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Biggest Happening is going to go down on 9/11/2017 in New York

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>Hurricane Harvey was created by Haarp to bring down the nation's largest oil refinery's and to get the military and Fema into Houston.

>On September, 11 2017

>Hurricane Irma will hit New York which will make Wall Street shut down causing banks to shut down shortly after which will devastate the United States economy, stores will also shutdown and there will be chaos nation wide shortly after this Trump will issue martial law.

>This was all predicted in the Simpsons episode and now were seeing it happen. everything is planned, and they want to kill all of us.
>Prepare yourself with guns, ammo, food and water because shit is about to hit the fan like never before.
This doesnt sounds like a problem for me
Although HAARP and NASA are creating these i highly doubt theyll let SHTF on 9/11 thats waaaay too suspicious for normies
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>2012 will be the year we all die in because muh mayanz!
Nothing happens
>solar eclipse means world is ending!
nothing happens
>two hurricanes mean it was created by the government and will shut down the us!
guess what happens next dispshit
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http://www.godlikeproductions com/forum1/message556660/pg1?disclaimer=1
Only post here with actual evidence.
So the storm is supposed to do what for the next 10 days? Drive around the block a few times?
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gain unimaginable power
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really churns my Irmas
which simpsons episode S?E??
Given the expected track it's more likely to hit the UK. As a big rain event at least.
>they want to kill all of us
cool I'm ready to be killed, but I'm not being taken prisoner.
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NYC here, I'm ready to die
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Now, see...
> 1 post by this ID

we know this aint true motherfucker, play better
>shutting down wall street
Didn't happen during Sandy, probably won't happen this time. JP Morgan lost an entire datacenter during 9/11 and kept trading without a hitch. There's almost more elaborate failsafes for these systems than airliners.
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9/10/17 2pm
No one understood the Mayan end of the "long count" Just because we know something doesnt mean we understand it
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Can only hope this happens for real. This session's too normal and boring.
>There's almost more elaborate failsafes for these systems than airliners.

As there should be. We all die when Wall St dies.
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I hope to god you people are larping.

God, please secure the safety of this nation and all the souls in it. Allow us to overcome the obstacles that lie before us so we may ensure ourselves a future. Allow us to find unity and strength.
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get, and this doesn't happen
Fiat banking btfo lol
>The US creates a single point of failure for the banking system .
>Thinking they are that fucking stupid.
The larping is real
That's what you said exactly what year ago. And you know what happened on 9/11/2016? Hillary Clinton fucking died. Literally DIED. 9/11 is an unholy day where anything can and will happen.
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>Floods in Texas. The people in Texas are turning the floods into there personal water park.
>Hurricane Irma is gonna cause more destruction on the east coast. Which may miss.
r o l l i n g
i dear lord kek, i know i ask for a lot but
n please let this happening happen
n and take half my soul as an
g offering
North Korea will take advantage and test a nuke
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What timeline do you live in?
Harvey was could have been MUCH MUCH worse. Trump must of known they were planning something because he toured FEMA headquarters weeks before the hurricane.
Also, if reports are accurate, only 33 people died which is NOTHING for this kind of devastating hurricane.
Trump was ready for this, and the response could not have been better for his admin.
As for Irma, even if it hits New York it will be the same thing.
Like a poster already said NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.
Trump would not declare martial law, and even if he did it would not be nationwide only in areas effected by chaos.
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Clearly kek granted you digits to demonstrated to you your own unfaithfulness. Trust in him and you will be /comfy/ in happenings
>Trump will never win the presedency! I'm with her!
NYC X2 here Ready to die
>only 33 people died
I don't think they are anywhere close to finding all the dead yet
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Same timeline as you my friend.
I used to read that these hurricanes happened after Russia was threatened. Something about having some weather weapon.
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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the Jews can't trade stocks for one day the whole economy collapses!!

