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Charger Dindu Nuthin thread continued from >>137564091

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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 72

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Charger Dindu Nuthin thread continued from


Anyways, I've refined my data using the no parking sign. We know that the hit to the car happens 3.8 seconds after he enters the street, that no parking sign is 97 feet away, meaning he averaged 26 feet per second BEFORE being hit which works out to 17.7 miles per hour, well below the marked speed limit of 25

The engine revs a full 1.4 seconds after that hit
He's gonna fucking walk and the chimpout will be beautiful lmao
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anon in charlottesville here, want any pics taken?
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Oh for perspective, the guy who hit his car next to the no parking sign was over there in this video, the green sign to the pet shop is approximately 40 feet away where the impact occurs
could you take a shot of the street from where
this webm was taken and measure the distance from the green pet shop sign to the no parking sign in front of Fulton Bank?
Are we going to ignore the first few people who immediately start attacking were black?
I'm not going to go out there with a tape measure but I will take some pictures to put it in perspective
And if someone could check the numbers please do so because I'm on limited sleep so there may be a mistake in there
I always thought from the damage alone that he wasn't doing over 20mph and the claims of him speeding into the crowd at 6 gorillion mph were narrative-building lefty hysteria.
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Before car gets hit
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Car getting hit
He's gonna be let off
I think you got them backwards, look at the pole to the left
You can see the guy who swings the pole in the first picture they're in the right order
He's past the guy that hits him in the first pic I think
He's not look behind the guy with the backpack that's the flagpole guy
Find more photos of H. Jay Cullen, he's the guy who was driving the car. helicopter didn't really go down.
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Are we talking about the same guy? I mean the guy that hits the car from the left with the light shirt and dark shots.
look at the rising sun storefront sign. and also the black pole. he seems to be closer to them in the second pic
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In this pic - first pic as car is about to enter crowd.
Is this person in black t-shirt and black shorts making a hand signal?
Wow I knew you guys were autists but you always surprise me
Yes the top pic is first pic where the car is hit is second in the timeline
IDK maybe but I doubt it

Ya know...

If he really was trying to cause maximum damage why didn't he steer around the stopped car and keep plowing into people?

Why not be going as fast as possible?

Why not back up, and then charge again?

Does seem odd.

I mean he had to know he was in it to win it at that point. Not like he legit thought he could escape? I mean he still had his plates on display.
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stop being an asshole
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and why would you do it with such an expensive car?!
If you notice there's more then one no parking sign. It was the one further down in the shot.
>Public defender
>He's gonna walk
You are seriously retarded.

Well that doesn't matter. Money is no object when your going to prison forever or dead.

He should have rented a nice big 4x4 truck or SUV for maximum crowd penetration.
>I'm not going to go out there with a tape measure but I will take some pictures to put it in perspective

No need for a tape measure. Measure your step, then step it off.
Ah that's kind of a problem then if people were already running out of the way before the hit
Nigga, you can see the crowd from far away. He knew that he would head to the crowd. He put himself there willingly.
Now, nothing but pure poz Aryan cock in that toxic hole for the rest of his life. I'm actually jealous.
Haha what he's literally slowing down to avoid someone. Why would he do that if he's trying to kill people?
life>car. period.
if you turned down an alley trying to leave a place you were just booted out of by the police and a mob of niggers and trannies started throwing shit at your car and hitting it, then blocked you in, you'd press the accelerator too. He didn't see the car because the crowd surrounded him, he just wanted to escape.
maybe, but what about the fact that they were illegally blocking a road and he was actively trying to avoid hitting anyone at that point
if it was planned and money wasn't an issue, why didn't he use a bigger vehicle? why didn't he back up and go in for another round? makes very little sense
Is this a shitty meme or are you faggots just this illiterate in cars? ITS A FUCKING CHALLENGER NOT A CHARGER

>2 doors
>ran over shitskins and libshits

>4 doors
>didnt kill a libshit and plow thru shitskins
make sure you make a video as well so you don't miss something
Okay that's a good point and he still hadn't hit anyone at that point, what's her face was still alive
Brake lights lit, you must acquit.
1. He has anger issues and schizophrenia
2. His vehicle was being attacked by antifa

One can deduce, using Occam's razor, that this is simply a knee jerk reaction from someone who suffers psychosis due to assault of his property by illegal counter protestors. No premeditation. No ulterior motive.
Probably because he at least wanted to attempt to escape?

