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First she was raped by an Algerian man while she left a restaurant

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First she was raped by an Algerian man while she left a restaurant at 2:00 PM in the afternoon and passed by a hotel turned refugee center.
She stumbled along after the incident, looking for help and was raped a second time by another immigrant. This time a Syrian who spit in her face repeatedly as he vaginally and anally raped her.
The Algerians DNA matched an earlier attempted rape on another Swedish women in the area.
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A new one? Source.

I don't know what to say, it is heartbreaking, but they bring it on themselves and offers of help are rejected with hostility.

These people are dangerous. When will they accept that?
Didn't see source, was posting too early.
She came twice during the first rape according to police reports.
It's painful to even read about sweden and germany at this point
What a surprise, it's not like they didn't made it for themselves.
not really, we just need to compile this stuff to fan the flames of nationalism in other countries
>muslim refugees
>they have been at the pub that same night

Isolated incidents goys!
Why didn't she call the police after the first rape?
> implying the police would ever do anything about cultural enrichment taking place in Sweden

stupid goy. Swedish women must be enriched, it is a human right !
>whores getting enriched

Call me when a white conservative male gets harmed.
It would be racist to say she was raped by someone that wasn't white.
Why are you trying to insight hatred against refugees you monster?!
Seriously, why do you even care ?

100% sure she was pro immigration. Let her enjoy the cultural enrichment.
>Why didn't she call the police after the first rape?

That would've been racist.
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wtf? source?
What was she wearing?
>100% sure she was pro immigration. Let her enjoy the cultural enrichment.

Women are almost invariably leftist.
Bitches want immigration bitches got it.
Give me a break, everybody knows you cannot rape a white person....grow up shitloard.
>If white Sweden actually just started fighting there's no way they government could stop them

What can they do put all of you in prison? It literally couldn't be done. Even if it could, who would stop you considering your army has hit maximum kek? Have some pride for fuck sake, Sweden.
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White men are evil and racist.
White men save us
>Why wasn't she mentally together immediately after being physically attacked?
I love how leftists in power directly depend on division by identity and blaming women for getting raped.
Muslims and blacks are release from prison to make room for white men. Shitskins have free reign
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Kek'd pretty hard
am i supposed to be surprised? angry?

what the fuck do you want. i literally dont care
Probably something culturally inappropriate.
It doesn't matter what she was wearing. She could be wearing a full burqa and they would still rape her provided the opportunity
Jesus, can't they just jerk off to memories of Aisha in Algeria, Matima in Somalia, or some shit?

Hell, even porn?

She propably traumatized the poor refugee children by not consenting for obviously racial reasons.
Hey swedes, how about less time being faggots on the internet and more time protecting your women.

Is Sweden just full of betas? Would you really give a fuck if people call you mean names as long as your daughter, sister, wife or partner is safe?
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>women having their liberalism and tolerance literally raped out of them

They're "appropriate" people.

Someone rapes a woman walking down the street, then the police put them in jail (which isn't really punishment there). That's "appropriate".

If Sven Rambo's out, he goes to jail for life or gets shot, all for people that are letting the rapes happen to them.

Hard pill to choose, senpai.

They still find a way to blame themselves and their oppressive "dominant" culture.
Why would they ?

It's like being a outdoor brothel for them.

Muslims even rape women who wear burkas.
Ireland is about ask keked as sweden. Just saying....
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you deserve this to be quite fucking honest with you family man
the weak should fear the strong
Posting copy pasta should be met with the banhammer.
Nah, you just need to get ripped so you can kek your own wife by yourself. Stop being a pussy.

That's where you're wrong. Our government might be just as retarded, but even with the 50,000+ mudslimes in our little shithole there isn't multiple rapes every fucking day.

Say what you want about our dipshit government, but we're not a bunch of fucking faggy betas who stand idly by as our women get raped. They have been shitting up our island for years at this point, but the general consensus is "fuck them, fuck their ideals, over my dead body".

We have a lot of inbred super racist farmers too, which is more kek material than anything else, yet they're amongst the only people who are allowed own guns.

very funny post anon

>monogamy is a tool of the scheming jew
lol jesus christ
I've got the edgiest opinion possible on this, the rape of the woman is irrelevant

But the Muslims might have damaged a White man's property, for this they should die in the most painful, humiliating fashion possible

I know, bury them alive along with pig carcasses, leaving a small hole with just enough air so they last a few days

pretty soon they'll stop "raping"
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Why don't you tell everyone about your real rape fantasy at the hands of Singaporean troops, Ping.
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All alpha male swedes died along with this guy.
Fuck muslims. Fuck these arab animals. And fuck any liberal sympathizing asshole traitorous people in government.

