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NEWS ALERT: DC SCANDAL /pol/ Destroys the lives!

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Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 56

Phone records of an infamous owner of a DC escort agency, Deborah Jeane Palfrey could destroy the life of one of the current candidates.

Previous Thread Lacked Vision!
There is a time for banter and facts, but that time isn't now!
This is NEWS /pol/!
This is time to speculate and rev those exess social media accounts?

>"Did Ted Cruz Buy Prostitutes!?!?!?"
>"Does Bernie Sanders have a Dark Secret?"
>"Who is the DC Madam, and what does that have to do with John Kasich?"
>"Did Hillary Clinton Murder DC Madam To cover for her husband"

Lets create a media scandal founded on speculation!

The story from a fellow anon:
>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gave all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets

Court Fees:
Full Story:
Plz be real
God please be real
Shills are out in full force today. This name thread reddit shilling is half shitposting and half direct organized suppression. Start leaving trails to those threads now.
Praise kek
Let it be real
I've heard this conspiracy before. There is probably some truth to it except for the part about destroying lives.

She may have been killed over what she knew but Murica is a sleazy place these days. So what if Slick Willie II or the Frog God Emperor likes degeneracy?
Social media will eat this up!
This. I recommend we focus this on Rato again. Make throwaway Twitter accounts and get the hashtags rolling.
Guys, what if this shit royally backfires on us? He's said that we've been incorrectly guessing the candidate (reference to Cruz I'm sure). Could it be possible that Trump would be on that list? I know he can get all the pussy he wants but a guy like him also needs discretion and a woman with no strings attached.
Didn't someone have a Twitter follower script to rack up followers real quick?
inb4 it's an April Fools joke
>or the Frog God Emperor

Trump is the least likely to be affected, it pretty much has to be a politician who's worked in DC while the escort service was active. Probably Cruz or Cucksich.
I don't know, it might look like the boy who cried wolf if we just keep accusing without any evidence. It distracts from the very real scandal in the national enquirer story about Cruz. And if this turns out to be fake it could even undermine the NE story.
Shut the fuck up Donald
This thread is making us as trump supporters look bad. Ted Cruz is an evangelical and would never cheat on his wife.

Report all shills trying to attack Ted Cruz!
That would make a great Political Thriller movie
You have to go back.

Imagine Tom Hanks searching the world for the data to help cruz win
I can't even tell who's a shill anymore.
I have no doubt that many an escort have seen Trump's tower over the years, but it doesn't make sense for him to go to an agency in DC that unofficially specialises in serving politicians
More info:


Here's every domain he's ever registered. Not sure which ones are still active.














We are looking for PDFs and CSVs that contain the names and phone numbers of the DC clients.

One of the names of the current establishment candidates will be there. The files are present in one of the domains listed.

If we can find this then we can turn this entire election on its head.


>To be clear, if Sibley is not allowed to file his Motion to Modify the Restraining Order and thereafter does not promptly receive a fair and impartial hearing on that Motion, he will justifiably consider the Restraining Order void as a result of being denied such a hearing by the District Court, Circuit Court and now this Court. In that event, Sibley will simply release publicly the Verizon Wireless Subpoena Return records containing the names and addresses of eight hundred fifteen (815) Washington D.C. clients of the D.C. Madam’s escort service.

When Sibley talks about the two week ultimatum, he's not talking about wanting the gag order lifted in two weeks, he's talking about getting an official response and allowed due process in two weeks so he can fight to have it lifted. The courts could potentially drag this out if they wanted to and we might not here about this information for a long time, if at all.

This is why we need to find it now, IMO famalam
Lawyer trying to make money, never!
Cross posting the /g/ thread

Don't have time to help with this cause I'm at work, but I can at least give it a bump. Thankfully /pol/ has an army of NEETs hard at work, they are our secret weapon.

God speed NEETs
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Donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone!

As for the rest of you,

Ted will destroy you! You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you continue. We know who began this, and you are actively being monitored on twitter by agents.

We are using your IP to contact your ISP. This will lead us to your personal information.

If you want to save massive fines and imprisonment, stop now.


Ted will destroy you! You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you continue. We know who began this, and you are actively being monitored on twitter by agents.

We are using your IP to contact your ISP. This will lead us to your personal information.

If you want to save massive fines and imprisonment, stop now.


