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Forgotten Languages: New Thread Edition

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Forgotten Languages Thread
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."

>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."

>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."

>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"

>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."

>"Brain activity evoked by hearing or reading words evokes internal imagery at a high level of invariant, multimodal object recognition. Once all targeted brains share the same memes, truth management becomes an easy task"

>"We failed to encode alien abduction paradigm in other Western societies mainly due to the fact that we failed in deploying PSVs in those areas; the Rendlesham Forest experiment dramatically proved that only previously treated targeted brains were prone to interpret the experience the way we expected, while those untreated brains were immune. Same for black flying triangles, a meme we could not plant into European minds because cultural conditioning was - and is - working against us; actually, the conclusion drawn by neighboring countries was that the Belgian police and army are just naïve, if not straight stupid. Cultural rivalry was at work here."

>"Simple explanation of complex phenomena have thus a great advantage even when they are quite naïve, as long as they do not lead to behaviors that are obviously harmful, or significantly decrease chances for reproduction."

What is this? I hope this isn't BSE 2.0

original thread
I'm going to take a wild guess (because google translate can be wildly wrong), but, it's a cypher based on rotation of words from various languages. Cut a single word, paste it into a translator, you get a specific language that the word is associated with. Cut the next word after it, it's a different language. Keep going and each word as it turns out registers as a different language.

Most likely there is a sequence that explains the language selection, and therefore, the word. I'm guessing that there is a table of languages and the key to this is knowing how to follow the correct sequence so that each language is chosen in correct order. This means you could in theory feed it English (or some other language) and through this translation process out pops the same text, with complete word substitutions. However, instead of a direct translation, things are made much, much harder by cycling through dozens and dozens of languages. Even a polyglot linguist would struggle to decode this...unless they had the program and the correct sequence (aka cryptokey) to decode the words by translation.

I suspect this would require a major effort without computerization, as you would have to round up native speakers from dozens of different countries.


>Traa kanermidokee dyzaist geanen ekszinas erzon genodist,
Norwegian https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Traa
Finnish https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/kanermidokee
Polish https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/dyzaist
Basque https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/geanen
Latvian https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/ekszinas
Indonesian https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/erzon
Dutch https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/genodist

What does everyone think?
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this writing is designed for clay tablets

its like cuneiform, in that it requires a special tool for making marks.

should look something like this
It's even worse. Not sure if shim l anon who answered my sociology question about the 100th monkey theory is here but thanks. I will read up on it
Don't fall for this shit again. We just went through it 7 hours ago.
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anyone watch that yet? i'm sort of scared to.
Based on multiple people digging over the past few hours:

The rough conclusion drawn is that the people who created this site are heavily involved with encoding and linguistics. The "gibberish" languages seen in some of the articles are in fact multiple languages, and often encrypted.

Some languages are extinct or otherwise esoteric in nature.

Many articles discuss the transfer of information to subjects using energy, light, frequency etc.

They have hundred of videos that have been created and are likely encoded with messages and secret messages.

Irish anon during the BSE threads dropped the link to the site and since then it has gain considerable interest. This is however, not related to BSE. This site has been compiling content, commentary and research for 7 years or so.

Original thread investigating the site has tons of information and articles from the site. >>88880336
Ignore the weird 'shim I' typo, I'm on my phone. Swype can be a bitch
It is pretty unsettling actually. 15 seconds. go for it, don't know if it's encoded with anything so its at your own risk.
I don't care about the content (which made BSE into the shitstack that it was), I care about the cypher - which is novel. I don't think I've seen something like this tried before.

See >>88929565 for my thoughts on it. This is not some weird alien translation, and it hardly appears to be truly lost languages. I think this is just someone publishing shit for (a) their own in-crowd or (b) for shits and giggles, i.e. "look at me, I'm smart enough to encode this in front of you and you can't fucking read you illiterate cretins" etc. etc.
>reposting what is highly likely to be a cognitive virus

shit nigger what are you doing
So they've been doing this for 7 years and creating dozens and dozens of videos for a good laugh? Probably not.

the mr teeth profile has a video with this in the summary: https://www.oregon.gov/osp/MCC/Pages/Missing_Alpha_Order.aspx
please see my thoughts in >>88929565, this may just be an application of a novel way of cyphering. When you say extinct or esoteric, which languages are encountered?
Bumping for the best thread I've seen on /pol/ since fbianon
I recommending not watching the videos.

Read the last part of the previous thread.
shut up fag.
Is anyone capping the articles anons have posted? And the last thread too? I have a weird feeling that since we caught onto this that this site won't last long.
>So they've been doing this for 7 years and creating dozens and dozens of videos for a good laugh?
The concept presented in (a) would lend credence that it is merely a reference site for their own in-crowd. Site users would obviously have the correct program to translate the jumble-text back into the language of their choice, and the website would simply serve as a reference point, the same way you would go to a library and pull a book off the shelf after going through the index looking for a topic.
I watched 3 of them. Am I kill?
I was the anon with like 45 posts in the last thread >>88898571
Are we really entertaining the idea that those videos could cause physical harm? Subliminal messages are real but I think it's a stretch to say they could damage you physically
keep a journal.
As mentioned in the previous thread, this topic has been discussed at length on conspiracy sites like above top secret. I'm guessing they love the attention and are probably shilling in this thread
Convincing yourself that it's ok to jump off a ledge because you've been fed subliminals suggesting that for hours on end might cause harm. The video doesn't harm, the idea it leaves in you might. That is the concern with subliminals, although most modern research claims that subliminal effects are only slightly better than placebo.
To me it's like the novel snow crash. They are working on finding the word set to invoke a state.
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I opened it, it played for a second or so, and I paused it, and skimmed through a few frames with the audio off.

Looked pretty unnerving. Roaches or something, what looked like a vertebrae, and some unidentifiable general creepy looking stuff. The 'music' at the beginning few seconds is bleeps and blorps.
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above top secret only scratched the surface of this site.
I think my contributions to anything would be kaput. I have been taking Chantix for the past few months to quit smoking and I have weird as fuck dreams every night, it's just part of the side effects. So no telling if it would be the videos or the pills. And I don't want to egg /pol/ on with bullshit or give misinfo about the effects of the videos.
>Snow Crash
It suggests that they are looking for the metalanguage for programming minds. The thought has surfaced in my mind a few times. Perhaps my knowledge of it inoculates me from the Ur?

In any event, I'm not as convinced that the content has merit or value just yet, I'm still pondering the cypher. It may have applications elsewhere.
You conveniently excluded the theory near the end.

heres the relevant sections


Well maybe I'm wrong. I'm on my phone and am not able to efficiently view multiple tabs. I'm guessing they got this far at least considering the forgotten language site is 7 years old

What fucking horse shit. I cannot believe that there are grown adults who live in first world countries who would believe this.

The light cannot be encoded with secret information as it's coming from the LED's on your monitor. Just because someone has written it down, it doesn't make it true.

Please stop being retarded. I'm embarrassed we probably shared an ancestor or two 400 years ago.
>subliminals are slightly better than placebo
so its even worse then because the material is laced with priming outright saying its a cognitive virus.
Fuck off to a different thread if this one is not to your liking
So what are u saying this is mk ultra shit?
>Just because someone has written it down, it doesn't make it true.
You were obviously in a hurry. That is why I dismissed subliminals in my last sentence as "only slightly better than placebo". I'm trying to tell you that the fear is unfounded.
That would be the gist of it
Your contribution has been helpful now get the fuck out. You obviously haven't read any of the last thread, so go find a BBC thread that would fit you better.
Beaides. Forgotten languages already ousted itself as a failed RL creepy pasta website ages ago.

Hey I hate to admit it but he does have a point. Maybe you have to watch the videos on a specific platform to actually get an effect. Ergo a projector is technologically different than a monitor.
No, it's definitely not MKUltra. More like "pullyourleghard"Ultra.

The plaintexts provided in prior threads either shows writing creatively or just stringing together several bullshit ideas. While there is logical discussion, it is not backed by reference, thought experiment, comparison, etc. so there is no frame of reference. Reading through it, taken at face value, it appears 100% serious and legitimate. When you step back one step, you start to see how it can be self-referential.
This. This needs to happen. They could notice an uptick in site traffic and take it down what with all the new visitors. If anyone's up to it, they oughta rip the bids from YouTube and save em as well.

I would, but I'm limited to being a shitty phone poster
Sorry for not buying into your childlike fantasies. Believing in this crap so readily is mental illness. Honestly, go seek professional help.
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>he standard unlearning algorithm applied to abductees is as follows: we simply excite their brains using XViS, we then perform an unlearning step when the brain achieves a fixed point, and we repeat the process till any memory of the events to which they have been exposed are effectively removed. The only thing we cannot remove is the vivid memory that something weird has happened to them.
>comedy central is a credible resource for facts.
The same neo liberal organization that brought you fuck white people: with Larry wilmore
Lol, and we're all here nerding out like maniacs. Fml
>Maybe you have to watch the videos on a specific platform to actually get an effect.
No. There is no "infection", there is only a vague attempt at memetic transmission, and a poorly constructed one at that.
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It said it on its own website. It must be true!!!!11
Report and hide this /x/ roleplaying shit or we will never get rid of these schizophrenics.
They are sliding.
Well do it anyway. Great for mental health.

