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I am transgender. I am also very happy and don't feel mentally

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I am transgender. I am also very happy and don't feel mentally ill. But I know a lot of you guys disagree.

My question is do you still support my gun rights, or think I should not be allowed?

Pro me being crazy:

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Anti me being crazy:

A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder

I am a happy outgoing girl with a job who pays taxes. Personally I feel like even if being transgender is classified as being mentally ill I don't think it is a case to pull my rights and take all my guns v.v
Everyone deserves the right to defend themselves, everyone
Take this to >>>/pol/ you fucking faggot
Do what you want and don't hurt anyone who is innocent
>I am a happy outgoing girl
Look, I don't care if you like guns and also like to wear a dress, but don't think you're fooling anyone with that 5 o'clock shadow and broad shoulders
you are going to commit suicide
I feel like gun rights are better talked about here.
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>I am transgender.

that's a severe mental illness.
IMO people with severe mental illnesses should not own guns.
Do I think you have a mental disorder? Yes, but not of the kind that should prevent you from owning firearms. Now fuck off.
You're crazy and will never be a Real Little (preferred gender). You are what you were born as.

That said, I do support your gun rights.
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You're fine by me, OP.
>let me just ask /pol/tards and /k/ommandos what they think of faggotry

what kinda answers you think you gonna get cakeboi?
if you want to play pretty princess while owning a gun for self defense go for it. Just don't be one of those fuck wits who gets up set when a man dumps you because you didn't mention you had a penis. seriously those fuckers are doing more harm than good for trannys.
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IDGAF if someone with a mental illness has a gun unless they are liable to pose a threat to others. I don't even care if it ups their risk of successful suicide, your life is your own to do with as you will
>I am transgender.
git back to your containment board, undermensch
My m>>69101237

Nope a perfectly happy person.
No, mentally ill people prone to suicide and clearly out of sync with reality should not own firearms.
Do you have a penis or a vagina?
>do you have have a problem with me being able to facilitate my impending future self-harm

Absolutely not, got nuts
[spoilers]too late[/spoilers]
you've never wondered why there aren't any elderly trannies?
[spoiler]they invariably kill themselves[/spoiler]
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The 2nd amendment is a right so it applies to everyone regardless of race and gender... even the made up ones.
Seek therapy that doesn't pat your ass and confirms your baises. You habe a deep seated trauma that you cannot deal with and this is how you are coping. Your dysfunction will lead you to suicide, probably with the very firearm you buy, and make you one more statistic antis get to use against us.
This, do you have a stable job? Do you pay taxes? Go crazy faggot.
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Transwomen, being overconforming exaggerations of women, are much more likely to go on killing sprees with vehicles, as is something of a tradition for women. In fact, this would end up being something done with whole fuckton of love and effort, due to being a way for transwomen to affirm their femininity, this would end up being done in a triply brutal way, leading to around 24 deaths.

We'd much rather you just kill 1 to 3 people with a wimply feminine little .380ACP in a spur of the moment outburst.
Personally, I see no problem with it, no.

But I feel like this is a bait thread.
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Ugh this is a bait thread but here it goes anyway.

Yes, you should be able to have a firearm as long as you aren't a fucking retard.

It is your right as an American citizen to own a firearm and if you think that your illness is actually a problem then be a responsible human being and don't buy a firearm.

Also you shouldn't give a single shit about what anyone on this website or any thinks about it. They have no say in the matter and never will, and like 30-50 percent of them are actually autistic or NEET or just as fucked up as you are.

TL;DR: No one gives a shit, go do what you want. Welcome to /k/. Now get out.
I don't want to self harm never have. But we do have a very high suicide rate you are right about that, but that comes mostly form being bullied. To me through it's all white noise.
I don't believe it's a mental disorder as transfolk are shown to have actual different brain structures more similar to their preferred gender (the study I'm referring to only studied folks who go male to female or female to male so idk about others) but even if it was I would have no issue with you owning a gun.
You're crazy.

But I honestly don't care, why do I get a vote on what you do if it doesn't effect me...? Enjoy your firearms and useless surgery dude.
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I think this is due
>your brain doesn't conform to your sex's morphology
>this is not neurologically disordered

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED applies to everyone, dear.
much zozzle m8
I have an AR is like the Barbie Doll of guns. You just spent all your time playing with accessories, and how it looks.
This. No one deserves to be a victim.
>..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Seems pretty clear to me.
It's not about your feelings. Gun rights are a political issue. Take it to /pol/.

> Feelings trump everything

Go fuck yourself.
Unfortunately it seems like a 50/50 shot that a counselor(lol more like CONselor, just gimme the damn titty skittles) will say TG's shouldn't have guns, since their suicide rate is something like 500x the average. There's also probably some counselors that, if you say you have a gun, will actually get the court order(or whatever it is) so that you fail a background check and become a prohibited person.

I say if anyone would need a gun in this country, it's lgbt's, since so many people apparently love stomping fags' heads, and if a counselor says you shouldn't have a gun, that's when you walk out and find a new one.

>closet mtf checking in
>want to go to counseling, afraid they're gonna take my guns
>gonna start self medding soon
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Men have a right.
Women have a right.
Anything else has a right.

I think you're good OP. Even if you are mentally ill, that doesn't make you violent. You should be able to defend yourself.
It's their rights as a human, senpai

The right to self defense is a natural right regardless of nation
nope, most counties don't recognize self defense as a right. The Bill of Rights only applies within US territory aka 6% of the surface of the planet recognizes your right to lethal self defense
As long as you're not violating the rights of anyone else, you should be left to your own accord. Unless otherwise determined to be unable to handle your own affairs by a judge.
NATURAL right, dude. The US is the only country whose government doesn't INFRINGE on that right (well, completely infringe, anyway). The bill of rights doesn't grant citizens the right to bear arms, it prevents the government from infringing on it. We have the right to bear arms because we are humans who exist.

Not really fampai, body dysphoria is an extremely taxing psychological condition and there is nothing that can ever 'fix' it because even if we could actually fully change a person's sex, the brain deficiencies would remain.