Ted will destroy you! You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you continue. We know who began this, and you are actively being monitored on twitter by agents.

We are using your IP to contact your ISP. This will lead us to your personal information.

If you want to save massive fines and imprisonment, stop now.
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>mfw Trump's worst skeletons is having hired illegal once or two, and saying terrorists should maybe not be allowed in the country

No wonder they are panicking so much, absolutely none of their strategy work and can ever work on him.
The only way to stop him is assassination, but being a billionaire he have his own security, and being turned into a martyr may quickly become a nightmare.
>1 April
What can I do to help?
>The honest politician getting shat on
>The corrupt politicians covering each other ass
>NSA murders people who investigate the scandal
>But one of them is hacker and shit and also has big boobs and a great as
>Will the Honest Politician join forces with a Deep Web Hacker to clean the rotten institutions?

>DC Madman:The Purge

Here's every domain he's ever registered. Not sure which ones are still active.














Try looking through these servers.

Fuckoff Spain. We've been on this for a day and a half now.
It's real.
Inb4 3 days of torture breaks him and he reveals the password.
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> pastebin.com/jr754TBF
> pastebin.com/jr754TBF
> pastebin.com/jr754TBF
> pastebin.com/jr754TBF
> pastebin.com/jr754TBF
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We need more bodies.

>if you can't gentoo outshill the shills.

I repeat

>outshill the shills

work those name threads and keep bumpz
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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El Rato Cruz will go down!
It's Cruz. One of his mistresses was already a higher-end escort. If Cruz has a demonstrable history of visiting hookers, he's done. He chose to run as the "evangelical" candidate. The same group of people who were chortling over Anthony Weiner and Blogoyovitch's antics with whores.

Remember, you can fuck around on your wife like Gingerich and Giuliani. But if you pay for the privilege, there's no saving you in the eyes of most basic-bitch evangelical voters.
Make sure to save that link!
It's a way to distract and shill easier to distract us from uncovering the truth. It's so they can slide us
It goes in descending order from current to first. Don't let the shills get you, they're out in full force.
wtf is this?
There is nothing to be found. You are all wasting your time. This guy is a faggot who just wants attention. Something will 'come up' and he won't be able to release it.

You're all taking the bait.
This is absolutely true. Trump's biggest vice has been his marriages not working. But I dare the one without sin to cast the first stone. So many people who have been thru divorces will just say "well I only had one not two!" because America is full of protestants and protestants are hypocrites. No offense to my Trump-supporting protestants, but I've never met a faker group of people than Protestant girls.
Some updates from /g/

>Godaddy parking, expired March 31

>Live, mainly just text

>Godaddy parking, expired March 30

>Redirects to whyjusther.com

>Godaddy parking, doesn't show the expiration. Also what the fuck?

>Live, but it's just a frame pointing to http://www.civilforfeiture.com/mmc/index.html
>I think this is pretty interesting, it seems like he likes to host on his civilforfeiture site

>Godaddy parking, expired March 31

>Live, one of the links shows the Godaddy default 404 page

>Seems to be the homepage of his current business, it looks like it was built by someone who actually knew what they were doing.

>Haha, he's got an 18 YO kid who likes to make movies. Social media links for the kid under the contact page

>A site about the DC madam thing, again just a frame pointing to civilforfeiture
Why do you say that?
>those domains
What a fucking kike
That's a Godaddy domain. I don't think nmap is going to do you a lot of good in finding anything useful, unless he uses an insecure or easily guessed password. Even then, trying to bruteforce it could subject you to legal liability.
Don't be a ruse
Don't be a ruse
Don't be a ruse
Honestly would not be surprised at all if she was murdered. That's how most of Clinton's sexual assault victims or witness thereof met their end: a mysterious suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head.
Why doesn't he have someone else leak it and then if anyone wants to sue they'd have to prove its true?

because he would have released it already.

what's going to happen? if the court says, 'ok, we will hear your case,' he won't release it and the court will drag it out, months from now.

all it will take is literally the words 'ok we will hear your case' from the courts to stop this.

"What's interesting about this is it seems the unique servers are:


That's four servers. That's an important number, right?"