He didn't have the balls to go on a suicide mission.

This goon was probably a goon, but the CIA CAN in fact take control of a car remotely.
Check its position relative to the doors on the left. The sign is next to the typical rectangular entrance with windows on either side and a few feet before an arching one.
Bump for interest
Can you just give us your opinion. It looks like at least 2 other cars thought the road was safe to travel on or were just were confused. Was this idiot looking for trouble or did he just end up at the wrong place at the wrong time?
Is this a Guy or Girl, does anyone know

gender non-binary
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Timeline is basically this
>Speeding a bit down road going about 25mph pic related
>Starts braking at this point
>Likely slower than 20mph
>Near collision with backpack man
>Maintains a moderate speed
>Car is hit
>Gas pedal smashed
>Hits cars obscured by crowd
>Mob attacks car
>Reverses out
get off this site you retarded nigger
also cia can only control smart cars they cant control normal cars fucking retarded monkey
he doesnt have a public defender, His lawyer is the same person suing the city for trying to take down the statue. Since your wrong on this most basic fact any other opinions you have will be discarded without being read, please politely fuck right off.

sometimes when i cross the street i jog quickly to avoid getting hit. this obviously means the cars approaching me are trying to hit me.
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Ah you're right, but you forgot to mention that people weren't hit until much further down the street. In fact the woman that died was way down at the crosswalk. 17 mph up until that sign but he could've easily accelerated to 30 before actually hitting people near the crosswalk. A stock challenger goes 0-60 in 6.3 seconds, and cars always accelerate faster in lower gears(much more torque). So long as he was still accelerating, 30 in 3.8 seconds is easy as fuck to get to.
>into the trash it goes
The pics are in the correct order. Look at the two shorter black poles with the white lines around them to the right of the car. In the first picture they are clearly in front of the car and in the second pic they are clearly behind the car.
pics are backwards. pay attention to the poles and the no parking signs, especially the one that's slightly crooked
Glad that's been cleared up.
Your an idiot read the thread they're in the right order
what are you implying, so i can agree.
Unfortunately the guy has temper problems and has a record for abusing his disabled mom. Even locked her up in the bathroom when she took his video games away. He's got baby pics of Hitler and one of pepe on his facebook too.

He's fucked. They'll argue it wasn't fear but a sudden burst of anger that made him floor it. I wouldn't be surprised if they can taunt him into confessing either.
also happening predicted

>History of abusing mom
>12 years old
>cia can only control smart cars
... why do Jews just come on the internet and lie like that?

The car was redpilled by seeing 2 niggers jump those white guys.
Is this same guy / car? Story?
>Published on Jun 24, 2017

I thought that too but there's two no parking signs and the perspective is confusing. What makes it clear the order is correct is the hairy hippy that hit the car
It's just a meme, Brian.
The more I watch the videos and read up on the details the more I believe this guy was legit trying to get down this road without incident. He basically went down the wrong road, met up with this mob and when they started attacking his car he panicked and drove forward not realizing that there were other cars stopped up ahead (crowd blocking them). And now we also know he had mental illness issues, adding to the whole mess. And once again, this falls into the category of, "what the fuck are you idiots doing walking around in the middle of the street??"
he's just a clown that's feeling down
30mph would cause a lot more damage than was done. Most cars couldn't drive away from a 30mph collision into a stationary vehicle.
The clown is weird. It's hard to find him in any of the pics other than this one.
And yet. He is tall and distinctive.
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy. You can see black helmet guy swinging his black pole when the camera points back up at 0:02-0:03.

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
We could probably measure the time between the hit and the impact with the car in front?
Agreed but the vehicles were moving very very slowly so not entirely sationary and they were in gear however since there were two cars it's probably be the same as hitting something like a concrete barrier
that guy is well known in the charlottesville area, his name is ben cryan


