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Trump General - GET 'EM OUT! Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 106

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>For the PA Trumpers - STAY INFORMED


>DELEGATES Big Don: 759/wow butter: 517/blue pill dipped in red paint: 144
SUPER GOP ELECTION TRACKER: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hkgLa844MzTgeqcmrkeSrLnq7vJJZl2S7lMz8Qf5xq8/edit#gid=0

>Latest Banter:

#CruzSexScandal Updates:
>Truth about #CruzSexScandal
>Crackhead Carly Deflects Cruz Infidelity Question

>Rally Bethpage, NY 4/6/16
>Rally Superior, WI 4/4/16
>Rally La Crosse, WI 4/4/16
>Rally West Allis, WI 4/3/6
>Rally Eau Claire, WI 4/2/16

>Trump takes questions outside of Wisconsin polling place 4/5/16
>Ivanka Trump on Hannity 4/5/16
>Trump on Fox and Friends Wisconsin primary/ diner interview 4/5/16
>Trump on Hannity 4/4/16
>Trump on Greta 4/3/16

>Trump Supporters Outside Trump Rally NY
>CNN Host SHUTS IT DOWN as Trump Supporter Links Hillary Clinton to Pedophile 4-5
>Ignorant protesters BTFO


>Official /Trump/ Playlist
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Hope you goys are ready for another shill poll to foreshadow the fix in NY
the movement thing is a forced meme
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Can I get some cheese on this.jpg
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This is just nuts!
is this from the Florida rally?
It's a common behavioral sign of autism to find joy in doing repetitious actions such as posting "Awoo" with an anime avatar
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Bernouts takin' the bait

Who Ryan/Cruz here?

It would literally be the perfect ticket. Ryan has experience and mainstream appeal and Cruz can appeal to the evangelical and southern vote that makes up a vast part of the GOP base.

Now that it has been proven, sans some unexpected miracle, Trump will not have a majority at the RNC; why aren't you boys backing the new face of the 2016 GOP?

It's time to put the meme behind us and move on, and back the only man who can beat Hillary

Ryan/Cruz 2016
Good job anon. That was you right?
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>someone other than me posted a meme!
>how gross, it feels so forced!
>Angela's Cruz sex scandal clickbait blog with literally made-up, completely false articles continues to damage Trump's credibility
>Scott Adams' brilliant analysis of Trump continues to be censored
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stop making us look stupid
>Assuming people even care about the VP
Vice Pres does hardly anything
So what does /pol/ think of manafort coming in and Corey getting a reduced roll?
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Scott, you were a faggot when you denounced Trump over muh kkk. Go bitch somewhere else
Why was Woody Allen getting choke-slammed?
nah, I think it was Georgia.

See here: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/02/29/video-reporter-grabs-neck-of-secret-service-at-trump-rally/
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"Fuck You! Fuck You Cruz!" -Fat Man
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Not surprising really

Once Trump wins NY by a hair, he'll be forced to drop out, paving the way for the fresh face yet Proven Conservative Paul Ryan to cruz to a victory on the second ballot


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Votes for Trump.jpg
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Have you ever voted in a presidential election? It's one of my favorite things to do. There are many different kinds of candidates. My favorite is Donald J. Trump.
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Meme Request:

Trump used "America First" several times at the Bethpage rally.

He did it with super high energy.

Let's start incorporating that as much as MAGA.

GO TO: 1:26:00

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Whatever nigger, my button comes in tomorrow.

I need some more Trump flair. I am thinking of getting a Trumpcoin logo in a lapel to signal at Republican meetups.
Was what I put in the OP not enough?
Just watched the CNN interview with Cruz

I feel I have nausea think I want to puke
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Defend this, Trumpscum.
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>Geraldo Rivera calls Ted Cruz's New York Values Anti-Semetic
Rato won't break 15% in NY
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Calling all Trumpeters

Go to the link and vote DOWN Donald Trump to say that he is NOT a problem.

watch him fuck with the SS.

