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Thread replies: 154
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Las Malvinas son Argentinas
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But that's wrong you fucking leaf, they've literally always been British, since 1690.
Thanks I compeletly forgot today
Canada is British
if i remember the 99.8% wanted that the faklands stayed being part of the british

Unless it has rare minerals or some shit we shouldn't give a fuck about a tiny island.
it's historically and culturally british
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oh boi you've triggered some argentinians
First of all, there's oil there in our waters that we can exploit

Second, it provides us with a naval and air base in the South Atlantic that allows us to project our power there

Third, the people there are British people loyal to our nation, it is our duty to defend them from invaders who seek to revoke their sovereignty and suppress their culture
Even though 99% of those living there want to be British? There's no reason to give it back.
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World War N.webm
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You know what else is British? South Africa

> .webm attached related
Desist what? The criying? Thats the only thing we have done since the war, you think we are going to do something other than cry? Or call you names? As long as you stay away from our country is doubt we would ever do something
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Were the Falklands ever Argentine?
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for about two months in '82
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It should be legal for an Anglo to shoot an argie
Jesus fucking Christ. No one here cares about Gibraltar as much as Argies do about the Falklands.
We should invade Spain, you invaded us in the 90's! What's wrong with you retard Spaniards?
>Two insane goat shagging Galicians somehow end up in Canada
>They get arrested
I don't want to live in Scotland anymore. The weather is fucking terrible, it rained all day today and was entirely cloudy. The views of most people disgust me and as a graduating computing engineer I could make so much more money in the US.

I studied in South Carolina for a year and the sunlight vastly improved my quality of life. I want out lads, I'm sorry. Britain is dying and so is Europe and western civilisation. I just want a house, family and a good climate.
Yes it is War your Navy and the German Navy support them, the EU wanted sanctions against us
Only Britain and Ireland vetoed it
We should sanction the EU, ban all EU goods, ban travellers from the EU, deport all citizens of the EU (except Britons and Irish)
Literraly a teenager joke, if everything that makes us look even more lame. So exactly how this is a danger to you? Blow them up
What do you expect from a German colony lol.
Dude they are literraly terrorist, made up of confused nationalist and marxist creating a weird awful shit
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do they even have internet in that shithole
and sill nobody care
I agree, Argentina is a terrorist nation we should have nuked Buenos Aires
I hate thatcher because she didn't wipe you out
You fucking leafs are such cucks
Remember when you goat ropers larp'd the second war against top gear. top kek
>Nighttime operation would see 14 commandos land on British soil in helicopters.
We have don't have helicopters that work or trained commandos. This is fake news.
Are American!! We beat the crap of those silly Argentinians ,because they confiscated our whaler ships, Then you Guys ,like Rats sneaked behind and took the Islands. We wAnt them back for a Trump Resort.
Stop making this threads lad. Nobody cares anymore.
Give up its over. You will Be BTFO the islands
your rogue generals care

>just abandon my countrymen who gives a fuck
civic nationalism ladies and gentlemen
Shut up or I am going to your country as an inmigrant, I will have a family with a canadian anglo woman so my half breed children start introducing Argentinian values like viveza criolla Aka why being a theif is great
Your PM is outlawing critisism of islam and you're more worried about a senile madman going full retard?
That was funny at least, everybody had a good time that day
nice digits but i'm afraid you're lying
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Right on my Londoner Native.
I believe Argentina deserves rightful ownership of the falklands when they can prove that they're white.
Good luck we don't allow any spics here
lying about what? terrorist attacks being part and parcel of living in anglostan?
Scotts and hillbillies are kindred spirit. Dumb, Cheap, Drunk, and full of courage they cant back up
Like Mexicans at a park on Easter
Who says I am going legal gringo? Ooga booga where canadian women at ?
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Look you fucking morons, those stupid islands are literally cut in half right down the fucking middle! Oh gee I don't know maybe you could each get one side you retards
Like I said good luck. We deport our illegals and it's very hard to get in illegally anyway, I've personally had Europeans deported
Britain should get Argentina, change its name to New Falkland Islands and genocide every non Anglo there
Thats bad, almost 98% of our country would die. Good think is not happening otherwise we would be fuck
this is fake news
I dont know man. I think we should consider the positive results.
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Time for a new hat.
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Found the Pedro.
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Inshalla Jafar.
>no more problems in our country
>World population drops
>cows are happy
>Jews get angry for losing bunkers in patagonia to anglos
>World peace
>We die
lol fuck off islamophobe
How is killing an invasive species a negative?
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We in Brazil manage to extract autistic screechings from Margaret Thatcher by geting a free english bomber: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/621106/Margaret-Thatcher-Falklands-war-Brazil
>We die
He said
>None Anglos
Come on man, take one for the White Men Team.
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>tfw can throw shit at islam and insult mohamed without getting jailed or beheaded
you realize at one point the UK is going to be too weak to defend the falklands and the argies will steam roll it.

