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New Cruze Hooker connection thread-GET IN HERE

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 363
Thread images: 81

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There is a link, right now, that leads to the DC Madam's attorney's "Election Bombshell" as per this article:

This report is a good primer if you're behind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6Cba-ByYmo
has anyone considered the possibility that this supposed site is an onion site?

If so, good fucking luck
In unrelated news, an escort came to where I work and said a man owed her $30,000.

Here's every domain he's ever registered. Not sure which ones are still active.













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Old Thread: >>69523361

Cliff Notes

>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

He is essentially telling people to find the site themselves, so that the information gets out without him breaking the gag order and risking jail time
site:www.whyjusther.com/ ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:pdf | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv | ext:xls | ext:xlsx
So is this the thread?
WTF is that?
/pol/ is worse than anonymous at least anonymous makes it on the 6 o'clock news.

everything you do in this thread will go to waste
im going to slide the board
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Why does he look like Neo?
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>mfw i want to help but i'm afraid of someone killing me and covering it up as a suicide
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>Says looks like neo
>means mr smith
When did he set the ultimatum of two weeks?
>site:www.whyjusther.com/ ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:pdf | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv | ext:xls | ext:xlsx

omg whyy
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What the fuck
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I am on this new thread this is cool hope the hacker commonly know as 4 chan can solve this misery
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No idea if any of them mean anything.


It's not supposed to be too hard to find though, if >>69529358 is right
Keep looking
a search tag that searches for the various types anon wanted, in this case, documents extensions, and it searches only on the site whyjusther
kill yourself faggot
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escort services.png
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I find it hard to believe that he knows about all that. And even if he did, he would probably have enough sense to know that the journalists receiving the link wouldn't know what to do with it.
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Did you just pull that story out of your ass? This kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life. Dubs means this whole thing leaks within the next 4 days.
Bingo Bango

Can you get in
Someone explain this to me

Why all the reaction images?
wtf no, nothing wrong with this one. Nice OP though :)

The info is very important to this election, so he's giving them 2 weeks cause he doesn't want to go to jail, but will be the hero we need if it comes to that.
It's a Google search string you retards
this election season will have movies and books made about it
well, I didn't click on it, someone please take some screenshots

and I guess this has something to do with hillary
Plz post screenshots I'm on mobile
there are 12-year-olds who know how to use Tor. it's not some secret club.
It's what we've been looking for
>look at

You don't click on it you dummy. Paste all of that shit into google
Problem is search methods and capabilities are very limited there. It's easy to use for basic shit but beyond that it's a mess.
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Is it happening ?!
posted in other thread but see this

I'm saying that I'm not entering this website or seeing any of the documents it finds
watch >>69529180
I know but when did he say he was giving them two weeks. How long do we have to solve this ourselves?
I have goosebumps, this is like a movie
It's more the fact that it shouldn't be an onion site because the site is supposed to be easy to find
And...not nearly as easy to find a list of sites DCMadman has "registered"

I think the records we are looking for are Verizon records, which are not listed here.
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DC Madam's attorney has hidden an election bombshell. It is due to be released in two weeks.


>“There’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records,” Sibley says about the website. “If I die, disappear, whatever, they will be out.” Sibley says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that contain about 5,000 phone numbers, along with downloadable spreadsheets that contain the names and addresses of 815 Verizon Wireless customers from those logs, which he acquired with a subpoena ahead of Palfrey’s trial.

The story from a fellow anon:

>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

The only possible people to be hurt by this are Cruz or Hillary.

Old thread #1: >>69510289 → →
Old Thread #2: >>69523361
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Can anyone get past this?
Someone should still investigate there just in case. Maybe it's just sitting out there in onion land
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We need verizon records.
I think the numbers we need are Verizon and post '04. Still may be something.
Yeah it 403s
has anybody opened the .pdf yet?? anyone??
>t..this will be the one guys..we are going to get him this time

Nigga what does 403 even mean I don't even remember what my professor said
I don't know when. I first heard about it here and the MSNBC video.


Cruz is untouchable. He wouldn't be running for president if he wasn't.
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The next step of the rabbit hole
stay alive comrades.
Don't forget there are over 800 dox that could get released. This could create a lot of fucking noise in every Washington circle.
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If you value your life, I would advise you exit this thread.
I don't think so.
One of us doesn't understand onion. I'm honestly not sure who it is.

