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Marriage definately not worth it

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I’ve listened to many stories of divorced men on youtube and here’s what I found.

Imagine you are going bungee jumping. Imagine that 50% of the time, the bungee cord breaks. If it breaks, you fall into a lake. If you are lucky, you will get injured, if you are unlucky, you will get killed from the impact.

For every 4 women who commit suicide, 16 men do the same. Men are losing their money, losing their beloved kids.........any thoughts?
Don't marry liberal, don't marry white, and don't marry a girl who thinks she's from a higher social standing. Especially don't marry one of those spiritual types who believes in their own feelings being the rule of the universe, they're the worst.

And be a decent husband too, I guess. Don't cheat, don't neglect, don't run away from your family when you don't want to deal.
^^^don't marry white.......haha
>4:16 ratio
Why not state it as 1:4?
Also this thread is shit. Women are enjoying more and more rights with less and less responsibilities, this has been discussed to death on /pol/. Women tend to vote for more socialist policies, and favour bigger government. Women tend towards emotionally / socially driven work, men towards technical / mechanical / mathematical. Women are generally more driven by emotion than men, and like anyone else vote for policies and laws that benefit themselves. If things were ever skewed in favour of men, they certainly aren't now, with women enjoying no fault divorce laws, alimony payments, and workplaces quotas in fields men tend to dominate. This has created a huge social problem with men simply dropping out. Given that women tend to want a family at some point in their lives, the lack of men means that women have taken to shaming men back into society - "it takes a real man to raise someone else's kids" and similar phrases are often heard. As women grow older they get less happy with the results of these "progressive" feminist policies, although few connect their unhappiness to this root cause. Men see the horrors inflicted upon them by a world that tells them they are the cause of all evil, and say "fuck it, we're out".

The upshot of all this is that no-one is happy, and the few people that identify the cause are labelled as woman haters. Find yourself a religious girl raised in a Christian household who's never been a part of hookup culture and wants to raise a family, and you will be happy. Fail to do this and you are rolling a die heavily loaded against you.
There is currently more single adults than married adults in our society due to low marriage rate and high divorce rate.

Married at 25, 27 now with a baby on the way. Liberal (her) and conservative (me), both white. Couldn't be happier.

Sorry guys.
A bunch of horror stories to be found when you research international marriages with japanese people. I'm still sold.
why japanese people in particular?
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Make the bitch sign a preen up.
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I think MGTOW have a point but this point only applies to modern westernized women, I am not sure if MGTOW mean not marrying any women or only western women, if they mean staying away from all women then they are doing something pretty stupid since there are many traditional and honorable women to be found outside of this western society.
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Weak men who jump into marriage with cunts who walk all over them get divorce and kill themselves.
If a marriage fails, it's the man's fault. Period. Even if the woman commits infidelity.
You need to be the captain of the your relationship, women have no clue how to make themselves happy and if she's in control of the relationship she can't look at you with respect.
Women want a man, not a child whose hand they need to hold.

>tfw dating a white, blonde, qt 3.14
>tfw Hardcore Christian (legit creationist), Wisconsin farm girl who loves fishing and hunting

Enjoy masturbating into your socks and getting athlete's foot on your cock
^^^ "if marriage fails, it's the man's fault. period. even if the women commits infidelity".

hahahaha maybe u will change ur mind with more relationship experience. It takes two to get along.
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>having to constantly evaluate your frame, control her behavior, keep her happy& entertained and pass her various shit tests with financial ruin on the line

No fucking thanks, my life is stressful enough as it is. Good luck though mate, the risks outweigh the rewards for me
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MGTOW is a black operation originally conceived by Mossad to help further lower Western nations' fertility rates.

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>can't be bothered with striving to be more than a slug that'll wither and die without forming a meaningful connection or passing on it's genes

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that marriage or even a relationship is not even an option for you.
Pretty sure I used to be you. Completely invisible to the opposite sex due to a flabby, Stay Puft Marshmellow Man body and zero confidence or social skills.

It's not that hard, dude. Join a gym and work that stress out on a punching bag instead of a keyboard.

Immigrant or downie detected.

This is probably THE most accurate post regarding this entire fucking issue I've ever read on the Internet. Good job, anon, no matter can or will put it better than you did.

Men are refusing to be shamed these days by women and their whiteknight orbiters. But stormfags don't understand WHY men are opting out, and instead impulsively blame men for everything and insult us. And then stormfags wonder why even among white men, they are perceived so lowly.
Yeah, stop putting up with women and their bullshit.

If you have to marry, marry in a country where you have the power.

Preferrably one where you can slap them when they get out of line.
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MGTOW is a cancer and is worse than feminism. If you want to drink the cool aid and commit cultural suicide, don't try to take the weak willed along with you.

You only think it's worse than feminism because MGTOW involves men, and you were probably raised to absolve women of responsibility while being hard on guys. This is a real thing going on, the Internet is very bitterly accepting that all the insults, memes and buzzwords have not worked one iota to stop men from protecting their assets from the vaginal Jew.
It has nothing to do with perceptive gender roles. I'd admit that I absolutely believe that MGTOW is followed by manchildren that avoid the pain of responsibility, but that's what feminism has most in common with MGTOW. Both parties hate being responsible people in general.

Feminism has real political power, wide academic acceptance, and has a fairly long history of movements and philosophy. I truely hate that about feminists, but that's what they have right now. At least when you are a feminist, you have not only the above going for you, but social acceptance for doing so. The policies and ideas that feminists champion are bad, but they at least have a seat at the table of public discourse.

MGTOW has none of those things going for it. It's a fairly new movement with no real goal except to make a boyz club pillow fort. The only noise generated from this movement on the outside are "experts" trying to figure out why some men are giving up.

Good luck getting any political power though, but yall ideas still are terrible and indefensible.
Really? I've heard international is the way to go if you ever plan to get married. Maybe Japan is just a bad country to choose from

You seem a bit upset about this. I am not registered on any MGTOW sites, but the way the situation is going via gender relations these days does not work in the favor of guys. I cannot blame young guys for opting out. Lets face it, young males in *every* society are expected to be good little boys and tow the line, yet we live in a society which works against us at every opportunity. And, of course, neo-Nazis on the Internet do what they do best, which is irrationally get angry and blame men for not bowing down to women and licking their feet.
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Fuck off Gavin.
Christ, Kiwi Satan. That's pretty harsh.
it's simple, we kill the feminists

worst case scenario nothing changes, but it still feels hella awesome
>don't marry white

You can still find wifeable white women in eastern europe and amish country.
Worst case scenario they become martyrs.
you shouldn't think this in logical terms because it's an illogical war

they're winning because they hate men and they ACT on it

many men and even some women hate them too, but we're thinking this too much and because of that we are paralyzed bro

killing them is not 100% literal, but we do need to expose them for the cancer they are...if that involves killing them as well, then so be it
Not upset at all, but to me it's simple. There's a difference between being smart, cautious, and calculated decision, and taking the road other people are going simply because it's emotionally expedient, and then declaring themselves sovereign and free. I won't go as far as to say it's cowardly, but it's stupid especially considering the lack of power and pull the movement has altogether.

