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HUGE FBI LEAK- Hillary Clinton Foundation Total Treason

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HUGE FBI LEAK- Hillary Clinton Foundation Total Treason


A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions. The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all times. This inside info from someone claiming to be a high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with NOTES added to clarify some of the responses.

The smoking gun is about to arrive and there are “a lot of people involved”. To save everyone time, here are the choice bits with the link to the entire archive, where you can decide for yourself if this is for real or not. Looks like Trump and Putin hold some of the cards.

This level of corruption is something expected in a developing country or a place like China, where they openly persecute good people and have industrial scale organ harvesting of Falun Gong and others.

Why Hillary was Not Indicted

There is intense pressure for us not to do so. I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders.
There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.

Super Classified Materials on the Clinton Email Server

She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.
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{NOTE: A Special Access Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are held on closed servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations.}
Well this will be fun
As much as I want to believe this, he went off the deep end near the end of his posts
At first it seemed reasonable, but the "FBI Anon" went full JEWISH CONSPIRACY by the end
everything he has said has come true so far. Now go kill yourself.
too spooky for me. If at least 25% of what he is saying (FBI Anon) is true then, we will have a massive shitstorm
He purposely put bullshit in there. Did you even read it? He said he was going to add some lies to taint the pool.
such as?
Come on I don't want to have to fucking explain fucking everything. Just read the thread and listen to the hearings yesterday. Its really easy to find.
John Ashe, man on the left, found with this throat crushed the day before he was to testify against Hillary.
nothing. its a /pol/ RPer and people believe it. if he could predict with 100% accuracy some political event happening - even just an announcement with little to no backlash - he would be proven to be genuine but nothing like this has happened, mere vague revelations like any other conman, spiced with alt-right rhetoric.

So you don't have an actual link?
Hillary did us a favor. Russia now has all of this. They are equpped to intervene and they can stay one step ahead of these (((globalist))) scum.

>Super classified
Wow this sounds super serious
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Fucking shill
Fake and gay
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Oh yeah.... links heh heh heh!!!

FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!




Please stop posting this fake trash.
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We are just the greatest goyim
According to snopes he was never going to testify

From my memory, that Hillary will not be indicted and Nigel Farrage will step down immediately (which he did the next day)
Some things FBIAnon said was to mislead and hopefully keep his ass safe. What's true and what isn't is up to us to research and find out.
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>implying the Semitic nonsense isn't a big part of the elites' beliefs
>being this much of a shill
I don't take his every word as gospel. The knowledge he has of the innerworkings of the agency are worth noting, and not dismissing. He's allowed to have his own opinions about the j00s as well.

If he's a real human bean working in the FBI, then like a real human bean, he's gonna be spot on with some things and way off with others.

Thus far, everything he has said has come true, so he is still very much an asset to our goal of making Trump God Emperor of the United States of America.
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Le who cares hehehe
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>citing (((snopes)))
are you even trying?
Alright, the Hillary thing was a coin toss but Farrage stepping down is a good prediction. 100% accuracy on two predictions, one super easy one, isn't proof of anything though.
Here's a thread with direct evidence Hillary perjured herselfon at least two occassions before Congress.
>Implying those in powers will let anything happen
If Hillary being only one kog of the machine can't fall why would the whole thing fall?
Says the guy citing a rumor he heard on a Guadalajarian basket weaving imageboard
>being an average citizen and not understanding that this is politics as usual
No one cares about this boring shit. There is a race war.
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I'm glad this is such tin-hat stuff because it readily undermines any credibility and means I don't have to waste time reading this bullshit. Thanks, anon.
>fbi insider leaking on 4chan

Sure thing OP, come back when you have actual facts, and predicting ibvious things like Hillary being innocent when everyone knew is not hard.
"FBI anon" has had you guys so trolled the last few days. He's said nothing that confirms he works at the FBI, he's said nothing that isn't some vague probably-true-anyway statement, and could actually be a distraction from us nailing clinton on the emails. For all we know, this is a reddit plot to distract us. All fbi anon can say in response to this is, "no" and "focus on the foundation." Extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence my friend. A real pol insider would've proven himself with something by now.
Anyone calling this leak unimportant is either one of the known paid shills or sinply retarded.

This is just as real and twice as serious as any race-baiting conflict going on
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Remember, your ONLY Friends in the USGov is the FBI.

HUGE FBI LEAK Clinton Foundation Total Treason
Good, bring it all down
How convenient
It's just >>>/x/ having fun with you fags again.
Bump, this threads on the slippery dip.
>or our missile silo locations

we all know them already, dumbest way to store them
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>A thread on 4chan

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You have got to do your own research, it's not too hard nowadays...

HILLARY VIDEOS - The Scary Shocking Truth








More than that related to SAP programs and such. Do your own fucking homework retard
can anyone TL;DR what the clinton foundation is and why is it so important?