Dude is lucky he wasn't straight up killed
Yea im sure we all know Trump's "America First" policy. We dont only watch rallies anon
Maybe include some info about

The Ballot does not list who the delegate supports

You will be voting for a delegate on the 26th

You need to find who is in YOUR DISTRICT
was this a photo of a jeb rally?
See >>70280931
They're already starting the shill polls
forgot link
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>stop making us look stupid
>says the autist who attributes his work with insults such as "nigger lover" and "kill yourself"

He says it himself:
>"you should treat every malaysian posters as me.
>im literally the only malaysian left in /pol/ and probably 4chan"

>Evidence of the autistic malaysian's shill Trumpgens
>Goldmine of the autistic malaysian sperging out as "Donald Jay" and "Deadpool"
>"i post on 4chan for a reason. exposure by anonymous."
>"im gonna create this everyday until i get rich"
>no one should be poor

literally communism

Im saying we can probably make some nice things out of it, anon.

Its a strong nationalist slogan.
how will it be funded? taxes? they'll run away and not pay for shit
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Will this work in the U.S to deport illegals?

>cut off all benefits to illegal immigrants
>jail time/fines for companies/people who hire illegals
>take away assets/cash from illegals whom don't leave by the certain date(used to deport them with)
>blacklist illegal immigrants whom fail to leave the country a certain date from entering the united states ever again
>appoint more ICE
>appoint more judges to deal with illegal immigrants
>possibly change the constitution so that not all humans living in the united states are entitled to fair trial, just reconsidered citizens. Therefore, judges aren't needed and ICE officers make the decision on the spot.
>If constitution changed, allow regular police to make on the spot decisions.
What do I say next?
The Emerson poll that's about to come out will prove otherwise

Trump hasn't broken 50% anywhere yet and he won't in NY
>reduced roll
Nope. It was spin.

>Working closely with Campaign Manager Corey R. Lewandowski and Deputy Campaign Manager Michael Glassner, Mr. Manafort will direct the campaign’s activities in areas including delegate operations, Washington, DC outreach and the DC office opening next week.

>O'Reilly disagreed with Rivera
Since when are Fox News pundits allowed to say that something isn't anti-Semitic?
>no rallies

Is it over?
Story behind webm?
Anyone has those cellphone wallpapers with chibi Trump and the rest?
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>keeps on talking about nuts.
rumor confirmed.
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This, stay woke Pennsylvania.

If you can't find a Trump delegate, vote for one who believes in district winner
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So along with the bernie statement earlier today, is everyone just a beta male cuck now? That the hip thing to be? Disgusting.

>rich people hide all their money, how horrible
>now that we found it we can all be rich!
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Why doesn't ISIS bomb Federal Reserve buildings?

Because the kikes fund our opposition.

R8 my joke
It is. Wasnt saying it wasnt a good moto, just saying a lot of us probably heard it already. Lets start using it. #AmericaFirst on Twatter or something
Wew lad, I was worried until I noticed the flag
why did he stick his god damn cookie in an envelope
no one fucks with the SS, NO ONE.
Reposting here since old thread isn't gonna get any replies now.

Have you guys ever made an angry Trump supporter? I just did, oddly in Street Fighter V. I beat this guy only getting hit once (both rounds combined), he messages me on Steam saying "You fucking Bernie supporting faggot! You wouldn't beat me in a real fight you goddamn beta." Respond with "And who are you voting for?" Responds with Trump, I say I'm not voting for anyone, and he never replies back, it's been 45 minutes. I expected there to be more to it, but nope, that's it.
I don't know why he accused me of being a Bernie supporter just cause I beat his ass in a game.
>Expand Welfare
>Expect People to work
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Walmart breakroom, approx 4:57am
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>those cheers
It was so so sooo much fucking louder, these streams don't do it justice

That hangar was a fucking madhouse
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Trump will definitely NOT start WW3
hello concern penguin, i missed you
Please clap.
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Hourly reminder that Hillary is not a true NYer
>everyone but greenland
You and I know that all to well. My question is about the bernfag.
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Bring in some fried chicken and watermelon.

Come on, dude, it's only a job.
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>implying it will be with Russia

The dude basically wants a trade war with China.