It's like schizophrenia, you can't make the bad go away, only keep it under control for long enough to call it quits at an acceptable age.
The right to defend one's self against predation or actively sanction against those who have attempted it is considered a Natural Right. The analogues appear everywhere in nature and humans, as creatures that were, are, and may be parts of nature possess this right. Or morphology isn't conducive to weaponization for defense or offense so we make tools to do so, it's universal to the species. Countries that refuse this right are basically supplanting the natural order and in violation of Natural Law or Jus Cogens.
Honestly it doesn't matter, even if you do go on a killing spree the moment the media learns the shooter was trans they'll sweep it so far under the rug it'll end up on the other side
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no, because you are mentally ill and are 20 times more likely to off yourself with a gun, contributing to gun grabber statistics.
Support from the /k/ommandoes and a bunch of triggered /pol/niggers?
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Of course I support them, why the fuck wouldn't I?
>If people commit suicide, gun grabbers will restrict gun rights, which is bad
>To prevent this, let's restrict gun rights.
saying "the mentally ill should not have guns" is just shorthand for "the mentally ill who pose a risk to others should not have guns"

letting trannies, autists, anxiety-havers, and even certain depressives have guns is fine.
Read the fucking sticky.
i support your right to have a gun
and shoot yourself
It's severely distressing and acute, and causes or is correlated with other mental illnesses, however transgenderism itself doesn't take someone out of their right mind.

They can be completely lucid and competent in regard to matters other than their own sex, so why shouldn't they have guns?

I don't understand why people keep taking strong stances on transgenderism.

Clearly there are two sexes, but it's also clear that some people have developmental brain disorders that render them similar enough to the opposite gender that the only thing we medically CAN do is try to make them look like the opposite gender.

I'd love to prevent transgender people being born, or cure them, but it is not a cognitive disease it's a developmental one, whether you want to accept it or not, you can't drug, pray, or condemn the trans away.
If you are concerned enough to ask if you should be able to, then yes. You are obviously stable enough to care. Go getchu some guns.

And they wonder why we hate them. Universal brotherhood of the gun for life, yo.
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Seeing trannies with firearms really unsettles me.
If you're not crazy, shoot away.

What guns do you own?
I agree that everybody should have the right to own a gun but letting the mentally handicapped have access to them is a massive security risk.
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>killing sprees with vehicles, as is something of a tradition for women
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To be fair, if we didn't let people who struck us as terribly unsettling to see with guns own them, we'd never have that great picture of Feinstein to make memes with.


Your "gun rights" don't fucking matter!

As a tranny, lone gun facilitated eventualities are NOT the danger of your craziness.

Everyone knows tons of trannies are drawn to crazy fanatical leftwing ideology, and who knows exactly how fanatical. And are needy, directionless pack animals in general.

You're more likely a threat by means of joining some red-army or weather underground type thing.

Thus, you need to be watched!

THAT is the solution, THAT is the special restrictions that need to be applied to you, not any rights issue, so don't bother crying about rights you have to hide behind because it doesn't fucking apply!
You know soooooo true. If I flip shit and shoot someone. the left will hide it because I am trans swj's say you have to like us and would lie about it and blame it on cis white males and the right will hide it because it could effect gun control and I am not black, mexican, or Muslim. So me going Rambo would hurt every ones agenda so I would be just swept under the rug X)
Is that gif from something I can jerk off to? If so, where is it from, If no, where is it from?
>Still being able to jerk off to cartoons
Not sure whether to envy or pity you.

Here y'are.
a man has to bust a nut friend, no matter how

thank you
Being transgender makes you more likely to be suicidal and/or massively depressed.

That makes you more likely to kill innocent people.
But I have always been a libertarian and have a very strong stance against big government. I voted republican in the last three elections, because a libertarian stood no chance in hell. So I don't need to be on red army watch, I'd be fighting it along with you just ......in a dress
>>Voting Republican
Honestly that strikes me as a much worse flag for mental illness; I don't think I feel comfortable with you owning a gun anymore.
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da fuk
>said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment

So is anxiety, but I don't think that excludes you from owning firearms.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure there's plenty of mental disorders that allow firearm ownership.
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This, everyone has the right to own a firearm.
>shall not be infringed
That said, with all due respect, I advise seeking counseling. If a schizophrenic just thinks they have imaginary friends, does that mean they are not mentally ill? Look between your legs. Whatever you have does, in fact, tell what gender you are, and ignoring that can lead to even more serious mental consequences.

Unlike most of /k/, I don't get off to trannies. But I won't judge you for it morally, as I hate all people equally.
>I voted republican in the last three elections, because a libertarian stood no chance in hell
republicans are not small government either
That sticky is such bullshit and you know it.

We used to have discussions on gun rights, laws, and the likes all the time. They were civil and had a lot of good posters with good information.

Lets be perfectly honest here. If you wanted to know about gun rights are you going to come here, to a board about weapons, or are you going to go to /pol/? The gun law discussions on /pol/ are full of stupidity and outright false information coupled with foreigners posting their feelings on the issue rather than arguments based in fact.

You used to be able to come onto /k/ and actually learn something. You can't do that on /pol/, at least not with gun rights and gun laws.
AK-47 yugo, a mossberg 500, Winchester break barrel, and a 10/22
My best friend is a bisexual crossdressing pro-life libertarian. He's aight.
another person who doesn't understand the value of a distinction between sex and gender
tell me, why do some words in romance languages have a penis?
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>hurr durr vote dumbocrat because some of them have not come out and said outright "guns should be banned.
>implying they're different
Every child behaviorist ever would like to have a word with you
Please, enlighten me on the difference between sex and gender. Is it that one is mental and the other physical, or as SJWs like to call it, "assigned at birth?"
Antman would have a field day with you
>they aren't different in this one case, so having a distinction is pointless!
if gender and sex were the same thing then there would be no value in having two words.
sex = purely physical pen0r or vagoo
gender = other shit that's also masculine/feminine (this flows down into how a word can have gender, but no word has sex, though the correlation is loose it does exist.)

even if you ignore the distinction with transgender issues it has broader value
>why do some words in romance languages have a penis
>in romance languages

Actually- Gaelic, Germanic and I'm pretty sure Slavic languages have that as well.

I can't speak to Eastern/African/Native American languages but it wouldn't surprise me if they did as well.
>>synonyms are valueless
as an english major that hurts my feelings
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Excuse me for being a cis white male, but that means gender is all in your head? Like if I have a dick but I feel like a woman, my gender is female?

Well say I really like Hi Points, Olde English, basketball, and Wayans brothers movies. Does that make me black, regardless of what color my skin actually is?
While I advise you to seek out therapy, you have every right to defend yourself.
>but that means gender is all in your head?
>Like if I have a dick but I feel like a woman, my gender is female?
no you stupid fucking retard read the post again.
>no language has more than one word for the same thing
>sex means physical equipment and not the chromosomal makeup
>behavior sets can't be default to functional examples of a specimen in accordance to sex by dint of gene groups and phenotypical traits

Now every biologist and animal behaviorist in the world would like to have a word with you.

You must be a popular guy!
>no language has more than one word for the same thing
since it's in a gun thread i'll bait:
no language NEEDS more than one word for the same thing. they may need words with very subtle distinctions, but not identical things. remove unnecessary words. :^)
>sex means physical equipment and not the chromosomal makeup
autism. you know what i meant. sex = physical traits, gender = every other fucking thing.
>behavior sets can't be default to functional examples of a specimen in accordance to sex by dint of gene groups and phenotypical traits
No it just means you have really bad taste.

