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Thread replies: 141
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Good, make way for your new president, liberals.
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Thats not illegal.
wow, bumflustered faggots are triggered over nothing again. i don't give a shit and neither should any of you. we're going to vote him in again and they can cry for another term. hopefully the zyklon is flowing by then though.
I bless you with a wise herb.
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It's just his son. Who gives a fuck.
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>lefty thinks he has anything
If there was any substance to this, we would not see it from nyt, we would see it from the police or the feds first. the idiots at the dnc would not waste time going to the media.
>sips cum
Bush was a moron. He was surrounded by Jews. He knew nothing of the world. He fucked up Iraq for no reason. The patriot act took away our freedom. Common core? He should be in prison. I wonder how many people he raped and murdered with his anti-white policies.
I used to react angrily to these
now I don't even care slightly
>after being promised etc etc....

How did they possibly come into possession of information like that? Surely this can't be a hatchet job because of the meme he tweeted.
>reading the new york times

found your problem right there
> Leftist butt rapists cumming in each other's asses over nothing
> "DRUMPF'S DONE!1!1!1"
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i read the article and it's literally more anon sources and speculation.
i would get so pissed off at first reading these. now i just kind of chuckle, because fewer and fewer people read these rags.

>b but wapo said trump beat a handicapped lady to death with her own baby!

This thread again...
reality isn't a die hard movie where you fight ruskie baddies, fucking shitlibs
According to the NYT, Kushner was seeking "dirt" on HRC. Dirt.
I couldn't care less.
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dude, you don't get it
trump could literally be a KGB agent and we would be thrilled that is him and not hillary
I'm starting to think these leftist are actually working for Trump.
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>confidential documents described over the phone by anonymous person(s)

Okay cool nice source there.
Christopher Hayes will be making fantastical declarations like this for the next 7 and change years. Gotta get used to ti.

That's because you're stupid, son.
i'm officially at the point where I automatically think
This is old news and was reported on at the time. Russia stopped allowing adoptions to the US over abuse.
I told you...
$230M Russian Tax Scam-->FSB Front-->Greedy American's--> Trump Real Estate=Here we are!


Хopoшo, тoвapищ!
Let's archive it

>http://newsweek com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690
>https://washingtonpost com/politics/heres-what-we-know-about-donald-trump-and-his-ties-to-russia/2016/07/29/1268b5ec-54e7-11e6-88eb-7dda4e2f2aec_story.html?utm_term=.9780c165994e
After Obama was out Russia was considering opening adoptions to US again. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/01/18/russian-lawmaker-says-moscow-may-lift-ban-us-adoptions/96710392/
>implying Trump being an actual Russian puppet would even be bad in any way?
>create welfare policies which make it more desirable to be a single mother if you're a retarded nigger who wants to get extra welfare dollars
>create divorce policies which make it retarded for white men to get married and white women are still desperate for white dick so they agree to have kids without getting married
>dude talks to people from all kinds of countries
>deals all over the glove

eventually there's gonna be deals with russia, cry about it alone cus America is tired of hearing about it
>>133056704 >>133057225 >>133059147

Tick-tock, faggots. Tick fucking tock.

Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan

A criminal suspect in an investigation into a major security breach on the House of Representatives computer network has abruptly left the country and gone to Pakistan, where her family has significant assets and VIP-level protection, a relative and others told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
>Bush was a moron manipulated by Jews

Spoiler: neocons whether they're Jewish or not all support a one world order in which they think they're going to be the supreme rulers
Oh, is that it? That's your "smoking gun", sweetie? You gave it a good shot.

*sips tea*
>After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton," Trump Jr. said in the statement.
Russia helped the DNC cuck Bernie confirmed.
This guy!
You don't actually tell them up front, what you want...autistic sperg.
>we'd have them in custody by now


I can't believe how many dumb fucking people actually think there is some kind of wrong doing just for talking to a russian. They're starting to condition people that talking to any russian is some kind of crime.
Pavlov was soviet.

I jus... uh. ... .. h,m m interesting,..
Stupid why? That cunt Hilliary would have made America unbearable a definite civil war. Trump being elected saved millions probably billions of lives at least for a lil longer. I say if he bows to Russia I say better then WW3 and or police state Hilliary would have instilled. You need to fuckn die nigger for being a Jew shill
welp thats how music dies.
Kek'd. Even the hashtag is dying on controlled Twitter. They couldn't even push 100 new tweets in the past 30 minutes.

The fun thing is, media has driven themselves into a corner again. Why? Because:
1, Reveal: If media continues to report on this. They will have to report on the information Trump Jr. got from the russian lawyer. Which means they would hit themselves in the nuts because the american people would get more information about the corrupt shit DNC has done.
2, Ignore: If media now ignores this (which is the best choice to do). They will avoid releasing more information that will hurt the DNC(hence their party), BUT will hurt their image even more for reporting on shit that turns out to be nothing.. again.

