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You are forced to live in India for the rest of your life

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Thread replies: 303
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what sate do you choose to live in
Probably Tamil because I do not like Northern Indians
Jamu and Kashmir
The state with the toilets
I choose Kerala
Of course UP.
One of the island chains.
What do I get if I go to Lucknow?
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Diu because "muh empire"
If you want to live under a government which appease muslims at a daily basis , is communist to its core , then you are welcome.
The Bay of Bengal
most developed once are probably goa.kerela.punjab and tm
Nagaland, at least they aren't gynocentric like the rest of the country
Haha , what a nice co-incidence I live in Lucknow too.
Andaman Islands

furthest away from India, large minority population of Christians, island terrain/climate
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Goa. Who'd have thunk it, the best part of India was made by the Portuguese?
Have you been there?because i have and even all the Muslims there are nice better than the people i saw in the north atleast and also they have toilets
Filled with niggers too NOICE
The Indian Embassy in Washington DC.
I've already become used to that. better than the mainland
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Vegetative state.
Nowhere. I'd kill myself first.

I'd take a chart and, for every state, plot:

>Number of toilets/1000 people
>Thousands of people/km^2

Divide the first by the second and pick the state which gets the highest score.
I'd kill myself at the airport
Where can I rape? I'll go there

obvious proxy
Dude if you have MONEY, you can get toilet in every state.
>obvoius proxy
Sure , sharty.

The state of suicide.
Shut up muhammad from Londonistan .
Ik you live to blow yourself whenever you see kafors.

What good is that if you still have to walk among people shitting in public whenever you leave your house?
Yea i wouldn't give a shit about Hindus to be honest but i have a question why does Kerala have such a high christian and Muslim population even though the mughals never got there and why are they a lighter than Tamils arent they supposed to be the same?
Gujerat cos I know poos from there and there seem to be some jobs there
the one with the highest elevation since shit rolls down hill
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The state of Anheroed.
Toilets where?
The point isn't for us to have a toilet you street shitting retard. It's that everyone else uses a toilet wherever we would settle.
Guju master race coming thru , will be purging kebab for lulz
Yea its probably a great state to find jobs and is pretty industrial but its not as developed compared to other states
Cause dalits anon
Tell me more of Hyderabad.
I have 12 toilets in my 3 storey house.
1 in every room and 1 common at every floor.
I wouldn't spend a minute there
much less live there
Muslim density is very very very high.
They would kill you for being a kafir.

I'd give tours at Harminder Sahib, live on langar and probably live in some fleabag hotel.
Himachal Pradesh
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Ok here is a map of toilet in india(seems like Kerala wins again)
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BASED Tamil or Kerala for Tamanna.

Kashmir for the beauty.
Now post a map of communist violence, kerala will win too fuck off rakshas scum
How many of your filthy relatives live there with you? 100?
Trade routes.
Wow it's as if the British industrialized the once place where they landed...
Punjab based sikhs
Any place with less urban influence and more wildness.

Also if anyone interested please visit indiachan for website inspired from 4chan.
12 toilets Jesus Christ how much do you need to shit?you can donate half of that and the Indian toilet problem will be solved
Is it any better it used to be slow as and filled with mudslimes
I dunno, maybe Pondicherry or Goa?

Since that's where the Europeans lived the longest.
Retard SBA wasn't even there. Dude to SBA millions of toilets have been buily in the northern part.
>see guys what he did there .
>he took an old survey , edited it and then showing to us.
Kill yourself you commie kerelite scum.
What's the name of the cricket stadium with the based colonial hotel overlooking the field is live there


There are still Muslims and Hindus there, but being around Sikhs you know they'll defend your gaigin ass. Muslims will just throw you to the dogs.
Funny how the most developed state is filled with commies,Christians and Muslims rather than cow fuckers
It's a paki subversion site
The site? Is pretty fast to me.
Only 4 of us live there .
I usually go to the top floor to have some smoke and drink hot chai.
In monsoon it feels live heaven.
Cant find one but k
The Aryan one.
Dalits that converted
>taking a dump on the railroad