I have nothing against straight white males. You guys got to keep the race going somehow.
>remove unnecessary words. :^)

What the fuck do you think English has been doing for the past 600 years?
So only language and words have gender vallues.

Nigger if you can't straight up explain the difference that you say exists between sex and gender, then how can anyone be expected to tell the difference? Social justice has officially gone too far, seeing as we're now supposed to normalize mental illness.

Never said that's good taste. My whole point is that if someone "thinks" they're a different gender, society is expected to treat them as that gender nowadays. So if I think I'm a basketball-American, should I not be treated as such?
>What do you think English has been doing for 600 years?
>Nigger if you can't straight up explain the difference that you say exists between sex and gender

i'll take someone with a mental illness over someone with mental retardation, jesus fucking christ.
Everyone has an inherent right to self defense. And unless you have proven you are unable to be trusted with a firearm, by committing a violent felony for example, it should be a requirement.
So... you'd likely be assisting the next McVeigh?
>gender = every other fucking thing.

Which would include the default set of behaviors as mandated by gene expression controlled by chromosomes, neurology, and phenotypical traits...all of which are part of human sexual dimorphism and holds true in most chordates.

The only way you can debate the semantics in this one is basically to say "fuck science, logic, and reason." People who are the "exceptions" to the rule also display aberrant neurology per their sexual phenotype.

In short...tumblr plz go
i didn't know words had chromosomes.
or that there was a chromosome for ego fellation
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> other shit that's also masculine/feminine (this flows down into how a word can have gender, but no word has sex, though the correlation is loose it does exist.)

Are we talking gender roles now? If your entire shtick is "look what I said in the first place" and have nowhere else to go with it, it's not really an argument.

Did you find a link to /k/ from tumblr?
Please don't remove my sentence enhancers.
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>thur wurdz guyz thur nawt reel

Let me get you a glass...
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I love how you've gotten so blown the fuck out trying to mount an argument in favor of transgenderism that you're scrambling madly arguing about language.

I mean here I am on /k/ witnessing honest to God liberal bullshit in progress.

You're a mental degenerate and shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
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>Are we talking gender roles now?
>you're scrambling madly arguing about language.
>romance languages
goddamn i'm a fast scrambler, scrambling since my first post on the topic.

No one cares. You're a mental defect and shouldn't own a gun.
>No one cares.
someone cared enough to post about it. :^)
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>this thread is now a hand-grenade going off in a reductio ad absurdum factory
you're not even using the right fallacy, anon.
/pol/ has a lovely infographic in the sticky, you really should know better.
reductio ad absurdum is not a logical fallacy, it's a rhetorical method.
Ok for me it's always ment this sex is your birth genitals.

Gender roles are different in every country, but in America I feel happier I in a female gender role. So because I feel happier in a female roll I have transformed my body to reflect that. I still have a twig and berries. So I am transgender not transsexual as my sex has not changed.

That fact that I look, talk, and go about life as a women is what makes me transgender.

I go by a girls and if we meet out and about you wouldn't know any difference.

So my point is gender is how you interact with the world and how the world interacts with you.

But that's just how I have always viewed it. I could easily be work, and you are more than free to disagree with me.
it can be both. ;)
Well let's consult the relevant documents as for when to infringe on a citizens right to bear arms.

No one cares. You're a mental defect and shouldn't own a gun.
someone cared enough to post about it
(i'm also not a tranny, so kek.)

>I'm a retard and think child molesters, serial rapists, recidivist felons, convicted gang bangers, illegals, and all other manner of degenerates should own guns

Perhaps you shouldn't own guns, since a function brain is a good idea when you have one.
>Gender roles are different in every country

The fuck they are.

Maybe the spectrum of those roles is different but its still the same basic model.
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Only for people who don't understand rhetoric, it exposes logical fallacies, it is not one in its own right.
>More than free to disagree with me
This is 'Murica, that's our right, ain't it?

My feeling is that gender roles are bullshit in the first place, and that you are free to do whatever you want and whatever you like, no matter what's between your legs. From what I gather, you don't like the normal things that dudes like. So what? Why would you identify as a chick because of that?
Using phone app with auto correct
> go by a girls name
> I could easily be wrong
Generally I would stay out of this debate but my general rule is that people who are capable of self-control should not have their right to use firearms infringed. Regardless of what one might think about the transgendered I think it is uncontroversial to state that in the absence of other problems they can exercise the requisite amount of self-control.
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you could think youre a kami sent to earth by amanterasu to stop an alien invasion and id still argue in favor of you being able to arm and defend yourself.

also as a part of the LGBT community, you could be targeted for hate crimes, so therefore, it is even more important you can defend yourself.

also, if we don't defend your rights because we don't like you, who's going to defend our rights when they move onto us.
>he thinks gun laws stop criminals from getting guns

Australian detected
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>mental illness
I think you and many other's are forgetting what does and doesn't matter. Understandable since half of /k/ is nogunz and has never seen pic related before.

Are you able to take care of yourself?
Then you're fine

Are you a danger to yourself or others? (does not include endangering the ego of religionfags)
Then you're fine

>Have you even been committed to a mental institution for whatever reason even though it may or not warrant suspending your 2nd Amendemnt rights
Then you're fine

You're happy, managing your own life and not physically endangering others. There's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm.
Point of order, there has been a recorded staggeringly high and disproportionate percentage of self-harm and suicide among transsexuals, while I don't think self harm should necessarily disqualify someone from gun ownership, it does effectively invalidate your second criterion on the basis of evidence seeming to indicate the individual may very well be a danger to themselves.

Just sayin'


Laws sure do stop criminals from walking into guns stores and buying guns, which makes it harder. Meanwhile I can walk into a store and buy what I want when I want. That's what matters and I'm sorry about your felony conviction, degenerate. Nice try though, shill your bullshit somewhere else.

I think you're mentally ill; but I also think there's no justifiable reason to take away someone's right to self defense unless their mental illness makes them a danger to others and I don't see how a gender identity disorder would qualify in that regard.
Transgenderism is a dangerous mental illness and I'm baffled that modern medicine chooses to indulge this disease's hallucinations instead of treating them.

Not to mention you could make a strong case for gender reassignment surgery, or desire for said surgery, a strong case of self harm. You're talking about serious body mutilation because of a mental disconnect from reality.
guns are legal > see man with gun > 'oh he's just a normal per-BANGBANGBANG'
guns are illegal > see man with gun > 'oh he's a criminal' > hide and dial 911:
A) police are useless, BANGBANGBANG, no worse than in the top situation
B) police are good, everyone's happy

>a good guy with a gun would stop him in the top situation!
yes i'm sure your special forces training will let you shoot him before he even THINKS of firing at you. oh wait, that'd be murder.

