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/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General- Lolita Express 2 Electric Fondaloo

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 73

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>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):

>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


>Hillary nuclear file here

What we know:
George Soros funnels money to Democracy Alliance, through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Major money laundering, massive number of donors.
(((Soros's))) investment arm is linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J
Others involved:
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.



Just brainstorming here, but I'm wondering if anyone from the EPA is connected to the CF? Seems innocuous, but misdirection may be a good way to hide things. Hell Comey mentioned the dept. of Ag. yesterday. I'm going full tin foil here, but there is so much shit going down, it's worth not leaving any stone unturned.
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Last thread got bumped off, no one made new bread like usual so I did

Can someone link the previous thread? The shilling is unreal...almost confirms for me there's something going on here.
Why is there a Hillary general on /pol/?
Looking into the Clinton foundation and all the shady shit they're doing.
Yep it's being slid to all hell with race war threads. False flag or not, it's being taken advantage of and we're being played.
What's the directive for non-investigators? Are we still shilling on twitter and getting our memes out there any way possible?
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Anons, post confirmed sound bite facts.
>CF got millions to rebuild Haiti, Haiti is not rebuilt, but HRC's brother got a mining contract
>pic related
>Taking SAP level emails off a secure server is evidence of intent because the whole point of the SAP system is to keep them only on one system that you have to access physically via a bunker.

I need to KT some journos
Something something "250 strange coincidences"
No more than 3-5 sentences
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Last thread also hit the bump limit, I think we just dropped the ball on this one

But regardless watch out for shills
>Are we still shilling on twitter and getting our memes out there any way possible?

Yes. Bring the foundation into people's minds in any way possible and as much as possible.
because we're winning
which year did they start "rebuilding" Haiti
German bro-
Yeah, doing the same. The director's list is fluff. I am using the org chart to drill down one by one.

Arduous, but we will find something.
This will get you up to speed.


>The new status made her a “special government employee,” which was tantamount to being a consultant, according to the source, whose information was confirmed by two other staffers familiar with the matter. Multiple sources told POLITICO Abedin did work for other clients, which a friend of Abedin said totaled four, including the State Department, Hillary Clinton, the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation and Teneo, the firm co-founded by former Bill Clinton counselor Doug Band...

>It’s similar, in many respects, to the way many Clinton aides were paid for years while she was a senator. They were compensated partly through work on her government staff, and partly through her political action committee. Other loyalists, such as longtime Clinton aide Kelly Craighead and other confidants, later went on to lucrative work with Clinton-allied organizations.

OK so let's look into Teneo... (continued in post 2)
I'm going to dig through the archive
But any KT will be greatly appreciated
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Democratic rep Corinne Brown of FL has just been indicted on fraud!



>Teneo boasts of a vast reach across international arenas, partnering “exclusively with the CEOs and senior leaders of many of the world’s largest and most complex companies and organizations.” In a Clintonian claim of cosmic proportions, Teneo says the firm addresses a “range of financial, reputational and transformational challenges and opportunities by combining the disciplines of strategic communications, investor relations, investment banking, financial analytics, executive recruiting, digital analytics, corporate governance, government affairs, business intelligence, management consulting and corporate restructuring on an integrated basis.”

>Got that? In fact, Teneo is rather shadowy, with only a few known corporate clients. It is best known for its relation with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. Journalists so far have seemed unwilling or unable to penetrate much further into Teneo. But that appears to have changed with Mrs. Clinton’s formal entry into the presidential race and the dawning realization among media types that the Clinton Foundation, Teneo and the disappearing State Dept. emails really do signal that some sort of gigantic sleazy game is afoot.

>Reporter Ron Brynaert is one example of this new breed of investigative gunslinger. A former executive editor for Raw Story, Brynaert has been digging deep into the Teneo connection and publishing his findings at his blog, “-gate news” and on Twitter [LINKS IN ARTICLE POSTED ABOVE]. While the media focus on former Clinton aide Doug Band as the key Teneo founder, Brynaert has explored the extensive Clinton ties of Declan Kelly, the Teneo co-founder and CEO. Based on Brynaert’s reporting, Kelly seems to be the real brains behind the operation.

More nuggets in part 3...
links to clinton, might need to dig further

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>Teneo is filled with former associates of the Clintons.... The Teneo roster included Justin Cooper, former Clinton aide linked to registration documents for the private email server at the center of Mrs. Clinton’s State Department emails controversy. “Cooper’s bio was scrubbed from Teneo’s website,” Brynaert reports, “but a cache link reveals it once noted, ‘In addition to his role with Teneo, Mr. Cooper serves as Senior Advisor to President William J. Clinton. Mr. Cooper advises President Clinton on a broad range of issues, including finances, business matters, public affairs and politics. Additionally, Mr. Cooper advises and assists in operating the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Family Foundation.’” Five State Department officials from the Economic Envoy’s office also followed Kelly to Teneo, Brynaert reports: Stephen Meahl, Therese O’Higgins, Monica Milton, Steven Sullivan and Jacqueline Wilson.

>In another post, Brynaert turns up new details on Mrs. Clinton’s longtime aide, Huma Abedin. Brynaert closely examines Teneo’s role in a Dec 7, 2012, event in Belfast, Ireland, honoring Secretary of State Clinton. The trip appears to be one of those peculiarly Clintonian mixtures of self-aggrandizement, shmooze and money. Abedin was along for the ride. By then, Brynaert notes, Abedin was serving in dual capacities as a State Department employee and an adviser to Teneo, roles that later attracted considerable controversy...


>Thus, at the time of the December 2012 event in Belfast, Brynaert notes, Abedin was simultaneously employed by “the State Department, Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton” in a personal capacity. Citing possible misconduct and misrepresentation, Judicial Watch has asked a federal judge to reopen a Freedom of Information lawsuit that sought records related to Abedin’s multiple roles at the State Department and with Teneo.
From oldbread:

this is the track I was riding along and looking for connections to the shackbar fraternity when things got wonky; i lost internet and had to restart my modem and PC due to the freeze up.

This is a legit trail, I believe.

