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/g/ Investigates Continued....

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Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 16

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If any of you can crack the code, you will forever change the election.

DC Madam's attorney has hidden an election bombshell. It is due to be released in two weeks.


>“There’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records,” Sibley says about the website. “If I die, disappear, whatever, they will be out.” Sibley says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that contain about 5,000 phone numbers, along with downloadable spreadsheets that contain the names and addresses of 815 Verizon Wireless customers from those logs, which he acquired with a subpoena ahead of Palfrey’s trial.

The story from a fellow anon:

>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

Post all relevant info and findings here.

Previous Thread: >>53848279
For Everyone New....Start Here!

Those are domains. Within one of them there is a PDF and or Xcel file that contains a list of Clients who payed for Prostitutes in Washington DC.

One of those names is a presidential candidate. We are trying to acquire those files and expose the Presidential Candidate for the better of USA.

My bet is its Ted Cruz, but Hillary is probably just as likely.
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Related Vids:




Claims that some people already have the data?


Nice Summary:

I asked in the last thread, but is there any way I can help? I'm a bit of a tech retard (compared to /g/ at least), but I'd still to help.

Got tier post. Thx. northcrane is boss.
Is there any place we can find YellowPages from 2005 ish?
Hoping to god it's hillary.
Try 411.com, for starters
If someone lives near the Library of Congress and is willing to go in person...lul
They have paper copies
I don't qualify, but super autistic idea
FYI - The download links still work on her original snapshot from 2007.

The domain doesn't work if you manually type it in, but the snapshot links still work... Crazy.

with something as big as this, some anon living in the area, might actually be derpy enough to go pull the white pages from 04-08 for DC and Bethesda
Ted Cruz's phone numbers that he used when he lived in a condo in Houston
Oh shit...thanks Anon.
View that link on the phone, and it shows 4 phone numbers.
Someone call it
Rafael Edward Cruz's numbers according to that site,
Address in Houston is accurate.
I live in DC. Where would I get these white pages?
Keep your eye on target. Find the servers the lawyer spoke of.
A hotel lobby. Payphone booths.

This is just one of the files.

Check this post for links to ALL phone records.

Don't reply or participate in this thread. Shills are using you to do all the work for them.
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You have no power here faggot.
Ignore the fucktard shills, they want to derail the thread and stop us.
AHHH Fuck.

>SCOTUS Denies Request from D.C. Madam's Attorney to Release Info


Guys we need to hurry with this shit. Cruz just won Wisconsin. They just DENIED the lawyer from opening those records.

They will try some and prevent this information from being released. Any updates yet?
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Didn't he say he was going to release them anyway? Maybe the Supreme Court just "ordered" the release of the documents, and sooner than we could have ever hoped for.
Sorry I can't really help out but i've been following the threads for the past few days and this is really interesting. I hope this actually goes somewhere
"Lurking" is what you've been doing, and you obviously have an internet connection if you've been doing it, so either help or get out, fagt
The request was denied by John Roberts alone, man who was vigorously defended by Cruz. Interesting.
>The request was denied by John Roberts alone, man who was vigorously defended by Cruz. Interesting.


Bethesda MD and Washington DC for 04-08
What is the source for this? How do you know it was Justice Roberts who shut it down? PLEASE ANSWER!
Right in the article from NBC. Last line
From the article:

> His application was directed to Chief Justice John Roberts, the justice assigned to emergency appeals from the Washington, D.C. area. Roberts denied it without seeking a response from any other party, a sign of how little merit Roberts found in the application.


I can't believe this shit! Its fucking Ted Cruz! This is undeniable. This is outright bullshit. Fuck Roberts. FUUCK

Montgomery Blair Sibley will be on Alex Jones this Friday. We better hack him before then lmao
he said if the SCOTUS ruled against a hearing, he would release it, so i doubt the two week time frame applies anymore. He could dump it to everyone tomorrow.
>Montgomery Blair Sibley will be on Alex Jones this Friday. We better hack him before then lmao

This is a VERY BAD Omen. I believe the actual Madam who ran the escort service was killed errr I mean she committed 'suicide' after she had an interview with Alex Jones where she talked about some of the people that were using her services.

She even mentioned on his radio that she WOULD NEVER commit suicide! That is some scary shit.
She said it because Alex was telling her to dump all the info publicly. He always advocates getting everything out so "they" dont have a reason to kill you
That's actually a great idea. Then if they spite killed you, it would be way too obvious.
How them hashes doing by the way?
Different anon, but...
Try to root the boxes posted by op.
I literally have no idea what that means or how to do that.