(i'm actually pro gun, but it's ridiculous to argue a gun ban has to stop 100% of firearms to be worthwhile or effective enough to consider: it simply has to reduce the number in circulation and make it more obvious when someone who has a gun is posing a risk.)

You would be surprised the converstaions that go on behind closed doors. There are a lot of healthcare profesionals who would like to see transgenderism classed as a mental disorder. Why? Because it is without question a mental disorder.

They can't though because people who believe that feelings are more important than science will run them out of town and sue them out of practice or licensure.
>and I'm baffled that modern medicine

Don't be, there's plenty of money in it.
gender identity disorder is already a recognized mental/physical disorder (it used to be mental, is now physical, the nature of the thing makes the distinction pretty pointless.)
You're definitely incurably mentally ill, that's just an unfortunate fact. And I personally would never date you or anyone like you, because dicks/inside-out dicks and fake tits aren't my thing.

But, I don't think you're a danger to anyone but (potentially) yourself, and you have a right to do whatever you want with your own life and your own body as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, including owning guns or ending that life with a gun if you so chose.

Gun rights are human rights. Period.
They actually pulled it out of the DSM because muh political correctness. It's a shame, there might have been better attempts at treatment vectors before the nuclear option is used.
This mother fucker looks like the real life Joe Swanson as a cross dresser.

When he/she speaks do you hear Patrick Warburton?
Homosexuality used to be an official mental disorder until extensive political lobbying got it removed.

Transgenderism is the same.

So long as you aren't one of those types that goes into violent moodswings and are a productive member of society, go nuts.

See, a whole lot of us /k/ommandos are in some way nutters, but we're the resposible type who have it manifest in at worst doing dumb things without any malicious intent. It's the irresponsible, borderline animalistic types we don't like. Oh, though a bunch of us don't like any type of deviancy either, so we probably don't like you; don't let that discourage you however, >>69101233.
>They actually pulled it out of the DSM because muh political correctness

It's still in the DSM, the name is slightly different (gender dysphoria)

Stop trying to blame this on evil PC SJW strawmen you stupid fuck.
>gun rights are human rights

I really wish people would stop making asinine statements like these. Regardless of your opinion on gun control, it's just stupid.
>there might have been better attempts at treatment vectors before the nuclear option is used.
there aren't yet, and that's all that matters.

>don't give them chemotherapy, we might invent a proper cure for cancer soon!

inb4 "try therapy!", in it's current state that's like suggesting homoeopathy* might cure his cancer.

*picked mostly because of how tragicomically often it's advocated, obviously homeopathy will always fail while therapy techniques may improve, but if you're waiting for therapy to improve you loop right back to "they might invent a cure soon!")
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>Transgenderism is a dangerous mental illness and I'm baffled that modern medicine chooses to indulge this disease's hallucinations instead of treating them.


Just think about how much money they're making off these people and you'll quickly understand the medical and psychiatric communities motivations.

If a psychiatrist or a psychologist tells a tranny that they are living a lie and that they should deal with their delusions then they will simply leave said shrink and find one who will them what they want to hear namely that they are whatever they pretend they are. So the shrinks tell them what they want to hear so that they can keep making money off of them.

By the same token the medical community makes tens of thousands of dollars annually off of every tranny who's getting hormone treatments and since most of them couldn't afford said treatments on their own the medical community classified it as a condition that must be covered by insurance so that the cost is forced onto everyone who buys medical insurance. Then of course there are sex change operations which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which I'm certain the medical community will soon be trying to tell us should also be paid for by insurance.

Trannies are making the medical and psychiatric communities hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Is it really any surprise that doctors and shrinks would create a justification to make all that money?
Yeah, but Homos are different. There's evidence for it being a fairly common thing in other animals, and homosexuality doesn't cause identity dysphoria or desire to self-mutilate.

How, pray tell, is that an asinine statement? You have a natural human right to self-defense. Gun rights follow from that.
Also transanon here. I'm getting Sasha Grey's vagina 3D printed into me some day (pre porn vagina, of course). Cum and take my funs, motherfuckers, molded labia
>the change of name, description, and associate topics wasn't the result of political correctness
It's cute you actually believe this

If you want to go by the rate of how many commit suicide post gender-reassignment then the treatment has a higher morbidity rate than the disease.
yes anon, it's a conspiracy.
it's all a conspiracy.

and they're offering melanin to transniggers and cut the legs from trans-disabled people
they offer paths to citizenship for headmates, and fursuits to furries

oh dear anon, just why can't you see!?
it's ALL a conspiracy.
A mental disease can be common and still be a disease. I've no problem with gays, who they bang is their business, but let's not pretend that's normal or healthy.
>Then of course there are sex change operations which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

About 20k actually. Trying either doing the research or shutting up about things you don't know anything about.
>the treatment has a higher morbidity rate than the disease.
the study retards always cite for this doesn't actually say that though
it says that post-ops have higher suicide rates than the general population (but lower than pre-ops), which isn't surprising at all.
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>I am also very happy

I think it will be ok.

Of course, this could just be a lie. But the only person who really knows if OP is going to hurt anyone is OP.
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This. Shall not be Infringed. Pic related.

But the problem for you is it's demonstrated to be both normal and healthy from a scientific perspective. Bashing homosexuality is rooted in artificial constructs, mostly religion.

Transgenderism on the other hand is a mental disagreement with reality.
Since we're talking about natural rights I'll pull the good old John Locke :^)

In the natural state of man he has infinite liberty, in other words he is free. However, he moves away from this state into society, wherein he sacrifices liberty for security. Now, the argument Locke makes is that in the moment where you are being attacked and society cannot protect you, society has failed and thus you have to take the law into your own hands, from which you see the liberty of self defense and owning weapons.

Human rights have more to do with sort of fundamental ground rules for treating other human beings.

I haven't read Locke in years and it has more to do with definitions and pedantics than anything but it still sounds extremely asinine to claim that owning firearms is a "human right"
Enjoy having guns! Whatever you are. Just promise to find some other way to off yourself/boyfriend/girlfriend.

Good luck and have fun!
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How is the medical and psychiatric communties having a motivation to make money a conspiracy?

We're talking about an industry that makes billions off of cancer drugs. What you think they're too moral to make a few mil of a bunch of delusional crossdressers?



Yeah right dude. A fucking Cat Scan costs 5 grand.

