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Forgotten Languages Continued

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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 60

We were having a good conversation about this. Thought we might continue for a little bit longer.

Previous Thread: >>88929165

Forgotten Languages Thread
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."

>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."

>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."

>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"

>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."

can we call these forgotten languages general or /flg/ for short
answering this anon>>88942768
my word really shouldnt mean anything, as i stated in the original thread, ive been taking chantix for the past couple months and the main side effect i have is fuckered up dreams pretty much every night, so there would be no telling if any effects were cause by the videos or not. and i dont want to spread anything not true about all this. you'll have to find a different anon that would be more "normal"
kys my man. Just make threads when they are needed
Good idea. I'll make sure to change it to that for next thread.
i just wanna be able to find these breads tomorrow
Its to allow for easy search in the archives.
>Falling for another hoax
>Right after one hoax.
be an american territory cant even into state hood
this shit is so creepy, some of those articles on memetics hit too close to home when i see all these 4channers forming a kek cult on here.

i watched one of their videos yesterday and i had a killer headache for the rest of the day.
I am fairly certain that this project is attempting to find the relationship between, linguistics, audial and visual stimuli to human behavioral patterns.

In ancient times, language and writing were literally associated with magic.

A global world will require a global language. Picking the right one will be crucial.

This thread is mostly a discussion on the linguistic aspect of this mate. You don't have to be here if you don;t want to. lol
i know man there fuckin weird
>i watched one of their videos yesterday and i had a killer headache for the rest of the day.

Yea I would recommend to everyone here to NOT watch any of the videos. All of them are quite toxic in nature.
ive watched 4 to completion and im fine. gonna get some delicous Hardees biscuits.
could somebody explain this in easy English? are we talking about the power of "meme"?
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b-but what if you got hypnotized by it to THINK you want biscuits?!?!?11!
>are we talking about the power of "meme"?
In a weird way yes lol.

See my post here: >>88944201

Its some sort of subliminal mind control using visual and audio stimuli.

The picture that I posted in the header is from a guy called Jan Blommaert

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Blommaert

This is Globalist Kikery in the works.

weird ass site that is mostly gibberish. what little inst gibberish is shady as fuck and suggests that memetics is effectively a weaponization of language to indirectly make people accept lies as truth.
Nice try Kike but I haven't watched any of the videos and I am not about to do so now.
No I've just been up all night and need muh biscuits
as a /pol/ack you should already know memes are a serious weapon
Just because it didnt fuck with you, doesnt mean it wont hurt others.

Just because you can't detect there is something wrong with you, doesnt mean there isnt something wrong with you.

I am not suggesting that you were harmed, I'm just promoting a perspective of caution as we are dealing with a technology we do not comprehend.

thread 1 >>88880336
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They are getting scared of the rise of Kekism.
but this one has catchy music, couldn't watch the dysentropy one though
Its subliminal messages thats the problem.

Much of our day to day dealings in the world are un-conscious. Therefore it such videos could change your un-conscious nature.

Again, nice try, better luck next time kike. I am not watching any of them.
link to the post that uses this image

nice find, we have a name to look into now.
fuck man im gonna have nitemares i know it
I'm not sleeping until the sun comes up myself, never do with this shit.
No I understand. That's why I'm locking up all my guns before I sleep just in case the "detached conciseness from the physical body" stuff is true
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Interesting links:
Thread on forum of russian linguists to which repply, supposedly, one of fl-researchers on the same day the thread starts(2010)

Answer of, supposedly, the same researcher to user of conspiracy forum.(2013)

What I, personally, understand, suggesting it is not a hoax lasting for years or desperate /x/-er:

>These are experiments to see how possible future languages would look. And understand how language affect person's perception of reality and society as whole according to ayndryl.

Potentially, interesting stuff for fellow anons.

Also anons, if you want to make a real difference, if small - help our fellow anons from CFG to meme and spread information of H>ags' corruption

>[spoiler]irish guy is one of them[/spoiler] kek
You guys shouldn't watch these videos. You're not the intended target... these are designed to destroy the psychic profile of Chinese translators and intelligence operators. You won't be able to find the meaning in the NodeSpace language iterations, you can't form an exegesis, and finding the initial state will not be possible.

DO NOT watch the videos. These are weapons that we are using against the enemy. Don't allow them into your mind.
What is that?
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well, that is an ugly post
A name
Maybe I wanna get fucked up famalam
its one of the members of forgotten languages and also the curator of their youtube channel where the subversive videos are posted.
Leaning towards this, the only fuck insane enough to watch all 220 of these videos would be an intelligence agent.
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this is my type of jazz. Will continue lurkinh whilr reading previous threads and researching site
Ok, thanks.

Man I can't wait until the next Question / Answer session of High Level Insider. I hope he has one soon. I really need to bring this up to him.

The last time I spoke with him I forwarded him two archived threads of supposed Globalist Kike Family members where they talked about a secret language that they learned internally for their use only.

He must have some interesting thoughts on this as well considering the fact that he claimed that he himself knew a bunch of forgotten languages as well.
You're not going to get 'fucked up', you're going to destroy astrocytes and various cells around your caudate nucleus. It doesn't matter if you speak Mandarin, Zulu, or English.

This is 'viral marketing' but you're not the intended audience. The intended audience is a team of Chinese analysts who have been forced by their government to decipher these because the threats posted by the ForgottenLanguages group against the Guangdong Nuclear Power Station are an existential risk scenario.

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Absolute fucking madman.
Not to worry I didn't watch any of them but...how do you know such things?
where did you get this conclusion from, this is the first I have heard any of these terms.
If the languages are forgotten how do you know about them?
I'll take you up on that
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sounds like someone watched way too many of their videos and got their brain fucked.
from last thread
Those don't look like oysters...
here u go friend>>88944400

rocky mountain oysters is a joking name ranchers from colorado give to bull testicles. they fry them up and feed them to tourists.
I wouldn't trust High Level Insider. Spoke with him, as well as other anons and he's seems total shilling larper

Which family do you work for kike?

What he said about Obama is 100% true.
>you're going to destroy astrocytes and various cells around your caudate nucleus.

This is the part I definitely need some kind of proof for why you would be so fucking specific.
Already watched that one

They are not Oysters. They are a set of testicles. I figured that anon could use them.
Fucking afraid of a few minor cells in the brain 'Possibly' dieing because he watched a couple videos in the name of research.

Sack up ya sissy.
Being afraid of a little psycho-warfare, what a god damn little bitch eh?
>What he said about Obama is 100% true.
What specifically?

make sure to yell out something memey before you die anon
He's probably one of them senpai. Once they found out about the increased traffic to their website and YouTube channel they came here for quick damage control.
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>hur durr general
dedsede skopa nayn ared ikerre
I'm picturing a bunch of plucky young promising chinese elite being fed into psyop meat grinders by the thousands right now, intelligence suddenly does not sound like such an alluring and glamorous field.
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I just watched one of their videos, in the strobing I was able to make out a rotting body's face. It had wasp like features..
I don't think there is such a thing as a cog virus, but the strong made my eyes feel weird..
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yeah its sum weird shit
Rothschild's why do u ask goy

just because its military psyops doesnt mean they cant also use it against us to distrust our memes.

remember that we succesfully tricked a presidential candidate into making a fool of herself by talking about pepe. there is nothing on forgotten languages about memetics we have not mastered for our own amusement.
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some insight for anyone that cares on one of the texts (the Japanese one on the front page)
The following can be deducted: it is not archaic for two reasons
1. Truly old Japanese was only written with kanji
2. Even if it was written phonetically the archaic hiragana characters you would need to do that aren't present
3. Numbers are in English, which is another sign it's modern

Along with how it's obfuscated:
It is almost 100% not rearranging of words but of characters, for example the letter ん never starts a word in Japanese, yet one of the "words" started with it
Along with this, the Japanese language usually has no spaces, yet in this text the words are spaced.
There is also no evidence of particles (Japanese grammar) in the text, or atleast they aren't considered to be their own words.
Due to all of the above, it is either a really fucked up cipher or its all just gibberish
One of the references doesn't exist either, although the person does and the title is related to his work.

Due to all of the above I feel this is AI written garbage, with enough sense to write passable references but not text
I thought rocky mountain oysters were goat testicles not bull.
Are you going to translate this dankness or do I
have to butcher it with google translate?

