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Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 92

forgot link

Bets on closing price?
hoping for 12.10
I sure hope you krauts listened to mama Merkel and stocked up.
12.00 +/- .25
12.25, which is still really bad
Is this why Merkel told people to get guns and food?
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well that and for ww3
probably,also other countries did it too i heard the czechs got told aswell. No media reported it but i saw a video about it. Funny fucking thing is over here obongo made this month preparedness month. Maybe something will happen.

If the deutsche abnk collapses you should get guns and food too my friend

They are tied to 55-75 trillion dollars (yeah...i really mean 55 trillion)
There is no reason to worry. Merkel says that the solution to Germanys economic problems is to import a lot more refugees. Just think about all those engineers, medical doctors and rocket scientists coming into Germany from Syria. The tax revenue will be through the roof!

But for the next few months, native Germans might experience a sligt tax increase to pay for this slight banking inconvenience.
Nothing to worry about. Germans are financially responsible people that would never put the world at risk.
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Just like every danish piece of literature, you have to read it in a sarcastic tone.
humor is dead
Are you new here?
german bankers are old rich fucks who are corrupt there country thanks to rapeugees and merkel they are down the toilet.
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Wasn't our economy supposed to collapse?

September has always been preparedness month. It was last year, and the year before, and the year before. This is because September is, historically, one of the most active months globally for hurricanes, and the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season.
You guys own stock in Deutsche Bank, because the German markets are fine?
Dow Jones

If those 55 trillion dollars get vaporized, couldn't you calculate roughly how far this will set us back? Will we be going back to ne nineteenth century with this happening?
>Pizza: Europe's Greatest Gift to Britain

hmm yeah except the Americans invented the pizza that is actually enjoyable..

barley hanging on https://www.google.com/#q=ftse+stock
I'm looking at 11.85 +/- .15
guys check out monte dei paschi, new record lows today

if this bank goes, DB goes too
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China's was supposed to collapse a while ago, I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the "big wave" a lot of people here were waiting for. hopefully it is, the bigger the bubbles get, the more people will die, this is a prime example to not have globalism, one large company falls, the others have to catch them. This is a lot of money that people just don't have, hope you guys like ration meals and guns.
FTSE 100 and 250 are higher than they were before brexit.

I've got six months of food and 10,000 rounds on hand.

It's just a matter of time...and if I'm wrong? Well, I eat the food instead of buying groceries and I go have fun at the range.

Good cuckmoney and the EU deserve to die.
This country died 1945
Can anyone find an online broker/exchange to short Deutsche Bank? Lets all make some money together.
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Lowest ever. Would it be a good idea to buy now? Or is the fruit rotten? I mean it's clearly too big to fail.
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hahaha (((they))) tied a central bank to 55 trillion so never again! would you get rid of a central bank

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Want to make it great again???
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Good, and it is coming soon, either the collapse of the economy or a world war that will make everyone shit bricks.
Nah i'm good. Moving soon.
Pizza is pretty awesome. I wish I had voted Remain now.

You cant make something great that is dead

There are no germans anymore
There is no german culture anymore

It has gone and will NEVER be there again
Does this mean I can get 18yo blonde pussy at rock bottom prices soon? Germany gonna be great for budget sex tourism.
Where are you going?
wew lads here we fuckin go


its goin downnn

oh boy another "financial crisis" is incoming

get ready for a "bailout", ie take all your money out of the bank and send it to Switzerland to buy gold
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Don't worry everyone ! It's all part of the plan.
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Just wait until the Americans wake up and start a run on DB...

China is ready and waiting to drop a gold backed currency into the standard currency basket.

DB collapse is the perfect example to switch from the petro backed USD to the gold backed Yen.

When DB fails it will be spectacular.
In all seriousness this is actually sad. Germany was a great society once, but the blunders of two great wars would destroy anyone.
No. Its so big that it can fail. Though, it will probably rally northwards by a couple bucks unless bad news comes out.

Avoid DB. Its the pompeii of the financial world, and it knows it. Very strong probability that th3 refugees are merkels insurance about a govt revolution. How could her regime be overthrown if they are the only ones dealing with their self-created crisis?
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this pleases the anglo
"George Soros bets $10 against Deutsche bank."