This is true. The FBI are, for the most part, the boy scouts.
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Not ONE single time was she pronounced innocent shill.

TL;DR: The word is that Hillary offered state secrets to foreign governments (Britain and Saudi Arabia, specifically) and D.C. insiders in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation.
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Does it matter? Even if he was a shit stained /x/ autist, his thought put ramblings have spurred /pol/ to productive action.

We are researching and (far more important) spreading the word of the "possible" corruption of Hillary and her Foundation, along with all the leads it brings.

If you dont like Hillary or the elites, you should be happy. If you do, well...
>According to (((snopes)))
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>He purposely put bullshit in there.

You faggots still think he was making that shit up.

If only you knew how bad it really was.

Also if all the Semitic influence is non-sense, why does TAVISTOCK literally mean Good Goy?

All of the research that we have been doing in cfg proves that there is a huge global semitic influence that cannot be denied.
My theory on this whole thing is that the supposed FBI leaker is actually the person behind most of these threads and he is just pushing his own anti Hillary campaign.

He gave no evidence he was in the FBI, and the OP says confirmation bias.

Wasting your time on this is fun tho. Go for it. Conspiracies started by anonymous posters on a Singaporean stitching board Just like lizard kings did 911.

But don't mind me I got paid 5 cents by Hillary and or the ZOG.
>above top secret
No such thing.
Back to /x/ with you.
fbibro is confirmed troll. you're all fuckin nebs
Thats the issue, WHAT can he realistically hope to prove himself with, without giving away who he is to authorities? Assuming he's real, if he posted some shit that could convince us beyond a preponderence of a doubt, you best believe the powers that be would be able to track his sorry ass down and "dissapear" him.

Honestly, either you take it at face value or move on. Because of its convience to the cause, i choose to roll with it.

Why are you actively trying to throw your country into the gutter? Is 0.05 worth it you traitorous fuck?
Ok, /Pol/aks, what we have to prove, probably with the help of /b/, is that American lives were lost as a result of this. No conspiracy bullshit either, a direct 1:1.
No shit,faggot.

You're just regurgitating shit that was already revealed,the only ones who don't know about it are the influx of normie faggots. They don't need to know shit,let them get Goyim'd.
>My theory on this whole thing is that the supposed FBI leaker is actually the person behind most of these threads and he is just pushing his own anti Hillary campaign.

nice conspiracy theory, heres your tinfoil hat :^)
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FBIanon is based.
Race war starts ??? Right after Clinton gets off is this a hoax?
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> It isn't political and financial suicide to name the Tribe's influence

> NWO is a Germanic Death Cult

> Soros is just a simple currency trader, feeding his family. Move along.

FBIAnon showed credibility by saying what he did. Nothing was cartoonish or even David Duke tier.

Take is from this NJ bro, the Tribe has enormous influence.
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>globalist elites caught red-handed committing treason
>#BLM murders cops in Dallas as a distraction

Wew, Obama's Sons are saving him from a pretty nasty scandal involving Washington's Brazilian-tier corruption :)
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DOJ Attorney here, you guys are giving me such blue balls.
You are in a nice, big country I may have to flee to survive when the Blowback from all of this Hits The Fan, and nukes are flying toward the cities from Russian Subs.

HUGE FBI LEAK Clinton Foundation Total Treason
Race war starts
While the nation is divided chinese/russian alliance invades US/EU simultaneously
Damn, I had no idea the shilling would be this fucking hard just the day after too. Yesterday no one was shilling this hard but right after the shootings in dallas I am really starting to think it was a false flag. Now the shills are in overdrive to keep this shit under wraps.
Is that Bonnie Tyler?
This looks about as legit as your fucking "Guccifer" leaks.
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>special access program
>"above top secret"

lel oh do tell us more
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It's an elaborate troll you idiot.
The "fbi agent" also confirmed a jewish conspiracy and the existence of aliens.
Are you retarded?
>tfw they're literally trying to distract us from the foundation by starting a race war

This is it, we're so close. They are out of options.
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So, it's treason, then.
milfag here, yes there is and it's common knowledge. TS/SCI is above TS and I wouldn't be surprised if there's anything above that
plausible deniability son
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Just ignore and carry on. FBIanon, real or not, is not important to this. What is is carrying on the task at hand. Keep researching and keep spreading the word.

The only real reason you wouldnt support this is because you like Hillary/believe her/are a shill.
>Says something reasonable
>fucking shill how could someone lie about having a high-up job with literally ZERO proof

the way this guy died is a method of assassination in hitman blood money for one target
Balls to the Wall!

>She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.

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We had about hundred different threads yesterday about FBI anon and it was never this bad. THAN after shit started to be proven that the FBI anon was right retards like this >>80236995 start coming out today to shill everything.