Montgomery states that the info is seeded in four servers.
Nice name
Is this true? Pls gib
>DC mistress last night
> go to bed
> name generator and 10 roll threads

It's just a coincidence, right?
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Is there a way to make the board look old fashioned? Do i need 4chanx? I cant find it in the filters.
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>checks flag
Wow it really is you lyin' ted
its April 1st

What do we care? I know it makes jewshills nervous but we want information if it's there to be found.
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This. The court has no incentive to play with his ultimatum. There's no way the motion to remove the gag order can be processed in 2 weeks, and if it was genuinely important info he would release it before the Wisconsin primary.
It's possible, but all of the domains there are on GoDaddy (not just for registering the domains, but hosting the websites). He'd be putting a lot of eggs in one basket to host every single one there.
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They can't shut us down
Heh April fools, we're sliding every thread!
We still have about 3 days for him to release it. I'm guessing he will do it Sunday
What date will the happening happen?

i bet you'd like that, Rubio

You should have been here when Moot cucked /pol/ for days.
could you imagine if this was samantha cruz oy vey


It still looks normal on mobile, besides the names.
He will release it at the latest April 12, most likely sooner or we find it out and release it all. He's leaving breadcrumbs everywhere. He wants someone else to release it.
I wonder who could be behind this post
Guys, can I help somehow? I have experience with computers.
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>Guys, what if this shit royally backfires on us?
Or maybe it will be more interesting than what we're expecting. I'd love to find out that Hillary was getting frequent visits from female escorts.
>tfw i was here when the day captchas were removed and cuck became cluck
how tight is your anus?
>This. The court has no incentive to play with his ultimatum. There's no way the motion to remove the gag order can be processed in 2 weeks, and if it was genuinely important info he would release it before the Wisconsin primary.

Basically while the Madame was alive the government got a temporary restraining order on releasing records. Madame dies in 2008. He says now upon reviewing the information in January 2016, he believes there is info relevant to the elections.

Jan 13 2016: Puts in a motion with the District court asking for the restraining order to be modified

Feb 4 2016: The Chief Judge Roberts tells the clerk to not even file the motion on U.S. v. Palfrey

Feb 7th: Files an expedited motion asking for same and asking for Judge Roberts to not be included

Feb 16th: Roberts again tells the clerk not to file it

march 9th: Writes the circuit court for DC for a write of mandamus to file the order - court had not responded as of march 25th

march 16th: Chief Judge roberts resigns due to a sex scandal (the ironing)

end of march: Sibley files with the supreme court.
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Hello Mr. Shekelstienburg
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>We are using your IP to contact your ISP. This will lead us to your personal information.
I'd love to hear that conversation go down, threatening an ISP to release personal information over mean tweets.
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+you'd my friend, very ebin pastarino!
So many shills in this thread.

Well, if anyone wants my help just holler. I am the family IT guy.
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>>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>>info will also be released automatically
>>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets





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>Trump builds in Scotland
>Hadrians wall kept the northern barbarians out

march 31 no april 1
/g/ will probably be more helpful.
I just many to know how tight your anus is Wallace
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Jews are working round the clock here
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who could be behind this.webm
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Those guys are tough to spot in that camo.
Run the various websites on >>69578916 for hidden files and documents or links. Try to find any breadcrumbs in all of them and scrub them completely clean

? Grabbed from twitter
they'll make the logo

George W. Bush raped a niggress
who is Palfrey
>Never being degenerate
What about all the ones who get caught sucking dick and smoking crack at the same time?
>scrub them completely clean
You would like that wouldn't you, Cruz shill.
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Donald Trumpsteinowitzberg.png
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Very true.
Damn I think you guys are right. This is honestly the most logical assessment. I think the good information has already been released when the two senators were found out back in 2006. They wouldn't have killed her if it was all harmless info, but I believe the damage has been done.
source, maple syrup
Scrub them as in get all the information you can out of them and report back. You asked what you can do to help the cause, I told you and you call me a shill..? Really?
haha /g/ just talks about the headphones and iPhone vs Android.