Keep chugging along on this train:

Thanks for saving me from duplicating effort.

I also went through the current CF board. Arrogantly, Giustra is still front and center. Anons might want to take a glance at Hadeel Ibrahim. Seemed like such a phenomenal young "leader" until reading up enough to see she is the daughter of billionaire Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim, who founded/sold Celtel, the dominant cell carrier in many African nations. Daddy bilks the poor countries to "make life better" (company motto), and muh little girl fixes all the world's problems. Goddam elitists.

I'll try working your state dept list bottom up.
All senior state dept officials, list part 1

-Adams, Jr., Charles C.
-Adams, Thomas C.
-Akuetteh, Cynthia
-Allen, Craig
-Alsup, C. Patricia
-André, Larry, Jr.
-Aponte, Mari Carmen
-Armbruster, Thomas Hart
-Ayalde, Liliana
-Baer, Daniel Brooks
-Bagley, Elizabeth Frawley
-Baily, Jess L.
-Barber, Robert Cushman
-Barks-Ruggles, Erica J.
-Barr, Joyce A.
-Barzun, Matthew
-Bass, John R.
-Bassett, Leslie A.
-Battle, Michael A. Sr.
-Baucus, Max S.
-Bauer, Denise Campbell
-Beecroft, R. Stephen
-Bell, Colleen Bradley
-Bernicat, Marcia Stephens Bloom
-Berry, John
-Berry, Randy W.
-Birx, Deborah L., M.D.
-Biswal, Nisha Desai
-Blake, Robert O.
-Blinken, Antony J.
-Blome, Donald
-Bond, Michele Thoren
-Booth, Donald
-Brewster, James W. Jr.
-Broas, Timothy
-Brownfield, William R.
-Browning, Steven A.
-Buchwald, Todd F.
-Burk, Susan F.
-Bush, Dwight L. Sr.
-Campbell, Piper Anne Wind
-Casey, Shaun
-Caulfield, John
-Cefkin, Judith Beth
-Cekuta, Robert F.
-Chacon, Arnold A.
-Chapman, Todd C.
-Childress, Mark B.
-Clune, Daniel A.
-Connelly, Maura
-Coppedge, Susan
-Cormack, Maureen
-Costos, James
-Countryman, Thomas M.
-Cretz, Gene
-Crocker, Bathsheba N.
-Daughton, Thomas F.
-Davies, Glyn
-DeLaurentis, Jeffrey
-Dean, Nicholas
-Delawie, Greg
-Dinkelman, John
-Dogu, Laura F.
-Doherty, Kathleen
One more on Teneo:


>When Hillary Clinton became secretary of state she personally sought out a man named Declan Kelly to be her economic envoy to Northern Ireland, giving her 41-year-old former fundraiser a special status outside normal diplomatic channels.

>“Yeah! Is he now official? Can I call him? Can I ask him to start?” she wrote in an Aug. 28, 2009 email to her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.

>By some measures, Kelly was a bargain for the government. The Ireland-born businessman refused a salary, hired five staffers on his own dime and pushed for U.S. companies to invest in the once-troubled region, a diplomatic priority for Clinton.

>But while serving as Clinton’s special envoy, reaching out to global corporations for those investments, he was also working for two of them as a private consultant — earning about $2.4 million from Dow Chemical, a longtime client of his and one of the firms that participated in Clinton’s Ireland initiative.

>It was also during this time period that Kelly and Doug Band, a close aide to former President Bill Clinton, were preparing to launch a global consulting business that would soon become a well-known and controversial success story. Their new venture, Teneo Holdings, would go on to employ numerous Hillary Clinton associates, including her closest confidante, Huma Abedin, and, for a time, Bill Clinton as “honorary chairman,” giving clients rare access to the couple and their network of world leaders.
Senior state dept officials part 2

-Ebert-Gray, Catherine
-Egan, Brian J.
-Einhorn, Robert J.
-Eizenstat, Stuart E.
-Emerson, John B.
-Entwistle, James F.
-Estrada, John L.
-Farrar, Jonathan D.
-Feeley, John D.
-Finer, Jonathan
-Flaggs, Christopher H.
-Folmsbee, Paul A.
-Forman, Ira N.
-Fox, Sarah
-Fried, Daniel
-Frifield, Julia
-Furuta-Toy, Julie
-Galt, Jennifer Zimdahl
-Garber, Judith G.
-Gardner, Anthony Luzzatto
-Gaspard, Patrick H.
-Gifford, Rufus
-Gilbert, Mark
-Gilmour, David R.
-Godec, Robert F.
-Goldberg, Philip S.
-Gottemoeller, Rose Eilene
-Griffiths, Douglas
-Gwaltney, Sheila
-Hachigian, Nina
-Hackett, Kenneth Francis
-Hale, David
-Hammer, Michael A.
-Haney, Stafford Fitzgerald
-Hankins, Dennis B.
-Harf, Marie
-Harper, Keith M.
-Harrington, Matthew T.
-Hart, Clifford A.
-Hartley, Brent
-Hartley, Jane
-Haslach, Patricia M.
-Haverkamp, Jennifer A.
-Hawkins, Jeffrey J.
-Heflin, Donald L.
-Heidt, William A.
-Heins, Samuel
-Heumann, Judith E.
-Heyman, Bruce A.
-Higginbottom, Heather
-Hill, G. Kathleen
-Hochstein, Amos J
-Holloway, Perry
-Hoover, John
-Hoza, Michael S.
-Hyatt, Amy J
-Jacobs, Janice
-Jacobs, Susan
-James, Makila
-Jenkins, Bonnie D.
-Jones, A. Elizabeth
-Jones, Deborah K.
-Jones, Paul W.
-Jones, Stuart E.
State dept part 3