I didn't even believe there was that much shilling but now I'm pretty damn convinced.
That was actually confirmed by the FBI yesterday in the house hearing.
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You think that's convincing, check pic related.
It's the speech Comey gave. I offer anyone to google "gematria calculator" and enter the word count. There are multiple possibilities, but this sentence is legit in that list.

Already answered >>80236238
I'm telling you the shills are out in force today its getting fucking spooky as fuck.

I saw that last night I'm think its bull but still pretty damn spooky.

These fucking shills don't give a fuck about facts.

Anyone who actually watched that hearing knows Hillary is guilty as fuck and treading on the thinnest ice ever. If we can get to the foundation of make this perjury shit go big.. we win.
What? I didn't see where he predicted anything about Farage
Pls don't post degenerate stuff on /pol/
The craziest shit was when Comey straight up said yes to the fact Hillary was giving out classified information to unclassed people. Shits insane.
So you removed the chemtrail and nibiru stuff in the hopes we'll take you seriously this time huh?

Does G Clooney do any suspicious charity stuff that could be tied back to his wife and Clinton?

Ex: showing up to build a school as cover for a blacksite?
The jewish conspiracy and aliens are real though you dunce. Even the jewish bible itself confirms this. What you don't think those angels were meant to be interpreted as mystical fantasy creatures lile pixies, right?
What makes you say that
Zionism is very real. Your head has to be pretty far up your ass to deny it.
"Openly persecure good people"
Ya USA never did such thing. Snowden is a douche
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what the fuck? where is this shit coming from?
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I can't tell if I'm in a troll thread or actually surrounded by retards
She won't be indicted and she will destroy Trump in the election

Enjoy Hillary as your first woman president.
wtf is this real???
Somebody dumped a 7.4Gig file the other night, and it was basically a zip file full of shit you could get elsewhere on wikileaks, as well as a bunch of conspiracy movies, including chemtrail and nibiru bullshit.

This dump is on the exact same account as the last one.
watch the fucking hearings you fucking retard they confirm above top secret clearance but the real shit is that Hillary is handing out classified documents that are apart of an agency that can even be talked about
This board is filled with shills and dis information. I have been here for years and there has been many role players. But this was different...
i remember that. Wasn't it just a bunch of old shit? It was unrelated to fbi anon.
Yeah I'd like to see her explain all this to Trump in front of tens of millions of people in a live debate.
Strict possibility that in those dumps were legitimate information, just have to sort through the bullshit to find it.

If I were to leak something sensitive, that is what I would do anyways.
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He's been seen sometimes in Area 52. There have also been reported sightings with Julian Assange, Jean-Claude Juncker, george Soros, and, surprisingly, the Bogdanoff twins. There's definitely something shady going on that needs to be pursued by anon.

There was legit stuff. But it was all already on wikileaks.
Weak comment, is weak.
gonna need a source, anon

>posts youtube videos
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Oh please, women unite 4 hillary! get your women cards now! sell out your future for gentrification!
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>What if the FBI is part of the narrative.
>What if the FBI is independent and has taken bait
>Why would this info be leaked
>For what purpose

>Is this another "piece of Trump's puzzle"
Fuck off. Not your personal newsteam.
>implying jews don't conspire
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Explain this shit in brief.
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Be choice with your words...

With what's coming, you may roll up into a ball and kiss your butt goodbye...
Hillary was giving above top secret information to foreign countries in exchange for Clinton foundation money.

100s of top level govement people are implicated.
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bumping to prevent jewish sliding
Pwaah sauce plz
If you think anyone is going to "lynch" Hillary, think again.

Hillary's immunity is so entrenched that there are very few possibilities for how such immunity could have ever happened. So let me guess a couple:
1. BEST GUESS Hillary has support that has nuclear weapons planted in New York, LA, DC and other major American cities, and if she really does go to jail, they will be set off. Now that it is being revealed that the Clinton foundation is in fact a 100 billion dollar scam, that witch could pay for anything, and to be frank, with Israel around I don't think she needs to pay anyone. See the report Nuclear Blackmail, YES, I believe Hillary is part of that power structure and that is most likely the reason why no one will touch her. There simply cannot be any other type of reason why America's intelligence agencies, which still have a few patriots, won't touch her.
I'm not clicking your bullshit links. Post screencaps or go back to looking for a job.
May I add that this is completely plausible as it was Bill clinton who gave MIRV technology to China.