The though has occurred to me before as well.If the code is really well written can't take that risk. Need the general population to go forward. I'll observe.

Yeah, it's a bunch of tin foil bullshit.
Seriously, fuck off. Go start a Drumpf totally BTFO thread
wget -r

If you're that serious. But I stand by my current statement: I think the only real worth is the novel application of language selection as a cypher. The rest appears to be self referential brain goop.
copernicus was thought to be crazy when he came out with his new ideas.

i'm looking into the pleiades and harmonica macrocosmica right now. >>88928119 stuck out like a sore thumb
>The baseless unsubstantiated claims on websites I find on the Internet is all the evidence I need to believe.

No wonder there are so many Christians in the USA.
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Has anyone EVER seen a good post accompanying this image? Think about it.
It appears to be an echo chamber of autistic tin foil hat lunacy. They apparently already had a countdown with no happening at all, not even a shitty abortion video. Gay
Nah, they're not there yet. Hypnosis, suggestion, light tricks, patterning.

They have years of experience in learning how to influence and go unnoticed. Just those two focuses. Oh and literature, reading. Structuralism, reductionism, deconstruction, whatever processes of analysis you can use to get to the guts of language.

The videos I saw had liminal tricks, layers were put to use pretty well to draw the eye where they wanted and it is pretty hard to resist or stay unfocused. The tones are interesting as well because you know you're getting sucked in when you stop hearing them.

Overall I've seen around 8 of them, tried to get oldest middle and newer. They're well put together for sure. But I don't think they are malicious. Trance states are probably something they explore and use. If anything, maybe watching a handful of them repeatedly just causes you to wake up knowing Russian. But the videos do make clear attempts at hypnosis and to manipulate your focus to a really high degree.

The first one took me by surprise and by the end of it I was a little zonked out, brow kinda stiff feeling like I was really concentrating. I knew how long the video was, but was unsure how long it felt.

The next few I was more careful with, but they're just the "hey let me know if this hypnotized you" project. I can only hope one of the videos contains a workable cipher.

Laughably wrong.

This shows a phone analysing patterns and recalling information about it from the Internet.

Nothing to do with it projecting information. At all.

Try again.
Not even related to that bullshit that everyone could tell was bullshit badselfeater
You do realize that some sites just put countdowns in place before they launch their site? It's not the sites fault that people freak the fuck out and get mad when the world doesn't end when the countdown reaches zero.
This shit is interesting. Keep going neets
The difference being that Copernicus wasn't spewing demonstrably wrong and baseless crap.
Don't feed the shill. They're only purpose is to tell us when we're on to something based on the undying fervor of their shilling.
only toilets take the spewing you're doing dipshit
Knowing as much about hypnotism as you do, why did you risk watching the videos?
Has anyone had any luck actually finding any of these books that are referenced on the website?
Hypnosis is not a 100% thing; it depends on the subject, and the "raport" with the subject. Do some digging and reading, and you'll find there is a lot of differing opinion on what causes it, how effective it is, etc.
>Anyone who suggests we use fact based reasoning and a source beyond the one making all the claims is a shill.

So this is how people wind up like you huh? I've always wondered.
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Thanks for making a new thread. This has been the most interesting shit in like forever. Hope you guys figure shit out.

Repost from last thread:

Beyond Contact: Intercourse - Metacomputing and the limits to our power of understanding"

>"Non-verbal audio patterns and brain wave rhythms have proven the only way to achieve an ASC which allows us to detach the center of consciousness from the physical body while making intercourse possible"

>"Before the discovery of XViS audio stimulation we relied on drugs and hypnosis, but the requirements of these two techniques are different for each individual, while XViS audio stimulation is universal and works for each individual"

>"An analytical study was conducted on the potential interaction between those beings and human individuals. The objective was to identify any undue sensitivities to that intercourse and recommend remedies where appropriate. The first step in this process was to build the facilities needed for the intercourse to take place. We thoroughly studied the penetration of diffused fields into the facility both analytically and experimentally, and we concluded there were no means to monitor what was happening inside the facility once the intercourse was taking place."

I think it is a very bad idea to watch their videos.
It seems they are shilling this thread hard.

The only logical reason to put a countdown on your site that doesn't deliver is if you want to totally discredit your site.

If their intent was to be discredited but remain popular to further their research/agenda, then they have failed miserably over the last seven years
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"Experimental paradigms for studying
cognition and communication in Sol-3 humans"

>In order to test experimental paradigms for direct examination of such properties of inter-species communication as the rate of information transmission, knowledge gain, and flexibility.

>no matter how advanced two species are, if their respective biologies differ they will not be able to communicate at all. And the idea that the more advanced species of the two will easily understand the "language" of the less advanced species is clearly wrong: humans do not communicate with plants, insects, or birds.

>Previous experimental paradigms were simple. We simply exposed humans to phenomena they could sense forcing them to transfer a specific amount of information to each other. We know exactly the quantity of information to be transferred. Observation of how they organize once exposed gave us enough information as to infer how their communication strategy works.

>Probes were sent and located in specific locations over humans' nests. The number of probes, the deployment configuration, whether they blink or remain stationary, triggered a transfer of information that was monitored and analyzed. This experimental approach enable the study of important characteristics of Sol-3 human communication, such as the rate of information transmission, the complexity of transferred information and the potential flexibility of their communication systems.
I already have, my approach is 'better safe than sorry'.
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>"Non-verbal audio patterns and brain wave rhythms have proven the only way to achieve an ASC which allows us to detach the center of consciousness from the physical body while making intercourse possible"

the fuck is this mumbo jumbo of autistic garbage
>information transmission by distant homing proved humans in Sol-3 do have cognitive abilities, work in constant teams, and share the information on their findings only with members of its team. They also showed the ability to grasp regularities in the patterns to which they were exposed and to use these regularities for coding and compressiing information, and to add and subtract symbols to optimise their messages. Yet, full communication with Sol-3 humans is critically impaired due to the biological barrier. The question on how to communicate with geochemical beings is still an open question.
*Citation needed.
Normal Linguistic Steganography Methodology: Covert Communications and the Noiseless Steganography Paradigm

>Linguistic steganography is the scientific art of avoiding the conception of suspicion in covert communications by concealing data in a linguistic based textual cover. The goal is not to hinder the adversary from decoding the hidden message, but to prevent the arousal of suspicion in covert communications. Fundamentally, when using any steganographic technique if suspicion is raised, the goal of steganography is defeated regardless of whether or not a plaintext is revealed.

>The NORMALS ensures that the communicating parties establish a secure covert channel for transmitting the hidden message covertly. In other words, NORMALS naturally camouflages the delivery of a hidden message in such a way as to appear legitimate and innocent.

>The conclusion of NORMALS' experiment of word frequency is as follows. Since NLGS is based on a domain-specific subject, then when applying Zipf's law, NORMALS Cover should be similar to a Zipfian slope of its domain-specific subject (the unaltered authenticated data of the same domain that contains no hidden message), and it is not required to fully obey Zipf's law. To emphasize, if the Zipfian slope of the NORMALS' domain-specific subject (the unaltered authenticated data of the same domain that contains no hidden message) is equal to N value, then NORMALS Cover should be either equal or close to that N value.

Zipf's Law -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_law

If I understand correctly, based on the PHYSICAL frequency of communication use, the word is repeated multiple times, while others are not due to their physical frequency.

So in theory, meticulously choosing certain words can create greater emphasis based on it frequency repetition. Ultimately allowing to instill the message in a certain way.

citations at bottom of article
>In the foreword to his Chronologica, Gerard Mercator stated the intention to publish an atlas which would cover everything of the then-known cosmos, geography and history of the earth.

there something about old images like this that fit. they are encoded messages that can only be unlocked if you have the correct keys.

that's what the videos must be, keys.
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Shit can we stop posting paragraphs and shit quoted from individual pages and fuckhuge compilation images and instead tell me what the fuck is this shit?
There's nothing on the actual site to suggest that watching the videos will cause you physical harm. They can't.

This is something created by people, in modern video editing software. Don't get freaked out. It's cool, but it has no power. This is more than likely just the work of linguists and programmers either on a casual basis or on a psyops contract with the government. It's not real and it absolutely cannot hurt you.

Use that high IQ of yours as amor against this kind of stuff. Remember that people like us are the target.
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Bearla Lagair

>They were forbidden to teach it to any one not a mason, even to a member of their own family. No stone-mason would work on any job except with members of the order. This language identified them.

>Some assert that the masons in England, Scotland, and parts of the Continent understood some of this secret language. It is a fact that some stone-masons in Germany thirty years ago had a secret trade-talk, and in Belgium a tinker class have a jargon which some have supposed may be Shelta.

>The men here who speak this mason's talk best are old men. A few of middle age know some of it. But all are stone-masons who learned their trade in Ireland. Irish stone-masons who learned the craft in America never speak it, and many never heard there is such a talk.
>If I understand correctly, based on the PHYSICAL frequency of communication use, the word is repeated multiple times, while others are not due to their physical frequency.

>So in theory, meticulously choosing certain words can create greater emphasis based on it frequency repetition. Ultimately allowing to instill the message in a certain way.