They get remittances/money from working abroad, specially from the Gulf Arab States.
Well why dont you get a better map then ?
>developed state
What exactly does kerala contribute to India, slave workers in uae? Communist violence? Isis recruits? I doubt the Mallus living in kerala are even human do I need to remind you that kerala is the first state to have tyranny sports teams
Haha dw mayappin , ik you don't have toilets there.
All you show is fake survey.
I have more than enough money to give you new toilets for 5 years everyday , do you want one ?
How can we purge Muslims from India?
Kerala or Goa, for sure
Are you trying to say daltis can crate better society than you?(but keralites arent dalti)
Gujarat. because Gujarati people are based.
Good luck with the insurgency

>no sri lanka
>not being able to authur c clarke it up the rest of your existence

why even live ?
Yeah your state unironically has separate churches for high caste and low caste Christians
Guj - Jews
I dont know like the most education in all of India, constantly winning all the national athletic events and stuff, highest human development and all that.
How come you won't take or let someone take north sentinel island?
Among the urban cities, Bangalore is best.

Yeah good luck everyone...
I am in bangalore , karnataka its a beautiful place,have civilised people,culture,no street shitters in Bangalore city,it hub of india,very less corrupt government compared to other states
Google Bangalore ,Karnataka
Look at both the positive and negative aides of it
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Nepal :^)
What?u got evidence?i have never hear of that lol
Fuck i meant heard of that
Because it has become an anthropologists wet dream.
Also sentinelese are bases as fuck, they kill all invaders coming to their paradise.
Hello there bangalore anon

Guy those who picked kerala its an amazing place!
Goa. Party hardy.

They are businessmen but are honest. Every Gujarati I have met has been based.

The Sentinalese are cool and should be preserved. No reason to take their little Island.
I have a cousin studying there at Garden University and a friend in Udipu. Karnataka seems to be a nice place. I am planning to visit there this year. I've heard so much about those hills on the east.
Where is our based archive bro?
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Wherever poo concentrations are the lowest
The correct answer is Kerala. Also the literacy rate there is 99%
Just don't interact with the locals I've lived in karnataka for 5 years and inbreeding truly shows Itself here
You need to go back to plebbit thambi
>I have more than enough money to give you new toilets for 5 years everyday , do you want one ?
Let's just round up and say a toilet in the US costs $100. Based on your claim, you have about $182,500. I suppose that might make you in the top 1% in your shithole. However, since they give toilets away for FREE in your godforsaken country, you offering toilets as a measure of your wealth means absolutely nothing.
what state has the most lighter skinned hindus? I don't want to live amongst super darkies nor and smelly sikhs
Lol retard that is the church division for the native Indians(low caste and high) and the descendants of Syrians that migrated to Kerala
Oh I wonder who could be behind this post?
>A kerelite with proxy
Dw thambi I will feed your family too.
Not a single comment so far is poo in loo. Has /pol/ finally grown up?
Typical uneducated slum dog north Indian spewing out random insults when he realizes he lost the argument and is completely wrong
there are variation of that meme already posted
Topkek, did you even read your retard they don't even marry among said churches keep denying the fact nairs are not Syrians
Gujaratis are based except it's a dry state. Wouldn't totally count out a decent area in one of thr big cities either.
that greenest one with the name i can't pronounce

You are both the same shit. Both shut the fuck up.
Chal 1 plate momos laga bhosdike , bahadur.
This guy gets it
Land is always a good reason
Not if no one can ever visit it
>light a match
>entire country burns
>Save the world from the poo invasion

I pick the bottom, burns faster
andaman and nicobar islands
I will go to any place in India with the most amount of women willing to get their curry-holes penetrated by my big cock
>Not if no one can ever visit it
Apparently they are dying off all by themselves. Give it 50 years and we can go explore.
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Holy kek
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Sikkim a.k.a. "the cleanest state in India"

>basically a himalayan state
>used to be a kingdom
>poo in loo deposes dynasty
>joins india in a referendum
>remains heavily buddhist
>lots of toilets and water fountains
>incredible mountains (third highest) and landscapes
>main economic activities:
>organic farming and tourism
>among the fastest growing state economies
>least populous state in india
>the capital has less than 100k people
>1/3 of the state is a national park
>recently banned water bottles and styrofoam
Do you drink out of the toilets and shit in the street?
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The one with the freshest air. Indians smell like shit.
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Holy fucking shiiiiit i Just realized WOWOWOWOOW this has to be like a new record Jesus fucking Christ goddamn(probably cause this thread is filled with educated kerelaties rather than north Indian slum dwellers
After thousands of years they suddenly die now? Suspicious
I wonder what they think of other humans. India should capture one for shits and giggles
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>Near Nepal
>Learn Lamkang
>Breed with Exotic indian girls
probably goa because it seems the least worst and is on the coast
No I shit in the toilet and drink out of my fridge.
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a constant state of denial.

