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THEY'RE EATING COMEY Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations

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Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

>More than half of the memos former FBI chief James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

So , did he fuck up and they are turning on him , is this fake news , what the fuck is happening ?
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Nice to see, but I guarantee you Comey will walk and this is nothing, like everything else.

I'm just confusing seeing a traditionally
lügenpresse site publish this

if everything is nothing , then , nothing is a thing?

House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared http://dailycaller.com/2017/07/05/house-dem-it-suspects-wanted-untraceable-payments-and-sure-enough-millions-disappeared/?utm_source=site-share via @dailycaller
Lol. Comey is really incompetent.
Now that you mention it, has any politician actually been locked up for crooked things?
Ok. Itt's here!

Solomon is with Circa. 100% legit.

This btw.

Not to my knowledge - only for other things.
Wtf, we love unnamed sources now! :^)
>if everything is nothing , then , nothing is a thing?

listen son, as long as people still wake up to go to work everyday rather than band together to bag politicians ourselves. then it's just a show, an entertainment piece.
He has failed them, and for that, he shall be destroyed.
I hope this takes down that fag Ben Witte with his tick tick boom on Twitter. He's the attorney Comey showed that info to
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Tick tock. Tick fucking tock.

Remember this article:
Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails

It's going to be in the history books.
And bump this, anons
Yes. Many such cases.

IL fag here, Dems seem to have forgotten this creaton, meanwhile Rauner is the anti-christ

Rick Wilson is going down, too.
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>Head of FBI
>Breaks his on protocol's
Hahahahahhahaa daily caller in the textbooks for anything. Anon pls :^)
>officials familiar with the documents

Ill wait for something more concrete. But i want that smarmy weasel to get locked up and turn on the clintons. Comey is a squealer.
Can Norway bot come and archive this for us please?


Tick tock, faggot.

yes but none of those happened in times like these , I have the feeling that no matter what happens the corruption and lying will still remain

fucking>>133060951 was right
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>Manages to piss of the democrats and anyone who voted Hillary.
>Manages to piss of Trump, Pence and Sessions
>Leaks classified info like a hypocrite and establishes double standard evidence for Hillary Clinton's server case.

If he faces jail, which he may. He's the domino that sends Susan Rice, Former Attn. General Lynch, Hillary, Podesta, Kaine and Hillarie's server constituents to jail.

Lol fuck Comey

Trump needs to make an example and throw him in jail
>According to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.
>No names on records
>No specific details

Have you really not figured out how to spot fake news by now, anon?
>pick 5 random ones
Well I guess if you are a Democrat so were in luck.
July surprise!?!
>in times like these

indeed. that is something people misunderstand or don't take into account.
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>Reports say Comey, the notoriously tall former FBI director,
>"knocked his head" off a cupboard upon hearing the news.

You forget that people have shame of changing their colors mid run anymore , the same dems that want him to suffer for re opening the case (post weiner gate) will bitch and moan if charges are pressed against Comey

Not like it matters that much but i'm getting tired of the constant hysteria and protesting , the people living this wont live to their 80's
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Day of the rope

If you are right then this was nothing , but hey at least it wasn't a Reddit E celeb thread
So at this point is there anyone who was part of the Obama administration that hasn't leaked or mishandled classified information?
>John Solomon
Well okay then.
It was initiation?
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What the fuck did Kaine even do?
Is this a CNN slide thread?

Confused person thread , guess it was nothing
Yeah, remember the disingenous hissy fit that the dems threw when Trump fired him, even when the day before they were demanding that Comey be fired? I can only imagine hiw they'll spin this. As long as the 4th Estate is a 5th column, politicians will continue to be above the law.
nothing hes just throwing out names.

Real DNC people that legit could face prosecution are:
DWS- Providing false evidence to a federal investigation and receiving classified information without proper clearance.

Clinton- fucking obviously muh emails ect.

Podesta- Providing false evidence to a federal investigation.
Loretta Lynch- Corruption and potentially obstruction depending on what she actually did on that tarmac.