So basically how Trump talks.
Is Trump an occultist?
This is basic advertising, why do you know jingles of companies you've never been a customer of. Pleb tier
If it's real, these should be findable.

Bouman, M. A. (1961). In Rosenbluth, W. A. (Ed.), Sensory communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Corballis MC (1995) Visual integration in the split brain. Neuropsychologia 33, 937-959.

John, E.R. (2002). The neurophysics of consciousness. Brain Research Reviews 39, 1-28.

Lappin, Shalom (2001). An Introduction to Formal Semantics. In Mark Aronoff and Janie Rees-Miller (eds.) The Handbook of Linguistics (pp. 369-393). Blackwell Publishers.

Libet, B. (1994). A testable field theory of mind-brain interaction. Journal of Consciousness Studies 1(1) 119-126.

Radin, D. I. (2004). Electrodermal presentiments of future emotions. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18, 253–274.

Reznikova, ZH.I. & Ryabko, B.YA. 2000: Using Information Theory approach to study the communication system and numerical competence in ants. In: Meyer, J.A., Berthoz, A., Floreano, D., Roitblat, H. & Wilson, S.W. (Eds.): From Animals to animats. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 501-506.

Ryabko, B.YA. 1993: Methods of analysis of animal communication systems based on the information theory. In: Wiese, K., Gibrakin, F.G., Popov, A.V. & Renninger, G. (Eds.): Sensory systems of arthropods. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel: 627-634.

Savitt, S. (2009), ‘The Transient Nows’, in Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle: Essays in Honour of Abner Shimony, W. C. Myrvold and J. Christian (eds) (New York: Springer), 349-362.

Sheldrake, R. (2003). The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind. London: Hutchinson.

Sperry, R.W. et al. (1955) Visual pattern perception following subpial slicing and tantalum wire implantations in the visual cortex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 48, 50-58
Not the same a repetition of the word. It is repeated at different frequencies when stated only one time.
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>tfw /pol/ack spotted shill
What is this? It's defense / milintelligence psyops. This is real... I can verify this if you search for site 17 on the website. They're talking about a specific area in BC (Lost Creek) that's inaccessible and not findable on the internet. This isn't amateur work, it's military - there are flaws in some of the things they're posting (in unit conversions) so it's obvious that it's very well done but the imperfections reveal that it's nothing to actually get freaked out over.

Just like BSE, this is the work of weird people, but they're still just people.
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>The first stage was serving the users which the data and information we wish them to access; next stage is forcing them to search what we wish them to search. A predictable society is a society under full control, and search engines play a key role in turning people predictable.

>we know data gleaned from search engines cast light on a variety of phenomena from politics, sociology, economics, linguistics, and psychology. What we now need is people searching in a directed way in order to consolidate our viewpoints and having them to cause those phenomena, or to prevent the occurence of other phenomena which may pose a danger to our viewpoints.

>From things we perceive we get information about other things, often things we haven’t perceived. The presence of smoke gives us information about the existence of fire in the vicinity, the state of a window gives us information about earlier physical contact with some hard and solid middle-sized object. As a first approximation, I’ll say that one event or contingent state of affairs A gives information about the obtaining of a distinct contingent state of affairs B just in case the existence or obtaining of A tracks the obtaining of B, or again that A is produced by a process that reliably results in an entity of the relevant type of A just in case a state of affairs of the relevant type of B obtains.

>We already know what people is searching when they surf the web; and we already know why they search a specific data or information at a given time. What we now need is to remove the need to spy on them by simply having them to spy for us through their search terms. That is exactly what Force4 is all about.

>it never was so easy as it is today to condition people's mindsets, globally.

This is kind of fucking with me.
It has to do with the words and sounds used, not the number of times the word is said. So in theory, you are hearing one word more than one time and don't even know it.
>Sheldrake, R. (2003). The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind. London: Hutchinson.

>Radin, D. I. (2004). Electrodermal presentiments of future emotions. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18, 253–274.

>Libet, B. (1994). A testable field theory of mind-brain interaction. Journal of Consciousness Studies 1(1) 119-126.

Sheldrake, Radin and Libet are all non-local consciousness theorists. These are real papers.
What is Force4?
Whole lotta nothing.

edgy tryhard is how I would describe it
I have a big closet door, so I can just look at that instead of a screen. It distorts things and changes the perception of the image from the monitor to the entire wall, so you can use your peripheral vision more. The first one I just watched on my phone, but even on a little screen it was good enough.

But it's more like looking at a painting. And someone comes by and says "isn't it neat how it draws your eye to ___" and some people will say "yeah" and some will say "oh I guess".

You could have a stigmatism in one eye which distorts the image just enough to where the painting doesn't "work". So it's unreliable. Anyone serious about embedding imagery or commands or suggestions would use a human voice. The whole point of what they're saying is the same thing you'd get out of Wittgenstein or Foucault. Language is a system of thought and has predictable patterns and transmits information pretty reliably. But the important part is that language isn't language until you activate that part of your brain that parses language into thought. Listening to words is an active process, but tones and random sounds doesn't have to be. Unless you're a music major I guess.

But anyways, I was less concerned with some worry some mindfuckery when the videos didn't have voice or words or any sort of syllable sounds. And no text.

Look at it like the difference between implying and suggesting. Visual symbols can heavily imply something, but never quite suggest at a substantial level. You could repeat an action, a very simple one, and suggest something like "get up and stretch you legs". But language of some kind is the only way to implant suggestions of any use.

I don't know a lot, I just meditate with that kind of stuff sometimes.
There's postings on the site of a predicted hack on two Chinese nuclear power plants in 2017, as well as multiple restricted images of Chinese airfields that aren't known to a public audience.

This is at least partially military psyops against the Chinese, and they want us to spread it.
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>The first stage was serving the users which the data and information we wish them to access; next stage is forcing them to search what we wish them to search.

Sounds like BSE. They had thousands of people marching to their tune, searching what they wanted them to search, and dutifully following their breadcrumb trail.
It was confirmed by an anon in the last thread that the videos actually had a fuck ton of text. It was just hidden unless you paused the video on certain frames and looked for them. He posted some of them.
Entry Event 38°40'52.2"N 69°27'45.0"E

Tajikistan Coords

The amount of outrageous green texting and crazy tin foil hat links is clear evidence that this thread is infiltrated with shills. I found this intriguing at first, and maybe I'm wrong. It just seems like an echo chamber with everyone saying "go watch these videos, look at this autistic quote". My gut feeling was that this is a high quality bait made by a raging autist that knew we'd eat it up. I'm not gonna say for sure, but I think the shills are here in force pushing their tin foil nerdery. I'm gonna sit back and observe from the archives later.
>Sheldrake, R. (2003). The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind. London: Hutchinson.

>Radin, D. I. (2004). Electrodermal presentiments of future emotions. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18, 253–274.

>Libet, B. (1994). A testable field theory of mind-brain interaction. Journal of Consciousness Studies 1(1) 119-126.

Yes they are valid papers. The question remains, are the papers relevant to the plaintext version of that document, or are they merely placed there to make the document appear legitimate?

The only answer is to fully decode the document and compare the contents of it against the papers presented. There should be a crossover of ideas if that is the case; otherwise, we are simply back to a novel cypher and various self-referential sentences.
More like
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I googled it and got

Which sounds like something like AngularJS or maybe electron. Although, I've never heard of Force4...
Luckily the human eye can only see 28 frames per second.
in addition to what >>88932789 just said
some of the shit dug up implies they are meddling in using specific frequencies/tones to alter peoples
the posts in question.

reminds me of 'This is my ELF gun'
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It only has one reference on that Wikipedia page and the link is dead

This is where they suggest they're going to hack Chinese nuclear reactors in 2017. 100% psyops.
I noticed.

I don't know how to feel about that.
>Thanks to the integrative character of Force4, Force4 is an ideal tool for rapid prototyping of database-supported rich Internet applications.

It appears to be an IDE of sorts, meant for web work. It would take a fair bit of imagination to see this turned into a program used to monitor web flows and provide feedback inputs; I'd err towards Occam in this case and simply say it's hot air instead, as the program is being used out of context relative to the paragraph listed. That, or Force4 is something else.
This is just one of the videos I tried to catch the text from. Had to stop it a lot, but others have text too: >>88890749
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They had a lot of poems. One anon had made a connection of one of the articles talking about propaganda to one of the lines in the poem "psychological arrow" I think if we tried to link some of these articles to lines in the poems in the videos we might actually get somewhere
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let me get my tinfoil hat on... ok if i had to take a guess its clintons fuckin A-TEAM like cia or that one institute that studys human behavior and is in alot of conspiracy theories i forget the name, what im trying to say is this is there attempt to distract us from /cfg/
Me either. Makes me wonder if forgotten languages may have made the page.. But that's just speculation
Did the OP write this or was this a conclusion of a previous thread?

I am so glad people are realising that people are devolving.

We who speak straight can see them now, they are as translucent as water and as shapeable as it too.

I've been (un)fortunate enough to see children turn into adults and become this new human with a hivemind/moldable consciousness, and it terrify's and angers me.