>inb4 its part of one of the videos

>2 results
>Advanced Plasma Cruise Missles

Fuck I had a good laugh, I mean, those would be some nifty fucking weapons. What a choice of words anon.

I'v got a set not even they will decipher.

Maak tuul ni pond fei fa lamf derxmonte.

It (partly) translate into - Don't try and spin fear.

Those Plasma Cruise missiles though, those could be something to fear.
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keys m8

Keys have been checked.

Maak fei alum ni hamaf ax mee tuul.
>Due to all of the above, it is either a really fucked up cipher or its all just gibberish

This is what I was thinking looking at the supposed encrypted sections, the grammar is shot to shit just from a simple examination, particularly in linguistics there is a big rule regarding translating languages, look for the a, to, from, and etc

>One of the references doesn't exist either
which one?

this right here. the 'forgotten languages' are a gibberish cypher for english. numbers and names never get corrupted by it.

its meant to sow distrust in you and get you to watch videos specifically designed to give people headaches or nightmares.

Most of them.

The site is complete bollock.

The most it will do is give effect to weak minded and lack-luster imaginations, whatever their effect plans to be, it's no more heinous than what we as humans have been doing to each other for a long, long time.
Does this happen when reading forgottenlanguages or when watching which videos?

I watched some weird ass fractal chromadepth geometric animations in a thread yesterday, are these what you mean? Am I fried now?
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Those that came from the beast:

Lay low and ease your mind from the seeking of the unanswered.

Regroup after rest, let what is forgotten stay forgotten for just a bit. More important matters will need your attention.
It's the Japanese lexicon merged with the syntax and grammatical structures of other languages, and fed through an Ising model. Neither a linguist nor a cryptographer will translate this for you.

Proper nouns are a special case. Perhaps Philip can be Felipe, but who about Paul?

>but who about Paul?

Well first. You have to make sense yourself.
If you don't grammatically make sense, your idea does not make sense. If your idea cannot come into sense, then it might as well be
something akin to what he described.
A chromatic fractal of geometric animations, however even those can make sense to those not completely clueless of mind.

inb4 a serious response. I'm fucking with you mate. Check your spelling/grammar.

CAPTCHA: Popcorn. I'm going to need some if this thread kicks off. The last one is a great read.
yeah man thoughs fuckin vids man im wierdly enough scared to go to sleep now, maybe im just being paranoid
Don't be a pussy. Just sleep with a gun. But make sure it's loaded. Besides even if everything about this mind control and making you do things after you go to sleep is true, it's fine cause you'll have gun
... how many videos did you watch? You didn't watch "long bitch" all the way through, did you?

Take control of that imagination. Go back through, give those videos a good hard stare. Find something to laugh at. Distort that laughter into something larger and crazier than any implication of the video. Dream about some crazy memetic world take over where you end up saving the day like some Kek wizard.

Have a little imagination and be stronger of mind. I know i'm excited to see what whim and woe they attempt to think is 'Nightmare Fuel' for when I catch my rest. I enjoy turning a nightmare into a lucid dream where I win, it's good fun.
If you've been watching the videos, especially long bitch, or the more violent ones that I won't mention, you need to stop reading these threads immediately. Do not sleep near a gun. Do not go to sleep for at least 6 hours after you stop thinking about this. Do not consolidate those memories.
>I enjoy turning a nightmare into a lucid dream where I win, it's good fun.

Lol, I thought I was the only guy insane enough to do this.
>Besides even if everything about this mind control and making you do things after you go to sleep is true, it's fine cause you'll have gun

thank god we have guns to fight mind control with

no just panic extended cuz it was catchy and a lil bit of the others, though i have to wonder why the site looks so primitive, and why can we access www.forgottenlanguages.org
Fuck you bitch I ain't a pussy I wasn't planning on going to sleep cause I gotta go to work soon but now I'm gonna take a nap just to prove a point.
I'm gonna merica the fuck out of this occult mind control

There was a set of balls I posted earlier in this thread.
I suggest you find a way to attach them to your sackless crotch.

I did by accident as a child, and ever since it's been probably my favorite thing about a full nights rest.
The dream was me floating in the ocean and a Great White grabbed me by the leg and pulled me under, tearing my leg off and swimming away with it in it's mouth. I screamed and bled and cried, then I realized it didn't actually hurt, and I couldnt choke on the water. When it started swimming back for another bite I figured if things are going to be weird the I might as well fight a shark, and I ended up hitting it once and sending it further than the eyes stretch over a horizon. Ended up doing some speed swimming with both my legs until I woke up.

Now I feel like i'v faced it all in my dreams. I don't comprehend how some people fear the sleep. Nightmares are basically a dream scenario I don't have to set up, they are fun.
well to be honest most of my scary dreams do turn lucid cuz for sum reason when i get scared in my dream by weird shit i start to question if im dreaming or not either ill count my fingures or start to do tele shit... if i can do tele shit im prolly dreaming.. also try counting ur fingers in a dream its trippy as fuck
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KEK man good image
alright anons im gonna give this bread one last bump before i pass out, gnight u glorious autistic chaps
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Pff, as if /pol/ isn't already a global leader on this. We're sooooo far ahead of the game.

Count... fingers...

Mate, of all the crazy things you could do to test if you're dreaming or not, you chose to attempt something you could do while awake.

Were you just trying to test perception by proxy? Why not look into a mirror in that case, if you want really trippy. Why not play the dream like a 3rd person shooter, that's always a little mind bending at first.

Mate, go full Goku in 90% of your nightmare situations and just blow some holes through the walls and give yourself some open 'arena' space to fight whatever is trying to be the antagonist of the dreamscape?
I find with most nightmares it's always some shadowy cunt that's got to be 'right around the corner' or 'just behind that object' or 'slightly out of sight'. That's the biggest scare/piss off. The moment you actually get to knuckle up against a demon or some crazy entity, that's when you get the real strength behind ya. It's not like real life, when you believe you're going to win in the dream, you win. Every time.

being scared gives these things power. the site spells it out: the world you live in is what you perceive of it, and if you do not have your guard up at all times you WILL be persuaded and fooled by lies.

learn to smell bullshit and turn away from it. learn not to be scared by the unknown.

embrace the truth. the truth will set you free.
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is this something like Mentalics in The Foundation by Asimov?
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sorry mixed up the nipp one with the latest one that was just posted, the first reference in the latest post doesn't seem to exist although I didn't look incredibly hard

I don't know how you could combine Japanese words with another grammatical structure without losing an incredible amount of meaning in the process.
Also from my brief wikipedia search of an Ising model, it doesn't seem like something that could be used very well to obfuscate languages, due to the fact it deals with binary states.
I think you're talking nonsense m80
Back briefly. I'm pretty tired but just want to say thanks for the ideas. I don't have anything to do with this site other than having been curious about it for years. I just wanted the hive to have a go and see what they come up with. The reason I said I thought the software was mil is that it war derived from software for analysis of materials and if you follow that back you ended up (when I looked hard)a few years ago on a company that made software to do with seismic analysis that was actually a mil front,

However this thing has been up for years. The linguist I showed it to a few years ago said it was very advanced and he was doing a masters in pure linguistics but minus the software could not move it.

An encryption this powerful is in its own right massive and there is data in those videos as well as binaural and other stuff going on.

Random thought

Since there are so many videos - why hundreds (there are at least three youtube channels) some one them make people very uncomfortable and are very creepy are some of them a public key and some 'landmines'

Found the Chinese mil counter theory very interesting.

Still want to know who paid for this amount of dev, specialised software that is $$$$$ and why the bizzare literature even if it was test cases for the languages why not use jane fucking austen or if sciene needed some papers from Einstein. Same with the videos, fractal linguistic output but wahy creepy...why not teddy bears and rainbows.

Against nmil

Hard to see a contractor get this funded with that imagery - why use it?

Understand you are distrustful of me and why esp after that bse shit but it was the preferct thread to dump into and get people as curious as I am.

Massive amount of work and money for this.

There is no happening it was never anything to do with bse and I am glad that you all know about it. It is fascinating and I find it evil and disturbed. If it is shut down then that's a plus.