[spoiler]I'm basically retarded on tech compared to you guys[/spoiler]
*your favorite search engine as a verb* it Anon.
You can.also install Kali Linux and have fun learning penetration testing, can help. There are a lot a ressources over the Internet check them out.
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Still nothing?
Sibley made a post to his blog.
Yea, I saw on NorthCrane just now in my RSS.

1ST ROUND: Liberal Judge Rejects Petition
2ND ROUND: Conservative Judge _________ Petition


> Clarence Thomas

Good! Thomas is not under the control of Cruz, unlike Justice Roberts who is absolute scum. I still think those records are not going to be permitted from being released but we shall see.
wonder why he used a dotA for his blog, anyway,

some decent personal info in his blogger profile there for the guys working on his servers (or finding more servers to go at) might want to check out.

The blogs he follows might be some of the people he left files with... (prob not, but maybe)

Lot's of personal info that could be worked into password stuffs
what is a dotA?
>The blogs he follows might be some of the people he left files with... (prob not, but maybe)

How do you know what blogs he follows?
That's what I was wondering
Through his blogger profile:

blogger dawt com/profile/07526912942989615081
dotCA, not dotA, typo
what is a dotCA? XD
If you're in Canada blogs pot gets redirected to a dot ca.
ah, cool
havent used it in a long time, used to actual be separate.
What is the status of this failOP?

apparently four years at least they have been doing that, just another form of tracking no doubt

hopefully better in IRC than here...
Someone else mentioned that she'd also said that she'd rather die than go back to jail, but I don't know if that's true.
What's the reasoning behind the placement of the gag order in the first place?
High profile politicians are present on this list.
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Think John Roberts is one of them?

debunked at the time the guy tried to claim it, but repeated endless by MSM

lol, NOPE
That might be why in actuality, but not the reasoning.
The lawyer was kicked off her legal team, and asked to turn over all the records. He kept a copy, but they put the gag on him on the grounds he was no longer her lawyer.

His motion now is that its in the public interest, and the 1st amendment means that it doesnt matter that he was kicked off council (nor does it matter that he is suspend law license)
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You all do realize you're being crowdsourced, right?
when half your posts are bumps, the topic probably doesn't warrant a thread

agreed, I will continue to post into it letting everyone know the thread is not needed.

Say, every two hours, on the hour?
It's not suspended, his license being suspended was temporary.
Fuck you mate.

When the conversation has been going for days, you need to keep the fucking thread alive.

Unless you have something constructive to say or something meaningful to contribute, I am going to as you to kindly fuck off.

"its not suspended, its suspended"


I never said it was permanent, but i love the cognitive dissonance of your sentence.

It's a 3 year suspension, currently ongoing....
Nice meme but the previous threads were pretty much constructive and had made progress. Everyone is probably at their jobs we're keeping the thread alive till they get home
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>trial was in 08 eight years ago
>according to what you said earlier >>53902472
this would be a contradiction, lawyer had no good reason to turn over the papers in 08 since he wouldnt be on a suspension
Unless if there is a source you can fuck right off. Stop spreading misinformation and get the hell out of this thread.
wtf are you talking about, you are arguing against things no one said.

I said what actually occurred, separate events at separate times, AND I never said any of it was valid, just what was claimed against him.

you are talking out of your ass.

Go read the documents if you are still confused, aint no one got time to work with retards

as for the rest, you can suck a giant sack of donkey dicks and GTFO of the thread yourself.
anyway, moving past the joey moss guy arguing against shit no one said,

to the guys working those servers, trying to guess folder names to look for the pdf (previous page), i realize its likely moved past that BUT.


He seems to use library off his self named page, be a good place to try on those other servers where full access wasnt gained yet.
You're wrong, but I'll just drop this reading material and the rest of us will move on with our lives.