(sate) assumption this is meant to be state.
>That map.
>Knowing most Indians live in a corridor of land from Delhi/Jaipur to Calcutta.

Jesus fuck.
>I wonder what they think of other humans
They attack everyone with spears and shoot arrow at them.
What is the Whitest state in India? Is it up north? Is it Kashmer? Asking so I can BLEACH the place, you AIDS Monkeys!
Kashmir b/c not a nigger and all the other ones are too hot/not snowy enough for me
Dont know what that retarded source that is but there is rivalry between Syrians and the rest here but its not that bad at all and christian still consider each others brothers. Also Syrians were never low caste you dumb fuck
based sikkim where the climate is cold and rainy, super mountains every where, super unpopulated and mostly budddhist. Everywhere else is pleb tier.
Based Kashmir?
>Simple multiplication is seen as autistic by a native street shitter
No wonder you people have regressed as a society since the Brits left.
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Tbqh when I read threads about India, /pol/ makes it seem like the country is worse than all sub-Saharan African countries combined.

(nudge nudge wink wink)
>Syrians were never low caste
Topkek do you even understand what the term shudra means, they are low caste now change that flag Bruce your ignorance is showing like most commies you are unaware of reality
poop in loop pajeet
Come home white man.
what sucks about india is that entire religion + momuments is really cool but the people are so fucking dirty that they ruined whatever beauty india had
Dude, you know they have a disgusting culture right?
There's so many uggos, not enough qts, but the qts look amazing, the whiter, less Indian looking ones
Is Kashmir the whitest state? Pure Aryan like me? Get ready to get BLEACHED, Pajeet!
Hey thambi do you use this to play with yourself ?
Do you speak Lamkang ?
I used to know a few words but I forgot them
I will use protection, dont worry anon i wont racemix.
ok ill go all the way up in north india to find some top tier qt indians
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Checked bra
>US talking about society's regression
Top kek. We aren't the ones feeding hormone blockers to kids and offering sex reassignment surgeries to prepubertal children. And it certainly isn't our women going around being whores in public.
hibernation state, for at least 10000 years, which is what will take for the 12th crusade to come
Andaman and Nicobar islands. I do want to hunt uncivillised nignogs on North Sentinel island.
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Is it bad that I laughed at this?
Yea i stick my dick into it and enjoy the pleasure , when i cum all the semen sticks onto it so i dont need a tissue after to clean up
Nop. I am hearing that word for the first time.
Yes please go to Kashmir and try bleaching the low caste mudslimes cause they kicked out the high caste Hindus and keep telling yourself the caste system was about color
They low key eat dog
even people born there find ways to get out, why can't I escape?
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How the fuck are immigrants from the middle east supposed to be lowcatse ?they weren't even in the caste system because they were Indian
Are you seeing this /pol/?
>You want to live in this disgusting creature's state that wants to fuck his only source of food .
Imagine what he will do to your wife's food!
That looks like a cartoon character.
Try reading about your ancestors religion cause right now you are acting like a nigger

silky smooth yumm
would fugg and suck titties ngl
At least i don fuck cows and rape little girls on the bus but why dont you try sticking your dick into it once?go on you will feel good(also Vada is from tamil nadu not Kerala you dumb fucking cunt)
Hey Dravidians are low caste , so it is possible that immigrants from ME are low caste too.
Its really not dude I went to Mubai for work and its actually one of the nicest cities Ive ever been too. Crowded as fuck though. The poo in the street was never witnessed by me and is only the most impoverished places. Indias actually one of the most developed countries in the world. If the people were white it'd be nicer than poland.
>Believing in the rape mayamay
No wonder you believe kerala contributes to Indian development
What are you trying to say slum nigger?why dont you bless me with your street shitting cow fucker knowledge?
>vada is from TN.
How would I know about this ?
I don't live in commie-rela . You are subhumans are equal in my eyes.
>A handful of mentally ill "people" making the (((news))) is worse than a plurality of street shitters not knowing basic math.
Street shitter logic for you.
You retard all conquered people are shudras which makes the immigrants shudras.
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I dont know last time checked we had the best education and had the best human development index along with actual toilets pajeet
That does sound wonderful.
Are you new or do I need to post the common core memes?
FACEPLAM, In Kerala the caste system doesn't exist anymore and when it did it only applied to Hindus retard
What is the use of 'best' education when you learn to fuco your food.
You dont know where the most stereotypical tamil food is from, wow no wonder why retarded north Indians continue to dwelve in their slums
>2nd graders in the US vs. Street shitting adults
You aren't going to convince anyone. Post away. I also live in a state that never adopted it.
Syrians didnt get conquered you absolute dumb fuck they did a mass immigration to Kerala Holy shit how retarded can pajeets get
Sikkimfags are being killed by Pajeets for wanting to eradicate West Bengal culture and language at their school. Some Nepalifags showed sympathy to them and asked if they need help but they refused saying they don't need help from poorfag nepalis. lmao