I can't blame people for wanting to fold a bad hand, but I don't understand leaving the table entirely.
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Wait, what? Op are you telling me you don't want to live out the wonderful scenario shown in PIC RELATED?
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Whatever you say Tokyo Rose
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Be a man, faggot.
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Feminism and MGTOW are both indefensible. Prove me wrong.
This is totally wrong.
Young Michael Fox was a stud.
Only the doc would be called a rapist.

Sometimes /r9k/ makes mores sense about feminism than /pol/ does.
This so much.
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You're wrong. You're a weak, spineless, cock sucking faggot.

There is nothing you can do to stop this except cry like a little faggot.
>bungee jumping

Did you steal that from Bill Burr?

Well, the way you described MGTOW implied a bit of distress. You seem more intelligent than the average stormfag, at least you understand that the debt is stacked against men. Many men don't seem to even realize they are MGTOW, and announcing it in public would draw tons of ire and general negative attention from the general public.

Take away the misandrist court system, take away slut culture, take away societal feminism which demonizes males at every opportunity, and things WILL go back to how they were. The really pathetic thing is that I was going to reply to you and say "give young males incentive", but the situation is a net-negative for them at this point. It's not even about "providing incentive", but rather, fixing the game so they aren't fucked over before they even start.

This idea that stormfags have that all young males need to rawr man up and go serve m'lady in this current system will not happen. Guys have proven they won't budge.
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>This much mad

Thanks for proving my point. This is exactly how a feminist would respond.

Exactly, everyone knows that 10/10 Chads are the only males that are exempt from feminist criticism.
>the biggest redpill
>wymn are ebil

top kek. more women for me and the other non betas.

>y-you mad
>reaction shot

This also proves your inability to communicate, and your generally low level of intelligence.

It's good that you are not part of this cause. You would be better off as a slave.
>wymn are ebil

Something acting according to its nature is not evil, nor is it right to hate it.
>reaction shot

gtfo newfag smhtbh

You've never had a woman in your life. You reek of virginity.

There's also a wonderful thing called misogynist womanizers. They use women for whatever they want and dump them afterwards. They always recognize the truth about the female gender, but don't have to segregate themselves from them entirely.

Your limited understanding of this subject and the world leads me to believe that you should never breed. Not to worry though, no woman would ever want your seed.
you're not cool or funny

just a gullible idiot laughing while his freedoms are taken away
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ITT: Guys in shitty relationships with cunty women rage because other men are free.

Toppest of all keks mate! Enjoy the vaginal slavery.
>Real Men Go Their Own Way
What happened to the R?
>You've never had a woman in your life. You reek of virginity.
top kek. now i know you're butthurt

also if women are so evil why should anyone breed with them and create more women?

and i have a limited understanding of the world because i don't think all of the worlds problems are caused by women? top kek. you're just on the opposite side of the same coin as feminism.
Hopefully you're the exception but I'm willing to bet ten years from now she has the house and you're living in a bachelor apartment.
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For now

>Butt hurt

The use of this word indicates a limited vocabulary and a low level of intelligence.
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That's exactly what will happen. But it won't be in ten years, probably much sooner.
Lol, look at this cocksucker. You swallowed the pill readily, didn't you? You couldn't wait to get chained to some broad. You're fucked, my man. I've been around "Christian" girls my entire life, they're the same as every other woman in the end.

Enjoying being miserable for your entire life just to spawn some nasty kids and pass on your genes. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to you when you're dead and rotting.

>divide and conquer
>who is behind the extreme laws supporting women
>better believe its a battle beteen sexes
>noone want to point to the source of this mess up

why are you so blind folded pol?
My parents lasted 20 years... Liberal Atheist and Conservative Christian... rifts will form... and you will get divorced..
What is this, the 90's? Who uses socks to masturbate...we have robots for that now.
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>i'm always fucking up relationships
>it's never my fault, i'm perfect
>critiquing 4chan slang

you're definitely butthurt and grasping at straws. do you want to share with us how a girl hurt you and you never got over it? lets talk this out bro.
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>life is supposed to be easy
>a woman should change to suit me
>i'm a victim here!1!
>Beta male and proud!1!
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wow two whole fucking years now with a kid in the mix.Literal shitstorm coming.
>liberal her

I give u 10 years before she starts telling you about how you're not open enough and how she wants jamal to fuck her.

>This idea that stormfags have that all young males need to rawr man up and go serve m'lady in this current system will not happen.

I agree with you here. I agree with the fact there are flaws, more specifically family court, but that is a fight not exclusive to MRA in general, although that is one aspect of that organization that I can at least respect.

I need to go to bed, so I'll make this quick. My disagreement with MGTOW is threefold. Basically as I wrote much earlier participation in MGTOW is participation in cultural suicide, plain and simple. I repeatedly mentioned the lack of cultural power behind MRA in general, but that's a major issue for a movement that wants to shape political influence.

As I mentioned last post, I think it's the fact that men in general are giving up way too early, declaring that their failure was inevitable due to difficult conditions. I'm not saying it's cowardly to think that at all, as I would agree men have a lot of things going against them particularity before the age of 30. That said, it's the dissonance between making a sovereign decision and collective decision that bothers me the most. If I am my own man and make my own decisions, I don't need a group to represent me and frankly the group doesn't need me either. I'm free to make my own decisions, and if someone comes my way that I fancy then so be it.

A lot longer than I anticipated. Very good discussion anon, thanks. I'm glad I came back to /pol/ one last time.
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Here's some Old Guy advice for you omega men.
People change as time goes on. If you were compatible to begin with, and spend your time together, you'll change the same, and you will have a level of closeness you can't even imagine until you experience it.
If you go hang around with your buddies after work, you will Guaranteed grow apart.
Pick a woman who is just like you, just as you'd choose a friend.
Related: if you don't have kids, you're a genetic dead end. A worthless sponge on society.

