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There is a link, right now, that leads to the DC Madam'

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There is a link, right now, that leads to the DC Madam's attorney's "Election Bombshell" as per this article:



Why is it hidden?
Carmela Guerra
kikebook 100001794901815
Owner of one of the phone numbers in the wikileaks pdf
I fucking love election 2016
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I'm sick as hell, I'm here for moral support and bumping.
/path of light/ indeed, ladies and gents
What's hidden?
What's supposed to be hidden here, senpai?

Most of the pages on that website are inaccessible
As in to provide
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>The countdown clock is a safeguard, Sibley says, that ensures that if he disappears the records will be published. Inevitable release, he says, may also disincentivize violent acts against him to prevent their disclosure.

Why would a psychotherapist's bio be on a civil forfeiture website??
How could anyone find that? The attorney would have to be retarded to leave a paper trail. It could be at any IP address.
$100,000 and I reveal
who? what?
fucking badass. maybe if we meme this lawyer he will find the strength he needs
If /pol/ really wants to see the list, someone should take one for the team and just send Sibley to Belize.
how about trips instead?
So, someone post the inaccessable directories on civilforfeiture.com
We'll find it eventually
Someone did a lookup on all domains that he registered. Of course he could have had someone else register the domain. Or perhaps he didn't even register a domain name and would be providing the IP address, not a URL.
To confusing didn't read.

someone please explain this and what it means.
Reminder to focus on the year 2005, the year Heidi Cruz went crazy and the year that Amanda Carpenter quit working for Cruz. The following years Cruz only hired males that worked closely with him.
/pol/ failed to create the memes that will take down Cruz.

Reddits memes gave Obama the whitehouse
Look at the previous thread (link already posted)
tldrs are posted in that thread

>>A similar tactic was embraced by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2010 with release of an encrypted “insurance” file that could be unlocked with a password if the besieged transparency advocate chose to distribute it.

>>“If you’re asking if I’m partnering with WikiLeaks, the answer is I’m not answering that,” Sibley says without any prodding about the secrets-spilling site.
Ok reveal it and give PayPal and if it works we will set up a donation fund for you on /pol/
see >>69523968

If Ted Cruz is the subject of this. If this is really so threatening to the establishment that the guy could disappear, that suggests Shillary. Shillary and Bill hired whores for threesomes. Calling it.
So I ran a site map on that civil forfeiture:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- created with Free Online Sitemap Generator www.xml-sitemaps.com -->


Not too sure if it helps?
alright, one last post before I'm off to bed

Registrant Contact
Name: Montgomery Sibley
Mailing Address: 402 King Farm Blvd, Rockville Maryland 20850 US
Phone: +1.2024780371
Fax: +1.2024780371
Fax Ext:
Email:[email protected]

imo the most solid option to focus on, he hosts content for his blog Amo Probos and content for whyjusther.com on this server

>what can I do to help?
post ur name and social security number I promise I'm not the fedz
also you could try finding more information about sibley and his websites, data mining, nmap, all that shit

att records

The current records that Sibley is protecting are Verizon Wireless Subpoena Return records, if that helps at all
You know of the Cruz-CIA connections in his campaign. I would be scared to death of crossing him in this manner

Cruz has the Zodiac blood tho, he would literally do it with his bare hands.
he WANTS it out, dummy. he wants to release the info but has a gag order. if 'somebody' happens to "HACK" one of his 4 locations and releases the info... he's in the clear and won't go to jail for violating the gag.
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I'm curious. Is it possible that some of the protected links are using simple passwords, like 1234 or just password? I'm on my phone at work and trying to keep up.

this vid explains it very well.

Search for URL fuzzer, run it through that and pastebin the results. I'd do it but I'm out of credits on there (the first 4 or 5 are free)
What can people who aren't cool hackers do to help the cause? I want to do more than moral support.
Has anyone checked wikileaks yet?
yes. very possible. see >>69524239
Go to his house and suck him off.
bring me some mountain dew and doritos. #hackerfuel
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Search for directories yeah?
Its Bill. Bill is on the list.
What in the absolute fuck is going on.