If it happens, it will be with China, and that's why so many fellow Australians are terrified of a Trump presidency
Jesus, Bill sounds like he's going to die in 2 minutes
Bretibart is owned by massive Cruz supporter. They are not pro Big Don, don't fall for their bullshit.
>he won't win his home state
>he won't get 50%

He almost broke 50% in Massachusetts, an omen of what's to come.

We don't want you here anyways fucking crybaby.
The rich won't pay
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This is a design i found in image search, but it's kinda big.

Why can't we be first
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Prove what you fucking fascist, communism? Fuck off.
>I'm totally okay with having millions of jobs being taken away and having a incredibly poor quality healthcare system because hey at least its """"""""free"""""""""

I see a lot of people trying to justify increased taxes, but when has the government ever spent taxes efficiently? I bet once the taxes go up, they never come back down.
You know a trade war isn't an actual war, right?
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If it shoots mustard...WHY IS IT RED?!!!!!!
Fuck you're retarded.
I repeat, watch the new Emerson poll

I think you'll find it fascinating ;)
>muh trade wars

Where is the proof, faggot?
>Hey, stop ripping us of.
>everyone is happy

What you envision.

Crafting better, mutually beneficial deals that help everyone is not a bad thing, you dumb mother fucker.
Here's a Hannity radio stream, if anyone is interested.

i dont understand why everyone els hates russia so much whats the problem?
Trump will get 50%+ in NY, I've been calling/messaging friends/family/friends of friends/friends of friends of friends and family and campaigning from Aussieville.

NY expat here. It's gunna be good.
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>muh outlier
worse than the people fapping about wisconsin
Unless Cruz jumps 30 points in this poll it means diddly dick.
why should we give a single fuck about what australia thinks or fears go cry to britain
If I see one more white woman celebrating some music or dance not her own I'm gonna lose it. Why don't you show people YOUR music and YOUR dance? Oh because people tell us we don't have one and only thing White people have is modern music like we never made anything beautiful that was our own.

I saw fucking white women doing Capoeira outside today, which is a nice dance in its own right but give me a break.
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Yeah, stats.
>and that's why so many fellow Australians are terrified of a Trump presidency

Bring in some road kill, and say you killed it according to halal requirements.
what does this have to do with Trump?
Perfect. Send it out and hashtag it
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Hey familia check out this latest poll, Drumpf got stumped
>Universal basic income

how the fuck
All polls are shill polls for the globalist scum. Complete takeover of the country by the vermin is almost complete now.
Theyre old fuckers that believe Russia is still like communist USSR back in the day when it just isnt
Here in Georgia, someone would always unironically bring a steaming bowl of chitterlings to these things.
When trade is massively unbalanced it's just common sense to try to make it more equitable.
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This shitposter is on fire
you should complain to them diversity in the US means from different US states not from all around the world.
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Yeah but Hillary cant be the next POTUS....

>implying the mega rich wouldn't sooner kill 90% of the population than let the masses have all their laundered money.
Tbh Russia is pretty brutal to fags, feminists, and other degenerates
He must lurk here. He has a future in writing for comedy if he wants to pursue it
I'm trying to help my fellow Pennsyltuckians. Our system is stupid
Basic income=I dont have to work very hard
Globalist scum are stealing the election from Big Don. Everyone should plan to be in Cleveland. Time to stand.

pro tip - look at the profile pic for @SenBhapiro
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Tweet it to https://twitter.com/CurtisSliwa

He 'll promptly block you.
They have a right to as a christian nation
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Basic Income is a cancerous and subversive idea. It will turn us into a bunch of lazy assholes with a highly authoritarian single party government and a command economy.

no thanks.
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I"ll be there. It's only a 4 hour drive from home. Pic related will be me if the lefties show up to protest.
sounds and looks retarded
see >>70281203
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https://www. kike book.com/940880372676366/videos/951366758294394/

monkey see monkey do

Spread the word. This needs to be hashtagged and sent out all over Cleveland and surrounding states
I still can't believe Trump himself actually followed this guy.
Reddit has a whole sub dedicated to it. The justifications are hilarious. I saw someone say "Life is hard enough without having a job on top of it, relationships, school, health, exercise etc."

fucking neets
>62 posters
Is it so empty cuz all the shills left?
Senile Bill Clinton is actually pretty comfy these days. He's always screaming down people these days.