>Sorry guys

I should be saying that to you
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this sounds cold but if I found out my wife was cheating I would fuckign dissappear, I don't mean figuratively, I mean literally, fuck that state, and fuck her, I would drain my bank account, change my name, leave america, never log into any online account I had ever, I would never give her the or the courts the satisfaction of finding me and bleeding me dry like giant ticks. if I had kids with her, fuck 'em, they're gonna be hers no matter what now anyways, plus if its a boy the hate might drive him to do better in life then I did.
ANy advice on how to approach women? I can speak to hem no problem, but I always feel "unworthy", no matter how positive I try to be.

this isn't gonna end well
Huh? It seems he acknowledges that he isn't likable or popular to women, and tells that he feels bad for it. He didn't tell that "women are all cunts who go only for rich athletes".
The idea of MGTOW being "beta" is hilarious to me. If/when your wife cheats on you, there's every chance it'll be to a single MGTOW way who reminds her of the cool guy you used to be before you drained you of your spirit.

You're literally being kekolded by MGTOW's, and they're "beta". Ha.
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Yes, I was just about to go to bed as well and saw this reply. I come to /pol/ very sporadically now, but civil discussions full of content is always appreciated. Hope all goes well, anon.
>a woman should change to suit me
No, a woman doesn't HAVE to do this, of course.
A woman should just "be herself" and "do her".
But literally every single thread remotely related to this topic, the only advice I hear outside of "Just be you, as long as that's already what women wanted anyway" is
>Go to the gym, make your body better, get better clothes, more money, be more interesting, keep changing things about yourself until you find a configuration that works
And when you point out the hypocrisy in this, it's usually
>But bro this is how shit's always worked
So women get to change everything that was disadvantageous for them, while heaping MORE disadvantages on us.
So, why live, really?
From my personal anecdotal evidence, all the men I knew got fucked over because they chose to end up with a shit girl and were setting themselves for failure by being bad judges of character and getting involved with a red flag. Also If your woman is being difficult with you, its usually because she wants your attention, even if that means being a bitch. Women need attention like men need sex. Think that is childish and stupid? Okay, whatever you say Mr Perfect, go your own way and be happy. Please.
I think a great deal of us are at least open to paying attention to the arguments of MGTOW.

I used to watch Sandman, but lately I've gravitated more toward TurdFlingingMonkey's channel. Sandman seems to be making too many concessions lately.
>Marty was a stud

He's a 5'4'' manlet. You couldn't pay most women to fuck that.
are women really that shallow? Thank God I'm 6'1"...at least I can pay for a prostitute.

The problem isn't people getting married.
It's people getting married too fucking soon into a relationship.

A year or two in and BOOM, married for some fucking reason, and then they're shocked when they start having problems.
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Pic related is real MGTOW

Time to go back to the Church, either join the monastery or get married and have families you degenerates

Sandman is just a salesman who shat on MGTOW the second he got a girlfriend.
Sign a prenup NOW
You get what you give

If you're a really impatient, angry, selfish, person, then your wife will be as well.

Were you born yesterday?
>If you aren't any of these things then neither will your wife
Reality works like this, yes?
There was a qt foreign exchange student moving a large package, but it was too large for her petite qt Chinese frame, so she was shuffling it down the hall with her feet. If it was an American woman I wouldn't have given it a second though, but should I have offered to carry it for her? I assume she wouldn't have accused me of over-exercising my privilege and may have appreciated the gesture.
I abhor marriage and left Christianity, what do?
and then get it thrown out by a feminist judge? nty
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Orthodox monstatic life is true harmony.
I'm 99% sure my gf of 2 years cheated on me, /pol/.

She went to Japan for a month for a study abroad, and I was going through her Twitter and it sounds like she fucking cheated on me. This was back in May. I'm honestly so devastated and I don't know where it went wrong. I looked back at our messages while she was there, and she seemed so in love with me. Like she would constantly text me things about how she was in love with me, and about how she doesn't find any men attractive. The worst part is, I think it happened a few days after our two month anniversary of having sex for the first time. We acknowledged that day and said a few things about our relationship. I'm at a loss for words. We had a rough patch for a bit over the summer, but things are seemingly now as strong as ever. What do I do? I am supposed to be moving to NYC in a month or two to see her. How do I ask her if she was unfaithful? Please, no bullshit answers. I just want the best advice.
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Live life like Diogenes

I am enlightened anon, thank you.
>getting keked by a gook
you probably deserve it tbqh
typical aussie cunt

everyone knows they don't have gfs.
fuck yeah we /orthmonk/ now
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No easy way to do it m8. Simply asking her about it will display you don't trust her. So you can either accept it like a kek or question her and risk more conflict.

>happened a few days after our two month anniversary of having sex for the first time.
>she doesn't find any men attractive.

Doesn't seem like these two things should be a problem, you're obviously a bitch.
be sure to buy a good, sturdy barrel.
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Pic related, the modern marriage.
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I bet Tim Duncan will be dead by 50

>divorced so, half the money
>took paycuts and get 5 rings, but getting cheated on his investments (probably a jew i dunno)

Its just wrong to happen to a nice guy.
How does it feel to know the truth and not be able to openly discuss it due to the invisible jewish thought police?
Fuck off pambos
>Related: if you don't have kids, you're a genetic dead end. A worthless sponge on society.

Reasonable advice up until there.
Can't you think of anything more valuable to society than breeding? Are you even male?

Russian Roulette 1 in 6 - Better odds.
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>Find yourself a religious girl raised in a Christian household who's never been a part of hookup culture and wants to raise a family, and you will be happy. Fail to do this and you are rolling a die heavily loaded against you.

Ha, your optimism is laughable

God fucking damnit, these people are raising a kid and engaging in this vile behavior.

>muh sexual needs

No wonder men want nothing to do with marriage. This destroys any sense of hope in the concept.
MGTOW means men doing what they like, not joining a cult.

You're fucked
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First world countries like Finland has this legal deal that money is not shared on marriage. You do this and it's worth a try.
that's right goy
don't breed
let the white race die out
got to preserve your freedumbs
poor spelling is degenerate
Thats right, jew.
Keep wasting your life scheming
Got to protect the choosen peple
#No Hymen no diamond
Good write up, fellow medpack.

Let's have buttsecks in Basel.
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These pictures are depressing as fuck. I just wanted a traditional, decent, danty, unspoiled, nice, unwhorish girlfriend. I grew up my entire life thinking I would be with someone around age 13, then 18, and around my 20s. I am 23 now... I am now waiting for the 30s that i might get an actual girlfriend. But I am not excited or expect anything.

>waiting for 30s

By then you'll be a wizard. If you let a woman take your seed you'll forfeit your powers.
holy shit that image
tell me at least she has money
>Especially don't marry one of those spiritual types who value fidelity

Have to pass friend, swing by for a jerk-off in Geneva sometime though, and don't forget to thank the UN agencies for all that they do for us.
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Jews did 9/11
Bâle > Genève pour être honnêt.
Mais bon voilá... j'assume que tu es souvent sur /pol/. Avant que j'aille à Genève la prochaine fois je spam sur /pol/ qu'on se retrouve.... pour nous branler.
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Women, not even once
If you're dumb enough to get fucked over like this dude you completely deserve is.