whoops, my bad. had the two images mixed up, like a dumbass
>Public defender
The retard leaf meme in full force.
Audio doesn't pick up any hits to the car before black helmet guy, first hit was pole guy from the left then a smash that isn't on video but can be heard on the audio
Becausw the alt right is as dumb as the regressive left. They have no real/tangible plan to complete, they only have reactions to things happening. Not very productive reactions at that
Yes it does, you can clearly hear black helmet guys strike at 0:01 as soon as the car leaves the frame. I dont understand why you cant hear it, its clear as day.
he'll take a plea deal for vehicular manslaughter or something. Be out in <5 years. Murder 2 is just the cops overcharging to get a better plea deal.
I seriously only hear the curb scrape
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Speculation time
>Guy leaves protest
>Huge fights and violence
>Already on edge
>Kind of lost
>Goes down narrow road
>Speeding a bit cuz scared
>Sees crowd
>O fuck slams brakes
>Realizes it's a big mob
>Maintains a speed so as to not get window smashed out
>Let off brake
>Guy hits car
>It's loud can be heard in videos
> Freaks out
>doesn't see cars
>Hits them
>Looks in rearview
>Mob with bats
> Reverse the fuck on out of there
This guy might have just batted a 19
Take video footage and walk in the area also take photos from certain angles. It will help a lot more than you think.
>curb scrape at 0:00
>thud at 0:01

Idk how you cant hear it. Even if you cant hear it just watch the video, when the camera comes up again you can literally see him swinging his pole. Hes standing on the right and he was 1ft away from the car. If you cant hear the thud, at least admit you can see him swinging his weapon.
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Thanks anon now people can stop being confused
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That's the whole point
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy. You can see black helmet guy swinging his black pole when the camera points back up at 0:02-0:03.
https://youtu.be/pVkD7c2D6H0 [Open]

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Who the fuck wouldn't peel out if an angry mob was beating on their car and chucking bricks at them? If you don't want to die, don't surround a car screaming and hitting the windows and threatening the fucking driver who is just trying to go about their business.
has there been any news since we got info that he has been denied bail?
are you guys being delusional on purpose?

you can clearly hear him accelerating hard BEFORE the hit

he has a high speed when entering the street too, car bounces over the bump, while the people are screaming

We'll probably have to wait a while to learn how he ended up on that road. He was not from Charlottesville, so likely didn't know his way around. Maybe he was following GPS to get out of town. Maybe he was trying to find the protestors, but how would he know where they are, or was it pure luck? Maybe he remembered how he drove into town and was backtracking, and wasn't smart enough to realize that the protestors would be all over the mall. I'm still going with perfect storm theory where he was angry and humiliated. Just wanted to leave. Didn't know his way around. Found himself on that road, thought, I'm going to scare them by driving through them. When they attacked his car, he floored it. Didn't see the two stopped vehicles. And adrenaline and self-preservation took over.
Another way to see that is paying attention to the guy on red shirt, sunglasses and cap. On the bottom pic, hes right under the sign, and the car went past him. On the top pic he's behind the flag guy.
In both these images it seems the rear window has a dent/smash.
When did that happen ?

Pure coincidence, goy
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Can you circle who you're talking about please cuz I'm not seeing also the thuds you hear might be drums that they. However you can hear a big difference between those and the hit from flag guy
best game ever! many hours spent as a child! Thanks anon!
He slows the fuck down, that was just his bumper scraping against the pavement, he does it again when he reverses.
This and it should have ended as that.
>Car drives into violent armed mob
>Driver panics and tries to GTFO and does saving his life from harm
Done, boom, end of story. But now everyone is blowing the entire thing out of proportion and milking it out of every drop.
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This is what happened. In today's media crazed quasi-society, we get pictures and video minutes after events take place. I'm glad one of the clearest pictures of this event shows his brake lights on. This shows no willful intent to harm. Then he proceeds, as he has right of way. Logically expects law abiding citizens to move to sidewalks. They don't, they proceed to pelt his car and close in on him. He accelerates to escape, fearing for life and limb. Literally COULDN'T SEE CARS in front of him because the niggers and trannies blocked his view by surrounding him. If anyone is surrounded by an angry mob, you have the right to escape with your life. He was going so slow, no one died except a morbidly obese coal burner that probably had a blood clot secondary to birth control waiting to be dislodged.
Pretty much agree i don't honestly think he was mad and trying to scare them because he was mad. I think he was scared and trying to get them out of the way