Fuck. Captcha: 911
im pretty sure we also already have it

i have a friend who lives with his parents and sister

and NO ONE WORKS in the house

its not a nice house

but his mom gets disability, and i think the dad gets paid to take care of the mom and the younger sister

and they just sit around and smoke cigs all day

they even have a shitty car

and i repeat... no one works in that house

its 100% gov funded

and shes not disabled shes just fat
Yep, about 6 hours from here. If people don't stand now, this is the last chance. We're on the brink.
I am still here, and must remind you that it is time for an std tested consistent cuckservative like Rafael "Rato" Cruz.

I am now a #CruzMissile
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>Guy talks shit on Trump on a website. Gets really mad over him
>It's revealed he's Mexican
>He scurries off

Why are Mexicans such pussies?
It may be an Ann Coulter socko account.
>She's just fat
We need to cut down the welfare state.
Trump must destroy thus degenerate system
Your photos are always so depressing. Keep them coming!
Burden of proof lies with you, buddy. Prove to us why you think that would be beneficial/reasonable for our progress seeing as it's failed every time it's been practiced. I'm tired of the "DEFEND THIS DRUMPFKINS HAHAHAHAHAA BTFO" meme. If you have an argument to make, then make it; don't come in here acting like you've already won and now we have to prove why you're wrong. Fuck you, Communist pinko bastard.
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I can't believe @SenBhapiro has so many followers already
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>>For the PA Trumpers - STAY INFORMED

Won't only politicians show up on ballots? Why would any of these normie delegates appear on the ballot?

I live in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania%27s_2nd_congressional_district

And the only choices I see are non-reps, just normie civilian delegates.
Good one. But we all know you're being paid by Cold Soros
>$0.05 has been deposited in your bank account
Did you guys see Cruz new TV ad?

I highly doubt that. He seems funnier and more shitlordy than Ann. Probably just some alt right guy.
I dont want to get cancer anon but fine
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Could you imagine if Michele Fields got taken down like that?
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>be me
>browse 4chan for 10 years
>I just now learned you can count the number of posters in a thread
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Was that meant to be funny? What a shitpost.

Looks like I need to start browsing his message threads to find the rest of his marionettes
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Congressional district 16 reporting (Lancaster, PA). Trump has my vote, but I must admit the voting for delegates thing is really confusing... And I've been following all along. Normies will have no idea.
not sure if /x or just /b...
Better write the Trump supporter names down. PAs system is not like any other state except maybe Illinois
trust me you dont want to come here im trying to get out of this hell

still hasn't learned that with 4chanx you don't need to count
Votes no longer count. Look at the delegates being stolen. Trump attacked 24/7 by the globalist shill media. Go to Cleveland and take the country back. The system is rigged and everyone you think is on our side is a bought and paid shill.
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Why is Doublewide Jane starting to trend?
I get your point but

>implying their money doesn't come from that population
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Spread this shit. PLEASE. A lot of people seem to just skip over it, so by spreading it you can make a big difference
I'm ready to get the fuck out as well anon, a few more years for me and i'm out this bitch.

This is gold

There aren't any delegates in D2 that support Trump. I'm in a cuck'd Democrat district. There's only one that has no preference and will go with whoever wins the district. So if she's on there I'll hit her up.

Not entirely sure how it works though.
I'm pretty sure you vote for the candidate AS WELL AS the delegates - the delegate election accounts for the vast majority of PA delegates.

Just find your district, find delegates that support trump or will be bound to statewide/district majority.

