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oh shit, what?
>news at 11: controlled opposition is really loud about being retarded
>I haven´t researched something properly and I don´t understand it
>therefor it is controlled opposition
>he isn't controlled opposition you dumb goy, it's pure coincidence that he starts mouthing off every time Trump's poll numbers start rising and then disappears when they drop
consider the record corrected, Aquafresh

yeah he's running. i guess that's why he's making so much noise lately
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>I haven´t researched something properly and I don`t understand it
>therefor it is controlled opposition
shoo shoo leaf

dukes been fighting communists for decades while you cuck your wife out
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This is going to be HISTORIC
What time is it in Washington, DC?
Ben waving my ten garrison
theyll just do it when they leave?
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sage this thread, don't let OP split


Duke is a falseflag plant that tries to make right wingers look bad. He used to march around LSU with a nazi uniform on. He co-opts genuine populist movements and allows the (((media))) to paint the movement with his face. He's already destroyed the confederate flag with his stupidity.

Best case scenario is that the googles murder him and in turn get gunned down by cops. That would be the only positive thing he'd ever do for the white man.
Good luck and gods speed sir.
can he please leave trump and any phrasing related to him alone ?

of course not, he's paycheck from CTR depend on it
>(((David Duke)))
Gee golly, the words "controlled opposition" just came to mind, but I have no idea why that could be.
Is he getting support? Is blm ready?
It seems like we have to update the list of dead people who slandered Trump.
rightwingers would look better with nazi uniforms on. duke is ready to get gunned down defending america while you cower and slander like a jew
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False flag in plain sight organised by (((David Duke))). As if any group of whites fighting BLM will ever be shown in anything but a negative light by the media.
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>Waah i dunt liek duke!!!
Fucking hell. David Duke is out there, right now and fighting niggers.

Its amazing that so much of this board has turned against Duke, someone who actually dares to speak his mind. Really shows how overflowed we are with redditors
This thread is better, redirect them here at 300
> inb4 false flag
>Duke is a falseflag plant that tries to make right wingers look bad. He used to march around LSU with a nazi uniform on. He co-opts genuine populist movements and allows the (((media))) to paint the movement with his face. He's already destroyed the confederate flag with his stupidity.

>nazi Unfirom
AKA I haven´t researched something properly and I don`t understand it therefor it is controlled opposition
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This, David Duke is a Democratic plant I'm sure of it. Always starts running his mouth whenever Trump starts rising
Who gives a fuck what the (((media))) says? The media is a fucking hostile element. They will never support anything we do
I think it's because Duke's edge factor is over 9,000.
Dubs, trips or quads confirms a google shooting and Trump getting shit on in the debate by (((David Duke))) and his merry band of rabble rousers.
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>muh party politics
might as well just reveal yourself schlomo
Damn... Ben 'Emptying my Nine into the welfare line' Garrison marching to war? We truly have reached the end of times
If this isn't a trap then why do we know in advance what the (((blm))) is "planning" to do?
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Have you guys read ANY of Duke his books?

>referring to himself in third person
>First Letter Of Every Word Is Capitalized
>ctr proxies trying to make people like controlled opposition
Keep on correcting
Ben "A bullet for each zog and every nig nog" Garrison will straighten things out once and for all
That's the point, (((Duke))) has escalated the situation, without him I bet nothing would have even happened other than some dindus getting arrested. False flag.
how much you want to bet he's gonna be up there wearing a red MAGA hat spouting off about niggers and kikes for CNN, MSNBC etc etc?

The guy is very articulate and therefore has a level of intellect that does not allow him to pretend he does not know HOW ABSOLUTELY CANCEROUS he is to Trump's campaign.

Therefore, the only logical explanation as to why he continues to so openly latch himself onto Trump is because someone from the opposition is PAYING him to do it.

Which makes him a traitor.
Words cannot express how much I hate David Duke.
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>niggers trying to tear-down a statue of one of the greatest leaders in human history

Fucking gas them all.
ain't no one paying David Duke no mind
Will he wear his KKK attire?
>White nationalist save Andrew Jackson statue
except the continued destruction of american history, its clear you dont care but some people love their countries
Think about it for 2 seconds

If it was really the blm plan how would duke know about it?
Remember this is something we wanted for years.

We may have our doubts about him and think is an idiot or a plant, but we mustn't forget the time when we was our guide.

>Member the good times when David Duke helped redpill you on the Kikes?

I member.

>Member when duke told us the truth about niggers.

I member.

Member when David Duke stood before an angry mob of mindless Gorillas hell bent on destroying the memory of a great President... The very history of AMERICA?!