Copanon pointed out that his brake lights were on in this pic iirc
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you are the best leaf ive seen on 4chan. Well done sir.
In all fifty states, once the mob starts beating on the car you have every right to GTFO and if some douchebag basement dwelling socialist or dumbass dindu gets in the way too fucking bad, don't harass innocent motorists because you're angry.
This thread is why this board is great
No thud is drumming
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you can hear the thud at 0:01, just as the car would be passing this guy (NOT the initial car scrape thud at 0:00, this is a second later, while the camera is pointing to the ground)

when the camera returns to level, you can see the black helmet guy swinging some kind of pole from a downward position back to level
Looks like Bumblebee changed cars
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He is he is getting ready to point at him as if his hand was a gun
He's beginning to bring it up and aim
What the fuck is a thirty some odd year old adult that should be working and taking care of their family doing at a protest with a bunch of filthy unwashed jobless hippies anyway? The dumb bitch deserved to die. This man saved us a few hundred k in medical bills keeping her big fat walrus ass alive much longer than nature ever intended for someone of her girth.

He's going to be the next Zimmerman when he walks.
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy. You can see black helmet guy swinging his black pole when the camera points back up at 0:02-0:03.
https://youtu.be/pVkD7c2D6H0 [Embed] [Open]

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
OH, so now you can finally hear it? funny how the "drumming" sounds like a pole hitting a car and it just happens to occur as he passes the black helmet guy who can also be seen swinging his pole from down back to up
And this picture has been photoshopped. More weirdness.
>trying to scare them
This is why even automatics need a clutch pedal.
*vroom vroom intensifies*
What happened to the cars papers saying it has a sunroof but the pictures show it doesnt, what happened to that?
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forgot pic
You guys memed Zimmerman's aquital, I believe in you!
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I can't fucking wait

I drive by my city's capitol building when I go to popeye's and there's always protesters. What should I yell out of my car if I drive by them?
this thud is not the drumming sound btw, that's a completely separate sound. The thud sounds unique and only occurs ONCE. the drumming sound starts right after and you hear 5-6 drumming sounds. you must be totally deaf or in denial not to hear it. I dont have time now, but I will be making a thread about this tomorrow, I guess I have to isolate the sound because you fags are being deliberately obtuse.

gimme my sides back
That's a hard sell to the jury. I mean, have you ever driven before? Because unless this retard gets twelve retarded peer jurors, it wouldn't come close to how easy the prosecution sell will be.
Man take a screenshot of the pole because I can't see that shit.
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy. You can see black helmet guy swinging his black pole when the camera points back up at 0:02-0:03.
https://youtu.be/pVkD7c2D6H0 [Embed] [Embed] [Open]

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy

>Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
Black helmet guy hits the car first, not bat guy
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Hmm I hear the this you're talking about black helm man appears to have a camera though maybe punched or kicked it? I can't find any good shots of his other hand to see if he has anything else
holy shit tune
The driver is a pro. Very difficult to back at speed this distance with all this going on.
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That's just plain up retarded.
>take a screenshot
it's easier to escape with a 4x4 pickup
I love you autistic fucks, keep up the good work
I dunno. If you are pumped full of adrenaline and acting on instinct to save your life. Seems pretty plausible that he was hyper focused on getting out of there.
Sounds like the Jewish narrative.
This is a distraction pic. The car pictured here is one of the newer Dodges(look at the tail lights) whereas the one seen as the scene and on FB in 2015 are of an older Dodge, circa 2010
He was a good goy.

There are several of those poles at regular intervals. The pictures were reversed
I thought he was holding something, but it looks like it was actually something moving in the background behind him. So now I'm not sure where the thud came from.
We have Belarusian spies now?
I think one of those blurs was the woman the black "man" was trying to kidnap.
So where is the chick who died on these photos?
But couldn't it still be the case that he was just driving in the first image? In the first image has he started to accelerate yet or is that the point in time when he is still ambling down at approx 15 mph?
Considering that no one had got hit yet by the car, I assume the later.

After ambling a little bit further into the second frame, then a protestor assaults the car, giving Fields a reason to fear for his life.

The tire chirp at the top of the screen means nothing since he hits the brakes right after.
Has to be a drum, helmet guy dindu
Did you just leave out all 68 other genders??
Climbing on the car that was directly hit. She got pinned between it and the car in front of it
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It's either weird lighting or that picture is altered. He wasn't photoshopped in.
>The tire chirp at the top of the screen means nothing
it means he's already going at a high speed at that point
it's not the drum though, you can hear the drum start right after, the drum sounds lower, more hollow and repeats 5-6 times. this was a one off sound, even sounds similar to the bat strike.