-Kaczmarek, Matt
-Kaidanow, Tina S.
-Kaplan, Samuel Louis
-Kelly, Ian C.
-Kelly, Thomas
-Kennedy, Caroline B.
-Kennedy, Patrick F.
-Kenney, Kristie A.
-Kerry, John F.
-Keshap, Atul
-Killion, David T.
-Kim, Sung
-King, Betty E.
-King, Robert R.
-Kirby, John
-Klemm, Hans G.
-Knight, James
-Koenig, Mary Ellen
-Koran, Donald W.
-Krol, George A.
-La Lime, Helen Meagher
-Lane, David J.
-LeVine, Suzan
-Leaf, Barbara A.
-Liberi, Dawn M.
-Lippert, Mark William
-Lowenstein, Frank
-Lu, Donald
-Ludema, Rodney D.
-Lumpkin, Michael D.
-Lute, Douglas
-Macmanus, Joseph E.
-Malac, Deborah R.
-Malinowski, Tom
-Mamet, Noah B.
-Manes, Jean Elizabeth
-Marciel, Scot
-McCarthy, Deborah
-McCulley, Terence P
-McEldowney, Nancy
-McKean, David
-McKinley, P. Michael
-Melville Jr., James D.
-Merten, Kenneth H.
-Millard, Elisabeth I.
-Miller, Earl R.
-Mills, Richard M.
-Moreno, Luis G.
-Mozena, Dan W.
-Mulrean, Peter F.
-Muniz, Lydia
-Mushingi, Tulinabo S.
-Mustard, Allan Phillip
-Namm, Adam E.
-Nealon, James D.
-Nichols, Brian A.
-Nix-Hines, Crystal
-Nolan, Edwin R.
-Nolan, Robert
-Novelli, Catherine A.
-Noyes, Julieta Valls
-Nuland, Victoria
-O'Brien, James
-O'Malley, Kevin F.
-Olson, Richard
-Osius, Ted
>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → → # → # → # → # → # → # → # → # → → → → # → # → # → # → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

They have his family
State dept part 4

-Painter, Christopher
-Palmer, Virginia E.
-Papp, Robert J.
-Patterson, Anne W.
-Pearce, David D.
-Pershing, Jonathan
-Peterson, Lisa
-Pettit, James D.
-Pettit, Nancy Bikoff
-Phee, Mary Catherine (Molly)
-Phillips, John R.
-Phillips, Macon
-Pitkin, Douglas
-Pittman, Dean
-Polaschik, Joan A.
-Power, Samantha
-Pyatt, Geoffrey R.
-Rahman, Zeenat
-Raji, Azita
-Ratney, Michael
-Reddick, Eunice S.
-Richard, Anne C.
-Rivkin, Charles H.
-Robinson, John M.
-Robinson, Todd D.
-Roebuck, William V.
-Rosen, Doria
-Rosenfarb, Charles, M.D.
-Rubin, Eric
-Rubinstein, Daniel H.
-Russel, Daniel R.
-Russell, Catherine M.
-Ryan, Evan
state dept last part

-Saperstein, David N.
-Sastry, Hari
-Satterfield, David M.
-Schapiro, Andrew H.
-Schultz, Eric T.
-Scott, Kyle Randolph
-Selfridge, Peter A.
-Sewall, Sarah
-Shannon, Thomas A., Jr.
-Shapiro, Daniel B.
-Sherman, Robert A.
-Sievers, Marc J.
-Silliman, Douglas A.
-Smith, Dana Shell
-Smith, Daniel B.
-Spratlen, Pamela L.
-Stanton, Karen
-Starr, Gregory B.
-Stengel, Richard
-Stetson, Nancy
-Suleman, Arsalan
-Sullivan, Stephanie S.
-Swan, James C.
-Symington, W. Stuart
-Taglialatela, Linda S.
-Talwar, Puneet
-Tamlyn, Lucy
-Taylor, Steven C.
-Tefft, John F.
-Teplitz, Alaina B.
-Thomas Jr., Harry K.
-Thomas-Greenfield, Linda
-Thorne, David H.
-Toner, Mark C.
-Tueller, Matthew H.
-Turekian, Vaughan
-Uyehara, Margaret Ann
-Verma, Richard R.
-Villarosa, Shari
-Wagar, Kirk
-Ward, Kenneth D.
-Weber, Andrew C.
-Wells, Alice G.
-Wesner, Alexa L.
-Westphal, Joseph W.
-Whitaker, Kevin
-Wood, Robert A.
-Yamate, Robert T.
-Yohannes, Daniel W.
-Yun, Joseph Y.
-Zafar, Shaarik H.
-Zumwalt, James P.
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Ok so I'm trying recreate this but my word count keeps getting 2336 and not 2322 am I doing something wrong? Trying to red pill some people on this
As I mentioned in the last thread
Most word counters count words differently
Trying to prove this is kind of a waste of time
Just out:




>Douglas J. Band
>Bruce R. Lindsey
>Aaron Motsoaledi
>Dakota Fanning
>Jesse Eisenberg
>John A. Catsimatidis
>Ira C. Magaziner (What the fuck is with this dude)
>Natalie Portman
>Declan Kelly
>John D. Podesta
>Eric Braverman
>Madhuri Kommareddi

>Procter & Gamble
>McKinsey & Company
>Teneo <Band>
>MF Global

>Standard Chartered, a British financial services company that paid a $340 million fine to New York regulators last year to settle charges that it had laundered money from Iran, is a Teneo client and a sponsor of the 2012 global initiative.

Felt like this was related, 'incompetent but wealthy' seems to be a common theme.
Ah thanks for helping, am I able to do the twitter bot thing off my iPhone? Not able to have access with a computer rn
>thread topic
I know you guys like your dank anime memes, but this is one of the reasons why you're not taken seriously.
"I-I worry about the welfare of my family.. this could really-"
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What needs to be shooped? I am at your will.
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Fresh meme, fight on brothers.