Based Ben "who killed the black harlot in Charlotte?" Garrison.
I live 20 minutes from New Orleans, where the statue is.

Currently at work.

I can promise you there will be cops.


Louisiana takes the cops seriously despite it being mainly dindu, cops down here tend to be more helpful than harmful.

Plus, that statue is a state treasure. No body is taking it down, theyll killem.
It is merely a preventative measure.
Because BLM spammed it all over their social media?

>we'z gonna tear-down statues 'n sheeeeeit!

They've vandalized statues before too.
guess what kind of hats they'll be wearing.
No, not the classic ones. Red Baseballcaps it is.

This is the "racist trump fan going violent" false flag just before the debate some anon was speculating/leaking.
If they even touch the thing make sure you gun em all down.

>dancing for the cameras behind a line of police
>fighting for his race

Duke isn't doing anything for his race, he's only helping the enemy.

>nazi uniform

nazis were german ethno-nationalists, american nationalists wouldn't wear it unless they were just attempting to be edgy. Nazi germany sided with gooks who attacked the US.
Compromize gets you nowhere, you have to push back
Ctr fuck off
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america pushed for war. nazi germany made countless generous attempts to court british and american favor but (((they))) shut it down and pushed for destruction of white heritage and people like you are doing right now
Black/Caribbean person here. I'm sick of the american media's baiting and hollering for a race war. Very perplexed that people are rioting over the armed black guy shot by the black cop but nobody's really protesting the dude that got tasered and shot after his car broke down.. even though the cop that killed him got charged with manslaughter.

I'm pretty sure most of these riots and counter-measures are being artificially manufactured- it always seems like after something juicy hits the news (DNC leaks, America bombing the Syrian army, FBI doc release proving Obaminator had knowledge of (and probably used) Shillary's private server, etc.) a riot conveniently pops up to draw everyone's attention away.

All the racial tensions, SJWs and BLM literally promoting segregation and the black victim vs white devil circus is being pushed so hard to drive a wedge between the masses so they have more petty shit to squabble over rather than the real dire shit like our current proxy war escalating with the Rooskies, instigating a possible nuke-exchange between India and the Pakis, the Fed artificially propping up the banks and economy while China and the Sauds work on backing out of the petrofollar, our food and water supplies being poisoned by illegal dumping practices/downplayed pipeline leaks, and the grand bullshittery of this election.

I wish both sides would stop buying into these ridiculous race politics and get their shit together but it ain't gonna happen at this rate. We really need a giant meteor/first contact/WW3 reset at this point.
It's just a dumb statue. No one cares. Half of Europe's statues were destroyed during WWII.
Because they said it on the internet, imbecile spurdo.
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Heres what you not local people dont understand.

Its a massive METAL statue in the middle of New Orleans, the busiest city in the state.

Its surrounded by solid iron fences with massive concrete posts.

The ONLY WAY they can pull that statue down is a large 18 wheeler like truck.

And its impossible to get that ibto that part of the city without intervention. The streets are too small. Even the turns are too small.

So you need to get an 18 wheeler to go through a one way lane street, to inner city. Past cops GALORE and try to pry down a state treasure in the middle of a WEEKEND DAY. The highest of tourism hours, no less.



Not happening.
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>Protesting against BLM
>Helping the enemy

What? He stands up to BLM while you are swinging to the right, dividing the movement

but youre probably just a kike shill
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so all involved googles gonna get arrested because the cops know whats coming and where?

thats not how you plan civil disturbance
of couse you wouldnt care about that either
This is hard to understand for foreigners, but American Nationalism has little to do with race and everything to do with spirit.

This is a non issue
There's a good joke that only works in German, Slovenian and other languages that use the word "Witz" for joke (In Slovenian "vic", it's pronounced the same).

>"What is the shortest joke [Witz] in the world?"


It's excellent but doesn't work in English.

I recommend to other Germans, Austrians, Slovenians and others languages where it works, use it with your friends & family, it always gets laughs!

Even if they did it at night, it would be impossible to do damage other than tasteless vandalism.
the significance of the culture isn't because of a statue
They don't need an 18 wheeler, all they need is twenty good men to pull on a rope.
The statue serves as a reminder to never forget.
they are googles for fuck sake, spurdo.
what kind of spirit does america have if you can destroy its history? things like statues and pictures on currency represent whats important to a society and they are erasing it right in front of you.

no one forces you to care but if you are really an american you will
Why didn't the jews run from the concentration camps?