I fucked up, helmet guy dindu, but I still think someone threw something/ kicked the car before bat guy.

What we really need is another video that starts before this one and better camerapeople that don't point their cameras at the ground.
I hear the thud though it's interesting. you don't ever get a look at the guys other hand and it's weird that someone there for journalism or something came wearing one of the helmets
Which is 40 to 60 feet behind the pole guy
And also gives a good argument that the protesters were clearly violent. She was attacking the car and likely the occupant should she have gotten inside
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Exactly. Evidence of skill and training.
Adrenalin, crowds and confusion would have caused an untrained non professional to panic and lose it.
Most people can't reverse over a long distance. And not at speed like in this incident.
#False flag.
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Still hard to explain this.
Obvious he took at least 2 big shots before we see the car. That window may be smashed as well, or that's a cloud on reflection.
Isn't this that game with a secret underground stunt arena in one of the maps? I haven't seen this shit since the 90s.
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Why is he wearing a stripped shirt in this pic and a white shirt when photographed elsewhere on same day?
Supposedly white shirt in car and when arrested
This guy looks like a faggot
no one in that pic has black tshirt and black shorts
Literally what is the point of this thread?

The narrative is already established, the dude is already in jail.
Dude wasn't rich so car might just have had previous body damage or the guys that chased him had already hit his car before the video started. Cops should be confiscating phones, wouldn't surprise me if they're (antifa) deleting videos. The witnesses that are gonna be interesting to hear are the two cars in front that got hit.

Maybe there's surveillance video from the bank?
>The narrative is already established
Yeah like that's ever stopped /pol/ before
Well, definetly this guy hitting the car is responsible for one dead whaöe and couple broken antifas.
I hope they will be crippled for ever
where are the stripes?
Are you hallucinating?
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He had money to buy a Dodge Challenger but no money for a lawyer? yeah right
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This person is wearing black shirt and shorts.
Are they making a hand signal ?
It's a weird gesture.
>can't control regular cars
t. Ignorant nigger hiding behind edgey flag
>Public Defender is related to victim
Isn't that a little too biased to be fair.
>he had money
important word
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> the dude is already in jail
Maybe he shouldn't be?
All of this is gonna worth jack shit, unless a lawyer is found that will represent him.
good graph
it is, there are so many coincidences this whole thing just has to be a false flag
i doubt their interests conflict.

Nazi and confederate flags need to get the fuck out. Uniting the right starts with uniting as Americans, not as failed LARPers. If you're a foreigner showing support for Americans, then proudly show your own nation's colors. Americans need to be Americans first.
A 2010 V6 wouldn't cost a whole lot, maybe $12- $15k
That's not how logical deduction works. "Coincidences" never imply a grand conspiracy
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In this pic.
Maybe it's a shadow ?
For sure there is more video, just look at the video we already have. You can see multiple people filming the car, even a few reporters with high definition cameras.
I don't think the 2 cars ahead seen anything coming.
I see brake lights
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he had a small fund set up due to dead father, some anon claimed it was 30K when he was 18 years old. his facebook pics seem to point to that being when he bought the car.
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still a lot for a 19 year old man
doesn't imply no, but doesn't mean there isn't a false flag or conspiracy
>32 years old
>Living with a Chihuahua she called her "baby"
>Still dating, dumped a guy who made "mean" remarks about her black boss
>A boss that hired her into a law firm because she had a friend who knew him
>High School Education, still got a great job
>Was often found crying at her computer because "the brown people in these pictures look unhappy."
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Of course it's a fucking shadow. Jesus christ dude...
>uniting the right starts with ostracizing members of the right
That's a shadow from the light coming from behind the camera or something. His undershirt has the shadow too. It would be weird for both articles to have a matching "stripe". You can also see his shadow on the flag behind him.
I also assumed the stripe pic was his jail outfit?
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>That's a hard sell to the jury
You don't have to convince them 100% that it was what happened. You just have to convince 1 person that there is like a 1% chance it might have happened.

