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I don't want to live anymore, I am too cynical. I feel like

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I don't want to live anymore, I am too cynical. I feel like killing myself is the logical thing to do and not an emotional or knee jerk feeling, but rather many many years of attempting to cope with the futility of life with no progress.
Is there anything I am over looking, is there any both objective AND lasting reason I should stick around?
Dank memes.
are you an atheist?
I wanna kill myself too I'm just too much of a pussy to do it. Do you want to do it together?
That's the name of Trump's new grandson. Take it as a sign. Become a new man, start over. Do your part to make America a better place.
More agnostic, though I don't find any religions I have come across to be empirically provable and/or have had an overwhelmingly negative influence on my life so far
Go and live life the way you want.

Seriously. Think of the one thing you always wanted to do and do it.
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Here is a sweet reason.
i keep contemplating on jumping in front of a bus
Idk man I know the feeling. Logically suicide is the answer but the primal urge of survival is a bitch to overcome to go through with it
I feel the same way but I'm too curious to see how fucked up the world gets to kill myself.
the new boards have got me down too bro
If you're going to kill yourself, do it in private. No need to make other people suffer. You'd ruin the life of the bus driver.

You have to see who wins the election.

Life is the best t.v show
When did this board become >>>/r9k/ ?

If you wanna off yourself because you're weak: fine. Survival of the fittest anyways. Find something worth fighting for you basement dwelling sperglords.

(Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV) “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

It is hard to find meaning in life without a context (God). What is the meaning if we are here with no purpose? Christianity can answer this question for you.

If you are mired in an existential depression it is a good time to seek God. Check out http://www.reasonablefaith.org/ The guy is a philosopher and argues for the existence of God through logic.

Besides that you should potentially seek a psychiatrist if this has been going on for a while.
I know how you feel, and I know the apathy can really get to you
what you've got to do when you feel like that is just ignore what you're feeling, no matter how difficult it sounds, and just think about the future
we're at something of an impasse at the moment, but eventually things are going to start moving again and you'll either feel really good or really bad
hold out until then, and then see how things go
just keep doing that and you'll eventually figure things out
You need to stop taking things so seriously. Go do something you enjoy for a while, you seem to have lost perspective.
Get in shape even if it's jsut running it will work, get up off ur fatass and do something talk to people instead of cartoon chinks with big eyes

If that doesn't work do something than urself
Read Atlas Shrugged, it will change everything.
>i keep contemplating on jumping in front of a bus

dont do this. a guy i know tried this and survived. now hes depressed AND cripple.
I have tried God and 3 different psychiatrists and 4 medications in all different doses. None of it works for me. I know this is because I'm not even really clinically depressed, I do damn cynical. No religion no psychiatrist is going to keep me from slipping into the eternal void when I die, which I can only hope is as painless as my prebirth nonexistence. This with the reality of life being 99% meaningless and tiresome work/stress and suffering makes existence intolerable for me.
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Come on OP life has no meaning doesn't mean you need to die. I like Camus and his work. I find solace in the absurdity and chaos of life.
I tried it once years ago and literally got caught. Went through the whole deal, hospital, therapy, pills, etc.

That was a while ago.. I've thought about it a lot since but haven't done it. But I swear I was ready to go that day.
Read "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis. It's a pretty quick read and he lays out the case for the existence of God pretty well. He says the human engine was meant to run on God. A lot of people put the wrong stuff in their tank and expect happiness and fulfillment.
The red pill does carry some consequences.
If you give up now, you lose.
Fuck losing.
>not assassinating something instead of killing yourself

why? I never get it atleast you could be infamous and be remembered in some way and impact things
Because suffering is fine. The dogshit we endure in this life helps the all.
are you on medication currently?
go travelling.
fucking burgers, there is a whole world to explore.
get a shitty job, save 2-3k and you can literally travel months through south east asia or europe.
I tried reading some of CS and in many ways it is intriguing, unfortunately even the best writers as Lewis leave too much to faith, we can never know for sure and without empirical proof I can't do it man no matter how much I want it to be so
No it fucking won't. What the hell is wrong with you? The man's already suicidal.