The work was free.
>All they need is twenty organized men to go and place a rope around a statue being guarded in a fenced in area and pull it hard enough to fall down without being disturbed by the guards and then take the statue away so they couldn't put it back up
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>A marxist movement that wants to kill white people arent a problem and you shouldnt stand up to them, just let them ravage your cities and destroy monuments

>American nationalism has nothing to do with race goy!

And you think people will let them tug at it?



Louisiana doesnt just LET shit like that happen. That statue is a staple for tourism almost. Its at the center of photos and symbols and merchandise. Its not the most interesting piece, but it would be like barging into someones home and smashing something. Its a part of New Orleans.

BLM wont get away with shit.
i usually dont like the duke, but this is great
inb4 they bomb it shrades
obviously you don't know shit about jackson. he did a lot of badass stuff, but he directly went against the Constitution and rule of law. i support the documents that founded this country and don't feel so insecure that the statue bothers me

>Implying any monument will be destroyed
Have you ever been to louisiana or the us
Up until 1960 you had a immigration policy intended to keep the US European/white

Why do you think you had the Golden Fifties and then everything went to shit in the Sixties?
Armed force should be used to stop Duke. As a white man I would buy the honor of shooting him and his racist followers personally.
All white supremacists a d anyone opposed to racial tolerance and mixing should be executed
And BLM is trying to destroy that spirit.
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there was also a surge of black wealth and intellectual independence before the borders were opened. they were just as American as I. It isn't because they're white, it's because they had instilled into them proper moral and cultural values that the WHOLE COUNTRY shared, and contrary to popular belief white nationalism wasnt one of them
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I agree, but this specific statue does not do much for that spirit
Wait do niggers actually want the Jackson Statue removed?
Are they fucking retarded? Don't they have any idea WHY he has a fucking statue there?
Honest to god fucking morons in Louisiana can't even remember the Battle of New Orleans, what a bunch of clowns. They clearly don't give a shit about patriotism and should be shipped to Liberia or whatever communist African shithole they originated from, finish the job Lincoln started.
Here's a classic.

How many Jews can you fir into a Ute.

3 in the front, 2 behind them, 7 in the back, and 3,000 in the ashtray.
BLM and niggers in general would remove the Lincoln statue if the puppet master tells them to do so. You're not talking about reasonable people here, and they don't defend whatever 'cause' they shout. Most of the niggers in those protests are in for the free looting and rioting only, they don't give a rats ass who died or who got shot. I bet some are even waiting for the next retard to get shot so they all have an excuse to get that free TV or surround system in the local electronics store.
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>smacks lips
Yaasss. Remove dat white devil statue. We wuz bankerz an shieet nigga. Dis cracka prez tryin to stop us way back 2000 years ago.
No, it's because he belongs to the old garde of retarded stormfaggots and cuckservatives that has failed us and paved the way for leftwing cultural hegemony.
He should sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
Just look at his "photo-art" for fucks sake.
On the contrary, Duke is the opposite of edgy.
He is the most square, unhip grooveless cat out there in the streets.
>Some shitty statue nobody has heard about

Yeah bro race war imminent!!

kill yourselves
Pretty suspicious that all these foreign flags come out of the woodwork to support Duke and they all speak perfect English and have an understanding of American politcs and history
>"And you think people will let them tug at it?"
Don't ask someone a question then answer for them in a rant like some faggot.

I never said that they would be successful in tearing down the statue, I was just stating that they don't need a Truck to pull it down.
Much as I hate Trump, if they aren't going to do anything and he is....
I have a CC permit, am in the garden district and plan to head down there. If they try to destroy that statue, I'm ready to go to jail for it.

This Negro Maoist "Cultural Revolution" needs to stop somewhere.
My ancestors (Acadians) were slaes before the niggers ever stepped foot on this contient for being French Catholics in Acadia ("nova scotia") and the eternal ango put us in slavery, genocided more than 50% of us and scattered us, many ending up here, many separated from families never to be heard from again.

Louisiana is ours.
Someone please explain what is going on??
>not watching the news
>not knowing about the niggers trying to remove him from the $20
>not knowing that this is after a huge black riot
>not watching the news
Kill yourself Kike
>>Some shitty statue nobody has heard about
It's the most well-known historic statue in louisiana, probably best known one outside Wash DC.

When Bush (neo-con scum) gave his KAtrina speech, he gave it in front of that statute.
>Much as I hate Trump,
Don't fucking bring a gun. Don't give retards another reason to shit on gun owners.

Regardless, this is going to be a shit show and bad press as they're going to completely mob the statue and none of the authorities will do anything after Duke's cronies get the shit kicked out of them.
Why do you support Duke
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Democratic shill plant is trying to start a small race war to bury Trump under a pile of shit right before the debates.
kill all white racists. All races are one and European sultural supremacy must be smashed.