100m in nothing to these people.
U wot m8
History will remember this series of events:

->Merkle lets refugees in
-> German economy collapses in less than 1 year.
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Who /hasguns/ here?


its trumps fault, right ?
Well he can't bet his whole fortune on something like that for obvious reasons
man i would really want have one of those equip. How many mags you got?
North italy. I have italian heritage and just got a house there that i plan to rent to people.
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pro-tip Germany: you lost again
Best I have is a crossbow desu
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I ironically after saying that due to how prosperous Germany is it's their moral obligation to help the refugees.


Non-gun owner and even I think that's fucking sexy looking. Like holy shit, is it normal to almost get wood over a sexy gun?
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I wouldnt go as far as 1945

More like 2005 was the turning point with more and more migrants, the further rise of the electronic jew and spreading of (((american))) culture like kanye west and islam
Everyone said it was american culture that was.imported but in fact it was just nigger and jew culture and not true american culture
Checked. Nice quad zilches.

this version is classier
My Family moved from Germany to Australia in 1904.

This post 1945 business makes me sad too anon
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Should I get my savings off my bank and buy physical gold? Or will they just bail that monster out again?
i like the new cage design around the barrel they have these days.
Short the DAX you pleb.
Just looked it up. The fact that this even exists is filthy.
Are we looking at Weimar levels of poverty here or possibly in the future?
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See you in the trenches bros!
- 8.13 %
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Hope so. Fertile grounds for nationalist mass movements.
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Let us hope so
No. If DB fails, a debt based economy fails.
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you must be over 18 to post here bro
your a moron if you don't understand how shorting works:

Person A borrows shares off broker to sell to person B on the market who wants to buy. When person A is wants to they buy back the shares at a lower price, give the broker his shares and keep the difference.
I have a degiro account. How do I go about shorting it

Holyshit, when is the end?
lol stay safe kraut
Modern pizza is American pizza, and original pizza was made by Greek immigrants to Italy.
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Die you fucking bank!

- 8.17 %
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It just keeps getting worse. I always feel like I'm going to jinx it by getting my hopes up, though.
Why is it dying? What did I miss?
thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV3_pSEXsIo
oy veyyyy anodda shoah for the jewish casino
Said the one who eats fish and shit
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Because DB first hired a POO who fucked it up and then an Anglo who transformed it into a typical high volatility bank.
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Shadilay friend, shadilay
Why would we care more about a stupid bank then two world wars?
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Praise KEK.....?
>Big bank makes mistake.
>Everything's going to shit now.

someone give me a tldr of why this is happening besides shit skins
KEK is strong in this thread I can tell something is happening. Is it the tipping point already?
On the up side, when Europe's economy crashes it won't get any more rapefugees for a while!
>hope is the fuel of civilization"
How delusional are these people?
apparantly germans believe they own the (((EU))) and (((banks))) and have a responsibility to keep it going
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That will come this november. (((They))) will have to pull the breaks on the world economy if Trump wins since it's gonna be their last chance to do so.
Even worse. We're talking the entire EU crashing and also possibly severely fucking the US economy as well.
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Thank you for this knowledge.

Praise KEK. There will be a lot more bullets to buy and press.
Hey, a New Order song! I used that in a shitty video of mine.
Don't know which Germans you mean but I for one know no one who thinks we own the EU or have a special responsibility for it.
Maybe read a little less DailyMail friend.
>tfw DB is $55T derivative exposure
>almost 3x total US budget deficit

ho lee phuk
don't read it lol,

i saw a program with interviews on germans from streets.

die spiegel probably.
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I have the rations ready.
Ordered a backpack as Bug out bag.
Still not enough shekels to purchase a crossbow.
>riots and unrest outside
>lol, better leave my house and bug out
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Why do you have to constantly remind me that i cant have one.
Do you have a link? I like to see delusional people make asses of themselves.
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tfw your entire economy is dependent on Germans not fucking things up
Bank way in over its head. The more debt they take on and manage, the more money they make. Its like juggling with more and more objects at once.