Going to sleep now I'm fucked.
You seem focused

What do you make of this three page thread


Some linguists on a forum for it found it and started rooting and they popped up and taked about the methodology and software. No mention of the ideos just a happy fun linguistics project....they have also tried to spoof it being a viral countdown last year after it got attention and dumped the diskus and vampire stuff to throw ats (who got no where).

Is the cassini diskus stuff valid - the crorrect decoding laser scan or is it BS?

Really tired so having nap.

Thanks anons. The BSE was BS but the depth of the SW and linguistic work on this is incredible. There are hundreds of those vids and hundreds of books
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you seem trustworthy m8 but I'm still on the fence about you after pic related
oh look another fucking viral

didnt you bunch of lads learn anything from BSE?
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>pic is you in a few days.
believe it or not that's not me.

there is more than one irishfag on here.

Its as we say bollix anyway and irrelevent
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I'm a pretty major tinfoil so take what I say with a grain of salt but I watched only a couple of these vids (only one in full, the cassini diskus decoded which was like 22 seconds) and two others. One I quickly scrubbed through and turned off and another that instantly made me naseous and I had to turn the sound off.

I have had a few concussions in my life (one bad one in early youth), I've always had a bit of what I call "memory leak" and it's always been difficult for me to visualize anything for more than just a half second. So hopefully I have a futurama style type brain problem that might protect me for letting these things take deep root.

Either way though it's got me thinking about how if these videos are truly as dangerous as they say they are, yet are rather innocuous in delivery (i mean really it's just light and sound)...is there some form of this technology already being utilized in the media we consume?

I mean think about it, you look at the caliber of people who listen to things like top 40 or watch terrible popcorn garbage movies and you always assume well are these people just stupid or are the songs/films MAKING them stupid or is it both?

I watched those videos and if no one told me I would have just assumed they were run of the mill creepypastas but apparently they fucking destroy specific parts of your brain so I don't know...I'm starting to think maybe it's smart to go the luddite route as we venture into this brave new world. There are plenty of good ol' English books to read that won't destroy my brain in a way that is totally subversive and I would never even be able to detect.

TL:DR if they have sound and light tech that makes you retarded maybe it's best to avoid entertainments because it might already be present in some of them.
well, heres food for thought

they'd do it if they could, and they have the power to start developing technology that lets them do it.

Hell they threw cocaine into coca cola, they threw GOD IS THE STATE subliminals into the daily national anthem on TV

either learn to enjoy the ride or find some way to get off in my opinion.
Have you tried concentration exercises?
The first chapter of Initiation Into Hermetics has great exercises for this, I can hold a visualization for ten minutes now and a mantra for hours, I can taste, smell and feel an apple and I can hear the crunch when I imagine biting into it.
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Back in the day there was only tvs. Now, the platforms and the opportunities are endless.

what is the tl;dr here, just some spoopy shit?
Got any pdfs about this?


How about this page is it in japanese or is it something mixed up?
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very spoopy
yeah, I'll make an image
These languages really existed at some point in history or is it just recently made up bullshit for website?
They appear to be ciphers

Image wasn't needed. This is basically a Yoga routine, for whatever reason this guy got really into an initiation system (ie a guru to student tradition) of ancient Hatha Yoga and then decided to package the whole thing up for individual practitioners so that it would be open for anyone around the world to do. It's not suggested to learn meditation without a guru in hatha yoga, so imbibe at your own risk.
I watched 10 of the videos last night with headphones on to get the full experience. Slept like a baby and had a really pleasant dream.
I recommend checking out the ones that say "by XVis"
this is ages before meditation was sold as just concentrating on nothingness by hipsters who went to buddhist retreats for two weeks a year. this is real meditation, the stuff you are supposed to do after you gain control over the mind through quiet mind meditation.

There is a website that is eight years old that is loaded with highly advanced science and everything is encrypted in a fractal language that references dozens of languages (including dead languages) and can only be decoded with proprietary software.

The people on the site have decoded/translated thousands of ancient texts and their interests involve biowarfare, genetics, mass manipulation, human experimentation, linguistics, cultural subversion and fucking ayylmaos.

There are hundreds of books but many have small snippets in English and you get a very strange picture of what they're talking about. Also, apparently the videos they produce are riddled with an encrypted universal grammar in sound and light waveforms that can make you feel physically ill and even fuck with your brain. Thought viruses. Language viruses. This is actual memetic warfare.

They have a thing called the Cassini Diskus which is apparently the thing that landed at fucking Roswell and the images of its language are bizarre. They claim to have decoded it and can communicate with these entities through quantum space.

TL:DR We found (or rather, were given) a website of loominaty scientists and the implications are terrifying.

>Chemical drugs cannot be used because each individual reacts in a different way to them. We proposed to used XViS to induce self-organizational processes in the underlying neurodynamics, resulting in synthetic dreams. The system acts as a strong internal stimulus source producing the complex confabulatory narrative of the dream by causing massive shifts in the internal chemical landscape and the neuroanatomical architecture of the individual's sleep.

>... came out with a way to induce synthetic dreams in patients, dreams that were extremely vivid, pleasant, liberating, relaxing. The synthetic dreams had a lasting healing effect on the subjects and had a key advantage we were interested in: the subjects, for the first time, did not find the world grey, sad, and depressing once they were awake.
They took structures from different languages and mixed them together, look in the prev thread someone quoted a post from a forum where they detail the birth of this
Do you think it's too dangerous to try this just to have a better understanding of shapes that I find difficult to translate on paper?
Might be a bit naive but has anybody attempted to codebreak the cassini diskus the old fashioned way? Like looking at the frequency of symbols and making possible comparisons to our alphabet. Theres no saying it would directly translate to English or anything like that but there may be some patterns
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>They have a thing called the Cassini Diskus which is apparently the thing that landed at fucking Roswell and the images of its language are bizarre. They claim to have decoded it and can communicate with these entities through quantum space.

Could the Cassini Diskus be the "machine" that (((they))) use to communicate with space satan?
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>Do you think it's too dangerous to try this just to have a better understanding of shapes that I find difficult to translate on paper?

I don't think there is anything dangerous in the first chapter of exercises, if you don't want to be primed for mental concepts of spurious veracity then just skip the theory section and do the starting meditations.

The only thing I recommend is to never sleep directly after meditating.

please stop posting memetic weapons.

Holy fuck I was wrong dont watch the videos
What happened anon?

Is you kill?
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Tell us what happened lad
I just woke up. Don't watch the videos
Is this related? The main site is blocked by firefox

had a bad dream? just watch them during the day when all they do is give you headaches
jesus what the fuck

I know there is something hanging out of my ear everytime I reach for it it slithers back in

get the fuck out get the fuck out

any advice to deal with this shit bros

he only vid I watched was the Mars Inconnected or something the fuck like that

it litterally feels like a fucking tube is hanging out of my ear and it's making my face aach.
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I say pray 4 u


we told you not to watch!! Did you have fucked up dreams or something? Are you ok my dude?

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Is your subconscious kill? Did (((they))) visit you in your sleep?
Inhabit- of Earth. We are a r- from the
Planet Volula (STATIC) ...We came to you in these familiar Earth forms to tell you we received your vessel and in it your hostile challenge.