You couldn't get a backroom Mexican surgeon to stitch a Nathan's Hotdog on a vag for $20 K much less pay Doc Frankenstein to split your dick like a banana and ram it up your urethra.
Ah, but I derived my concept of rights not from Locke, but from Rawls. In the Original Position, it is logical to make gun ownership a human right, since you have no way of knowing where in society you will end up, and no matter where you end up you would want the capability to defend yourself as effectively as possible.
There is absolutely no evidence to support a disproportionately higher suicide rate among pre-ops, but the 41% among post-ops has been vetted thoroughly.
Self defense is a human right. Guns are just the most effective means of ensuring it. Ergo, the right to bear arms = a human right.

That's bullshit. Why can't i CCW a bomb vest? Way more effective than a gun.
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>self defense is a human right

It's a liberty ;^)
Lol, so you're not willing to do the research or look it up. Good luck having your head so far up your ass you can't accept even a single new piece of information.

But hey
>it's duh medical conspirazy for a billion jillion dollars!
>demonstrated to be both normal and healthy from a scientific perspective

How so? Gays have more STDs, more mental illness, etc. I understand that homosexuality is not exclusive to humans. So what?
>How is the medical and psychiatric communties having a motivation to make money a conspiracy?
Because you're suggesting they do it in a way directly opposed to best medical practice.
>We're talking about an industry that makes billions off of cancer drugs.
This is much more of an argument against your position than for it.
>hey Shlomo, we need more shekels - will we release a new cancer drug? maybe a stimulant for ADHD kids?
>nah fuck it Chaim, let's burn all the evidence on gender dysphoria and sell snake oil. nobody will ever catch us, and if they do we can unleash our genetically modified SJW army on them! hahaha!
>discussing Rawls

Marry me anon
From a purely scientific perspective removing yourself from the gene pool is aberrant behavior and any neurological compulsion that is the result of biological pathology would be considered abnormal.
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>There is absolutely no evidence to support a disproportionately higher suicide rate among pre-ops
who cares?
I may not support the trans community wholeheartedly as some of you tend to just cause havoc/attentionwhore, but I do wholeheartedly support liberty.
if a dude wants to wear a dress and shoot a 12 gauge, I don't give a fuck.
just don't try to say that you are better than other people/your opinions trump theirs.
good luck, dudelady
please stop talking like a wanker
>Because you're suggesting they do it in a way directly opposed to best medical practice.

Isn't the entire cosmetic surgery industry opposed to "best medical practice"? (excluding fixing people after accidents etc.)
But all the liberals say I am more important than you!

You mean this us a lie? =(
They don't pretend it's best medical practice to accept ludicrous sums of money to make breasts bigger. They admit it's purely cosmetic and done at your own risk.

(inb4 someone cites some daily mail article about a titjob for depression.)
you have a right to bear arms unless you are a felon or have been judged "mentally incompetent" or whatever by an actual judge in a court of law.

"mentally incompetent" doesn't include depression, anxiety, etc... it's more like "the flying spiders are trying to assassinate me and that's why i was magdumping into the air" or "the bunny told me to kill him, i have to do what the bunny says" you have to be suicidal and or a risk to others for a judge to take your guns away currently

just because you tuck your dick in your ass doesn't mean you can't carry a gun. my opinion that you do have a mental disorder and/or are an idiot doesn't keep you from your constitutional right.
>They admit it's purely cosmetic and done at your own risk.

So changing a dick into a vagina actually makes it a vagina?

It's not "purely cosmetic and done at your own risk"?
Good point. Anything that would prevent a life form from successfully reproducing goes against the very basic definition of life.

Getting your dick cut and have and resewn inside out because you feel like you're really a woman to suit a mentally ill delusion is a lot crazier than wanting bigger tits or a smaller nose.
It would seem to me, anon, that you and I have a fundamentally different interpretation of what constitutes a right, and therefore we are not in fact in disagreement but simply arguing over, as I said, pedantics :^)
>Trannies are making the medical and psychiatric communities hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

I don't think you understand how few transpeople there are or how little money is to be made in hormone treatment or SRS. If money was the deciding factor they'd all be plastic surgeons and pull in $20,000 dollars a day doing boob jobs.
>he's right so I'll call it bait to avoid the facts

All organisms will attempt to prevent predation by whatever means are available to it. Since humans lack horns, claws (for the purpose of causing physical harm), or fangs capable of sufficient tissue disruption we used our biggest weapon, our brain, to create work multipliers in the form of weapons. Our intelligence and tool making capability is natural to our species, ergo it is natural and creating weapons for the purpose of dissuading or sanctioning against predation is a Natural Right.
>It's not "purely cosmetic and done at your own risk"?
It's not "purely cosmetic" because it's being done as part of the 'treatment' for gender identity disorder.

>inb4 something along the lines of "it can't shoot out babies, it's not a real vagina so it's purely cosmetic!" ignoring the meaning of "purely cosmetic" in context. [not being done as part of the treatment of any illness.]
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Supply and demand dumb fuck. There is a demand for drugs and surgery that lets men pretend they're a pretty, pretty girl or women pretend they're a super butch he man and so the medical industry supplies that demand.

The fact that they also fulfill the demand for cancer drugs to keep your ass alive or ADHD drugs to tranquilize your rugrat doesn't mean they aren't going to take advantage of every opportunity they can.

>Because you're suggesting they do it in a way directly opposed to best medical practice.

If the shoe fucking fits.

The statistics show that trannies who get gender reassignment are no less at risk of offing themselves then the ones who are and yet that is the only justification for artificially suppressing someone's endocrine system and regularly injecting them with artificial hormones. I mean its not like there could possibly be any negative long term side effects to something like that right?
You can pray it away senpai :^)
>i'm right, i don't have to cite any sources for my claims, i'm right.
>The statistics show that trannies who get gender reassignment are no less at risk of offing themselves then the ones who are
perhaps you, as a different anon, will substantiate your claims.
Money may be a small factor but mostly it seems to be a symptom of the modern Western "super sensitive and understanding under any and all circumstances" culture.
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>mfw I mention Rawls and everyone gives me a blank look
>There is a demand for drugs and surgery that lets men pretend they're a pretty, pretty girl or women pretend they're a super butch he man and so the medical industry supplies that demand.
There's a demand for prescription drugs too, I don't see doctors selling morphine to anyone with a papercut just because people are willing to pay for it.
In my opinion everyone should be able to do anything they want as long as they don't pose a threat to anyone else or interfere with their life. If you want to cut your dick off dress as a woman, have dudes fuck you in the ass, shoot guns in the woods and have the means to protect yourself that should be your right. I think it's fucked up but I think government taking your guns for being fucked up is even more fucked up. If you are noguns become hasguns. If you already own guns then I wish you many years of uninterrupted gun ownership. Faggot.
Seems to me you're confused on what it means to be a right :^)
>and they're offering melanin to transniggers and cut the legs from trans-disabled people...