This is a lose-lose situation for the media, but they can still save the DNC if they play this smart.
ive lost nothing this year or the year before idiot
These bait liberal posts are getting so fucking old. you guys aint got shit. You never will have shit. You know why? Obama had 8 years of unfettered NSA access to dig up dirt on trump, and he aint got jack shit. So all you fucking morons go hang yourselves for falling for the most blatant propaganda that ever existed. you are literally dumber than a third grader.
>Russia funded DNC
This is bad for Republicans how?
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Fag you cannot troll the /pol/
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FusionGPS sets up a meeting under false pretenses through an old friend of Trump, manage to get Don Jr. to bite, he brings campaign big wigs to the meeting,

turns into asking for some random law to be repealed, they leave confused, never follow up.


May have worked if their buddies hadn't conspired to set up the meeting to build up their Trump/Russia narrative. Ofc this is going to backfire.
I notice that everyone sporting the stars and bars always speaks intelligently, is 100% correct, and truly redpilled.

What's up with that?
>russian lawyer
>representative of the russian government

pick one
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Jew York Times article on this mentions Fusion GPS once, and provides no context. kek


>Ms. Veselnitskaya and her client also hired a team of political and legal operatives in the United States. The team included Rinat Akhmetshin, an émigré to the United States who once served as a Soviet military officer and who has been called a Russian political gun for hire. Fusion GPS, a consulting firm that produced an intelligence dossier that contained unverified allegations about Mr. Trump, was also hired to do research for Prevezon.
Comey was appointed after the money laundering happened to help with compliance after the fine, yah goon
>border on treason

So, not treason then? Is this their way of using plausible deniability? They are smearing the president of the United States, so they are guilty of sedition at the least, it's not "bordering" on anything.

Also, maybe they are using memetic manipulation to subconsciously insert the term "border" with "treason".

Speaking with a russian person is not illegal, tard.
>trump is going to be impeached because his son did something lawful

this thread again

lefties are fucking retarded
Weren't they discussing some shit about adoption?

This is literally nothing but this weeks issue of "DRUMPFS FINISHED"

Tune in next week when it's revealed Ivanka Trump shakes hands with a Russian cab driver
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wait, when did we lose?

is this like where every clinton loving website had an "anonymous trump tip" line you could text or what not?
Name 1 (one) crime committed with this meeting
We've made our way down to Jr. that they're going after. By 2023, we'll be getting hit pieces on Barron that the first girl he finger banged was Putin's granddaughter or something.

Also, good to see Shareblue back after the long holiday week.
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Donald Trump cannot be impeached he has infinite get out of jail free cards.
BREAKING NEWS: You can see Russia from Trump supporter, Sarah Palin's house, when will Trump disavow?! IN PEACH!
>I swear to Allah/Darwin/Oprah/Theodore Herzl Trump's giong down!

Sure thing. Hey, maybe you're right. You know that's what we want here right. Paves the way for Civil War II and the adoption of a military dictatorship. Fuck Hitler, we're making Pinochet moves. We junta now,
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BREAKING: photo evidence of Trump colluding with Russia

Fuck off and die OP, the left severely overplayed their hand on this Russophobic farce
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You shills are stupid fucks. Doesn't the EXISTENCE of some thing utterly damning to Hillary mean the most here? You dipshits act like teaming up with Russian to attack LITERAL CRIME is against da rulz or something.
Its always been about his campaign team you moron.
>Jr., manafort, kushner attend meeting
>Jr stupid enough to get caught lieing about it
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> fucking people actually think there is some kind of wrong doing just for talking to a russian

fuck off you commie loving Putin dick sucking traitorous bastard.
that's the general strategy. clearly it worked on you
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Please use the original link:

http://newsweek com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690

https://washingtonpost com/politics/heres-what-we-know-about-donald-trump-and-his-ties-to-russia/2016/07/29/1268b5ec-54e7-11e6-88eb-7dda4e2f2aec_story.html?utm_term=.9780c165994e

Please use these links as well:

Nothing will happen, sage.
The sweeties literally think they can trigger a do-over where she wins. They're deluded.

“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.


Tick fucking tock.
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I'm going to laugh the hardest when they try, and fail, to impeach him. The tears will flow like on election day.
t. Louise Mensch
Literally nothing again thread #10000000000
Busted doing what exactly? That's like saying I was "busted" doing my laundry today. This faggot is a dipshit
Except they're not. So it isn't
boy oh boy i get to test to see if sage really does work on a slide thread
Even if you take them at their word, there's nothing relevant with this meeting. The idea of "collusion" has to do with the emails, not some bitch lawyer who claimed to have info, but didn't.