It's square for shillmedia.
>Teneo related:


Company Number
Incorporation Date
12 October 2010 (over 5 years ago)
Company Type
Limited Liability Company
Delaware (US)
Agent Name
Agent Address
Directors / Officers



The Corporation Trust Company
Archived Record Wilmington, DE — Business Services

I'd say, don't spend too much effort on this, it's way too tinfoil and there are hundreds of possible word combinations that give the 2322
I've been doing most of my stuff on my phone
I'm not sure about twitter ask Ad Tech or BotFag when he's back on
..that's fair
Page 4 bump
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just visiting from [s4s] to tell you that you might wanna check how meaningful your evidence is before posting it
Is anybody making a log of the connections?
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How the hell did they manage to pull all those grants for foreign relief
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Thats how much they funeled in Haiti
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And here is the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund providing the biggest amount of money to the foundation

>We need to dig DEPAR
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Nice ponzi scheme.
They received 37mil for "Haiti"?
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tfw your infiltrator account gets flagged for automation
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just woke up senpai
>The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded after Haiti’s January 12, 2010 earthquake, when President Barack Obama asked former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to assist the Haitian people in building their own country back better.
Two people called it out as a waste of time immediately
Page 6. But at least we have 8 threads for the "race war".
>Mortgages are not widely available in Haiti, where more than a half a million people who lost their homes in the earthquake continue to live in tents and other temporary housing. Jointly financed by the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and the Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF), the $47 million program will make it possible for more Haitians to borrow the money needed to purchase a home and marks an important step towards achieving long-term, sustainable economic recovery in Haiti.

So from my understanding the "relief" turned out in small loans to lower class people to rebuild their homes ill dig deeper in the clinton-bush found but someone has to take the reconstuction corporations that"rebuilded" Haiti with these loans i am sure its all connected
here are some tidbits:

>Pia Farrenkopf -- the mummified woman found dead in Pontiac, Michigan, in March 2014
>The Clintons, PROMIS, Systematics, Inc. (later Altell):

Systematics - since purchased by Alltel - an Arkansas financial and technical firm headed by billionaire Jackson Stephens, has often been reported as the primary developer of Promis for financial intelligence use. Systematics through its various evolutions had been a primary supplier of software used in inter-bank and international money transfers for many years. Attorneys who have been connected to Systematics and Promis include Webster Hubbell, Hillary Clinton and the late Vince Foster.
>Pia Farrankopf, the mummified woman from Pontiac, Michigan, had a 23 year history working for Systematics, Inc. (later Alltel), that traces back to Little Rock, Arkansas.
>Nov. 2, 2010: Voting records showed Farrenkopf casting a ballot in the gubernatorial election, but investigators said they believe it's an error in the records and she didn't vote.
>Cecil Goeldner spent 30 years with Systematics, Inc./Alltel -- doing exactly the same job that Pia did: installing core banking systems across the globe.
wayback these two for more:
>www.tulsatoday.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1055:the-presidents-family-meet-virginia-and-cecil-goeldner&catid=61:national&Itemid=1 09
this is old but spread it, might pull some younger women away from her

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That always happens at first
Be patient anon
how to I get around it?
do I have to make a new one?
According to my KT with Ad Tech and BotFag it'll get reactivated after a day or so.
Even if it was asking for a phone number confirmation to continue?
I have hit a dead end i cant find the annual reports for the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund,isnt it mandatory to provide your economic reports in the USA?
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Can someone who has read about Tavistock or the pedo rings consider the following? https://www.reddit com/r/conspiracy/comments/2od0q0/further_study_for_those_interested_in_mind/

I am still trying to connect some of the dots and chase down some of these claims. the conspiracy subreddit may have some of the info we want, but it's buried in shitposting. Use the search function.
I'm looking at the senior advisor section of that website. Holy shit that's a lot of important people. Bit weird for them to make a site where anyone can see all the connections they have though.
if anyone bothered to read those CIA leaks things that poped up before i went to sleep last night.
the two fucking sites they listed for mississipi for FEMA crap is literally in a fucking shitty nature park overran with diamond head snakes
Buy a burner phone and use that to confirm your Twitter
Find a bum and have him buy it
You'll save the world and do some charity
I think if you wait it'll eventually work without the phone number
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Didn't FBIanon say to look into Teneo in the third AMA?


No borders is one of the foundations of globalism. I'm officially spokt.

Keep them linked
Stay in the threads
There's a war

These people need investigation.
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How did you manage to link Teneo to the Foundation though?
See my posts here:
From Teneo:
Misinformation reposted across social media undermines traditional reputational control – for instance, the recent havoc in the wake of fraudulent tweets that caused market movements representing billions of dollars. On the upside, studies indicate that the trust in and public perception of a CEO improve when he or she is active on social media. Facebook has surpassed 1 billion active users, more than 500 million are active on Twitter, and China’s leading microblogging site, Weibo, has more than 500 million accounts.

The explosion of social media and the ubiquity of other digital communications channels mean that CEOs must embrace “big data” as a paradigm to increase productivity and efficiency. Exponentially expanding sets of both structured and unstructured data can now be correlated across multiple silos. These innovations have enabled profitable new business solutions in every industry, and leaders are combining human ingenuity with data-driven insights to chart a new future. Simply put, big data is increasingly vital to maintaining a leadership position – and ignoring it raises the risk of falling behind the competition.

Teneo guides our clients through these technological shifts, providing counsel to monitor and protect their reputations from potential threats and helping them take advantage of the opportunities presented by radical technical innovation.

This sounds a lot like Clinton's "correct the record" PAC


Click "All Leadership"...

President: Douglas Band (Former Chief Advisor to former President Bill Clinton)

Former US Senate majority leader George J. Mitchell, who in 1995 was appointed by Bill Clinton as special envoy to Northern Ireland, and in 2009 was appointed by Hillary Clinton in her capacity as US Secretary of State as US special envoy to the Middle East, is listed as a senior adviser to the firm

Huma Abedin Linked

Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair worked here previouslyas Advisors


>“I especially want to thank and recognize Declan Kelly,” Clinton said. “I appointed Declan to this post in September 2009, and just a little more than a year later, I think, it proves the wisdom of that appointment.”

That Politico link is a trove of information and other key names you guys sould be looking into.