Statue in New Orleans, Louisiana is being threatened to be torn down by Black Lives Matter despite it having nothing to do with racism or slavery.
The only person with the balls to go mainstream and expose Jewry.
>Someone please explain what is going on??
If you are really from South Africa, you understand. The nigger have gotten uppity lately, are are promising to destroy a very famous statue of Andrew JAckson commemorating his victory over the Brits at Battle of New Orleans.

If they touch it, there will be shooting there. And the local PD are saying it's not their issue, it's a FEDERAL property, and the FEDS are saying they won't do anything.

fucking Trump should have done something, bc he is giving Duke this opening, which is probably the Jew's plan.
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That is patently false
What culture do you intend to replace European culture with?
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Newsflash: Its election year and all the worlds eyes are on america. Kill yourself shart/kike

BLM are going to try to destroy some statue and now Duke will be there to oppose it. Then faggots and shills start crying how they dont like duke
>Don't be a rebel, goy!

You are worthless. You may as well cut off your balls, cause you ain't using them. I hope you are a Jew, because that'd be real pathetic if you were just a cuck.

How many people have you redpilled, then? Cause he's redpilled thousands.

You can watch his youtube videos. He is very based. He has a lot of important knowledge.
Well the only mainstream figure still alive that exposes it.
A blended American culture based on materialism instead of bullshit spirituality.
Ultimately this would mean a single world culture for all humanity
How peaceful.
(((agent provocateurs)))
I have. And he's fucking based. All these retarded children have no clue about King Duke
Murica is so entertaining, please continue
They tried to tear down a famous afrikaner statue recently and people chained themselves to it so it wouldn't be torn down. Why not do the same? If the kaffers touch the people chained to the Andrew Jackson statue, they will be shown in extremely negative light and can be prosecuted
>Don't fucking bring a gun.
They aren't going to destroy that fucking statue while I'm still breathing.
I don't like duke, but that's a New Orleans symbol celebrating jackson and the war of 1812.

I don't give a fuck how it reflects on gun owners. If they try to touch that statue...how much further do you suggest we let it go anon? What's next, Mt. Rushmore? Mount Vernon?
He likely won't. Watch his Alex jones interview and Tommy Sotomayor interview. Duke is well spoken and knows how to tailor his message.
How is Duke a cuckservative? He is everything the establishment have tried to destroy.

(((Mindless consumerism)))


Don't listen to that cuck. If you open carry odds are low that BLM will be dumb enough to rush you.
its called school senpai
fuck off

you are >>90160906
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If you fall for this, you're more retarded than I gave you credit for.

>BLM is nothing more than a Soros puppet
>Duke is bought, has tried to ruin Trump before
Gee I wonder what their plan could be, at such a sensitive time.
BLM with the help of Obama working hard to destroy american history, kek'd.
concealed carry will do nothing but hurt you and make it seem as though you were there to provoke them, it will be spun that way, you will go to jail. It happened to the guys from /k/ who went to stake out a protest and got bumrushed and assaulted, fired in retaliation to save their lives, and all 3 of them went to jail and were convicted of trying to incite a riot.

Open carry, which you're perfectly capable of doing, legally, and if you still get charged, no one can even remotely pretend you were trying to provoke shit.

These dipshits are even bringing their own ropes! PRAISE KEK
fucking listen to yourself. you actually think they will.be able to fight off the cops and take the statue? They cannot inflict any meaningful damage to it.
What's next, are they gonna try to burn down the Washington Monument because George Washington was a white slave owner also?
you are a jew or a fed just trying to start shit. I know when violent force can and cannot be used, and I will be videoing entire thing.

If I'm threatened with deadly force directly, I will fight back in accordance with the law.

fucking duke. couldn't have wait 2 years had to try to ride trump's coattails...well, so be it.
Holy shit. Do you even know where you're posting?

Even if your proposition is true, BLMs entire shtick is shitting on the "spirit" of American nationalism.
fucking white male slave owner*

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one hour remains, start hunting down streams
Finally somebody with some fucking sense in this thread. You idiots wanting duke to be associated with trump more than he already is are basically wanting trump to tank. You can't see past your nose or dull the edge of "muh nazism" to deal with the reality of this. Anon talking about the media is right. Nothing the right does will be portrayed positively. Best you can do is stay out it completely. Duke is gonna fuck trump. Watch
Hey there rabbi, suck any baby dicks today?
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yeah, no.
Because of one man? Based
And they are largely unsuccessful. People see their riot and it fuels American Nationalism
oshit gorilla dick nigga is hungry
>How many people have you redpilled, then? Cause he's redpilled thousands.

