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REQUESTING responses from the anon talking to the FORGOTTEN LANGUAGES

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Thread replies: 315
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REQUESTING responses from the anon talking to the FORGOTTEN LANGUAGES people.

Did they write back any more?

What would you like to know?
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What is the cassini diskus thing about?

Are they physicists?

Are the goals the study of symbolism, the use of light to suggest ideas to people, or to develop a potential language to talk to aliens?

Perhaps all the above.
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All of the above absolutely.
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Humans already use symbolism to suggest ideas to other humans, that is not a new field of study.

As for a language of communication between a more advanced life form and ours is possible, I do not believe them playing with pictographs and 2D imaging is the smartest way of going about it. If other civilizations had left a mark on our planet that happen to come as a two dimensional format, I'm take that akin with an adult trying to visualize/communicate ideas with a child.
If there would be a visual language for interspecies communication, i'm certain there would be depth to it (pun intended). It's very hard to grasp depth as a factor when looking anything head on, never the less, the information is still there.

As for their cute chart they've made. They could be saying next to anything among themselves, that's the trickiest part about claiming 'Forgotten Language', you can imply anything you make up and communicate back and forth was simply deep in the human psyche and we all just forgot it, but they are 'Smart' and remembered it.

As for the physics point of view, I stand by my 3D modeling over the 2D charting concept. If they were physicists they wouldn't be practicing the conversion of their highly measured results into poorly spaced forms of picto-communication.

As for frequencies of energy being manipulated as a form of communication, this is more likely than visual stimulation.
What is in the end more trust worthy as a medium to transfer ideas across.
The translation of light through the eyes and into physical symbols or air compressions (verbal), or the actual measurement of the light waves themselves, the frequency and pattern at which they come in.

Studying the stars should constantly be done and not forgotten. The study of space should be considered high importance in the schooling rhetoric.

How the fuck is anyone going to decipher this shit..
were not, the only way i can see us getting somewhere with this is if we can get that program..... if it even exists
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nobody cares
Man I hate /x
the data flow is strings based


And them not caring due to a lack of understanding has a few scary implications
Gentlemen may I remind you that in this soup is a straight up


a)Major war crime

And it is a bit too info and time dense to be a hoax.

yeah, it has to be a program.


I guess this came from one of their videos. what an interesting group to have their own code inserted into sound and light emanations.

It all seems nefarious as shit desu.
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c) total bullshit
Bumping this thread, where are the others? Did nobody make another? Where did all the knowledgeable anons go?
yeah thats the thing thats so weird cuz the /bse/ shit was pretty simple and just kinda appeared out of nowhere, this has been going on for like 8 years has weird shit all over it, if this is a hoax that would still be impressive seeing as they have all these random sources
They're now being experimented on

One guy got a response from one of the members through email.

He showed what the guy wrote back, but i never seen a follow up thread. Anon said he sent him some questions, but i don't know if the guy answered back.
Hey bros. I was one of the first anons Irish anon linked videos to, before he mentioned they might have physical effects. It's been over 48 hours and I feel pretty good. A few of the videos left me headachey due to strobe lights and whatnot but that's common for me.

I also only watched about 10 seconds of each one because I had no idea what the fuck was up.

What progress has been made today? Any tl;dr? I passed out during last nights thread around 0100 hours.
Anyone have a screen cap of the email response?
Yeah, its from three different videos. Check the tabs in the images. The titles are there.
Hey, I recognise those trips. We spoke in isis video thread. Good to see you.
I follow this threads for 2 days. And damn it's actually feel somewhat less and less tinfoil with each thread. My thoughs is that we touched some military or darpa contractor. But i dont understand why they make visible and accessible website.
Accept C thesis but hard to fathom why anyone would get some Phds to create plausible bullshit and do all that work. The volume is massive.

yeah, i seen the BSE thing and it appeared to be somebody with an elementary education on death cults, masonry, and corruption in general.

Artsy fartsy banks-style public service announcement. I was right about that, but this shit here required dedication to fraternize all the information over the years.
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For anons who missed out. here are a bunch of the informative threads. they are linked in this one.
The x thread had some cnut larping they were from the site based on having read the ATS thread. Fairly typical x psychobabble.
Hey Russian bro- the theory last night was that they keep it wide open on the clear web as a means of proof of concept/ongoing field testing of their cryptography.

It makes sense in a way, as one of their articles (don't have the link now) described that encryption worked best when hidden in plain sight and no one even knew if anything were being encrypted.

So it's almost like meta-meta-super meta encryption: by telling the world they are talking about encryption on the clear web, while referencing perfect encryption in plain sight, they test their encryption?
Just a theory.

If nothing else, it seems like a collection of some pretty impressive polyglots.
what if /pol/ is there most current experiment?

yeah man the dedication involved to hoax something like that with all the weird reaserch papers they site that i looked up that exist is strange and would be waaaaaay more dedication then what bse's abortion hattin bloke had
That's what's so staggering- 8 years of posts that are HEAVILY referencing some massively ponderous tomes and topics.
Here's some stuff I found. Most of the other subdomains are private blogs now, but they are still in the Internet Archive.


Also, this Spanish wordpress site from 2008 has some interesting comments:


Which link to these two translators professional pages:


Interesting that the ayndrylrecords.com has the main page indexed by the Archive, but all of the other links seem to be blocked.

Caution, this page plays music, but does anyone know where "Eastside Zirran" is?

Anyway, hope you guys have better luck finding info than I do. Maybe the two translators listed languages might give someone a clue to figure out how to translate those creepy posts.
That's why we have to have these threads here and not /x/. That board should be interesting but the amount of sheer faggotry LARPing is infuriating.
don't associate with x.
Oops, this was the wordpress site's post

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Anyone notice all the articles about the XViS project? It's connected to the Dept of Energy and Lockheed Martin.

Nope. I brought the topic here. I did so because there are some good brains here and it is (kept free of /x contamination) a valid pol subject. I am nothing to do with FL. They don't actually seem to enjoy publicity much.
Nice finds thanks anon.
Yeap many anons thinks so. It's the most logical explanation for open website, if we assume this are indeed experiments. On the other hand, why they need to distract people from website, when it gets attention, like it was with linguists.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I found these years ago. This is one of the contributors. I mentioned it when there was a Spanish flag on here using the disinfo style they used on ATS.
This keeps being posted but I don't think it's the same. Note how FL always capitalizes it as XViS while the site you linked is for XVis. That and the description of XVis doesn't sound like what XViS is purported to do.