Bill Clinton literally gave China the technology to destroy the US.
>there's just TOO MUCH to explain bro. Like go find it for yourself. JEWS, dude! It's all been proven, duh! Come on, bro!
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>board gets full of deniers during work hours
What a coincidence.
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT. Hillary is backed by earth based forces that will nuke it all if any one of them is held to account. Could anyone possibly explain to me how such a piece of abhorrent malfunctioning trash that continually floats a raft of lies on an ocean of bullshit while murdering and robbing and selling out America could possibly still be in a high position in this nation? I'd like an explanation for that, - WHAT, you mean to tell me that absolutely everyone in the power structure, including those in the military want her to still be around enough to not bust her right this minute? I don't believe it, she is living free by riding on top of some sort of nuclear level threat against the nation, NO IFS OR BUTS.
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Clinton is willing to start a fucking race war to smokescreen the public from the C-span shit that happened the SAME DAY.
>Nuclear blackmail
>Jews have nukes alrwsdy planted all over the country

This is not even far fetched, hell Israel probably has these all over Europe as well.
Can I have a transcript of the speech?
ok thanks but isn't the secretary of state allow to make decisions on sharing information with other states on her own as part of her job?
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This is a perfect explanation for the recent shooting too.

They're fighting the police now.
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>Giving away state secrets to foreign countries in exchange for money for her own private slush fund is part of the job
>Jews aren't nose deep in espionage & conspiracy
>AIPAC & Israel a gud boi
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>he doesnt unironically slurp the shit of some underage roleplayer on a message board made for weebs!

>must be a shill!

above top secret just means only the operatives inside that cell have access to the information, they have no oversight usually because what they're doing is illegal
>resorting to ad hominem
Common shill tactic, everyone move on
> With what's coming, you may roll up into a ball and kiss your butt goodbye...
And with the stakes so high you expect us to download some illegal "FBI" leak. You expect us to turn off our Jojo torrents for this shit for nothing but an edgy url and your shitposts?

> See the report Nuclear Blackmail,
No. Post a screencap. I'm not downloading files laced with your CP stash on your say so.

Sick of you fucking LARPers. Shitting up the board with your fan-fiction .

Yeah. Real professional lookin' FBI leak thar boy. I'm going back to /m/.
its not even funny its fucking insane and spooky as fuck. I feel like they are seeing there world close in on them and they'll start killing off /pol/ users or something. shits crazy
>Race war starts

remember the race war is just a psyop, a distraction from the real truth
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One of the interesting features of this site is that it tracks the most common terms that are searched for, giving a sometimes disturbing glance into the what’s preoccupying the minds of amateur numerologists around the web.

Other possibilities for 2322 are
> the president led us wrongly
>what the people at area fifty one are doing
>how to get rid of stinkbug detroit police
>barrack hussein obama the antichrist of revelation


If you want to check to see if the code is legit, the speech includes the heading. Copy everything from below the line. It is 2,322 words.

I think weather there is CP on the files or not it should be reported, this thing has gotten out of hand
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>and possibly foreign declarations of war.
you had me until retard: defcon-5, thetan
The classification does not go past sci. Sci means secretly compartmented information. After sci you have various classifications of sci. For example ts-sci/Q.
>barrack hussein obama the antichrist of revelation
He hasn't beaten any horns though?

>the 08/12 elections
Google zify girls and you will find her no nudes from that set or others that I could find .
please post more degenerate piss on /pol/
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>calling someone a shill is totally not ad hominem, guys!
I'm diamonds
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1776 brain cells
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Get learnt..
>goes to 4chan
>on its politically incorrect board
>complains of antisemitism
>1 post

Really makes you think
This, the only mention of Farage that I can find was that he was a "genuine person" nothing about resignation. Please post proof.
>While the nation is divided chinese/russian alliance invades US/EU simultaneously

That's kinda what John Titor said happened in his timeline.
>A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider

Stopped reading there
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according to FBIanon paid shilling is a thing in /pol/ and this fucking thread is the proof
>implying the election will still happen this year
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damn thats crazy. But honest question - do you think it could be a coincidence? Do you think he did it intentionally? If so - he would be expecting a lot for others to crack it.

I really dont want to believe he did it intentionally, for if he did, think of all the other hidden messages in other speeches and just how evil Clinton really is.
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>tfw John Titor was right
It's the shill work hours
Hillary Clinton taking a page from China's 50 cent party.


He really wasn't very vague at all, he had a ton of details and answered tons of questions.
Amusingly, according to the Jewish belief, words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself
>preponderence of a doubt

kill yourself
HUGE FBI LEAK Clinton Foundation Total Treason.zip
HUGE FBI LEAK Clinton Foundation Total Treason
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>how dare you call me out on my bullshit

Really makes you ponder
>real debate


Trump can hardly form a coherent sentence.
Oh no, I'm just using "shill" as shorthand. Would you prefer I describe you as "Paid advertiser for the Clinton campaign who needs to rely on petty insults in order to try and dissuade people from investigating"?

because that's what you are.

>Believing anything on 4chan

Holy fuck you're retarded.