Pandering to aging neonazi skinheads is not the same as redpilling people, anon.

>You can watch his youtube videos. He is very based. He has a lot of important knowledge.

I have, he has nothing new or interesting to tell.
His message is basically a neutered version of GTKRWN!
His time has come and gone. He is the past, nobody wants to be a milquetoast version of a stormfaggot.
>Open carry, which you're perfectly capable of doing, legally, and if you still get charged, no one can even remotely pretend you were trying to provoke shit.
you are right, will open carry. From what I've read, the mayor is telling the cops not to protect it, that it's a FED problem, and the FEDS (on orders from Obongo) are just smirking.

I'll be videoing entire thing, have my shitty "go pro" camera ready, so whatever happens will be on tape.

No, not looking to provoke anything or go to jail, but also not letting them destroy that statue.
agree. look at charlotte
Race war imminent
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Can someone provide videos or stream this shit?
I wanna see the happening when it gets down.

Where did anyone say that violence would be incited?

Is this shilling or am I just confused? Why do you have a problem with someone you obviously don't like risking themselves against BLM?
day of the rope when
I fuking HATE that Duke is going to get Pr out of this. I hate him. He KNOWS his name is poison, whether it's fair or not, his name is poison.

WHY does he need to keep trying to hang on trump's coattails and give the jew media ammunition?
Which in turn makes Trump and by extension David Duke more popular.
I'm just saying, anon, I know that you feel rage, but that rage will subside, no matter what happens, and you'd probably be better off stewing in anger in your house than in a jail cell after the media crucifies you. Just please, don't do anything stupid.
what? louisiana police are not going to protect the statue?
thank you

Nobody cares if there are any 'nazi white male supremacist' stuff. The goal isnt the election of trump, the goal is the survival of the white race
Have you read any of dukes books or watched any of his interviews?

His message is quite literally not "1488 gtkrwn!!!!"
see >>90157932
I'm that g-gorilla dick
is this guy gonna have an army of body guards or something or is he just fearless
Racist spotted
David Duke is just echoed by edgy neonazis. He isn't presenting his message in a way that compells people to agree
Because the Jew media will attack anyone for anything at anytime.

Because of the Jew media I started researching David Duke. And instead of blindly hating him like the children on this board I have come to respect him (personal failings aside).

Maybe you should do a little research. Or you won't. Cause this post is copy pasta.
hes had an army of police protecting him at more or less every major event of his
Fuck off clownpiss.
I'm not looking to start trouble, I know the law and know my rights....but how much further are we going to let it go?

If the cops protect it from the animals, I'm happy. If they start destroying it, first resort will be my taser.

I can't let them destroy our fucking heritage, it's going too far. I know, "muh heritage," but as an Acadian ("cajun") were were fucking slaves here to the WASPS even before niggers for being catholics.

I plan to tape it all, will follow law, but they are only destroying that statue over my corpse.
Read "my awakening" and watch his interview with Tommy Sotomayor.

Both are available for free online. Do a google search.

He most certainly does present his message in a compelling way to get people to agree. Otherwise, how would he has the highest support among blacks in his senate race compared to the other Republicans?
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when the fuck is this supposed to happen?
one hour
Reminder that Duke's a government asset. If he goes there, then nobody rational will go there meaning BLM gets to make a show of it and get attention and spark a "debate". The faggot also tweeted a Jackson with a MAGA hat picture.

The guy is there to destroy the right. Stop giving him attention. The far-right/WN movement in America is mostly different alphabet government agencies anyway.
>Maybe you should do a little research
I know duke. I actually know him personally. And I know he's fucking broke and has 2 daughters, but he's going to ruin Trump for his own fucking senate campaign?

If he waited until we saw what happens with Trump and kept a low profile until then, would have no issue. I've told him this over the phone, and I know him a lot better than you do, don't worry.
It's not that bad.

They exhausted the "violent Trump supporter" rout.


They will not be the first to attack. BLM will attack first.

Remember that every angle they try with Trump just gets worn out and looses traction.

Fewer people believe he is racist.
Fewer people believe he is Islamophobic
Fewer people believe he is misogynistic
Fewer people believe he is at fault for the violent in his campaign.

Chill out.

Your paranoia is going to get a monument taken down at this rate, so snap back to reality please.
How does 13% of the population cause 90% of our problems?
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>I love the poorly educated.
African genetics.
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Things that never happened, the post.