I have also been working on turning them back, but my vetting ability is not that great, nor do I have much time/power to practice.
They started this 8 years ago. This is not election related.
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It clearly says it's a framework in the opening sentence, an IDE is not a framework.
iirc Libet believes in an electromagnetic theory of mind

I just read the post you linked, very interesting.
It ties into more recent UFOlogy theories that UFO's are a consciousness based phenomenon.

One of the biggest UFOlogists, considered the best by many people I respect. Jacques Vallee.
Q4: How are consciousness and Ufos related? What role does consciousness play in Ufo manifestations?

We have seen ufos as classical spaceships for a long time, in accordance with science fiction in the forties and fifties. This interpretation persists, especially in France where recent breakthrough of parapsychology are not well known and where psychic effects reported by witnesses are considered either as evidences of mental weakness or as electromagnetic side effects. Yet, as documentation improves, we find out that the physical aspects of the phenomenon are as negotiable as its psychic effects: it is as if it took control of a given area, including witnesses’ perceptions. It is that aspect that discouraged Aimé Michel.

This definitely ties into why they would have a dozen or so papers from different consciousness theorists.

Why the fuck would they choose to take the perspective of a third party to humanity though?

The post your referring to is here post is here: >>88913341
What is pissing me off is is where are these videos that indoctrinate you at? I'm on a phone and extremely limited in my efficiency, but all I've seen so far is autistic gibberish and ridiculous accusations.

Can someone link me to one of these supposedly MKUltra mind control videos?
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ur prolly right, though they could be leading us down an old rabbit whole to distract us
very interesting
Although, I do concede that they do show an application for database management in the screenshots that may have a built in IDE.
Please see >>88929565 where I already presented that this is a cipher, and we do not possess the schedule ("table of languages") or the sequence key, both of which would be helpful in translating all of this.

However, schedules are a variant of substitution ciphers; they have a weakness in the form of a very narrow set of selections.

We could attempt to brute force the entire thing by chopping up the sentences into words, feeding the words into a machine translator to distinguish the base language, then extracting the translated word from the base language. In the end, if it worked, you would have some rather stilted pidgin English as a result, but it may be viable to attack it this way.

I'm tired as fuck right now and want to go home...not exactly something I can whip up in an hour.
Found the hidden text post.

>The past to relive a pleasant moment,
>Strong were our wishes to relive
>A pleasant moment in time from the past
>Once more, however, is the past. No matter.

>No matter how strong, we decreased
>The continuous flow through time
>Expansion to the past, We decay into the future

>The past universe decreased, too
>The big-bang is our past
>The continuous flow through the primordial lava
>How strong our psychological arrow

>The perception defines our wishes
>Past perceptions do not count anymore
>Control it, to make of it a pleasant moment
>or content yourself with a macroscopic lire

>No matter how strong our experience
>shows the past expansion as the past >perception
>Defines obeserved psychological arrow
>as a moment fulfilled into a fireball

>The expansion in time, Experience
>Shows the time from the expansion. No matter
>How strong a moment... to decrease in time...

Anyone think of any of the articles that could point to anything else here?
This is the channel associated with the site.
The first one posted by potatonigger was long bitch correct?
You're not going to crack this through cryptography, mate. They're using the dictionary of dead languages that you can't find on the internet, and have used some clever software trick to merge it with the grammar and syntax of another dead language that you also can't find on the internet.
So we need a Rosetta Stone?
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i'm going on a tangent here. I'm still hung up on that one comment:

went from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kartikeya

> The first elaborate account of Kartikeya's origin occurs in the Mahabharata. In a complicated story, he is said to have been born from Agni and Svaha, after the latter impersonated the six of the seven wives of the Saptarishi (Seven Sages). The actual wives then become the Pleiades. There is an historical evidence which narrates the story of Lord Karthikeya slaying a demon (Asura) named Suraabaathman.
this is st. michael. go back to the comment with harmonica on it and you have an angel with scales in the sky. michael means the one who is like god?

who has all the eyes?
True; but why bother mentioning that it provides rapid prototyping? Isn't that the hallmark of most IDEs? And look through how the program is structured - a modeler, ERD software, libraries for interfaces, we're looking at something close to a classic model-view-controller design, but in this case the software is meant to create other data and software, rather than digest it as a summary.

That's why I said it looks like an IDE; I meant it figuratively, because of how it is used. But yes, you are right, it is a framework.
>They're using the dictionary of dead languages
Yet many of the words appear to be modern languages in a word mash. Why is no-one reading my supposition? If it is indeed dead languages, it implies they have a database of words and word-translations to draw from. This means we now need three pieces, the key/sequence, the schedule table of languages, and the database of word pairs that translate one word to another.

I'm reallly tired, you folks can figure it out, mkay? I've left all the brain droppings I can for you folks.
Right. But watching the videos first without reading into the articles is better. I can't pick up on everything and the context when I'm working with a blank slate. You have to understand what kind of linguistic system you're dealing with before you can have it affect you.

But so far all I can tell you is 78 tears is really good at sucking you in. It's kind of a struggle not to be, gives you a headache. But I'm one of those people that gets air, car, elevator sick. You fuck with my equilibrium and I'll feel it, same for sinuses. And drugs. I'm just oversensitive to that crap. If you swim a lot you gotta know if you're heads above water before taking a breath, kinda like that.

I'd like to know which video had the text.

Also, any idea how many of the members are active? There's like 20 or so total.
There were people in the videos. I might as well watch them again.

they're likely conlangs, too. you'd have to see through the pieces of the words to try and tassel out meaning.
I don't think any of the links in the contributors part of the site work. I tried some random ones to no avail. But then again you can't really get any links without the "you have not been invited message"
"Rapid Prototyping" is usually a hallmark of frameworks, think AngularJS or Rails or something, they have a skeleton and some musculature to build upon. An IDE is just a means to an end, maybe slightly faster depending on the language and implementation of how it establishes new classes or auto-completion.

Anyway, who cares, I don't want to be too much of a pedant.

The fact that the Force4 wikipedia page was established way back in 2005, and the FL article (or whatever it is) was written in 2014 is even stranger. Unless they're talking about some entirely different suite of things.
Linguistics is unfortunately a little more complicated than a database full of words that equal other words, not to mention that even getting started on something like this (step one) is going to require at least one guy with a doctorate in linguistics and one other guy with a mathematics doctorate

That's why this won't work.
Well, there are a lot of eyes in that picture.

Peacock feathers.
>Right. But watching the videos first without reading into the articles is better. I can't pick up on everything and the context when I'm working with a blank slate. You have to understand what kind of linguistic system you're dealing with before you can have it affect you.

Sure, but what does that have to do with the tones/frequencies? I assume stuff like Isochronic tones work across language barriers, we just don't know what technology they are implementing, it may even be cutting edge stuff.

At least consider muting the sound mate.
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>that one private video
So why do none of those words translate into any word in English. Google says "Finnish detected" but then just repeats the same exact word on the English field.

The algorithm just seems to be indicating that the word seems to be related to the Finnish language, not that it is an actual word or even Finnish for that matter.
>At least consider muting the sound mate.
This would make more sense vs. not seeing it. Isochronic is non-verbal and indeed works across languages.
People seem to have established these are either dead dialects, or even translations from one dead dialect to another.
Hence the whole "FORGOTTEN LANGUAGES" part.

it's not just letters and numbers either. it's ideas and mental nodes >>88911875 that are triggered by sounds and symbols.

we're working with processing more than the tools. consciousness, not reality.
They live in the images they are beings in digital information. Idk how but they did it wtf did I watch I cannot sleep
You know how Google Translate works, right? There isn't a strict translation - instead they crawl their accumulated web pages and perform the equivalent of "guess what this means". It turns out that they are able to guess word meanings at a very high percentage rate by having a large corpus to work with and reducing the words into statistics.

It may be a weird or dead version of Finnish, but it rates that way because at some point they hoovered in that word in a Finnish document.
I love what you do for me, toyoooooootahhhhh.
Always coca colaaa.
Bust a nut...
Matttess discounters!
Double a honk honk em see oh.
Trojan maaaan.
It's my money and I want it neeoooowwww.
I guarantee it.
Every kiss begins with K.
What they've done is create a way to programmatically take two entirely separate languages and meld them into a third unique language. It won't be a very usable language, for reasons I'm sure all of you would be able to guess at, but it's impenetrable to both linguists and cryptologists.

Unless you want to try and learn thirteen languages that are in use nowhere else but forgottenlanguages.com, you're not going to be able to decipher the meaning. Cryptography isn't going to get you anywhere, here.
This shit is low grade fringe tin foil hat faggotry. I watched two of the vids and I'm honestly ashamed I ever commented in these threads.

At least the cypher shit about their gibberish had hope of being legit.

This is nothing but a fucking dog shit tier slide thread with a huge amount of shills intended to distract us. I'm honestly ashamed I fell for it, even if was for an hour or less.

This niggerdom wouldn't even find a home on /x/. Ignore these faggots.
Can you explain?
I wonder if you could consider the experience of blood puming in your ears a "isochronic tone".

Pretty sure all of them used that in some way, two of them by 78 tears did it the entire time.

Not worried about that at all. They're stimulating, not insidious.
That's like saying traffic analysis won't garner anything. I don't buy it. We agree to disagree.