Pretty spoopy scenes for a comedy.
>Is this related? The main site is blocked by firefox

I sure fucking hope not, this is talking about a method of organizing DNA, we are getting back into le spooky grabbler territory.
Apparently when I was a kid I was in the playground outside my house, Il one afternoon I was out there alone, lost control of my legs and fell. I was circled by something. Gravel was being kicked up all around me and I started crying and my mom came outside and got me. I tried sleeping about an hour ago and I was back at the playground and it happened again. I guess I repressed the memory or something I never knew it had happened until now.
thank fuck I didn't watch any vids
Don't say I didn't warn you lad. We periodically get psyop vids on here and it always fucks people up.
You got bullied by some shithead kids?
Jesus christ, wasnt there something in the earlier thread about uncovering hidden memories?
It was back in my room after I woke up
This is why you don't sleep after reading about aliens until you've totally forgotten about what you're reading about.
xVis: a web server for the schematic visualization and interpretation of crosslink-derived spatial restraints.
Grimm M1, Zimniak T1, Kahraman A2, Herzog F3.
The identification of crosslinks by mass spectrometry has recently been established as an integral part of the hybrid structural analysis of protein complexes and networks. The crosslinking analysis determines distance restraints between two covalently linked amino acids which are typically summarized in a table format that precludes the immediate and comprehensive interpretation of the topological data. xVis displays crosslinks in clear schematic representations in form of a circular, bar or network diagram. The interactive graphs indicate the linkage sites and identification scores, depict the spatial proximity of structurally and functionally annotated protein regions and the evolutionary conservation of amino acids and facilitate clustering of proteins into subcomplexes according to the crosslink density. Furthermore, xVis offers two options for the qualitative assessment of the crosslink identifications by filtering crosslinks according to identification scores or false discovery rates and by displaying the corresponding fragment ion spectrum of each crosslink for the manual validation of the mass spectrometric data. Our web server provides an easy-to-use tool for the fast topological and functional interpretation of distance information on protein complex architectures and for the evaluation of crosslink fragment ion spectra. xVis is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license at http://xvis.genzentrum.lmu.de/.

posting for easy reference
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This reminds me of the book Snow Crash by Stephenson.
I've got a shotgun by my door with #4 buck and I got a shotgun in my bed with 00 buck. I'm gonna try to sleep again and see what happens. I didn't know I used to be a paraplegic. That was trippy
>A global world will require a global language.
English motherfucker do you speak it?


either youre trolling us or this site is a literal brainfuck factory
In case the thing comes back. I think I need to watch another video though.
>The Daya Bay Neutrino Detection Experiment and the 2017 Guangdong nuclear disaster


>An explosion in one of the 984 MWe pressurised water reactors in such a way as to render useless the three barriers now in place to prevent the escape of radioactive material from the core. This includes the hacking of the redundant mechanisms required to maintain safety by injecting the malware early in the deployment process.

>it is essential to maximise panic among the non-exposed population. This would require disseminating contradictory, inaccurate and non relevant information about the event combined with actions that reduce credibility of the authorities


they cite this guys work
>The Sociolinguistics of Globalization
>I didn't know I used to be a paraplegic.
I've had dreams before where it becomes difficult to walk. Think like your wearing 50 pound shoes. Shits weird.
wouldnt/shouldnt this stuff be deep web if it was real?
Think tower of babel.

In the bible, they speak of how God created the world using "Logos"—the word. "The word was with god and the word is god". God destroyed the tower of babel because "the people were all of one language, and nothing they set out to do would be kept from them". The bible is vague here, but many interpret it to mean that Nimrod and his followers were fucking evil, and they had this super language which was God's language, given to them by the fallen angels. They were able to do anything they wanted with this "universal grammar".

So God confounded their languages and made it much harder for them to retain what they knew, and that it was harder for them to work together. From what it looks like, this Forgotten Languages page is the modern remnant of those trying to put the pieces together of "God's Language", and they've been helped out by fucking ayylmaos of all things.

Really makes me ponder. Are ayylmaos just demons in disguise? All this alien bullshit started right around the time Crowley was doing his supreme rituals where he claimed to open a conduit to another world, and not only that, but he specifically left it open. He never finished the ritual.

its probably just the critical area of mind sending message units down to the subconscious regarding the stiffness of the body as it enters paralysis which then gets vented through the dream state.

not necessarily, we've posited several theories that account for it, intentional memetic seeding of cultural spearheads like ourselves and a psyop for the chinese.
>Think tower of babel.

Oh, he was.
>Jan Blommaert (November 4, 1961) is a Belgian sociolinguist and linguistic anthropologist, Professor of Language, Culture and Globalization and Director of the Babylon Center at Tilburg University

>Director of the Babylon Center at Tilburg University
cant understand shit someone pls make a tl;dr
Well just so I tell someone before I sleep again.. I know there was an anon who wanted me to keep him updated about it from before. When it happened when I was a kid it was during the day. In my dream it was dusk, with an overcast, and I was holding three lobsters.
It looks like they're mostly hiding in plain sight and 90% of the site is in their undecipherable language anyway. According to potatoanon they hide under the guise of being a Linguistics organization and have also claimed to vampires or other nonsense to throw people from the trail. He said they used to have a hidden link that showed the experiment results from what they had done to human test subjects, but they moved it to another server when threads at ATS started snooping into them.

Probably should be an onion/deepweb site.
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Also I watched the video swarm. Didn't seem to harmful, a lot different than the 4 I had watched before, but I watched those around 1-3am. I have all the videos saved.
Lot of new information here, never heard that interpretation of the Nimrod cult before.

Its been speculated by Jacque Vallee of UFOLOGY fame that UFO phenomenon is extra dimensionally and consciously based, aliens appear completely different depending on culture, as do their ships and the experiences that occur. Mystics like Crowley triggered altered states of mind where these entities are more prevalent and even attempted to form relationships with them in pursuit of truth.

a canadian anon claimed that pages like that and pictures of chinese airfields were meant to lure chinese intelligence agents to the site.

because of the threat the site makes, the government of china would want every corner of it analyzed thoroughly to see who the site is affiliated with.

this, of course, is a horrible idea.
Damn, I acknowledge your bravery in the pursuit of truth anon.

May you find what you seek.

but why?
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>but he specifically left it open. He never finished the ritual.

kek, what could go wrong amirite
>inb4 kek dubs
Ah I see, that's clever. Saying that though, if some random anons from a taiwanese pastry making forum could figure it out, shouldn't the chinese intelligence be well onto it too? Then again I suppose they would be forced to analyse it 'just in case'...
>Then again I suppose they would be forced to analyse it 'just in case'...
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>this shit is so creepy, some of those articles on memetics hit too close to home when i see all these 4channers forming a kek cult on here.

The Cult of Kek is evolutionary memeing as described as Richard Dawkins.

It doesn't attempt to alter or control human behaviour. It is the result of thousands of shitposts and OC being thrown at a wall and the most successful memes being incorporated into the meta Kek meme.

The use of subliminal/hypnosis/memes to actively control people is an entirely different thing, it has never been proven to be possible.

And people have been looking for effectively mind control forever. If anyone discovered a way of controlling human behaviour they could immediately make a billion dollars through selling dieting memes to fatties.

The conspiracy theories themselves are an example of evolutionary memeing.

pepe/kek is a very successful memetic weapon, though. many people i know stopped taking the news seriously for good after they ran the 'hillary clinton takes on a cartoon frog on the internet' story.

this site is a much more dangerous version of forgotten languages, because our memes can go mainstream and influence elections.
What do you think the endgame is?

How do you expect the younger generation that was brought up on the internet will react to a presidential candidate targeting frog memes as an actual enemy. Memetic warfare is real, and it grows stronger every day. Not because of "evolutionary memeing" as mentioned above, but because it is able to grasp an entire generation that has been entirely influenced by pop culture, social media, shitposting, and internet memes BY THE BALLS.

Much more is at work here, and it's ingenious.

this is light years ahead of /cfg/ memetic warfare
Google Enuncia.

Sounds like a WH40k Plot
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bonk because further interest
In my opinion the end game would be a series of completely isolated individuals ruled by independent memeplexes that tie into one central meme which renders all the independent memeplexes useless.

I dare say it could be the idea that memes control humanity, rather than individual consciousnesses while consciousness is either eliminated as a concept from humanity or is relegated to a subservient role to memes.

No different than the beliefs in predestination in a world infinitely controlled by God of the past which saw the church rise to monolithic power, only the new church will be the state and the new God will be Memes.
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Meme magic is real because what we call 'reality' is holographic in nature. The late scientist Emoto used to put written messages next to containers of water, then freeze the water and examine the crystals that had been formed using microscopic photography. The water that had been placed next to positive messages like "I love you." turned into visually pleasing crystal formations, while the water that had been placed next to negative messages like "You make me sick, I want to kill you." turned into irregular crystal formations. In the ancient Indian poem 'Ramayana', a bridge to Lanka is being built with stones for Rama by an army of monkey-like humanoid beings. However, the stones don't stick together to form a continuous structure. Hanuman, Rama's devotee, suggests that Rama's name be written onto the stones so that they stick together. This is done and the stones then stick together to form the bridge that they want to build. In both Emoto's experiments and that story from Ramayana, it's not the mere act of writing that accomplishes those seemingly miraculous results but the VIBRATING ENERGY FIELDS OF INFORMATION of what was written. One of the COMPLETELY FALSE assumptions of modern mainstream science is that our internal world (i.e. our thoughts, our emotions and our intentions) has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on our external world. But the truth is that there is NO BOUNDARY between our 'internal world' and our 'external world'. They're BOTH movies that originate from the SAME projector room.

