Are you a doctor?
wtf is happening im in class cant view
African niggers are so much better than the garbage mudbloods we have

BLM is too scared of NOLA citizens to attempt an act. There would literally be gunfire in the streets.
Gaddamn it they are WAY over in Marigny, its gonna take like 30 min to walk to the square.
>not all buts are asses
This is what you are saying
>the average butt are indeed asses
No all butts are asses.
All poo are shits
All gays are faggots

literally nothing
Is it just me or do none of these periscopes work?

Hopefully they do and kill him. The most useful thing Duke can do in this election cycle is put his ideology before himself and die a martyr today and to create a major public backlash against SJWs and BLM for turning violent. That happens and Trump as good as wins the election today, the white vote will galvanise and SJWs will haemorrhage moderate support.

Today ends in pictures being shared everywhere of a dying Duke slumped up against Jackson's statue and we've got enough shocking enough ammunition to start a major pushback. Not to mention the more hardline ones who'll see it as a call to arms to attack the Googles and SJWs in revenge. Won't start a race war, but it'll start a wave of revenge attacks and mark the beginning of a new nationalist insurgency.

Any other outcome and he'll just carry on being a liability to Trump and more moderate nationalists who could go mainstream.
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>not all poos are shit
Did you mom drop you on the head or are you another double digit IQ black?
By the way start arguing anytime.

so which do you prefer
asses or butts?
Not working for me either
Faggot that wasn't even me. You don't even know who you are arguing against anymore.

Teddy and Woody both put forth the first "Progressive" changes to the Presidency, knocking the separation of powers, and the limitations of the President, off-kilter

I hope that statue falls on him and spurts his nigger guts across the fucking street
Thats not a refutation if you understand statistics.
Hey my doctor is white. Are you a doctor? All blacks eternally btfo.
Same here, am I doing something wrong?

periscope.tv is offline currently :/
Your statement "all blacks are niggers" means you believe no black has an IQ above 85.

A person with an IQ of 85 can in no way become a successful doctor. Yet we have black doctors. How is this so?
They ended

Not part of this convo


A good butt is better than an ass.

When you say ASS, you can easily delve into "hard to wipe" territory.

A good butt has jussssst enough.
>damage control
But you said the same exact shit.
It was actually the white woman.
>poo = shit
>same shit

k bruh. You haven't answered any of my counter arguments either. Still waiting.
The white dna just gives them complexes
Anon, you have different breed of niggers.

You have the 'giz me dats'. A parasitic breed that lives on give outs and welfare from the state and government. It has a survival instinct to holler and hoot when these things are not provided. Mostly found in poor districts.

The dindus is a more aggressive breed. They mostly hang around social media sites like face book. They like to gather during protests, and they survive by breaking in local stores.

The gang banger is the most violent breed. You'll never see them alone, they'll always collaborate in packs. They are responsible for most crimes in heavily populated cities.

The most intelligent nigger is the Media Nigger. As the name suggests, they are mostly found on news channels such as CNN and FOX. Unlike the other niggers, these are actually well educated. Their main purpose is to support the other niggers indirectly, such as imposing white guilt, or chimping out when something offensive is being reported. These are the most dangerous breed.

There is a breed of nigger that is the most pure and innocent. Instead of viewing society as an opposing force, they attempt to adapt into it. They find jobs, raise families, pay taxes. These are known as the working nigger. Most are often friendly and can handle opposing views, and can even offer perspectives not known to others. They don't mind mingling with other races.

If any anons like to add a contribution, please apply.
I hate google hairstyles.
fucked up hair.
guys, periscope just seems to be broken. Could (((they))) be hiding something?
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SEEN britbro
works for me, might be blocked for you or something. They are giving away a phone number right now so they can get consult while in jail, so they are preparing for something. They might want to give out a local mortuary phone number too, if they are actually going full retard and attempting something. Either way, nothing interesting as of yet, just a preparation for a march that won't do jack shit
Nubred anytime soon?
>natural hairstyles
>none are natural

niggers and sjws...baka
>Race traitor

That makes it even worse.
Probably not worth. This is turning into a non-happening

I prefer butts

that's not live - this one is and is working again:

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got one

New thread?
It took me two seconds. Is carson black or dark skinned? If yes, he is a nigger.
pretty good analysis.
that link has been offline for like 20 minutes. you're watching a recording.
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