The Emergence of Antigrammar

>"Greimas then had to postulate the existence of a semantic universe that was defined as the set of the systems of values that can be apprehended as meaningful only if it is articulated or narrativized. Thus, any discourse was said to presuppose a semantic universe hypothetically made up of the totality of significations, postulated as such prior to its articulation, and which it actualizes in part. This he called a microsemantic universe that at the fundamental level articulates elementary axiological structures"

>"The main theoretical problem that arose from this actantial and semionarrative model is related to the passage (conversion), on the one hand, from a paradigmatic relation, or a taxonomic morphology, to an operative syntax or syntagmatic relation and, on the other hand, the passage (conversion) from a fundamental abstract syntax to a narrative anthropomorphic surface syntax and ultimately to a discursive– figurative syntax".

If I can understand this to some extent: transfer of linguistic information is only meaningful when it is physically articulated, and it automatically would suppose a semantic universe. Which would then automatically attribute significance to objects, emotions, abstract concepts etc.

However the universe is not inherently semantic, so there is theoretically a way of communication that is not semantic which can break down into more abstract concepts and still transfer information within those abstract forms.

Which if these video are encoded, they may legitimately be trying to transfer information through a non-semantic, abstract way, while still transferring information.
The emergence of your faggotry
Jesus anon, don't watch the videos and then go to sleep.

Wait at least 1.5 hours at least for message units to filter though the critical area of mind, if you go straight to sleep after the suggestions will have the greatest effect, you may be experiencing rapid dream venting of what you've seen also, so it is probably not actually real.
See: >>88934664
Damn my hide post button is getting a lot of action tonight
What video did you watch? I've watched 3 and just got bored.
Reporting thread, fuck off.
I've only watched 3 too. Thinking about watching them all on my next day off to see if anything happens. I just can't figure out why there's that one private video. Maybe we should get the hacker known as 4chan to get it for us
Newfag, it's not a 'post button' shill harder please.
I don't want to say how I know. It's not a conclusion i came up with on my own. Something in them told me. I'm swear I'm not a fucking x nut and now my computer is fucking up.
Know what?
>I just can't figure out why there's that one private video
Probably their porno stash?
> they may legitimately be trying to transfer information through a non-semantic, abstract way, while still transferring information.

thank you for making it sound sciency.

tones, sounds, imagery in certain patterns can be imbued with meaning that isn't readily apparent in the physical - but can still be communicated in the abstract.

in this picture, there is a TON of information, but we don't have the abstract keys to understand any of what it's saying beyond globe, bull, etc. it is in a way encoded.
Well then you probably have a shitty computer. The videos didn't do anything to it.
>shill harder
>I know what you are but what am I?
You've been in both threads the entire time shitting it up for what? To let everyone know what you think? Trust me you accomplished that. I hope you're just in it for the (You)s and you're not that retarded
Ask for better information, then.

>that IDcode
Monster hunter 4 freedom unite is great, btw.
Of course you can transfer information in a non-semantic way... it's called fucking images, anon.
> reddit "intellect"
Images are a proto-language
>NEET sophistry
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I thought you fucking retards might have been on to something yet you've provided ample proof that you're nothing more than desperate retards searching for some hidden puzzle that CLEARLY ISN'T REAL. I even wanted to believe you autistic niggers, that's actually hard to acknowledge. If you think a dog shit YouTube video full of pleb tier CGI can affect you, I feel sorry for you.
Someone Google Teryss Concert Hall while I'm watching this video real quick
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Holy fuck.
Replies/images /posters /page
183 / 28 / 29 / 1

Be more fucking subtle. Shill criers are right. Kudos to the trap poster for not shilling haskell though. Or fortran.
Fear love!
Read Wittgenstein. Read about linguistic signifiers and the signified.

Basically you are either representing an idea or object, or being represented by an idea or object . But the novel twist they take is that this is sort of a state based thing.

The universe is all the signifiers of the universe existing at once. Which is true, but linguistics usually doesn't ask that question because perception and subject/object is so critical to it in the first place.

We can not observe all these things so we cannot accurately describe them, so we cannot incorporate them into our narrative of overall 'knowledge'.

But. Microsemantic with axiomatic structures means we could get 'all the knowledge of the universe' essentially by understanding these structures. A linguistic spin on a universal theory of everything.

Sounds like building an engine to understand the wheel, honestly. Those structures would be more complex than the universe. Observing and articulating the universe just sounds easier than finding an underlying grammar and sentence structure for the linguistic equivalent of God.

I like the questions it leads to though. For example, what would a language for a species that possesses all knowledge be like?
Okay great so you're done then? Have fun in your next thread friend.
anyway all this vids are probably keys to unlock parts of your consciousness to abstract knowledge be it good or bad.
>Teryss Concert Hall
Nothing comes up.
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So you're saying that the aliens are communicating with us... through memes?
Dubs of truth BTFO of you faggot shills. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Wittgenstein was austrian!
Kind of...
Yes. I'm more than over your pathetic slide threads. Sage goes in all fields. Thanks for correcting the record.
Oh neat. I didn't know your people had done something right before.

Are you guys plagued by self doubt or something? He was a super genius that went back and said all his past work was wrong because Freud was.
Interesting post, there's a great scene in The Invisibles comic that hints that there is a language that encompasses the laws of the universe that comes to mind. Also if you've read Stranger in a Strange land, the Martians possess this great language.
Genuine shills have 20ish posts per id. Loudest cointelpro shill just under 20. At least one faggot has 32 butt fucking posts alone as of this message.
I just went through a cognitive screening last week. It was interesting.

In one of the tests, they showed images without numbers or sets, just seemingly random symbols and asked me to tell them the number that the image, as a whole, suggests to you.
>as a whole, suggests to you
*as a whole, suggests to me
>Observing and articulating the universe just sounds easier than finding an underlying grammar and sentence structure for the linguistic equivalent of God. I like the questions it leads to though. For example, what would a language for a species that possesses all knowledge be like?

Yes it is really intriguing. I will be sure to check out Wittgenstein's work. Appreciate the recommendation.
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It's The Crying of Lot 49 all over again
>He was a super genius that went back and said all his past work was wrong because Freud was.

Do you have a link for this claim?
Not a shred of evidence to support your claim.

Your faggotry is an insult to /x/

Is anyone who tells you retards you're retarded a shill? How about you go look up old threads about that stupid fucking meme dolla, see all the post, probably some of your own, that called all those people that said it was retarded shills. Fucking learn already you dipshit.
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we did quite a lot right before.
we did not fight wars, yet we got a huge empire, where the sun never sunk.
we had some island at the indian ocean.
we had the father of modern psychology, Freud.
and we have arnold Schwarzenegger.
This isn't the same as BSE at all. I thought BSE was dumb as fuck. This however, is fascinating.

If you can't see the tens of thousands of hours that a team of really smart people put into this, this isn't the thread for you
Please stop letting the conversation be derailed, hide or ignore unconstructive posters.

This has nothing to do with BSE
Apparently they play the videos there, or in other places too. For the "forgotten languages organization"
Because I'm not a one post shill. You realize you're just helping prove my legitimacy. Not surprising coming from the 'hide post button' newfag
Lest we forget Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Because he prefers /pol/ to be filled with threads like: "Post pics of manlets"

"white bfto forever HAHAHA"


"Is this the average millennial man?"
>This is however, not related to BSE

Actually, it is related to BSE

Forgotten Languages is connected to Mr. Teeth.

The uploader of the most recent video to the Forgotten Languages page has a playlist that includes content from Mr. Teeth.


I am beginning to think that BSE had nothing to do with abortion and was really an experiment in semiotics and encoding.
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americans like arnold schwarzenegger.
we like felix baumgartner better.

also we are leading at skies, i believe... if atomic is an austrian brand...
is there a place more suitable for this fucking topic?

this is some hippy faggotry.

and i'm asking you to leave

if you wanna talk memetics, that's fine, but please stop with your religious bullshit
What does Mr.Teeth have to do with the BSE?
I think that anon was just a hobbyist of conspiracies, not an orchestrator of either one. And that playlist doesn't suggest anything more than that. I don't mean to be rude but I think you're grasping at straws

i was using BSE as an example of when the "shills" of common sense were right.
Protip: go change your theme to tomorrow. You won't smell so new.
i'm beginning to think that you'd believe whatever i told you if i put some symbols on it and connected it randomly to something else
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I think i remember seeing that at the beginning of one of the videos. I mean, it didn't come up in google but it could very well be a hall without a significant online presence.

Well if that were the case, there aren't as many people interested in Forgotten Languages as were interested in the countdown for BSE.
Anyways guys, I'm going to get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow.
Being so retarded that you think Mr nigger teeth could be a part of anything real. Didn't you learn from earlier today newfriend?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. Aristotle

like what does $CPXX have to do with the rothschilds
This group of faggotry has already had a countdown that resulted in nothing, not even a faggot video like BSE gave us. This is tin foil hat niggerdom, stop wasting your time.
I recommend if you watched the videos to wait an hour and a half before sleeping. Have a good night mate.
I mean if it's a legitimate business it would be listed in phonebooks and etcetera that do have an online presence right?
Been there done that with this exact subject. It's a load of shit.
and why did we buy so much for ~1.50 per share
Back to /x/ fag.
jesus christ dude,

don't forget to put my message into gematrix

or you'll miss the event
Its not something esoteric, I already explained it above here. Kappasinian Psychology's theory of mind.
You realize that's not a button right?
The languages are generated using this

Nodespaces V2.0 - Cognitive Linguistics Software
Oma jan jeammije si jijiejma ni anzata ak NODESPACES V2.0, jed Cognitive Linguistics Software (CLS) jenog da jaezktag seinmiza omerazjaemka jikvomamivo si amizgoa seigjsela kadaeanko ta omrsezam zaant.