IF they call you racist, just say ,no. Im a realist, and you are a piece of shit. You are the racist. You are the ones that hurt, destroy, and rape every western country you go to.

Mohamed was a child molester, and if you deny that, YOU are a child molester too. You molest your little arab kids, and thats why you like to protect Mohamed at all times.
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how do you spit on her face while raping anally?
anyway this is the future you chose

>Bart Karlsson's tax-funded asylum company

so some cunt is making profit off all this, good for him
And she probably voted pro imigration every time, i couldn't care less desu
why dont these women carry a weapon with them? pepper spray...a knife?
how do you know you gypsy cunt? She could be a decent upstanding white nationalist for all you know.
both illegal in UK
>She could be a decent upstanding white nationalist

yeah right.
how many of those are walking around the nigger / mudslime centers ?
Only a liberal whore could be that stupid.
>She could be a decent upstanding white nationalist for all you know

See, now I know you're just fucking with us.
This is what swedish sjw brought upon themselves. it is their choice and consequences. I dont feel sorry for nation which wants to be exterminated.
You didn't get trampled at the Hajj this year circling your rock? Maybe next year.
First the tore my arms off and they threw them over there!
Then they tore my legs off and they threw them over there!

If only I had a brain.
>falling for the shitposters b8
Look at the flag,bro

>Implying she won't literally blame it on white people like that bitch who got raped in Haiti while on an NGO mission (/r/ screencap btw)

Certain types of liberalism are quite literally a mental illness. Muh amygdala! They simply can't detect or respond to threats effectively.
Now I can only see sweden when i see the vault jumpsuits. Fallout confirmed for cücks.

She can thank France and Britain for attacking Germany back in 39.
She only made it 70 meters.
He was just expressing his cultural differences. Fucking nazis.
wow...so you seriously cant defend yourself.
What the fuck, I didnt know it was THAT bad.
So what you just take getting raped? Fuuuck that. I'd carry something with me anyways.
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You Euro guys should take every single one of these Mudslime animals, nail em up to every telephone pole as a warning to newly arriving refugees.

You got ready made crosses along every single one of your roads, make use of them.

at the pub eh. Well at least they're assimilating.
>Mohamed was a child molester, and if you deny that, YOU are a child molester too
So was everybody in the Middle East at that time.
In fact Mary was deemed only to be about 12 when she gave birth to Jebus, Joseph denied responsibility and everybody agrees with him and said it was God???

Islam may have a Pedo prophet but Christianity has a Pedo God!
Chew on that!
fuck off ahmed
Is today a weekday? Are the cattle at work or do they have off?
Did I burst your bubble Jeremia?
The sad thing is it's probably SD voters getting raped since all the socialist voters live far away from immigrants unless the spoiled white girls are dumb enough to go volunteer at refugee camps, they most likely never see an immigrant in their day to day lives.

That's what's truly sad. The ones actively seeking to destroy the white race with their refugees welcome rhetoric should be the ones being raped.
I was just chatting with my Swedish friend asking how things were there and to be careful since she is young and has daughters herself. She seriously had no idea this shit was even going on, but she does live outside the city. Is the media not talking about it there? Jesus Sweden, make the women aware how unsafe these people are so they are at least on guard a bit.
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>>The only self-defense item legal to carry in England is a rape alarm
>>Non-toxic, non-irritant, dye used to mark your attacker MAY be legal UNLESS you spray it into your attackers eyes, then it becomes an offensive weapon.
You faggots said Refugees are Welcome. You deserve it.
Fuck the refugees.
So tolerant <3
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>TFW she is indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds(if not thousands) of white women.