Correct me if I'm wrong, /pol/, but don't you actually need the site name for onion sites?
Is there an official statement by him anywhere? Like a press release or document or a website with a stop watch type thing that counts down?

That's all you wanna say about it?
Imagine the article though. Politics board of an anime imageboard destroys a presidential campaign.
> 403 Forbidden
> The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource.

this is why i hate threads like these.
No one is untouchable.

Goldman Sachs isn't going to win this election. Or any, ever again
>Implying we value our lives in the first place
drop the unnecessary slash between wjh and Download?
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Dumbass. Then why is Hillary running for president? Are all presidential candidates spotless? Naive.

He needed Mommy Fiorina to stand up for him at a press conference. He's vulnerable, and he knows it.
In the video (which you should watch) he ha s filled a case with both the appeals court and the SC. Basically says that either they let him do it, or he's just gonna say 'lol dont care' and consider the gag void anyway
Doubtful. How would he have predicted that the lawyer would try to openly resist the gag order?
>an escort came to where I work and said a man owed her $30,000.

i didn't know escorts had payment plans
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Are they going to kill a bunch of neet neckbeards just because they posted in this thread?
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g-guys I think we are going to places we shouldn't
This is the secret to pol's power.
Do we actually think they killed her? Kind of scary to be honest given all the deaths surrounding Clinton
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this picture is unsettling as fuck

check this out tho.
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Go to the non-archive version of that URL and see what site it redirects to
It's too damn late to stop now.
There are onion search sites. But they suck dick.
fuck off rato shill
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has you tried that link yet?
There are various directories. But I'll be honest I don't know how to use it, I only know a little about it from things I've learned.
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kek this
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I donated top of my class in the Bernie Squad, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret brigades on The_Donald, and I have over 300 confirmed phonebanks. I am trained in sign stealing and I’m the top facebanker in the entire Bernie Squad. You are nothing to me but just another facist. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of berniebots across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Sanders for President and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
This is a Google search to try you bunch of nigs
Fuck off
i'm out.
I literally had heart palpitations

first day on /pol/
Gonna need to recruit /g/ and twitter
Lemme put it this way:

Do you actually think a woman who is immensely successful in her career, who displayed no suicidal tendencies beforehand, with no history of mental illness, would kill herself?
I know right. I got spooked. reminded me a bit of that 'I feel fantastic' robot

now's the time to make good with God boys. They can come and get me, i dont care
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The normiesphere can wait. Get /g/ but Fuck twitter for now. They'll ruin it
Just starting owasp zap.
What should i be aiming for?
unless mods fuck with you, it might be alright
dropped, twitter could only hurt this.
>who displayed no suicidal tendencies beforehand

Not true, And she was facing down a jail term of between 5 and 55 years.
yes. i think they killed her.
It's not that he's untouchable, he's just very slippery and uninteresting.
Nothing sticks to him, it's a gift and a curse but it doesn't mean he can't he damaged.
oh boy oh boy oh boy
We need to search what he's been saying for any potential hidden messages. His GoFundMe link to support his case that was opened 02/24/2016. Updated "22 days ago." It seems he won't hit his target of 25k which is why he's no going with his "give me permission to release or I'll do it anyway approach.

His blog is probably the MOST IMPORTANT resource.Now here is THE REASON THAT THIS IS LIKELY ABOUT CRUZ:

In the post referenced below he points to a now deleted tweet from ToTheXToTheY. I can't find the exact tweet archived, but it referenced directly evidence of Cruz with prostitutes. Whether or not ToTheXToTheY knows anything, who knows, but Sibley's own post title seems to suggest they're all looking at Cruz. That's my take. His online alias is Amo Probos. Searching for clues using his handle linking to something pertinent now.
such this...
On July 9, 2007, Palfrey released the supposed entirety of her phone records for public viewing and downloading on the Internet in TIFF format, though days prior to this, her civil attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley had dispatched 54 CD-ROM copies to researchers, activists, and journalists. Senator David Vitter (R-LA) acknowledged on the night of July 9 that he had been a customer of her escort service.[15]