Ni kertsy jana si senetekra jako omjeda kjivzogga uie jan srutag si senelau, omjeda kevorene uie jan srutag si jitvra, go omjeda jigoije uie jan srutag si zazz. Steko mjeata jako jezez joj aiesy mizlajtag ni kejmrene ak ni leteaz ta ni joj atneramen; se jako si arzije si jagta sat taktag joj aiesy temamekem kigondako go jonmzanov nidayzam kanaezt.
Steko jako jed sersemaz tzam, jicy se jako omgocz jed tegjekemlasy rena talvonnoven:
1.Complex Wierzbicka nodespaces building

2.IFS-based semantic space exploration

3.Built-in fractal linguistics engine

4.CLIPS-coded RETE-based semantic knowledge database

5.LCAS module (Ising, stochastic, genetic algorithms)

6.JESSE and Lua based model export

7.Inform 7 interface with Force4

8.Data visualization using Processing 1.2.1 (Wordcram required)
They take two dead languages and combine them.

Very interested if anyone can find the cource or download location for the full suite.


The software is linked to a mil research venture in the US
Let me guess, the same Ireland fag is back with more faggotry.
Sauce? Where did you acquire this info?

> The software is linked to a mil research venture in the US

Oh? Which one?
Thanks potatonigger
See here a mix of disinfo pretending this is actually just a linguistics project (see videos and chosen texts and laugh) but with some information volunteered.


Eddag-1240 and Elyam-2200 are not programs. They are the label that we assign to the output, once the system reaches a stable minimum. The system we are developing is called "Nodespaces", and it is coupled to a statistical mechanical program called "Vectorial".

What they do is implementing the Ising model, and all-time classic of statistical mechanical modelling. Originally, it was proposed to explain ferromagnetism, but the model is so powerful that it has over the years been adapted and applied to the study of a variety of phenomena, including language contact and language drift. "Vectorial" is a dynamical system, that is, a rule that given one point in a state space, it tells us where it is going to be a unit of time later. The basic mathematical model is thus a manifold M, a map f:M-->M and a function s:M-->R.

Now, M represents all the possible states of the system, while f represents the time evolution, a rule that determines what is the state one unit of time later. For many practical cases, after some time the system converges to a subset of M of low dimension, usually called the "attractor". The partition function is controlled by a so-called critical exponent (beta). The numbers 1240 and 2200 means that we ran the system for beta=2.2 and beta=1.240. Note that a small change in the critical exponent yields a totally different language for the same input.

Your question on how are they connected with language can now be answered: as we have records of, say, Old Welsh, Middle Welsh, and Modern Welsh, then we have a traceable history of how Welsh changed. This is our Welsh manifold M. The rules defining each state is given, roughly, by linguists (phonology rules, consonantal conservation, pallatization, etc.).
Therefore, you can code the system to apply those rules to Modern Welsh and see what comes out. Of course, human brain is not a logical system: it is a highly complex and strange system. Nobody knows why a given change started operating in a given language, or why speakers gradually start modifying the language. Also, cultural and cognitive factors must be called for. This means we are facing a system that cannot be specified in an algorithmic way, neither using a rule-based approach. You need to use statistical mechanical maths.

You pose the question of whether is it possible the transformation of Welsh into a language so different and unintelligible for today's speakers during a period so short as sixty-five years. How much time does a language take to change depends on many extra-linguistic factors. Isolation, the foundation effect, language contact, speakers' fragmentation in space, even religious, political, and social factors do all play a role. There is no definite answer to why some languages die, or to why they change the way they do.

But no, I'm sure 65 years is too a short time lapse for a radical change as the one you notice from Welsh to Weddag-2075. But the intriguing question is this: though they are structurally different, and lexically unrelated, what's the "Welshness" in Weddag-2075 as to make some people believe it is some sort of Welsh?

I totally agree with the conclusion of the article, that is: "Russian, as well as any other language, despite it’s obvious and unquestionable virtues, is by no means an ideal mirror for reflecting reality". In fact, there is a school of thought that holds that language "infects" reality.

You state that you you don't believe that feelings and words are directly related. Margaret Magnus, and the school of phonosemantics -aka sound symbolism-, has made interesting experiments with students to which she presents images of objects and ask them to label them with words. Some of them are impossible objects, or even non-existent, and the students are required to invent words for those objects. Surprisingly, there is a preference for using words with specific phonemes for certain objects. Her dissertation is available in the internet (it is titled Phonosemantics: What's in a word?).
Seriously, the fact you actually screenshoted that makes it even funnier. You are a little kid aren't you?
Subliminal messages are extremely overglorified. While conditioning is completely doable and has always been done in one form or another, it can't be done with one short video that you watch just once. Now, if you start looping this and staring at it for hours on end...
Your statement related to the dependency of words on culture has been, and is, thoroughly researched by Anna Wierzbicka. You can find her books in the internet, too. My example on Russian was taken from her. Your question on whether there is any proof that the feelings of a Lakota and a Russian are different in any way has a positive answer: there are proofs. There are cognitive tests that consistently prove a speaker of a certain language perceives reality in a different way than a speaker of another language. I know this sounds somehow shocking, but it is that way.

I don't understand your last statement: "language doesn’t neccessarily correspond to our feelings". Unless a speaker wishes to lie, we have to accept that anything that it is said it is also meant, I mean, you say what you mean, otherwise communication would be impossible. Your article makes the point: there are feelings for which we do not have words. There are emotions for which we have no words. But the results from Wierzbicka's research is even more radical: there are speakers from a certain language that do have emotions that speakers of another language do not. This is baffling, but true.
Hmm... but the idea was not to generate a cryptic language of some sort.
The idea was this:

- to analyze syntactic and morphological drift for a given set of
languages, and to explore whether such a drift produces a semantic drift

In order to do so, we designed a software, called Nodespaces, that acts
as a genetic algorithm that takes as input a given language and then, by
stimulated annealing, subjects the language to a set of stochastic
rules. If we consider the language as a complex adaptive system, by
changing the boundary conditions the language is forced to adapt itself,
thus changing its syntactic structure and its morphological internal

Obviously, a boundary condition was this: change as you wish, but the
change must yield a syntactically and phonetically coherent language.
The result shows that language is also a dissipative structure, one that
can finally derive in a total colapse of communication, unless you
impose some restrictive superstructure upon it. We found it was then
better to introduce the self-organizing constraints into the system.
And the experiment shows that in order for you to obtain such a
language, the system must, of necessity, include the speaker.

Though it seems obvious that language and speaker are inseparable,
sometimes linguists forget this, in particular when they study ancient
languages. We wanted to find an answer to this question: can we think of
the Russian language regardeless of the Russian speaker? That is: can
anyone speak Russian without feeling Russian?

So far, the answer is "No". Sure you can be a Lakota. Sure you can learn
Russian. Sure you can get a total mastering of the Russian language. But
you will never "feel" like a Russian. So the question arises: what do we
mean by being Russian or Lakota? And if there was just one
protolanguage, what made a given speaker to start feeling like a
Russian? The landscape? The environment? A genetic mutation? A specific
neurological arrangement?

Happy new year to you all!


Forgotten Languages
"Translation shall cease" project.
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Are you talking about maybe the kiki/bouba effect?

Ayndryl Reganah


It is extremely easy to "invent" a language from scratch. However, as time passes, that language will evolve. And it happens it evolves in a quite specific and predictable way. The final state is always the same for any given language. This evolution is proto-language indpendent. We are more interested in tomorrow's language.

The length of the sentences, the speed at which you can talk a language, the phonology, the order of the sentence, all this is limited and constrained by your cognitive structure and your neurological setup. All languages will finally converge in time into one and the same language, provided reality remains the same.

But speakers, their languages, and reality itself are dynamical systems, always changing. These are non-linearties that modify the language and your cognitive structure in radical ways. The net result is this: new languages emerge, others they die.

So finally, we are investigating the state equation of language, assessing whether it is a Markov process, an Ising-spin process, a fractal process, or whatever. This is key for us in order to make both backward and forward language analysis.

The languages you happened to spot in our blog are final or intermediate states for a given scenario we are currently working on. The one you thought to be Welsh is called Weddag-2075: we fed the system with Welsh, supressed the Normand contribution, added some Goidelic patterns, and left the system evolve assigning specific value to the Beta exponent of an Ising system to see what happens. Beta = 2.075 in this particular scenario.

The language called Alashi-1330 is a semitic one with bi-radical nouns and IE SVO typology with a Lyapunov exponent of 1.33. And so on.