Don't do this OP.
Not since summer
I am a wage cuck to banks because of my crushing student debt. I make enough to survive but certainly not to "save up"
Can I ask what pills you tried and which one was best if you had to pick 1.
What would Happen if you just left?
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Don't do it. Listen to German bro: get an entry job, save some money, and visit some interesting place. I agree with fellow Burger: Mere Christianity is an accessible good read.

Start a fitness routine, drink lots of water, take a little St John's Wort, leafy greens, and sunshine. Do it for 3 weeks and you will feel like a new man.
Americans don't really enjoy traveling to exotic places. We view it as sort of a pain in the ass.

Want skiing? Go to Vermont.
Want beaches? Go to Hawaii.
Want culture? Go to NYC.
Want hunting? Go to Pennsylvania.
Want fun? Go to Disneyworld.
Definitely how I'll go
That's actually a good point. America has everything. I'd be so happy if I lived in America but I'm stuck in this frozen hellhole Canada.
The only one I remember is abilify, the others were just generic antidepressants as far as I know
You're not exactly far away
>Want fun? Go to Disneyworld.

what if you want ladyboys and explosive diarrhea? where do you go then?
Kill yourself

tried zoloft?

yasss! jew name!
Go get some anti depressants buddy, suicide is for those weak in spirit.
So the only way to truly believe in a god is when you're so depressed and vulnerable that you'll believe anything just to make it through?

Even something that was likely made up by humans to help them understand their own loneliness?

Doesn't that kind of disprove religion?
I would say it proves it does it not?
In many cases, they make suicide more likely.
I'm pretty sure IIRC my doc said that all my mess we're stronger than Zoloft. Isn't Zoloft the most commonly prescribed anti
Nope suicide is for melodramatic pansies who can't take the facts of life.
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You are going to have to go back Jose.
but think of all the rare pepes you'll miss!>>69655799
Not everyone gets the same shot in life.
Zoloft does not work, no.
Request something else such as Tricyclic.
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What about the people that live happy and fulfilled lives without ever subscribing to a god or religion?
And what about all the depressed religious freaks?
Might kill myself too.
I understand this, people die and things are shit. Once you accept reality and move on then you become a stronger person.
You could always hunt for rare pepes.
Why kill yourself when it will end some day anyway? Who knows, maybe some day you will get to see the revival of das Drittes Reich
Dude the bible came from the minds of men. Literally no different than Greek mythology. Fuck off and give actual advice
>diagnosed bipolar
>still not sure if it actually exists
>not suicidal
>can't escape hell
Why not at least stick around to see if Trump is elected? The world will change!
Province? I'm Ontario and I wanna kill myself. I seriously fucking hate this country. Nothing even about politics I just hate this country. It's fucking cold all the time, the weather is shit, everything is so expensive, housing is way overpriced, it's all bullshit.
I can only speak from experience. Religion is beneficial to humanity because it provides the violent with some sort of moral code.
le morals dont exist without religion meme need to did
Indeed those who doubt will see the world change. It will change for the betterment this time.
>not getting off to the idea that you're better than everyone else
lol fag
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You can...always...move to Africa....
This is not what I said, morals exist with law. Religion is a catalyst for such laws.
Explain ISIS killing in the name of religion then?
And the crusades..
/b/ tier thread
If you were gonna kill yourself you would've already done it.
>morals exist with law

i really hope this is bait
Crusades were justified.
ISIS was created by corrupted government and does not reflect religion.
No it is not.
Crusades were a response to years of muslims conquests and aggression.
Islam is an ideology of violence and not really a religion so much as a Cult.
I feel the same way

basically there is a lot of suffering in my life, perhaps there's happiness in the future, but I can't be deprived of that if I don't exist
Explain how morals exist with law
(not a religion because it offers no prescription for dealing with your life except that killing infidels and implementing sharia law will fix everything herpderp)
Eventually you will gain enough momentum to not want to kill yourself. You won't be happy. You will still have depression, but you'll be too involved in whatever you're doing to care about your feelings and then you'll realize you can survive in life regardless of how shitty you feel and then you start to do every day things without overthinking the depressive burden you live with.
Law of the jungle is the state of being that exists without order. Read Thomas Hobbes.
So you're not actually going to explain how morals exist with law. Got it
Even in the jungle there are still morals.
People have morals built into them due to emotions and empathy. Morals provide the framework for societal structure and thus lead to laws.
Thomas Hobbes was completely polarized in his view.
at least wait until the election is over.