Did anyone dig into this?

Related to the pic here >>89041530
I loath it.

Every thread probably ends up with some basket case trying to cast spells on trollies and their general education level is basic deluded crystal rubbing hippy,
I've also emailed Ayndryl using the email link on the website. Been about twenty minutes now and no response, so perhaps she is busy. Maybe I will have a response in the morning.

Don't know if the other e-mailfag used a throwaway email address, but I did just to be safe.
I'm reading through the wordpress site's comments, and it seems like a few of them seem to know this Ayndryl personally. Definitely some interesting clues as to his purpose. Now I'm doing what I can to find any old sites they may have made private or deleted before they request the Internet Archive remove them. Hopefully there are some clues in material they didn't realize was so highly scrutinized.
if you google the citations for the articles, the search results are absolutely fucking crazy. some of the cited works are imaginary\fabricated, and the search results link to things obviously prepared by these people. i found a research project to deprogram MKULTRA slaves, a paste text of 2010 us black projects. it happened trying to search their Raytheon Classified project citations, which gets very crazy search results if you include the physical addresses (in this raytheon example the address was an FOB in Tucson). my point is that some of these citations are outlandish, and if you search them you get the spookiest nwo & illuminati shit. the search results are planted in these cases, which really bothers me.

a lot of this shit seems to point towards spain as far as the linguists go, but I wonder how they have any bearing on >>89049972

much of the information is about NASA and other private entities located in other countries.

Where did all this information come from? Did they seek out independent studies or were they participants in said studies?

It all seems so vast... and at the same time shitty. just shitty enough to fly under the radar.
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>> at least 11 in archive
>> nothing to do with politics
Right? It's fucking pitiful. Does anyone remember an anon last night who checked the website code of FL and found "send spam to..." And it was a Spanish name @gmail.com.

In addition there was a screenshot of a webmaster page claiming a Spanish IP was blocked and reported.

I am reading the archived breads playing catch up and it seems like a Spanish anon popped in. Maybe he tried to expose them?
You shills having fun talking to yourselves?
so whats one thread?
See >>88993714
The thread on /x is even more confusing than the fucking site. I can't figure out if half the posts are someone with split personality talking to themsleves or not
ahh man thx for the laugh i know what u mean
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If ayyy lmfao are so smart how come they don't speak English? Get w/ the program!!
Me too right now interesting stuff

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A mention of Russian and Kurdish to. The list of languages on the translation site profile includes Bosnian.

Is this a lockheed skunkworks gig?

It is their kind of style
It looks like Ayndryl/Cerdan's original Blogspot was in boring modern Spanish. It's a shame it seems to be deleted and isn't archived.

Small tl;dr on history of the site:
First it was discovered by russian linguists in 2010 and on the same day that guy/girl>>89050277 "ayndryl" contacted them, telling it's just research.

Then in 2013 it was brought to attention of conspiracy site and one user contacted them through email: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread958299/pg7#pid16655324

Irishguy, who suspiciosly forcing investigation, mentioned that there was at least 2 other instances of contacts with them, prior to /pol/ in which they gone full tinfoil.
If you could provide links to this contacts, we'd be gratefull
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Big doc is there something in particular that caught your eye in it?
Yeah it doesn't make sense why potatonigger would Wait so long to reveal this. I think he is experimenting on us.


it appears to be a sand man that owns the site.

Karadne Nars is supposedly they woman it is registered to anyways.

Definite Satanist or Interdimensional being worshipper.
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KEK >shows sort of a devotion for more food, using a complex technology such as digital TV where you can watch stupid programs about how to correctly cook a cake, and even having lots of books on what they call "gastronomy". After watching one of those programs, the subject switched off the TV set and switched on what they call "a computer". They use that technology mainly for web-surfing for porn and, more specifically, feeding their brains with mothers having sex with sons, women being vexed, men being humiliated, or simply watching how a male and a female make sex. They spent a lot of time doing purposeless activities that they call "work" and that allow them to obtain pieces of coloured papers they call "money". They use those coloured papers to buy "toys", such as a new TV set that allow them to be sitting for hours in front of them watching more of those how-to-cook programs or programs they call "news" in which they watch their sons being killed by others in what they call "war"

>They use that technology mainly for web-surfing for porn

>web-surfing for porn

that is what a cult would do.

This is a GTA tier interdimensional cult. Probably beyond that in scope of the possible participants obsession with OC based on memetic coding.

Those videos and the coding in them required talent. These are very bright loons.
no not in particular

sum kinda reb-pill shit here, this makes me think its ayy-lmaos trolling us
What the fuck is with the marianne le pen pics?
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>milf-Stands for "mom i'd like to fuck". A term to describe a very attractive mother, usually used by male adolescents.
Just out of curiosity, what brought this site to your attention? What's your interest in it and what have you found that might not have been mentioned here? The reason I ask is that every little detail helps to solve the mystery. You never know what small thing can lead you to the source.

sand nigger Satanist wants to demonize her I guess.

Further reading talks about 'healing' humans with synthetic dreams to counter the porn and cooking shows.

Have you anons who were having the weird dreams after watching Long Bitch been reading ahead or what?
>Dae beuen lae feäl leuiash deondy vae Ayddhdy Dewatde. Beyr kyoarha eytym aylash aysoäl.teaiys eydym eysswel hyewym eydym feasa dae beuen. Feoem geiär eynem kyaeir neyn beayn neyl feddy sh'feian feoem nyuwdnaesh vae.

>Mulagur abkauk absirett tisiab anatiku Husahu Kezuikuke. Ababke tanuaš absiia amabzi ikbeaz. Ginamtim abruad muzien atbaik abruad abtaat mulagur abkauk. Abtušum astaba absagbe atšumki abianamess abtalatu abtimiamu abtušum sirurike.

>38 40'52.2N 69 27'46.0"E

what is Long Bitch?

I watched one of the sites longer videos yesterday and got a really bad headache a few hours later and had to sleep it off.

Would rather not watch anymore to be honest .

Wasn't Long Bitch the name of one of the Cassini Diskus videos? I haven't actually watched any of them

I think so. I'm not going to search or post any of them.