Why isn't she assassinated yet /pol/?
so close, well im glad i didnt get the get wit this
Mary was literally magically impregnated. There was no sex involved. This is one of the core tenets of Christianity, at least know a thing or two about the religion you're trying to insult, goatfucker.
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pls stop the racism
most of the immigrants in Sweden had a pretty rough life things werent that easy for them and honestly most are nice people who are humble and grateful for the charity Sweden bestowed on them.
we must open our hearts and quiet the fear
underneth our skin we all have 2 feet, 2 hands, 1 head, one lips, one beating heart
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Justine much?
>Mary was literally magically impregnated.
Yes, I forgot about that - seems legit!
Could we have a REAL source please. A link?
I would have kicked your ass
>comparing an actual rapist to a God who granted Mary a vrigin birth.
Hahaha get fucked Britbong you're once great country belong to muslims now.
Fuck off inmigrant
gib vacation home and we'll leave
>what is a miracle
Swedish friend has informed me that the source is "fria tider" a racist propaganda site rag. Apparently they post a lot of fake BS news and nobody takes them seriously.
>you're once great country belong to muslims now.
And how proud I am.

>what is a miracle
It's all lies, wouldn't hold up in court today!
Enjoy your Pedo God.
And apparently, their reports are usually followed by the MSM, only with the details left out. The same MSM that has been caught literally painting suspects white in arrest photos.
What a surprise. Please go away.
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>being racist towards oppressed refugees
I mean come on.
>And how proud I am.
>British flag
why am not surprised?
No trolling outside of /b/.
I've never seen the phillipines flag before, it's pretty cool.
>tfw spitting on faces and in mouths is your fetish
I hope you care when it's your daughters turn to be enriched culturally, Lars
Are swedes waking up yet?
When are you going to revolt and fix your country?
Or she was a fellow /pol/yanna.

You never fucking know. Because it's not like we advertise our stormfagottry in public
Are you really a stormfag? That's delusional.
Former stormfag.
And how is it?
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>Or she was a fellow /pol/yanna.
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>First she was raped by an Algerian man while she left a restaurant at 2:00 PM in the afternoon and passed by a hotel turned refugee center.
>She stumbled along after the incident, looking for help and was raped a second time by another immigrant.
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Let me tell you something Mohamed.
Even if the bullshit u say is 100% truth. I will even give it to you pig fucker.

The FACT is that YOURS is the religion of rape, and destroying the rights of women, and those that dont follow your pig fucker pedophile prophet.

As a collective whole, you are the rapist, degenerates, animals. In Egypt, in Sweden.

And yes, other religions have done shit in past. But most of the civilized religions have grown the fuck up. While ISLAM is still 1000 years in the past.

You defend a mohamed pig fucker.

While the west will criticize itself, prosecute itself, correct itself when for instance priest get caught fucking kids. Yes. We admit it when we do evil shit. We try to correct it. To protect innocence. To make it better. The western religions as a whole have become a bit less fanatic. A bit more into civilized laws.

You on the other hand, never criticize your shit Islam countries, or your shit brothers, or your shit rapist, and Jihadist.

So say whatever bullshit defense you want. You know yourself if you ever been to Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, you know yourself from your father pig fucker, your brother pig fucker, and all the shit they teach you at Mosque. You know the shit they teach you and the evil they put into your heart about the west, its people, its democracy.

Face it Mohamed, you are a half animal in this.
And maybe if you pig fuckers at least once corrected yourselves, defended your women, children, and criticize the animal fanatics, maybe some would want to be your human friend. But none of you pig fuckers criticize your rapist, child molesters, your shit Sharia practices.

And you defend Mohamed to the death like brainwashed assholes. While we will say, you have a right to speak your mind about christianity and jesus. YOU all defend shit to death, even if it is wrong. You dont even think its morally wrong.

We both know u are not getting virgins, or paradise.
>on her way home from police station she was raped a 5th and 6th time getting two new forms of Aids before being stuffed with a large dildo and let to go home
Sweden yes.
You Finns killed the commies. Why can't you kill a a few dumb shitskins?
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>destroying the rights of women
I don't give a fuck.
And I'm not even Muslim.
I want to feel sorry and I do, to an extent. But the Swedes brought this upon themselves and literally welcomed it. It's important that they are confronted with the real implications of their actions and words, otherwise the ride will never end.
>Unfortunately, the dildo affected her balance causing her to stagger into a shelf and knock an open jar of female boar hormones over herself, momentarily blinding her and leaving her unaware that she was just about to run into a fence, awkwardly flip over it and land in a pig farm
If that'd be a girl I'd known well I would murder the rapists. Hell, maybe I have to murder anyhow if things get out of hand
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>proud of being a shitskin
Before she needed to orgasm again
The girl is for sur a fucking leftist pro-immigration, muh welcome.