Don't think anyone has checked out this source yet.
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On the one hand, I want off the ride

On the other, happening hype


Just check the Wikipedia as well, forgot to link it. This is insane.
Reminder to use TOR w/ VPN before investigating suspected sites.
I'm 9.5 miles from where Teneo's office is. What do?
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Could this be our guy who gave Hillary SAP access on her home Computer?
who else would have this much access to be able to pull this shit?

also this firm was pulling $250k a month for advice = SAP

I got you, family:
i'd wear her like a stocking
I posted this in another thread, but it seems relevant to here as well:

>Jordan's news agency says they have funded over 1/5th of Clinton's campaign this election

>Podesta Group talks to Jordanian news agency, Jordan news organization then reverses and says "they were hacked"

>FARA registration for Podesta Group in Saudi Arabia

>Leading us to Podesta Group founder John Podesta, Center for American Progress chairman and Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Staff
due to the nature of SAPs and their normal control mechanisms, there is likely a very tiny list of people whom could be the culprit for bridging the gap from where the SAP was supposed to be to where it ended up.

highly likely they know exactly who it is that got the info to Hillary, but for some reason, letting that info out might upset the entire apple cart.

Also depending on the nature of the information, just admitting to it's existence might bring down the fury of hell from the populace and foreign governments; which is why I think she got a pass.
Pretend you were sent by the Clintons to negotiate what they will get in return for their donation to the Clinton Foundation.
So are any individuals that are investigating this getting together to form a concise, yet profound narrative of the CF's corruption? Something that leads a specific route from A to B that is easily understandable by the masses? It has to happen at some point for this work to have any meaning.
I'd stock her with my dick y'know
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"Looks at the world through the CEO’s eyes
Is always senior-led and highly specialized
Ignores traditional silos"

"Gives Chief Executives the ability to see around corners and lead their organizations deftly"

Sounds like SAP/NSA access
CIA pls.
you are godsend anon thanks
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>page 6

Someone give me the Bubble of the Soros Linked Companys.
the hillary SD emails might also contain information related to these groups we are discussing.

but you better be behind 7^7 proxies before going in and looking at those
Page 6 of what?
Can't see a bot thread but the recent chimpings can be used for our cause too. Anger the negroes more so it will be apparent for more people that they ARE the problem.
Did FBIanon show up again?
That's hard to do. Some anon made a map of how the clinton foundation and the US state department caused the civil war in the Ukraine for profit.
Check it out, she was a Clinton supporter.

Did she donate? Did her charity, One Door, donate?
Yesterday a based nog gave some great advice on how to get black twitter on our side.

The recent memes we've made were approved by him.
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Lookie here:

> american council of
young political leaders

>Tom Shea
Senior Vice President
Teneo Strategy Consulting
I hope he's okay. The guy identified as a high level analyst. Hopefully the FBI doesn't start looking for him.

Who knows how many high level analysts there are right now.
There are too many faggots flooding the board currently. We need a plan of attack.
Was the advice capped? Or link to thread? I'd Like to read em
>51 relates companies
oh boy
>U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, a Democratic >superdelegate and member of Hillary Clinton’s >Florida Leadership Council,” was indicted on >corruption charges this week and is expected >to be arraigned in federal court today.

In that list

Cris Conde
>Former President of SunGard Data
SunGard Data is listed as a CF donor, $10-25K

John Nixon
>Former Group Exec Director at ICAP
ICAP listed as a CF donor $500K-1M category

That from their Teneo bios. I imagine if we look deeper we will see more ties between CF and orgs connected with Teneo.

But Huma Abedin's dual role in Teneo and state dept. as a "special employee" pretty much confirms the tight association.
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For everyone talking about a race war: That's what the Jews want.
Listen, I'm not gonna try and convince you that not all black people are nig nogs, but there's gonna be a civil war/rebellion soon and the last thing we need is a massive chunk of the American population to want us dead.
Think about it, instead of the US government and military fighting alongside legions of swole nig nogs, spics, and gooks, how about we have them all on our side? We need the numbers advantage, because god knows the kikes have a tech and weapons advantage.
To reiterate: a race war is the least strategically, logistically, fundamentally sound move possible. It would destroy us.
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even more lels
Obama and Rubio rubbed elbows with her recently
How long do we collect information for until we try and spread it to normies. Circulating it around pol is useless long term.
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The sliding is harder than I've ever seen.
Leafs making threads about Slovakia and Slovenia... what's worse is that people take the bait.

I saved some anti-Hillary negro memes
disinformation. Fuck off shill.
they can't be this blatant about selling state secrets

come on
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If you want to spread weird to friends and family, do it by word of mouth. If you were using Google chrome when you came across this stuff initially, selectively delete all /cfg/ from your history.
Be relaxed, confident, lazy, but BE ALERT.
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Hillary is dumb as fuck did you listen to Comey's testimony? He spelled it out, she is a fucking moron.
I found it!


From this thread: >>>80129477
A different smug-anon showed up in one of our threads yesterday and basically told us to hide ongoing links to spoopy websites of shell companies until we figure out who's behind it.
He also said that we should come up with ways of hiding our communications and major findings until we're ready to spread them.
I suggest using memes and the oldfag methods of cheese pizza delivery.
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Oh snap...

Im starting to have PTSD how can somebody be this much of a scumbag?
So you're saying we should send Soros pizzas?
Do you recognize any name anons?
Well, last night one of the leaks contained the personal contact info of major State Department members who were tried (not necessarily convicted) for sex crimes against minors. So, we COULD actually deliver them pizzas...
From what?
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The Haiti angle could be even better regarding negros.
I don't remember what the CF did there but I remember it actually made the news and Haitians were upset.

"Dey b doin it to our brothaz in Hiati y wouldnt dey b doin it to us?!"
They were supposed to build a hospital. They got the money for it but then accidentally the whole building
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yeah i forgot the pic
They accepted tens of millions in donations for Haiti and almost none of it went to Haitians.

Instead, Bill built resort hotels in the Northern part of the island. And Hillary's brother just coincidentally became the primary owner of Haiti's biggest gold mining operation.
Thank you.
There was some drug (heroin?) business included too, right?
This is actually a pretty good meme to throw at liberals.
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40 hours of work 180K payment
kill me
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Already checked. Scanned all the names, etc., nada. $200K-$300K stuff. The fat gorilla set up what works out to be a relatively small time "charity" to rip people off.

Sort of a crude, micro-version of CF!