In this case, they have 55 trillion dollars worth of derivatives. Which means that DB is essentially juggling jugglers who are juggling things. Normally, DB makes money whether the jugglers they juggle succeed or fail at juggling themselves, but they themselves can never stop juggling the jugglers or else the entire economy could collapse when everything falls to the ground.

More or less.>>89072215
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When the Deutsche crashes the whole EU will crash and Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank Of America and Morgan Stanley will also crash.
{p ∈ R | p ≥ 0}
No i plan to stay inside.
This is plan B if my place gets overrun by Turks and Fugees.
back to the stone-age mate
So is there anything they can do about this? Or is it just game over?
Literally nothing is going to happen
no more god damn bail outs. it needs to crash and the time needs to be now.
Where you can go, Turks and fugees can go, too.
"Bugout bag" is kind of ambiguous, tough.
If you have another fortified location like a friend's house it's legit, if you think about primitive camping it's a recipe for suicide.
shotguns only lad
I missed the old thread, can somebody explain to me what happened, and what is most likely going to happen ?
The establishment politicians will want to hold up the status quo no matter the cost. The crash has to be really big so they can't only soft-reset it this time.
>, if you think about primitive camping it's a recipe for suicide.

Not where I live. Camping is much more safe.
It's happening.
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here's the red pills
>Set builder notation for the set of nonnegative real numbers

For a second I thought, "Why didn't Anon just say R+?" until I realized that it's ambiguous as to whether or not R+ contains 0. Really made me cogitate.
Yes only the Brits eat fish.
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Time to shave the head for battle.
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Deutsche Bank has over €515 billion in “positive derivative values” in comparison to €496 billion in “negative derivative values”.
It's safer if you assume potential attackers won't go "camping" as well, which is not what is going to happen.
It more likely gets you killed because of poor hygiene, though.
Only Brits eat it with "chips". Normal people prefer french fries :^)
US fined Deutsche bank $14 billion for their involvement in the 2008 housing crisis.

Deutsche Bank said fuck you, not paying.

Their stock has dropped ~8%. Everyone believes if it drops below 10£/share it will be the lynch pin that sends the banks into the ground.

I personally think nothing will happen. They'll settle with the US on a smaller number and the stock will go right back up.

TL;dr: nothing is happening and there will be no happenings for the next 100 years. Doubles confirm.
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Oh alright i just saw that the old thread had over 350 replies, so i thought it was something huge, and i missed it.
Sause? More?
The total size of Deutsche Bank’s derivatives casino is €21.39 trillion, notional.

Casino Breakdown

Interest Rate: €15.41 trillion
Currency Related: €4.78 trillion
Equity Index: €0.90 trillion
Credit Related: €0.27 trillion
Commodity Related: €0.08 trillion
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Holy fuck? That rag got to a second issue!
Came here expecting a Rus flag, surprised it's canadian.
Number of days since a false alarm: 0
Welp back to my shit existence
Too big to fail, amirite?
Speculation and hype mostly.

My prediction is pure speculation also though and I'm no economist, so I could be wrong and it could be a happening. We probably won't know until the US markets open.

So stay along for the ride it's worth watching at least.
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Don't have sauce, but some more 3rd Reich qts
Alright, thanks.
Will do Ameribro
If a bank fails at any time in any western country in the near future and we bail them out again, there is no hope and we are cucked beyond all repair.
Nah you should use brexit as scapegoat... Or is that so yesterday?

Exposure is a problem, but only for half the year.

Where I live though... will not last a happening. I would have no choice but to leave.
Bastard is teasing us with going below 12
Top bantz, Latvia.
Six weeks ago the share price fell to 11.20 before recovering.