Did kek cause this.

I can't remember anything like this happening in decades

Go to URL Fuzzer


enter http://civilforfeiture.com in to the base url thing

Click Search Fordirectories.

copy the results, go to pastebin.com and put them in there, then paste the results in this thread.

Do the above steps again, but instead of directories, click files

Search for .XLS

And if you get any results, put them into http://pastebin.com/ and put the link it gives you in here.
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I'm on directories
this is truly an epic election cycle.
Everyone is going to be so disappointed when it turns out to be Bill Clinton
Are you guys 4chan's legal counsel?
I'll do files
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>wemba man
You know, that'd actually be a bit disappointing at this point
>the already released phone records

gtfo we need the unreleased

True. It probably wouldn't even affect the election.

That link doesn't work for me...
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What happened in 05 again
Who is Deborah Palfrey?
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I don't get it, is this what you all are after?
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>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

He is essentially telling people to find the site themselves, so that the information gets out without him breaking the gag order and risking jail time

these are records that were already released in 2008

Google URL Fuzzer and click the first link.
no, dummy. we're postulating and hypothesizing about what ifs and wherefores. if you're looking for 4chan, i'm pretty sure he hangs out on reddit.
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Maybe he lurks and the password is a meme.


Serious tho senpai
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Well that wasn't very informative.
I believe we need stuff from 2005 and before, yea
No. Those are released, we need unreleased records and they should be Verizon wireless people, not AT&T
Script kiddie here.
Firin up my vm and gonna run a few things on it
watch this >>69524292
Thanks compadre
What's download?

Download and Stats seem promising..
Holy fuck... The fuck...
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> vallejo, CA
vajello is a fucking hood
why is he calling there

This is an obvious case for the hacker known as 4chan.
sounds like the premise of of a move.
Why is this election cycle so great?
sibley says he's going to release them even without permission anyway... and SOON
Sorry I didnt want to leave the thread, meanie. Noted, thank you
So, if it's slick getting his Willy wet again, would it really matter?

I mean, I'd be proud of the guy desu
I know his website about Pelfrey has a fuck ton of directories. That may be as good a place as any.

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>mfw it's actually hillary that's on the list
yeah... reality tv doesn't get any better than this, does it?
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Download is a 403 error, stats comes up with this.
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Nah /pol/ is a kind and compassionate board.

We want to release them before so that the man doesn't have to be blamed.

Besides...if we do it Before Wisconsin and one of the numbers indicates that Cruz is one of the clients....TRUMP IS GUARANTEED VICTORY!!!!!!!!!

That's not his phone records. That's the DC Madam's phone records.
I doubt it's bill. Nobody would be surprised or really even care.
meme magic
even hoods have congressmen
I am hoping Cruz is one of them. I want to see fucking Conservative christians be shattered for believing this guy is some sort of Angelic Messsiah.

Fuck Cruz.
Except he has AIDS from it. Have you seen the skeleton--sorry, "man" lately?

Try Statistics for both Username and Pass.

He HAS to have made this very easy for hacking.

I want Hillary to be on the list. And I want her choice call girl to have been Heidi Cruz.
ssh -l root civilforfeiture.com
[email protected]'s password:
Are you trolling? This is exactly like a fucking movie.
be careful what you wish. the dc madam didn't cater JUST to political types.
Jesus h Christ this stuff can't be real I swear why is the world so fucked up
She's a GILF.
I don't even get this meme. Besides Texas, Trump stole the south. It's just grimy people who vote Cruz

This is all true. It's been going on for years.
NVM thats not it :(

Can anybody crack into this thing?
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This guy looks fucking menacing. Like Agent Smith from The Matrix
he's not trolling. watch >>69524292
You guys may be on the wrong site domain he has a big list of them.
Jesus christ, this is some fucking True Detective shit
>be careful what you wish. the dc madam didn't cater JUST to political types.