I sure wish they would take down pic related, Sheila Jackson Lee. The ultimate fat ugly gorilla stinking up the Congress.
Russian Strategy
They can't raid us if we raid ourselves
T. 4chan gold

We'll deliver some pizza while you all look into the Chinese Connection. I think there's a lot of Info there
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bumping for something other than race war news
Yes, you bloody newfag.

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I've been looking at a bit of the older research of the Tavistock Institute, here are a selection of titles:

>Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority S Milgram - Human relations, 1965 -psyc604.stasson.org

>An experimental study of the effects of cooperation and competition upon group process

>The concept of class as a reference group

>Some Principles of Mass Persuasion Selected Findings of Research on the Sale of United States War Bonds

>Urban neighbourhood as a socio-spatial schema

>The next thirty years: concepts, methods and anticipations

>On the Dynamics of Social Structure A Contribution to the Psycho-Analytical Study of Social Phenomena

all of the above are pre 1970

this is the org that created PsyOps
Do this, but livestream everything with a microcam

What programs should I get if I want to bot infilitrate?

Also This thread is spooky.
nice to see the meme I inspired still floating around

much grassyass anon

So teneo bought hillary as an investment stratagy. I'm lost
Does someone have a whole list of names collected of people who may have direct, or indirect names linked to the Foundation?

Would be easier to cross-reference potential names and link them.
These people are listen as being partners with Teneo. Any chance they're connected to the CF?
pretty sure this is for when Billy boy was attached to Teneo in an official capacity
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Soros' plan.
The chimpouts are obviosly planned and part of the big picture. And of course the negros and the cucked whites will be the best pawns for the American revolution.

Now I understand if one will say that this is dangerous, knowing the above facts, but listen to me:
In my opinion angering the negros to uncover their plans (the leaked Kikebook messages of BLM leaders about Loretta Lynch and Obama's Martial Law) way before they were supposed to is our best chance now. Also by angering them they'll uncover their true selves to much more people than usual. The media can say anything, but after they start killing officers and civilians all around the country, while talking about race war and "killin crackaz", only the most parasitic whites will still live with eyes closed. And from my heart I wish that they will be the biggest chunk out of the white victims.

Social media is a very big weapon, and it is ruled by (((them))). But luckily for us, it has blades on its both sides. Social media (by this I mainly mean the indoctrination of the useful idiots via different subversion tactics) isn't used by the right as much as it could and should be - we need to start mining it more. And we need to realize that since this is a battle with the outcome of only one side standing left, there are no more weapons that are ruled out. We have to turn the several subversion tactics of the left agains them. Useful idiots will always exist, it is our choice if we use them up or not.

Hint: we should.
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You can also try this
looking at their about us page, I would say almost certianly:
Glenn Booraem
Principal and Fund Controller, Vanguard

Les Brun
Director, Automatic Data Processing, Inc., Broadridge Financial Solutions, and Merck

Mayree Clark
Managing Partner of Eachwin Capital and Director, Ally Financial Services

Stu Dalheim
Vice President, Shareholder Advocacy, Calvert Investments

Michelle Edkins
Managing Director and Global Head of Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment, BlackRock

Margaret M. Foran
Chief Governance Officer, Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Prudential Financial and Chairman of the Governance Committee, Occidental Petroleum Board of Directors

Tim Goodman
Associate Director and Head of North American Engagement, Hermes EOS

Bonnie Hill
Director, AK Steel Holding Corp., California Water Service Group, Home Depot*, and Yum! Brands

Michele Hooper
Director, National Association of Corporate Directors, PPG Industries, United Health Group

Labe Jackson
Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Bess Joffe
Managing Director of Corporate Governance, TIAA-CREF

Rakhi Kumar
Managing Director and Head of Corporate Governance, State Street Global Advisors

Linda Fayne Levinson
Director, Hertz, Ingram Micro, Jacobs Engineering Group, NCR and Western Union

Mike McCauley
Senior Officer, Investment Programs & Governance, State Board of Administration of Florida

Eileen Mercier
Director, Intact Financial, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Teekay Shipping, University Health Network

Thomas Mistele
Director, Chief Operating Officer, Senior Counsel, and Secretary, Dodge & Cox, San Francisco

Tom O’Neill
Director, Archer Daniels Midland, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., and Misonix

Nathan Partain

Debra Perry

Rich Roedel

Anne Sheehan

James C. Woolery


had to remove some of the associated companies to get the list to fit
I think you goyim are digging too deep into this whole email business. Why aren't you discussing the shooting from yesterday?

>Tom Shea
>Senior Vice President
>Teneo Strategy Consulting

Hillary had tons of spooks inside the NSA funneling top secret SAPs to the enemy- The Russians. Odierno probably didn't have a high enough security clearance to help Hillary much, but as a powerful Satanist, he probably helped her all he could!!!

I'm too woke nigga.
The money is going from non profit to profit and i cant find their detailed "investments" in Haiti
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Good read.

I agree with the black guy, and the other dude.

If we gonna spread hillary pics she shouldn't look happy and cheerful.
Muted, neutral, crazy.

That should be the visual hook.

Only Trump is all smiles.
What did they mean by this /Pol/?
Check the google doc in OP. Use ctrl+f to your advantage, that thing is an ever-growing beast. Also, see

>Labe Jackson
He worked for the Clevland federal reserve bank from 1987 to 1992. Also a director for Home Depot from 2004 to 2008.
I'm a #lowes missile now
>tfw you personally know four people that have been posted ITT
w-well good luck guys
So is the fbi actually continually investigating this case? Is it well known that the CF is the subject of an investigation (even if no one knows how deep it really goes)?
I'll be slowly releasing CF/Hillary memes on twitter using my main.