>feminism has decades of raving lunatics that hid in academia and is now considered legitimate by people that ignore all the worst parts of it

>MGTOW is a new movement that gets shit on by people because it's easy and acceptable to do to

MGTOW is part of the reaction to this whole shitfest. Men are killing themselves more, dropping out of school more, being homeless more, dying on the job more, all of that stuff.

MGTOW itself isn't so important. Just as some of the KILL ALL MEN style feminism was and is largely ignored. MGTOW is important in that it is a sign of where things are going.
>a little overweight but in good shape
>in good shape
>a little
he's incapable of correctly perceiving reality
>I am philosophically aligned with polyamory
Im going to marry my qt gf one day.
Might end in divorce down the line. Its not like a divorce ruins your life in most cases.
>two month anniversary of having sex for the first time
you're a fag man
Is it really true that you have to pay alimony after a divorce that is the result of adultery?
No. Go ahead and marry a lil chubby feminist anon, you're safe. Nothing bad will happen.
Thanks for the honest response Chang
Only if you have money.

Imagine building your wealth for 10-20 years then you have to start over basically. Thats how a lot of divorces are. Especially if there are kids involved which also means she'll be entitled to get payments from you until the kid finishes university.

You're better off poisoning her.
Besides i feel like this whole MGTOW thing is for nerds to feel smug about their tfwnogf and literal misogynists to justify their mommy issues.

old memester detected
They would be my kids too(hopefully lol) so i will gladly support them.

When my parents got divorced i thought the arrangement was quite reasonable and didnt ruin my father financially at all.
>any thoughts?

I'm a MGTOW, I don't date women and generally avoid working with them or allowing them to become a liability in my life.

Female nature mixed with a government that harshly punishes men is objectively a bad deal for men. Men only take that bad deal when they're either naive of the consequences or are susceptible to being socially shamed to maintain the status quo.

MGTOW is just the logical consequence for men behaving in a rational way and protecting their self interest.

Anyone that has valuable assets such as the agency and wealth men can accrue, seeks to rationally protect those assets, and modern women are largely toxic to this goal.
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Love is such a passionate game You get hurt in the end. But what a game. Too bad it's their game. They've been playing it since they're 10-11 yrs old.
Justice Is Fully Served! Woman Who Falsely Accused Brian Banks Of Rape Ordered To Repay $2.6 Million

To the school that is. Negro gets 0.
>The upshot of all this is that no-one is happy

Actually the stats show that female happiness has declined sharply over the last 40 years where as men have stayed relatively the same. It's true the feminist policies lead to generally unhappy women, but as MGTOWs demonstrate, we generally deal with a lack of the opposite sex quite well.

Eh, doesn't matter. He got signed on to an NFL team. If he gets a decent season, he's set for life.
Ah, the coward MGTOWs making the daily threads to justify their own failure.
Lets wait till you turn 40 and that midlife crisis hits you full force. Remember to kill yourselves alone and don't hurt innocents, losers.
a classic scorpion and the frog.

We are not wary of women because they are 'evil', we are wary of women because those 'evil' things are in their nature. I do not believe that women actively go out and do these things to men, I believe that they truly think they are doing the right thing at that moment, and that's what is scary.
Sounds like a lot of work when you can avoid all that shit by just not getting married
Hey, sandman, your voice is so annoying. Why do you speak in such an annoying pattern where you tail off sentences in a low tone?
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>MGTOW is a cancer and is worse than feminism

>Man up and marry a slut temporarily tired of the cock carousel.
>Something acting according to its nature is not evil, nor is it right to hate it.

Silly argument.

A serial killer who is a psychopath is simply acting in their nature, yet we recognize what they're doing is evil.

You don't need right to legitimately hate something, hate whatever you like for whatever reason, it's perfectly valid emotional response.

Evil aside, recognizing threats to yourself (women and the proxy violence of the state) and mitigating those threads, such as not letting them become legal or financial liabilities, is still in your own rational self interest.
lose some weight, mAke love to a woman
Good luck at your wizardry mate. I can already cast some stuff.
it's funny how all beta frogposter are the same yet they they want to label all women.

you will never get that blonde 9/10 retard, stick to a hook nosed 4 or 5 and be grateful that your dick will get wet from time to time

You got triggered bad.

Oh boy we have a blue pilled guy here. Did you literally get this expectation from a fairy tale book when you were 9?

I'll give you a warning, the red pill is going to be a bitter a fuck pill to swallow and you may feel alone and depressed after finally taking it and seeing reality for what it is.

But it's going to be infinitely better than being stuck with child support and alimony to someone who bitterly hates you and has told you're not allowed to see your own kids.

First step is to get red pilled on female nature, the rest will fall into place. The bitterness and anger will pass in time, good luck.
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>divide and conquer

Very good. We had way to much enforced unity and equality.

>who is behind the extreme laws supporting women


>better believe its a battle between sexes

It is.

>noone want to point to the source of this mess up

Kill yourself, jew.
How am I suppose to produce healthy non future criminals Anglos then op?
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>Sign a prenup NOW
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>literal misogynists to justify their mommy issues.

It's vice versa. The cunt defenders are the ones with mommy issues.
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>When my parents got divorced i thought the arrangement was quite reasonable and didnt ruin my father financially at all.

He was lucky.
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>MGTOW is just the logical consequence for men behaving in a rational way and protecting their self interest.
>Imagine you are going bungee jumping. Imagine that 50% of the time, the bungee cord breaks. If it breaks, you fall into a lake. If you are lucky, you will get injured, if you are unlucky, you will get killed from the impact.

i got engaged this year and i straight up told her that divorce will not happen. she knows that if she even mutters the word divorce to me, best case scenario for her is that i blow my brains out. worst case? she gets it first, then i blow my brains out.

latinas are fun sometimes because she totally agreed. downside is that i cant divorce her either because she told me to expect the same treatment.
>Eh, doesn't matter.

Yes, it does.
If the marriage fails its the mans fault, nice kek logic cant wait till your girl cheats on you and pulverizes your heart it will be a rude awakening.

Ive seen men who treat their girls really good are good looking, fit, have well paying Jobs and bitches still cheat on them because they get tired of the same person.

You are a moron who fell for the Christian girl meme, they are the same as every single one, life will give her multiple fidelity tests lets see if she passes them 10 years from now naive moron.

unmarried whoreboy cites hardcore xtian, sluttting it up before marriage, has a real country (farm) girl, and thinks he's going to be in control !

so let's see - xtian slutboy, will be dommed at any time, no fishing hunting chic is a pushover idiot but will take the shotgun and blow your fucking head off 1st time you deserve it.

bullshit artistry level 2/10, fully exposed
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>Something acting according to its nature is not evil, nor is it right to hate it.