I'm the guy that can install a clean copy of windows without the bloat. Also, I can make browsers be ad free and without adware.
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>this thread
I see the shills from last night achieved their goals of creating enough copycat faggotry so they could move on elsewhere.
News from /g/

>"Apache" doesn't even give a version, does anyone know if this is a manual config thing or is there an old version that doesn't by default send the version?
>Also shows an open FTP port so I think this is a standard thing where he just FTP's in to move his website around, could conceivably hold some hidden treasures

>Also showing just "Apache", with an open FTP port. What's interesting is previous anon's scan shows an open 443 but telling my browser to go to https:// gives an SSL error. I don't know enough about SSL to know what's going on here, will pass off to you guys

>Running Apache/2.4.12 and PHP/5.4.43
>Open FTP and it looks like they're also running a mail server. I'm betting he's hired a sysadmin to take care of this one
>Connecting via https shows a "Future home of something quite cool" and a link to an admin panel, but it looks like it's configured to refuse unknown connections. Websearch tells me this is a godaddy page construction thing

>Basically the same config as civilforfeiture, though it has a mark on the bottom saying it was "developed by D2plus1"
I think 'scour' was the word you were looking for. I knew what you meant though
/g/ fucking sucks ass at this whole thing. Better off finding a tech savvy Apple Genius to help us.
Oh, well it just sounded like you wanted me to delete all the info. How do I get into the website though?
The DC Madam, Sibley (lawyer threatening to release the records) was her attorney
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Fuck off nigger.
who cares
Why is everyone digging? It's going to be revealed either way. Sit back and enjoy the ride :^)
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Oh haha sorry I guess you're right about that. https://pentest-tools.com/website-vulnerability-scanning/discover-hidden-directories-and-files you can use this on them, I'm out of free runs and so are a lot of other people. We already ran the civil website and found nothing, you could also look into the HTML and scripts of the websites and see if there is anything in there of value
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You don't have what we have you twit. Help us or gtfo.
Back of the bus, faggot.

No I think Gookmoot is legit trying out a new format and he decided to do it on April Fools so that whenever everyone says it's shit he can say IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO

Just make every user anonymous in the settings and that will remove the names.
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And to think I ever doubted shills exist

Do you think they call in backup for times that need extra shilling like now?
The totally blind assumption that it's not Trump is very amusing ITT.
Nothing will get released, this sounds like some serious attention whoring, if he was going to release the shit regardless, why go with the ultimatum at all. None of this makes a whole lot of sense.
What the fuck is going on with this site today, I can hardly read anything?

Have there been any development since yesterday?
>The names of the persons/entities identified was stunning. Among the entities whose
corporate cell phone numbers showed up were:
>U.S. Dept of Commerce
>Internal Revenue Service
>The Army Capabilities Integration Center
>U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command – TRADOC
>U.S. Coast Guard
>Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Inspector, The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
>A director of the Defense Contract Management Agency
>A former president of the National District Attorney
>A state representative from Louisiana
>A special envoy for Middle East Security appointed by Condoleezza Rice

Hmmm. Any of that fit the bill for current candidates?
These records have been out for a while. The AT&T and Sprint records were released in 2007. What's at issue is Palfrey's records on verizon wireless, names that are not on the AT&T or Sprint lists.
Second person:
The new format is growing on me, white is right. The names could be cool if they stuck throughout the whole thread instead of changing with every post.
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Thank you

They out source reinforcements to China. They've been behind every cyber attack ever against the U.S. *says the autistic man yelling in his mother's basement

Truly a shithole
Because attention whoring would be a good way to stay alive.
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What's this shit
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>release under gag order: legal prosecution
>threaten to do so to get gag lifted: get off scott free

also >>69583319

are you a shill or just retarded?
>To be clear, if Sibley is not allowed to file his Motion to Modify the Restraining Order and thereafter does not promptly receive a fair and impartial hearing on that Motion, he will justifiably consider the Restraining Order void as a result of being denied such a hearing by the District Court, Circuit Court and now this Court. In that event, Sibley will simply release publicly the Verizon Wireless Subpoena Return records containing the names and addresses of eight hundred fifteen (815) Washington D.C. clients of the D.C. Madam’s escort service.

He just want's to be acknowledged and allowed due process in two weeks, not have them make a decision. They keep just throwing his shit out instead of filing it.
>threaten to do so to get gag lifted: get off scott free
I was just thinking that, /pol/ is hilarious, and it being Trump would the absolute funniest thing. That being said, the business was based in D.C. Trump wouldn't have to travel that far for a high class escort if he wanted one. It doesn't logically make much sense for it to be Trump.
But if they give in to his demands (highly unlikely) can't the court just drag this out infinitely?
this is what happens when you act "purer" than thou. you get so backed up and horny you order male prostitutes and smoke meth
i need a tldr

dc madam is a woman who owned a whore house
she had a lot of known people go through
she died in 2008
what are the details of her death?
How the fuck do I change back to night mode and get rid of the white? I can't find it in the options.

they will just tell him they will hear it, drag it out, then be like lol jk fambly.

this is literally nothing.
Didn't someone come on here two days ago and said in two days somethjbg huge will be revealed?
Is that person or deity kek?
This only concerns people in DC.