This is not a happening you mongs.
They cant pump stimulus forever buddy
6 million.
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Are we just going to gloss over the fact that meme magic is real or is it just assumed now?
>tfw used to enjoy Eddie Izzard as a comedian who was a leftest
>Goes full brain damaged tranny degenerate
damn shame
Pray to Kek that it crashes
What caused such an extreme drop in price, anons?
How many billions of dollars of wealth do you think will be wiped out today?
Exactly. I was excited when I saw the thread title but disappointed when I saw the picture. Yes Deutsche Bank won't be around in a year. But to call today the (beginning of the) end is a joke.
Specifically, failing bank is so big that it will fail most other banks.
>Soros fund nigger activists
>short sells DB
>Soros starts funding right wing groups
>invests in DB
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I think it's save to assume so now, the fact that the democratic presidential candidate openly warns about the dangers of frog posting on her campaign site, drove the point kind of home for me, this is the reality we live in now, our memes have become dangerous weapons, I don't know what's going on anymore, but I love every second of it. Pic related this anon said it best.
They got fined 14 billion dollars for the 2008 crisis

They literally can
Damnit, saw a brief flash of 12.03. Drop you bastard.
Someone pls explain how long til this goes timber?
Oh how wrong you are
Thats what Post WW1 germany thought
I guess history repeats itself
/pol/ will be ecstatic
I'm keeping my pepe collection of over 1100 rare pepes encrypted and safe from the government.
us government is trying to sue em for like 11 billion
on the down side it will probaly set the stage for ww3
I'm pretty sure (((they))) are waiting for Trump to win before crashing the market so that they can blame him for it.
It's been down to 11.20 so I'm thinking 11.88.
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/nogunz/ here.

Looks like I'll have to trust in bow and arrow. This is gonna suck.
Bow and arrow is preferred in many situations. Get to training.
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>we don't know how finance works

People are just damn stupid. Yes, if the US government asks for 14 billion in damages, a company that is only worth 14 billion will have some problems. I am amazed the stock is only down 7%.

As to the derivatives, if you knew anything about derivatives, you would know the clearing is done via CCCs and as such whether or not Deutsche Bank would go bankrupt or not, is completely irrelevant. The net derivatives exposure of Deutsche is actually only about 1.5 billion.

P.S. Deutsche Bank AG is colloquially called Deutsche, not DB. DB is Deutsche Bahn AG, which is the German railroad.
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Good, those boat people supporting cunts deserve to fail
>Good, those boat people supporting cunts deserve to fail
You are talking about Italy.

Interestingly enough, the currently biggest financial problem in Europe today is the Italian bankings sector.
Hmm, the DBK stock has gotten really quiet on the fluctuations. Like, +/- .01 points quiet

>Italian bankings sector.

I dare say if the Italian banking sector is anything like the Italian automotive industry, we're all fucked.
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/biz get out
What are happening levels of numbers?

Current 12.03
If Deutsche Bank stopped investing in the US market their would be no derivatives collapse, just another slow down. A market addicted to endless growth would see a slow down as collapse.
I have access to too much insider information to be allowed to trade generally.

I can do ETFs, real estate and physical commodities. I cannot even trade futures.

That being said, 10€ IS heavily defended and banning short selling will be their "go-to" the second things start to look hairy. However, once the continued solvency of the underlying company is called into question, common stock holders are more or less the bottom of the food-chain in large banks, they even rank behind unsecured creditors (e.g., deposit holders) -- which means everyone owning DB stock at the time their solvency becomes a public thing to talk about will be heading for the exits.

Remember, DB stock is traded on paper-thin volume right now and it wouldn't take much to overwhelm those wanting to go long on it. When the solvency is called into question, the longs will get stopped out very quickly as there is a rush to the exits with the exit door getting smaller and smaller as more people run to the exit.

Said another way -- they don't need to ban short- selling the stock for the stock to continue to collapse, they just need actual holders of the stock to rush the exits at the same time.

When they prohibit selling of the stock generally (like they did in Cyprus) is when things will get bad as the DB stock flatlines at some ridiculous number. I bet they pull this rabbit out of their hat at something less than 1,00€, which would make DB's market cap smaller than their corporate HQ's (the actual building) value.
12.02! Can it go lower?
12.02, tempted to not sleep for a while to track its plummet. do we think itll crash harder?
The shares went down 8%. I think you guys are being a bit ridiculous.
dont think it will go lower, dearest anglos. it will surely crash soonish, but my bets are on next monday.