Susan Rice- Illegal unmasking and leaking classified information to the press.

As well as any individual involved in general SEIU thuggery.
Stop using kikeepedia.


Who's shilling for this faggot?

Chaffetz left Congress to be a media whore.

I imagine this will be as useful as Conservapedia.
That goes very well with something I saw a libtard post on kikebook earlier today:

Are those damn memos real or not?

we will see them in 10 or 20 years when they force them to declassify , but you know [REDACTED]
This, eat the wisdom shills, conserva-cucks, and Spencer worshipping fags
Rod Blagojevich

>That six million population who doesn’t vote because of its involvement with the criminal justice system can become much bigger.

ohh its that number again

>autor : Hanna is a criminal justice reporter at Quartz. She previously worked for The New York Times as a writer for NYT Opinion and was a fellow at Foreign Policy magazine. She was also a stringer for the Times in Poland. She graduated from Swarthmore College. She speaks Polish, rusty French, and is slowly learning Russian. In addition to crime and punishment, her obsessions include women's issues and Eastern Europe.
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Is he in prison yet? No? Well this is just another day in the non swamp draining Trump administration. Fucking swamp gets bigger every day. I cant believe none of you fucks are upset about this. If you arent objective to everything than you are just a brainwashed tool of the right. Actions speak louder than words. Drain the god damn swamp already.


“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.


Tick fucking tock.
>create memo
>share memo
>it gets classified after the fact
Happens all the time, anons. You can forgive yourselves for not understanding how any of this works because the classification system is honestly broken as fuck.

No. It was already classified- he is on tv record many times having claimed as much via earlier testimony, insisting it go to closed session. He is fucked.
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>tick fucking tock
Yeah Im going to have to say bullshit. Hillary Clinton mishandled classified info and WE KNOW THAT 100%. Stupid cunt aint in prison, is she? So why do we think theyll send Comey to prison. Why the fuck wasnt Susan Rice the first cunt to testify? Why is the unmasking bullshit not being talked about? Its all a fucking soap opera, thats why. Trumps pulling the best reality TV show in history. Spoiler Alert: Nobody goes to prison. Its been seven months already, no more 13 d chess excuses. Its time to put up or gtfo this train.
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>It's time

It's happening.
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>Drumpf is gonna drain the swamp guys, its only been 7 months, he needs another 7 more years! We swear if you re-elect him he'll do it in his second term!!!
Yeah enough of this bullshit.
No. They are part of the criminal overworld. With power, wealth, corruption, and immunity that the criminal underworld could only dream of.
He hasnt even filled 40% of the state department. Swamp's drained by default.
It's not his fault though. It's literally other politicians and higher ups protecting everyone else. Basically a whole litany of corruption. Doesn't help that there's literally a wing of rioters and useful idiots created to obstruct his agenda.
Imagine how easy the shills will be to spot in say...a year. I mean really. You know Trump is just tying these people into knots

They hate the idea of being outplayed by a "dope" like Trump and end up making so many extra careless mistakes along the way
Honestly, I'd have been more confident if this was a dem minimum wage girl. Because they throw their own to shit only when someone is actually in shit.

Unless Solomon is like an investigative journalist of few words and not a media whore.
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>according to officials directly familiar with the matter
Hahaha DNC colluding with literal Russian hackers off the books.
Anon, how does one create these pieces of art? PhotoShop alone can't be enough surely?
And so - James Comey learned the hard way that the left has no loyalty what-so-ever and will completely throw people under the bus the moment they become a liability, no matter how much they put on the line for them.
>Comey writes a memo stating Trump committed treason
>Trumptards scream he should be locked up because that is classified information
Welcome to /pol/

drip drip drip
Hillary runs in 2020 and Rick Wilson is her campaign manager...Can she win California or does Trump get all 50 states?

2020 will be Zuckerberg turn, no more shillary
Comey never charged her...so email investigation can be reopened with new AG.
No honor among thieves and dems are the biggest thieves of them all.