I hope this happens . What website is this btw
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Well its a good thing fall harvest is here and its almost deer season. I will have plenty of food. Have fun in the city with your starbucks and mcdonalds you fucking faggots. I hope you all burn, especially in NYC , LA, San Fran, Chicago. Whose the redneck now city slicker fags?
Amen brother
Harris county Texas is 50% larger than the whole state of Rhode Island. Fug.
Terrible thread. Be ashamed.
Really anon. I. Just...
I give up
big corps like dow were on the brink of getting sued because texas.
How many fucking Septembers in a row now have happening fags sperged out like this? You would think that the whole shemitah retardation from 2015 would have finally been the end of it with how much of a non-happening that was, but nope.
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info on Martin Armstrong:

Literally the best 9/11
Aunt Irma is visiting?
>tfw Moss
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>the Simpsons predicted it
>oh shit guys its going to happen why will no one believe me
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>Good honorable lad resists being seduced by Western harlot.
So legit question: If a Cat 4 or 5 hit NY, how horrible would the devastation be?

Seems like it could be legit scary. Would it top Harvey?
She's clearly uncomfortable because of the man-spreading
What if /polx/ was a thing?
>Politically Paranormal
Oh C'mon make it so! Conspiracies and Aliens are my fetish! Someone tell gookmoot.
Fug. Going to New York in 9 days time... am i safe?
It's been happening since 2010 as far as I can remember
Very few casualties, almost everyone would be able to evacuate, or at least almost everyone in NYC. We'll probably have our transportation system get rekt'd, maybe for the best. I mean, it'll probably take decades, especially with the fact NY is still somewhat suffering from Hurricane Sandy.
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this is how the west will win the culture war against islam.
They'll sell it as another angry arab antecedent anniversary.
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The Air Force turned HAARP over to the University of Alaska/Fairbanks. I doubt a bunch of millennials will start hurricanes unless some liberal retard went "I wonder what this button does"
Will is New Jersians be okay? Sandy really fucked are shit up already?
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>hey vsauce, Michael here
>do /pol/ larpers have minuscule testicles?
Yet she mocks Southern conservatives.

Subway system would be fucked. PATH train from NJ would be fucked. Storm surge would threaten stability of buildings
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Brother, you get an amen to that
>thinking HAARP is actually a small research station in alaska
double kek
"HAARP" (in alaska) is literally what it says, a research station.
You don't set the nukes off in Los Alamos, do you?
New Jersey will get the brunt of the storm. NY is slightly protected.
Incase i wasn't clear, there is "HAARP" the physical research station, and there's the actual products/implementations/blahblahblah of "HAARP" shit
>Almost everyone able to evacuate
Like fuck that's gonna happen, they'll wait till the last second like everyone else before a hurricane.
>http://www.godlikeproductions com/forum1/message556660/pg1?disclaimer=1
well obviously you niggers wont stop peeping into the illuminati's tactics so they have to double down. (WTC 7 destroyed w/ evidence, if NYC is hit all that shit + evidence gone)
I mean it's a fucking Category 4/5, who the fuck wouldn't evacuate beforehand? And I'm pretty sure the MTA wouldn't Jew the situation and offer free rides.
Fuck yeah! I live in jersey!
Selling one of my card and buying a rifle
check this thread

>trump is a time traveller

after sandy anyone on the first 4 floors of any building will probably leave.

i live in the suburbs, fuck those city folk
Im flying into nyc on the 12th.
I mean you gotta thank us city folks for subsidizing you guys.
>solar eclipse means world is ending!
>nothing happens
actually the hurricanes happened and NK launched a missile over JAPAN
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right wing nut jobs are more willing to believe the government controlling the weather than climate change

Wall Street? Do you realize most stock trading is done by computers these days, not humans?
Same. Trying to get a gf before shtf, pray for me
It's intentional. Money means nothing now, this is for power grab
God is finally killing the jews!!!

Nobody cares about New York anymore.
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Why did you have to be one off.
The storm is roughly 10 days out from landfall in the EC.

What if also they are doing it to blame climate change on Trump? Damn we shoulda not pulled out reeeeeeeeeee!!!
10 day forecast on a hurricane is almost meaningless. It will hit the east coast somewhere most likely but putting it on NYC is retarded. 2-3 days out is where the models get acccurate.

Don't forget the 500 "Yellowstone eruption imminent" threads every year.
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>because Trump didn't keep an agreement on climate change, climate change that according to our own words would take a few years will suddenly only take less than a year because Trump's racism has power over the Earth itself
WTC wasn't in November Mr Abbo.
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Irma-chan why? I wanted to watch it /comfy/ from upstate.