8%/day is a massive drop
how long can (((they))) pump stimulus in?

Never. (((They))) won't let it happen. If they crash, their clients are insured for up to 100k euros on the back of the state, who will lift this out of the pockets of the people. A lot of people will go from rich to 100k in savings. Even more people will know what little savings they had have become worth exactly dick, while needing to cough up extra taxes to reimburse all those wealthy faggots who always had more than them.

A bailout might cost less in the end, while also keeping up the illusion that nobody loses any money.
>german economy
Aw shit here it goes.
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there we go lads
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not just for them, friendo. if db goes belly up then their derivative exposure will force them to call in derivatives from citibank, creditsuisse, barclays, chase, and other huge banks. none of those banks keep enough cash on hand to pay up. this will force them to call in their derivatives, until they all remember that there's not enough cash to go around to cover the $250 trillion in derivatives they carry.
this will force the american banks, the federal government, and the federal reserve to decide whether the banks will either get an insane $25-50 trillion dollar bailout, or they go bankrupt and destroy the global economy.
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Can someone explain for a layman what this means and why kek should be praised for it?
It's like America is actually trying to start an economic war.
I wonder what's the next step. Maybe ramping up the tax on Apple again
>China wanting a strong currency
Dafuq am I reading.
DB is too big to fail. The EU will definitely rescue it, even if that means more QE.
It won't be a collapse per se, you will just feel it as higher inflation for the next 5 or so years.
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>People play at this, netting themselves huge amounts of money in the meantime
>Gubments bail them out
>Nobody gets literally strung up
>lel let's do that again

No, really. Hanging might be a good thing.
Deutsche Bank is a threat to the global banking system and the consequences of a potential bankruptcy greatly exceeds the Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers collapse aftermath in 2008 due to DB’s vast scale of derivatives’ exposure and equity status matched-up to the fragility of a multitude of interconnected banks in Europe—the European banking system is a cross between a tinderbox and a triage. Unlike 2008, the DB threat cannot be assessed and managed solely from economic and financial perspectives, social and political factors weigh-in heavily because the world learned first-hand the visceral meaning of “systemic bank collapse.” Ergo—now—“we the people” would lose all trust in the banking system and government if this were to happen so it won’t simply because the world’s governments cannot afford the loss of the tenuous remnants of credibility capital.

The likelihood of DB undergoing formal bankruptcy proceedings are remote because the consequences are globally dire—truly a weapon of mass financial destruction. The most likely actions will take place out of the public eye so that trust is preserved in the system and “the system” means the sum of publicly-traded banks, governments, and central banks and would extend beyond the original purview of the ECB and include the US Federal Reserve/Treasury Department if required just like in 2008. In the case of DB’s failure, “whatever it takes” would take a lot more than what Berlin and the ECB can deliver. Just because there is no news in no way reflects lack of action including action of Herculean magnitude and/or unprecedented measures behind the curtain.
They're fucking done for
Is it all over?

I was thinking, why would the US push for this knowing the potential damage it could cause?
Beyond a band-aid approach composed of a series of “loans” and currency swaps (i.e. “stealth bail outs”), an intelligent solution to stabilize the predicament more permanently would be for Germany to nationalize DB in the form of a merger with German’s central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, which would offer the unique opportunity to restructure DB from the ground up while becoming Siamese twins both literally and figuratively with the ECB whose European headquarters is conveniently located in Berlin. This assumes the essence of the headquarters of the acquired (DB in Frankfurt) would be assimilated in Berlin.Nationalizing distressed banks in Europe has been a successful expedient previously and will become warranted here.