80% sure it's Cruz, with Hillary or Bill being the second most likely.
One of Hillary's aides found the body.
It won't be Trump, he has hundreds of models that he can do whatever he wants to with including his wife who is a very high class model from Europe.
Post screen cap or gtfo. People say that shit all the time.
She also "committed suicide" when testifying that she had no suicidal thoughts.
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Okay faggot, so what if the gag order doesn't get lifted, then what? You kids are so desperate for something to happen you cling to anything. You need to get a better understanding of legal process, stay in school.
Her dead body was found by her mother in 2008, hanging from a noose, with a handwritten suicide note dated a week before she died. The conspiracy is that somebody forced her to write the notes, then killed her.
If trump wants to sleep around her have shit on him in new York or something not dc
funny but fake
She "killed herself" after being sentenced to prison. She hung "herself" in a shed and was going to release all of the names of the people involved, but she died before that and they gagged her lawyer. Now about a decade later the lawyer says he's breaking that gag because it has to do with the election and the people have a right to know
>implying it can't be done just because it's not legal
maybe she'll release it anyway
Nice meme
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Probably the truth tbf friends
>Sibley has refused to provide any clues about what information relevant to the presidential election he claims to have. He says he’s not concerned that some citizens are incorrectly guessing about one of the five remaining candidates in the Democratic and Republican primaries.

This makes me think it's not Cruz. And apparently she had clients from all over the country.
Breaking a court order as a disbarred attorney would probably be something that they'd throw the book at you for.
oh no doubt. Can still release it anyway. Absolute madman
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>hundreds of models that he can do whatever he wants to with including his wife who is a very high class model from Europe.
hundreds of models that could later use that as blackmail. And while his wife is certainly attractive for her age, hitting the same pussy day in and day out gets boring for an alpha male like Trump.
Cruz wasn't elected until 2012. The Madam died in 2008. I have a hard time seeing his name popping up on the list. More likely, it's Clinton or Sanders.
Chris Matthews approves this post.
Or Kasich.
Hello rubio.
Even then his ex-wives only speak highly of him.

Please let those be real

lol could you imagine.

gee golly i don't remember that. it's categorically false.
You are all going to be so disappointed when it just turns out to be Bill Clinton again.

no one will give a fuck and it won't affect the election
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I looked at this and the TX column is in "calls from", as in where the calls originated. The phone numbers are not in Texas. In 2001 you didn't have number portability so a Florida area code would indicate someone who is in Florida. In 2001 you didn't have unlimited roaming on cellphone plans so if the call originated from outside the local area it was usually subject to a surcharge, which meant disclosing what state the cell phone was in for call origination matters (that's why all the calls labeled "incoming" have no phone number" - the ones showing numbers are the ones that the DC Madam dialed out to).

It's hard to say where Cruz or his aides would have registered the cell phone bill. DC is a serious possibility.
I have a feeling it's going to be someone on the periphery of one of the campaigns not one of the candidates. Then again, it's anyone's guess at this point.
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The point is a dc whore house isn't going to be the place that has dirt

Who /hopingcruzapedo/ here
>implying FBI won't pull his credit card/bank statements and internet history from his ISP to track down the servers
No wonder. He sues the shit out of anyone who doesn't.
Will this effect Trump?
gr8 b8 right there.
Can we run the numbers through Spokeo or pipl?
These indicate outgoing calls to a 713 area code. That's a houston area code.

Shows the DC Madam calling 321 area code (Brevard county, FL), 301 area code (Maryland), 800 area code (toll free), and 202 area code (Washington DC). The "TX" is in the "call from" columns, indicating that the DC Madam's phone was in Texas when those calls were placed to those outgoing numbers.
Please respond


Moot works at google now
its April Fools Day
Work it out
It's worth a shot. Btw did you find anything on any of the websites yet?
It's about to kill some of his competition hopefully
no. he is god king.
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No it will not
Jesus ok lemme spell it out.