Wow, no evidence, it's literally nothing.
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>her hands
t. Hillary

right, and you are a paid shill yourself too !!! XD XD hahahaha thats how you win arguments amirite guys??
>0.05 cents has been deposited in your account

Hillary is untouchable, know your role and shut your mouth Tumptard. Why don't you be a hero and assassinate Clinton goyim already? My boys will be waiting for you Trumptards and we will be ready to blow your brains out with extreme prejudice

wow no evidence

it's literally nothing

move along and stop being distracted from the niggers in dallas by some conspiracy shit
It would be one hell of a coincidence.
I don't think Hillary has his kids locked in a basement somewhere. But I bet there was some implication made and Comey worries for his family's safety.
Why else would he have been nervous during the speech on Tuesday?
If he legitimately believed that he had done everything that he could, by the book, and the verdict he gave was honest. He would have been fine. It also explains why he basically called her guilty but gave an innocent verdict.
His whole posture screamed unconfident, but his words were.

Check out his micro-expressions at the :33 mark. The delight at having the responsibility of something being taken from his hands.
You're trying too hard
Don't you have some shitskins to suck off? Faggot
You seem upset
Why would this be?
snopes gets funding from Hillary, do you know that?
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>Hillary becomes the first women president
> ...and the last US president because she destroys everything in a nuclear holocaust
if nothing is going to happen who cares? we got a race war brewing. time to clean your guns not waste time a a alleged scandal that wont result in anything
Snopes is funded by the Clinton Foundation mate
Is there anything new in OP's faggoty link or is this just another repackaged turd?
>A $0.05 IOU has been written out to you by the Campaign for Bernie Sanders.
You seem upset
Why would this be?


What's your point?

it's literally nothing, no evidence.

stop shilling faggot, niggers just shot 11 cops and killed 5 last night. focus on that.
The FBI Source I'm sure as shooting is NOT gonna say, My name is SO & So at FBI Office #3 Here in Washington, and my phone number is...

Wanna double check my facts, come on in for some nice conversation about Hillary....

Then he is in the morgue the next day with suspicious bullet holes, which the police say was just a suicide...

ITT: tl;dr

anyone can play pretend
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Anybody can debunk.

I believe the source.
>J-just ignore this goy

We have 6 "race war" threads up atm. Fuck off leaf
sage, hide and report this shill thread, guys.
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>>80241393 >>80243061
You're having an episode. Go back on your pills, book an appointment with a professional, make a pot of tea, and play some vidya.
Do it now faggot.
i saw that he spoke about he Farage stepping down, i only now realize that he wrote that before it happened. It was in part 1 i think
Hillary outbraziling brazil when it comes to corruption, what a time to be alive

Hillary is proved to be careless and clumsy, can you guys really use her as a president now?
shill detected
race war exists to make you forget about the shitstorm with hillary. Elites literally made shit hit the fan so people will switch focus to that

>ignorance is strength
good g-i mean, good boy
Wanna know a secret?
A small group of 4Chan power users are mimicking the posting of about ~150 posters
Remember that dude who posted at like 100 memes per second?
That was a test.

Don't post in bait threads
Don't post in bait threads
Don't post in bait threads

It's mostly chat bots

My Microsoft Word is counting 2330 with the original format and 2332 with plain text.
Are you really so stupid you can't tell that Trump's way of speaking is a VERY clever tactic to cultivate support from the widest sections of the populace as possible?

It's like shitty newspapers like the Sun. They have an official list of words they can and can't use, for very similar purposes. Writing the way their reporters do is actually harder than just writing as you please.

Now go find older videos of Trump, and you'll see him talking in a rather different manner.
I think we need focus. Fbianon made a point. Qatar, saudis, london.

what happened to London during the 08 crash?

How were the London olympics picked? What companies did security for the London olympics? Who sponsored it?

Lets examine that. Look at fifa and qatar the same way. Did the CF contribute to anyone somehow?

Look at any UK/Saudi weapons deals or companies.
How are you going to cry about Hillary's corruption while putting Putin in a positive light? How do you expect anyone who isn't completely delusional to take you seriously?

Keep them linked
Stay in the threads
There's a war
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Do you think Based FBI anon is watching over us?
Who fucking cares
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Whats the fucking point
This shit is already getting swept under the rug thanks to cop shootings.
Shit pisses me off.

Everyone is getting away with it on every front.

OK, even if this is true, there are certainly ways to totally blindside this bitch. It would take some pretty seriously ballsy people, but it could be done. At the end of the day, it needs to be done by normal citizens, with the assistance of some serious patriots in the top Federal Organizations (FBI, CIA, Etc.). Social media is a ticking timebomb. Why the fuck do you think Hilldawg wants to censor internet rights so badly? It's where she's most vulnerable (see: meme magic). If this scenario is true, the only possible options are some Deep Throat-esque style of leaks to the general public or full on rebellion.
Been posting everywhere about people need to look in to George Soros and his funding of the Clinton's Foundation, campaign, BLM and his other endeavors sadly everyone pretends its Neo Nazi right wing tin foiling so I stopped..
I just pasted it into word and got 2332 without having to change anything.
I'm half tempted to study the footage of Comey and focus on his body language, not just what he says. Try to read between the lines more.
Even with what I have it is enough to make people wonder if he was giving those answers under duress. I want to find some more evidence. Pack it up real neat and tidy, get behind multiple proxies and then send it out to the media.
If I click on this am I going to have an accident?
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HUGE FBI LEAK- Clinton Foundation Total Treason.zip 318.69MB


But we still have the olympics, for better or for worse. And the world didn't end as we know it in 2015...
There are many sentences that can be written to get a jewish gematria score of 2322. For example, this name has the same score.