Nobody hates women, they are mighty fine sex objects.
Get girl knocked up

decides to keep baby but doesn't want me around to be its father

go to court, get joint custody.

pay $400 a month to see my son every other weekend

I'm Struggling working 50 hours a week manual labor to afford shit for my kid

she gets knocked up by some 40 year old guy with money; hardly works leeches off everyone in her life.

Cant save son from her insanity.

get some fucking spine also stop having degenerated friends or going out where whores go out.

There are many educated normal women who don't go out 24-7 to get just drunk and fucked.

My teacher always told me if you don't succeed in life you will spend the rest of your life with idiots and uneducated whores , the people who you call your friends and the girls you date are the reflection of what kind of a man you are.

If you want a educated women with manners and on top of it that she is beautiful , you have to be beautiful , nice job and good education its not fucking rocket science.
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1. Racism is forbidden at /pol/. Please respect global rule no 3.
2. Attacking users is forbidden at /pol/. Please respect /pol/ rule no 2.
>marrying a latin woman
blood was always the only way out, ese

sick as fuck it surely will not last
Good girls are a meme they exist but the number is really really small.

You might think its 5% of them but i honestly think its .5%
You'll see how quickly that changes when you guys start having to make decisions on how to raise your kid, I hope it isn't a girl, that's a degeneracy landmine if the mother is a liberal. She'll be sucking black cocks by age 14.
Kill yourself, jew.
The real issue here is that for last 40 years judges have overwhelming sided with women in custody cases.

The bronies, the neets, the porn freaks
, the weebos... all the fault of women trying to raise sons.

Our sons need fathers. Takes a man to raise one.
i guess there really are worse things then being a 20 year old virgin
>Abbos aren't human

Just to play Devil's advocate:

Wasn't there a study into ancestry that found that the Australian aboriginal people were actually so far removed from every other race that questions were raised on whether or not they actually are "human" per se?

Of course I'm going off a comment I saw on /pol/ not to long ago, although I do remember it was posted with a source.
she literally said "blood in, blood out" when we discussed it.
Slavs are not white, lad.
don't rush to get grown kiddo
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Good goy. Go your own way. Don't reproduce. Let your family's line end.

Keys to a good life; find a college aged white girl, who isn't a degenerate, and was raised by a stable conservative church going family. Marry her and start popping out the kids.

Be a good man and father. Don't cheat.

Or just be a NEET, sit on the sofa going back and forth between video games and porn.
>If you want a educated women with manners and on top of it that she is beautiful , you have to be beautiful , nice job and good education its not fucking rocket science.

then Jhonny Carson fucked your wife in between his 6 marriages... and the sage advice crumbled under your stupid low rent brow.
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>college aged white girl
2old4me tbqh f@m
>people will change
>but their feelings for each other never do
What drivel
>Good girls are a meme they exist but the number is really really small.
>You might think its 5% of them but i honestly think its .5%

It's funny how you fucking whores, who dick dip every pic you ever saw, let alone any honey trap you can possibly mount, make your big ass declaration about wimmen sluts...

It's plainly obvious a mirror has never entered your mind.
Well DUMBASS, you all taugght Eve how to fuck everything under the sun, now you're whining about it.

DISCRETION is the better part of valor - in your Fathers world, if there was extra dipping going on, THE WOMEN NEVER HEARD ABOUT IT PERIOD.

So now, all your bragging, all your public stroking of your members exploits has cost you, but of course, it's not your fault at all...
Yes, this is exactly true. Height is REALLY high up there, even above physical appearance, but usually below personality. I've known girls that, at 5'0 or less, wouldn't even give the time of day to any guy under 6'1. Most aren't that bad, but nearly all girls, except for giraffey outliers who don't have a choice, scoff at the idea of dating someone shorter than them.
Most scoff at someone within three inches of their own height.
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>Porn makes you impotent
>Bruce Lee quote

Is it cringe day today?
"Butthurt" is older than the internet.
And it's a perfect term for these crybabies.
>Our sons need fathers. Takes a man to raise one.

A son needs HIS Father. You are not a man solution.
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Somehow it is mens fault women are cheaters..

And that shit about men bragging is utter bullsit...
Some douche might brag with his frienda but women think that if a man cheated with them they suddenly are better than his partner and then go out of their way to let the partner know, they always look for ways to make the other woman feel bad.

The vast majority of women WILL cheat and then brag about it yoj stupid fuck kuck
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>The vast majority of women WILL cheat and then brag about it yoj stupid fuck kuck

They will cheat, claim it's rape, and then brag about how they got raped (because it shows the world how irresistible they are).
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Holy shit them feelz.
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>giraffey outliers who don't have a choice
well its a viscious circle, if you want to marry and have kids, you will lose, if you don't you, as well as your society will lose.

it's a trend pushed by the juden, and most regular visitors on /pol/ know how and why this happens so i'm not going to get into details

I strongly suspected Sandman was just another person who was fed up with his shit job and his liberal arts major, and decided to start internet marketing to a niche; and MGTOW is a niche.

His math professor tone goes over as "this is an intellectual smart person" for moronic ears listening; but a lot of what he says - in his monotonous droning - is mundane. He is a calculating salesman for sure, with his stupid photos.

I'd rather listen to TurdFlingingMonkey while he just loops vidya footage. He's a real MGTOW advocate.
It sounds wrong, I'm trying to poke holes in it, but the theory is pretty solid. Nothing else I can think of fits their behavior as well.
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>It sounds wrong, I'm trying to poke holes in it, but the theory is pretty solid

Meh I'm 5'8. I've already given up.
He did work in media, and he was in an arts course.

The way he talks is fucking annoying. The weird thing is I've heard him speak candidly and he should just speak like that instead of from a script.
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Anyone else who followed 'MGTOW' before they even heard it was a thing? I've always thought relationships are a waste of time; I have no problem flirting with women / the occasional one night stand, but I have absolutely no interest in being a relationship. I'd much rather have the freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want, as well as the financial freedom to spend my money how I see fit. Just going by cost / benefit analysis, being in a relationship seemed like a terrible deal. I should also note that I think in today's society, relationships are also a raw deal for many women, so this isn't a men-get-screwed / women-suck thing from my perspective.

I'm not sure I'd consider myself 'part of the MGTOW' movement though, because I have no desire to restrict myself to someone else's ideas, even if they do resonate with my own.
>I went searching for specific shit and then found it


Any excuse to not try, I guess. Cowardly fuckwit. You've been led down a blind ally by the kikes.