Feel free to call them and chat with them (don't tell them who you support). They are TAXPAYER funded employees, so you have every right to contact them.
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Watched this awhile back.
I'm sure it was one of you messing with him.
Wait, isn't that pic trying to show him in a bad light? At least if you ignore the subtitle.
Trump motivation (not shitposting)

kek, this nigga loves his retweets.
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do you not use 4chanx?
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Fucking Kek
Oh Christ here we go. I can't wait until CNN crops out the bit about Saudi Arabia.
there was probably a single tweet about her and twitter loves bernie so why not
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Reminder that liberals are the real racists.
Actually, makes a good point. It would be way easier to the refugees be reallocated in Saudi Arabia than in the US.
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>mfw the fucking bootyblast this video caused
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So once the God-Emperor becomes supreme ruler of the US, do you think he'll just contain his kingdom to his own country or is there any chance he'll come cleanse Europe as well?

I mean I know the Trump doesn't owe us anything, but a great man like that might do it regardless
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Why is Momiji associated with Trump?
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i've seen pictures of literal cities set up in saudi for the moslems to use on their hajj trips to mecca - use those!
Of course he does. Trump literally shitposts the truth.
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I made this song for trump please spread and use to make propoganda videos, Download is free and use is unrestricted niggers. Its a great song too about emperor trump

Five cents? Fucking jew.
It's not exactly a secret 4chan is rich in autism.

just now interviewed on msnbc
She was on Rachel Maddow's show and backed the communist's claim that Clinton isn't fit to be Prez
fuck if i know.

Does she want to MAGA?

That might be it tbqhwyf
will a rapper endorse a candidate in ny?
like bernie or trump
1 - He carried the OOOO in A MOVEMENT and it sounded like AWOOVEMENT.
2 - Canonically speaking, Momiji is a border patrol agent.
That blacks love to play dress up?
not too far from you. did you see this shit:

The organizers of this anti-trump rally are GOP LEADERS in Lancaster. they are not protesting Hilldog, they are not protesting Lyin Ted. They are protesting against their own candidate...and their own voters.

Up for some anti-anti-trump protesting?

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Guys check out this Trump video : Our only hope?
More motivation, never listen to the media.

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You got it, senpai. Unfortunately due to my somewhat public job, I have to remain part of the silent majority. But I will do what I can. MAGA
What is he doing, Don stop
>saying 'bernie' and 'Trump' (pbuh) in the same sentence

check yourself mate
Defend what? Trump isn't even involved. Go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw.
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Because people like to say Awoo, shes a wolf girl. Wolfs howl, Awoo is like a howl. Idk, I dont hate it tho.
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Holy shit kasich on suicide watch

Don't have to push Trump. Just "Hey Republicans, here is a delegate list and who they support, YOu guys will have to vote for one in your district!"

The trump supporters will find their people
Holy shit this amount of cognitive dissonance is scary /pol/
Someone hold me.
Big Don is going to end the military/industrial complex. The globalists will never allow it, at any cost. Votes aren't enough, the election is stolen.
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>New York coming up
>Trump 'retweets' comic showing him saying NO to Muslim immigrants
>muh 9/11
Sit back and relax, concern friend.
These awoo things brings joy to the thread
i see no problems with it

Thanks for this. Its been too hard to follow. thank YOU
Holy sweet shit. This guy is a bigger cuck then I thought.
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I've never been blocked so quickly
That old Soros is, isnt he?

Shut up faggot, your country had its chance. Worship allah and let the big boys work now

shoo shoo cuckaroo
>During their Wednesday meeting Manafort apparently outlined both clearly and succinctly the ground game failures of the Trump campaign that was directly leading to losses like the one that most recently took place in Wisconsin.

>Though he still refuses to openly diminish the role of Lewandowski, Mr. Trump is said to have agreed with the veteran political operative’s assessment. Manafort in turn, according to media reports, is already reaching out to his decades-long accumulated list of other political architects’ opinions and input on how best to revitalize Team Trump, names which left Mr. Trump doubly impressed.
Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/veteran-political-strategist-gives-trump-much-needed-reality-check/#EdOKDscShO6xmgPS.99
Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/veteran-political-strategist-gives-trump-much-needed-reality-check/#EdOKDscShO6xmgPS.99

I hope this is true, about fucking time Trump had a peer to tell him where he is fucking up.

