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>Today: China 'asks India to withdraw troops' from Nathu La pass
> Indian PM meets Trump
>Trump recently denounced China (and strategic links with them) in an ominous tweet:

ty norway archiveanon
btw, are you on here 24/7 when not asleep?
Nukes when?
July 2017
India will withdraw and bend over to China. Nothing will happen
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>India has nukes

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Guess who's on cannon-fodder duty?
Damn that inspires me as an Indian, US TRUE ARYANS WILL RULE THE WORLD
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fugg, I was rooting for pajeets
They also have one of the best Standing Force to Reserve Force balance in the world, if not the best.

Will Russia support India over China
One on one, the Indian Army can fuck up North Korea (if they're open to outright genocide that is, which they might need to do)
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Not soon enough
I'll give you an intense Redpill their is reason China has been giving us territory in every war after the first sino wars, that's cause they are aware they'll get BTFOD really hard in a war
Yea to be honest the average young chink is a fat fuck that doesn't want to go outside while the average young Indian no matter how much you make fun of us needs to work his ass off physically everyday to feed himself and his family
unlike Europe or the US, China and India might have itchy trigger fingers for nuking their neighbors
I thought you lads had a good relationship with Pajeets since the CCCP days?
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It's happening
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They're also messing with India, the home turf of the Sikhs. Anyone fighting India is impossibly screwed.
India would unironically BTFO the chinks
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hopefully south east asians get wrecked in crossfire.
If china even breaks through to India i dont know how long they will last there considering the wide range of battlefields there from deserts to the north west,snowy mountains in the north, forests the south and more
Literally the only way for the nato to deal with China now is to alliance with India.
That's a massive "if". No way India will crumble without giving China's top commanders nightmares and PTSD
Oh great. Do you want some S-400 pajeet?
True and i am not too sure about this Russia/china alliance either because Russia has a pretty good relationship with India and things have got better between Russia and USA too
>All glory to the necrocracy
Anon we have unironic national socialist tree niggers, China is gonna regret attacking us so ban they will end up giving us tibet
So China's only real friend is Fat Kim and Faminetown, North Korea. That is assuming China isn't sick and tired of his antics recently.
The question is for how many generations will they regret it.
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But there is also India's eternal enemy Pakistan too and if some other Muslims country comes into back Pakistan,its going to be a decent fight
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The commonwealth would 100% stand with India, chinks pls go
>Commonwealth Countries stand with India
>Islamic Countries stand with Pakistan

Oh.... shit.
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I don't think so, unfortunatelly
We do, I hope we won't intervene and stay neutral as long as possible but we're gonna side with chinks eventually, we have too much to lose otherwise.
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>Implying Pakistan can into war
Nothing is happening like always
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Pakistan isn't the problem, it's how many Muslim friends they can rally on their side.
Only reasonable comment
India has a comparable population except that they are far heavier skewed young. India will win assuming china doesn't sperg and nuke everything. I doubt America and the rest of Asia will allow china to use its navy as it would make their countries the staging grounds.
>as an Indian

To be fair about 80% of the Commonwealth is literally who, but yeah that would be a funny divorce
I don't think that you understand geopolitics of south asia.
Pakistan's neighbor Afghanistan hates them, iran hates them, bangladesh hates them.
They are it's neighboring Muslim countries, those pakistani degenrates are hated by everyone.
Is it possible to get that funny flag, even my ancestors were not murderers and thieves?
Siding with china = war with the us, siding with india = war with china. Looks like lose lose scenariobfor russia.
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It puts the UK in an awkward position: is it an Islamic country or a the mother country of the Commonwealth?
Disgusting degenerated faggot has no place to mock anyone, even to Indians.