Actually you can establish some isomorphism between language L1 and L2, though in general this does not work, as you correctly stated. However, it is "attractors" and "homology" what we are talking here. As you know, it is imposible to find the original seed state S(0) of a Markov process given the final state S(f) by virtue of the stochastic nature of the process. But it might be of interest to you that, regardless of the initial state (that is, language) you arrive to quite stable (and beautiful) consistent configurations (like Eddag-1240 or Elyam-2200).

Finally, the configurations you arrive at are all languages. You can use them as you use your native ones, you can use them to describe reality or write poetry. What you see in our blog are the entries of the users where they announce the translation of the relevant books into a given generated language.

Again, we are not interested in "conlangs". We are interested in fractal linguistics.
>Implying this shit is anything more than a retard making pleb tier CGI vids surrounded by absolute faggotry.

Wew lad
I couldn't agree more, this is a slide thread. This Irish nigger who fueled the last thread is conveniently back. Even /x/ would laugh at this garbage.
Look. Congradulations on being edgy but this is from here


The same name....mentions the software.

They ran a disinfo claiming to be pure linguists, then on claiming it was vampires, then one pretending ot was aviral hoax.

That link is important because that is a hardcore linguistics form and what she is desceibing is bleeding edge for the participants.

Any idea how powerful an encryption tool this is?

Neither do the proffered achademic explanations in anyway explain this


So be as edgy as fuck.

Or look at what is in front of you and think.
Copy pasta more please. Even /x/ would piss their pants laughing at your faggotry. Give up, you lost. Your gay as 9 year old website is the most irrelevant site I've ever stumbled upon. Rethink your strategy as this current one is pathetic at best.
well beyond me. I know a linguistics graduate who might help if I could get the software this nodespaces suite.

I get it. They're really smart. They're possibly (most likely) a diverse team of truly intelligent people encompassing linguists, programmers, etc, and somebody's paying for it. I can understand how powerful an encryption tool it is.

Are we supposed to pen-test it? What's the telos, here?
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who are u?
fair enough. You're a moron..pr s chill Good luck with that. Either way.
>That is: can anyone speak Russian without feeling Russian?

>So far, the answer is "No".

Would it maybe be possible to convey intent and meaning through a context-free grammar? This could possibly address translation between one language to another, but as far as I know CFG are entirely mathematical and you're unable to convey anything like that through them.
I've looked at your hilariously embarrassing videos which featured shit tier CGI accompanied with equally embarrassing audio. Shill elsewhere kiltfag
you're really not intellectually equipped to handle what's going on here... we're talking particle physics and you're learning to count.
I would not pen test this myself. However you are not be. IF I say...risky...you will think I'm protecting the site when in truth I'd love to see it opened up like a tin can and get the full scoop on this.

Your call.

It is about 4 years since any port scans etc were run on it or profiling of open poets but it was pretty clean on ports and injections.

Bets of luck but VM behind CPN on remote server that you can vanish off..... and clear router logs.

Watch out for any new hops that appear in your ip while you are working indicating a man in the middle on your VPN.
I'm an oldfag.

A fucking leaf... Should I say more...
You really are an idiot. They are not mine. Pull your head out of your ass.
sup m8 im just here for the theoretical habbining
Pretty much this.
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I don't care to try and do scriptkiddy shit to the site, that doesn't interest me. The linguistics side sounds fascinating, but I don't care about the rest - it's more than likely a psyop played by the military against the Chinese, and I don't put much stock into occultist nonsense.
Just to be clear, I'm interested as to why it's getting pumped into /pol/ - are they trying to sell the software?
Would you mind getting a trip?
Stop pretending fag, you stopped replying to me because you know I called your bluff. You are the same fag from the last thread. Full of made up shit to sound smart, let me give you some advice. We aren't a group of retards here, we see through your ignorance. You will be doxed. Be careful.
>occultist nonsense
As the saying goes

Reality is stranger than fiction.
Will he make it to 50?
This site has been around for many many years. There is no happening.

The content is /pol related 100% as it relates to socirtal control, manipulation and basically a merge of tech, Jungian symbolism and highly advanced linguistics.

Print out this thread and arrange to meet a linguistics PhD in your nearest uni and their mouth will fall open.

This is not some cheap scam site.

It is genuinely strange and the material is both literary and audio visualy toxic,

Do you have any idea how much money you need to do research work like this?
So your saying they are the hilariously retarded morons? works for me...
Hi retard. I see you are still running in safe mode.
is there no mods on this board?

im about to call moot
Fair enough. But believing in an objective, materialist reality, and staying grounded is a great mindset to have - especially when you're dealing with a military psyops unit that might be using youtube videos to make you a schizophrenic future Manchurian candidate.



Don't be sorry this fag is a known shill. Sage. Hide thread
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>linguistics PhD in your nearest uni and their mouth will fall open

I kind of want to show this thread to my old linguistics professor now...
I don't but stock in occultist nonsense either but there is money behind this and the mil applications are obvious.

If you can find the sotware. I never have. It is not on sale anywhere I know of they apparently developed it themselves based on a principle called fractal linguistics. The thread on the linguists forum is worth.Reading it is out of my league in the topic but the other forum members are all linguistics heads and clearly the exchange is damage control.
following the line here a bit more.

I found the forgotten language youtube playlist and there is not any link to mr.teeth at all.

They do have 220 videos by or compiled by Andranyl from the forum, which is interesting, and the videos themselves might have value.
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u miss interpret what i mean by habbining im waiting for /pol/ or /x/ to figure out what is happening or should i say what it all means
I first mentioned it on pol in that dumb happening thread because I wanted to see what came of exposing it to 4chan and the thread was the right place to do it
This pleb tier nigger couldn't fake his way through a group of Apple fags. It's actually embarrassing we are at giving him any (you)'s
Makes sense. Why are you so convinced that it's evil? I get that they're going for a spooky vibe here, but what evidence is there that it's actually evil at all?
I never pretended to be anyone else. I raised the subject exactly because I don't think this place is full of retards and I want to know what the fuck is the deal with that site./
just check if it has a zipfian distribution
if it doesnt its not real lol
Makes sense
You can't speak English, that's probably your issue. Back to /x/ fag
Go ahead and Dox me you fucking edgelord. I just missed that. Fucking do it. Have a fucking ball.

Spastic l33t moron.
just make another thread tonight so you don't have to deal with him. Not sure the same anons in this thread and the last will be involved but at least you'll get a different audience
If they are morons they its simple. Take the linguistic thread and thead and that site and email a linguistics department and ask them.

Are we there yet?
K well let me enlighten you. forgotten language is complete bullshit. Seeing that you barely speak English I hope you understand me. It's a pleb tier tin foil hat website. Less credible then ancient aliens.
Do it,.

send him these



You seem more and more like a shill.

Why are shills so drawn to these threads?
English much Ahmed?

Might want to just call it quits... Pretty embarrassing.
If what you say have been saying is true, why would they make this site public?
I'm an oldfag Trump supporter, I don't even care if you think I'm a shill. Go correct the record on Reddit, you might be more believable.
You are lying. Why are you doing that?

They deliberately discredited the site as vial marketing over a year ago with no product or company claiming it yet the material on it has constantly been updated ever since.

That's a good question. Why is the whole thing not on an onion or private P2P.
Name : Perfect World
Design by : Diana
URL : www.skincorner.com
Type : Free Blogger XML Template
Please keep my Footer Links.
What does Trump or anything related to this election cycle have to do with transcendental linguistics?

Your motivations are suspect.

It's a crowdsourced pen-test. They want to see if anyone's capable of deciphering the next generation in encryption. It's marketing, I think, both for the software and the thinktank/company behind it.

It's not a commercial product marketed towards the public, we obviously don't have the 100 million dollars or so they'd want for a license. The marketing's for the military. They want to prove that they can leave it plain sight and that the Chinese / various bored linguists and cryptography nerds won't be able to get anything out of it.
Your either a shill or one of the stupidest people I've seen on here. Anyone with an education who looks at the linguist thread and that site knows that this is something different. If you happen to be a fucking pleb tier education then by all means fuck off.

PS this is not about the US election. Clear,

Right off you fuck
Learn English. BSE was discredited today with no 'product or company' as well. Can you even spell Bob backwards?

The material on your site is pure autistic gibberish, nothing more, nothing less. None of you fags have been able to prove any different.
Do you have any clue where we could get ahold of any of the books listed here?
All the videos and content appear to be toxic as well. Trap?
this has fucking nothing to do with BSE
Go for it.

What are the 200+ videos about?

Can't see that going down well to some major in an airforce
Did you forget where you're at friend? This is /pol/ not /x/
Explain toxicity of the videos in a greater detail, please.
if anyones autistic enough to copy all the texts into a pastebin or something i can run some linguistic analysis on it all to see whether it's likely it's a real language
You click the links, the 'articles' or whatever are the 'books' as far as I'm aware.

A lot of them have sources, and a lot of them have a ridiculous list of sources.
Likely a similar product. Steganography in video and audio streams.