So, I don't give a shit about DC Billionares.
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Based as fuck
Looking on front page and this thread is getting slid hard by boring pol btfo threads.

They are sliding this hard
>They are sliding this hard
They are sliding this hard
>They are sliding this hard
They are sliding this hard
Where did this civil forfeiture site come from in the first place?
>greentexting a link

OP your faggotry knows no bounds
i wouldnt fuck with anyone crazy enough to threaten to destroy the lives of powerful people in this world

>the absolute madman
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>this election cycle
>this goddamn election cycle
we're here in texas sorry, senpai
irl he's a mega-troll. lost his law license for 3 years for "vexatious litigation"
The anon was making a sly reference that Donald Trump buys hookers.
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OH SHIT, guy's here's the website: [this post requires a 4chan™ Gold Account Pass].

Password is: [this post requires a 4chan™ Gold Account Pass].
Probably world billionaires.
I'd be more willing to bet that Trump is on that list.
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ohhhh so it's like a puzzle?
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Jesus fucking christ, I'm done. This is too much.
>releases information
>Trump pays legal fees
>Trump gives a cabinet position
Did anyone try washingtonwhore.com yet

Talk about sliding
bullshit....the man already has the hottest wife in the world. He would have cheated on her by now...
Why not fucking outsource it. just plaster it all over twitter like you did #tcruzsexscandal
It seems like you guys found his gmail account earlier. Could that offer a lead?
No he gets models and he has a model wife
I know, that anon was probably distracted by the bull waiting to be prepped :^ )
Why would Trump go to a DC escort agency? Why would Trump even get hookers at all. If he wants to fuck all he needs to do is call up a talent agency and go fuck some NYC super models.

Escorts are for mere millionaires.
Fingers crossed for Bernie paying strapping young bulls to plow his wife
>guy has the chance to fuck over everyone in DC big league
>is a lawyer
>lets disbar him
>how will we do that

"vexatious litigation

>aka doing your fucking job
Cruz was not in DC between 1999 and 2005 but all others were, so whatever
Trump can get Miss. Universe contestants if he really wanted. I sincerely doubt he'd settle for a call girl
thanks for spelling it out for us you could of made it easier what's the password I'll brake the law I don't give a fuck
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Montgomery Blair Sibley was DC Madam's attorney before she koed. Some anon from the last thread did a reverse look up to see what domains he had registered. Civilforfeiture shit came up as one and people looked into it. Theres a list of maybe 10, we think hes hiding the phone records on one of the sites, and has it rigged so that if he doesnt sign into the site every 72 hours it emails them out. So we're trying to beat the clock. Pretty gay in reality, probably a huge waste of time but if we broke the story then fuck /pol/ is back like when we broke that sandy hook was a fake
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>yfw it's Kasich
you never know. it's probably cruz tho.
>>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)

I don't understand this part. It sounds like he is saying: "Hey court, lift this gag order thereby allowing me to release the info, or I'm just going to release it anyway." Why doesn't he just release it then? Why is he going to the court, if he's gonna release it regardless?
dude fuck the wiki leaks shit its been through, the nigga is holding the unreleased verizon records christ read
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Post yfw it's Lindsey Graham on the list
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That wouldn't be a bombshell desu.

Literally no one would give a shit.
what kind of penalty will this guy face if he releases the info under the gag order? Prison? Fines?
He ran for president back in '12
I think it's more along the lines of
>I want to have the freedom to release it when I feel like, not when you say I can. So give me the freedom back or you're forcing my hand
Because he'll face jail time if he breaks the gag order.
>Lindsey Graham
>paying for female hookers
>not being a faggot
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>mfw it's Hillary
Contempt of court

If Trump was sticking it in models or pageant contestants he'd have lawsuits out the ass. He'd have these whores threatening to expose him. Regardless of what your fantasies make you think, you don't just get to have sex with anyone you want with no repercussions when you have money.
He'd probably end up killing himself from a sudden case of severe depression
he is trying to protect his law license
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bump for cruz killaz
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kek i see what you did there, hed take a similar path as foster :^)
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Post yfw he only releases Jeb's phone numbers just for the lulz
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>It's Bobby Jindal
lindsey would be getting sore from all the atta-boys and back-slaps he'd be getting.
I found something
>(703) 350-7711
Who can we rule out?