It is all already on the internet you dumbasses

Problem is the //wjh folder is gone. it 404's no matter how I try to find it. So it was there but it's been moved.
fuck it...I'm going in

Don't post anything about this to Twitter you fucking idiot. Stick with /g/, and potentially other Anonymous image sites.
Yes but expecting a woman to handle being an escort for long term and then lead a professional life? Many women have committed suicide for much less. My mother included. No dox.
Is there proof she was suicidal beforehand?
I'm behind 7 leafs, what the fuck are they gonna do?
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It's time like this where I wish I knew how to into this stuff

I'll just sit back and watch like always
you're better off that way. I'll just put it that way.
We wouldn't be here if we cared about our lives.
not sure if this helps but heres some info, various numbers


>ignoring the news story released today
Try harder, shill.

captcha: STOP
>Mad search for the holy grail of political bombshells, hidden somewhere in the vast open ethereal ocean of the internet

Anyone else getting some major Gold Roger vibes from this?
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Pretty much this. I'll shout words of encouragement and post dank memes while everyone else does all the real work.

Wait what?
I'll drink one for you homie.

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>forgot pic related
reminded me of that picture of that girl who got kidnapped by a trucker in the 70's or some shit and he took a picture of her in a barn or something seconds before he killed her

>edit: found it. Regina Walters

info if you want 2 b spooped: http://murderpedia.org/male.R/r/rhoades-robert-ben-photos.htm
Posting in a thread that will get me murdered by Jeb! henchmen and Soros minions
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not the verizon records you quivering twat, read the goddamn articles. google dc madam
// is not valid you dumbasses. cannot have a null directory.
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forgot pic
anon, the world is our playground...and its about to be happening
>info if you want 2 b spooped: http://murderpedia.org/male.R/r/rhoades-robert-ben-photos.htm
fuck that shit nigger
>I hid everything... in One Meme
Is this supposed to be the same person? Hair is completely different

all have 404 errors, not showing up on the cache either
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"The list? If you want it, you can have it.
Seek it out! I left everything in my life at that place!"
that was a typo by me. I've tried searching the same address with just /wjh. Same results.
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>hear a noise downstairs but mom's not home

There were several of her friends on record who weren't surprised by it as she had told them before that there was absolutely no way she was going back to prison (she had been incarcerated previously) and that she would rather die first. Take her circumstances into it to; a woman in her fifties, going away for half a decade at least who's going to have nothing left when/if she does get out...

It's pretty standard stuff. That and the cops and autopsy found absolutely nothing to suggest it was anything but a suicide.

I don't think her lawyer has seeded this info on the internet because he fears for his life; I think he's done it hoping someone else finds it (i.e. us faggots) and it gets him off the hook.
>we need verizon records
I'm not a hacker so lets think about this while techo-anons do their thing.

Ok, so in 2007 Apple Inc had an exclusive contract with AT&T, so if you can find a picture of a current canidate holding an iPhone in 2007, we can eliminate them from being in the bombshell as they were an AT&T customer.

Also, there are numerous pics of Hillary on her Blackberry using her private email server from around this time. iirc the Motorola Blackberry of 2007 was exclusive to the Sprint/Nextel network.

Look for pictures of the current canidate holding their phones in 2007. Find out what networks support the phone they are holding. We many able to narrow it down with little bit of detective work.
fuck, I don't think I will sleep tonight
This never spooped me too much
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So spooked you pooped?
you should go down and see what it was
I'm spooped. Good luck 4 chan the hacker, our high energy resides with you.
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Someone tellme what website i should be. Looking at
Fuck this is brilliant. I don't think in this manner.
Is there a thread on /g/ yet?
>so if you can find a picture of a current canidate holding an iPhone in 2007, we can eliminate them from being in the bombshell as they were an AT&T customer.
They would have had a separate phone for callgirls, anon. Likely a throwaway from walmart or something
Nah, it's Bill man.
>Ok, so in 2007 Apple Inc had an exclusive contract with AT&T, so if you can find a picture of a current canidate holding an iPhone in 2007, we can eliminate them from being in the bombshell as they were an AT&T customer.

what difference does it make if they are on AT&T or not?
He should
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Someone post a thread on /g/ asking for help. I'm not well appraised enough on the situation to post
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>tfw I have fantasies of being a le super haxer and finding bombshells to destroy Hillary and Cruz and get charged federally.
>Shitpost with my mouth on the news
>Wait it out to be pardoned by President Trump
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>burners in 2007
>She forgot to spruce up her bangs before she kicked the stool!
Look retards, they would have a separate phone for callgirls
The records are or Verizon.