You need to get AIDS and die ASAP.
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Kek, obviously west Pakistan will support mainland Pakistan
One china

Just one
They weren't murderers most of them stole to support their family and not to starve and also tons of people who weren't criminals came in after the first fleet
read this as "withdraw poops" at a quick glance
I can't say I understand it as well as you do, but that is good to hear. India and Pakistan will have to broker some sort of deal to keep them from going after each other (and causing a lot of unintended outcomes)
Nothing will happen.
Can I get yours without contracting AIDS?
F-fuck you...
Yes, but not the mainland one, they are just occupants.
Keep in mind dogs have the emotional intelligence of small children.
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population problem solved.......
>Implying we don't have said agreements
Their is no point negotiating with terrorists
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I came here to shill, not to feel
Honestly that makes it worse, not better
We could be friends, if you know what I mean
"Alright, time to send combata- I mean refugees to mainland Pakistan"
kashmir is going to get lit up if shit goes down though, theres no way they would grab for clay when India is looking the other way.
india cant beat muslims who invaded india just a few years ago. indias military has no experience and is out gunned by idiots who are no better than a american militia

china fucked up idiots in malaysia who thought they could eradicate east asians in malaysia and sunk 2 naval vessels 1 of which is european recently
India's military is well armed and trained though anon, they aren't your standard jungle asian
Indians are notorious for (consistently) winning against lopsided odds, then and now
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>yfw China and Inda blow themselves up to shred
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Go fuck Dundee, indie our bro.
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tfw refugees from 2 countries with a population of 1billion each
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Yeah we'll have to fight a war on both ends

>American education
Agh fuck. Hopefully it goes nuclear really, really quickly.

Like before the refugees can start coming here.
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tfw we are the closest european sacrifice state

colonise the colonisers apparently
>expanding to full combatants



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Jews be passive aggressive agitators every time
>european sacrifice
Sydney is already 50% white. We lost the moment we conceded the white Australia policy
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Yea and we'll stay the fuck away from whatever the fuck is going on over in bumfuck nowhere.

Close our borders, we are full.
Iran, Pakistan and turkey fighting for each other lol

reminds me of Civilization.

Now this is some outsourcing I can get behind!
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Do it.
>Irradiated refugees going to mutate your wildlife

"Your death warrant sir, sign here please"
>not living in regional australia

come home white man
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Poos get alot of flack on here but they would fuck Pakiland and North Korea up.

Russia and Pooland have always had great relations (US backed Pakiland in the past BAKA).

China doesn't want problems with India either because they know its only a matter of time before Trump turns on them and uses other developing countries for low cost manufacturing.
Turkey is in nato?
wtf honest shill lol
Hey burger anon where dafuq do you get these information??
That guy looks like my dad.

>indians are genuinely white under that brown
>china's about to find it out the hard way.
>turtles all the way down
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>overshot by one
MAD and global economy makes sure that none such war between great nations will happen.
War is not gonna happen calm your dicks anons
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Spoil sport, I just got a new snuggie
I guess we'll keep neutral in this.
India buys a lot of our stuff, and china, while mostly our ally, need to be weakened.
Nicely done

I'm pretty optimistic about my country and ever I know we could never defeat China.
Found the poo

you arent white sanjit
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Please can india and pakistan just wipe eachother off the face of the planet, china stay out of it and REK the burgers pls.

Imagine the smell of a nuclear strike on india. Imagine how far the fecal matter would spread. God help us.
I had a dream about this last night. Shit got really ugly. No nation was spared.
Imagine all the shit particles that would spread through earth's atmosphere if india was nuked. It would cause a plauge immune to anti-bacteria. Pajeets confirmed playing 6-D poo chess
No we can their is a reason they gave up two large territories without any war
Is there like an north/south korea thing between you guys and the real pakistan?
they'll give up aksai chin this time.
and i trump and modi keep on hugging each other like this, tibet will be an independent country in no time.
quite possibly uyghurs will be free too.
What do you guys think of china? We don't get many eastern perspectives over here
china can't into war, so india wouldn't even need american help to kick their shit in
wouldn't even be the first time they've done it too
Bunch of land hungry commie cucks
not so different to us then
it's one of the arguments they use to try to get in the EU
china stronk.
but on the wrong side of history since this time around US [+NATO and so many more] would be all too wiling to provide all kinds of support to India in case of an all out war with china.
their expansionist policy is gonna run them thin.
i am 100% expecting a free tibet if ww3 takes place.