Corey is fucking useless at this point.
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this guy is comedy gold
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Who the fuck colored duck feet green for use as a frogs feet? Duck feet and frog feet look nothing alike. This is a shit meme
I've always wondered if Kasich is secretly helping Trump by taking votes away from Cruz.
He doesn't want to end it, he wants it to stop being a wasteful slush fund making crap the military doesn't need.
Cory was good propping Trump up, but I don't think he has the experience with the delegates. He definitely has his ear close to the ground, just not enough experience imo. Having Malfort on his side will surely help things out.
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I'm just the messenger! Glad I can do my part to MAGA
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When the siren calls you go.gif
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that's fucking brutal man holy shit I'm dying
its so disgusting that people actually think like that that everything should be given to them and they shouldnt have to work if they dont want to
Don't vote for a reptilian

dont flaunt childish and nonsensical replies.
I'm all for Don, just ever time he retweets something like that his polls drop.

I honestly hope it works for him though, I hope it doesn't scare off any undecided
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Watch the salty language buddy.
You're reppin for the Don.
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So does that mean your common behavioral pattern of answering questions repeatedly on why people post things they like to on their free time mean you have autism?
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What the fuck does a Cruz voter look like? I can't imagine someone who votes for an obvious liar like him who will put our country second to others
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That JewTube channel is full of dank videos
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So I have a black liberal independent guy I know at work. He's actually more reasonable than 90% of the rest of people at my job. He doesn't like Hillary but still buys into her and will vote for her over Trump (who he considers dangerous to the "natural order" of things). I'm doing good on redpilling him on Trump, but he still thinks that Hillary is an angel who never did any wrong. He actually thinks that anything negative about her is a Republican smear trying to defame her.

How can I break down her crimes and the Clinton's bullshit --- with EVIDENCE (the main thing he wants before he believes anything against the perfect little angel) --- so this guy can get redpilled on this shit? I already brought up the fact that Bill had sex with that chick as president, and he accepts that because it's 100% verified. But he's extremely sceptical about all the other claims against Hillary (rape, drugs, murder, etc.). He also buys into the media narrative and thinks that the e-mail scandal is bullshit.

I already sent him this video, but I think that he'll refuse to believe it:

You guys got anything else I can shove down his throat?
top fucking kek
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oh jeez man this is nuts
whats that?
Are you an American fuccboi?
You're a fucking tea-cuck stranded on mecca-island.

American's want Trump. His polls aren't going to drop.

We need a strong leader that's not going to fold like a god damn tissue.
Whats the story about that bum looking hipster getting slammed by the suitman in the OP webm?
Hopefully we've all come to the conclusion thst Trump is not going to stop shitposting. We just need to send him better, airtight bait.
Our next president

Corey's job is done. Phase 2 starts now
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No, seeing as that's the only time I've posted a response to the question asked
Paul Ryan is a joke outside of Wisconsin. Before 2012 he was known as a smart guy, but he was exposed as a fucking weirdo who was out of touch.
This guy has replied to Trump's tweets within seconds of being posted every time. I think he deserved it.
What the fuck?
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You got him good
Yeah I can see Don making that call, shifting Corey to a different role. Regardless, I have faith in them
Fuck off, you're retarded.
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>Kasich has ADD

Maybe not end it but seriously fuck up the current order that has been in place since the Cold War. There's some serious fuckers who will go to any means to stop that from happening.
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This ain't gonna help either.
The trump general got pruned on /b/
you're alright bill. you're alright
>John Gaysich
That filename kek
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Why the fuck didn't this scandal take form?
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>Momiji is a border patrol agent.
Perfect. That means Momiji, AWOO, and what not is ALWAYS relevant.
Trumps on twitter now, also Ted Cruz is thought to be associated with DC madam, you twitter people should send this to him.
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Russia, we love you. The cold war is over. M.A.G.A
/b/ dont have an archive
This is beautiful. Hahah
This is literally "The fix is in, the post"

Remember this post. In order for them to push an outsider candidate like Romney or Ryan, they need it to look like the voting process was just a big clusterfuck where people couldn't make up their minds.