Synergistically, this arrangement of the gravitational pull of the European Central Bank + Deutsche Bank + Deutsche Bundesbank triumvirate would attract many other international banks with the eventual ecosystem perhaps achieving a level that would rival a waning London bank complex post-Brexit. Too out-of-the-box? No. Not given the risks and rewards on the event horizon. The potential carnage, strategic upside, and grand stakes for those in high places with more than skin in the game is palpable. If DB’s collapse is not grabbed by the horns early enough it could be a runaway truck. Prevention kills two birds with one stone but the story and timing need to be well orchestrated. Establishment of urgency would not be a fabrication and would provide the basis of a strong case for taking drastic pre-emptive action.
thats why they buy gold like crazy
and trying to stop trading in USA dollar
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Why isn't the MSM reporting this?
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>the news
>Actually reporting news

Its 2016 goy

Because it would cause panic

They want to keep quiet about this until it starts climbing again
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Good. Fucking kikes

Kek is angry with them
It won't climb anymore, it's all downhill from here bro
Thanks friend. May clogs and tulips come to you.
Can somebody explain to me the realistic implications of this?

2008 banking crash

But worse
When is it closing?
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Let's hope so

The west needs a harsh awakening
>tfw Trump comes into the white house and immediately has to fix an economic disaster worse than 2008
Probably still butthurt about Apple having to pay taxes
Owning gold has nothing to do with a gold backed currency.
For example Germany has the 2nd biggest amount of gold on the world but the Euro (and the Mark before it) are fiat currencies.
Oh you done fucked up now.
Can a well-informed person give us a rough number at which we know shit is really getting serious?

In /k/ speak, when do we start popping pmags?
In two hours
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Some people who invested in Deutsche Bank lose money.
It won't crash

B U Y E R ' S M A R K E T
Trust me, it won't

An friend of mine, who is an investor, has been warning me this would happen for at least a year

Nice quads btw, checked
The EU can't save the DB
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I am merely a vessel
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>An friend of mine, who is an investor

t. jew
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We sold all banks across EU, with the exception of German bank, to build a super bank which now fails. Privatizing free trade morons done it again. When do we start revolution and re-open gulags?
At least Trump has a business background so he should be able to do a better job than current nigger or the weedman
Risky. And hard to sell.
If punishment prevents crime for theives,then it prevents crime for elites. Bad business should not be rewarded, and the major stockholders at the time of the crime should be wiped out and jailed.

But if they also waited for insolvency and bankrupted the investors, there will not be a bank to save, so a bold move might be best.

I like nationalization, but you have to bankrupt and jail those who made the bad decisions. This fining shit by any government has to stop. Bad actors have to pay with their lives and livelihoods, and the pragmatism of keeping them around only puts the bankers above the law.

say bye to the economy.

say bye to your money having value.
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It always rallies before closing
fucker is climbing again
Your politicians don't represent the average kraut, we know this. They wouldn't try to genocide you otherwise, stay safe krautbro.

I hope it'll rise back up to 14.88
He is, and he literally made millions

He advised me to short the failure of the DB, and stupid me didn't
Witnessed Quads

Confirmed with doubles
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We 2008 Recession 2: Yuro Boogaloo now?
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its an economics war USA vs EU right? apple taxes, VW emission scandal...
problem is, say DB goes bust what will happen to the other banks/economy?
Or communists, look out
It's all safe until it's below nine. Dammit, you guys have assisted bringing down Clinton and don't know about limits. Yes, it's shaky and it will go down but unless another massive drop happens, Deutsche Bank is alright for a while. Also, historically, September has always been the worst month of the year, stock wise.
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Can somebody explain to me what's happening?
I have no clue.

Literally nothing.
The eternal Anglo is gonna fuck the Eternal Hun again
>you can trade your curency to the China government for the equivalent amount of gold bullion at any time.
I think DB is exposed to a lot of bad loans they made to other failing banks and governments and their shares are falling now. But you never know, /pol/ has been going on about a DB collapse for sometime now and daily variations in share prices are hard to predict or make sense of for us common plebs.
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euro is soon ogre, if the deutsche bank crashes everything will tumble down