idgaf about any of that but I think Sikkim should have remained an independent nation-state and never be absorbed by pajeets. This is what happens when one country takes over another state. They slowly kill their heritage, culture and every other traces of their civilization.
Topkek, then why are Chirstcuck caste reservations and Muslim caste reservations a thing lad, you do realize Muslims have a caste system in India don't you? How their are obc Muslim and ST SC Muslims
I've banged a few pajeets in my day. Got one of their numbers right now! Bang a pajeet in the street!
Why do I want to learn about your communist state ?
You guys don't have the balls to join army , fucking eunuchs.
Yea nice work with the retarded insult again typical uneducated north Indian spewing out random shit when he lost in an argument a clear mark of an inferior group of people
Are you talking about the gorkha land people?
Listen up , bahadur I didn't read your post but I am against TMC's mamta bannerjee and I want you guys to have a separate state.
Best of luck from me.

Nice.. Basically the opposite of India.
I already tried (they come here).
Basically be funny and handsome. They're very hands on; guys touch girls all the time, everyone touchy feely. The guys are beta to the core.

I worked with 3, could've gotten with all 3 (separately), but they're bitchy and weird (1 held a knife to her friends arm ready to stab), also princess types, always get their way.

I couldn't go through with it, it's not worth it, they're hot, beautiful long hair, nice face and bodies (flat asses though), but they all want beta rich pajeet for marriage, so don't fall in love.

I'm able to talk with them about anything, I was talking with one about being theoretically being married to her, another was about poo in India, etc.
Basically if you're attractive and funny (they loved me, laughed a lot) you can say anything, I talked about Poo (Indian problem) literal poo and they laughed along with me being polite.

Girls are girls are girls: They're all the same, different color, same species
I dont know what happens with Christians and Muslims in slum land up in the north but here the caste system is fucking non existent
Where do the Aryans live, Pajeet! BLEACH THE PAJEET! BLEACH THE PAJEET!
Shut up bruce , I am higher caste than your whole state will ever be.

1 down, 1 billion more to go.
I'm waiting you filthy feces-encrusted shitskin.
yup. Whatever they are called. I hope many of them will die. They are cucks and that's what they deserve.
We don't even need it. Gorkhaland people are low IQ fags. They should have fought with you when you were conquering their country. lmao it's too late for them. Kill them all for I care.But do it before chinks start to supply with them weapons. They are already very close to your borders.
Yea lets join the army defending Kashmir cunts who clearly want to be Pakistani and has no relation to us whats so ever YEA GOOD IDEA (whats funny is that there are still a lot of soldiers from Kerala)
Topkek, as I said a Delusional commie the day get rid of caste based reservation for chirstians and Muslims in your state that is the day you make that claim thambi
By golly! It's Homo Erectus!
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>I think Sikkim should have remained an independent nation-state and never be absorbed by pajeets.

well it was either India or China taking over the place

seeing how Tibet is doing things could've been much worse
Nvm anon if Andhra niggers can cuck your H1B system American are not worth the hassle
Yeah ik China is very close to WB and Darjeeling.
Thank you for the advice , bahadur.