That means less shilling for Cruz for the time being, and a mysterious KASICH surge will now appear in New England. I am not shilling and I don't want to discourage anyone, but the fix is in, literally.

This LITERALLY WHO candidate will start sapping dons delegates in New England due to vote fraud, and the fraud will continue in Ratos favor once we get back to the Midwest.

Notice how every poll has Trump leading in California by 7-13 points, yet Rato is predicted to win on some pollster sites? Fascinating, I wonder why they feel that way?
I want Trump as well, we need somebody to establish a precedent for clean, nation first politics, this goes much further than the US. I don't see why you're picking a fight?

Yeah, we need more rousing stuff like that trump effect video to keep his retweet button busy.
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wtf u srs nigga?




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oi mate!


>48 hours is the default of time per week.

What the fuck? Do they think we're Bernie supporters? We have jobs.
No solid evidence so MSM couldn't, and probably if given the option, wouldn't cover it. You can tie people together and speculate all you want but at the end of the day we need an email, a phonecall, a sex tape, something other than just allegations.
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OH shit. Happening soon?
Can someone help me count how many candidates have gotten 50% in their home state?
fucking kek

Do you guys agree?

I think the target volunteer is a retiree like most campaigns.
Seriously though /g/ has been on this for ages. Lyin Ted is probably associated with a DC pimp who "committed suicide" and his number is on the phone records.
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Then make pamphlets to hand out. Anything helps mate.
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Regular night on twitter.png
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The red hat + autism maybe . It's been absorbed into the collective & now part of our power like the mighty Borg.

FYI, that DJLewis guy is known for spouting false info....

Please let the RNC be exposed.
I'm skeptical. Why the fuck would he say that out in the open as opposed to closed doors?
It's no secret the GOP has been rigging this election.
These people deserve to fucking hang.
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No fucking way is this real, going to check twatter myself.
Guys, I fucked up and didn't put a party down on my registration. Can't vote trump in the primary, but I can vote democrat here in California. Who do I vote for to fuck up their odds in the long run?
next time stay in school

I live in New Mexico though. We're so insignificant he probably won't even visit.
I think we are already at the point where the votes don't even matter.
Whoever is losing at that point
vote bernie to stop hilliary and give trump an easier target
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I want to make a border patrol patch or something with Momiji now.
Why is New Mexico so democrat anyway? I figured a border state would beg for a wall.
Less niggers and dark fucks in america, the better it will be.
Hernia is the hard target. Shillary is easy.
The trump campaign knows about the DC madam. iirc Stephen "Killer" Miller even said Cruz would probably blame Trump for it.
Make it to turn voters there. LET'S PAINT THE U.S.A. RED!
How are presidential primary elections conducted in California?

Qualified political parties in California may hold presidential primaries in one of two ways:

Closed presidential primary - only voters indicating a preference for a party may vote for that party's presidential nominee.
Modified-closed presidential primary - the party also allows voters who did not state a party preference to vote for that party's presidential nominee.
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>New Thread

I don't get it. What does this mean?
talking about voting machine software, i think.
repubs is closed, and dems are open.
That's hilarious.
I'm sprouting ideas.
You can only vote for one of them?
But dude didnt say he recorded it. He 'heard' it.

It was a red state not long ago. When I first voted in 2004 it was red then I think it was a swing state in 2008. Talking to people I have a feeling it'll be red again this year. Lots of anger in people.
Makes sense. He said "just sell the fucking cakes" when talking about people not selling cakes to faggots.
The only reason asylum-seekers are violent is because they have old gaming systems. Thats what our media has told us.
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"Command Central is one of Wisconsin’s leading vendors of voting machines and election supplies. They are distributors for Dominion Voting Systems, a privately-owned electronic voting equipment company. Founded in Canada in 2002 ... "



Also: the pic is the company logo of Wisconsin electronic voting machines. LMFAO. Blatant occult symbolism. K.
>GOP using a "Die Bold" Program
keked and wept
fucking scum
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