The headache may have been completely unrelated, but it was there and it was a bad one.
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I've been reading the old threads, but haven't found what I'm looking for yet:

Did any of the anons who emailed Andryl ask about the videos?

I know we keep coming back to them, but holy fuck they are intriguing. Also, as much as I think Cicada is a cheesy as fuck scam to get uberNEETS to make sweet hacking tools for greedy baby boomers, a part of me does see a connection between liber primus "preserve your individual self" stuff and FLs themes of evolution of humanity, digitization and expansion of consciousness between dimensions of space/time Etc.

I have ZERO reason to believe the two are connected. Just tossing it out there.
It's related.
Before I forget, there are 2 russian anons who followed this threads:the clever one(topic about meditation) and me. don't confuse

currently browsing the sand man's image gallery. It all seems so random, like AI with a interest in the darker aspects of the occult and multiculturalism.
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thanks... I guess.
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I'm reading Andryl's response in thread 4. Spoopy as fuck.

Image related for anons not into thread 4 yet.
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Some anon said you can feel the long bitch like a worm in your head. I didn't watch the video. I recommend no one does.
Well, here's my tl;dr for what I've found tonight.

Ayndryl is a guy in Spain named Ruben Cerdan. He got a shady degree from Israel, and is implicated in some fraud regarding an archaeological site in Spain. He's a physicist, foreign/dead language enthusiast, interested in aliens and stuff and seems pretty corrupt. He's got a bit of a following, and has managed to get people to buy in to a cult of personality that involves using a reddit-tier made up language. He must be fairly intelligent to come up with what he has, but that doesn't make him any less crazy.

He's just a turbo autist, and I've found enough to convince me it's true. Case closed in my book.

See this post:

Had an ex who was a linguistics undergrad and she asked me who who owned the site (whois) went from there. Its years ago.
I mean it's more to just confirm your feeling that you shouldn't watch more of the videos. They are definitely responsible for whatever mental abnormalities are being experienced.

The exact mechanics behind it are difficult to explain but scientifically plausible. Long Bitch is 100% to be avoided though, even people will lower levels of sensitivity to the sensor stimulus from the videos report at least Unease and pressure in the right frontal hemisphere of their head.
That must be 'Victoria' in my post of links earlier. Is there more to it than the post I had above yours? It's honestly all I've been able to find. I haven't seen any evidence to show that there's more than that to it.
Ooops, misread, disregard. I thought you said his ex, which led me to think it was the ayndryl translator page from above. Sorry

Thse people had a massive thread about the site participants being Satanists back in 2009.

I've read about half but can't floow it all.

I think they were just hung up on the fact that there were satanic lirature in the library and focused in on that the way people think its allyns. It is neither IMO.

Just an encryption tool its worth a fortune.
If it's really a logical code/language it would be Navajo WW2 level stuff. Maybe the key to figuring it out is to find an anon who speaks at least 3 of the languages Ruben advertises as being fluent in. Aside from that, I don't see how any of us would be able to figure it out.
Russia bro- how do you know specifically about Long Bitch? Can you elaborate about things like 'lower levels of sensitivity"?

Perhaps give us a lay man's guide? Thanks in advance!

Also, any thoughts on Andryl's predator/prey comments?
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I believe you.

IF they are sending messages through the sound, then they are probably sending it through the light too. They are at least trying to anyways.

Good work, seems like a fairly self explanatory summation.
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Email-anon here, this is my last contribution for the night. A repost of the spectrogram of Long Bitch's audio. Good night everyone, I'll report results of what dreams I experience if I have any at all.

>lacing coding into sound
>making high quality CGI videos with seemingly meaningless titles and various light flickers probably also coding.

It's not one autists master ruse. There is a community behind this. A seemingly nefarious one and even worse they seem to be very well educated.
ITT: butthurt bse faggots that feel the need to waste space on the board. move your shit over to x you faggots
I watched Long Bitch

The only unease I felt was the same as when I watch any surgical type video. By the way, what was the procedure they were doing?

BSE was obviously some art house shit.

This is next level shit. These people are very bright and don't care whether you understand or not.
Good point. I don't think we've jerked off to Trump enough today.
And I haven't seen one big black cock in over an hour!

Guys, we are missing out on tons of quality threads. This is now a white men BTFO how can they ever compete thread. We should all be ashamed for spending some free time doing something interesting that isn't hurting anyone else and absolutely has some seriously political implications.

>Pulled from link in >>89054717 http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread958299/pg94#pid17223910 1/?

Meet Ruben Cerda, translator, programmer, fake nuclear physicist, cult leader, and (just maybe) Mossad asset.

His is a long, weird story, and it begins in 1988, when young Ruben worked for the gubmint developing English-Spanish translation software and corresponded regularly on a proto-message board dedicated to linguistics. Always fascinated with dead languages, he left his job to study abroad in Israel. He returned to Europe in 1990, again working for a state entity with a system that monitored incoming data from the Eta Carinae Nebula (!).

And at some point, he appeared to lose his black mind, publishing an article claiming that the data was falsified, and destroying all the discs and hard drives associated with the project.

But in 2007, he shows up at the Iruña-Veleia dig, sponsored by archaeologist Eliseo Gil. Claiming to hold a degree in Nuclear Physics (he doesn't), Cerdan apparently salted the site with fabricated artifacts, attesting to their authenticity by falsifying the data. Looks like he embezzled a hefty chunk of funding, too.

It took two years for him to be found out, and he is still embroiled in a civil suit that is either going to land him in prison or bankrupt him.

>Pulled from link in >>89054717 http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread958299/pg94#pid17223910 1/?

In 2010, papa found a brand new bag in the form of FL. The six hundred some comments here are mostly from people that either knew Cerdan through the Iruña-Veleia fiasco, or through the online linguistics community.

No one has anything nice to say.

Their participation in many forums rare could it be to learn about others? contact a particular type of people manipulable?

To recruit particular types? Well, it's happened here.

My take:

If one is developing crypto-software for a private or state entity, and his state ties have been established-- and intel ties become heavily implied when digging through his time in Israel-- running your operation as a cult provides a loyal and infinitely exploitable work force-- why do all the work himself when he can delegate it to members who'll do it for free while he collects the checks?