You realize that when men gives up, it only affects the good girls who actually want a family, right? The skanks are completely unaffected.

You're a muppet.
>Only taking issue with porn and impotence.
>implying that the message is porn causes impotence instead of just the natural conclusion that the guy got older, fatter and more unhealthy.

Sounds like you watch a lot of porn and may be starting to become impotent.

>having a problem with Bruce Lee quote

Need I remind you of the year?

Well you taught them how, this shortly ago was not the case. You sluts decided being a big e-peen dick dipping gigalo was what life was all about - and you let it hang the fuck out all the way...

The ladies noticed, and were liberated. You fucking skumbags don't have the discretion of just the generation above you.

I certainly have noticed every one of you whining fuckers hasn't a word to say about keeping your dick in your pants.
In fact culturally, you won't even suggest you'd do it ever.
there are many worse things than being a virgin, like having to split from everything you've spent your whole life accomplishing just because someone who 'loves you' got bored. stuck between where you can't rebuild your own life with two jobs while supporting your spouse, who transitions as if nothing was wrong

id rather be a virgin than a slave to a woman

The "script tone" is his hook. I've showed his video to idiotic family members, and they get that same hypnosis going from it as you would from say a Bond villain talking in that monotone.

As I said, to the laymen moron, it imparts a feeling of some calm, composed, intelligent person.

It's the same techniques negroes use reading teleprompters to become presidents.
I'm 5'7 myself. There are a *lot* of party girls who won't give me the time of day, but they tend to be annoying, reprehensible, appalling wastes of flesh anyway so I don't mourn the loss. Half the girls like that I knew ended up being made fun of for having chlamydia or dead from a drug overdose.

I've had a lot of success with girls who can just have a normal conversation, by just not being a needy fuck.

Maybe there's a correlation here, but I knew one really tall girl, like 6'0 in highschool who was nearly bro-tier-- conservative, nice to people she couldn't get anything from, and from her Facebook profile years later, a totally loyal wife and mother. I was too immature to consider that shit valuable back then. We only dated for two weeks.
>'ve known girls that, at 5'0 or less, wouldn't even give the time of day to any guy under 6'1.
But they eventually change their mind, because most women eventually pair up with someone, and just a few guys are >6'.
I guess I just underestimate how stupid people are and the crazy tactics that have to be used to hold their attention.
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>tfw got married young and divorced early
>lost fucking everything but i was young but i didn't have much
>tfw now i have really no desire to achieve anything and i'm fairly content just coasting through life
Though i am terrified that every girl i sleep with now is just trying to find a way to get my semen in her womb.

I fairly certain the last girl i slept with was turning my condoms inside out.
Apparently didn't know what spermicide is.
>Meh I'm 5'8. I've already given up.

yes, no men of that height get married...good fucking god 4chan faggots believe everything
They will resent these pairings though. That's what they do--they resent their partner because they think they should be able to have someone better. They never think to be relieved that someone will tolerate their shitty ass personality, and it will never cross their minds that the guy doesn't deserve her treatment.

Not all but a lot of women are just horrible amoral people. Learn who they are and give them a wide berth.
>You couldn't pay most women to fuck that.
Women will fuck anyone and even anything for money, anon. It's just a matter of price and lack of consequences.
People get together based on looks & money, then they pop out some child, so then it gets serious, but was it really ever serious? Instead of making sure that sluts die out, then there are always guys who give them more power. It's like a cage you self construct for yourself.
If somebody shit in your salad, would you ask for a new salad or leave the restaurant?
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Yep, and then after they pop out the kids they want they begrudgingly have starfish sex once a month while mourning their lost days of one night stands with taller dudes.
the world is better off if you sperglords don't have kids. keep up the good work. if you can't handle a woman, you don't deserve one.
Sandman has no actual intellectual content to his videos nor has he had any original ideas or insights, he's also fairly blue pilled in his relentless whining about mundane female nonsense.

There are more intellectual MGTOWs such as Stardusk (Thinking-Ape TV) Bar Bar (barbarossaa), CSMGTOW, and a bunch of others, these guys provide original ideas and tend to focus on the science of evolutionary psychology and biology as sources for female behaviour.

The only good thing Sandman has done is expand the MGTOW audience somewhat, but he's doing it at the expense of spreading misinformation. His fanboys are a nightmare for the general perception of MGTOW ideas and concepts.

It's obvious to most of us I think that sandman is the commercialisation of MGTOW, he's the guy who wants to make a buck and MGTOW is his USP. And yes his false script tone he has is annoying as fuck, it's like he reads at 4th grade level or something.
>For every 4 women who commit suicide, 16 men do the same.
it sometimes climbs as high as 5 times more suicides among men depending on the ages you look at. Always higher among men, even in young children.
It's silent
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I will never understand why straight men would subscribe to this.

I get it. I get that you live in a world where the law is bent to exploit you, abuse you and treat you like less than dogs. Believe me, I understand the liberal nightmare set for males today.

But the solution is not to abandon the very institution, values and lifestyle that confer your birthright as the vanguard, champion and soul of our species.

The solution is to fight back. You dodge, you weave. You counter punch. And the whole time you are doing that, you make the investment in yourself and fish in the right ponds for the treasured females that will share that vision with you.

They are out there, but you have to look. You are not going to shape your life well by taking the defensive and searching for women in the wrong places and have to contest ideas constantly.

You're damn right you have to compete. And how do we compete? By bettering ourselves and putting ourselves in like minded company that support our goals, not tear us down. And eventually, you will get the prize.

Yes, its rigged right now. Yes, there are antagonists left and right. Yes, its a sick age we live in. But things dont get better unless you become the change you want to see in the world. You dont settle. You demand better and you go get it. That is the primary component of manhood, not throwing your hands up and defeat and simply quitting.

So for the love of god, stand up for yourselves and reclaim the moral virtue that defines what you are. You dont have to marry the first one. Or the second. But you are blessed with a life plan that affirms your worth.

Otherwise, there is no difference between us. By definition, you deserve better. Dont throw away the values that distinguish us just because it gets difficult in places.
You can and should marry white, just dont marry western.
>I’ve listened to many stories of divorced men
>divorced men
Nice confirmation bias. Enjoy your twisted perception of reality.
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... I used to take care of a guy who ended up subscribing to this mgtow crap. It was like watching a good man cut his own balls off.

Now he has no future and just drifts through life. I can't even look at him anymore. He may as well became a tranny for all it matters. Manhood is what is in your heart, not your trousers.
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>tfw now i have really no desire to achieve anything and i'm fairly content just coasting through life

Why in teh FUCK would a woman want to have kids with you if you are admitting that you are an underachieving loser with no money or assets?