Why the weird theme? To invite people to try and decipher them, most likely. If they had hid the encryption in normal videos nobody would ever bother to look (the point of steganography, obviously) - by attaching them to the cryptic forgotten languages brand, they can guarantee that foreign analysts (China) will try and decode them. There's a threat on there directly to two Chinese reactors, and there's various pictures of airfields in China... it's bait.
this there strange but have u deduced anything in particular about them
If this thread is triggering your sensibilities why not leave until it's pruned? There are plenty of threads more to your temperament. I'm more of a /g/ person, but this thread has been the only thing interesting on here for a while.
Look leave the thread. Go. This is out of your league and I don't need you to tell me you have no third level education or you would understand why the combination of linguistics and that site are not some stitched together viral stunt. Neither indeed dispute your dox BS 'hax0r skilz' so just fuck off and clean toilets or whatever you do for a living.
You never answered my question here:
The site content is entirely /POL

Flip through their library for a bit.
Ignore them.
Had a panic attack yesterday while browsing one of BSE threads; found out about forgotten langs later - only watched one video, then shat pants.
>We are interested in "proto-humans as they spoke" in order to grasp "post-humans as they will speak"
Oh well, we find ourselves Cicada, or some shit
Assume the worst imo

It's somewhat indescribable, strange fractal looking images set to electronic, synthy new age type music. Assuming anything about the need to make a new language that is encoded mentally was true it could have something to do with that.

they all have strange titles.
Have a look at this anon


What do you think?
Yeafh my dog leaves the room.

I ran them through a dx splitter using the dx graph dev ultility and added some filters and when you took nearly everything out there are long slow waves in the high frequencies and another pattern at low with more data in in. Got no further.

If there is a key it is in the video stream somewhere.
You're the fucking shill. You are referencing dog shit YouTube videos with horrendous CGI and pleb tier audio pretending they could control minds? They couldn't influence a retard. You're an idiot

Also since you further proved you don't speak English I said you will get doxed. I never said I'll be the one to dox you. It's called reading.
theres like 500 listed texts

Nah. Not Cicada. Their 'book' is still running and this has been on the go for years.
There's over a dozen languages that are found nowhere else in the world except for on the site... it's real dude.
i cant be bothered to copy them all myself
well they can say all that but i wont be sure till i look at it in more detail
The linguistcs software called nodespaces has a fractal visualisation module. That is by test guess on where they tie in.


Why not just do Barnet or Seasmie street.

Why maggots and surgeries etc
Do you think we're stupid enough to think you aren't the guy that wrote all this speaking of tounges bullshit? How fucking stupid sm are you? I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you lol.
I think maybe there's a character limit to a pastebin?

But it probably wouldn't be difficult to scrape each 'book' and retrieve the text into a document or separate documents.
Sesame Street is much more likely than your tin foil hat joke.
my dog woke up and wanted to leave in a hurry. she wont come back in from the living room..
jesus man stop posting on your phone, can you rephrase that?
These are experiments to see how possible future languages would look. And understand how language affect person's perception of reality and society as whole according to ayndryl.
I wonder from where they get their funding.
Cunt of theres a good cunt. Dox away in between scaping sit out of urinals for minimum wage. Its not my site and nothing to do with me which is why I'm curious. So dox the shit out f it. Go for it.

I think you are actually a rare genuine tard who never even finished high school
>Their 'book' is still running and this has been on the go for years.

WTF do you mean by their book?
No where near as lacking in education as you my trollio Scrub that urinal. Scrub it.
Military. That's why they're not publishing articles in public journals... that's why their biggest blog tag is "Defense"
DERp. I'm a raging faggot but if you question me I'll send a death frequency into your brain because I'm a gay alien that wears a flannel skirt, question me and you'll die too. Told you I was legit!
jesus man your ego is as big as that faggots, can you stay on topic instead of filling the thread with this shit?

we're already about to lose the thread on page 10 because of so many garbage posts.
Shitty keyboard .....need to bin it. Sorry anon.
AH this makes sense. If they want a one world government, they would need to come up with a language that limits the human potential as much as possible.

Interesting shit.
the stupid fucking cicadia thing. The decodey book word puzzle thing. I forget what it is called. I never got into it.
This guy appears at the end of every thread of this topic to fill it with faggotry. Ignore his embarrassing ignorance.
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They're using software to visualize their a language, the language is 'fractal' like, it builds on itself. This visualization is possibly dangerous, or carries some subconscious information with it.

Why not just embed the messages in something more digestible by normies?

Why crazy fractal images and weird creepy surgeries people are uncomfortable looking at?

That's what I got out of it.
Liber Primus
fair enough.

Can someone get the full DNS history again and paste it here?
>"All human mental phenomena do correlate with certain neural phenomena, therefore for human beings to perceive what they call "reality" you just need to produce those mental phenomena in their brains. Actually, if an object is one and the same as a certain neural phenomena, it suffices to induce that neural phenomena in his brain for the human to see the object."

Man, think of the applications for that: take a real-time video, encode it, plug it into a blind person's functioning sensual modality (hearing, touch, etc) and you get a visual aid. Geordi LaForge comes to mind.

Anyway, didn't US army have an experiment like that, where they'd encode a low-res grayscale image and feed it into a test subject's consciousness by electrodes placed in their mouths? I read that in a Serbian or Bosnian tech mag in like early 2000s or even 1997 or something...
Ah the Liber Primus. Yea that talks about a hive mind type of world where everyone can read everyones thoughts and feelings. All of this mass of consciousness would be controlled by the elite families.

This language shit would tie into it since you would need to come up with a one language for the entire world to limit human potential.
Clearly you never got into anything that requires much intellect did ya m8. You're just about being a fag and the craic
That's what I meant. If they were seeking mil money it would look really rough. Why not a different image base instead of bleeding eyes and brain surgery and creepypasta
No problem mate, I still dont understand what you meant in your previous post and I hope you remake the thread for more discussion.

>Why crazy fractal images and weird creepy surgeries people are uncomfortable looking at?

It might be cutting edge tech, the various patterns may resemble actual synaptic patterns that are then mirrored inside our brains just by seeing it, thats an idea put forward in by Stuart Hameroff/Roger Penrose and enabled by the ORCH-OR consciousness theory.
That's it. Thanks anon.
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huh nice trips, but are they the trips of truth
I guess you wouldn't know any different would ya, just a fag at heart m8
any use in trying to link articles to lines in the poems hidden in the videos? only reason i ask is because the kerysse site describes itself as a hub for cyberpoems or cryptopoems or however they described it. as maybe the point of the videos are poems in of themselves to whoever can understand them





>may resemble actual synaptic patterns that are then mirrored inside our brains just by seeing it

I've lost the link, but one of the 'songs' certainly resembled images of synaptic maps. Though I don't think so of the more jarring videos.
>weird creepy surgeries people are uncomfortable looking at?

Maybe priming for some subliminal? Make someone feel bad while using subliminal texts to link the feeling with some concept.
Daily reminder this site already had a countdown that didn't even have a shitty abortion video as the climax of its bullshit countdown. Ignore these shills. Kek wills it.
>The linguistcs software called nodespaces has a fractal visualisation module. That is by test guess on where they tie in.BUTWhy not just do Barnet or Seasmie street.Why maggots and surgeries etc

OK this is node spaces page but it is mostly encrypted


1.Complex Wierzbicka nodespaces building

2.IFS-based semantic space exploration

3.Built-in fractal linguistics engine

4.CLIPS-coded RETE-based semantic knowledge database

5.LCAS module (Ising, stochastic, genetic algorithms)

6.JESSE and Lua based model export

7.Inform 7 interface with Force4

8.Data visualization using Processing 1.2.1 (Wordcram required)

See 8 so why not use a less creepy image base.
strange so there is some high pitched frequencies to the videos

"Panic Expanded" by White Proverbs

this one seems kinda interesting
> The Social Linguistics of Globalization

Yep....this is a project by Globalist Kikes alright.

More mind control bullshit.
Honestly the women I showed them to felt sick and had to stop watching them gave her nausea. She's a skeptic type so it was not OMG its creepy.

They make me feel uncomfortable and on edge. I try not to watch them for long. That is why I started putting the audio through a dx splitter graph and playing with codecs an filters.
im trying to watch them in the order they come up in the playlist. im afraid whatever message youre supposed to get might not hit if theyre watched in the wrong order
>but that fucking private video at the top REEEEEEE
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Are you seriously that unsuccesful in life that you desperately crave for attention in this particular place anon?
>8.Data visualization using Processing 1.2.1 (Wordcram required)
this is actually a pretty key point, its a decision of tone that is completely unnecessary according to the supposed function of the language and possibly even detrimental.
>>but that fucking private video at the top REEEEEEE
might be the key video that makes it work.

do you use telegram or tox? I'm interested in staying in touch if your condition worsens or something happens, though obviously I get it if you aren't interested. I am just super interested whether this language actually works or not.
Its subliminal mind control bullshit mate.

They are trying to find the right language for a global world to maintain maximal control of the populous.
Dude at this point I would recommend not to watch any of them.

We should ask High Level Insider on this the next time he shows up. That dude knows fucking everything. I am sure he would have some interesting thoughts on this.
>this is actually a pretty key point, its a decision of tone that is completely unnecessary according to the supposed function of the language and possibly even detrimental.

heres a thought, its a guard dog, you dont have the passcode to decrypt the video then you get bit.
>See 8 so why not use a less creepy image base.

simple shocking images tend to stick, remember when the bse site showed actual abortions
Thread posts: 386
Thread images: 46

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