I don't give a fuck.
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Brah christianity is hellenic in essence and origin, it has never been an underdeveloped mudskin's war-sect.
>To the left side of the road
>Runs to the right

Says you
according to the protocols from court, the womans friend had met the algerian, whom they called "the frenchman" before...
Jesus Christ, man.

This was a woman who was walking home from lunch at a cafe in the early afternoon, not some skank stumbling home drunk in the middle of the night.

Either be a man or go back to >>>/r9k/
It's humiliating that the women of your tribe aren't safe in your lands.
It's embarrassing that no man has gone kill crazy ar thar centre.


Whatever you say about women asking god it. It's a burning humiliation to the white man that these feel they can behave this way in your homelands.

Fucking kukolds
Do something you weak cunts
Lol, Europe is hardly China.
why was she out on her own among arabs at evening?
Why did she not sibmit to a man whom she could have called to escort her home ?
More importantly
If she was raped by shit skins this lot say she deserved it.
Absolving themselves of the need to do anything. Or saving their impotent rage that they can't do anything.
The left do the same but to fit their agenda
The shit skins do the same for their own reasons

If the woman stood up and said "actually they're untermensch and I work hard to keep these cunts out.gas the kikes racewar now"
Then her life's doubly ruined and we all know how and why.
Weak cunt
is anyone really surprised? This is what they chose.
And which of you weak cunts would keep her safe from them?you faggots get beaten in your own areas.

And it's not really the women getting raped you fucking simpleton. That's symbolic
It's you lot

More important question weak cunt, why are there Arabs in your country?
Blah blah, Aryans this, Aryans that.

Face it, youre gonna love sharia law, my son. Its good for guys.
>why are there Arabs in your country?
Sweden belongs to them.
The Government said Sweden belongs to the immigrants and Swedish natives have no culture.
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>my son
IQ of a beast
Deus Vult when?

They need to serve as lessons in what not to do before its too late for the rest of us
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Yeah because people went kill crazy at Rotherham

We're all fucked.
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There's going to come a point very soon where even the Kuks will be forced to take up the cry, "I'M NOT LOCKED IN HERE WITH YOU, YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!"

>Friends, it has often been said zat I like Migrants. Friends, I like Migrants
While you memerape me on pol, white bitches be gettin it fo real
>yet they're amongst the only people who are allowed own guns.
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The memes are all I have...
When whitey gets his act together you'll be very fucking sorry.
And I have every faith that he will.
Clocks ticking dick head. Have your fun while it lasts you hyenal bottom feeder.
Yeah my comments are aimed at all white men everywhere.

Not doing anything makes them bolder and bolder. Imagine what grandads generation would do about Rotherham then cry a fucking river over it.
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I think we all need a visit to the forest...
well, this is tragic quite frankly

In one hand I feel sorry for this woman for being raped, regardless of her political views, but in the other hand this is almost a necessary evil
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This shitshow will make beasts of us all Huebro.

>inb4 this was the plan all along.
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>tfw the inner circle is extinct
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Kek. Christianity LITERALLY started as a copout for Joseph getting keked :DDD. You can't make this shit up!
says the kuck
Yeah, because atheism is working so well in Swedistan, eh?
Other countries have large Niggenkabob populations, and have far fewer problems. There is something about Sweden that makes the invading enemy hordes very bold.
Not a Swede so the memes run off me like water ;) I'm actually visiting my family
did your black dad touch you yet
>i-i'm not cvucked guys i swear, just v-visting Mbotumbe in Malmo

Mother of God. I can never understand how you could bring yourself to rape someone. How could you stay hard while perpetrating such extreme violence against another human being?

Surely after a while you would be like "I am going to hell for sure"
Jewish* cousins*
No, incest isn't a Jewish tradition.

Whatever you say f.am.
kek, the blood of the kucks flows through your veins then
gee why am I not surprised
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BTW, the spiritual Israel is the Christian Church, you kikes have rejected God. Enjoy your eternal damnation I guess.
They're full of hate
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That is because you are brainwashed by Western infidels.
>Being religious
I may have been born a kike but I couldn't care less about religion
Unless it's the integrity of Christian nations and the movement of Islamic people

Then you're all over it like a rabbi on a foreskin
Poor girl.
The good old le Jewish conspiracy. You guys sound exactly like the niggers screaming that whitey is keeping him down.
Libbre David 37: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."
>implying slave traders weren't kikes
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Because there isn't ample video and written evidence if your kind saying exactly what they're up to?