>pic related

>le calm down

>stop thing about this

Fuck off you shill
>They will not be the first to attack. BLM will attack first.
That literally doesn't matter and you know it. David Duke is a pariah; he's poison to anyone who associates with him.
By being niggers 100% of the time.
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Survival ≠ provoking and coming out on top

Survival is retreating when you must. Using tactics to misdirect and confuse your enemy. Possibly feigning death to fight another day. If you (the white race) makes a huge stink about this statue and go out there with a known white nationalist, you will drive a stake into your own hearts. Things can get much worse, and you don't want to limit your actions in the future because you wanted to act crazy now. Don't be the useful idiots. As a reasonable black man, please don't fuck the rest of the whites by going ape over the statue. I can't fight the rest of my race by myself and god knows there are few blacks on the same page as I.
Ben "if you aren't a cuck you better duck" Garrison will soon ride in with the reinforcements!!
>Duke's a government asset
not a gvt asset, just a fucking idiot with a lot of bills he can't pay and a very big ego who feels like was "the original Trump."

He really doesn't get why it's Trump up there and not him. In a way, I kind of see his point, if former members of "The Black Panthers" aren't pariahs, why should be be?

But we all need to deal with the hand we are given. If he really cares about his country and this race, hed just fucking shut up and lay low until after election.

His ego and desire to sell a few more books won't allow him. Fuck, have tried to convince him to quit it myself over phone. Won't do it.

fucking idiot.
Alright. I just don't see how this act will in any meaningful way effect Trumps campaign.

If he turns up with Trump posters and le red baseball cap then I'll be concerned.

Not an argument.
>His message is quite literally not "1488 gtkrwn!!!!"

A neutered, milquetoast version of 1488 gtkrwn. He's constantly being hyped by the Daily Stormer, he interviewed Andrew Anglin.
Don't get me wrong, I disagree with a lot that Anglin says or does but I like reading the stormer. It's funny.
But don't pretend he is anything but a toothless neonazi-grandpa with absolutely no clue about pr and political strategy.

Fuck off you subhuman albino google
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>Things that never happened, the post.
I repeat, I know duke. I used to go to conferences with him when I was a teenager with my GF. I also know him through friends in Europe before they banned him from there 2 years ago.

Lol, is that really so hard to believe? He used to have contact with a lot of the different nationalist groups in Europe.

It's not like claiming to know elivis anon, until a few months ago, no one even gave a shit who he was. He was banned from Europe, before then he used to speak to groups in France, Greece, Malta, a bunch of different nationalist groups.
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This, 100%.

The motherfucker turned state evidence after his electoral fraud conviction. I have no doubt anyone who gets too close to him will get v& for whatever they can pin on you.


Yawn. The FBI has been infiltrating the KKK for longer than your grandparents have been alive.


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the call him again and tell him to not screw a chance of president trump to save the statue of president jackson
Duke is a faggot and a government plant
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Where is your critique of his message besides calling him a neo nazi or that he panders to them?

Read his books and watch a different interview with him that isn't in the stormer. Otherwise, I'll have no choice to label you a kike shill.
Yeah, we should all become leftists and suck Jewish cocks, because then media will show us in a positive light and that's what matter.
fuck off shill.
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live streams????????
live streams????????
live streams????????
I know I shouldn't believe shit I read on 4chan but........

Can you go into more detail about David Duke being a faggot?
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Benny's about to go on a spree
Ben "commiting hate crimes in record Times" Garrison gonna get shit done. Bet Mr. "How does he get away with it" Hyde Will Be providing back up
It doesn't even matter what his message is, anon. He is PR poison. He's an untouchable.

You faggots scream that he is a gov'nt agent and fbi shill but do you have ANY PROOF? Fucking read his books, hes a good guy
He hasn't worn it in over 40 years, so I doubt it.
>the call him again
I had met him maybe 4 or 5 times. Never liked him or "admired" him the way I did Dr. Pierce. Also he takes his whole "doctorate" from the Ukraine very seriously.
He tries to act like a fucking big shot and I'm 26 years old, and despite the fact I have more "real" degrees than he does despite being 40 years younger, he still acts like he knows everything.

Last call with him ended with me screaming at him after his name first came up in the Trump campaign, and he took a snarky tone and tried to lecture me.

Motherfucker has such an ego, cannot see outside himself. Sorry I ever even got to know him casually.
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Ben pls

Gamarjoba chemi megobars rogor xar?
Holy shit. Ben "reaper of every pitbull keeper" Garrison is actually gonna do it.
He may be good but if he were smart he would lay low until Trump actually gets elected.
Based Ben 'the One Man Klan' Garrison, sorting these googles out for the good of America.
is there a live stream yet? It's almost time.
Fucking idiot. Why does he have to use #maga and shout TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP all the time? He is literally forcing Trump to disavow him again, just hard this time.