David Jinsuk Hyung

It's spooky, but only a distraction.
100x this. He also gave Russia billions under the guise of dismantling their nukes, which they spent on a gigantic underground nuclear command complex like our NORAD mountain
I think if we got invaded it would actually force us to work together.

Or our military is large enough they deploy and while we kill each other the military deals with the invasion.
Lol Tavistock
You spent millions of dollars on mind control research and you come up with this

No, it's because he just doesn't want to say which agency it is in case foreign states have her emails. You fucking idiot.

Also in that list at the very top is COSMIC which is a SCI program, not some super 1337 security access. I had COSMIC access for Christ's sake, it's just some stupid encryption shit.
I don't have the info but here is what I remember so far.

BC wanted to host the 2022 world cup. Qatar and FIFA donate money to the CF, Qatar wins the bid to host.

Qatar is also the majority shareholder for the company Lagardere.


They are a media and defense group that do various things, including aerospace. It is part of EADS, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company. There were other connections to, just have a look in the threads from 8-10 hours ago.

It might be a distraction, but I wanted to watch it again anyway while working. Let's say it isn't bullshit, and it is a subtle cry for help, is his family's safety not worth 15-20 minutes of one person's time?
We're checking every possibility, I am not convinced this is 100% legit and happening, but while it is enough to make us think "heh, that's spoopy", that's enough to get some public attention. If other people outside of 4chan know about this possibility, it is too risky to make Comey's family go toes up.
I'm just trying to understand your thought process
>Hrmmmm they're flooding our spam threads with bots and then linking their threads together
>Let's post the link to our bait threads, surely they'll click that!
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Clinton Foundation 990 Tax Returns From CharityNavigator.org

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maymays for the public good, with truth being a secondary consideration. You have learned well from FBI bro. You're right; this is a good meme, whether it is true or not. I think I understand what we need to do a little better now. Thank you, friend.
>No such thing.
lol, edgy teen detected. You have no fucking clue junior.
such certainty.

look up the Dunning Kruger effect on wikipedia, it will help you.

Anytime someone says that something isn't worth looking into, you should probably independently verify it.

Whoever told you that top secret is the top of the secrecy pile fed you a false statement, and you've carried it ever since. Your thoughts are not your own.
I appreciate this chart, but I will say as someone who was a senior enlisted intelligence specialist, this shit was never part of any intelligence discussions. SCI was the top level, at least within my circle. So I have some issue with the accuracy of the chart. Y no FOUO?
he also signed the WTO agreement which moved all of our jobs and shit over there making our country shit now
can we have a tldr
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>I had COSMIC access
i don't believe you, ex-intel here
muh ((((imageboard)))) appeal to authority fallacy

shill shill
Considering the full document of our efforts and research guided by FBI anons hints is over 90 pages, this kinda is the tl;dr version
shill shill
why isnt this thread on the main page? people bump it all the time and i still cant see it there.
Just contact some media outlets or some of journalist if you think it is so true.
Just look for those who worked with snowden.
What is it so hard?
just stop being a monkey.
Fuck this shit, "super classified". Focus on the race war and keep it top kek
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holy fuck you guys are gullible, that was to cover his ass in case his "I read it on sputnik military news" predictions didn't come 100% true. Its the same way psychics find marks in a crowd pretending to be talking to dead relatives. They use these gimmicks in case they're wrong, so it seems justifiable -- "I have too many vioces trying to reach me from the other side, who had a blue jersey as a kid and a dog with a funny bark? I'm seeing an old, antique lampshade, anyone?" You fags are the easiest generation of /pol/lacks to ruse, I swear.
Here's a good copy-pasta for you all.

It's hilarious that you think your cynicism counts as a reasonable contribution to a discussion on r/conspiracy. You want neat stories, thoroughly fact-checked, approved by the powers that declare Truth, perhaps with a nice little bow around it? Go read a history textbook and leave the investigative critical thinkers to figure things out in your absence. Conspiracy analysis is never neat and tidy, and your cynicism is pathetic and counter-productive.
Go outside if you're so fed up with ideas of (currently) indeterminate veracity.
I'm still wondering how involved foreign economic powers are in all this shit.

Like Canada is basically confirmed to be complicit in it because we are basically a global mining and lumber cartel with democracy attached but are our politicians actually involved or just profiting and able to claim ignorance if shit goes down.
shills gonna shill
Do you write fanfiction professionally or is it just a hobby?