No kikes equals no problems.
Kikes involved suddenly problems

And why are blacks screaming about whitey? Could not possibly be kikes whipping them up.

If you don't like sweden filling up with shit skins why don't you do something before they fucking end you?
It's november man, probably something to stay warm.
Wha tthe hell is this? Taqiyya for Jews? Are you guys going to try and find shit like that for every group you have an irrational hatred of? What's next? The book of chimps 3: A black man must always make a false oath when the whitey asks if he harbors any ill intention against them?

Also why does the slave trade matter? You guys flip out when libkeks lash against whitey for the slave trade since it happened hundreds of years ago so why do you lash out against Jews for it?
>Because there isn't ample video and written evidence if your kind saying exactly what they're up to?
So the millions upon millions of leftist goy pawns don't deserve any of our blame or anger?
The leftist Europeans with power in media/gubmint or elsewhere that obey out of idioicy or corruption don't get blame?

Jews are a part of it but so are many Europeans.
They must all be dealt with.
This. It's a problem of extreme leftists and rational people not Jews and non-Jews.
But Syrians are highly educated and civilized people :^)
Probably deserved it for voting left
Success breeds jealousy amirite
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Women are fucking stupid... or many young women are anyway.


I would hate to imagine those type of women votes.
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I have not heard a word about this.
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1] Kebabs are not allowed to drink, why where they allowed to enter the pub.

2] Woman might be a kebab her self, why was she in the pub ? or she was a white leftist whore who loves mud dick, got wasted, walked home alone and got enriched.

Sweden YES
maybe some organization of raped females will the ones to spark the race war
that would be delicious irony
That's what women get for living the easy life.
All they had to do make sure they don't dress like a dumb slut and they still fuck up.
Who cares. Let's face it, the white man's day has come and gone, and now he can't even fight off an unarmed invasion, and his women all succumb to Stockholm (heh) Syndrome after getting raped by shitskins.

Ima go play some vidya games and smoke weed.
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set fire to hotel at 2 am
Styrofoam soaked in gasoline for a few days is similar to napalm
>Wha tthe hell is this? Taqiyya for Jews?
yeah, the talmud. Don't act like you don't know it.
>Also why does the slave trade matter?
you brought the "whites keep the niggers down" thing

In fact, you're most likely lying to us now. I don't blame you though, it would like the frog blaming the scorpion for stinging it.

/int/ suicide meetup when?
With what phone?

people like you are making me very sad inside
Sweden noooooooo!


>Pedophile serial rapist was beaten to near death with golf clubs
>The assailants has been cleared of all charges
Kek'd hard at the ending of the video. I didn't mention slavery at all I just compared /pol/ whining about Jews to niggers whining about whites.
>Kek'd hard at the ending of the video.
I'm glad, I did too the first time I watched it. It just comes too abruply kek.
That's actually hilarious
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Soon I hope.
Would be nice to go with a bunch of my /pol/ friends.
Less lonely that way.
Yeah. Pawns of who?

Both need to fuck off.

Why not just admit that there's a fucking Jewish cabal at the top and condemn their actions

You keep denying there's a problem. You're like a 'moderate muslim' refusing to call out your fellows bullshit. Then ry when we put you in their camp.

I've got no problem with some random Jewish person. But don't fucking deny the problems your fellows cause. I don't deny the crimes of my own,why should you?
it's one thing to be emo due to lack of sun / vitamin-D, but a wholly other form of nihilist self-annihilation to let a neanderthal shit-skin plague genocide your culture and race
i agree
>Yeah. Pawns of who?
I dunno the rich elites probably.
Sóros is the worst of them.

Still the brainwashed masses won't just wake up if you take out the elites.
They need to be stopped also by any means.
I hope you sweedish c ucks get bred out of existence. Fucking cowards. I used to feel horrified reading these stories but after like twenty years of inaction to this crap you don't deserve any sympathy. Good riddance.
>Near death

Sounds to me like they failed.
>Sóros is the worst of them.
daily reminder that he's a kike
That's what she gets for voting leftist.