Yeah thanks for that amazing insight edgelord shill.
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>according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Meanwhile in shit that actually matters


Why the fuck do you think the hill is trashing comey today?

Why do you think another russia nothing burger dropped today?

Start paying attention you stupid cunts
So that is why most niggers are democrats it all makes sense and they are the real racists.
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Do you ever stop to think why you're working against an honest hard working man and doing the grunt labor for the Kremlin? Comey was not a partisan figure, he was just trying to get the truth to the public. He helped Trump as much as he hurt him, and now you do the bidding of Putin against a real patriot?

Time for a wake up call, you're being used.
This is what it's all about.
40% of niggers are on welfare, 55% live in the South, the rest live in cities. The black middle class in Atlanta literally exists because of minority business loans, the 2008 recession happened because liberals and neocons wanted cashless niggers to be able to get housing loans and niggers benefit from affirmative action.

When pretty much every fucking thing the Democratic party supports basically result in more gibs for blacks of all economic classes why the fuck would niggers ever vote for Republicans who want to take it all away?
>one post by this memer
is cuck wilmywifesonloveme still trying to table the piss dossier?
>according to officials familiar with the documents
some nba refs who read the news

I have mixed thoughts about this kind of shit
that movie is 10/10 tho

wait , if the filled were copied locally that mean that the leaker was there physically at some point and not somwhere in romania using a windows 94

who the fuck is the leaker ?

I'm worried about the irregularities about the matter , not trying to get Comey suicided or anything

>doing dirty work for the KRemlim

i'm just staying awake during the night in order to leave early tomorrow and then sleep during the day no Russian shit here
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Exactly someone had physical access to the DNC server

= seth rich or another DNC staffer did it

Why do you think the published pic related when it implicates the dems? Cause the alternative for them is to be destroyed
His name was Seth Rich.

Russian narrative BTFO
now to wait until the rest of the nation catches up
Dont hold your breath they only just found out it wasnt 17 agencies

A bunch dont even know that yet
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>no sleepyposting
but that's my favorite part of these threads

The sleepy posters are sleepy themselves
look at the hour man ( at least in this coast )

and why the fuck is Gamefaqs discussing politics now ?
I sense a sliding going on...
bumpity bump
shills are sliding

When history is finally written on the Trump presidency, his honesty and integrity will be up there will George Washington.
It may not be happening as quickly or clearly as people thought it would, but the swamp is getting drained.
When you include the media, and everything else that influences establishment politics, this swamp is fuckin huge.
>Jon Solomon

>He is known primarily for his tenure as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times

HAHAHA. Trump shills trying to deflect from the Trump Jr. news.

Doesn't change , that Yuri was right
people can have hard facts in front of their faces , printed , fact checked and sourced and they still wont believe anything that they don't want to

OR maybe you will be proven right , too bad all this international shit is keeping him busy

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i accidentally posted with a non-country flag earlier.
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if this is a get Comey does 20 years in a pound me in the ass prison

>screen cap it faggots
Lol shills trying to deflect guccifer update
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aaay lmao


Trump endorsed it ! , also the RWDQ can't come fast enough for all these verified faggots on TW
No this will be the get
Someone report that twitter retard to the SS
You added directly
You gave it even more credit
It is becoming increasingly rare.
His excuse for not prosecuting Hillary was lack of intent (even though intent has nothing to do with he governing laws). He purposefully gave this information to a reporter. Intent is proven.

jules is such an unironic beta

He was on the Celeb Apprentice too.
big if true
but where's my tweet?
We should simply string them up again.
He gave up his seat at the head of the DNC to DWS who corrupted the system to ensure an HRC victory in the first place. There was a reason he was her running mate, especially after nobody even knew who he was. Not sure if he is actually guilty of anything but conspiracy to defraud the American people, but it's a start.
MFW when he gets indicted for what he didn't indict Hillary for
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