the UK is dying my friend.
but we are dying too friend. maybe your country take them.
Fuck of Fu Manchu
"After successfully taking out the radar, the Vulcan’s pilot Squadron Leader Neil McDougall was forced to divert to Brazil after the bomber’s refuelling probe snapped off while taking on fuel from an aerial tanker.
Upon landing at Galeao airport in Rio, the Brazilian authorities, under pressure from Argentina, impounded the Vulcan and its one remaining Shrike missile, refusing to release it until the end of the war, the Brazilians’ infuriated Thatcher.
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Dont believe the Auzie we would never do that.
You safe UK, dont think about it.
military aliance when?
1820 map is bullshit.
I just found out my family name (sinnott) is a mix of Anglo/Saxon.Should I kill myself?I feel lower then a nig/jew mix.
I am not very fond to the idea of getting killed guys, I mean all the blood , the pain is not my thing you know, its kinda bad
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30% of them were Shitlean immigrants.
You shitskins breed like rats and invade countries through having babies. Not even the Falklands are safe from you.
OK OK Jesus. No patriots left.
OK fine, tell the crazy canadian to send the death squads
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Typical canadian baby.jpg
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meanwhile in your beautiful country.....
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I don't understand

Why would they conduct a mission to plant a British flag on British soil to take a picture

Surely they an just google a picture of a normal British flag in the Falklands
Canada dont have death squads.
They might flood us with Cuckhold porn but thats about it.
still , 66%
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Last year your president aproved the construction of two USA military bases, one of them very near to my town.
We are all idiots.
I am quite illiterate, but I read a lot
+ the Chinese one.
But that was the previous goverment.
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Geez i wish. We are dying off just like you, the congolombian and haitian menace is going to destroy my country.
By the way, nobody gives a fuck about the Falkland Islands. Just your jingoistic media reporting fake news to distract you while Pajeets take your welfare and your women.

>Argentina basically drops the claim, lifts all economic restrictions on the Falklands
>British media reports this rumour on all its frontpages instead because "fuck those Argies amirite? We need more Paki immigrants Rule Britannia!"

Congratulations, you are a sheep.
Our greatest enemy right now is the Liberal, leftist agenda.
Search for "usa bases in argentina" in youtube.
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I can see 2 solutions to this problem

Solution A : In the future there will be a war in Britain between muslims and no muslims and when that happens we will take that opportunity of weakness and take back the falklands islands

Solution B : Britain,under muslim administration, will forgot of the existence of Falklands Islands and,after some months,we will send our Army to take back the Islands and every islander will be send back to UK,to live under sharia law.

We will win anyway
No the cuckhold porn, that would only make the mestizo and negro lust more for the little white looking women we have, Damn leafs
the left didn't chimp out in our congres, so maybe it's fake news.
They diabolical I tell yo.
I don't think that some windswept land will matter much when your nation crumbles like ours.
Join the BRICS, stop using dollar, see the petrodolar going down and the economic apocalipse in USA and their closest allies. Take Falklands.
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Why do Argentines want a near by island full of sheep and Brits?
Mate we can smack an Argentina or five around without needing the USA and half of Europe to gangbang them.
We thought it was the XX century when we used to win wars
oil and antartic projection son

*XIX century actually
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And the brits are mine
Opportunity of weakness? We vastly outnumber muslims in our own country, and even more so those that would actually want to fight us.

In addition we vastly outgun Argentina. You will get the Falklands back when we no longer want or care about them.
We don't. The British media is obsessed with Argentina because it's the last war they won 35 years ago.

None of this shit is on our newspapers.
Just a "rumor" about some "unnamed generals" that want to "plant a flag on the Falklands" on a "helicopter". (PROTIP: The distance to the Falklands is more than the range of any helicopter)

Literally fake news to distract from real things.
>The daily fake knows what some argie "commandos" with the rank of "general" are planning to do in secret.
They can't accept that the British watchpoint exists.
>Cyprus and by extension Greece and Turkey don't care.
>Spain only whines every few years.
>Argentina cries every day.
>USA doesn't even realize that we own an island off their coast.
>France pretends they own the islands and get mad if anyone disagrees.
>Ireland in eternal butthurt mode forever.
>Caribbean just chill. Especially Jamaica.
>The rest are all in the middle of an ocean where people really shouldn't get butthurt about but probably do.
Canada is probably the only nation that successfully took a part of British territory after becoming independent and I hear that the people who live there regret it.
Considering they need to wait half a decade to put this already foiled plan into action it seems that it was about as successful as the Argentine bombers during the war.
You also don't allow whites so Argentina is doubly fucked
The video title is maybe but he takes a pretty neutral account that clearly favors the British claim to the islands.
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I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drums do beat
And the loving English feet they tramped all over us
And each and every night when my father'd come home tight
He'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus:
O come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man
Show your wives how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes in Killeshandra*.