I'd say it equates more to something like giving ritalin to healthy children to keep them calm, which is a very real issue.

Psychiatry is full of this crap, which is why so many people are wary of it.
I get where you're coming from, but when you take into consideration that transgenders are much more likely to have a range of moderate-to-severe mental illnesses than the general population, do you feel the same?

Ignoring government power creep as it would be in the real world, continuing to ban gun ownership for "undesirables" etc. This is purely hypothetical.

>perhaps you, as a different anon, will substantiate your claims.

Fraid not, normally I'd put in the effort; but its 3AM and at this point sleep is more important to me. So you can declare victory if you like, I'm too tired to fight about it.
Crazy is as crazy does. If you don't DO anything crazy, then:
The very fact there is no evidence of high morbidity rates pre-gender-reassignment is telling enough in its own right.

I'd love to see you provide scientific data counter to my assertion that is peer reviewed with vetted data.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that one of the points of the UN Charter or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that self defense is a human right, which means that those "civilized" countries in Europe are actually no better than Nortj Korea or Saudi Arabia
You do care! Your so sweet, love you anon
i like you. at least you admit when you can't be fucked.
>I'd love to see you provide scientific data counter to my assertion that is peer reviewed with vetted data.
i'd love to see you provide that peer reviewed vetted data.

>There's a demand for prescription drugs too, I don't see doctors selling morphine to anyone with a papercut just because people are willing to pay for it.

Shit dude, you realize there's an epidemic of painkiller addiction in this country right? Hell my mom is hooked on the damned things because she had the damned things legally prescribed to her for months and months after surgery.

And that's basically exactly what you just described. Yeah sure there's a medical pretext for slinging all those pills; but there's no fucking way its in the best interests of the patients.
>Unlike most of /k/, I don't get off to trannies
Fuck you.
English is a Germanic language, doesn't have masculine forms of words
Not that guy, but "mental illness" is kind of a tricky line to be trampling on

The general justification for removing rights is if a person has to be forcibly institutionalized or is proven to be a threat to others.
I support your gun rights and your right to live as you please without harming or coercing others.

If anybody tries to deny you of that, you should probably shoot them.

Also are you from guatemala by any chance?
Fucking Malcom X, get some trigger discipline brother.
>And that's basically exactly what you just described.
>have to have surgery, providing an actual excuse (at least initially) to hand out painkillers
>"just what i described" where they'll hand them out for any old injury.

doctors acting irresponsibly and doctors outright trying to jew you are two different things.
Absolutely 100% support your rights to keep and bear arms.

Doesnt fucking matter how you identify sexually.

It does highlight the problem with saying the mentally ill cant have guns. Because nearly everyone fits a diagnosis or two.

Sad because your mom died - adjustment disorder.

Not satisified by your performance at sport/work/uni - perfectionism.
Fuck me? Now your just sending mixed messages

German has masculine, feminine and neutral words.

der - masculine
die - feminine
das - neutral

English just uses "the"
I'd fuck him if he was cute to be honest. Or maybe he could fuck me...
>I don't understand Natural Law

It's okay, we already realized that


Still, dude...that shit was written by Chomsky...fucking Chomsky! Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Thomas Aquinas, Fortescue, Bracton, Gentili, Hobbes...they all did it way better.
What? Shut up.
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>30-50 percent of them are actually autistic or NEET
Oh, that percentage is MUCH higher
A transgender person is much more likely than an average person to be violent in some way.

Would you consider that grounds to prevent them from gun ownership? It would only be depriving a very small overlapping segment of people both transgender and pro-gun.
I find strange that this thread hasn't become some sort of gay hook up thread like most of the thread I've seen in here where there is a slight mention of sexuality or something like that.
I am filipino and my congressman says trans are worse than animals. I agree. You do not give weapons to animals or lower.
You're no better than the Brady campaign fuckers.
We're here too, you know.
The increasing mental illness stigma surrounding normal human behavior, from an active personality (ADHD) to occasional lethargy (depression) to not blindly submitting to authority figures (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) is a huge deal.

Especially considering US pushes to disarm the so-called mentally ill when the requirements for that classification are constantly eroding.
>i'd love to see you provide that peer reviewed vetted data.

You already acknowledged the abnormally high suicide rate among post-ops, in rhetoric that's conceding the point. I did not concede the point regarding high rates among pre-ops which means the burden is now on you to disprove my assertion. Jesus, lrn2rhetoric.
>English is a Germanic language, doesn't have masculine forms of words

And it's the only one that doesnt as far as I know
Maybe I'm arguing as the devil's advocate.

If I'm wrong, explain why.
Black people are more likely statistically to commit crimes, do you imprison all blacks?

The answer is no, you don't. Unless you can prove that an INDIVIDUAL is violent, you have no justification.

Also targeting small groups is some high school bully tier shit. Reminds me of MADD, pick on the group that can't defend themselves politically.
>making excuses to not provide citations
prove your initial assertion or suck my dick.
>/k/ loves trannies
Meh, I get my rocks off of pretty much anything now.

Sometimes I rub my dick against one of my guns until I cum.
>that sex change is “biologically impossible,”
Gene editing has progressed enormously in the last ten years. His statement will probably only hold true for a short while, maybe as short as a generation.
The only thing that bothers me about the classification for ADHD is that I can't use it as a get-out card for my social retardation like autists can.
(or even for hyperactive/inattentive behaviour, the one thing it should provide an explanation for so cunts will stop getting angry and realize i'm not doing it intentionally.)
>Black people are more likely statistically to commit crimes, do you imprison all blacks?

And not all schizophrenics are violent, maybe they should all be allowed guns?

Lol NONE of this shit is black and white.
>I don't understand genetics, the post

Can't just replace whole chromosomes anon.
If the OP has some other mental illness that is going to cause them to go into a school and start popping cis-gender kids or something then yea maybe it should be banned from owning guns but lets not forget that that isn't going to do sweet fuck all to stop them from procuring a gun from somewhere other than an ffl if they are hell bent on doing some damage. So far It just seems like OP is a huge faggot and until there is reason to believe it is a danger to other people then it should be treated like any normal person and be able to own guns.

No worries faggot. I got your back (no homo)
My initial assertion was the high rate of suicide among post-operatives, you acknowledged it. You lose.

But just for the hell of it: http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf
That's how you use a m14/m1a/mini14. Finger goes on the safety (in the trigger guard on those rifles) when you suspect you could be engaging an enemy but don't have a line of sight or are receiving incoming fire. You do the same thing with an AR or AK, just with your thumb on an AR of index (or middle finger if you have small hands) on an AK.
It's actually an M1 carbine.
Diagnosed schizophrenics are delusional. You could well be schizophrenic yourself. We should take your guns away, for your safety and everyone else's.
That's not an M14.
>Diagnosed schizophrenics are delusional.
And many would argue that transexuals are delusional.