Muslim rape of leftist voting women = karma.
>So was everybody in the Middle East at that time.
>at that time.
not realizing they were 650 years apart
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Reporting crimes committed by immigrants is racist. If they are immigrants there will be no perpetrator description either.

Welcome to Sweden, retirement age was just raised to 69 to fund the dune coon invasion.

I feel like burning down a refugee center tonight desu
How do you know she wasn't creeping round with a petrol can?

Sverige ja
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I wouldn't want to be a white woman in Europe..that's for sure.
Does Sweden have concealed carry like in my country?
Do it. Bli brandmannen.
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But God didn't fuck Mary. You know the whole Virgin birth thing is a pretty big part of the new testament.
When it comes to the Jews the claims of a "doctrine of lies" are actually far better supported and legitimate than with Islam.
Look, I can't stand it anymore. That girl has parents, doesn't she? She has a father? If the judicial system doesn't take its responsablities, it is up to him to avenge his daughter. Get a gun, shoot the sandnigs, shoot the whole hotel even. Burn it to the ground, get rid of the gun. Obviously the police will suspect you, when they go to your house say your gun was just stolen by sandnigs and you were going to call the police.

>Inb4 but we don't have guns
There are ways to get guns, even legally. White people are just a bunch of socialist faggots "hurr we don't need guns, they are evil. Derp mass immigration is so progressive and tolerant!"
You got it coming.
Vive la France!
Why are you in the UK then? was your area not good enough?
Muslims make land shit. You made the middle east into a shithole and now you're working on Europe.
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Reminder that instead of blaming refugees, she will blame men.
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White men and European culture she will blame.
Also something will be mentioned about the immigrants coming from a different culture where rape is OK so we can't blame them but of course it is a good idea to give charity to and invite people into your country from places/cultures where rape is ok. Because that is smart and won't possibly harm the native citizens the country belongs to.

>"Prosecutor calls for both men to be expelled from Sweden after serving sentences."


How about a walk into the middle of the city and executed by the women? That would be justice served and a note to all other goat fuckers of the same fate.

Damn you Sweden. Grow some fucking balls.
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I hope she thanked them both for the cultural enrichment.

I can't even be mad about this anymore. It's over, we lost. Complaining about this kind of behavior is racist now.
Serves you right Sweden! I hope this happens more and more you sand nigger lovers. This is what you get for betraying your own race.
Follow the thread weak eyed untermensch

Fucking poor genes will out perpetual over kike.
What glorious facial hair.
What is this from?
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> that feeling of complete serenity and inner peace when you realise the world is doomed and all you can do is watch it burn

I have found my inner shekel, friends
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I'm not necessarily at peace with it, but I realise that getting angry about it won't solve anything. There's no amount of effort I can put in that will save the indoctrinated west now.
I am learning Russian in my spare time, so hopefully I can move out with the slavs when the UK inevitably reaches Sweden's level of degeneracy.
hehehe top kuk

I bet she didn´t minded geting raped to please that poor opressed refugees

how many times did she cum´d?
>that gif
Fucking funniest scene in any movie I ever saw, nice one f.a.m.
Taк им пидopaм и нaдo!!!
They were saying that ironically,.

To be really honest, she was most likely a pro-immigration, pro-EU whore anyway.

/pol/ needs to really get over the white women meme. They are mostly degenerate whores, just like all other women.

What we need to do is keep them in their place so they don't act like stupid whores, as is their nature to do so.

They were saying it ironically, but it is the genuine societal climate in Sweden right now, so it doesn't make it funny.
HAHAHAHHAHA, such filthy animals.
Blow yourself up, Sweden.
Disgusting how you allow these animals to treat your women.

Victim status discarded. 10000 bucks she voted for pro immigration party, likes 1000 pro refugees and diversity pages on kikebook and went to the refugee camp to visit these exciting poor refugees at the camp to have a story to tell her friend and selfies to share on social media.

Swedish women deserve everything they get.
1618-1648 best years of my life

RIP cannon man
I feel bad for Sweden.

Did all those pretty white women know they were going to get an influx of wild african niggers instead of grateful refugees?

What can they even do at this point? Send all the refugees back? Is that even possible?