The records are from 2007.

Ted Cruz had odd jobs in legal offices in 2007
Trump wasn't a politician in 2007

It either has to do with Clinton, Kasich, or Sanders
What is it and where from?
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>northern virginia

K anon
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> http://civilforfeiture.com/stats
> http://civilforfeiture.com/stats
> http://civilforfeiture.com/stats

What we need / want is most likely in there. Not sure what the best step is to proceed.
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well, he's a lawyer. i dunno if it would be grounds for disbarment or suspending his license... fine or jail time.

>Contempt of court
from what I just read you could be jailed until you remedy the offense but once these files are released there is no undoing it .. they couldn't hold him for life.
Or Obama? Just throwing it out there for a bump.
It's not kasich and probably not Sanders, although if it was Sanders none of his supporters would care. It's most likely Clinton. Although it still could be cruz because he was working around in DC and around the time his wife tried to kill herself, maybe from finding out about the affairs.
It's not Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. It's something threatening to the establishment, not the anti-establishment candidates.
>Prison? Fines?

and disbarment. depends on how pissed the judge is. likely very pissed
This guy is such a fag it will never be made public.
>I don't even get this meme.

Evangelicals tend to be more midwestern. Evangelicals are the crazy born-again christians and the ones who like Cruz. The south is more baptist and other misc. protestant.
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>Donald Trump buys hookers.

I dunno, that kinda money and power just gets you mad pussy for free.
>They'll do it for free.
>Ted Cruz had odd jobs in legal offices in 2007
>Trump wasn't a politician in 2007

What makes you think that those two points rule anyone out?

Interesting link...any thoughts if hidden information? Or am I over estimating the lawyers intelligence.
Ah right, well shouldn't we try to divide out efforts among the other sites as well? civil forfeiture has a couple of places that need a login, but there's still 9 more to hit.

Also nobody believed us after we broke Sandy hook, who's to say this won't get swept away too?
These are call logs from before 2007. Cruz wasn't even in DC
>sanders isn't establishment

Nice meme
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>Trump is on the list with details of his perverted billionaire politician orgies
>He's planning on releasing info on over 800 DC clients
>Within 2 weeks
>yfw Kasich, Sanders, Both Cruz's, and Clintons all appear in the record
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>yfw Hillary Clinton's number turns up in the records
>implying it only includes politicians

Look, it could be anyone. Even Trump. We need this data, even if it destroys Trump
>Also nobody believed us after we broke Sandy hook
Care to elaborate there?
>>They'll do it for free.

trump has a long reputation of being a whore monger tho
If trumps on it then it must be buried. Not that he would be.
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Cruz was in DC. He's a Bush insider as is his wife.
Here's every domain he's ever registered. Not sure which ones are still active.













isn't it most likely some ultra incriminating on clinton? they had the info snuffed in 2007 meaning they had enough power to do that, i don't see any other candidate having enough political clout to pull that off
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Gawker claims hes already disbarred but his blog is claiming hes filing motions in the supreme court

inb4 release tomorrow

inb4 april fools and insignificant
How could it be Sanders? Wouldn't he die trying to have sex at the age of 110?
How did you find that?? the /blog/ is forbidden.
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Trump Calls.jpg
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It took me a second. Well done.
Why the fuck wouldn't politicians have burner phones though?
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>It's sanders, it's Kasich, it's Obama, it's Paul Ryan, it's Rato.
>Trump ends up being the more faithful and honest husband.