The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of meme magic. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake

the difference between forgotten languages memetic warfare and /cfg/ memetic warfare is that we have managed to apply the information to actual political change.

we got hillary clinton to declare war on a cartoon frog, which in turn meant the news had to cover it. it not only proved that hillary clinton was disconnected from reality, but that the news was also her lapdog.

sure a forgotten languages video can make you have nightmares or a seizure, but it sure as hell can't manipulate one of the most important elections in american history.
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What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale.

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour." - William Blake

Not only did our ancestors know about the holographic nature of 'reality', but there is also scientific evidence for the holographic nature of 'reality'.

"That is whole, this is whole.
From that wholeness, this wholeness comes.
Add the whole to the whole and the whole still remains.
Remove the whole from the whole and the whole still remains.
The whole remains the whole." - Isha Upanishad

"Know the world is a mirror from head to foot,
In every atom a hundred blazing suns.
If you cleave the heart of one drop of water,
A hundred pure oceans emerge from it.
If you examine closely each grain of sand,
A thousand Adams may be seen in it.
In its members a gnat is like an elephant;
In its qualities a drop of rain is like the Nile.
The heart of a barley-corn equals a hundred harvests,
A world dwells in the heart of a millet seed.
In the wing of a gnat is the ocean of life,
In the pupil of the eye a heaven;
What though the grain of the heart be small,
It is a station for the Lord of both worlds to dwell therein." - Mahmud Shabstari

Group meditation has been correlated to a reduction in terrorism and crime:


What we're doing (i.e. meme magic) works on the same principle (which is collectively focusing on something and thus energising that 'something' with our collective focus), except our focus is not to reduce terrorism and crime per se but to meme Trump's presidency into 'reality' (among other things). What people call 'reality' is MALLEABLE. WE have the power. WE are the ones we've been waiting for. It's ALWAYS been us. All we're doing right now is REMEMBERING who we REALLY ARE. Now let's have some fun with our collective power! :D
memes are the hivemind?
Holy moly.. this has to be without doubt the most autistic thing I have witnessed on pol.
Skepticism is a mark of the bluepill.

Begone, O wise one.
>Meme magic is real because what we call 'reality' is holographic in nature. The late scientist Emoto used to put written messages next to containers of water, then freeze the water and examine the crystals that had been formed using microscopic photography.

I have heard that there is a variation of this study done more recently where you put two tubes of water in the fridge, one with the label 'Acidic' on it and the other labeled 'Base' and they will slowly match the label, as water frequently turns between one or the other its on the threshold for mental influence.

Never done it myself though, I need PH strips.


love this stuff, very empowering

Not memes themselves, but the actual Meme of Memes. The Metameme.

Just in believing in memes, they gain more power over you.
remember that forgotten languages isn't finished yet, and is fucking people up on the small scale of a couple of people on /pol/

If this went viral (which we should probably prevent) it could fuck up a lot of people. It just hasn't gotten the necessary exposure.
Isn't there also the possibility that effect of the videos is simply just placebo and the power of suggestion?
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>love this stuff, very empowering

Yes, the power REALLY IS WITH US and this is what the System is DESPERATE to keep hidden from us!

Remember who and what we REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is infinite and eternal) having an experience in a temporary human form. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
What we need is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually and collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY to begin with. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.
Thats strong enough on its own for a good deal of people, Placebo effects people at different rates as does suggestion.

Psychoanalysis has been known to be total bullshit for ages yet they still manage to convince people they have horrible psychological problems underlying their physical oddities, thus creating a real problem. Hell just look at women ruining their own lives and the lives of men by being told they were raped by casual touch and developing ptsd from rubbing shoulders with men.

>If this went viral (which we should probably prevent
how though, I know from my own experiments with ebola-chan (kek) that pretty much everything you do will bring more attention to something from different demographics.
You say it is dangerous, the truth seeking skeptic crowd needs to burn themselves (see this thread)
You say it is nonsense, the paranoid crowd thinks you are a shill hiding it and spends 10x more effort reading into it than they would have otherwise
You inform people of how it works and the mememagician crowd actually uses it.
can someone link the nightmarish youtube vids?
Wittgenstein on Freuds Psychoanalysis.
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What people refer to as a 'ghost' is merely a form of life that exists outside of our frequency band.
What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
Yea PTSD and shell shock is bullshit!

What a bunch of pussys with made up stuff.
That is completely possible, but based on all the shit they have on their website, it seems to be way too much effort for that. It could still be possible but I don't think so.

to stop it you don't talk about it. at all. You don't even talk about not talking about it. Just complete radio silence.

It sucks because the people cracking away at what it could mean would have to go into very private communication, and shit will get to their heads quick, and they could fall victim to the damaging stuff on the site. If people have to hide like that it's going to mess with them.

It's a painful Catch-22 where the only way to win is to not play.

that's all memes really are
>That is completely possible, but based on all the shit they have on their website, it seems to be way too much effort for that. It could still be possible but I don't think so.
But does it say on the website at any point that these videos will fuck with your head? I thought one anon felt funny after watching a couple, other anons then felt the same (suggestion) then all of a sudden the placebo and suggestion of it being dangerous is reinforced x500 because its now spoopy. Simply by believing it will fuck with your head makes it prone to happening because you expect and will it to. The only way to really test it would be to show them to a bunch of people that have no idea what theyre seeing and tell them its nothing. I personally don't believe they will share the same experiences as those that believe this is some kind of psyops mind control tool

> make global language

> differences arise everywher ein less than 50 years

i dont want your globalism anyways fatfuck

fucking nu/pol/ sucks
I don't think its all bullshit, you can probably name right now the most displeasurable experience you've ever had, and 5 details like the time of day, or who you talked with etc while I highly doubt you could tell me any details at all accurately about what you did a month ago.

Some experiences are more charged with 'content' than others so they are 'weightier'

with the bullshit experience, the psychoanalyst/peergroup comes and makes constant suggestions about how this woman was raped and this gradually creates a false reality where they really were raped, they trust their friends judgement, they trust their analysts judgement and they trust their own judgement. Either all those people are wrong or their model of reality is wrong.
you didnt follow the threads, they account for that with this supposed lsing program
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>The sociolinguistics of globalization
>differences arise everywhere

Yeah but it's like being a northern American talking to a southern American. Or a Brit. Or an Australian. Or a Canadian. All speak English with variations but all can easily communicate with one another.

Right now we have hundreds of languages and it's impossible to get Russian, Chinese, Japanese, English, Spanish, French and German scientists all on the same page easily for example.

But I'm not advocating for globalism. Fuck globalism.
Do it. Show the videos to someone without telling them what it is. Then come back and tell us what happened
I did, last night. I've felt weird and the dreams, that's what fucked me up most. They felt, manufactured. Like everything was structured and made up like a videogame my brain rendered. I've felt like I woke up in a trance all day. I have a electromagnetic field generator that I use sometimes to change my mood or for fun party tricks and the feeling I have now I've had when fucking with the setting on some bullshit 'pyramid' frequency I read about. It's like you're awake, totally conscious and aware, but everything above your basic human actions have been severed, like your conscious was on a conference call and that video just cut the phone line.
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This whole website is wild as fuck. I found a post from that Ayndryl guy on another forum kindof explaining what exactly the deal is with the languages.

Also found a fairly recent article (sep 2016) about human testing of DMT to communicate with ET. They're using soldiers from the Islamic State, according to the article.
Despite my skepticism, I don't want to be the one to do that incase I am wrong. Hopefully somebody would be willing to though
>But does it say on the website at any point that these videos will fuck with your head?

its implied by the bizarre content of their videos of surgeries and grotesque images and the preoccupation with hypnosis and altered states of consciousness and their claims to create artificial dreams and dominate memeplex's with false ideas on their site

interesting you felt the dream was manufactured.