Lolwtf you fags are literally the same as poos.
>kill them before the chinks supply weapons
Truly greatest ally
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I AM HIER CATSTE DHAN UR WHOLE STATE WILL BE, nice try pajeet nobody cares about your retreaded caste system here in Kerala because it causes too much infighting and pretty much guarantees your state will stay in the slum phase , now how are the toilets getting along?

lol i bet a slum dog knows more about Kerala than me nice try there street shitter and there are no class based reservations retard
sri lanka
did you step on shit today pajeet? you seem upset.

idk man, Chinks tried to destroy Tibetan culture as well but something changed and now they are preserving it. I went to Lhasa last winter and it was great. They are allowed to practice Buddhism freely and speak and teach their own language.

Pajeets are doing quite the opposite on Sikkim to destroy native culture and traditions. Not that I oppose it, any separatist movement should be crushed and that applies to every country whether they are good or bad.


I mean you know the tussles going on with your and chink troops in that part of your country right? They are inching closer and closer to "Chicken neck" area. You can't trust chinks desu.
So you see only kashmir?
What about Nathula pass , Doklang , India-Bangladesh border etc?
Why don't you fuckers give your service there?
Only if you get schooled in a Top teir military school , you would be talking about the whole India instead of your state.
>grow some balls mayyapin
I don't hate your kind and if war happens and by chance SI gets attacked , I would happily give my life for defending the integrity of this country .
WE do
anything with -pradesh
Anon the culture subversion thing is a sham, whenever we try introducing a common language all the dnc people wake up, they are free to do whatever they want but a common language is essential for a great country
>niggers can cuck your H1B system
Give it time. This is why we elected Trump.
Now you are stuck in uttar pradesh
I already do and will always prefer Karnataka. Rest of India is goondaraj.
Tamilians can suck my dick.
Northies fuck off from Bangalore.
Either your a proxyfag or your completely retarded kid..
Its 9:30 goto ypur school fuckboy
Nobody gives about your caste you can write it down in a paper and shove it deep inside your moms ass..
yeah because in India you can shit in the corner of every room
Shut up dalit , now I have to wash my eyes again after seeing your post .
I'll show you a POO IN THE LOO! Straight up your mother's ass! Where the poo comes from!
Finally a Bangalore anon...namaskara guru...nodri saar..hucha Venkat is better than these north indians fuckers... because of these north indian street shitters everyone in the world thinks entire india shit in the street..
Easy with the edge kid you might cut yourself
What about keralites?
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Well things may be quiet for now but last I heard those commie fucks were in the process of razing half of Larung Gar to the ground because they were afraid of the place getting too big and becoming a(n even bigger) hotbed for tibetan opposition.

Also they kidnapped and are (probably) brainwashing to oblivion the spiritual successor of the Dalai Lama. There will be a full blown civil war in Tibet when he dies and the commies won't spare a soul.
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The one closest to bhutan border so i can flee from this literal shithole
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So many pajeets on one thread..........
Goa, hopefully I can find wherever the Portuguese bros are
The successor married someone and gave up his position
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>Implying you aren't a pajeet
Kys you kerelite kike shill.
where ever people are shitting in the street less
Proxyfag for sure
Burgerboy oil is at middle east not in india go fuck some oil..

There are actually more than you think
Yes, I totally agree. Common language is needed to run a stable state.

Dalai Lama is a paid CIA shill desu. I hope he dies soon. Also didn't he announced that he will be the last one? I'm not sure about that though. But Tibetans in general are peaceful people minding their own business and commie gov allow them to do their own shit. Hell, they even promote westerners to visit Tibet on their own these days and explore the province.
Only civil war in China will be fought against Muslims coming in from Central Asia. They are the biggest threat for them right now. And chinks dont give a shit about feels and international laws. They will kill muslims if they act up.
I seem to have broken my loo. Can I use yours anon?
Gujarat because I have friends there
Ew fuck you ruined this thread by your presence.
Fuck off dalit , this is a place only for high caste indians.
Kerala. The Malabar coast sounds comfy and there's no stinking metropolis like Bombay, Calcutta, or Delhi.