also this - >>131518492

chinks are overrated, meanwhile india is underrated.

it will be fun if it really does happen.

that's worse than Germany/Austria-Hungary

we don't stand a chance
Well yes but they are our neighbors US tends to keep their continent war free


the "factions" does seem quite carefully planned.

like i said, it will so gloriously fun.
We should legit genocide the pakis and move our people their
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>the home turf of the Sikhs.
This guys are fucking entitled clowns, i just want the average pajeet to fucking murder chinks.
My family is from pre-partition Pakistan..
Are you a Muslim?
No. My great-grandmother fled to the US after my great-grandfather was killed for not being Muslim and wanting to remain in India. I still get treated like shit by Indians here though because I apparently look paki
My question is will Pakistan get involved? Not sure the USA would jump in to support India against Pakistan.
Well they are ungrateful pieces of shit cause only self respecting Hindus resisted Islam
>Not sure the USA would jump in to support India against Pakistan
you need to stay updated.

go read up on what Trump and Modi talked about just yesterday, and what their joint press release contained about pakistan.

pak is done, mate.

basically, it is all about USA making sure china get's busy in south china sea, while india takes back aksai chin, and captures tibet, after having taken pakistan.

i can bet top dollar, india and usa forces will meet in Lhasa to declare ww3 over, or at least the east-asian leg of it.

Russia will have to be busy in eastern europe and north of the mid-east though. you have to spread their forces apart to beat them.
I would bet on China. India lacks the discipline and intelligence to match China.
>chinks and curries will remove each other during my lifetime

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Fuck China, one day I hope Pakistan backstabs them. If war ever does happen I hope that India would win.
>India lacks the discipline and intelligence
get >>>/out/
In the end, whoever Russia allies with will win.
India has 20 million Sikhs. That alone puts them ahead. China just has drones with no regard for their own lives.
They don't need to nuke Pakistan they have the numbers and military equipment to get rid of them.
Oh shit I thought it was Pakistan, I recant this.

Good luck India. KEK
Don't poo in the fried pajeet
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>>India lacks the discipline and intelligence
>get >>>/out/

From a country that cannot even use a toilet correctly.
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>From a country that cannot even use a toilet correctly.
says a pants-pooper.
at least we do not smear our shit on our own bodies and clothes.
Race is race. Chinese remain superior to Indians. The only thing that could really make a difference is America and Japan weakening China in a decisive manner so that India could exploit it.

But i'm even skeptical India could achieve that.
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Fuck off kike
I think in murrica it's a diabetes medication that causes anal leakage which is why there are so many pictures of fat trash in walmarts with brown smears on their rear ends

Thats southern trash pls no bully, you also have a southerner problem
You need to have a visit to the interwebs and search for indian army..or check yt for "republic day parade in india"

Burgerboy we have soldiers with guns to fight the war...we are not sending villagers...villagers are there to farm ....
The score is 2-1
like this would happen in greatest timeline.
Go back to ClintonChan fagit
>trump meets with saudi king
>saudis make preparations to invade qatar
>trump meets with poo in loo PM
>poos prepare to invade china
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Don't underestimate the Indian air force
God tier KEK!
long range laser guided precision poo
your flag reminded me of ww2, which reminded me of foo fighters, which made me think of -
>poo fighters

beware pakis and chinks, the stink of this loss will not go away too soon.
see what i did there? kek

are u pussys going to war or what?
Radioactive feces will plague the wasteland
says one from the joke of a country who's leader believes that if they kill their enemies, the enemies win.