What is this electromagnetism generator? I've been considering getting one myself but don't know where to start.
I watched it all the way to the end (as well all the videos I could possibly find) and felt absolutely no different, though i WILL say I did have some very strange dreams last night.

One that I can specifically remember involved 3 friends of mine (all members of the military) that dove into a pool in drowned intentionally, almost ritualistically. Then everyone was referring to them by the wrong names, no matter what I tried to do to correct them.

I normally can't remember dreams. I can't get this one out of my head.
What the fuck, this doesnt explain it at all, why the citations?

Why the completely bizarre choices in topics?
Speaking of Implications like that, here is a specific article that discusses the transmission of data using electrical signals into light that reacts with proteins in the human retina to send signals to the brain

>"Once we characterized the light-sensitive protein in the retina of the EBE, we presented the images to the XViS encoder where they were converted into streams of electrical pulses and then into streams of light pulses to drive that species-specific light-sensitive protein. In humans the light-sensitive protein is ChR2, while in EBEs it is a set of various proteins which are alien to human biology."

No, It doesn't explain the topics, it explains what languages they are using and how those languages came about. It doesn't explain the topics or anything like that, just the development of the languages.
Right, forgot about that one.

Do you have a link to the post and article?

I wonder what we would get if we just asked via Email.
o fuck one of the people posting is called "Aelannyn" and in trying to find out what that meant, google images gave some fucking creepy images


Ignore that this is Tumblr and take a read->


A vague feeling that somehow this is connected to the forgotten languages
All of those images are hosted by Kyrsse, sister site of Forgotten Languages
I know rite?

>we are interested in language!
>we like to create languages with proprietary software by mixing languages together
>this allows us to communicate privately

>about ayylmaos
>meme consciousness
>10 dimensional God
>eradication of indo Europeans
>synthetic dreams
>inducing psychosis with waveforms
>electromagnetic consciousness fields
>texts of ancient lost civilizations literally no one in the world knows can translate
>except us ;)

No fucking wonder they need a private fractal language, they're fucking insane.

Fascinating stuff.
On video 3. 217 to go.
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Here's the software patent. They jam two (or more?) languages together and evolve them intuitively through neural networks. What you are looking at is a combination of Chinese + Japanese and then evolved, essentially. There as an old thread on the internet in which they contacted the creators of the site who then revealed their linguistic projects. Pretty high level fascinating stuff DESU.

But wait, there's more.

I got interested in this because of the people that linked it in BSE so I spent some time digging just to see what all I could find that had English blurbs, and it seems like there's a little bit of everything on there.

I found a bunch of articles talking about how world goverments use UFO sightings as a means of religious control.

Also there's supposed photos of PSV's (Paradigm Shifting Vehicles that can travel in 5D) that are responsible for the 1997 Phoenix Lights incident and and incident in Lebanon.

>pic related, MIL-PSV-25S "Black Prophet" supposed cause of 1997 Phoenix Lights Incident

>"The test flight of the PSV-25S over the transect Nevada-Arizona, gave birth to the so called Phoenix Lights sighting and caused consolidated the basic premise we wish to induce on the population, i.e. that their technology is vastly superior to ours, their spirituality is vastly superior to ours, and their societies are vastly superior to ours. The pursuit of perfection is of course a fabricated religious goal."
Shit forgot the link to the article I found that in

It doesn't even matter if it is a ruse site or not. The conversations that this has sparked have been quite good. The threads yesterday were interesting.
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I read through that thread up to like page 20 last night. These people appear to be the cream of the crop in their respected field. Cassini Diskus as a language with the character's value based on spatial relationship to other characters rather than an absolute value, with the intent of creating the most efficient language possible so as to be able to communicate with non-humans "if the need arises"
>Aelannyn, the psycho chat bot

The worst part is, that the insane shit isnt even encrypted.
Either the most juicy parts that prove all this shit is encrypted or the encryption hides the most mundane shit ever.
Indeed, and upon further digging found this
Aelannyn is a music producer? or is the sounds related to the forgotten languages videos? Video is hosted by Kerysse too with the music from CD "bot love". The channel contains quite a bit of spoopy type videos.
I'm not sure what to think but it suddenly seems awfully deep and slightly irrelevant at times to be a government site for psyops purposes. Its appearing more like it would be just a secret club of some kind.
I don't believe it is intended to be spooky because its existed for a long time, but the people involved very much believe in what they are doing. Perhaps like an occult situation
Listened to some of the videos before I knew what they were.

I'm fine and nothing happened.
I watched one of these videos and recieved a phone call that said "SEVEN DAYS" then hung up.

What the hell is going on here?
These videos are likely the same, AI-generated.

In all honesty, before the site was shilled here as some sort of deep occult shit, was that ForgottenLanguages was a website set up by hardcore "wizard level" friends that loved language.

These type of website were far more popular in the 90's and early 00s, the homemade ones, and I think thats what this is.

I dont mean to say their spoopy books aren't real but state secrets are not kept on the internet for everyone to see.

They also have ForgottenBooks, which is a based site that has a free book each day.
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Do you actually believe in that ? I mean don´t get me wrong, I´m not calling this BS or w/e but I´m hearing this the first time. Though I´m not religious or too spiritual the idea quite caught me.

Do you have any further reading ?
Also, considering this "pure consciousness"-thing ... could that be something tha HLI talked about (in regards of "agency" ?!) or am I getting too weird on that one ?


>Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality

wtf r u guys talking about
Some members of the group are physicists within quantum gravity field. Additionally, most of the math needed to 'recreate' a natural language is based on topology, fractal geometry, and non-linear dynamics. However, the posts you hit on physics are our discussions on how to encode math and physics information to non-humans, should the case arise.

Cassini Diskus is our encoding of all the 100 most cited papers from CERN (2006-2012). Most of them having to do with superstring theory. The idea behind is this: how to encode all of our current knowledge on particle physics to non-human civilizations, should the need arise in a near future.

Yes, you have our authorization to publish all the information so far.


Ayndryl Reganah.


I don't think this is viral

it's been around since 2008 at least

Which makes this fascinating and neat, not some spoopy evil thing to be feared
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Just a reminder this is all viral marketing for this shitty film. Please go rate it as the shit it is on all movie review sites.
huh. That patent is so over my head. I don't think I'll ever be able to comprehend it. That's kinda depressing.

Wagner wrote a book about computing.

Can't find anything about Lester W Dye yet...
It's from a website called lessemf(.)cam it's a Schumann generator but it has a variable frequency changer. I watched long bitch all the way through so that could explain the purpose of that video.
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Yes, that is quite an advanced language. Apparently spatial relationship of characters with other characters plays a big role in determining a characters value. Those are entire papers written in so few characters... incredibly information dense, and probably fully impossible to translate without the proper tools.

well this is the exact opposite of what I was expecting

>After being exposed to the PSV vehicles, individuals suffer a change in attitude towards death. Death and birth are understood in a new context, and consciousness is understood as separate from bodily incarnations. This is exactly the state of consciousness we need to adequately manipulate vast portions of the target population.

doesnt explain the english on their site about >>88965513
Interesting that he mentions that, I found some interesting Quantum Entanglement stuff relating to Bell States and communication through 5D, a lot of the article talks about how it would violate causality to transmit data that way though.

Also here's an article about LHC and other colliders using photons to communicate across the universe transcending the restrictions of the speed of light

I agree that it probably isn't anything too weird, its just the subject matters that they obsessed with that makes it suspicious, as well as the encryption.

As >>88966243 said, the stuff that isn't encrypted is fascinating, which makes you wonder about the information that they've made very difficult to read. Also begs the question, why IS some of it in English? wouldn't it make sense just to do the whole site in a indecipherable language? Its almost as if they're trying to arouse interest from outsiders
Yeah, I have no idea what is going on there other than they have done something very cutting edge with linguistics, and these guys are top tier geniuses.

It perfectly does.

They're clearly focused on topics that interest them and they develop them through language, their passion.

If their focus wasnt language they wouldnt have all those spoopy themed panflets translated to languages.

It's probably genius-level people with a passion.
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To most recent threads for reference for those who haven't seen them.

Then how do you explain the content of their videos?

"Psychosis/cancer inducing" aside, they are incredibly morbid and weird. Disturbing surgery and grotesque imagery. Nauseating and heavily "occult" themed. If anything...this just draws MORE connections to CERN being fucking weird as shit, as they are rife with occult imagery too.