This is something which has built up over time. He put in a motion to lift the gag order, which the judge refused to even file twice. Then the judge resigned due to a sex scandal. Now, in a final attempt to get any sort of ball rolling, he has threatened to release it directly to every major media outlet unless they make it legal for him to make the info publicly available.

Am I making sense now? He's saying fuck you to the court and whoever bought them because the info could be important to the election. But he also didn't want to go to jail if he could help it. But now he's sort of in "fuck it" mode bc he knows plenty of people want him dead now
this thread is stupid and full of underage scooby doo detective faggots who can't even vote
From /g/

Oh dear fucking god, sashaworkx has a little PHP submission post thing under the "contact" page.
Literally, "send_form_email.php"

According to google D2plus1 is some random Indian grill making websites out of Mumbai. What to you think the odds are that she's lazy?


yep, I found the code behind her form. 99% sure she mostly copied/pasted from

Anyone who knows php better than I do can find a vulnerability? Given that it's PHP, I know there's going to be some.
Nope, I'm not at home right now so can't use any pentesting programs.
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first for paul ryan mongling nigger cocks
hard mode: aids
WHAT IF the feds find out which outlets the system is set to notify and it's just the controlled major ones. They could realistically off him and hush CNN, Fox, etc. Even if it's more rogue journalists, they could possibly get to them in time too. Hope homie has Wikileaks on the list.

It's a farfetch'd scenario but if it's the best card in their hand...

Does anyone on /g/ know php well? Also link me to your thread over there so I can look at your developments. Great work, we are doing it lads
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Okay, so then why go through this whole stunt just to release it anyway, why not just release it anonymously. You are so oblivious and backwards it's sort of sad, but mostly funny.
Of course wikileaks is on there.
They can't hush the rumor mill.
Lets just start spreading the story as if it was already clear it was him.




I think that's how cross board links work
can't this shit just die?
don't forget social media
Cruz was doing various lawyer things in DC during the Clinton and early Dubya years. It's possible that he could have used this service, but I wonder if he'd have been important enough to have been saved in this database, since he was a Literally Who until he got to be Solicitor General in Texas in 2003.

>implying Kaish is relevant besides stealing Not-Trump primary votes
No one would care if this came out about Kaisch.
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>A candidate had a couple of hookers at some point in the last decade
>Important to the election

Whatever you say kid.
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how do you suppose he does that, when the feds know it's him and him alone with the info
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We need good pasta to spam facebook with
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Guys, what if its been Kaisich the whole time? What do we do then?
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You copycat/shills really need to step up your games. Is this why the establishment is so afraid? Because those dumb niggers had to indulge their degenerate ways?

How many "lollipop" services did Ted Cruz get? Does he like being pegged by women dressed as nuns?

Fuck out of here.
This is just a copy of the phone records released in 2007.

The key bit is that he got close to 6,000 numbers (most are already contained in the released records) and he sent a subpoena to Verizon wireless asking them to identify the account holder of any phone numbers that belonged to them. Verizon returned with a list of 800-something numbers (names, addresses, SSNs, home and business phones) but DC Madam's lawyer (Sibley) was restrained from releasing it.
>how do you suppose he does that, when the feds know it's him and him alone with the info
I think you're in the middle of how he does that
Cruz is already lose, Bernout got turned out. we should switch to focus on the witch.
No one would care because he has zero shot.

It would be more likely the GOP establishment is trying to get rid of Cruz ahead of their brokered convention by making Kasich the only alternative to Trump then it is anyone would care about a scandal involving him.

LMFAO I'm dead... that shit was trill
your desperation to stop this is breathtaking.
Cruz was part of the bush administration in 2000s. The leaked info Could be about bill Clinton also, who knows.
I'm almost certain Hillary is involved in this.
There are 815 names on the goddamn list. Eight.Hundred.Fifteen.

It's not only Kasich, it's his security detail, Cruz, Heidi, every Clinton ever, Rubio, his retarded step-brother, his mailman.

The shills are out in full force because this could shake DC to its core.
We dun goof'd
Don't listen to shills telling you what to and what not to focus on. They're attempting to create noise and confusion. None of the speculation matters once the data is released: it doesn't matter who or who isn't apart of it.
Nope, I'm certain it was Cruz. Would fit his psychological profile. That's just my guess though.
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Okay, you know what, it's always possible to, but fuck it just forget the anonymous. That aside why wait to release something he wants to release one way or the other? It's pointless.