Semantics, like I was saying.

>calling him undermensch
>proving yourself to be the untermensch
No, transexuals know they were born one gender and simply desire to live their life as the other gender. To be delusional, they would have to see their dick and say "that's not a dick, that's a vagina". You seem to have a misunderstanding of both what transexual and delusional means.
>Can't just replace whole chromosomes anon.
'Y' not, eh? How do you know it won't be possible in the future? Eh eh?
You're correct, I thought he was holding an mini14 in that pic for some reason.
We can cut out genes that cause disease and 3D print organs, so it's actually not too far fetched.
Can't cut out genes in actual human beings though, just the lab. Still a work in progress
>No, transexuals know they were born one gender and simply desire to live their life as the other gender.

So when they say "I always knew I was a woman" etc. what do they mean by that?
Nobody said right this minute.
same thing as "i always knew I was meant to be infantry" or something like that.
just on a wider scale of, not only do they want to do that, they need that to feel whole.
at least that's how I understand it.
OP if you're still around/other trans people correct me if I fucked up.
>My initial assertion was the high rate of suicide
>Finally, it should be emphasized that the NTDS, like all similar surveys, captured information about suicide ATTEPMTS, not completed suicide

>Lacking any information about completed suicide among transgender people (due primarily to decedents not being identified by gender identity or transgender status), it may be tempting to consider suicide attempt data to be the best available proxy measure of suicide death. Data from the U.S. population at large, however, show clear demographic differences between suicide attempters and those who die by suicide. While almost 80 percent of all suicide deaths occur among males, about 75 percent of suicide attempts are made by females.Adolescents, who overall have a relatively low suicide rate of about 7 per 100,000 people, account for a substantial proportion of suicide attempts, making perhaps 100 or more attempts for every suicide death


Furthermore, it records lifetime suicide attempts - now, it could be - it just could be, that people who've attempted suicide before are more likely to be approved for surgery than average. This would be a pre-op ATTEMPT that still adds +1 to the post-op "lifetime attempts" count.

Less than half way through and it's starting to look like you didn't read this at all because I'm finding very little to substantiate the claim that post-ops are more likely to attempt suicide AFTER surgery, simply that they're more likely to have had at least one lifetime suicide attempt (which is pretty meaningless, since post-ops were once pre-ops.)
This thread was fucked from the start, right?
Cross-dressers assigned female at birth who perceived that they were generally not recognized as transgender or gender non-conforming were found in this analysis to have the highest prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts (47%).

If you're a cross-dresser, you've not had surgery, because then you would "be" the other sex and wearing your normal clothes.
Yep its a longing of your place in society. Were you feel like you belong.
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Of course, there's just too many shitlords on /k/ to have a proper discussion about these genuine issues plaguing the weapons enthusiast community.
Anyone who's not in prison or in an institution should be allowed to own a gun. If you're not crazy enough to be in an asylum, you should have a gun. If you're too crazy for a gun, you should be in an asylum.

That said you're not a girl.
>Terrible taste,lolol, avoid question,lolol
I'm so tough I don't realize I have no argument
>I have a dick but act like a fairy, I'm not gonna get my ass kicked after I take someone home from a bar, I'm a woman, I probably took hormones to help this too!
After this scathing wall of mad, I still argue that you should be allowed to own firearms, and do as you wish in life/ hold your own beliefs.
And I'm pretty satisfied you only skim read this. (Which is amusing, as that's what I've done.)
>Since trans women and trans men are the groups within the overall transgender population most likely to need surgical care for transition, this may help to explain the high prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts we found among respondents who said they have had transition-related surgical procedures, compared to those who said they did not want transition-related surgery.

>Comparably high, or higher, prevalence of suicide attempts were found among respondents who said that they someday wanted FTM genital surgery, hysterectomy, or phalloplasty, suggesting that desiring transition-related health care services and procedures BUT NOT YET HAVING THEM may exacerbate respondents’ distress at the incongruence between their gender identity and physical appearance.


>These findings may also be related to the higher rates of reported LIFETIME suicide attempts among those who have undergone transition-related surgery. As has been noted, the NTDS instrument DID NOT INCLUDE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TIMING OF SUICIDE ATTEMPTS RELATIVE TO TRANSITION, and thus WE WERE UNABLE TO DETERMINE WHETHER SUICIDAL BEHAVIOUR IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED FOLLOWING TRANSITION-RELATED SURGERIES, as some clinical studies have suggested (Dixen et al., 1984; De Cuypere et al., 2006)

So in conclusion, the study you cite:
Doesn't investigate the timing of suicide attempts and so can say nothing on whether surgery reduces the suicide rate
Notes an unusually high suicide attempt rate among pre-ops, and proposes lack of surgery or distress from being unable to obtain it as a cause.
Only counts suicide attempts, not successful suicides.
>I go by a girls and if we meet out and about you wouldn't know any difference.
Unless you have an exquisitely well-trained voice, I can tell.
>posts study
>runs away when it turns out to do as much to sink his argument as support it.
Wow this thread has really exploded
I'm sure most of /k/ doesn't care if you're transgender and own a gun and I'm sure about a 3rd of /k/ would also be down to fuck you silly

All in all who gives a fuck as long as you're not going buffalo bill on us
only 3 of those posts belong to me.

though i support your unintentional support for people with multiple personality disorder.
/co/ here

if someone wants to take away other people's constitutional rights, we should dress up in ridiculous outfits and punch them in the face for it.
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Funny enough, I know a person diagnosed with DID who at one point worked for the NSA and has his C&R license despite being diagnosed
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I call agent Carter
(noun) 1. an act of trying to achieve something, typically one that is unsuccessful or not certain to succeed.

Was dozing, it's 0422 here and I work in the morning
Your study only mentions attempts. (and states outright it's irresponsible to extrapolate those to successful suicides.)

New citation of high post-op suicide rate plz.
Except that it supports the 1973 - 2003 cohort study from Sweden with had a 41% suicide rate (meaning successful) among post-ops

>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population
Post-ops have higher suicide rates than normal people shock.
>Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
>although alleviating gender dysphoria
>should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
If it lead to higher suicide rates, surely any rational study would conclude it should be discontinued?

>It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, THE RESULTS SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED SUCH AS SEX REASSIGNMENT PER SE INCREASED MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit.

To be honest I'm getting the impression you didn't actually read this one either.
By your logic they would discontinue aggressive chemotherapy and just focus on providing end-life quality and comfort yet they still continue to give people with terminal cancer chemo in an attempt to prolong remaining lifespan.