Heh, I remember when he went to Baltimore.
He's not a "Faggot" as in sucks cock, last time I was in any contact with him, he had some GF 25 years his junior working on a masters degree.
His big thing was going to Europe to ski and mountain climb, and he was really pissed when they banned him from the entire EU.

He has 2 daughters, both fat, always been fat since I went to first conference with him as a speaker when I was 17. His ex-wife is married to Don Black, have never met black but that has to be a weird scene.

I don't like talk to the motherfucker regularly and never have, when I was living in europe I was friends with a bunch of different nationalist groups there (including Golden Dawn, a few Brit ones, a German and Austrian one, and a maltese one).

He spent a lot of time in Europe and got to know him and his Gf casually. Not much more to say.
Ben "see a nigger pull the trigger" Garrison is at it again!
They own him.

>no stream

fake and gay
don't do anything dumb before Trump's debate retards
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These threads are getting shilled hard as fuck to bash anyone supporting white men standing up for themselves and not letting their history be torn town while they masturbate from their cuckshed

Grow some fucking balls you faggots, you'll need em because unless Trump wins and drastically changes things this is all going to end in civil war
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30 minutes
>Best case scenario is that the googles murder him and in turn get gunned down by cops. That would be the only positive thing he'd ever do for the white man.
calling on kek to will it
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This is a very interesting read about David Duke and his connections to the CIA. His job is to try help Hillary win this upcoming election.

David Duke's father was named David H. Duke. He was a U.S. Army Colonel and he got his son David a job teaching English for the Defense Intelligence Agency in Laos during the Vietnam War. There is no more obvious connection to the CIA then this job.

Literally peddling PRfaggotry while niggers get to google it up and nobody bats an eye
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>yfw Trump will never buy you a real Philly Cheesesteak and you two sit together and watch PA go red
Fucking beautiful.
ok, any chance of blm causing havoc and fluel patriotism all over america?
>you'll need em because unless Trump wins and drastically changes things this is all going to end in civil war
How is an effete plastic surgery experiment going to be useful at all in the civil war?

People should show up with assault rifles and treat them as terrorists if they attempt to destroy a national monument. Its illegal to do that, and doing so politically is terrorism.

Youre allowed to shoot criminals dead to protect other people under the law, and youre allowed to shoot terrorists too.
Nah. The time to act is now, you have to push the boundaries. If Duke could get into the senate that would be amazing
>current time 11:32
fuck off Georgia
why are you faggots pretend you're white
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Flying in from england
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Ha ha ha, fucking kys.
I bet he'll show up wearing a Trump tee and MAGA hat.
It's not terrorism if there's no political goal. Then it's just being a faggot.
Oh shit, its pm......flying in from australia?
that's not news anon, Don Black is a dickhead with a faggot son who runs a shit site.
But that was all before duke con his congress seat and came within a cunt hair of winning a senate seat, to where the Jews had to dump an emergency $50 million in advertising to get the nigger to win.

He's a decent speaker, but the fucking Klan thing at this point is lik ebeing former SS in Germany now. It's Pr poison, whether deserved or not.
And yes, went to jail for tax fraud of some sort. I don't "Trust" the motherfucker, I don't claim to have any special knowledge about him other than a guy you'd casually meet.

I DO know enough about him to know that his fucking ego keeps telling him "why am I not where Trump is? I was saying what Trump was before he was..."
That's his thought process. That and to sell more of his fucking books. I don't believe he'sa fed agent, though could be wrong. Just an egotistical asshole.
Where can I get info on this shit???
Is that Golden Dawn, Mr. Goldstein?
Kargad shen? Kartuli ici?
are we getting a stream ?
shills, shills everywhere

duke is one of the top 5 sources on the jews
>notorious ex kkk member constantly endorsing trump and associating himself with normal right wing movements
>pure coincidence goym
that would be political suicide and virtually hand the election to hillary, along with tarnishing gun owners
I live in River Ridge. Those dumb nigs won't do shit. Not possible in that area.

Destroying a statue to a president is inherently a political act. Its terrorism, and its on federal land.
"Zyklon" Ben Garrison is gonnaead us to a golden age
The KKK was the prowhite movement of those days just as the 'far-right' or the 'alt-right' is today. They lynched nigs and fought for themselves and for that they have my respect
Exactly. Not wanting to become a white minority in your native home country to be ruled by Shariah law =/= Nazism. Duke gives them ammunition with #MAGA and all that, even though Trump disavowed him.