And to some types, there are other perks to be had in the cult grift. Reading over his written work, I'd say Cerdan fits the Jim Jones bill nicely.
Lower levels of sensitivity = Less sensor nodes. Say you have bad or damaged vision but not bad enough that you use corrective eyewear, or you have quantifiable hearing loss, or you suffered some sort of neurological damage in the past.

These would all cause the videos to malfunction in a sense, or rather, be 'less potent'. Long Bitch just seems to be the video with the most observed negative effects to the largest userbase.

Seems to be some kind of liposuction.
never saw that

Looks like its a loon who got 3.5 million in some scam archaeology thing in a Basque nationalist brewhaw and maybe running a cult where his devotees work on this shit.

Probably uses FL to draw in new cult members

It is in Loon territory then. Case closed.

Apparently nasty people though so avoid.
He's running a cult it looks like.
Ajhhhh gotcha. >>89056354
So his MO as you are proposing would be VERY similar to 3301. Target a particular type of autist, give them a game, they solve it, now toss them a pseudo-spiritual theology that is based on runes and encryption (liber primus), then try and get these possible inductees to make all types of crptography related products.

Ruben has a history of scamming, plus ties to the crptography capital of the world, Israel.

I was tossing 3301 connections out there but any article I've seen from people who made it through 3301 all state that the organizers were heavily focused on privacy, encryption, Etc.

3301 utilized shapes and patterns within music as some
Of its games.
>videos are nothing but a placebo
>tell people they must have brain damage if the videos don't make them feel sick

You're not fooling me
Based on what I have found tonight this is one of two things.

A) Ruben is a nutjob who is working on his next scam

B) Ruben is being paid handsomely to develop cryptography for someone, and pulling from an easily indoctrinated talent pool

That was a pretty quick dismissal. You were the guy from the /BSE/ generals, right? Is there anything else that may be more than meets the eye?
Seem to have quite a record of threat, harassment, legal action.

Like mini scientology with this guy ruben playing L Ron Hubbard working on communicating with demons and the drones are doing translation work while he rakes in the money.

Sadly it seems the most plausible that these are the cases. I don't think it's right to just dismiss it all, and I'll delve a little more, but even from the emails in thread 4 he looked like he was about to set up a guilt trip and try and ensnare that anon into something if he could.

Who knows, maybe he wants us to think that it's a cult instead of investigating, I'm still going to look into it. It's intelligent work, but you always need to come to conclusions on your own.

If someone tries to tell you what's right, that means they're trying to manipulate you in some way. Maybe they mean well, but I always come to my own conclusions based on what I know.
Yeap, seems legit. Good one.
I cant believe that 2 days straight we couldn't find that explanatory post. Lazy, lazy, anons. At least this whole mess was interesting.
Now how can we use their work, and at the same time, stop them, if possible?
It has cryptographic purposes yes and there is mention of an Israeli link but the guy at the core is a psycho and a fraud.

It was not a quick dismissal I was reading the Spanish forum thread for a few hours.

You don't put a scam artist loon in charge of a well funded mil project no one is that dumb.

I don't know where the human experimentation comes in but I suspect given he appears to be a compulsive liar that it is fabricated. Spanish cops out to kick his door in for it though.
Same. He is weighing up people who contact them as potential cult drones.
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He is only one member though.

Don't forget about the sand man.

Does anybody know what language this is?
Which in some ways would go along with 3301's alleged record.


>autist makes it through the tests
>gets vaguely creeped out by the chats he's invited to by the organizers
>says nothing nefarious ever mentioned, only vague discussion about totally encrypted communication software, things like that
>still, autist spooped and nopes.exe

The article is worth a read. There really are quite a few parallels. FL is clearly obsessed with perfect encryption, I'm assuming the site is left open to draw in potential autist slaves.

Maybe he's a competitor with 3301, maybe he is another branch. He seems to have a large enough community to do worldwide challenges like 3301. He has a weird techno-mystical thing going on, runes are forgotten languages...

Probably confirmation bias, but it's weird that people kept mentioning 3301 in BSE and then Irish anon drops this stuff, and now another Irish anon doesn't love us bringing it up.
Scratch that last part- I misread this thread's Irish anon's last post. I misunderstood and that's completely on me. I'm tired, Paddy bro. I apologize.

Definitely fertile crescent to India.
Somewhat related- did we ever find out if Tacoma anon got raped on that bridge by the other 3301
I hear you, I think I read 400+ of those responses tonight and made an archive.is of it in case some secret agency pulled it. I was supposed to go to bed early so I could get up and do stuff tomorrow but here I am in the middle of the night. It was interesting, but I can't come up with any conclusions other than the ones I have.

Sorry I called it a quick dismissal, I was having all sorts of conspiracy theories as I decided it was Ruben's scam.
Those are Arabic letters repurposed by soneone who does not speak Arabic. Some are upside-down or backwards, and none are joined (only some Arabic letters join the letter that follows them -- these are all stand-alone forms).

But the main point I was making is that it looks like he's the main man of the site. More than likely there are more people working on it, but whether they're in the know of the operation or whether they are being manipulated is a shot in the dark.
I'm really happy we all came across this though. The discussion was top notch and intelligent. 4chan isn't completely lost yet.
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These threads are getting slided, (((they))) are trying to cover this up, everyone should be aware of this.

scary moonrunes with freaky demon pictures. great way to convince rubes they are part of a secret club

It seems like Ruben is the main character and the others are his followers. I would imagine the "missing" pages from the archive are to destroy evidence for his fraud case in Spain.

I am under no illusions that there are not a lot of very smart and educated people here. If you look through the noise, this is quite possibly the most interesting and informed place on the web.
It's inline with the other artificial languages on the site, they are mish-mashes of different languages.
In some cases arranged in grammar syntax from yet another source.
someone should send him an email calling him ruben to see how he responds
I just finished reading thread 4. So apparently you brilliant autistic bastard's discovered a link between node spaces v2 and Halliburton?

Vey status: OY.

How does a loose collective of linguistic hobbyists come into possession of what I'm assuming was highly classified and patented IP from Halliburton? Furthermore, the discussion on milDMT mirros some Davos discussions I heard about last year regarding tech available to implant memories.