But that these may have been burners phones.
Fuck you, i just dont want to go over what other anons have
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it's the same person - the DC Madam. she "committed suicide" in her mother's garden shed. it is her list of client phone numbers that we want.

>US News & World Report

>onion site

what the fuck
here you go new friend

Yeah the records he has are for Verizon, but the 'customer's' phones might not have been
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A PDF ext or hidden file in any of the sites listed >>69529330
here. God speed

Well 2 guys already got their careers fucked from the first set of records that were released
>Congressman hires a prostitute via landline

If they were smart they covered their tracks, but they might have slipped up. They only killed the DC Madame because they trusted her and she betrayed them. The politicos expected discretion and received blackmail.
""""""""""committed suicide""""""""""
I made a thread on /g/. Here it is:

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Underage confirmed. There have been no-contract phones since the early 00s.
We have to keep in mind too that this lawyer guy merely said this information would affect this election, that doesn't necessarily mean that one of the candidates are on the list.

For instance, Bill could be (and probably is!) on that list.
These are records of the madam not the customers you absolute try hard
You have a point, but we can't just rely on the phone they show in public
that's hilarious
Anyone have the dates when these sites were opened? saw it in a post last thread, don't know if it might be useful
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don't expect much from the cynics on /g/
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>what difference does it make if they are on AT&T or not?
>what difference does it make

Last time a Clinton said that the difference was 4 American lives.
Guys... I think we found it: https://web.archive.org/web/20070711132349/http://www.deborahjeanepalfrey.com/Jeane10c.html
She wasn't all that successful. She cleared about $2 million over 15 years.

Plus all her assets were seized. Plus she was a convicted felon (she did 18 months in prison in the 90s for a pimping/prostitution). Plus she was in her 50s. Plus she was facing 55 years. She saw the writing on the wall. Her life was essentially over. Suicide was really the only logical option.
>If I was in a car and a hooker was besides me, I don't know which hooter I would honk
-Ted Cruz
Holy shit dude
Those are old though. We need the most recent ones.

Aren't these the ones that were already released?
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When you're going through hell, keep going.

Still though, she had dirt. The most likely scenario is that some spooks got in her ear threatening her family, etc if she didn't off herself.

How the fuck are the zip files still live?
inb4 some dumbass clicks the link and gets v&
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Oh shit but don't we need 2007?
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Welcome to Montana.jpg
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As we say in Montana.
>Hold my beer and watch this.
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It was between five and fifty five. Even if I was 80 years old, if I could get out in 5 years I wouldn't kill myself.

Plus, you're ignoring the fact that she claimed to, and likely did, have major dirt on a number of extremely powerful people. With that in mind, murder seems more likely than suicide to me.
You know it's shady because women don't actually succeed at commuting suicide and they never choose painful methods like hanging.
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What is this? please tell

Fucker, I'm on a watchlist now

I'm sure they slipped up, probably more than that. Some people get so arrogant, I'm sure they never dreamed she would almost sell them all out. Shame she was murdered. Can't wait for these two weeks to be up.
23.5% of Female suicides are via hanging

Murdering her makes no sense anyway.

When she died any information was already out there on disc, uploaded to the internet or in the care of her lawyers so killing her to keep her quiet doesn't make any sense. So why else would 'They' do it? Revenge? Well, that's an even dumber move as it immediately creates panic among those who have access to the information or anyone who as seen it - all of a sudden you've now got multiple people you have to worry about blabbing.

Maybe she just killed herself because she was an old lady facing a long prison sentence.
I think that she had Verizon, it's her logs. It's not that the caller's were, my man
What is this... I don't want to click...
oh calm down; you were already on one
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It's sad that you don't know what US News and World Report is. It's sadder that you just said that without knowing when you could have just opened a new tab and looked it up.
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Have you tried ftp/ssh on the ip's of the sites with the 403s?
I know I'm not the only one here that knows how to use NMAP....