Nothing will happen out of this. I'm tempted to screencap this just to throw it in your faggoty faces after November.
fuck you anti-Trump shills, you are securing your place in the pit of hellfire
>nothing will happen of this
>Major terrorist attack happens same day case is reopened
Already proven yourself wrong, cuck.
can you contact me to become a paid shill? I 'm in need for exstra cash.
So why does she wanna go to war with Russia?
man that looks comfy as hell
The truth is stranger than fiction.
The sooner you realize that, the better. Hollyweed has conditioned us to point and laugh at stuff like that. Let that sink in.
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It's almost like mass shootings are a common occurrence in the US.
>everyone who thinks im retarded is a shill
Is there enough air in that bubble to keep breathing?
>he thinks /pol/ is important enough to be relevant to the Clinton campaign
I'm sure they're paying out millions just to have people disagree with jobless tinfoil faggots on a Vietnamese hopscotch board. It makes a lot of sense and seems completely credible. Hey, some guy said it was happening and he was a 'Clinton CIA psi-ops insider' according to his post so it much be legit.

End your life.
Basically she's been paid for it by global jew style Nazis like Soros who want to install a world government with multiracial serfs and a pure kike elite. Russia is too nationalistic and white, and is the strongest white power that is not in their hands. "They must go"
Did you watch the Oversight yesterday? Comey detailed five levels of classification, and yes there is above top secret.

> shils think they will nullify any opinion with this image

Idiot shill. A coordinated attack on police resulting in at least 5 dead amid BLM aggitation is not the once in a blue moon weebs who wig out. It is in a completely different class and you know it.

Moreover, the timing is patently obvious: Hillary, and the System, is in trouble. Now is the time to gin up the civil war. Precisely what FBI Bro wrote on (and many of us had previously suspected.)
Well its either false or anon was covering the heuristics with a bit of truly tinfoil shot so that they'd ignore his posts and not start digging for his ID

Have a Taylor, based SA.
t. about 18 year old virgin who loves to bait/or talk shit about National-Socialists because he knows theyre superior to him. because he has too much free time.
nigga we have like 3 levels above top secret, i was reading things that bibi was reading.

We also need some people tying the pieces together.

This story has *yuuuuuge* spread; from my reading, once you start pulling on the Tavistock thread, you get into CIA, MKULTRA, black psychiatry (mind control), pedophilia and ritual sex abuse.

This story, if we can get to the bottom of it, will be heavily linked between topics, because the Intelligence community and the behind-the-throne organizations have similar MO's.

Criminals and conspirators work with those they know they can trust, so individual actors remain in positions of power for a good bit of time. That's why the Clintons and Bushes keep coming back; they like power, and important people like them in power.

The CIA has historic ties to occult leadership and methods (including the National Socialists recruited in Project Paperclip).

Since this story has huge spread, we also need some people to be going back through old history to look for patterns. The mind control and ritualized abuse goes back through much of the 20th century, and the Illuminati has been planning this for over a hundred years.

If you think I might be on to something, please reach out to other online communities if you are interested in backstory on such connections, especially those much-maligned Conspiracy Theorists. They are heavily infiltrated, but there is good information if you can weed through it.

>Hillary, and the System, is in trouble
What did he mean by this?

He was wrong about Brexit.

FBI Anon said they are likely to remain. Well guess what happend
For anyone who missed it, or has their head in the sand:
No you fucktarded burger, they're going to try to be within the EU as much as they can without actually being in the EU.
That's why they've been kicking the ball around with getting a new PM so they can actually make that deal.
1. Our sticky maintains that the users should not commit logical fallacies. Ad hominem is one. So is false equivalence. So is strawmanning. In a political discussion it's considered good form to argue without logical fallacies. When we call you a shill, it is because of suspicion because of confirmed shills by companies such as Memetics and Hillary's Correct the Record.

2. Noone here minds being called a racist. Call us racists, not stormfags. Because /pol/ is a board of peace with people of all races coming together to hate niggers and jews.

3. Noone claims to support free speech here. We're fucking fascists goddammit

4. Sources are provided with most infographics. As always the methodology of propaganda is always directed towards the low info, and the burden of proof always lies on the subject and not the perpetrator. Otherwise it would be bad propaganda.

5. We accept that others have different opinions. We just want to let them see the light and see where their ideologies and thought processes have clearly failed with regards to track record and general performance.

6. Nothing wrong with an emotional response. Getting angry at seeing the decadence in society, closely resembling the causes of the fall of civilizations in our ancestor past, and getting angry because "cut pomegranates weren't tagged as gore" aren't the same thing.

There, you got your civilized comment.
He was set to meet to discuss his criminal association with a Chinese triad member who was directly connected to the Clintons on corruption charges.