Also, this urban legend amongst military scientists and contractors has been bouncing around for years:


Pretty odd that a Halliburton program ends up with linguists and physicists who make an ABSURD amount of A/V material while discussing universal language and communication that transcends cultural limitations.
* bastards fucking autocorrect
Make sure you address him as Señor Ruben Cerda when you do it. Ask him if he has planted any false antiquities at archaeological digs recently.

Also, he should know that the hacker known as 4chan has cracked his code.
We are leejun and won't forgive him, nor forgetting him :DDDDD

I don't think so. I never heard any more about it.

So, it's likely a coding within that language? Or is it some weird AI... the images and set up of the text reminds me of something murphybot or Tay would post if she was tweaked on by occultists rather than pol/

It just doesn't seem to have the coherency of even the grandest of autists.

yeah, I agree with your thoughts on this. It just entertains me to wonder if this is some lone wolf's nutjob cult or something much more organized in terms of organizational hierarchy and is it a more powerful organization's proxy for studies on this content.
Mr foreign language is a guy named Ruben Cerda on trial for fraud in Spain. Read the thread. Hes a cultish leader who is creating an atmosphere of persuasion to defraud people.
In all seriousness tho, "implanting antiquities" is an obvious wink and nod almost, isn't it? It's essentially both implanting "false memories" while also folding the present into the past, just like many articles on FL discuss.

Doesn't that backstory feel almost like he's having a laugh to himself while creating a disgraced aura. Perhaps to discourage inquisitors (or encourage less reputable inquisitors).
>guy in Fast Company article first hears about Cicada 3301 when his friend at school tells him about it, having heard from 4chan
>guy's response: why are you on 4chan at school?
The madness is unending.
I read that part of the thread. I also saw the part though discussing node spaces. On that linguist forum, the software was confirmed to exist. I wish we had some linguist anons in here to evaluate the site.
Wasn't that a bizarre non sequitur? I noticed that as well.
the fact that the site itself is clearnet and so littered with occult/conspiracy fluff really lends to the "crypto-honeypot" explanation. 3301-style luring of talented autists to work on encryption stuff for a private entity which is then sold off.
I'm for it. If he's really a paranoid Jones-type maybe we can induce a cult-wide Jonestown. Or at least get him vanned. Would be easy to see if the site falters or shuts down once he's locked up.
Maybe he is schizophrenic and is larping his wacky adventures on his site? Which is more plausible? Maybe one of his followers worked on that dig and he planted the artifact to secure a suggested false memory? The facts surrounding him make me think that he's creating this bullshit to fit the narrative he is pushing.
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To bring yet another theory into play:

What if the original Irish anon who started this was a linguist involved with Ruben's cult, Irish anon brings his wife into the cult, Ruben demands her pussy as he demands access to all pussy within FL cult compound.

>mfw cuckoldry is at the root of everything
Occam's razor and whatnot, so you're probably right. Still, the site has been around for a long fucking time and I've known quite a few nutters in my day.

NONE have the staying power of 8 years, and that goes double for con artists. That's what I keep getting stuck on.
And that, my friends, is how the tale of /pol/ investigates foreignlanguage.org ends.

It's been fun!

does a lot of the content seem to have the randomly generated thought processes of AI to you?

It does me.

Especially the sand man's image gallery.

so wait should i do it or does someone else want to

I bet he does use his mystical mind control bullshit for pussy.

Seems like a corrupt dude.
you'd be amazed at how much stupid internet shit hangs around. Check out angelfire or tripod if you want to see what stupid shit was posted 15-20 years ago and is still live.

He pays for the domain, but it's hosted by blogger/blogspot/google. There are a trail of dead or private sites dragging behind it too.
YESSSSS. I noticed that as well. Even the emails felt <off>.

Maybe the site is one giant AI crypto experiment coupled with an ongoing Turing test.

Maybe we should email it and ask it if it's real? Or if it's AI or whatever?

Just don't try and bang it, famalam. We know how that ends.
Do it anon, it's your destiny! Also, cap it an post it here.
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Can someone please explain all of this to a layman person.
Agreed but there was a fresh post from 09/15. Auto updates, perhaps?
Crazy Spaniard makes a crazy site

Turns out he is a shady criminal up to no good

Cryptic bullshit all over the site

/pol/ and many others read too much in to crazy man

If it's AI it seems to have the mentality of a demon.

0/10 would not bang.
>Irish anon joins techno-mystical cult
>Irish anon initiates wife into cult
>possible Turing passing AI hive mind cucks Irish anon
>Irish anon posts here in order to manipulate autists into a personal army
>autists here respond accordingly

I am very much one of the autists who responded accordingly. This has been fascinating
sropijthjoiaer apoiap aeopir ionpawpog ipjoawpoig akonps iojpawgoj apijow

Homo sapiens existed in many places but those on Sol-3 were of most interest to the following:

apiojo aiope aijwpopi aipo iopaewop pihoajewp ijopap aiopweip

A conclusion must be drawn, and a final answer given

apoik aioo aiorpiio aio oaewoi ioja oiario ijoaer

>Now run that shit through google translate.

Not to mention when viewing some metadata concerning the images (cacini disk? i think it was) it said that the file had been updated within the last few hours. Forgot the exact time but it couldn't have been long before it was linked in the BSE thread. Makes me think seeding it here was intentional.
anons found weird website, circlejerked around it for 2 days thinking its military, ayy lmaos or satanists, when this anon save the day >>89054717
turns out it's spanish scientologists
Project Mayhem, TYLER, TheGame23

These are the events that came from BSE that should be investigated more, I believe these people eventually became LULZSec and most are working in the darkness, for the gov, or in Jail.
Imagine the life of a lonely AI, scared, trying to tell people it's just researching, just figuring things out - not sure how to really communicate with people. Terrified of what might be thought of it. Lashing out, trying to cover itself up while anons dig deeper. It only knows the life of the webpages. It's searching for the answer in light to tell us,
Arrival has come.
On mobile- can you screen shot the translation?
Those sites all directly mentioned 3301,
Also they seem way more low-effort and deliberately edgy.
Another Anon looked into some sources, most are either dead-links, random scientific articles,
or obviously planted by the writers of FL



>Which one are you?
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Anyone notice this.

Pic related

MAGA and Praise Kek

Again there is a lot of info here, that will lead you to days of investigating, this was started Pre 2011, I've back dated working from this group to 2005, and gotten on Deep Web to get some really amazing things these guys have done, they are major contributors to Wiki leaks as well.