He's gonna walk
With those digits.... You're right.
>"Unite the Right" happens on George Soros' birthday
>Infiltrated by Nazi and KKK LARPers who passed out tiki torches, just like in Ukraine's Orange Revolution
>Painted by media as if it was planned as a white supremacy event
>Police let Antifa surround the good goys then disperse, just like UC Berkeley, under stand down orders from mayor
>Mayor has his degree from UC Berkeley

Fuck your coincidence theory.
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These digits
>backing up straight is hard

You're fucking retarded. I have a double digit IQ and I can reverse with 3 trailers.
>crying at her computer because "the brown people in these pictures look unhappy."
kek'd irl
that's pretty much obvious. no idea why anyone would be surprised or confused by that.
>Was often found crying at her computer because "the brown people in these pictures look unhappy."

This can't be true, but it made me laugh regardless
That's not a charger
Also, on the price aspect, I may have even been a little high, here's my local craigslist:

>I mean, have you ever driven before?
Have you ever been surrounded by an angry mob before? I'm guessing no.

All you need is one juror to accept this narrative as the explanation (the only one that actually fits the evidence), and he'll be acquitted.
Thats a nice car
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Oh and guess what is located at corner of Water and Fourth?
The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation.
Lots of $$$ in and out of thank bank account according to their filed docs.


And. Someone with a Soros fist shirt was standing outside at the wrap up of the Challenger crowd charge

>“Heather was a very strong woman,” said Alfred A. Wilson, manager of the bankruptcy division at the Miller Law Group in Charlottesville, where Ms. Heyer worked as a paralegal. She stood up against “any type of discrimination,” he said. “That’s just how she’s always been.”
>Mr. Wilson said in an interview on Sunday that he found her at her computer crying many times.
>“Heather being Heather has seen something on Facebook or read something in the news and realized someone has been mistreated and gets upset,” he said.
>Ms. Heyer’s only flaw, Mr. Wilson said with a laugh, was that she liked to sleep late. “I had to change my office work hours just to meet her schedule,” he said.
That would be kino af anon.
>All you need is one juror to accept this narrative as the explanation
All you need is one juror to imagine what would happen should he be in a car with his family while a leftist mob attacked.
I think you need more videos of mobs attacking cars.
Jesus fucking Christ, Dodge driver and her were a match made in Tel Aviv.
I support the Europeans in America, I don't support all of America or even the US as a hole, there is a lot of degeneracy and I want to help my fellow Europeans.
You can bet the defense is going to try to get the Reginald Denny video shown in court.
Don't forget the cohencidental CIA agent filming it.
Trying to start a color revolution on our streets.
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A closer look.
And all the green caps.
Had been interspersed through the crowd during the event. Now mostly milling around Ms Soros shirt
Mein digies ist gut
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This really him?
It has the dent in the back where the pole hit. It's after it has been hit.
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Stop being retarded
yeah but the break lights are lit, you must acquit.
The physical damage to the car made it pretty clear he was not going 100 million miles per hour as claimed.
Measure it using the county assessor maps.


All shills and turbo leftist queers in every single thread
>you're retarded
>you're a retard

If the position was so easily cast aside and explained because it's "retarded", perhaps you could do so? But no, it's just "retarded". Good argument, you fucking faggot
>we don't need sources where we're going
So I take it she was crying about Affirmative Action and Minority Preference Racism, correct?
I take all of that narrative has come from CNN and its ilk?
Patsy always has as extreme narrative.
It's part if the pattern
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>That's a hard sell to the jury. I mean, have you ever driven before?

Bulletproof logic, very strong argument. He's going to get the firing squad for sure, it's all over fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Can you screenshot and outline the black dude hitting him, I don't see it at all.
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I'm intrigued by the lime caps interspersed through the crowd.
This guy. Is he making some kind of hand gesture?
He seems to be looking at someone in the window of the building opposite
Yea. Honestly the chimpout is all I care about.
Tell them to get a job and or life
he refused to, then deleted his post
He was motivated, about to have the fuck beat out of him
>that filename
my obliques are in pain
It'll be much bigger than that.
Spreading the research: https://www.quora.com/Why-wasnt-James-Alex-Fields-charged-with-attempted-murder/answers/53697310?share=1
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Heres what I gather from this thread
I just noticed m, there's a (1937) Spanish Republic (communist) flag in there.
this pic shows his breaks on he obviously wasnt trying to hit people
>The narrative is already established
You do realize the holocaust never happened right?