I'm not a superstitious person but just writing Sanders as a joke made me feel something. It's probably simply that mister squeaky clean Sanders would be poetry to be the adulterous one and not some premonition, but hell, why not? No man is without sin, and usually the more morally self righteous have the greatest skeletons in their closet.

That definitely puts Rato on the chopping block since he's the one who prides himself on wearing his faith on his sleeve but what about populist revolutionary demagogue Sanders?


The likelihood of Hillary looking up callgirls is almost null, but what about ol Slick willy? Shit, that makes the most sense of them all. People who ended up crossing the Clintons usually ended up dead, Bill has a noted history of being a horndog, and this would really fuck up Hillary's chances because any 'muh soggy knee' claims to Trump can be batted away with how her Husband is a whoremonger
Because she was a madam for DC elites

Although we have to keep searching to find this call list of Verizon wireless users and the other PDFs

Based on other posts, I'm now no longer ruling out Cruz

Although think of juicy it would be if Hillary hired a hooker

running scripts
This I want to hear
If he really wants this to come out he would make the name and password not overtly known, but there. I dont feel like going through his shit though.
>dat ID doe
sure as hell didn't see it on the news...which I guess isn't very surprising. Maybe a few people on fuckbook thought it was interesting, but the rest just called it tin-foil tier
We need help we need >>/g/

Using url fuzzer to search for specific file extensions.
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Patrick Creep.gif
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>He's planning on releasing info on over 800 DC clients

This could undermine the entire establishment.
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kike post.png
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dead man's switches are nothing new

it's quite possible he just scripted it so that the web server will only start running if the switch is activated, that would be trivial to do
>Hillary WAS the hooker
mother of god....
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My man there he is. Check the RECENT ONES, the last thread had dates on them can you get those?

ftn/montgomeryblairsibley.com needs a password and username i believe
>even if it destroys Trump
implying any of the racist or liberal fucks following trump will give a fuck if he used to have gay orgies y'all star struck and there is nothing that will change that
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Shit, I hope this isn't apart of Soros' plan to trigger a constitutional convention. Cleaning Congressional house could actually be a catalyst for that sort of nonsense.
>Implying a hooker would turn down a billionaire or anyone with the right amount of cash.
>We am Batman

This is too much.
why would they be pissed? The lady is dead... it would have been her prerogative to release the rest or was she penilized for releasing what she did during the trial?

Since when is it the court's duty to protect anyone from the consequences of their illegal acts?

Isn't hiring a prostitute illegal? Didn't they convict her of criminal conspiracy and racketeering so anyone who deal with her was complicit.

They should have no expectation of legal protection. the court would be acting as a partial benefactor or important people which is highly improper.
idk maybe it's just sql and you can literally make a query or some shit lel. I'm not doing it myself tho
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This our moment to shine /pol/. We need to crack this. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Not even joking, we could seriously give this election to Trump if this is unraveled and exposed.
It's a PDF. I couldn't open it on my phone.
What are you talking about though? The situation being a hoax?
He was a court clerk at the time, I think.
Make a detailed thread there and post it. Link it here.
>So give me the freedom back or you're forcing my hand

In my experience, judge's don't like it when you give them ultimatums. I think this guy's a little wacky.
This guy should be the next Supreme Court justice.
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>yfw this is an April fools joke
What kind of potato ass phone do you have that can't open a fuckin pdf?
He's been saying it for months.
Cruz was working with Condoleeza Rice in the Bush Administration I'm pretty sure
Cruz, Kasich, and Hillary are in those records.
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We batman now

bienvenidosmiami.com 2015-03-31

civilforfeiture.com 2000-01-20

coinodyssey.com 2014-01-30

dailyshowwithtrevornoah.com 2015-03-31

deborahjeanepalfrey.com 2007-02-28

domsubmatch.com 2015-04-01

medicinal-marijuana-company.com 2010-08-26

miamilyft.com 2015-03-31

montgomeryblairsibley.com 2005-10-29

privacycomplianceconsulting.com 2014-01-07

sashaworkx.com 2005-05-04

sibleyinvestments.com 2014-01-30

whyjusther.com 2009-02-15
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>inb4 april fools and insignificant

ding ding ding we got a winner
Well it could be that Hilary is a closeted lesbian, like Eleanor Roosevelt was. Husband cheats, you like women and they only stay together for political reasons. Or it could be bill Clinton visited it and Hilary allowed and supported him exploiting women
It is a PDF dealing with Personal Computing but there is a bunch of code on it.
Bump to end el rato let's find the poison
when has /pol/ ever been correct?