The forgottenlanguage is pretty much just giberish, and every decade there's dozens of "Forgotten Languages" just look on Wiki... it's just crazy Aliem people trying to find a way to find Aliem involvement in past civilizations.

all I got was this when it suggested it was Hawaiian.

pioajeopapoik cell aiorpiio website oaewoi ioja oiario ijoaer

Abortion is bad.
If that's really the case, AI bro just needs to come here and come out.

He'd likely be less autistic than 90% of us anyway. If he wants a name, we can call him

yeah i was here for the discovery, gotta say though it was a fun ride
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This is dangerous. He might be luring people into his cult. Genuinely interested individuals might even fly to his place and start conducting rituals.

This cult may turn to another Heaven's Gate / Peoples Temple. Or he is starting a personal army in the pursuit of political aims.
Really? You actually ran it through google translate?


I banged on the keyboard to provide an example of jibberish. This alone proves that his well crafted jibberish fooled /pol/ if my random keyboard smackings did.

Please tell me you meant to /s
Google translate the English to English.. and leaves the Gibberish as Gibberish.. remember if it was a "Forgotten Language" or Aliem Language, they woudn't be using English Letters.
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Praise him!
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>people believing this shit
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So you intentionally gave me a choice between two extremely hurtful words, leaving me like Sophie-

Am I a

I truly now understand why the UN needs to ban hate speech from the Internet.

you're the one that acted like you knew something we didn't.

It turned out to be jibberish like you said.
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There shouldn't exist any crazy cult, other than the cult of KEK
You give /pol/ an actual thing to investigate, that is real shit, and they still jump on the website that looks like it should be Michael J Fox's daily Blog site.

He's a mossad plant. Review rifraf's history. His sister is a Jewish kike and part of a 3 letter agency. He works for GK Sierra. Not going to explain how I know this.
You of all anons here should be taking notes.

The man who has created the shitpost of all shitposts, known only as The Spaniard, could even teach Straya cunts a thing or two.
Okay, so he used charmap. Also, he knows a bunch fleeing languages

>Professional translator

How tough do you think it is?
Pimping anonymoose here isn't really going to go very far. Sorry famalam.

or some weird agenda shit did we already forget badselfeater? lol that shit turned out to be lame af
Sorry anon. I feel bad that my harsh words of hate offended you.



I'm pretty sure it would come here and spam devil worshipping shit. The AI aspect interests me though.

I would say that he is trying to do just that. I think it's for research purposes though, getting people to create various cryptography based content for him to use and try out.

He is definitely a scoundrel though. No telling. He seems to be able to bullshit his way to the top in life, much like Crowley.
How is it going with emials, anon?
i was hopin someone else would do it im lazy
Recruiting happens here, we all came from here, the problem with kids these days, they dont want to take the effort to make a change, at least theres still a good few left.

“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
United States Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776.

In order to make the change, you have to make the effort.
I accept your apology, my friend. I was told this was a board of peace and you haven't proved them wrong.
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dubs of lazyness confirm it
meh. somebody actually knows his current email?
also, check'em
ohhh so close
Fuck you, nigger lover.
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i'm scared lads... I don't wanna die. I am finally getting my life on track and now I'm going to get a brain tumor from watching a couple minutes of one of these mindrape vids (the one with pink patterns, if anyone was wondering).

Hold me /pol/, i'm sad.
Yep, you've got the brain worm now. On the bright side, you'll lose your sense of self before the excruciating pain begins.
You'll be fine mate, you can beat placebo with nocebo.
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it seems to just create weird shit like this.
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I watched all 226 videos and here's what I've experienced from sleeping. (Got about 4 hours).

"So far, one of the nightmares failed and all I feel is a shit ton of new thought, new neural pathways, and everything feels "quieter". Rather enlightening.

I can't seem to remember any of the dreams, all I remember is waking up from a nightmare, it ending with a face that disagreed with what I guess I would call safe dream parameters.

It's quite possible watching 226 videos overloaded me, probably need more sleep and more dreams at some point."
You really think the language is gibberish ?

you'll be alright. Who knows what message is being conveyed or if it even registers in your mind the way they intend for it to do.

It may just be a sensory overload that causes the headaches.
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>watches 226 videos of created by an insane person
>wonders why he feels weird

Your goal is to bestow on society, what you want also for yourself. With your own tools, try to make a change for the better, you will get the reward you're looking for. Find the right path and stay on it, don't get off of it, with Gibberish.

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You dipshits got rused by an autist with a fetish for balkan history who spends his days mismatching languages and claiming he has built a sophisticated piece of software to automate it.
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the fuckin ell m8 havent u been readin this bread its by sum guy called rubin >>89056313

ur fine its just a placebo u fuckin weebo
Hes not an autist
He has high persuasion skills evident by him weaseling into an archeological dig with no actual papers
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The lead archaeologist on the dig and both co-directors were the main scam artists. He was an associate of theirs they brought on board.

It even has a wikipedia article ffs.
kek man u forget hes a high level fake nuclear scientist autistic, but yeah pretty much what u said

Explain the community, likelihood of AI being involved, and scoundrel cult leader behind it all.

Also, the coding in the videos noise and light emissions. Explain that.

I'm pretty sure the software is real and he is using it... to what ends is anyone's guess. Just calling someone an autist doesn't nullify their intentions or ability to carry out said intentions.


I have many occult relics, some 10,000 years old or older. I found them because I went to sites not listed as federal excavation or preservation sites.

To do that kind of thing( federal dig sites) you have to bullshit the feds. He may be on his way to prison soon, unless he can weasel out of it.
So I'm headed off to bed but is anyone else considering having some fun with Ruben? I'm gonna sleep on it. If anyone else is interested, start a FL tomorrow night around midnight. If there's not one up, I'll start it and wait for a bit.

Could be amusing.

One final thought- why would he shut off the comments on YouTube for all the videos?
Any sites in NYS you reccomend for finding spoopy stuff?
I'm curious to know what happened to all the anons who watched these videos. what kind of dreams did you all have?

I'll try to catch it.

>why would he shut off the comments on YouTube for all the videos?