If they were refugees, then yes they would go back. But these aren't refugees and the EU and Europeans aren't treating them as refugees either, they are permanent immigrants.
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they do but they are women its a good thing for them

It honestly was a case of ignorance, yeah. They were too stupid to realise they were inviting savages and rapists into their homes.
If this had happened sooner, and had been publicized at all, it might have acted as a good deterrent for the rest of Europe.
What I'd like to know is why haven't those goddamn slut walk feminazi retards spoken up against this shit?

Because non-white>white in leftist thinking and "one bad apple doesn't represent the bunch."

But they'll label all white conservative men as racist rapists pretty easily in the same breath.

Women should never have the right to vote.

That's what you get you keks. The chickens have come home to roowtf you cant have my smartphone dindu what d
Hi i

I wish this was just a meme but all the evidence points to them actually believing this I just want to see what they say personally and how they can justify it without being 'racist'.

Even though I see this shit more or more daily, I still find it hard to believe these people exist.
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Men like you should not have a right to live.
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why is everyone laughing? what if she was a cute nationalist swedish girl?
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I have a huge extended family in Sweden. My northern members are all sick of this and pretty red pilled. My southern family are hyper keked and won't vote SD because that would be "racist." I got into a huge argument with my two southern cousins over this and it of course boiled down to them saying "but if we didn't have immigration then we wouldn't have that turkish pizza place my dad's friend owns!" So yeah.. it varies.
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Their government knows what's best for them, and defending themselves is in no way progressive.
please do not post pictures like that
they are very upsetting
I think a big problem is the immigrant invasion has happened so fast that many locals don't know where the safe areas are anymore. The mudslimes are being spread out so everyone is at risk. Going out drinking and walking home probably used to be safe but not anymore.
Damnit Sweden, are you even fucking trying anymore?
Maximum kek
>pig farm
Probably the safest place to be around muzzies desu

if anyone was still after source
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>The Algerians DNA matched an earlier attempted rape on another Swedish women in the area.
>attempted rape
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>that webm
How do you even get hard while you try and pin down a squirming girl. I would have to be on a lot of Viagra and she would have had to have taken a lethal dose of Xanax and be in a comatose state otherwise I don't think my pee pee is going in her poo poo erect and then it wouldn't even be like sex either that's like having sex with a dead person. Literal fucking savages!
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the solution is to convert to Islam, or at least politically organize with Muslims, to bring down Zion.

They already know the Jews and are the natural ally for those seeking a truly independent state.

Yes, Islam will be strong but if native Europeans joined the Ummah, surely they would bring it into a true Golden Age.

Zionists want you to fight with the Muslims, they are currently herding you into conflict with them. Do not be good goyim, be authentic National Socialists and ally with Islam!
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Under fingernail samples, hair, grease shitskin skin oil etc etc
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See lapel emblem
Based, I plan to move to Russia too, haven't started learning Russian yet though. I also need to finish my STEM degree.
>Some kind of rainforestspic
Hate to break it to you mud, but you're part of the problem
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>the solution is to convert to Islam
Do not be fooled. Hitler only allowed them into the SS due to the lack of man power the SS was facing in 1943 and afterwards. If your ethnic group wasn't in the SS pre-1943, then it doesn't really count.
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>the solution is to convert to Islam
Holy shit. Quads and two dubs
>projecting this hard
fuck off manuel

If you do it, not only will you be vilified, but all of us in the thread will.
Someone needs to start the wave though. Once one person stands up and starts making a difference, other like-minded individuals will too. I believe that. But we have to realise it will be a thankless task.
ayyy lmao

If you already speak English and whatever spic talk they have in Uruguay then learning Russian will probably be easy enough.
It's been a fucking pain for me because so many of their letters are similar to the Roman alphabet, but with different sounds or implementations.
Deemed by the same guy who said that Jesus was born at the winter solstice?
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Let's be honest, God smashed that prime teen pussy and she denied getting fuck so that the Jews wouldn't stone her to death.
Muzzies think that she's just being coy. After all, she must want it because people can see her *hair*!
Hopefully they feel the full force of the Swedish justice system and and get a six month suspended sentence.
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This might be too harsh, man.

>southern Sweden



Because Skåne is the most racist while northern is the "least".
>walking around a refugee center drunk

ya i don't think so mate, just a regular brainwashed goyim women who fell for marxist propaganda and erased her common sense and survival instincts

if swedes weren't such betakeks, they'd teach their women the truth instead of what the government teaches
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