2. Come tell us how you slew them poor arabs two by two
Like the Zulu they had spears and bows and arrows
How you bravely faced each one with your 16 pounder gun
Till you frightened them poor natives to their marrow.

3. Come let us hear you tell how you saved the great Parnell
When you thought him well and truly persecuted
Where are the sneers and jeers that you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of '16 were executed.

4. Well the time is coming fast and will surely come at last
When each yeoman will be cut aside before us
And if there'd be a need, sure my kids would sing Godspeed
Your father USA tell you that? lol

"Britain, you are a big boy now, you are a men, you don't need us anymore. We save your ass you in the WW1, we save your ass in the ww2 too and we help rebuild your country, but now you can do things on your own"

>2017, almost half of the country is muslim.
USA (disappointed) : Ok no.......
Half the country? Perhaps this might come as a surprise but the UK isn't a one city country like Argentina.
USA is a strong ally but we don't need its help to deal with smallfry like Argentina. A few random destroyers would leave your entire navy holed up in port crying about how everything happened exactly like the last time.
Well, it is not that falklands islands are all for us, but if we can have the minimal chance of having them back, we can't let that opportunity go of our hands....

You understand us,right?

I mean, your country had under his administration USA, Australia and India.

I think that when your country lost those colonies, the people of your country were angry or unhappy with that situation.....

We do not hate your country anon, we do not have any reason to do it.
Wars happen in every place at any time with the last country that you can think of that will happen
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>Like the last time

The last time we were fighting alone, without allies (Peru helped us with military intelligence, but in the war we were alone)

His country had the help of the United States, Chile and some European countries
It was the UK alone as far as military equipment goes.
If you want to include minor help then we could say that France was on the Argentina side only to surrender the missile codes when the UK """asked nicely""".

The USA in particular was utterly useless not wanting to get involved on either side despite NATO and their Monroe doctrine which should have pushed them into either camp. Traitorous fuckers should just be ignored.
Kek, I guess the fake Argentina Anglos got butt fucked.
Didn't the US provide detailed satellite data of every single move by the Argentine military?
White People supporting White People
stop trying, its desperate and feeble
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Here's your (You).
That's pretty much a rumour. The two theories where it could be true are:
>USA watched everything and reported to the White House without telling the UK anything.
>UK pressganged the recently launched USA satellite and used it without the USA's permission.
Either way the USA didn't help more than having the equipment.

That said your ships never left port after the first encounter so it would have just been poor quality plane footage and the locations of the Argentine forces already within the Falklands.
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Jesus christ, you only really find large muslim populations in London or Birmingham and even there they do not exceed 10% of the population.
>I think that when your country lost those colonies, the people of your country were angry or unhappy with that situation.....
we're not stuck in the old imperialistic mindset argentina seems to suffer from
Uhm, you do realize that the Falklands have more have a better airforce and navy garrisoned at them then your entire country has?

You physically couldn't transport enough troops there in order to actually take the islands because there is now about 300 marines permanently stationed there as well as a volunteer defense force of around 1000 men. A recent assessment by the British army revealed that you could transport 150 men to the islands every 15 hours, that's without considering British naval and air supremacy.
>anglo pride versus spics
If I was prime minister I would literally nuke Canada for this comment.
They're not even a real country anyway
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your country lost almost every colonies in the world
Anything can happen in the future.....
sounds like another case of the man keepung the white mans burden
haha wow this thing is still going

bloody argies
How about 4 trillion barrels of oil underneath it..
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god dammit man, we cant do shit unless we try to combine our forces and redpill the masses, though that will never happen since our people hate themselves for no reason and wont care
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>Can you take it back Argentine?
needs more missiles
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I dont get why you all are so proud of yourselves over a conflict you could have won no matter what. If anything you should have taken over the rest desu.
yeah and your country had shitall in the first place and has somehow managed to continue downwards, doesn't refute the fact your entire military couldn't take out a sliver of ours on top of some barren rocks in the south Atlantic.

Here's a nice little video for you to understand:
argentina close enough so they should have the advantage
yep bro beelsbadman :(
Wait there are more of those funny cartoons? What is that one about?
it's argentine public telly

Ok you win
I am optimistic, but facts are something you can not ignore
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Daily reminder Hong Kong could've remained British.
Oh shit there are several of them about the Falklands on Youtube. I hope they get translated like the first one.
are you in the cabinet?

get off my board

Argy ship gets sunk in this one
Only one guy wanting independence voted no.
Thread posts: 154
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