Using #NeverHillary, #BernieOrBust, #ClintonFoundation, and #FollowTheFoundation. Any other good infiltration hashtags?
It's the first thing in the OP - you'll always find it there

Damnit, I already came twice really hard and I doubt I can get hard again.
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im not black
Here's a (you) so they pay you at the end of the day.
wait until an election related # comes up and slip it in.
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#IfSheWasBlack #NeverHillaryOrTrump #StillSanders #Clintonemails #ClintonFBI #ClintonCorruption #BreakTheFoundation

Never reply or click the links of this obvious shill
maybe a meme with her looking over the explosion of the high septum, but relate that to Lybia/Syria?
Thanks anon
Maybe you're just stupid AF then
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They can make money go *poof* and plus she needs somebody to take care of all the tax free money laundering schemes and build an army of faggots to give herself charity cash tax free in Canada as well "never keep all your eggs on the same basket mindset"
You're welcome!!!

Glad to help!!!
Not sure if anyone has explored this avenue, but it may be useful to explore the work of charles ortel. He is trying to expose the foundation.

Has anyone started working on if there is a connection between last nights shooting in Dallas and the foundation? Its almost to convenient to have a happening like yesterday was
Some background (((coincidences))), maybe they mean something, maybe they mean nothing.

>The Tavistock Institute in London was set up as a splinter orgnaisation from the Tavistock Clinic via funding from the Rockerfellers.
>It had original Frankfurt School leaders as founders
>It's ostensible remit was psychoanalysis as it relates to ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR and GROUP BEHAVIOUR.
>The Tavistock Institute has been associated with conspiracy theories for decades. Chiefly, that the Institute promotes degeneracy to destroy society and control World culture (John Coleman - Aquarian Conspiracy)
>There are clear linkages to say that the Tavistock Institute set up the ADL (http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1996/eirv23n18-19960426/eirv23n18-19960426_038-how_tavistock_helped_the_adl_mak.pdf)

>London's own 911 was carried out on the 7th of July, 7/7, EXACTLY 11 years before the Dallas shooting.
>An explosion blew apart a bus outside the British Medical Association offices on Tavistock Square in London.
>The London School of Jewish Studies (Jews College) used to be headquartered in Tavistock Square.
>Tavistock Square has been a hotbed of extreme liberalism since the turn of the century. It has commerations to pacifism (Conscientious Objectors, Ghandhi and Horoshima) and it has spawned publishers which birthed the feminist movement
the fact that Soros funds BLM is probably connection enough
I'd be interested in this as well
>Burn THEM all.
Theres no way you will connect the foundation to the shootings. As others said, the connection will be thru other agents like soros
Hillary did it.
no fucking way thats real
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They flagged the post i made this archive when it was up.

Your Welcome.

> Among the organizations “liked” by the Black Power Political Organization is George Soros’s Open Societies Foundation.


There's how you start.
Botnet here. We still using yesterdays events as narrative or something new came up? Haven't been here since yesterday night.
It is real and I visited the post before it was taken down.
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It's real, it was live this morning but has since been removed. I saw it live before it was removed.

It probably doesn't mean anything as the shooters wouldn't be contracted though Craigslist but maybe bystanders and who knows who else??

The suspicious this is that plausible deniability is written ALL over the ad.
no idea, I'm spamming random shit as always
Did you get the other one from a few days later that said it was fake and took you to a white house phone operator switchboard who "didn't know what the caller was talking about"?
Updated Clinton Foundation General thread archive

Anybody have the three image albums of the Hillary Clinton memes?
Look into the city that was shut down last year. Human traffic. U.S. I have to go.
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Search google for that craigslist url and see what the result is

You mean Baltimore?
good work

Just a warning for the next "random shooting"

how long before the dallas shooting was the post?
I've seen it at keast a day befire
18 days or so
About 16 days.
Like 18 days.
Well the CF info is slowing up, so I'm going to bounce. God speed niggers.
So we have an idea for a timeframe. Time to start looking into tampa.
I personally call bullshit on the crisis actor on craigslist theory though. If they were to use them why would they go through craigslist? Why not gov't agents or people they could trust and not have a high prob. of leaking out info.
Remember to save everything that is genuine. Avoid mixing disinformation with the actual dirt. We need a solid case to draw in the normies.
I'm gonna go with that. I found this. Doesn't seem relevant. http://aramintafreedom.org
holy shit

Is this a good idea, guys? Or am I putting myself in a list by doigs this with an email? If it's a legit good move, then should I reccomend other people to do it; could it work?
Guys, w-what if the crisis actors are the in randomly getting shot?
That way there's no evidence, right?
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Are Crisis Actors faked or they are sacrificed? ...
No, they'll just say your a paranoid tea party faggot.
plausable denyability, also can find people the govt doesn't mind shooting if they need to

general public most likely will never believe, will be deemed a "conspiracy theory" and fake
maybe we should get people from here to apply?
We don't have all the evidence so I wouldn't make the push for treason charges yet.
The more people do it the more legit it will be.
Plus, you will vanish in the noise
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#IfSheWasBlack #KKKlinton
Fake if the govt can really trust them, sacrificed if things go wrong or they just need more oomph to the situation
There was another ad someone found last night that called out the crisis actor thing as fake because the number took you to a white house phone operator. It was posted 14 days ago.
I'm currently using #BreakTheFoundation #ClintonFoundation #HillaryForPrison and #KKKlinton
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>>First FBI thread
>>>79480356 → →
>>Second FBI thread
>>>79489525 → →

>that entire thread
>that entire other thread

Claims to be an expert on wargaming Russia, calls Russia a white country dealing from a position of strength and the good guys, not one with a huge Islamic population bomb of its own dealing from a position of weakness

And the suckers of this board bought it hook line and sinker.

Anyway, hope you felt validated when he played into all of your biases.
So for people who think crisis actors were related to Dallas.

Check this out: http://www.rockwallheraldbanner.com/news/local_news/locals-fill-seats-for-bomb-city-filmmakers/article_f7bd206e-3337-11e6-9c26-8360d973eef2.html

It's about two days earlier, but I dunno. Not saying tha'ts the truth, but it's something to consider.
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Anybody want more black people memes? These spread like crazy. Are these good?
Oh shit....

Possible trafficking cover up?

Maybe they actually traffic kids while covering themselves as a hotline for it.

Hiding in plain sight?
yeah post more senpai, they are lit yo.
People retweet them more anyways
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Here we go again...
First, the anon claimed to pepper his responses with purposeful disinfo for plausible deniability.