>going to war or what
against chinks our score is 2-1
against the pakis it is 4-0

we are itching to get on with it.
pls be real
money > war

that is why there will never be a world war again apart from proxy wars in shithole countries

major powers are all tied up with eachother economically, and its the billionaires and 'them\ who decide what happens

all this shit youre seeing in the news is just posturing and feather puffing. stop getting carried away

>we are itching to get on with it.

I'm sure you're always itching, poo monkey.
against the toilet witch your score is 0 - >9000
what do you think China is buying from India? Both are exports of cheap low quality goods that are threatened by automation
War wont happen fuckers
Calm your dicks my fellow Indians and white ppl who think they are the greatest countries in the world...

We'll get absolutely steam rolled in conventional warfare against India. I wonder if our government just decides to launch nukes and be content with beating India in cricket before the country is wiped off the map.
Yeah russia would never side with the chinaman in all honesty. If it comes down to it russia and usa will reveal the long standing crypto alliance in place since the cold war era, however, things wont reach anywhere near that point.
at least we are not scared of killing our enemies.

hardy har har.
irrelevant country trying to be funny.
At lest you know Dragon Ball.
You know that Pakistan has nuclear weapons too right?
I can't wait until he meets with the British PM.
>be content with beating India in cricket
congrats on finally beating us in an ICC game.
you are right about the rest.

also, aam awaam doesn't want war, neither from pakistan nor india.
but pak military and isi keep on poking us.
we were both befuddled by the anglo into hating each other, but we'll discuss our historical mistakes later.
For now, we focus on the coming war, about the outcome of which you are on the mark.
don't worry, though, once we take over islamabad, and reunite the two countries into one once again, the longest era of peace will start.
that is when the whites and the yellows will truly be afraid of what the subcontinent can achieve.
but hush for now, brother. let's just get through this messy reconciliation, make hot patch-up sex, and then we'll get on with building our empire.
Heil Subcontinent!
Caste systems are retarded. Just clean your own shit out of the latrine you lazy fuck
SCAT-missiles in 30 chilis
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chinks have no souls they're pretty good in war
>Caste systems are retarded
literally everyone who is young enough to know about this website agrees with you.

we realise that we must respect the fact that people are wiling to work with their own hands to earn a livelihood.

also, job mobility is what made the caste system so pathetic.

if a farmer's child wants to become an astronaut, they should be allowed to. simple as that. and the modern generations realise that.
just let our old fucks die out one by one.
i meant, *denial of job mobility.

Reunification of India cant happen if it's a radioactive wasteland though, surely?
Honestly, it's hard to say who is poking who because of the jingoism that news outlets revel in on both sides of the border. I think mutual antagonism is just inevitable given the history and geography or the region.
The aam awaam here is less concerned with india and more worried about govt corruption, scandals and lack of accountability.
And thanks buddy, your cricket team is amazing, it's a shame they've been treated with such hostility for a single loss when they've almost always delivered.
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This desu
Don't fuck with the gooks
You think ebola was nasty? Just wait until India drops Little Poo and Fat Shit on China.

The whole country will be plagued by disease for decades.
There will be no war.
If ever there is Russia will try to stay out as much as it can.

But Russia knows in it's hearts that chinks are soulless cunts and India is by far a better friend.
>chinks have no souls

>they're pretty good in war
we've beaten them 2-1 so far
taiwan has held it's own for so many decades.
their power projection is based on their shitty economy. housing bubble is about to pop. chinese product quality is of the worst kind and everyone is just about ready to dump them and take on someone else. [Make in India, anyone?]

sure, they have the numbers, they have the tools, but they are a paper tiger, i mean, dragon.

true and true. but i have a feeling the nukes will be deliberately forgotten in lieu of military strategy.
i'm sure we'll find a way to be one whole family again without nuking every living thing in this part of the world.
and then, we'll take over the world once again [read true history and you'll find that the subcontinent has always been THE global superpower for as long as humanity has existed]