Paranoid much...
I think it's more important for people to have realistic expectations of what relationships will be like, especially years in. Men don't really understand that men and women (especially nowadays) have different and usually contradictory goals. They know it's not like a relationship with their drinking buddies, but they don't really understand how. Whenever they get into any kind of conflict with their women, they just cast harried glances around the room, looking for a way out, trying to end it as soon as possible, without understanding why the conflict arose in the first place. They claim women are incomprehensible, and society bolsters that--they play the role of the "dumb guy" shown in every sitcom, and women are the mysterious impenetrable creatures.

This is a direct result of feminism. Fatherly advice that would have helped an upstart son build a happy life for everyone he cared about has been branded misogynistic. Women just keep destroying their own lives and chance at happiness. Now the only people left with this knowledge are annoying self-styled pick up artists.
onanism until death
It still blows my mind that a women can not work a day in her life, marry a rich man and then divorce him and claim shit as her own.
What's worse is nobody so much as shames her for it.
Never cheated in my life you stupid fuck, i dont even text other girls.
Whereas I get shamed for putting most of my time into hobbies--spending hours fucking around with soldering irons and oscilloscopes in my garage.

I'm no MGTOW or anything, and I'm not socially inept--I still love a bunch of women who are in my life, but I'm just not that into relationships right now. But I get nagged and called a loser. Seriously fuck off with that shit.
I'be actually been seeing this popping up on Normie-book every once in a while. People are catching on. /pol/ wins again.
if every man at once said this tomorrow, all this shit ends. if women were shamed for being promiscuous, there is no more hookup culture, not nearly as many single mothers, and the divorce rate plummets when a woman is shamed for breaking up a family (somethingsomething physical abuse, not talking about the extremes)

there are just too many simps out there who think that women are perfect creatures who can do no wrong.
Pathetic thread. Anyone agreeing with OP should consider offing themselves.
Then you admit that most women are purely transactional.
>this is a direct result of feminism
no, it's a direct result of not knowing how to talk to women. if you think every woman is a feminist, you must have a serious case of agoraphobia.
Canada needs some Latina qts. Can you send them North? Keep the men south of the border.
Post a story. I'm curious.
>Keys to a good life; find a college aged white girl, who isn't a degenerate, and was raised by a stable conservative church going family. Marry her and start popping out the kids.
The standard American dream from the 50s doesn't necessarily apply today. There are many ways to lead a good life and having a family is just one of the many. Probably one of the worst, actually, unless you are a family man and wouldn't be anything else.

Dave foley on joe rogan has a good talk about his divorce
not all women are feminists, but all women are herd creatures. by and large a single will follow the pack, or risk being ostracized.
>implying men aren't exactly the same
and no, not all women are herd creatures. some of them spend time trying to think for themselves. those are the ones you should marry. unless you're looking some obedient fuck toy, then you better make it worth her while.
it's really not complicated.
>>Young Michael Fox was a stud.

He even came with a built in vibrate function. Truly, a ladies man.

it's amazing how "you will never figure women out" has turned into a bitter MTGOW crybaby conspiracy about "better men get all the pussy" and implied all the women fucking them are "hot fuckables".

I admit I have high standards and no problem scoring women, the main problem being so many fail even the beauty test - and when I look at their face and imagine waking up beside it, and add in the personality issue, HORROR is usually the result. She might score very high on the general hot factor, but I've got problems with it anyway.

Now back to topic, the answer is you non white, non good looking, non intelligent, non fit, non social fucked up fruities need to shoot AT YOUR OWN LEVEL.
you're not getting some 7/8/9/10/10 hot slut, you're getting a fat plain jane because that's what you are hog joe. and in fact, that's what you need, it's a match.

So aim lower you whining dipshits.
Mgtow is lower than kek-tier
>i got engaged this year and i straight up told her that divorce will not happen.
She can file anytime anyway.

>. she knows that if she even mutters the word divorce to me, best case scenario for her is that i blow my brains out. worst case? she gets it first, then i blow my brains out.

What kind of threat is that? If she wants a divorce that means that she's fed up with you, so if you off yourself you're making her a favor.

>latinas are fun sometimes because she totally agreed.

All women do. I mean, the vows usually say something like "till death do us apart yadda yadda yadda" , and I'm sure most women mean it when they marry. Too bad the divorce rate is >50%.

Don't marry, anon. If you like this girl just live together but don't fucking sign the contract. It's like sitting on a bomb.
Men on youtube. .

Listen to the men around you, look at the men older than you and listen to the stories of them, maybe only half are in a stable marriage with kids, the others have been ruined by women.

I know many many men from when i was in the Army whos woman ran off with another man even though they had a family, now they are paying for the child till they are 18.

Fuck that lads, id rather just work hard at my job and save all my money for myself.
Read the entire post. Feminism has made some knowledge forbidden to young men because it was "patriarchy" (never mind that that incarnation of patriarchy gave them everything they ever wanted and more).
MGTOW is either inherently homosexual or degenerate because men will still want to hook up with sluts, or each other. Or am I to actually believe that your average MGTOW-er is going to take a vow of chastity and join the monastery?
I want like fifteen kids. Think I could convince some women to be polygamous with me?
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Whatever OP. I'm married to a beautiful five foot tall white woman of German and English descent, who has a doctoral degree in Pharmacy and makes $120k USD annually.

I fucking love being married.
>but should I have offered to carry it for her? I assume she wouldn't have accused me of over-exercising my privilege and may have appreciated the gesture.

holy shit ! ROFLMAO - if you want to help aka are willing you offer, if chinko doesn't want help that's okay too
Looks like you took the ultimate brainwashed shitbag dweeby kuck fucked choice though -- fear and trembling....
>if you think every woman is a feminist, you must have a serious case of agoraphobia.
100% of women are feminist, just because they're born in our society. Feminist attitudes, values and behaviors have infiltrated institutions at all levels.
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You guys are doing it wrong. MGTOW is not a way of life but a cry for help. You only ever go MGTOW to shame women into wanting you.
>Related: if you don't have kids, you're a genetic dead end. A worthless sponge on society.
So you're saying that 60% of guys are useless? Because that's the estimated amount of males who didn't get to reproduce (or ended up raising someone else's offspring).

Reproducing is stupid and the world is overpopulated as it is. Either you want children, which means you should look for that, or you don't, and you have no obligation whatsoever to doing it.
Ignore those beta kucks anon. That makes for a good family dynamic. One parent is lenient and emotionally caring and the other is strict and enforces discipline. Also politics/religion isn't close to anything. My wife knows I don't support trans people so she doesn't bring it up and nothing sour comes of it.
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Being in a relationship

>Everything went to shit
>Worrying if shes being a whore when she went clubbing with her friends (I was working away offshore)
>Worry about lots of things
>Health gets worse
>Spend money visiting her
>Spend money going out for dinner and bullshit like this
>The list goes on and on.