Well arent YOU interested in those subjects as well?

I know I am.

And those same topics are basically what I like to research about too.

They just happen to be geniuses and actually get shit done.

Also dont discart there's an AI implicated, to what degree or in what capacity I dont know
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>Do you actually believe in that?

No, I don't believe in that. I know that.

>Do you have any further reading?

Here are some next-level redpilled books:

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo and the late Richard Thompson

The Biggest Secret by David Icke

The Perception Deception by David Icke

Phantom Self by David Icke

The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock

The Synchronicity Key by David Wilcock

Fingerprints Of The Gods by Graham Hancock

Fractal Time by Gregg Braden

Magicians Of The Gods by Graham Hancock

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom

Etidorhpa by John Uri Lloyd

Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

The Eerie Silence by Paul Davies

DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman

The Hidden Messages In Water by Masaru Emoto

Covert Wars And Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops And Hidden Conflicts by Joseph Farrell

>Also, considering this "pure consciousness"-thing ... could that be something tha HLI talked about (in regards of "agency" ?!) or am I getting too weird on that one?

I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.
I'm starting to think the parts in English are quotes from the sources and the indecipherable parts are the article referencing them.
It's not exactly in plain site if no one can understand so much of it.
They have lots of posts about the XVis project
>If their focus wasnt language they wouldnt have all those spoopy themed panflets translated to languages.

you wont find the english text anywhere else on the internet, I am guessing. It's likely either snippets or stand alones from or beside the encrypted text.

Their videos are exercises in the topics they study.

They may have hidden patterns and tonalities, they may have a purpose.

It is an error to assume they're all evil or that the videos are designed to do harm. Why would all of them be harmful? what if some are designed by some algorithm? what if some others are designed to stimulate positive things? What if some of them are made by an AI?

Their videos seem to be their practical projects.

Again, nothing strange if we assume this collective is a group of genius-level intellect bunch that's really into research
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>Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways
Ok then
If anyone's interested, this article is dated Sep 5 2016 and references human testing on IS soldiers using DMT. It also has something to do with the PSV's that I referenced here >>88965971
but It's not 100% clear what they have to do with the testing.

>"the first test subject, a suicide soldier from the Islamic State, was administered a high dose of milDMT that made him feel blissfully enfolded, comforted, bathed in love, a regression to and activation of infantile longing by the promise that a benign deity would reward childlike surrender with permanent euphoria. The second test subject, an IS soldier captured near Deir al-Zour, was exposed to PSV Presence. Though the subject lived in the UK before his joining the IS, and thus knew about UFOs, he was unable to associate the exposure to PSV Presence to an extraterrestrial vehicle of some sort. Therefore, induced mystical experiences do not provide veridical insights into reality. Our sense of reality is not based on evidence, but on cultural prejudices."
Fuck me I keep forgetting to post links


If I knew that many languages and had the intellect to invent some of my own, I'd too write about my interests in those languages.

I'm not questioning its weirdness, I'm questioning this evil aura some people here are too focused on spreading.
The concept of having your guard up is a mistake.

Embrace, extend, and if need be, extinguish.
Their global language is beamed directly into your mind through nano second light pulses and 27HZ+2.2GHZ radio waves
I don't think they're all harmful, from what it sounds like, the Xvis ones are supposed to be inducing of good dreams.

That being said, if there ARE harmful vids, they shouldn't be out on fucking YouTube for christ's sake. That's like leaving a loaded beartrap out in the middle of a mall. Anyone could stumble upon it and fuck themselves up.
That was a pretty cool webm, I should definitely watch that again when im high. boy im dizzy, is it hot in here to you guys?
I don't think anybody is just assuming its evil, its just a possibility and you can't ignore a possibility. Fact is that there is a lot of morbid material, therefore we must keep our mind open to the possibility of there being morbid reasoning from morbid people.

Of course, it could be nothing like that; and ofcourse, they are linguistic geniuses. Got to explore the possibilities though
This is fucking hilarious

All the videos are shitty goth electronic with 2spooky images. Daily reminder that most occultists are edgy neckbeards and BPD tumblr whores. The worst things the music videos will do to you is make you think Invader Zim is the best show and that black lipstick looks good on you

Ask High Level Insider or FBI anon about this if they show up again.
Cool man. Enjoy your brain worms.

yo these people are fucking evil and need to be stopped

they probably had to give isis access to their meme warfare shit in exchange for those experiments.
Oh boy this isnt good, im feeling sick

its not like he made his email a secret just fire away

Ironically those brain worms are the metaphor for that which impedes agency on your part.

In this case, watching the videos.

In that sense it is that irish fearmonger who gave you brainworms, metaphorically speaking.
Alright boys, after the disappointment that was badselfeater I am back from the abyss. Since people will tell me to read the thread for info, could I just get a basic brief history on the origins of this site and what we've found out so far?
>"As boundaries disappear between self and world the result is a sense of unity – with the world, with the cosmos, with nature, with the community, with all humankind, or with God. Unity is ‘the hallmark’ of mystical experience, and it is that sense we need to induced in exposed targets. Strangely enough, the average subject seems to hold a negative view of the New World Order, yet he is ready to accept his oneness with the entire cosmos. So, unless you wrap the entire NWO strategy with some sense of mystical experience, it won't work."

I think this is the first time I've seen anything mention NWO in the articles on here. Found it in that ISIS one >>88967749
I guess I missed it last night
Obviously they need a completely unreadable language to discuss their esoteric science stuff and translated books of antiquity that nobody else has been able to decode

I bet you think the South Park episode where they found a note that makes people shit their pants is a documentary too
AFAIK the site is around 8 years old and cointains articles and videos, most of which is encrypted using a mashup of both live and dead languages that are similar in nature, evolved over time.
Essentially they can take say chinese and japanese and mash them up, and simulate linguistic evolution, leading to a language that only they can understand, though some of the interesting things that have been found have English blurbs.

Lots of human testing, mind control, 5D communication, etc. It has a little bit of everything.
just go >>88966703 and read through the first 20 pages or so, skipping over the typical useless retarded junk posts for the ones in which capable people find info or post actual communications with the website's owners.
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So considering that the site (or cassini discus) is all about what the dude was saying, basically encoding papers for dem ayyyylmaos or for aylmao-communications, then what´s all the weird video shit and the publications regarding memes/psyops and shit about ? Is it just some "lvl 200 elder wizard" type of RP (of course including the "encoded language") ?

Idk I´m curious but I must rely on you guys to find shit out until weekend.

also >>88967432 thanks very much
I see, so a bunch of shit that people already assumed is happening. Do we know why exactly it is publicly accessible? Furthermore, does there seem to be any connections with this site/group and any organizations(shell or not)?

Thanks anon, I'll give it a thorough read.
>I see, so a bunch of shit that people already assumed is happening. Do we know why exactly it is publicly accessible? Furthermore, does there seem to be any connections with this site/group and any organizations(shell or not)?

there is a patent, I'm not terribly knowledgeable about patents but the 'legal' action seems to point towards some kind of transferrance.

It is worth it, what these people are doing is truly fascinating and in my opinion. They are interested in the very root of advanced life-- language, and how to develop superior language, as language itself places a limitation on thought and intelligence.

Well yeah its a bunch of stuff we assumed were happening, but on a different scale I believe. I posted an article from there >>88967749
That talks about using what I assume is militarized DMT (its referred to as milDMT) being used on ISIS soldiers. Has some references to the NWO in it at the end discussing how for NWO to work, you'll have to tie it to a mystical experience and that will be the only way for people to accept a unversal "oneness"

>thanks very much

You're welcome, Deutschbro.
No, but I do believe there is wisdom in caution.

These people are pretty brilliant, and are messing around with stuff I can't comprehend. I'm not about to call it all faggotry just to look like the cool kid on the playground.

pls stop the roleplaying

you're roleplaying right?
Well we don't really know. The videos are related to the website with the cassini diskus and the ayylmaos.