>Muh legally with no consequences
Not going to happen, the court will just drag the case out and nothing will happen

If he had the balls to release it and take the heat he would have already, if he goes the legal route it will never be released, hence, it will never be released, get over it faggot.

Not to mention the fact that a candidate with some hookers over a decade ago isn't going to hurt anyone that much, and it most likely won't effect the front runners anyway, but keep getting your little autism riddled brain worked up over nothing.
who knows if the feds are tapping his lines, computer, phone. He doesn't know. He's probably scared.
And for your question of why wait? Why not just do
oh golly gee willikers
I hope you actually don't believe that.
If you do, I hope you realize you aren't posting with a proxy ;)
>None of the speculation matters
Except it does, just the allegations can hurt Cruz. We need to spread this on social media regardless of the truth.
they could smear the shit out of him
A mysterious death and you don't think Hillary is involved?
So you think we should start the rumor mill? Has there been any already on Shitter?
I actually think it's better that he wait or that it's never released. That way we can use meme magic to make the public think it's Cruz regardless.
I hope Cruz goes down, makes me angry that I voted for him in the senate race.

I'm just a speculating shitposter, friend. Blame that dyke Maddow for her report a couple days ago.
I haven't been on but I think we should start revving up the engine on this. We can spread it to other groups of people besides /pol/ and /g/ and everyone can start investigating it. We will find out faster. Someone should post it to leddit

We need to hit Cruz hard. Frankly I don't care if Hillary is involved. We'll get to her later. In fact, once Cruz is gone we can use this to throw suspicion on her.
The_Donald is a festering pile of shit right now. It seems orchestrated, there are complaints from the community.

It's also being slided heavily.

I wouldn't go near GodLikeProductions with this. I used to moderate ATS... that was a fucking decade ago it seems. I don't know the board community there anymore but back in the day it was decent, tons of autists.
We don't want the list to be released. Don't you get it? If the list is released, best case scenario it's Cruz, worst, it's some who. Without it being released we can just rumor mill that it's Cruz and most people will accept it.
Why do you care so much about cruz? Hillary is the only candidate I'm legitimately scared of.
Looks like someone started a new thread for whatever reason.




Please move all relevant info there. I have to go to the doctor.
personally I doubt there's any shills at all.

you underestimate the power of stupidity.

the retarded name shitposting is the result of dumb fucks having 'fun'.

>oh look a new gimmick ahahahah my lol so random name i'm gonna make a ''''hilarious''''' thread about it lol so many laughs...

it's fucking lame how easy it is to destroy the movement. how easy it is to expose the soft underbelly of the only people willing to stand up against the establishment.

at least temporarily. until the fad passes into boredom or the ''''hilarious prank'''' is reversed. either way the weakness is there and ever apparent.
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(skip to 12 minute mark for most relevant part)
Because he's the only one standing in the way of Trump at the moment. The more delegates he steals from Trump the more likely a contested convention becomes. That would be a very unpredictable scenario for Trump.
ATS is shit but still autistic like you say so I'd second going to them for investigative work if they aren't on it already. GLP is on it but it is always best to keep those faggots away from stuff since they are full on schitzo retards
No the list needs to be released, regardless if it's Cruz or Hilary or no one. This is extremely important and will prove to the establishment, what's left of it, that the people have the power not them. Also it's a very good chance Cruz is on there and most of the evidence we've gathered points towards Cruz being on there
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>muh degenerates
>muh shills
>muh smear campaign

Jesus you guys all read like the same exact person with a proxy right out of retarded children weekly. No one is shilling you reactionary autists, some people just have the ability to look at things objectively and not explode in their pants over jack and shit

So okay let's say it's the biggest deal forever ever. And let's say it's ratface, hell let's even say he likes to get pegged by nuns. Okay, then what? He loses his already failing campaign even more? Wowee, sure some big news there.

The point is that right now (putting aside brokered conventions, arrests and other speculations) We are looking at a Hillary Trump in the primary, the 2 candidates that are least likely to be effected by this whole thing, so who gives a fuck

>inb4 autists cry about Tldr
learn to read more then buzzwords then faggots
Why are escorts illegal anyway
Writefag here
Since this is the exposure of over a numerable amount of men committing to adultery in politics, its fitting to call this scandalous affair #DCSexRevolution

it's a powerful enough line to bring attention to all, infuriate the common person who is not promiscuous, and above all else expose the corruption of the dishonorable politicians in office. This scandal is Ashley Madison 2.0 and it will be remembered until something is done.
Just checked, ATS is nothing like it used to be and the users I knew are mostly inactive at this point.