>treated with such hostility
nah, that was just one night. more like the heat of the moment. it was more because of the way they lost.
people here were wiling to make pandya the king just because of the way he showed resistance. Now that is a way to lose. but the rest of them folded like pre-school boys, and that hurt. we'd've loved to lose by, maybe a dozen runs, if it meant the fight we gave was nail-biting.

anyway, sending love to you and the rest of the pakistani people. Stay strong for the upcoming yuge family feud, hopefully the last and then the peace lasting for a 1000 years and more.
looking forward to being one country again, we love you people too much to not be all misty eyed about it.
Can't wait to be teaching the whites and the yellows who the real world leader has always been in history and will once again be in the future.
What is even happening? I always thought you guys were taught from early on that India is the problem and India lost all wars? Are you an anomaly or are most Pakistanis like you?
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This turns into Russia and the U.S. against China. The U.S. and Russia will NEVER engage in full on warfare; mutually assured destruction ensures that, but it would be in all of our interests to crush China right quick, and let them start from scratch while we sweep up the bones.

My two cents.
I'd actually bet on India over China. Gurkhas are extreme.
China will NEVER get into a war unless someone else starts first. They have no friends, except Pakistan and NK.

China is soulless chinks and they know that Russia knows so Russia will not support them unless they have something to gain.

Without friends, China knows it will have to fight on multiple fronts:

As soon as India + China starts, Pakistan attacks India.

As soon as that happens Israel + US steal Pak nukes

Iran => Israel

KSA => Iran

Taiwan declares independence => China

Japan + US => free South China sea.

Whatever happens or not, China loses Taiwan and South China sea. And Pakistan its nukes (and thereafter it's sovereignty)
Come on Russbro, we both know we are each other's true friends. No pull out those submarines like 1971 and help us kick China's ass
That's the joke, fucktard.


i think we already have a deal.
China needs another genocide they're long overdue.
someone post the indian rifle posts, the one where they opt for terrorist's akm instead of their own insas
Weird how his body went fetal position from the blow to the head.
i wish i had ever played civ. seems so amazing.
maybe i'll find some gameplay vid on youtube.
can anyone give me a few vids to start off? thanks.

yeah, that's the only thing embarrassing about our military might. i don't know what is wrong with our research wing.
thank god we are good at buying from the rest of the world.
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Certainly do. Britain, Russia, and the U.S. have all had "theirs", time for China to have a massive killing off of military aged men, same with India really. Their overpopulation problem is killing them economically, and socially. They need a mass culling to ensure the bottleneck that always precedes progress.

I'm all for this, we haven't had a really "good" war in some time. History being what it is and all.
Anyone got the one where doggo is getting flammen werfened?
tfw all you want to see is a good old fashioned all-out modern land war complete with redrawn borders as long as the US is not at all involved beyond maybe selling arms to either side or both sides. And not just a warm proxy conflict, something in Africa, or just light skirmishes. I mean two or more big nations going head to head directly. Is that so much to ask for? Let someone else for their own interests for once.
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What retard loses with mobile infantry
but that's fucking wrong. You fought a war with China once and lost.
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While mourning is an emotion found in dogs, this is an instinct act to check wether a member of the pack should be left behind. The dog is not having a breakdown so regulate your feels.
that flower doesn't look great but lets see what kind of concentrate you have, my man
>mobile infantry
My favorite part about Starship Troopers was the way they described Mobile Infantry just fucking shit up everywhere they went
>oh shit I got too many bombs
>better start lobbing more of them off
Heinlein pls
How would you know? Are you a dog?
he got b&
the archive bot got banned
Dog psychology is a viable field of research and i've cited what's seen as settled.
But your point will always prevail.
>You fought a war with China once and lost
and then we beat them.

but i know that your sold-out media didn't tell you about it. nor did your sold-out education system teach you about it.
china claimed Arunachal as their own. but they have done jack-shit about it. guess why?
Does anyone have the poop bullet ambush thing from last night?
>inb4 nobody_knows_you_are_a_dog_on_the_internet.jpg
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oh lord
The war, when it comes, won't just be one side versus the other.