Life without girlfriend
>Save all my money formyself
>Gym as often as possible
>banging 18-23yo slags
>Travel abroad and skydive during time off
>Got promoted at work
>Literally not a fucking care in the world apart from working hard, gym,, saving money and hobbies.

I aint even mad, glad i realised how fucking useless women are at an early age.
Remember, that you have only heard one side of the story. Of course the man plays a victim, and I do admit that mother usually has the upper hand with custody cases. But still, do you think that after years of dating (preferrably, don't marry a person you don't know) the person completely changes into a monster who wants to take your children and possessions for no reason?

Yes, women can be evil and they might even use their own kids against you if you break their heart. But what can I say, just don't fuck up. Don't cheat, don't beat your wife, don't take her for granted. Treat her with respect and the chances are that she'll do the same in return.

Honestly, all the divorces I know has been cause because a man has had an affair, had found a new woman or has become an alcoholic or a workaholic. Not saying that all women are perfect wives either, but it takes two to make the marriage work.

Seriously, just try to find a woman who has a good heart. She may not be the prettiest Jenny on the block nor the sexiest one, but look at other qualities, such as being kind, nice, a good person towards you and others, not a spoiled princess, and also funny and intelligent. Those features will develop in the future whereas her looks will fade.

Don't marry an ugly bitch cause you'll end up cheating on her, but remember to look for the right qualities when it comes to sharing your life and income with someone and starting a family. She's gonna be the mother for your offspring, so chose wisely.

Last of all, one word: prenup. And be in your children's life, remember to have an active role and they don't wanna leave your side either. And forget that general victim spirit. Either you married a psycho or you didn't put enough effort for your marriage. Take some responsibility.
>doesn't know shit about finance
>shovels money at adviser
>loses money
>blames "jew advisor" for "cheating him" on investments

Don't see anything wrong here
>Don't marry, anon. If you like this girl just live together but don't fucking sign the contract. It's like sitting on a bomb
Bad idea.

Most countries in which feminism won have already noticed that little loophole of yours, anon. In the US you have what is called a Common Law Marriage: after living together after a set amount of months (varying by state, lol US), you'll automatically married. I know Brazil has it, Canada has it, I'm sure most of europe has something similar by now.

If you don't want to get shafted, MGTOW is the only way. If you really, really want a relationship, it's best to just go gay.
First of all, a metaphor is not an argument.

Second, the 50% statistic is flawed because it doesn't differentiate between amicable divorces and those that involve court cases.

Finally, MGTOW is retarded because the majority of the population is incapable of behaving logically. The average man will always respond to his ego first and foremost. Your charts and facts will always lose to female shaming tactics.
I know it's hard to swallow if you're a "virginity is precious" teenager, but sex is not bad. Experimenting with other people is okay as both you and your future partner will be better when you eventually hook up. The "used goods" way of thinking is horseshit. If you want a dead fish in bed who couldn't get you off if she tried, more for you and your insecurities I guess.
Not worth it. Depending on where you live, prenups can be thrown out in court if it is considered "unfair" to one side.

PS: If it does not favor the vagina, it's "unfair" and will get thrown out.

There is literally no escape for a man in marriage. The only winning move is not to play.

Some real wisdom there m8
>don't fuck up. Don't cheat, don't beat your wife, don't take her for granted. Treat her with respect and the chances are that she'll do the same in return.
I know men who did all those things and got shafted anyhow. Sometimes PRECISELY because they did those things. Because they were boring or something.

You're projecting your male point of view onto women and assume that they'll be honorable if you'll be nice. Big mistake. Women don't reason like us and don't think like us.
Okay. Which one you think is more likely
>treat her like shit
>she treats you like shit

>treat you with respect. doesn't mean that be a doormat beta though
>she fucks your shit up still
They got shafted because they married terrible people, not because all women are shit.

Most men are shit too, in equal amounts.

People are downright awful to eachother most of the time.
Marriage is a religious retarded ideal.

Don't fucking agree to 'marry' like a fucking mindless drone. Find someone you love and sign a cohabition, same tax benefits, less legal agreements, no divorce, etc.

Marriage has been and will always be a scam and a lie.
You know why men have a midlife crisis? Because they're stuck with an old hag they hate, while getting advances from younger women.
Get outta here /fit/
Ok now you're just being a spaz.
I'm pretty sure I can get a man to marry me by not being a shitty person for starters
>If you are lucky, you will get injured, if you are unlucky, you will get killed from the impact.
Hasn't it been shown that men recover more quickly from divorce? Divorced men rate themselves as happier than divorced women.

>I know men who did all those things and got shafted anyhow.
You were married to them?

I don't know many men who are divorced, but just about every dude I know who has been divorced was doing one or more of the following:

1. cheating
2. gambling
3. addicted to opiates and/or alcohol
4. hitting his wife and/or children
5. perpetually unemployed

I didn't know about many of these problems until the men themselves admitted years later that, yeah, maybe they fucked up and weren't just poor little victims.

The only exception is my boss. He married a Chinese woman, and I get the impression that he expected her to be a Stepford wife simply because she was Chinese. He's engaged to another Chinese vulture who already has a son and has been divorced once, so he clearly doesn't know how to read people.

It was never about religion from the beginning. It was about having a dedicated food cooker and fuckslut. A family also meant being taken care of by your kids when you're old.

With the welfare state, that is obsolete.
>while entertaining themselves with porn of younger women.

Even my legitimately attractive older colleagues have to pay to play.
>What kind of threat is that?
no alimony, no life insurance, no child support, gets stuck with both our debt.
Dunno, my father divorced my mom for a trophy wife. So much for anecdotal evidence.

“The appropriate age for marriage is around eighteen for girls and thirty-seven for men.” – Aristotle
literally gay.
>not converting to Islam and marrying a pure QT 3.14 traditional faithful all natural virgin wife
>for a trophy wife.
He paid to play.
Not in this case, she's also rich. Maybe I don't know the true definition of trophy wife. She's much younger and looks good.
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The beta faggotry on /pol/ cracks me up. It's ok boys, leave the marriage to men that can handle the responsibility. You basement dwellers are better off fapping to hentai and daydreaming about how independent you are.
Who are you sir? This is awesome post. You must be incarnation of Hermer Trimrgistus

Women want good looking guys not tall guys. If they really valued height that much sexually would they talk about it as openly. I am short and have keked dozens of tall guys.

Face > height
>Face > height
As someone who is average in height, salary, education, dick size, and lifestyle, I agree with this
I wouldn't get as many women as I do now if I was an ugly fuck
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