Literally two blocks away. What do we need?
Phone numbers of the candidates that lived in DC during the time frame in consideration.
All candidates
Except for Trump all of them lived or did business in DC

Postponed further attempts to breach
The shared hosting had many vulnerable scripts but none that were immediately exploitable

There is good news! Finally gained access to another server, which hosts
On this box there is very limited access to any of Sibley's files, but we are trying some neat tricks that may give us access on this box and on

Also cracking these phpass hashes will help a lot

Thanks for keeping the thread alive guys, we will update more frequently now
pitfall is the root account.
For Rafael ("Ted") Cruz, it looks like we'd ideally find his number(s) from 1995 until the story broke in 2007.
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Here's four of them
>313 4617870
>713 6300131
>214 3613500
>713 3534330
Also, here's something that might be useful. We managed access to mbsibleys httpd access-logs on
which show the files accessed by http since the fifth of April.

Grepping the logs for ".doc" or ".xls" returns nothing, but here's a neat list of all accessed .pdf files. The number is the number of times the file was accessed.

The naming scheme of these files could help you find the data.

You try grepping txt dat png jpg etc?
CSV might be another one in play.
Sure, here's the whole thing.
Thx, anon!

fucktard, you continue to spam pointless shit that no one said. Read the actual legal documents.

the kid asked why he was gagged in the first place:

I answered why, correctly.

then you made ass out of yourself, stop posting moron
Wow his entire 188-page doctoral thesis is up there.
This is neat stuff.
Faggot, you claimed his legal license was still in suspension, you were dead fucking wrong and I proved it but all you can do is throw a hissy fit like a queer gorilla with downs. Interacting with you is a waste of fucking time we are trying to get work done here so go eat some of your mom's hot pockets and let the adults do business you moron.

they store lots of old phone books, but not online method to search, only in person.

Ted Cruz when he was there working for Bush. or for Texas Solicitor general would not have been a big enough deal to have unlisted numbers.

Finding any DC or MD (Bethesda) phone numbers for cruz in the 01-04 range would be huge

you are not apart of the we, and the only one hissy fitting and continuing to argue with yourself against points no one is making, is you.

cry on lil bitch
Let's get them numbers!


Also, reversing the (supposedly debunked) TX highlighted number from the AT&T page "anon" tweeted, also would be Good.

that page shows the DC madam calling a VERI ZON cell phone FROM TEXAS on Sept.16, 2001

Reversing 3OI-674-7274 for Sept 2001 (Bethesda, MD) to get the name, if only one thing is done, could be huge.... (google warriors, dont waste time, theres no online record of who had it in 2001)
Anon's probably balls deep in phone directories at the library of Congress right now. Can't wait to hear back, let's give him some time.
Surveil the lawyer when he's online. This would help. Can this even be done?
What is the IRC? Wouldn't mind lurkin. This stuff is interesting as hell. It looks like good progress is being made. I hope this stuff comes out and Sibley doesn't get in shit.
Keep up the good work anons!
Defense of the ancients
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Massive graphics driver crash, was at 80% but the card got stuck in safe mode dropping performance from 650 kh/s to around 199.

Progress was lost when I restarted to reset the card as the performance was too low in safe mode for it to be worth it anyways.

I ran it through all these wordlists and Super-WPA as a last ditch effort, nothing.

Sorry anons, I failed you.
The LoC has been closed since 5pm est, so no he isn't.
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mfw posting that
is it ogre?
You wouldn't have brute forced it anyways in anyone's lifetime with a setup like that. Good job, your parents will ask why the power bill spiked and you probably did permanent damage to your card.
>2016 dead man trigger jihadist kaboom style infrastructure
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>Look mom, I posted it again!
Thanks for the effort anon. You may have failed but you made a valiant effort sacrificing not only your time but perhaps even your hardware.
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I also ran the hashes through a very long wordlist (65 MB), with no luck.

What letter were you on in the incremental search? T? We can just pick up where you left off, right?
I honestly don't know, I lost all the information when I restarted.

.canada, its canadian like .dk or .co.uk or .ru
I'm glad we've got the high school bully / the shill in the thread.


might want to be careful where you lurk, if you are adding "the" to the front of IRC, you probably arent sufficiently protected to be joining channels with your IP address hanging out and an "I'm new here" sign around your neck....
Pretty sure he's asking for the IP/port to connect to for a chat related to this thread, but that may be just how I read his inquiry.
Where are you guys on IRC though (network/channel)? I'll lurk and provide help where I can.

Don't worry, babby already uses IRC.
hashcat.restore file and
hashcat --restore

Works in cuda/oclHC too.
I compiled some shit for everyone here.

I was but >>53910798 is right in his warning.
Wait are those the Verizon numbers?
Can anybody confirm if these are Verizon numbers? What is the best way to check that?