Yeah they love handsome white boys. Not just because they have a cultural bias to worship white skin, but they love white boys' personalities. Indian guys are so fucked up creepy betas. Americanized Indians, the ones born here or come over when young, are basically white culturally amd I'd be surprised if they didnt slay Indian poon as most are bros.
I didnt say i wasn't street shitter
kashmir because the rest is too hot
If you have less than 3 toilets in your house , you are a street shitter.
Oh boy arent you in for a surprise
I have 4 fuck off nigger
I enjoy seeing Indians from different areas talk shit to each other and try to determine the truth from what they say. How's new delhi
You are good ,based kerelite.
Goa. Former colony and I still have distant relatives there that live well off.
you're shit out of luck

It doesn't matter since I'm going to an hero same day
Alright thanks dude but i wouldn't mind fighting for India if a war breaks out with pakis or chinks
the state of poverty
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I have a friend from india who tells me how fucking crazy everything is. I would probably live in Goa because apparently its the craziest city. He told me there are russian drug smugglers everywhere and they have clubs so wild that they ban indians from coming in.
That means a lot to me, because most of my family members (male) died fighting for india or they are disabled because of it.
Think of India as a whole and soon you will start to love your distant brothers.
>High caste Indians

Lol, half of you bought caste from the British.
Tamilians mattu northies inda dina crime jaasthi.
My best friend is a keralite.
They are cool in my books

Me too, this is a bretty gud thread

Yeah, muslims are a much bigger immediate threath. Regarding the situation in Tibet, I believe these represent the spectrum of possible scenarios:

1. Dalai Lama announces there is no more reincarnation and dies. The Tibetan people are okay with this, as they'd rather have no spiritual leader than a fake one. The government is very happy about this.

2. Dalai Lama announces there is no more reincarnation and dies. The Tibetan people see this as preposterous. The true Panchen Lama is kept away. The government buys off some spiritual leaders and suppresses dissent and the people eventually accept the appointment of the fake Panchen Lama. The new Dalai Lama is a puppet.

3. Dalai Lama announces there is no more reincarnation and dies. The Tibetan people see this as preposterous. They do not accept the authority of the fake Panchen Lama, they keep clamoring for the real one. Lots of friction. A fake Dalai Lama is appointed but there is serious repression going on as nobody takes him seriously. Either way it will seriously undermine the faith, the government wins.

4. Dalai Lama appoints a new Panchen Lama or insists on the authority of the original Panchen Lama or some other crazy move. People do not accept the authority of the fake Panchen Lama. Similar scenario to previous one. Maybe evolves to something worse, like a resistance, or an assassination.

How so? I have fucked indian and paki chicks. No surprises. But they were americanized mostly. They are sluts for white boys and marry their own for money.
Hyderabad is full of durka durks, some in full ninja gear.
I would love to shit in the Kashmir rivers; given the mountainous region, the river will run down and therefore poo indians will bathe and drink my shit.

Was MIA popular in India?
Give link
Thats in america in India marrying a foreigner is kinda looked down upon
Where it was recorded who wants to be a millionaire ?
File: pepehitler-618x618.jpg (76KB, 618x618px) Image search: [Google]
76KB, 618x618px
Holy shit my sides

Imagine being a 17 year old chinese triad whore that gets recruited by the communist party to spend the next 19 years seducing one of the top lamas to get married with you so his authority gets undermined in favor of someone they got in their pocket (and happens to be supported by the dalai lama himself).
>>133072938 Different places in north India from like Mumbai to the city were Taj Mahal is located
looks okish
but it made me cringe
I think the Dalai lama already hinted towards it, he said in his interview that he might be the last Dalai lama and the decision will lie in the hand of the people of tibet, we have Tibetan Buddism well and alive in arunachal Pradesh
Pajeet, the sink is NOT a toilet. Neither is the couch. Control yourself
Hey white bois , chanakya neeti is the ultimate redpill , if you don't own one you shouod do it fast.


So are toilets and riding inside of trains.

That's the thing: the Dalai Lama's opinion on whether reincarnation should go on or not is irrelevant. He can't just stop it. He sure wants to though, because it would cause much less conflict. Anyway, it'll be up for the tibetan people to decide between settling for a fake puppet or to fight for the original one or another alternative. It won't be pretty.
Why the hell do you Indians have so many toilets in some places and none in others?
pakistani girls are hot
He was the ultimate virgin nigger
I did a little. Take the horrible reality away and it's cartoonish really. "Guy taking a shit gets hit by a train." Goes ass over tea kettle.. It's a little funny.
I feel bad for that and I feel bad for the guy but my monkey brain just finds it funny.

I'm digging the indian vs indian, caste vs caste bantz and shittalking.
Mizoram, hands down.

He had shorts on and leaned headfirst into the train, it was suicide.
Fuckin shill
I don't think he's taking a shit bruh
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