The problem is all those link back to civilforfeiture.com and to a /wjh/ directory that is not there. Also doesn't help that most of the listed websites are no longer registered, so impossible to search. Going to run them through archive but I don't think what we're looking for is on any of his registered domains.
Women dont commit suicide unless they are 20 or younger.
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fug D:D:D:
no, we need the verizon records
Just click it. What's the worst that could happen?
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Someone in another thread said there may be another way to trigger the dead man switch so it might not take 2 weeks. We have weaponized autism on our side.
Are you me?
Remember Ashley Maddison and how loads of .gov emails were there?

These people really have no clue sometimes
Because anyone intelligent or who knows someone intelligent wouldn't leave a paper trail, and without her it's all hearsay.

Nice...as I'm not actually in brazil...nor the proxy before that...good luck FBI
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Found this but I get a 404 for every link
Cruz wasn't in the senate when she killed herself. It has to have been someone in DC before 2007. Bill makes the most sense.
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Is it that nudist beach w/ lolis again
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We're watching.jpg
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You know too much.
I fuckin hate you
great album
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Also could of been sanders. Holy shit I hope its sanders, that would be the kek of the century.
Thats interesting, is that the host site?
Cruz was working for the Bush 43 administration
which board is that from?
Cruz was in DC all the time that decade. He argued cases before the Supreme Court.
>Someone in another thread said there may be another way to trigger the dead man switch
Yes. Someone needs to take one for the team and take the lawyer out.
You put it in the URL tab and it Googles "how to find child pornography and kill the president"
It's from the thread posted on /g/. It was posted like 10 minutes ago.
The board where we broke sandy hook
It makes you do a search for something you should never search and could maybe get you in trouble? I clicked it to, it's asking Google to give you cp
We keep digging deeper and deeper. You were Batman right? Ive been your american wing man in all these threads. This is getting good, I'm so pumped. It's starting to get spooky, ever since that unsettling picture was posted.
No you fucker. DDOS. Trick the damn thing into thinking he is dead.
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Weaponized autism, the most powerful force ever seen on the internet.

seriously who woulda thought that fucking /pol/ of all places may be on the verge of discovering something that could wreck a major candidate for the us presidency, while also trying to reconstruct an AI and channeling meme magic the whole time

what a time to be alive lads
I'm gonna be honest with you, this will help him.
ohh spooky, not my IP anything but that!
It's not just one guy, or another, there are over 800 fucking names. Tread lightly haxor anons. What's the over/under on this lawyer guy hanging around the next couple weeks?

But she specifically said before she was found hanging that she was not feeling suicidal and would never consider suicide. That's much more specific than "I'm never going back to jail" - which is bluster on the level of "You'll never catch me, coppers"
Don't be silly, /pol/ has over 10 million more posts and what kind of chump views this board in Yotsuba B?

But the information is out. That's why we have this thread. Killing her would have been pointless.

Far more likely that she didn't fancy going to prison for maybe ten years, only to get out and - if she's lucky - find a dishwashing job in an Ihop when in her previous life, she was fraternizing with Senators. A woman at her age, facing down becoming a broke old maid and convicted felon, it's not really a surprise that she did what she did.
There's no way it helps Cruz. May not hurt him, but definitely doesn't help him.
Fuck mang, I'm unsettled, how did you even get that
lol yeah that was me. Fuck me its 4:30 mane... but I'm not even tired. These threads have me pumped. Don't wanna leave my room cause the light is off and its too scary
lol WTF
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Lol you can't threaten someone with nothing to lose.
Because someone in this thread is on the inside.
Stop replying to it and it'll go away. I'm very rustled.
cradle whatever weapon you can britanon, i'm finger fucking my rifle
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It's through Archive.org

It's even more interesting because the Jeane10c link is the one with the ORIGINAL phone records, but the one I posted is also named after phone records. The other Verizon ones maybe?