It'll be a hundred wars at once.

US-Russia. India-China-Pakistan. Iran-Saudi Arabia. North and South Korea. Armenia-Azerbaijan.

It'll be a free-for-all, a veritable orgy of violence. And it won't just be nation vs nation, either. Terrorists, especially Islamic terrorists, will use the opportunity to raise some hell of their own.
so... India?
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This coming from a Cucknadion hiding there flag..."No Flag must be a Canadian fag " alow me to help people identify you...
>veritable orgy of violence
as >>>/lit/ this phrase gave me a bit of a literary boner.
>its nothing again
Oh look, an autistic German telling others how his autism is normal
I seriously think the world would be a better place without you, even if only slightly
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> anyway, sending love to you and the rest of the pakistani people. Stay strong for the upcoming yuge family feud, hopefully the last and then the peace lasting for a 1000 years and more.
looking forward to being one country again, we love you people too much to not be all misty eyed about it.

Cute <3
america and india?

lol no, lololololol not in your wildest dreams

maybe the UK, but never the US

both of those countries burning to dust is in our best interest
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On the left is P.O., organic, Indica

On the right is L.A. Chem, hydroponic, indica dominant.

I think what you were referring to was the Kentucky Space Race which was in the baby food jar. It's a Sativa, and is a little bit different looking.
so many indians in america think that white people would fight in a brown vs. yellow war

we are burnt out literally. any president that pushes that shit will literally have a white men uprising of epic proportions.

we owe neither of you anything and will gladly sell you both weapons like we did with Quatar and Saudia Arabia
India has the sikh regiments.

India has ghurkas

China has egg fried rice.

You would not be saying that if you heard the version with sound. That dog is audibly sobbing.
Not just discipline and intelligence, Indians also lack sustained courage. One blow to the head and Indians will go running for peace-brokering.
Its Burgerland,oil fuckers,wall builders and many more
Chill memelord every country has a flaw : )
lmao we will not fight for pajeets anymore. We don't have to, but yes, there are still thousands of Gurkha army in India.
Ok so shall i dm trump and modi to stop meeting??
Chill out burgerboy your opinion wont change anything...
You have to go back
Agreed, I wish our countries could get along even if reunification was too much an ideaological hurdle for the collective psyche of either nation.
An increase in trade, travel and economic cooperation between the two countries would have countless benefits. Both countries have already benefited from cultural exchanges over the past few years (I hear Indians love our Coke Studio and Pakistanis aspire to have a film industry as vibrant as Bollywood).
Anyway, here's to better ties between people separated by this troublesome border.
Chalo bhai, apna khyal rakhna!
Happy belated Eid to you.

I bet anglos are getting real butthurt reading your post there. You two should work together and nuke bongland for world peace.
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This is about water plain and simple... i'm pretty sure Steve Pieczenik predicted this... china is on the verge of economic collapse and can barly sustain its huge population with the large amounts of water it need to keep them alive... the Himalayas are key in the region this is the beginning of the water war.

India will win both will take massive amounts of casualties. i vaguely recollect China in the past wanted to go to war with theUS to try to reduce its population by 500 million is this the same for india?... i think india cares about its people slightly more than the chinees do, not by much so i predict they would like to reduce their population by 300 million... thats my 2 pence

*sips tea*

your separated by islam you fucking retard.
if an India v China happens, the pakis will join China, all 3 of the countries have nukes, real shitshow.

>why do you talk like this mountain chink

Bring the sandniggers to me so i can kill them. our tiny population would fucking annihilate their inbred dumb asses... i don't mind indians, pakis can go die, all of them.



now, KYS mountain chink

i really want this to happen. getting rid of pakis is the best way to go, islam is cancer and pakis are pretty much the embodiment of islam, inbred fucks

Stay mad yellow teeth fags, the truth hurts.