FYI if you want to check the carrier for a single particular number use the following Twilio tool:

> https://www.twilio.com/lookup
Oh shit .... 0.o

Is this it?
Has a cool hackery interface when you type in a number, and confirms that these are Verizon.
also, if you type an exact search like this into google and change the number:
"123456789" peoplebyname

it usually shows the intials of the owner.
>confirms that these are Verizon.

Oh shit you are right. All thats left is to cross-check these with Cruz numbers that he could have used.

Anyone know what potential numbers Cruz would have used? I believe he was Solicitor General at the time that this took place.
These are the same ones that were released before, are they not?

One Houston area code number of 7133662265.

Saw it came up multiple times around 2005 from the original logs.

yes, the same ones, he just says he cleaned up the list a bit.
its the 2004-2008_nonames list, "cleaned up"
Is it possible to obtain the IP adresses from which Sibley has uploaded things to the internet? His blog for instance. Maybe he's used a static IP. Could this be a way in?

There are many files in /library that aren't on Google or the pastebin list above...
Maybe the best approach is to use random words now. *.pdf *.xls, etc. Can you set up document requests via a rainbow table? but even then most of the words would be nonsense. We should find out if he has a naming convention that he prefers and start guessing perhaps.

the pastebin was a list of files accessed recently, via logs, they never claimed it was complete.

both those things have been going on already i believe. I certainly did a bit the other day, but no meaningful results found

so..., Clerk2a is the pdf he posted on his blog, but Clerk2 also exists...

Clerk2a is his current motion, Clerk 2 has the one he filed in January, which includes different arguments for the 1st amendment violation.

I'm not sure if thats been touched on yet, but the language is interesting.

For instance:
Was Defendant Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s prosecution politically-motivated and is this Court part-and-parcel of keeping that knowledge from the public?

Moreover, Sibley has reason to believe that information contained in the sealed-from-the-public record in this matter may, directly or upon crowd-sourced analysis, contain information relevant to the upcoming Presidential election


He references that more assertively in Clerk2a, saying:

"Sibley comes to believe that information contained in the sealed-from-the-public Verizon Wireless records directly, and upon crowd-sourced analysis would, contain information relevant to the upcoming Presidential election"

Which was president when she could have been "politically prosecuted", that would be Bush, and who did Ted Cruz work for during the years he was in DC and Texas, also Bush

And he mentions crowd sourcing to find "more information".

Maybe there is an actual Bush connection, and not the man Bush, but his crew, of which Cruz was a part....

Since DC Madam is almost exclusive Republican clients, and he asks "whyjusther.com" about why other escort services havent been prosecuted. Maybe it really is Hillary going full high-priced muff diving, and not Ted Cruz
one more option I thought of too


that's sibley's Dad's obituary, and it lists the names of his brothers and sisters.

With that and the ancestry.com screen cap on his site:


people should be able to find a whole bunch of other servers to investigate. It's very likely he might have used a family members server as one of the deadman switch locations.....
I know that much speculation is pointing at Cruz, but don't let bias shut out other possibilities like Hillary or that it could be both or more.
To this end, is there any known records for Hillary or any other candidate that could be referenced?

Any progress?
>or more
>yfw all the candidates are revealed to have been using her services

the thing i pointed out earlier, the lawyer claims their was political motivation to prosecute her and not other madams.

Sort of implies a pro-democrat leaning, go after bush people, type scenario. But, with Cruz being in DC working for Bush in the early 2000s, that still kind of points towards him.
Hillary has been in the public eye for much longer than these records go back to, she's probably not listed in any white pages or anything like that.
Appreciate that thought, but Hillary being in the records doesn't jibe with her catering exclusively to Republicans, does it? Nonetheless, ALL candidates should be checked out, agree with that notion certainly.

Like what if we got Cruz, but Bernie was in it too and totally got off b/c everyone stopped at the first number they found. That'd be fucked up!
Nobody thought to tip off the Trump campaign? The rich bastard could just hire a PI.
Yeah he could but the media and everyone else would destroy him if they found out he hired a PI
>Nobody thought to tip off the Trump campaign? The rich bastard could just hire a PI.

Trump's foreign policy adviser (last name Miller I believe) mentioned the DC Madam in a speech in Wisconsin which means the Trump campaign already knows about this. The problem is getting to the information.