These things fade out once they make landfall. It will not last this long!
One is factual, the other is a market in Co2

I could stomach the conspiracies that make sense or has intricacy to it like the 9/11 no planes bullshit, but HAARP?

Where is the smoking gun evidence, where is logic, behind haarp? It sounds like schizophrenic assumptions and reality distortion.
England trying to troll :/
Leave it to your colonies
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Larping thread. Sage
>why am i a liberal
>why do i have to deal with this shit day in and day out
>why do i pretend to like these apes
>fucking niggers, i wish i were home
How do microwaves and radiowaves work? Total magic and schizophrenia.
newfag >>>/out/
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St Lawrence upstate anon represent! First night of frost here.
They turned over the original. Smaller scale ones have been outfitted to ships.

what do you think chemtrails are? it's allabout manipulating the weather.
Do normalfags?
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>logic in no planes consipracy
I didn't even know the scale went all the way up to maroon.
They are so fucked!
Bad news, Anon. That happened in this timeline.
Well, honestly, it was the last nail on the coffin of her campaign
Literally no evidence but larping and assuming that it was taken down to conceal on another assumption that their recordings of the events proves they actually do said events.

It's outright absurd, on the same level as blaming mole people everytime there is an earthquake.

World gov satanism dumbing down of people exdeee

Not saying I believe it but that at least the conspiracy tries to tie things together in a more coherant manner
i am glad u like my meme
never gets old.
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>>This was all predicted in the Simpsons episode

Of course!

That's where all of these prophecies have been coming from. All along they've been coming from the most prophetic show ever.

Simpsons did it.
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>live in NYC
>see this
DIGITS AND THE MILITARY WILL STAGE A COUP TO COME INTO POWER. Both the left and the right love the military now; the left does because they are defiant against trump and the right does because they still hold conservative beliefs. The military has become kind of a quasi-centrist entity because of this. They could easily stage a coup and get away with becoming an autocracy easily.
You're saying that no actual planes flew through any 3D space and caused the events that had come to pass? Or do you mean that this aforementioned conspiracy is somehow more salient than the others?
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Which one will happen first?
1.Yellowstone will erupt
2. Nibiru (planet x) "giving earth a deep impact"
3.FEMA using that military to fill up all those plastic disposal caskets that Obama sent 1 billion dollars on
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>It will happen in September. Kek has shown us.
You niggers are still ravaging this bait? Jesus tits...... get it together.
Its some real men in black shit when they start circling her

I remember the day after this happened every person I talked to thought she just had to leave because she wasn't feeling well and stumbled into the van. Then, after having shown them the video, they would be shocked and say "What the fuck? They didn't show that."

2016 was a real eye opener.
Opinion discarded.
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>33 people

(((Masonic))) number that is always propping up

Weird, many such cases.
>will make Wall Street shut down causing banks to shut down shortly after

You don't think there are contingencies in place?

Protip, there are stock exchanges other than NYC.

It will fuck over the assholes that run server farms in manhatten to get a few milliseconds of advantage on their algo trades.
Go back to r*ddit all niggers must die.
Yeah, every other economic collapse throughout history just didn't happen.
Fucking idiot.
If a military coup does happen, it will confirm what the hobo couple at the gas station told me a few months ago.
Cant understand if larping or real life faggot
Alright faggot I'll bite. What did the hobo couple tell you?
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singles here. everything is fine. relax.
Thanks Trump
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You're retarded. Something like sandy will never happen again because everything was in its favor and there was a full moon the day it hit which made it way worse than it originally was. The thing will lose energy as it moves north and by the time it gets up to where nyc is the winds will be like 50 mph only. You are an imbecile.
That's not that much.
aw hell no
>Banking Systems Crash


in before >>/x/
Amen brother
also, who the fuck actually believed the solar eclipse meant the end of the world?
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This model has it hitting DC on the 10th

How old are you summerfags?

Do none of you remember Sandy? Massive hurricane that knocked out power to lower manhattan for a few days. Stock market closed.

B-but the world didn't end.

It's fucking rain you cartoon watching faggot
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this thread is powered by LAARP
fuck off
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