You are the one who divide countries and make them fight and kill each other. One day you will be punished.

Thanks buddy. As if on cue, we have dummies like this poster below you.

Religious justifications for political ends work really well on simpletons like yourself, who fully buy into that narrative. If you think that the aim of "independence" from India was to establish an Islamic Republic then you should brush up on your subcontinental history and read between the lines. There might be a YouTube video on it if reading is too taxing for a mouth breather such as yourself. Why make a dumb comment and then expect to be spoon fed history? Stupid Anglo.
I can sense that following digits are going to reveal what's going to happen
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>muh past crimes, muh reparations

That wasn't me faggot, mountain chink, that was someone in our past... you sound like libcuck fucktard SJW cunt... fucking kill yourself.

also not a fucking argumnet
As a matter of fact your government is still actively dividing countries and people with religion and political ideologies. Just because you are not aware of it doesn't mean it's not happening.
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Not even a fucking argument. Retard inbred, you tried to take over India with your fucking garbage ideology. They fucking hate you. As do I. Islam must be burned from this earth it is cancer of the highest from. i can't wait untill all you sandniggers start a huge war between yourselves and do our job for us,

>muh ur islam is different from mine

1 billion deaths later

>muh ur islam is different from mine

500 million deaths later

>muh ur islam is different from mine

and then the world was at peace
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its not our religion/political system.cancer its islams

>muh saudi arabia is British

NO, it was created by jews, Wahhab was a fucking jew turned shitskin. now fucking kill yourself mountian chink.
degenerate cunt stop spreading your bullshit nigger brain damage drugs
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>Meme spouting mongloid literally having an autistic breakdown on /pol/
A salty diatribe isn't an argument either. Please go back to your YouTube guru, the secular equivalent of a mullah, for your political indoctrination.
This thread is funny
The paki guy itt is way too damn civilised and is having a mature conversation
Where as the UK (yellow teeth) and us(burgerboy) guy is acting like a kids who think nuke war is gonna happen
Lol have fucktards ever heard of politics,trade, economy,policies??
Every fucking country needs each other...
Y do you think burgerland still dint nuke isis???
Who do you think is stopping them??
Kids fucking read books and search the interwebzzzz..stop reading some shitty biased news articles ...
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not an argument.

Tell me Mohhamed Binfuckingboys why Sikhs?... i'll fucking wait.

i also notice you did not argue against Islam being cancer... Allah will not be happy with you, perhaps you should probably go rape your sister and bring up the fucked up inbred mutant that you spawn to appease your garbage god....


shut up poo >>131540589

China talks big talk but they'd shit their little chinky drawers if they had to worry about their south-western border, especially if they had the US and Japan looking to attack as well.

I don't wish for war at all, a war in 2017 is going to fuck EVERYONES shit up. Internet services down, power grids blown out by cyber attacks, normal life would cease to exist thanks to our dependence on the internet and digital devices. But I think the US could shitrape China, especially with India and Japan's support, we have good allies to the north and south, a vast sea on either side of us, we always win in the long game (except for nukes, then everyone loses, bigly)
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This is the first actual post that I think is truly made by an indian in india.
>nuclear deterrent is gay

desperate times make people do dumb shit

india probably wont be nuked , place is somewhat rich in resources , don't know about china

but if things get really hot, Pakistan will be nuked, its literally a sandy shithole


answer u fucking shitskin mudslime >>131544724
Bc tu kidar se hain
Raath mein neendh nahi aatha hain kya?
kek ! pakistan has more nuclear warheads than india , and has an army that has defeated taliban when nato and us could not , kek when there were more us army sucides then taliban kill count , dont forget if it wasn't for america and europe wud be sucking russian dick right now
>world war poo
isnt that the same war in 60's where china fucking killed your 50,000 soldiers in one day , dont get ahead of yourself dear pajeet ,you couldn't even won 65 war or kargil war from us let alone winning from china !
>India believes it's underrated
People are saying you shit on the street and are still overrating you massively. India is an enormous shithole.
when it happens, only then will you realize Germans were behind it all along
based side of india ,
bhai dil jeet liya,chummi le ley!!
says a sweden cuck, suck a fag dick faggot
ooo bhartiyon ye behnchod ikhtaey hojatey hen aoo hum bhi maen choden in ki, dosti ki pehel pakistan sey
About 70 turns in
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ghumate jabo na