please remind me
>torrenting on a phone
Not sure what language this might be in
everybody knows about hillary and huma. when did huma start working on her?

Pretty involved decade-long story for a single day of lulz.
Scans of an 1980 PC Mag. There's an article in it that's highlighted about keeping your personal diary.

The twist? He is the author of the article.
>Well it could be that Hilary is a closeted lesbian
There are too many rumors for this not to have a basis in fact.
it's just some old ass BASIC. This isn't it.
It could be that Ted met Heidi because she was his call girl of choice.
Every single time.
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>Sanders would be poetry to be the adulterous one

he is being working in Washington for decades and is broke as fuck.

> yfw Sanders has spend over 4 million dollars on his escort bull addictions
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For those of you that can't open PDF
>july 1980
it's just one of those old pc magazines with small programs you can type in and run yourself

the code on page 3 looks like basic, find a basic interpreter and type it in and it'll output stuff similar to the sample output right next to it

nothing important
wasn't it one of the tin-foily Clinton rumours that she was a sadist dyke and bill was a homo and the whole Lewinsky thing was to poison the well for any revelations about his actual predilections because after scandal people would only see him as a garden variety sex fiend with normal appetites?
Shit man, who's to say that there aren't Pentagon and CIA on that list? Like I give a shit anyways. I just want to see the slime politicians on there.
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Part 2

That's not even the creepiest goss. The pedophilia rings and sex abuse scandals being brought to daylight would almost be too much redpill for the country. Cathy O'Brien would get her just deserts.
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damn herman... that might be disastrous. soros is always 10-10-10 steps ahead of us!
>Eleanor Roosevelt was
Can you stop feeding into the social justice fanfiction?
>oh, a strong first lady means she was lesbian! Come on guys, every cool person in history had to be gay, right?!!?
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Found this in the PDF at
second page for good measure anyway
If these are all of his sites, is it reasonable to assume this dead mans hand has been in place for a while? If so, it's got to be the older sites.
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its either hilldog or cruz

im getting mad pissed i thought the hacker 4 Chan would be able to crack this and I woulda been part of the epic bread but now, i dont know what to think
This is the PDF?
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bernie 'share my load' sanders

>the load is cum
She's actually pretty hot for a prostitute. I guess they're making good money in DC from all the rich lawmakers and lobbyists. Most prostitutes I've ever seen were black or ugly, but I repeat myself.

He out it on there because he's the author of one of the articles in it.
It will literally be the worst time of the year for any news about this to break. People will brush it off as a prank, especially the cuckservative cruz supporters.
Nice finds
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The high end ones are good looking.

The ones you see on the street are drug addicted skags.
He is disbarred

what's wrong is the shits
Yes the first two pages are intro pages
Did you find anything else?
makes sense, if he's that age and tech savvy enough to set up a web server, it's not surprising he was marginally active in the 1980s computing scene
What in the holy fuck is going on in this thread?
Holy shit nice find. How are you finding them? Anything on the phone numbers and the clients?
Congrats, you seem to be the first person I've seen on 4chan who knows how to keep his phone above 10% battery life
We are changing the future and preserving it for Trump.
Ten seconds after I downloaded this my internet connection died.
I'm on my neighbours wifi right now but my wired connection is still down.
literally nothing
Freedom stuff
we batman now
that's odd, when I ran the fuzzer, it didn't tell me about the /Library/.
nothing ever comes of any of these threads.

remember luke sissyfag?
remember #cruzsexscandal

all those failed you guys should spend ur time doing something productive
meme magic
Ted Cruz was working in DC in 2007 and years previous. He's a prime candidate. He and Clinton are surely on the list. Hillary has had to be discreet about being a lesbo.