I'm getting a 404 for every link though. Someone else will probably find it.
got to be... obviously pulled it because they thought it has evidence or whatever...
Its me and my bro
Dude I know I really want to break the news with this and get everything revealed. But I'm honestly getting pretty spooked about all of this, we are playing with fire.
And I'll be you.
>tfw Scalia was killed so the Supreme Court wouldn't rule 5-4 in favor of allowing the lawyer to release the records
Dude also sued obama for birth certificate

we only have 2005 phone records.
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the fire rises, brother
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YOOO the date on that shit, thats literally what we're looking for. Can you not check a cache from last month?
feels great not living in the us right now. Maybe GCHQ will come and get me, but the prisons over here are apparently a lot better than over there.
S-sorry anons, the box is open. I - I need to know more /manontheinside/
Testing all sites here for escort list . pdf
medical marijuana is interesting

The requested URL /mmc/index.html/download/escortlist.pdf was not found on this server.
different url so it's hosted there as well from what I can tell, wjh is one site, mmc is another.

idiot is hosting them on the same server and thinks its 2 different sites

Both are hosted on the site civil forfeiture or are atleast sub domians though I dont know much about this stuff
Would this even work?
i ain't scared of nothin someone give me a summary of facts here
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Don't do this to me. Don't put these thoughts in my head.
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>yfw /pol/ destroys the most dangerous, corrupt and powerful political dynasty in American history
there's phone records that indicate that ted cruz would've contacted an escort service in DC that may be hidden on the internet somewhere, people are working on trying to dig them up and reveal them
Should we post a thread on /b/? Who wants to volunteer?
With pepe as our mascot.
>yfw it was actually trump who was using escorts.
I've talked to sibley i'm in this thread >>69529588

(cronikeys here)
Interesting theory, but the Supreme Court would never agree to hear such a case. Besides, the issue hasn't even been heard by the court of appeals yet, so the Supreme Court would just dismiss the petition outright anyway for not following the proper procedure.
2005 list makes plenty of calls to DC. We could be looking right at it.

Amen brother
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Based Shitlord.jpg
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He has to login or it will release everything 72 hours after his last login. If he can't login the program thinks he is dead.
Likely possibility that instead of four different servers, it's been hosted on four of those >>69529330 sites then?
That's true, but I doubt anyone will be thrown away for this. Our IPs have probably all been logged though
sorry... 06
plz no
>January 2017
>Hillary is giving her oath of office
>meanwhile /pol/lacks across America are rounded up and put in camps
>singing "swing low, sweet pepe" as we dig mass graves
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A new thought, anons.

Montgomery Blair Sibley said he uploaded the files in January. At that time he was teaching an online course through nvcc.edu. What's the possibility he uploaded one of the copies to their servers? I'm currently starting to dig through but got 9000 hits for pdf's.
negative. no /b/
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>all that proof that his birth certificate was forged
How was he not impeached?
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I don't feel like reading through this thread. Did anything worth a shit happen?
>Dude also sued obama for birth certificate

clearly a Trump fan, then
Fucking dammit that photo gives me chills. I'm probably calling it a night.
Most are dead and I tested the link on all of them, one redirects to whyjust her, and the marijuana is the only one that it came up on onther then wjh. If i had to guess which ones it would be the ones that were super poorly designed
This. Sadly.

God I hate this "holiday".
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whose the hooker from the newspaper?
we're on 4chan. /pol/ of all places. Our IP's were logged long ago

bugger this. God speed anon. I'm gonna pray away the spooks then go to bed. Hope ya'll find something interesting
anon come over here youre the only one doing leg work
Saturday, April 2 it is then. Hopefully it'll come just in time before the primaries on the 5th.
gmail was released on april fools, look at how popular that became.
that's because everybody fell for it.

Couldn't we just use HTTrack to clone those sites and locally search for pdf or other type of extensions?
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Back at you. Im heading to bed also, hopefully they figure out stuff in the morning. God speed.


it was crawled at one point...
Playing with fire=doing the right thing
I found a pretty shitty screenplay
The image on the left is inaccurate. In cases of hanging there is discoloration of the face/extremities, and hanging victims usually void their bowels.
likely the woman was not hanged.
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OH SHIT....this could actually work but could we sustain it for 72 hours straight?
Yeah, good luck guys, I will be here on spectator mode from now on!
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I kind of want it.jpg
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I can't stop staring at it
It was not just a 404 error, but a 403 error as well. They have forbidden access to much of the site including the error page.

The cached pages are BLANK rather than empty. Try viewing the source.


This link's CACHED source, found here:

Actually shows that they were displaying a document from another website, which is this:


This is the site that's providing the error.
when this 404s

come here

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