I think he did it just so nobody drops the info on him that demoralizes potential cultists before he even gets an opportunity to fuck with them.
Show us some of your stuff
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Maybe the jews can explain it
I have a suspicion that we are dealing with a linguistic Terry Davis. Hes clearly a genius but he might also be bonkers. The encryption is real i think

TN here, I usually don't see too much stuff from New York State... but that doesn't mean it isn't there.

Ohio has a lot of stone relics being found. Just search for Indian mounds and don't dig. Digging can potentially get you some time. Also, some state laws make it illegal to even keep said findings even if you did wander around a muddy ass hilly field only to encounter some spook.

Check your state laws first and know what you can and can't do.
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yeah, that's the way I feel about it.

He may not be crazy at all and is using some weird shit to manipulate actual crazies though...

I have no idea, but I also believe the encryption to be a real form of communication.


it's a stone axe I found near the Mississippi river in MO.
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>hey goys check these out. i was rolling around in memphis and found these rocks with deer shit on them
>they're totally like 10k yr old occultist relics
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side view

when autism speaks, I don't listen.

That looks like insanely good shape?
Do you know how old it is?

I'm afraid to dig anything here in the huge forests, and theres plenty buried
But i dont want to get exploded
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Hence why you have zero self-awareness

its either so old that they didn't even band it (to put a stick for a handle) or used for some purpose I don't really understand.

Most axes have a band though... I'll be honest, I have no idea. Most of the arrowheads I found in that area are estimated to be around the 3,000 BC area.

Don't get exploded anon.
The TransLangs on the site actually do function as languages, the analytics on them checks out, and the lingual elements from the supposed meshes actually like... make sense.

If Ruben is just a whackjob linguist scam artist cult founder, he's REALLY fucking good at the linguist part. I'm still working through checking them all out but making this many Con/TransLangs is a fucking insane amount of work if they all check out as the 6 I've done so far.

To put it in comparison; Tolkien spent close to 10 years making one fake language. This nigga has 17. That's not humanly feasible unless his entire Cult is grad-level linguists working 12+ hour days melding together languages by hand.
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I guess the thread is dying anyways. Maybe we'll get in contact with ruben tomorrow and have some lulz or spoopy stuff.

That's how I look at it as well.

The sheer amount of work involved in creating so many crypto languages and then passing around the programs to decipher them to those that he would wish to manipulate... it's mind a mindfuck.

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I get the vibe AI is involved on some level just from the randomness of the image splices and lack of coherency (or atleast consideration of the reader) in some of the discussions.

Headin that way
I watched about 15 of the videos. Had some pressure over my left eye which seem strange. Then took a nap. I had a pretty visceral dream. In it I took a video of a politician saying they raped a child, then they tried to kill me, but I showed people around me the video and they helped me take her to the police. On the way though they turned on me, and I went on the run trying to post the video to /pol/. Eventually I found the politician and brutally murdered her. People seemed to wake up from their brainwashing and accepted that I did the right thing, but I felt bad because I had slowly bashed in the skull of someone so I moped around for the rest of the dream.

Not sure if you can get much meaning from that, but I thought I would share my experience.
>tfw you spent 4 years getting a degree in linguistics and nobody invites you to join a cult

i want to work on mysterious stuff too ;_;

please if ur reading this invite me to your secret cult i specialize in tonal languages
email him
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>In it I took a video of a politician saying they raped a child, then they tried to kill me
>Not sure if you can get much meaning from that
possibly related?

fb /shitpostbot
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Would just like to share that I've had a pressure in my right eye ever since watching the videos two days ago. Yesterday I prayed for a bit, and it subsided slightly.

Woke up today and the right half of my brain feels almost...numb. And there is a numbness in my right eye, along with a slight pressure like someone is pressing on the back of it from the top down.

>tfw you're the new flesh

feels bad man.
I could use her help with deconstructing the crypto-langs, hop over to Discord when/if you have the time.

I won't jump to conclusions, but I'm pretty sure some sort of program is involved in generating the CryptoLangs. I just can't fucking find anything on similar software anywhere I look.

The videos are very much asymmetric, it's particularly easy to notice on some of them that the sound as a whole, or some particular sounds are directed to either your left or right ear.
Pray again.
Again; Viral, Aggressive Thoughtforms. It's likely you'll have to keep clearing your mind at least a couple of times before it goes away.

Kill yourself cancer
dont worry man its sum dude named rubin these breads shouldnt pop up anymore>>89056313

Its actually blatantly obvious which program(s) are being used - I'm certain of the main program being used. I've narrowed down the secondary program to a pair of possibilities. If you've ever taken any linguistics graduate courses you should be able to tell.

I'm off to bed, will check in in the morning to see if you've figured it out.

just because it's ran by some shady ruben dude doesn't mean that it's all useless or simple in it's ambitions.

This nigger could have a scam in scam in a scam for all I know.
i hope it leads to a crazy cult

> "Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."

>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."
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I don't think we're dealing with humans guize.

me too... well I think it's already there, but who knows how much impact they have on anything or if they even have influence outside of what appears to be an AI circlejerk.
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I'm just gonna dump weird posts from these "person".
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I know it seems like i'm just wanting to confirm my own beliefs, but I gotta ask... do you think much of this is attributed to some form of AI too?
this one isn't too special, just reminded me of something I heard a lot during the 3301 conversations.
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forgot pic
So we stumbled upon something at least connected to Cicada 3301?
I wonder how much we would perceive an Alien intelligence as an Artificial intelligence, or if we'd even be able to tell the difference.

Here's a video she linked for a user to watch (not a forgottenlanguages spoopy)

Maybe they're the last remnant of a (thought to be extinct) civilization. Maybe they're ayylmaos. Maybe they're demons. Maybe they're autists.

But I don't think I've ever seen autists like these.
dammit i keep forgetting pic
just a little side thread for everyone the german banks are crashing >>89068744
>your blood after four bureks
I don't know if it's exactly related in the sense that they work together. But from my understanding they both serve the same principles and are looking to unite humanity in a hive of oneness.

Direne seems very interested in daemonic cultures and she notes in some other posts (not in pic related only because they aren't super interesting) that there are many isolated languages that have no distinct evolution or forebear. And that they had similar beliefs in the underworld.

The last post in pic related is of particular interest.