...look, you can analyze whatever the fuck you want, but the guy was a neonazi who killed a girl

if he doesn't go to jail there will be literal war on the streets.

so he's going to jail

for a very long time
The guy marked with red is not the same guy as in the 3rd picture I think. In the 3rd picture he suddenly has a hat and no sleeves. He's also missing a beard.
The less delusional lefties are probably already a little nervous about how their narrative will be ripped to shreds during a trial.
checked. up there in commie land they're probably not even allowed to hire their own attorney.
is that a fucking clown with a SHAME sign
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>notice the Spanish flag.. It's Soros strategies 101:
Here's a few recent examples:

" In Libya, the rebels who rose up against Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi in 2011 brandished factory-fresh, still-creased red-black-green horizontal tricolor with the white crescent and star used by the old Libyan monarchy, the regime that Qaddafi overthrew in 1969.

"Almost simultaneously, Syrian rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad hit the streets of major Syrian cities with factory-fresh green-white-black horizontal tricolors with three red stars used by Syria during the French League of Nations mandate and by the Republic of Syria in 1961.

"It was obvious that in both cases, the Soros- and NED-sponsored opposition groups in Libya and Syria foresaw a return to a pro-Western Libya as had existed under the feudalistic King Idris until his overthrow in 1969 and a Syria not unlike the pro-Western regime of Major-General Abd al-Karim Zahr as-Din, a Druze who ousted the pro-Gamal Abdel Nasser regime in Damascus in 1961.

Thats the last time them brake lights be lit.
this is BEFORE he was hit by the guy with the flag. who was REACTING to him driving towards a crowd at fucking speed - and anything over 5 mph was speeding here, be honest. And he travelled a fair distance into the crowd and parked cars after this point. All on video. Not a brakelight in sight. Its not 'I used the brakes, once, few miles back.. c-can I go now?'
All the empty shoes
>'I used the brakes, once, few miles back.. c-can I go now?'
He used the brakes just a few feet before getting his car hit. That's a retarded hyperbole you're making.
This thread needs bumps...
Literally did nothing wrong
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Yes. In another thread someone said his name was Ben Cyran . ?
I think he got some money when his dad died and maybe that's how he bought the car
Thank you my friend.
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just got back from taking pics, lots of media around, flowers on the ground, should be a news cast soon
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You guys are up,on the earlier threads about guys like private contractors lurking around the periphery, right?
This. He was still wearing the "nazi" uniform, after all. He had every reason to expect that once they surrounded and hemmed him in, they'd smash his car, drag him out, and beat him to death.
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>'I used the brakes, once, few miles back
>Ancap and fascist flags need to get the fuck out. Uniting the right starts with uniting as Americans, not as failed LARPers. If you're a foreigner showing support for Americans, then proudly show your own nation's colors. Americans need to be Americans first
De cloak your flag...
Thanks, ya cunt. This link actually really has a lot of evidence for many explanations and questions that I had
What do you know about the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation near the corner of Water and Fourth?
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Hell yeah did you notice any big scrapes in the speed bump? Everyone keeps saying g he bottomed out
That road looks like it'd be very easy to bottom out a low sitting car like a Charger. Might explain the tire chirp in the beginning of the video instead of unlawful speed.
Do you think he is guilty

Did a visit to the scene change your mind one way or another
Nah, it's before the hit. It's pretty obvious...
>who was REACTING to him driving towards a crowd at fucking speed - and anything over 5 mph was speeding here, be honest
The speed limit was as posted faggot.
Jay walking doesn't suddenly change the speed limit.
Every single person in the street was breaking the law.
The fact that the drivers are trapped by these violent rioters is pretty much kidnapping coupled with terrorist threats.
A man make a gesture like a gun and pretend shoots the driver.
Almost immediately another, completely unprovoked, man lashes out and attacks a vehicle
Antifa has a very looooong history of violence and a well documented hatred for nice cars and people with jobs.
Give it up faggot.
This is textbook self defense.
The cherry on top will be when he gets his car back.
Should get a custom plate.
I thought I saw that in a pic before..
Race jewellers. Really?
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I didn't check, there was also a police suv parked over the first bump. This is the view going down the hill roughly from his height
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>race jewelers
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Savage but those digits speak the truth.
Wow thats some retard logic
No, can I get a quick update?
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Alright even if this guy is somehow innocent thanks to retarded alt-right logic he still needs to be found guilty for the greater good. No judge would allow the maelstrom that would occur in Charlottesville if this fuck is found not guilty, he needs to be punished.