You can highlight the text all you want but the numbers are right there. Reports don't make or suggest policy, they provide information to the bodies/organizations that do.

I'm beginning to think you don't know how to right a study report.
>By your logic they would discontinue aggressive chemotherapy and just focus on providing end-life quality
This is so nonsensical I think I'll have it engraved on my tombstone.

>You can highlight the text all you want but the numbers are right there
The words put the numbers in context. Refusing to read the text and only looking at the numbers leads to silly mistakes like saying "This report shows sex-changes are a waste of time!" when it actually quite clearly says they are effective at alleviating gender dysphoria.

>how to right a study report.
pot kek.
(let me guess, this will get you typo-hunting - there's at least one, i promise! - as a petty retort.)
Not really, it's 4:56 AM. What you're doing is trying to fall back on semantics when the data in both reports indicated an ~41% suicide (successful) rate among post-op transexuals, hence the use of words like "morbidity" whereas the pre-op data was based on surveys of individuals identified with or self-identified as experiencing gender dysphoria...it's hard to self-report when dead.
>both reports indicated an ~41% suicide (successful) rate
Please point out where the first report did this, since the first report outright states
>Lacking any information about completed suicide among transgender people (due primarily to decedents not being identified by gender identity or transgender status)
It's quite hard to conclude 41% of suicides were successful from no data on completed suicides.
Also we can't cut our genes as consenting adults, Might not ever be able to. You can however alter genes in embryos, Sparing them from heritage diseases
>trying this hard to defend the mentally ill

wew lad
Somebody has to defend us =p
You're not crazy, you just have a fetish and have taken it WAY too far.

For example gays have a man fetish that they actually act out. You have a fetish for being the girl that you've decided to act out. Hormones or lack thereof come into play too, as well as conditioning by society.

Unless there's something else that makes you crazy, you're not crazy. However a lot of people with hormonal issues have a range of other mental issues, so you're more likely. Plus you may desire attention and are therefore more likely to act crazy, but being a transgender fetishist alone doesn't make you crazy.
>My question is do you still support my gun rights, or think I should not be allowed?

All i care about is :
- do you support any forms of gun control?
- do you feel the compulsion to shoot at random people for no justified reason?

If the answer is no to both, you have my support in regard of gun ownership, , and you might identify yourself as genderfluid pansexual mayonaysekin ffurry dinosaur for all i care.
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>I am transgender
>I am also very happy and don't feel mentally ill
Yeah, right, fuck off to pol.
>hurr durr vote republishit because some of them pretend to stand for gun rights.
Better than the other option
On one hand I believe every person has a right to defend themselves. But on the other if you lack the mental capacity to physically know what gender you are, then how can you be trusted with something that kills.

This transgender and other bullshit is bullshit. So let me solve your sexual issues
>do you have a penis?
If you answered yes, you are in fact a male
>do you have a vagina?
If yes you are indeed a female, so post your tits you sissy Bitch

This is why I lean more towards you not having guns. You can't even tell if you have a dick or not
To be honest I can't understand how people can be this retarded

Like, even if you don't believe half the shit behind transexuality, a child could understand the sex/gender distinction they make (REGARDLESS of whether it is valid) and conclude long in advance that taking the path of least resistance and just agreeing with them is the best option.
>just agreeing with them is the best option
Well then, I believe you are a total faggot. So by your logic you should just agree with me and accept your fate.

Seriously this issue and the whole safe space and millennial bullshit is still a issue because of people like you. Like a child that throws a hissy fit because he lost a game. So the parents baby him and bend the rules to make him get his way.

Also take this shit to poll you attention seeking faggot, remember it's just easier to agree
>So by your logic you should just agree with me and accept your fate.
Not at all, because you're now making arguments about me instead of about yourself or other irrelevant third parties.
If you claim to be a faggot while fucking women, fine, I won't argue, I don't care.
If you claim some random kid is a faggot, sure, i probably don't give a fuck either. might argue if i feel like it or if there's no way to ignore you, but otherwise i'm just going to ignore you.
If you claim someone in my family is a faggot even though they fuck women, I'll have to object again.

>Seriously this issue and the whole safe space and millennial bullshit is still a issue because of people like you.
Except it isn't, because there are easily defined circumstances in which your safe space is getting torn down for getting too close to me.

>Also take this shit to poll
nah, i hate strawpoll. :^)
>remember it's just easier to agree
not in these circumstances it isn't because it requires further significant action on my part (i.e. something more complicated than adding a "s" to some faggot's "he"). bet you thought you were clever pretending to be contextually blind when you said that, though.
No one cares, fuck off.
I do not want to throw around "mental disorder" just because someone does something fucking dumb, illogical, and impossible.

But mental illness is a scapegoat for when anti-gunners realize their argument is bullshit and they need to shift the goal posts.
People with mental illness are, on average, less likely to commit a crime than those who don't have a mental illness.
>No one cares, fuck off.

Post 289 ......
>My question is do you still support my gun rights, or think I should not be allowed?
The mentally-ill are actually statistically less violent than the general public, and I think the policy of depriving them of their gun rights without due process is an absolute travesty. Unless you have been convicted of a serious crime, I you should be allowed to pack heat. Whether I consider transwhateverism to be "mental illness" is frankly irrelevant.
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Therefore, you are allowed to strap a gun to your tranny faggot ass. Go get yourself one.

Since you are not straight, and nobody Makes StG 44 with krumlauf anymore, i reccomend you get Taurus Curve.
I agree with your right to bear arms and be who you wish, but you cant just self diagnose yourself as being free of mental issues.

Every trans person I have known has had some sort of mental issue to the point where i wouldn't feel comfortable with them having a knife in the house, let alone a firearm. I guess I'm a bit biased there in my personal experience.

Being a dealer, I have had a couple trans customers that I wouldn't sell to because I felt they weren't all there, especially after both threw a fit of having to indicate their sex on the 4473 form. To avoid any issue with them, I let them check the sex they felt they were, ran the check, both were given a proceed status but I told them they were denied and it was out of my control. The third one checked the appropriate box and gave me no issues and didn't give me any weird vibes as to make me feel concerned I was giving them a gun.
Why has this thread been moved here? Fuck off mods just delete it.
Trans=mental illness

Also, ayy lmao flags.
From which board is this?
Transgenderism or whatever the fuck you want to call it is a mental illness.
at least where i'm from transgender people have the decency to get a sex change as soon as possible to match their inner with their outward identity... everything else is just a sad excuse to be a creep imo.
Transgenderedism is not a natural phenemenom found in nature. Unlike homosexuality it seems like transgenderdism and gender disphoria are unique to humans, which leads me to believe that it exists as a mental disorder rather than some natural phenomenom.
Was in /k/
hello no bitch, you don't deserve a gun you're fucking insane.
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