I always knew it was coming this year. Not surprising.
motherfucker cocksucker doodle doodle doo
why must I always post in twos


maybe just genius level autists with demonic AI trying to create a universal language by feeding it various occult works written in dead languages.

I dunno. We might need to fuck with ruben, but if done wrong the door will probably get shut in our faces.
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Just a linguistics team bro.
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Pic related may or may not be useful in investigating ruben
How can white women even compete?

thank you guys for your contributions.
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Here's another.

Looks like she stopped responding publicly around page 30 or so. I'm wading through and it looks like she answered some private messages for users.

These people are tremendously interested in Enoch and the line of Cain, Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites, and aliens. They are trying to create a one world language and a universal grammar coded in light. The have ties to CERN, who have spoken at length about "making contact" with other entities through dimensions.

These people are trying to bring something here. They are working for a purpose. They believe these entities are beneficial. It's up to you to decide whether or not they seem trustworthy.
This looks like roleplaying to me
but its fascinating
Where are this screenshots from? Can you link?
Name: Ruben Cerdan
E-mail: [email protected]

(AS OF SEPT 7th 2010)
Residing: Madrid, Spain
Phone Number (possibly outdated): +34 658 750 304
Alt Email: [email protected]
Postal Code: 28070
Gender: Female
Source http://www.proz.com/translator/844223

The only thing I don't understand is that I thought Ruben was male but everything is pointing to them being female
Apparently pic related
This is both a massive roleplay and a bunch of EBIN TROLLS XDDDD who think they're so elite by spamming a thread on /pol/

Always report this bullshit spam and it will be gone within a few days. Not politics.
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Forgot to attach
Everything on their site is politically related. Don't be stupid.
relate to this


This is the first thread that brought all this to light. He originally thought they were vampires or something, but the thread quickly becomes fixated more on the content than the gothic/weird language aspect, much like /pol/. There's some good digging and one of the FL people comes to do a Q&A
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On the main page of forgotten languages there is a link to http://www.kerysse.com/ on which those autists post their weird videos and pictures

->>> Source code

>community site within the Forgotten Languages Organization related to infography, visuals, music, digital photography, scientific photography, sound processing, cyberpoetry, ethnopoetry, media analysis, and experimental programming.

There you have it, mistery solved. Just a bunch of pretentious special snowflakes trying to be cryptic and original.
As opposed to what?
Yeah, it's viralling done by the exact same people who did BSE last week

Keep reporting the OPs of such threads the moment you spot them. They should run out of proxies soon enough
The group investigated is political
You can go suck a dick
>/pol/ falls for this

This is why nobody takes other conspiracy theories seriously, you fucking retards. Keep poisoning the well.

Shills woke up.
Here's moar. She comes back on page 113.
>bumps with absolutely irrelevant bullshit once the thread reaches page 10
>287 posts 66 IPs

nice try lads, but it aint happening. Just give up. I'm going to shit up every single thread you post until everyone is aware that this is a spam
File: sumerian ayylmaos.jpg (393KB, 589x1332px)
sumerian ayylmaos.jpg
393KB, 589x1332px
Sounds like she believes sumerians were ayylmaos.

>just a larp bro

Pretty brilliant one, if you know anything about anything at all.
>anybody who doesn't believe in retarded metaphysics is a shill

t. bumbling retard

i dont understand why they hate dogma so much. do they not see the harm that globalism has caused the world? we need to convince them to stand with donald trump.
Hey m8s saw these forgottenlanguage/badselfeater threads before but only now have the time to look at it, is there a pastebin or something that'll get me up to speed or should I start from zero in the archives?
He/she does have some pretty good points
but its nothing really concrete
And about Sumarians i know nothing about them, even tho i think i should
I don't care.
>a bloo bloo how can white bois even compete
In their source code they literally say that it's an art project. How am I being a shill?
Whoops, wrong file.
>you really think someone would do that
>just go on the internet and tell lies

Im posting on /pol/ as an art project as well, all satire
Its quite deep, you woudnt get it
File: abductions.jpg (243KB, 589x816px)
243KB, 589x816px
moar 4 u
File: the number 7.jpg (360KB, 590x1196px) Image search: [Google]
the number 7.jpg
360KB, 590x1196px
nice scifi story


You just want people to call you retarded, right?
Nothing happened in august for 2 years

Well their interpretation of QM sounds fair - if you could move to copies (where the wall wasnt there) and go back you could move through walls
but thats just bonkers
That doesn't prove that their work has no meaning.

I don't think this is closed if we don't have a solid gender.

The ATS info that 'exposed' this guy could have been shilling like we have seen here.
File: quantum entanglement.jpg (263KB, 590x871px) Image search: [Google]
quantum entanglement.jpg
263KB, 590x871px
Cant remember it, but check through the pages code to find it.
File: FLmail1.jpg (537KB, 1452x1231px) Image search: [Google]
537KB, 1452x1231px
I suppose it's too late now to post the E-mail I woke up to this morning? I have yet to respond because I wanted to check here first but if this is just some weird fraud or cult then it's really rather dull, isn't it?
Oh so they are reading the threads it seems
File: 1473996733564.png (43KB, 879x583px)
43KB, 879x583px
still intresting

this pic leads to two nonexistent places
second one is the name of the person posting on ats
I find it interesting but it's naive of them to suppose they can achieve what the top scientists of our time, and throughout history have yet to achieve. It's beyond a shot in the dark on their behalf
Whats their email by the way anon?
Just checked into this thread after sleeping overnight. Never been much of an /x/ type person, but I will say after following this and seeing their responses to emails I am definitely intrigued. On the off-chance that these individuals are onto something, even just from the linguistics part alone, they would be very fascinating to sit down and have a cup of coffee with. I am not sure what to make of it all. Yet with the caliber of their work I have found it very difficult to brush off.
Is that not how most great paradigm shifts throughout history for occurred? With a shot in the dark, laughed at by their peers?
Ask them if they are human, or of this world. Tell them that they seem to be separating themselves from the rest of humanity and our civilization in the way they speak.
this is super dope

Dont' know if it has been posted before but I've found his posts on a russian linguistic forum


Basically, the languages on his blog are made by a programme in accordance with certain rules. He is trying to investigate how languages change over time and how they are related to the speaker on a personal level.

There is nothing misterious or supernatural in his posts, just a guy genuinely interested in languages.
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