The lawyer got denied by Justice Roberts. Now he is going to give it one last shot with Clarence Thomas...if denied again he says he is going to release them.
The problem of course is that we do not know if he is going to have the balls to release the info because this could mean prison for him....
>banging a hooker disqualifies you from being president

you guys need to stop sperging
>>banging a hooker disqualifies you from being president
>you guys need to stop sperging

Wait, there are still shills in this thread? You people sure are persistent...

I am going to enjoy the damage control when this shit is out. Applied Memetics LLC will sure not be happy will it now...
I love you /g/
>woman known as "DC Madam"
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007
>is considered a suicide
this reeks of the Clinton's standard operating procedure
>this reeks of the Clinton's standard operating procedure

The Clinton machine does indeed leave a trail of bodies.
I'd heard that Alex Jones was going to interview Montgomery Blair Sibley today. Not sure about the details. I also think today is the 2-week "deadline", though I think that may be wrong.

Sibley seems to want to exhaust all the legal options before he justifiably releases it in breach of the gag order.
What? The US government murders hopeless people?
What a surprise. I've almost fallen for the americun dream meme.
Funny thing is the US is the second (just after islamic coutries) most avoidable country in the world.
Don't forget to vote for Trump cunts. Hope you enjoy being buttfucked.
>her catering exclusively to Republicans
Why would it matter if a politician fucked 100 hookers if his program was good for the country?

n00b, you can google it yourself, i dont give a fuck to proving shit to people.

Go read the lawyers legal documents, his interviews, his book, and the news coverage from 07.

Their are many escort services in DC, her's was characterized as majority Republican clients.

Believe that or not, your choice, but dont expect other people to waste time getting links for you

You can figure it out for yourself

if they arent married, Christian Values candidates, or in a position to be blackmailed or influenced, it wouldnt.

yet... most of the time its one or more of the above

as the lawyer has said, its likely not a person directly, but one of their aides, associates, etc (hence the crowd sourcing comments in his motions).

I think its cruz related, but dont rule out a Clinton connection, through someone who wasnt prominent then (aide, associate) but is now.
Source is

>her catering exclusively to Republicans

>her's was characterized as majority Republican clients.

So which is the truth?

NoiCE Anon, i like that

Doesn't matter. We just want the docs.

shilltard, i am not the same anon as the other guy, just putting you in your place.

Back to /pol/ and google is your friend, figure it our yourself. Maybe start with a youtube tutorial on googling? Natch
Pssst.. Tell him about www.lmgtfy.com

already on it ;)

bfy dot tw/5APs
Oh shit. Sibley is loosing his patience....


There is a point in the video where he says based on Wisconsin primary he want to move faster to releasing the info.
Why would it matter if an average Joe like me does it? Why do I get legal action taken against me?
Sibley us on Alex Jones coming up
That's not a source
Link to livestream?

I just tuned in. They're on commercial now. I missed the first part of it.
I don't follow
Middle of next week! That's what he just said on Alex Jones!
A sourced was asked for. You quoted a post that had no source.
Prove that DC Madam serviced mainly Republican clients
Listen to what he said though. He won't release a specific name of a Candidate since that would breach his gag order (i.e. individual customer names cannot be released), however, he will release company names that may have been involved.

This shit is bigger than I imagined.
I'm not the one who made that claim but someone mentioned making use of an internet search engine to find information regarding that statement? Might look into it.
This is correct.
Yes but if it's not intuitively obvious what kind of players are implicated by that list, he wouldn't bother putting it out.
I wouldn't be surprised if HP is one of those company names. *cough* Carly Fiorina *cough*
Fiorina isn't a candidate anymore, and I struggle to see how HP could be connected to the DC Madam case, although I think it's pretty obvious now that this not a garden variety political sex scandal.

Anybody have any idea what companies could he be talking about and what the connection would be?
I wouldn't rule out the possibly she was buying political favors with escorts. I know it's a pretty big stretch but it would help explain the $500,000 given to her super PAC from the CRUZ super PAC (hush money).

I know it's reaching.
The more likely theory regarding that 500k is that Carly found out about Sarah Isgur Flores before the NE reported on it, and decided to pull the leverage for monetary gain.
Right, but there has been a rumor floated that Flores worked for the DC madam. I know that's HIGHLY speculative but if any of these phone records make it into the hands of anons, such a rumor may be something to keep in the back of one's head while sifting through phone numbers.