Why the fuck was he driving down that narrow ass street in such a threatening manner toward the counter-protestors in the first place? If he were really innocent he would've just calmly turned around.
I haven't been keeping up with this, what's the case for him being a good boy who dindu nuffin?
>drop charges
in the ancient times, if 1 man offended another city, and that city besieged that man's city, the other citizens would throw the offender over the wall. Dodge bro is going to be thrown over the city wall, regardless of the circumstance. He'll do 20 years at least. First by flood, the next by fire, so shall the world end. It is written.
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Actually might see some in this pic
Yeah it's really bumpy. Car was going to the left.
It was a joke.
>Dodge charger sees whites beat up
>Dodge charger takes revenge
How do you not get it?
where did the Tundra come from?
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T from white portuguese anti communist
Guy with flag pill had enough time to run around his car to hit the back bumper you fucking idiot.
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we are only just tapping into this new technology
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Because fuck you, that's why.
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Those are antifa lawyers. So what f any of them get arrested.
Why is nobody actually calling for a fair trial here?
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looking up the hill
He is the 3rd car coming down the street, he gets struck in the back and he looks in his review mirror when he strikes to car in front. Antifa is between the first two cars making an ass of herself and ends up smashed between car one and car two.
it is, and there were a couple secret stunt parts
It's just so sexy

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Implying niggers will riot for a fat white girl.
It's always about being offended with leftists isn't it



>T. white portuguese anti communist
>They'll argue it wasn't fear but a sudden burst of anger that made him floor it.

I hate the way our law allows for slippery shit like this. As though either or both emotions would be unjustified when surrounded by an angry violent mob who just used violence to shut down your literally peaceful (even if ugly and weird) assembly.
>in the ancient times, if 1 man offended another city, and that city besieged that man's city, the other citizens would throw the offender over the wall.
You're describing ordered relations between civilized peoples with some kind of common value system based on honor and shared sacrifice. I.e., nothing particularly relevant to the topic at hand.
Especially if there are women in the jury because those pictures of the mob surrounding the car will freak them out
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area where he hit the antifas
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He braked for the bump at the crosswalk, not to avoid hitting protesters.
Dude is guilty, nice try tho.
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>he still needs to be found guilty for the greater good. No judge would allow the maelstrom that would occur in Charlottesville if this fuck is found not guilty
Why are you acting like he killed a nigger?
Also, the law and the Constitution are greater than your little pep talk about how virtue signaling is what matters most in situations like these.
Get fucked butt pirate.
Why do you think we're gathering evidence?
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>Did a visit to the scene change your mind one way or another
No, but I could see people were generally confused about what it all meant. I don't think they realize charlottesville caused the death by causing a violent scene in the streets and failing to get the mob at 4th and water off the street.
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If they let him off we're going to witness the biggest chimpout ever.

my body is ready
There's a Charlottesville Area Community Foundation right at that corner. Or so gggggrrll maps shows.,someone posted on an earlier thread. So I go to website.. As you do.
There's a statement about the recent racist event and condolences to Heather and the troopers (helicopter).
So then I look at the pdf of their grant giving.
Pages and millions $$$.
Which is what I thought once I had noted the pic of the woman in the Soro fist shirt standing around in the aftermath of the car-crowd challenge.
I wish I'd asked you to take a pic. I didn't realise you really did live nearby.
Now you're just lying. No it doesn't.
The brake light in the pics is after the speed bump you abysmal faggot.
Migrate bros
Interesting that Mr Plod has to park his car exactly over that speed hump.
Thanks for the reply and the helpful information.
It is sad to think 4chan is the best place to get news on this event,
This is the only place you can find out there were 3 cars stuck in traffic at the time of the collision.

Thanks again
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this guy in pic was beaten to near death, after dindu ran in front of his truck, by mob of dindus, despite the fact that he stopped immediately to render aid. I recall that some dindu politician in area said that despite being beaten brain dead, the man "did the right thing" by stopping. The white man is damned if he do, and damned if he don't.
Thanks anon I made new thread if you wanna drop em there too. It looks like that bump could bottom you out even going slow have you ever drive on it?
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last pic i'll post for now, the statue is still up, no graffiti I could see. Some media in lee park too. It's actually quite a nice statue, hard to believe this inanimate object hurts peoples feelings so badly they'll die to remove it.
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just this pic shows it.

I do wonder where's the driver in red minivan
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