Kargad, gmadlobt. Vstsavlob Kartuli, magram me var Amerikidan. Tsaval Sakartveloshi dekembershi pirvelad

Youre a scumbag, its a fucking statue to the best president and it sets a precedent.

They already took down the Confederate flag, directly after a bunch of criminals tried to do it illegally. Now they are going after a fucking PRESIDENT as if he is inherently bad.

Meanwhile, google is editing white people out of history.

You should be shooting terrorists, not fucking apologizing for them and saying its okay.

Georgians are fucking scumbags, not even joking, they all cheer as white people are wiped out. They love the idea of white genocide.
who the fuck cares about Trump being president. We need WN like Duke in Senate. Trump is just usefull idiot.
Yep. He is going to help make America great again senpai.






>completely made up horseshit

Spotted the Armenian diaspora. Go fuck a sheep. Your women are coalburners.
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>fucking David Duke is the only person in the south with the balls to stand up to BLM
>not even the police are willing to enforce federal law and stop them from destroying national monuments

Really makes you think

If Trump isn't president there's no point in having Dr. Duke in the senate. Everything he tries will be blocked, denounced, glosses over. No one, republican or democrat, will work with him. He had better hope Trump wins too.
God speed Dr. Duke, give em hell.
Why would they tear down Jackson? He was against Indians, not blacks
SJW's have clumped everyone that isn't white into a category called "People of Color" or "PoC" in their newspeak.

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i'm in favor of removing him off the $20 bill. it's just a sick kike joke having him on there anyway. the federal reserve is everything jackson fought against in his political career. then the kike bankers won and put his face on the 20. it's sickening
Saidan gagichnda kartulis stsavlis survili?
ffs i need a stream COMEON
This dude gets it
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True, just like Lincoln on the penny. I'm surprised we don't see more jfk.
>This was pre-San Bernardino and Pre-Pulse
>The exact same study now shows the exact opposite to be true
>NBC never went back and redid the study
Nobody will work with Trump on banning muslims, deportation force, anti globalist policies and any fucking controversial thing.
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The fuck?


Go time, boys.
where is stream?!
This faggot is going to make trump lose the election
Trump can ban muslims and start the deportation forces all by himself. It all falls under the executive powers.
wheres the stream!!!!!
Nignogs are always late have patience duke is already there
good info, thx
Why is /pol/ chock full of contrarian tards? A certain portion of you idiots are as impossible to please as feminists. I'm not a huge Duke fan but if he will be out there fighting, great.
Yeah man defending a national monument what a fucking scumbag....
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Feel comfy, This is the perfect playlist for this Happening

thread theme:
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>democrats try to tear down the statue of the man who founded the Democratic party

For what purpose?
Only a sub human google could get offended by an inanimate statue.

Hard to argue against right wing death squads at this point.
On the contrary, watching a bunch of feral nigs tear down a national monument will redpill folks by the millions
Ben "Kike on-a-pike"Garrison?
Guys when things happen camera´s will be everywhere this is washinton dc have patience it just started
David Duke will make a good sacrifice since the left talked him up to be Hitler and no doubt he will get the shit beat out of him or maybe worse. There is no way that doesn't happen.
God I love this song always makes me tear up.
This. They initially formed because freed slaves were chimping out
Maybe something like that needs to crack down again
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>this is washinton dc
this is new orleans
lol, first of all he wont use executive orders and second republicucks wont agree to increase budget on that because muh small goverment principles
Can really hear the German influence
Ben "Please don't call me "Ben "Ben "The Nigger Killer" Garrison" Garrison" Garrison is up at it.
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Greetings fellow ridgebro.

>mfw Fried Chicken Festival takes place tomorrow 10~ blocks from Jackson Square
>mfw that's 3 blocks away from Lee Circle
>it would be like barging into someones home and smashing something
unlike niggers to do that
you can't polish a turd, chaim
hes full of shit stoned.

It's such a nice day in New Orleans. If I was a nigger, I'd already be drinking.
>tfw i have to work today
sucks man.
oy vey goyim, turn on your greatest leader goyim
>>200 furrys charge the statue
>>yiff party
>>whites leave
>>googles leave
>>police leave
>>the statue leaves
well thats disappointing
every culture had slaves, faggot

only Whites ended it
why not chain the niggers to it?
where the hell is the stream? also someone new bread this
>absolutely no clue about pr
and yet here you and your merry band of shills are, talking about him

you scared moishe?
They would struggle to get out of the shackles of new slavery they are put in and that could damage the statue.
>Reminder that Duke's a government asset
can you back that up? kike
watch him win the election.


Accurate OST
guys it begins at 1:00

David duke is just 1 hour early for preparations
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