They do seem to support Trump to an extent.

I don't know where we should start spreading it but as terrible as leddit is, they're good at spreading and digging up information. It'll spread like cancer there. Don't say who this is for or an attack against just say there is a massive scandal surrounding the campaign that the people have a right to know.
Well then take the evidence that proves it's Cruz and post it on social media. Can you link some of this evidence because I'm getting ready to put together a pasta that I'll blast on all my fake twitter accounts.
What about r/conspiracy I used to go all over that. They may be willing to help

This is the real question. If these mooks would just legalize it and quit pretending to be morally superior priests, the public would accept it and not have any interest whatsoever in their sex lives.
trump is a tub of lard he cant be president

also he has no political ideas outside of eliminating the jewsh wealth appropriation tax for his kike kids
They are where I first heard about the Madam of DC.
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>I can't form a cohesive point without crying shill, so here's a (you) to make it seem like km not completely Btfo and just too edgy to care

Nice one, you really got me good. Thanks for proving my point.
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It's mostly the Texas calls coming in and out from Texas and the fact that his wife tried to kill herself back around then, supposedly because of an affair
nmapping without permission is already unlawful.
Checked, they already have a few posts but they're not doing shit - not talking about it at least. I think most of the people who're capable of digging have moved onto irc and elsewhere.

Keep in mind, whoever obtains this information (if it's real) will be in for the ride of their lives one way or another.

Best we can do is spread it to communities that may not have heard of it yet.
Nobody seems to want to reply to me but I'll say what I think again.

>Bill Clinton uses escort service
>escort service bitch blackmails Hillary during the time when she is running for the Dem nomination in 2008
>Hillary has her killed
That's if their life lasts long afterwards.
I agree with you
Be honest /pol/, did you get pranked?
I need something a bit more solid for the pasta I'm going for. Texas is a big state after all. I think for now I'll just go with hinting at Cruz.
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what the fuck is this site doing?
Nah, it's not a prank, it's just mostly likely irrelevant, which some people on /pol/ can't stand
wat? is reaL?
Yeah there's nothing 100% solid yet, just leads. It's best to not name anyone yet just to hint and spread saying that this will change the election and shake DC. Good luck
I mean by making himself a target of a particular "hacker on steroids" the information is likely to come out without him having to break his gag order.
tfw the happening happens on April first
that youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WV0qw01vsQ) on gofundme was uploaded 1 Mars. Why does everyone get hyped now?
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and alos 9 people have donated in total 390$ in 1 month...
He waited for the DC Court to respond and now yesterday he's gone and said that if the Supreme court doesn't respond in 72 hours he's going to just release it.
>Get it Trending Lads
Get it Trending Lads
>Get it Trending Lads
Get it Trending Lads
>Get it Trending Lads
Get it Trending Lads
>Get it Trending Lads
Get it Trending Lads
>Get it Trending Lads
Get it Trending Lads
>Get it Trending Lads
Who donating here?
This would work well
If reddit slides it its fairly easy to get information across on imgur if anything gets enough upvotes within a set period of time it is guaranteed fp
Attempting to trend anything on April 1st is fucking retarded.
Shows how little people care about government corruption.
anyone else /comfy/ and watching this great film from mr. sibley

Fuck, you're right. People will just think it's a prank.
My bad, senpai
wasn't it 2 weeks?

Sall good patriot. This is literally worse day for /comfy/happenings.
just wait till tomorrow
try to get as much as we can until then

Im not an IT fag but anyone know of any programs I could tun on the sites or w.e to help out?

Probably wont understand what it gives me but I can post it here or make a astebin
He waited 2 weeks from filing with the circuit court to file with the supreme court. He has a 72 hour countdown clock that will email the file unless he puts the password in before that time (doesn't want to end up dead/missing).

>Thus far, Sibley has not heard back from the D.C. Circuit federal appeals court or from the Supreme Court, which he asked on Monday to force the District Court to accept his motion about the records. He said Monday he would wait two weeks for courts to act, but now says the situation is so fluid the time frame may change.

So, who knows.

It's Hit the mainstream media

This is what set so many anons on the trail. Wish OP's would start including it in every thread.
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