What is relevant is this comes back to bite comey and mccabe in the ass.
Larping is so fun. I wonder, do you also dress up in your mothers lingere when you larp like a loose cunt?
Numbers prove it. You are a larpin ng faggot. Trips mean you are dildoing your asshole.
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How can we be sick of losing if we've never lost?

Last time I checked Donald Trump was still in office, James Comey testified that they weren't investigating him.

Meanwhile Twitter followers on suicide watch after getting blocked by Trump.

Pic somewhat related, was at an airport a week or two ago.
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Literally, someone takes the time from their lives to make these. Only someone who looks like this has the time to make these.
>trumps son talked to a russian once
Good luck with that.
If the lawyer was any other nationality, I bet this wouldn't have made it to the news.
Truly delusional.

This whole Russia thing is a big nothingburger.

It would have been irresponsible if the campaign didn't investigate the claims of this lawyer.
Hey moron, it's a election meme
And how is it worse to spend 20 mins on PS than shilling on pol abt bs?
>Started reading the article
>Within first 2 paragraphs read:
>Hina Alvi, her husband Imran Awan, and his brothers Abid and Jamal were highly paid shared IT administrators

Have to ask really? Hmm...really. Can't find someone who has lived their whole life in the US and is a bonafide patriot to run the IT system for congress. Sometimes I have very little hope for this country.
Should have put the body in the coffin before the nails. Cause right now you got a coffin full of nothing.
I love this

That russian was working for the dems via fusion GPS

You must really be bottom of the barrel to admit to working with the russians to try and cover up the guccifer story today

It gets worse.

>It was Manafort!
>No, it was Carter Page!
>No, it was Stone!
>No, wait, it was Flynn!
>No, wait, it was Sessions!
>No, it was Kushner, i swear it was Kusnher, he had that meeting!
>Guys it actually was Donald Junior

>t. Louise Mensch

She has been suspiciously quiet on twatter lately. I wonder if she is realizing that her bullshit is becoming more and more obvious to the tinfoil hat brigade who follow her every tweet.
Wow, last moths new today.
You do know this was discussed in the last Congressional hearing where they found out the DNC arranged this meeting.
Unbelievable that this is not a headline story on every major publication.
I love "Trump is finished this time" threads. I don't know why but they're kind of fun. I hope this Russia thing lasts for all eight years of his presidency.

It's an outrage. These DC and media faggots are playing a dangerous game.
A fucking 8 year old could have gotten unauthorized access to their system by accident.
>These DC and media faggots are playing a dangerous game
The fact the Amerikwan and basically western democratic system is being heavily delegitimized in recent years is actually quite good.
Remember they have the numbers, so democracy ain't our friend anymore.

Both here and in western yurop centrism-leftism wins most elections (yea ik, breixt and drumpft ok).

Gloablist strategy is to rely on democracy via import of pocs
> moron
> stupid enough

and then..
> lieing
No one ever talks about this but I think the constant divorces are why kids today are so fucked up
This is surely going to be the end of his campaign, I'm a full fledged Cruzmissile now
It was the one-armed man, Dio, and.or Alpharius.
(sigh) more bait from a ß
Stick a fork in the democrats because they're politically done. Next election there will be a stronger libertarian and green party presence.
This will go nowhere like everything else.
No shit.

Remind liberals that this is their "birth certificate" issue. They will blow a gasket.
no one ever talks about it because boomers and gen x'ers would have to come to face the reality that they are cupable for millenials being fucked up
>trumps son
>not even part of the campaign in any official capacity
remember, we want to see the world burn
Comey memo story is what they're trying to cover up.
Their argument is essentially that investigating Hilary's crimes is a crime.
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It really is.
>Trump Jr.

What does that have to do with Trump?

Again, impeachment can only happen while the action occurred during his time in office.
Fuck, I have Smirnoff in my closest, police are knocking.
>Again, impeachment can only happen while the action occurred during his time in office.

Not really. Clinton could've gotten impeached over Whitewater
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well this it like those other 500 times
All this anti-Russia bullshit based on the false notion that Russia hacked the DNC. Which unless they had an agent within the DNC physically would of been impossible.

>Russian spy proves to Trump Jr. that Hillary killed Seth Rich
>Trump Jr. tells the world
>Trump Jr. is the criminal
Mike "suck cock, get shocked" Pence
>be Trump Jr
>dont be in the government
>New York times reports you met with a Russian
>Idiots think this is illegal.

Simply making eye contact with a Russian is a criminal offense to the New York Times.
Why are they still going with this Russian non sense. The DNC never provided the government server. Zero proof it even was Russia
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