Second, WHO CARES? What does it matter if it was some some sweaty /x/-tier RP autist? His thought out ramblings have spurred /pol/ to useful action.
By useful, I mean doing research and (much more importantly) spreading awareness of the possible corruption scandal involving Clinton, the Foundation, and other, shadowy parties.

The only reason you wouldnt support this is if you like Hillary/are voting for her/are a shill.
Organize an happening thread when you'll want to step up!
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he doesn't know what scapegoat is heres a welcome some ammo your act is to say your an NRA supporter

then snipers goes shooting police shoot you and you shoot back there goes their case.

>Companies and investors often miss valuable opportunities to engage. While the SDX Protocol does not offer a one-size-fits-all approach to engagement, it does provide meaningful guidance and concrete suggestions from seasoned engagement practitioners. It is offered in service to public company directors and investors to enable them to more effectively make and respond to engagement requests.

Sure makes it sound like this SDX protocol is a set way to give a particular image when actions don't necessarily match with what is said.

Say what you want about niggers, but they're funny as fuck on social media.
Is that Snorl4x?

Thought I had them all.
>disregarding everything else literally playing out on the news the day after he called it
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Flss is recruiting heavy for West Virginia.

Also they are looking for more red team analysts
Wow what what a mess!
wow what a mess
>Twitter won't even let you sign up without a valid cell phone number
How much do you want to bet that this is for a reason?
Nope, that's kittens, a /soc/ camwhore.

Keep this thread front and center.
I think there's a subreddit dedicated to nigger antics on twitter specifically, shit's hilarious when I actually get what they are saying.
No no no cuck chaffetz gave that stupid bald nigger the last word. The nigger then went on a rant about the shootings and how bad republicans are. Fuck these cucks, every last one of them will not do a damn thing.
Need a new bread soon, anyone baking?

>the anon claimed to pepper his responses with purposeful disinfo for plausible deniability.

I assumed it was the whole jew thing.

Doesn't matter either way, the point of those threads was to keep pol focused on the Clinton Foundation instead of letting it get washed away in all the other bullshit, and it worked.
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Alright guys we need to go back to Hillary's research we went deep to see some NSA/SAP access personals shit is getting intense.
Wow what a mess
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Excellent thank you!
can you post any of the digging?
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This is now a Tuskasa thread
You have to. You got Trips
You tap into the essence of nigger memes so well, are you perhaps a black man pretending to be a nigger?
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Wow what a mess!
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Wow what a mess!
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>First, the anon claimed to pepper his responses with purposeful disinfo for plausible deniability.
Nice excuse provided you to take his information, theories, opinions, and not be arsed to challenge any of it, or the totality of it by pulling apart the

>The only reason you wouldnt support this is if you like Hillary/are voting for her/are a shill.
Or if I knew that conspiratorialism was poison, with any movement infused with it doomed to fail.

>he day after he called it
Called what? That Hillary wouldn't be indicted? Most everyone called that one.

The guy fed you all kinds of "this was an inside job, that was an inside job" tripe as if he had a pipeline straight into the trvth of the evil cabal running the world, and yet couldn't "call it" with regards to the Dallas attack 24 hours before it was to occur.
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i love all you motherfuckers
Does Chaffetz have a twitter? Cause I kinda want to show him this.
Tsukasa a cute.
Also checkd.
Haha. No. I actually have no idea, it's just sort of second nature to me. Though I may be trans-nigger. Sometimes I feel like I'm a nigger born in the wrong body because my favorite foods are fried chicken and watermelon so who knows.
>pulling apart the
pulling apart the story from all the various loose ends
Possible CF Haiti Human trafficking connection

>Quake relief camps highest risk
Ok so does this exonerate Hillary now?

She didn't do anything of the stuff we found out later?
see a doctor
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You should get yourself exorcised or some shit, these memes feel like the real thing.
kek, shine on you fucking diamond.
>SDX related

Company Number
Incorporation Date
8 September 1999 (almost 17 years ago)
Company Type
Foreign Corporation
Massachusetts (US)
Branch of TAPESTRY NETWORKS, INC. (Delaware (US))
Registered Address


Previous Names


Agent Name
Agent Address
Directors / Officers


ding ding ding
So what then? Just keep going on, business as usual?
If you only just learned that Hillary is a thoroughly corrupt bitch, you haven't paid any bit of attention to politics for your entire life. You don't need to "go down a rabbit hole" to know that.
Interesting. I'll spend some time looking into it. It certainly matches up with what FBIanon said.
Possible CF Haiti Human Trafficking Connection

>tapestry networks
They also seem to be based in Massachusetts. Listed as a partner in the about section.
It wan actually an inside job tho. What's your point again?
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Well THATS THE FUCKING POINT of this whole exercise - point out to the public at large, who are ignorant, willfully or not, of that fact.

>you haven't paid any bit of attention to politics your entire life

Welcome to a majority of the US voting population.
Someone make a new thread.
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Another. I'm practically hiccuping these out.
>404 WYMAN STREET, #225 WALTHAM, MA 02451
Looking at other companis in that same building, suite 200 has

or is this superfluous?
Keep it up.
How about being inspired to learn about politics without all the false flagging and dead ends to which many will be led, since through this process the well of any good information is poisoned?

That's the reason for guys like Jones to exist, which your FBI guy so reminds of. They can sit there all day and "expose the truth," without ever having that 'exposure' ever lead anywhere, except to feed back into the need to 'expose more truth.'
george j goldsmith is president of tapestry and also a medical research company called compass. Compass researches illegal drugs like muchrooms, lsd, and mdma for clinical use.

the website is incredibly uninformative and obtuse..
you are like the midas of black people memes
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That the poster didn't have any pipeline into any truth. That all he was doing was regurgitating some favored conspiracy theories to stroke off dumb /pol/acks.
Black people like memes to be focused on them, they'll take this one the wrong way since its focused on hillaru
It's a good meme for non-blacks.
if it gets pasted everywhere and make people really think, that's good
I baked the new bread. Cleaner copy-pasta version
>page 9
Blm protests next weekend from the tweets I saw last night
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