ki korbi bc ?
Wonder if he actually shits in the street? At least it would prevent invasions I guess?!?
Yes i do shit in the streets,i dont have a home which doesn't have a toilet...i dont have a 600$ smartphone..i dont have a 1000$ computer...i dont earn 7 figure salary...i sleep,eat,live and shit in the streets :)
Just like every other 1.3 billion indians according to a meme to which says indians shit in the streets

Teek hain bhai!

They think if one person makes a misktake its to blame the entire country...

A two-pronged bleaching campaign would be the only answer

*three black snaps*

nice one emu
Finally..... The last "happening"

Sikhs and Hindus VS Muslims and Chinks

Game on!!!
kinda rare, you come here often?
You bastards. YOU KILLED HIM!
I wonder if there will be enough poo to splatter across the whole world when the shitting street gets bombed
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India will never act against Russian interests fagots, We will not forget their support during the cold war.
cant sleep
When will Australia get its thumb out of its arse and join another war
>Trump recently denounced China (and strategic links with them) in an ominous tweet:
Denounced? Do you know what that word means? He is giving China props for trying
Did he die
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IMO India would win in a nukeless war situation. Depending on it all other smaller nstions in the region might suffer the consequences. Also for India there is Pakistan, the muslim enemies inside the country. For China it is the subjugated people like Uygurs and Tibetans, for example. Should it come to a massive war God knows what might come of it. Possibly a further breaking of territory, age old relics and temples getting blown up and destroyed.

It would be extremely stupid to play war for both countries.
Good idea from the NWO to start with india, kill the rats first, will also dramatically lower global population, very nice
Why did the atheist chinks have to side with the islamic pakis? Fucking hive mind eastern cryptochinkjews
Nobody called OP out on his garbage bait with the Trump tweet? Sad and this is a nothing burger
No prob hindubro, there's thousands of gods left.
Id take poos over those yellow gopher toothed rat savages any day.
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KEK same way you bet on the """"""disciplined"""""" Samurai God Hirohito in WW2?
But then beat them twice??
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You still got the Mexicans we're basically the same
>the smiling Buddha
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Oh no, India could fling poo at us...
People forget how fucking fearsome and tactical Pajeet soldiers are
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They murder each other over cows, lol.
Shut up faggot.
He was doing Gods work.
Uh Russia is an Indian ally
India has a high as fuck population density... Just a few nukes here and there and no more poo in loo
Also note this:
"Ukrainian military intelligence officer killed by car bomb in Kiev"
>We are in prelude to WWIII


Trump is a fool. He does not understand that America is allied to Poland, not Pooland.
>a fool
Pick one
indians and chinks hate each other, the only people indians hate more are pakis
ye bhosdee k , shadeed kisam k stereotyping ki hui ha jab in ko koi racist bol dey bund dikha k roney lag jatey hen, bc saree facilities honey k bawajood immature or incompetent hen!
>looks at watermark

At least the meat wont be wasted
What did Kek mean by this?
This. Nothing ever happens and nothing will until some new technology renders nukes ineffective. Until then we just have to be content with saber rattling and bombing tribals in third world hellholes
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China doesn't care about India, lol.

India is mad jelly of China.
>Average young chink
you wot m8?
God damn, why is SK so much better than all the other Asian countries?
>YFW Theocracy and child sacrifices work.
>he cares so little he has a folder of anti-india images that he dumps in every india thread
>we're slightly less poor!
Thread posts: 311
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