Not saying how I'm finding them. Running through 2 VPNs just in case.
Holy shit that's creepy. When I scanned the site for hidden files earlier my wifi went down too.
Fine for me. Must be that Britbong porn filter.
as much as i want it to be cruz, it's probably hillary or bernie. remember forced suicide is the clinton's MO
The hacker known as 4 chan is going to save a heroic lawyer's life and hit the reset button on the current American political class.
You guys are really fucking up Trump's campaign with all this tabloid bullshit lmao.

the Madman
Tell us more Ted Cruz
RIP Britbong's neighbor.
It's a new droid. I can open PDFs but that one redirected instead of opening.
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the usual circle jerk of trump tards who believe they are doing something profitable with their time.

you know the usual
New thread when?
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>replace the 2 with a 1
Jesus, this guy is fucking insane. Tried to sue the supreme court:

this is a legitimate lead. fuck off, dan.
Are you kidding? #CruzSexScandal was a massive success
you need to understand what it means to have power.

a federal judge would destroy a lawyer that challenged him so blatantly
Wouldn't it be easier to find out which canidiate was a verizon customer in 2007 or w/e year this happened?
I doubt every canidate had the same phone provider.
It would help you guys narrow the list down.

wow there's that word again
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That map is disgusting, just like your personality.
nobody cared. it was unsubstantiated. it just made a good hashtag because of how gross he is.
THIS. Where do we start
my internet is going fin and I've opened it a couple of times.
>inb4 b&
what the fuck is that? correl office document?

Also someone needs to get on a new thread.
Someone make a new thread pretty pls
I'd like to say that's why there are courts of appeal..
I agree. Fearing for his life fits in with shillary's record.
It's both. I'm calling it now. Ted used the service too but Hillary had her killed.
I don't think #cruzsexscandal is over yet. New shit is coming to light.
>splitting North and South Jersey
I support this
run nigga not even kidding the tv license police is on you ass

site:www.whyjusther.com/ ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:pdf | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv | ext:xls | ext:xlsx

Holy shit
Can you compile a paste-bin with all of these links that you are finding?
NE has to make a ton of money on it.
What the fuck
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just a bit of fun. it probably won't lead anywhere, most leads don', but then real hacking (in the classic sense of the word) is about doing shit just for the hell of it even if you don't expect it to bring about anything useful. why climb the mountain? because it's there. there's interesting stuff going on and people here are just exploring it to see if it goes anywhere. if it doesn't, it was still a bit of fun, and if it does, that's pretty fucking cool.

in that sense, /pol/ are better hackers than they realize.

It's not even over yet you idiot. It's people like you that has caused this board to go to shit.





Can you post image?

WTF is that link?
leave me alone mom! i'm doing important things right now!
When does the next NE come out? Some twittershitter said April 4th but I don't know if that's true or not




ssoooooo much of this.

you now know he's got a bastard son
Someone do a Nessus sacn on the hosting server. LOOK FOR EXPLOITZ and crap that bitch.
I don't want to suddenly be living in West Connecticut
oh shit, sorry anon, didn't see you there
Wait which?
implying he ain't got a bunch of them in the pocket.

y'all so quick to jump the gun on this why? those with out sin shall cast the first stone
yours looks more professional lol lets go with yours. I'll tell everyone to migrate
What does this mean?


That's a Google query to search that url for all of those file extensions. Paste it into google.
download to a pdf of escorts
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>mfw it reveals that Bernie Sanders hired black men to fuck his wife
You'd be surprised. Most crimes you can get away with in broad daylight because no one cares to pay attention
JIDF shill
Shame she was "suicided"
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