FYI: I hope the truth is less convoluted than this theory, because connections like this would be hard to prove with only phone records as evidence.
bfy dot tw/5APs
Excruciatingly unlikely, why would a rich successful businesswoman take a job as an escort?

No, this is probably something to do with campaign funding. The companies listed are probably going to align quite nicely with someones top contributors. Question is can we work out who they are before they are released?
Although I agree that it's most likely that the theory purposes proposed by anon is complete and utter horseshit, many high end escort services are indeed staffed largely by successful women.
Ok, ok I was just wondering if this was just an op-shill that would exclude other involvements. Can't blame a person for wanting all of the truth and not just half of some biased targeted campaign.
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For anybody who Missed the Alex Jones interview with Sibley, please watch the video below!

The shit is about to hit the fan boys. HERE WE GOOOO


The DC Madam's prostitutes were almost all college girls, making money on the side to pay for school. They werent two bit hoes

She was hiring, young, talented, good looking, college chicks.

Flores easily could have been one:


she was a BA in History and Poly-Sci at Northwestern during the time in question.

Then she got a Congressional Intern job, in 02, and went to Harvard Law school LULZ
But she is not relevant to the elections anymore.
And besides the verizon records are supposed to be clients, not call girls. I'm not saying she couldn't be a prostitute, but I doubt it's what's going to be released.

WAtch the video,
He says he has:
815 Verizon Names and Numbers
and 2500 numbers sent to other companies that didnt give back the names,
and the names of all the call girls

all of which has never been released.

And how is Flores not related to the election. We arent talking about Fiorina who she works for, this is a chick who was accused of being one of the five mistresses

that's good, dont forget the balls while you are down there though....

Unless Teddy started fucking her WHILE she was a pros in DC. Mind fuck!
>But she is not relevant to the elections anymore.
Ummm prostitution is illegal brah.

Yea its fucking relevant especially when Cruz calls himself a good Christian. His career is finished.

here you go, bro

You're missing the point mate, Flores is no longer a candidate.

If there was any reason at all to suspect trump was implicated, polbots would be singing to the hills that prostitution was normal and natural, that modern laws and society were unjust and judgmental, that he was a real man for having sexual urges. You are just as hypocritical as Cruz himself.

Everyone who has interviewed this lawyer has posited that this will effect the republican party, I have not heard him imply that once.
But it's not just an affair, it's soliciting of prostitution. We already know he's had many affairs and it hasn't changed public opinion of him so your point is absolutely moot and ridiculous. The issue is that he a) committed and crime allegedly and b) is susceptible to blackmailing because of the severity of the charge. How could you possibly think it's irrelevant?
I have to admit...you shills are getting very sophisticated.

I hope Applied Memetics LLC offers you a nice raise.
Consider this comment an upvote for your post, please.
Read what I fucking write.

>But it's not just an affair
Nobody, not a single fucking soul, in all these threads has used the argument: "It's just an affair"
>How could you possibly think it's irrelevant?
Carly Fiorina is no longer a candidate and so neither her, nor her campaign manager Flores are relevant to the election. If she was fucking a candidate for money and is now blackmailing him: the candidate, not her, are relevant to the the election.
> The issue is that he a) committed and crime allegedly and
Allegedly, fucking hell. That does not mean this implicates him! Wait until the phone numbers are released, at the very least, before you light the torches and gather your pitchforks.

The point I was making about trump is that you fuckwits are a self propelled echo-chamber of sanctimonious idiots who would defend, to the death, trumps actions if it were him roasting over media accusations of blackmail and solicitation.
I'm not promoting another candidate, quite frankly I think their all awful, I'm pointing out how puerile it is to inanely parrot your vapid slogans and burn everything that is opposed to your world view.

I guess we will all find out in the next few days.

I realize you are autistic, but let me try and break it down for you for the fifth time

Fiorina was a Candidate and successful business woman, and not involved

Flores is a young political aide, who is accused of being one of Ted's mistresses.

Besides both having names starting with F, they are completely different people.

However, Flores used to work for Ted, and now works for Fiorina, and Cruz gave Fiorina 500,000 in the summer, for no good reason.

additonally, people here have said, hey, she might have been a Call girl, before she was Ted's aide

besides that, you keep saying the wrong name, and being spastic... that covers most of it i thnk
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Different anon here but...
Who is this "you fuck wits you're talking about.
Seems like you're painting a fictitious enemy desu.
Anyway MAGA
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