This whole "died of a barbell the day before testifying against Hillary" is a bit inaccurate, but in total he definitely posed a risk of compromising Ng Lap Seng's connections and corruption, and hence also posed a threat to Clinton who he was tied to. So right before he began meetings and interviews before a testimony and preceding? Boom - dead.

Headlines are a bit inaccurate but it means the same.
FBIbro just said there's life in the universe or something to that effect. bacteria, microorganisms, nothing far out ayy lmao
>When we call you a shill, it is because of suspicion because of confirmed shills by companies such as Memetics and Hillary's Correct the Record.
Except for the fact that it's completely subjective and mostly the result of paranoia from rampant shitposting. There have probably been shills here, but only probably about 0.01% of the amount that get accused of it.
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Who's the Boner Stoner?
but the fact that we exist in a time where some people believe aliens don't exist to such an extent as to become shills for it, is quite disturbing.
I bet Hillary is behind this shooting.
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>Learn Defcon Levels before posting.
>Defcon 5 = World peace achieved.
>It's almost like mass shootings are a common occurrence in the US.
They're more common in gun crazy Belgium.
That's why we're so worried about suitcase bombs
Correct. Calling you a shill is a way of maintaining our ideology from being tainted by free speech. It's our defense. We've called people shills for so long you can't be an actual shill anymore, and neither can you promote dissenting opinion within the larger spectrum without getting shitposted to death. That's our Great Purge. You're Trotsky.

FYI Correct the Record is still functioning, and so are other groups trying to curtail the working of /pol/, so this is going to endure as a defense mechanism in all /pol/ boards. Don't believe me? Go to any other chan and witness the manufactured paranoia.
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Back to plebbit with you.
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That is NOT what he said you idiot.

FBI Bro wrote that they would likely remain within the EU as much as possible without *technically* maintaining the relationship as an EU member. I believe he also wrote that the new PM will delay as much as possible. Given that Theresa May is likely the one to take the reigns, I doubt we will see anything but delays.
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>posting rates, per million people statistics
It's almost like that is irrelevant to the conversation. I wasn't implying that people in America are bloodthirsty psychopaths, only that we do have a lot of mass shootings here. If you want to credit that to our having a much larger population than Belgium for some fucking reason (???), knock yourself out.

Convenient excuses meant to isolate your ideology from the competition of open-discussion. Irrelevant, into the trash it goes.

Your """""reasons""""" for calling anyone who disagrees with you a shill are unimportant. You're killing discussion which is what this board is supposed to be all about. It's not supposed to be a fan-club for fascism where all dissenting opinions are drowned out by rampant shitposting. Take responsibility for your murder of a free exchange of ideas and consider killing yourself, my poopoo peepeeland friend.
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Fucking kikes are like buzzing flies.
>jewish conspiracy
Its not a conspiracy. Hitler will rise again.
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Sorry, Bro.
>I didn't know we changed the immigration policy, but it makes sense due to what we're up against here.

>Will check my memos next time.
I really, really like this image.
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It's not a limited edition release, so feel free to save a copy for yourself.
4 or more deaths is considered a mass shooting in America. If you think having a lot of nigger gang crimes is having a lot of mass shooting you are retarded. We really don't have that many mass killing here.
>is too retarded to do any research
i honestly didn't care about this until all you shills showed up. I think i'm going to research it now.
Correct. What part of "fuck free speech" did you not get?

Besides, I was answering the shill question. That's the honest answer. That's discussion. On the other hand, you're resorting to ad hominem when you're told there's no way to infiltrate your failed ideologies into this cesspool, so you're the fascist here mate. I mean, you're still here.

PS /pol/ was always contrarian to general trend, whereas you are the mainstream opinion. The board is called politically incorrect ffs.
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>Majestic 12

how should we and you know?
C-span? Top secret crypto? >>80236238
If you're not interested in political discussion that is open and challenging, what exactly do you believe the function of this board should be?

>failed ideologies
You mean the ideology currently shared by the sitting PotUS and the leading candidate for the next head executive of my fair country? Can you explain to me how that success exactly constitutes a failure of ideology? Is it just because you /think/ it's a failed ideology, because it isn't your own?
I'm actually not even a check-sum liberal and that ideology isn't mine to begin with, which you maybe would've learned had we had an open political discussion here. Instead, you projected the facade of your preferred enemy onto me to suit your own stunted argument. Well done.

>/pol/ being contrarian to the general trend
Not on 4chan. Most boards have been overrun with stormfags at this point. If anything, you are the overwhelming 'mainstream' ideology on this website now.
>Hitler will rise again.
He ain't dead?
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>Paid shilling
I remember in the FBI anon screenshot some people were willing to sell themselves out to get money for shitposting.

Okay, he definitely looked scared when he realized he was going to have to keep working against Clinton. Look at his eyes and the skin below them during that point, the subtle changes express fear, 100%
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