>deutsche bank is already in a bad state
>mercians dropped a fine of 14 billion dollars on them
>there is a risk that they wont be able to pay this amount
Why is /pol/ not using their money to influence the drop? Or if i'm reatreded and know nothing about stocks why is /pol/ not planinng to buy their shares to help it going down?
wait actually nevermind, im 100% retarded aren't i
They let you fucks into the EU from the start almost, how responsible are they, I question this. Why the fuck was there such haste to add Greece into the EU? Was it the great olive oil and feta cheese you guys produce? Simitis, Schroeder and Chirac should be hanged for this.
Throw in some corporate privacy laws floating around in Germany, and it turns scary. Fuck knows what's going on.
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>buy their shares
>help it going down
thats not how it works, you would have to sell afterwards for a lower price.
you would loose money over it
I for one intend on avoiding going down with the ship if at all possible.
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In August it was at 11.85. So dont worry, it will go up again.
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Kiitos mestari
You can buy a short position on DB.
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Maybe. But it would be the last time it went up. It's Kussmaul's respiratuon that we are seeing here.
respiration* fug
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We'll see.. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets-idUSKCN11M024
I realise why you guys sort of want this to happen, but this would do some catastrophic things by the sounds of it, and would inevitably affect the people around you. Your siblings, your parents, their retirement savings etc. Your future would probably be tarnished too.

I mean, there's nothing you or I can do but sit back and watch, but I just find it odd. This is serious shit.

Lastly, anyone have any idea what would ACTUALLY happen if DB went down?
>Germany’s biggest bank says it won't pay a $14 billion US Department of Justice (DoJ) fine for selling mortgage-backed securities that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.
what now ????
It won't go down, the government will save it.

Honestly, you should start buying soon.
Start growing veg and packing food/frosting lol
The carnage we need for the cleansing to come.
And there goes the world economy..
so sad, oh well.
Too bad that KEK wills it
Praise KEK
>I realise why you guys sort of want this to happen, but this would do some catastrophic things by the sounds of it, and would inevitably affect the people around you. Your siblings, your parents, their retirement savings etc. Your future would probably be tarnished too.

>I mean, there's nothing you or I can do but sit back and watch, but I just find it odd. This is serious shit.

practically everyone who goes on this website is either shitposting or legitimately wants a purpose in life, massive happenings like this give them a sense of purpose and a reason to live (as they will be able to "participate" in something greater than themselves)

if they discovered a true purpose or another Hitler came up and gave them all purpose, they'd turn into functioning members of society
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>is it normal to almost get wood over a sexy gun?

Only if you're American, anon.

Join us. Your raifu is waiting for you to save her.
Here we go again
/pol/ is always wrong on market happenings
These billionaire disputes drag on for years. There's still several instances of appeal, hearings, claims etc.
The drop in shares is just the initial reaction to the fine, but don't expect a final decision over this for the next 3-4 years.
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Praise KEK

This is true, I'm a total loser and a complete asshole. I need a purpose in life, even if it is to get killed by hordes of welfare starved niggers, I will take as many with me to hell as I can.
That's what happens when you fuck with the eternal Hiberno
>ricing your gun like a dudebro
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>t. someone who trues to sell DB stocks
nah shit is going to hit the fan bery soon. I'm just not sure what will be the final spark. DB is one of the mst likely candidates.
If one thing goes to shit the whole bubble will burst.
With no survivors.
Gold has everything to do with a gold backed currency, just because you use fiat doesn't mean otherwise
>Impliying i have a future and don't just want see the world burn
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It's happening
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Wall Street opening bell!
also new thread pls
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It's almost as if we have a vast array of ancient sources that stresses why Women shouldn't be in positions of power.
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At least all the shitskins will feel at home.
we also have these gets
Fuck women, that is almost all they are good for.
Praise KEK
DB on NYSE -9%
Why do fish and chips trigger so many middle class Europlebs? It's simply battered, fried food, the exact same thing as tempura, won ton and so many other examples from various cultures.
>I mean it's clearly too big to fail.

Said Enron.
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>Germans being pussy again

Go figure.
Oh.. that doesn't look good.
Fucking german plebs cannot do anything right , genetic mutations
praise kek

It's going to rally a bit though, I suspect both Frankfurt and NYSE will close with DB at around -8%
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If you have DB long, I'd close the position :DD
Here you go

DB default 5y probability 16%?
Did I read that chart correctly?
>It's going to rally a bit though
maybe, unless there's (((inside information)))
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All in Incap
Skewed chart, though there is a point.
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These odds are getting better by day. Soon 100%
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Mah nigga.
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