People have reported feeling ill and having vivid dreams and such after viewing them. Which led to theories about what they are and why they exist (potential psyops traps, etc)

All we know is that there is encrypted information on some damn interesting subjects
>correct decoding of Cassini Diskus

this might be the key for the rest of the videos, dont know what order to watch them in still though.
The thread last night pointed out a potential connection to the Dept. Of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories.
O ffs
Could we please stop it with the X-tier threads?
I think most of the video stuff is psyops tier fuckery but it could be audiovisual information incoding. Memes are very important. They talk about memes controlling thoughts, and how to control memes with the metameme.

very much this
Can't recall how many times I've had no words to describe something completely bizarre I've had happen in my head then had to shit out a horrible approximation

Also, how many languages do you guys know? I am a native English speaker, but learned Spanish and German when I lived in Germany for 3 years in middle school.
This contributes in my interest in this.

as much as I want to learn about the cassini diskus ain't no way am I clickin that shit today
>as much as I want to learn about the cassini diskus ain't no way am I clickin that shit today
Ive watched it too ameribro, its fine to view

>The bible is vague here
If you're a moron. It's not about Nimrod. It's about the extent of the Biblical monogod's fear of his own creation, not because they were "evil" but because they were harnessing what is the magic mechanism throughout the Bible, the tool of creation and diaspora--language.
I found this pretty interesting. Seems like there is a wealth of quantum mechanic related information.

>"consciousness can be electromagnetically measured, altered, and stored within a Bloch sphere"


I had never heard of a Bloch Sphere, so if you haven't either I looked it up on wikipedia

>In quantum mechanics, the Bloch sphere is a geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system (qubit)

look at the site. look at the fucking site it's weird as fuck.
My mother is a lawyer actually, so I myself have a slightly better understanding of laws in the US(California mostly).

From what I'm being told in the thread so far, it seems like their purpose is to essentially create a unified language that surpasses the languages we are using today. However there are a lot of caveats to a unified language, and that is the limitations of it. From all these articles about DMT, memetics, NWO, etc, I can only assume the true purpose of this language is to abolish the very idea of...what's the word for it? Ironic, since it isn't really a singular word that comes to mind. Let me use an example of what I'm trying to get at.

If someone were to say, question a higher power, in this example the government, he would need to use a rather descriptive way to show that he is pointing out a problem, and then tie it into the government. This is only possible because of most languages helping to identity and describe, but let's say there is a language that doesn't have that capability. Then what? How would this someone describe what is wrong, and how would people understand him?
Don't watch that vid. I watched it yesterday and now I have had an annoying pressure in my right eye since waking up.

I was yelling at the shill and he responded to me with that video and then potatonigger said something about "check your ct scans tomorrow" "remember to post your pics sharing is caring"

So maybe I have a brain tumor now man. Just don't fucking it watch it please.
Maybe the little english snippets in some articles are intended to be a primer for other linguists to reverse engineer the cryptic languages and join their organization if they prove their worth
make sure to get a picture of your scan with a timestamp.

according to http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread958299/pg8
they're working for Haliburton
That's what I thought as well, but I'm not even sure you'd be able to reverse engineer it since it simulates the evolution of the mashed up language. Seems like there would be several possible outcomes unless you had the exact parameters by which the "evolved" the language

the ai is probably used to create the ciphers as they change with every post.
Ok bro. I'm not a gnostic so I don't prescribe to your "yaldaboath" "evil monogod keeping da white man down" theory.

God had no problem with language. He allowed Adam to name all the animals. Nimrod also built the Tower of Babel so w/e.

>language itself places a limitation on thought and intelligence.

I completely agree with you. Language itself is ultimately a trap, as it prevents us from describing 'reality' as it actually is (because it is inherently indescribable). I think this was done on purpose. Language is a vibrational veil. A frequency fence.
Mystical experiences or not, it is always easier to tie something into something else if you're using icons and logos. I.E. country flags, donkeys and elephants for political parties, company logos, etc.

Do you by chance have the very first article they ever had on their site? I'm a bit of a chronological order sort of guy.

Odd, since the patent that was originally shown to me was originally assigned to Object Reservoir, which also seems to be a E&P company. Why are all these oil and energy companies interested in the patents?

its a fucking reference to the ring dipshit
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so I was browsing the books link and beside being sad that I could not read "Advanced Language Visualization" I found something (and I don´t know if that was already mentioned before):


"The problem is not the sheer volume of data that could be created by neuroscience research and the difficulties in managing, organizing, and providing access to that data. The problem is who will make use of that information once data is processed, and what for."

Dunno how to categorize that right now but I guess these guys actually seem reasonable, or: "on the 'right' side".

Just as the spanish dude above said, this shit doesn´t seem "too obnoxious" at all but rather interesting once one could get a grip on it .... but the videos ... since I can´t watch them I won´t bother thinking about them actually
>I think this was done on purpose.

In one of their articles, they actually describe just this.
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It looks like the very first thing they ever posted was this picture, september 2009, but the site itself was made October 2008, kinda strange. The title was "Affel's Notebook."
There's actually quite a bit of pictures from strange texts I dont recognize from September 2009. You can look at them all here:

The first TEXT they posted was in November 2009, but it's completely unintelligible.
I don't watch TV dipshit

90+% of the site is untranslatable- it could be procedurally generated, it could be total nonsense, it could be roleplaying, it could even be real, but the point is we cannot know what the majority of it is unless someone can translate it.

The parts in English don't largely go into provable specifics. The sources cited sometimes link to other places on the site. No doubt there is a lot of effort and multiple people behind this, but the same can be said of professional bigfoot hunters.

I'll reach out to a friend of mine who is into linguistics as well as occult shit, and she was pretty well-liked by her professors so she might be able to get an academic to look at the site and see if there's more than a gimmick. As a music producer myself, the music is not particularly impressive though- the spooky variant of the CDs you find in New Age stores.

please don't actually put your medical pictures on 4chan.
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it seems people agree on that this shit mostly (or in total) ain´t /x/-tier shit but rather interesting. and since there are mentions regarding "memetic warfare" and whatsoever this is also politics-related ... in the broadest sense I guess

>Also, how many languages do you guys know? I am a native English speaker, but learned Spanish and German when I lived in Germany for 3 years in middle school.
This contributes in my interest in this.

Absolutely. I learned English, Latin and right now am about to learn Finnish (somehow this "monotone" language has some strong attraction to me because it seems very ....i don´t know how to say ... "rural" .. is that the right word ?)

Which one? Just curious, senpai.
You might reference the picture in this post if you're bringing it to a linguist, it's from the coadmin of the site and it explains the process used to create the languages sort of.

Yeah, it seems it is unreadable as you have said. The thing that confuses me the most is why would they put it out there openly? What do they gain by having something so in-your-face? Even if we can't read it, why not just put it somewhere behind closed doors like emails and what not. Confounding, really.
I didn't say I was going to, all I said is that I was told to in reference to that video by potatonigger.

Anyway, I'm not about to run out and get a cat scan. But if I eventually feel I have to, and I do, and I find out I have a brain tumor...expect pics and a time stamp. I don't care anymore at that point man. I don't want fucking brain cancer. What would I be protecting at that point? I'll just die a simple farmer, tending to my memes.

At least it would lend legitimacy to the fact that there exists terrible memetic weapons and that everyone should seriously reconsider these NWO niggers and that the times we live in are spooky as shit and you'll never be safe so long as you're looking at a screen.
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This picture is from November 2009 as well and has some text accompanying it but its unreadable, but this picture has a Library at the Univeristy of Oxford on it. I wonder if this is from a text they hold

>Affel's Notebook

When googling it turns out that it was written by Efsidem Afsideil?

If you google that name, you end up with about 5 results. Two of which in Russian.

Which the notebook was supposed published/translated by Uz-Translations which I assume is a Russian company based on a number of russian results?

also their site is down. and some articles on forums about it are restricted/require permission

The only information i can find on the publisher is here:

What ever "Affel's Notebook" may be... it's certainly on the far fringe of knowledge as apparently its essentially unknown.
Do you think they are actually different languages or encrypted text? If its the latter then theoretically it could be deciphered, right? Not saying it will be easy

it's politics related because /pol/ is currently working serious memetic warfare on hillary clinton and she has tried to fire back.



this site is actually putting to practice a few of the theories being worked on by forgotten languages in a big way
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I traced the websites ip to this location
website ip:
location: 37.4192 -122.0574
Wow I dug a little and came across this


Seems like a majority of these actually are in that library
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