If it's hillary elected I guess no one can blame you.
St John's wort is the only SJW I trust with muh life
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Quintessentially Australian
wow, that's interesting/insightful. Probably the closest to what the future holds for me
Fuck that's accurate. Gonna go neck myself
based guillermo
No one kill yourself yet, there's all kinds of miserable cunts here now go seek medical help before you even try to do so.
Would you do this country a favor and take Hillary with you when you go?
ding ding ding
thanks for playing meganon

the apathy that makes you miserable now will eventually consume you whole, and if you make it there without killing yourself you can find a new definition of stable life

it also helps to take a more conscious view of what your life actually looks like. everyone has a "blind spot" where they don't actually look at reality, try to just recognize yours and your worldview may change

source: 2 years out from hospital stay
if youre going to do it please give your vote for trump in the primaries and general election first

i cant stand to see someone throw their vote away
Already did
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wait until the general election then you can vote trump again and kill yourself
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We're going to make the white race rule the world again anon. Don't you want to be here for that?
Haha maybe so bro, I have to say I feel better than when I first posted. You guys are bros, talking this out with other people without having a conversation about suicide/meaning degenerated by normie faggotry is very refreshing
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glad to see i talked you out of it Mona, here's a (You) for your hard work.
Remember, whenever youre feeling down, you have a duty to Make America Great Again
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I needed this. Thank you. I'm gonna give two weeks notice for my job tomorrow and live the way I want. Take this neat wallpaper as compensation.
>Was born in the most prosperous society in the history of the world
>Could easily have been born a nigger in Africa starving to death with a potbelly, a tapeworm, and too many diseases to name
>Wants to kill himself


Break a serious law and get caught?

Go to jail.

If you've ever gone to jail you learn pretty quickly that you don't want to do that. Ever.
Evolution prepared us to exist, to survive. Humanity has done that in certain areas. Thanks to capitalism or whatever you want to attribute it to, we have no need to go to extreme lengths to survive. We've done it. It's like a game that we've now beat, but we have to keep playing without any goal in mind. Which then begs the question why some people have difficulty living in this reality and others don't.
The risk of going to hell has always stopped me from doing it. That and my loved ones would be devastated
Finding an ideal worth living for is an ideal worth living for.
Heh, God works in mysterious ways ;^)
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1. Go to WA
2. Go innawoods
3. Do this in the next few months before you kill yourself senpai
4. Find cyanescens
5. Take pictures and upload to the shroomery.org
6. Take an heroic dose and find your true self
7.Pierce veil
8. Do all of this innawoods
9. Do this at night
10. Do not leave the woods until sunrise
11. Survive!
12. Welcome to your new unfucked viewpoint on life and I wish you all the best luck in your new life of purpose.
My cousin killed herself. I don't know if it was the nasty breakup before college or the isolation after moving there, but she was a beautiful woman, talented, and had her whole life going for her. If you want to kill yourself, consider who will find you, and how they will react. Consider how your cousin or relatives will stop after every beautiful thing they do and say "I wish anon could see me now, see how I've grown up.". If there is someone in your life who would do that, please, reconsider. Even if there is a slight chance you'll have one happy day, just reconsider. I miss her so much.
Don't do it op. Shit gets tough but we're about to turn this world around
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kek. that sucks for you. I made hundred thousands and going to marry my gf soon
Move to Europe if you have nothing to lose. Keep us posted with pictures of cucks.
>St John's wort is the only SJW I trust with muh life

No we're not. We're on an unstoppable decent that will lead to ruin. The only way back is through complete destruction and build anew.

Do it if you want OP
mfw i could probably kill myself and nobody would find out for about a month or so
elliot please
Sorry buddy.
Got nothing for you.
If you hung out with me I'd have you convinced that suicide is a sound plan.
Can i have your citizenship if you are going to do it?

But really no one in this thread has the answer and the ones who think they do are blind.
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