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Holy shit its happening ! Its really gonna fucking happen !!!!!!

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Thread replies: 343
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>There Have Been 296 Earthquakes Near The Yellowstone Super volcano Within The Last 7 Days

>All Eyes on the Sky for the August 21 Total Solar Eclipse

>Throughout the rest of the continent, including all 50 United States — and even in parts of South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia — the moon will partially obscure the sun, creating a partial eclipse.
will happeningfags kill themselves when they're wrong for the one millionth time?
It won't happen. Digits say so.
>Yellowstone supervolcano would have the potential of being an E.L.E. (extinction level event)

I don't even care. fucking end this gay Earth.
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Confirmed. I am in Yellowstone now and 700 bison just bolted out of the woods, heading west..

It's over
Wouldnt East be better? Or are you heading to the coast?
Who cares it's not like anyone can be prepared for a supervolcano eruption
How many fucking times are you going to do these shit Yellowstone threads before you get tired of them?
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I'm camping at ys this weekend, I haven't seen a single seagull. It's eerie, also this is my first time leaving the bay area.
There's also ufo lists nightly
are you fucking kidding me? I have a basement full of supplies that will last me 2 months

tell me im not fucking prepared you fuckin leaf
I was walking my dog today and a seagull started circling us. I live in Colorado, and have never seen such a bird in real life. A woman saw me starring at it. She very matter of factly told me the seagulls are moving here because a geological calamity will bring a coastline to the Rockies. Why are there seagulls in the mountains if Colorado, guys?
Dude, that park has small quakes everyday.
Ask the locals and do some investigative work Anon.

Update us on /pol/ of your findings.
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I got banned for 3 days for talking about Yellowstone on the solar eclipse ill explode - A woman 5 months ago had a revelation that it would happen during the eclipse and all these earthquakes are actually happening now currently like it is a current event and I was banned for banter - please someone explain cuz I don't understand so many threads are just poof gone - have we a gestapo mod or what
How deep is your basement?
10 feet dude! tell me im not ELE-proof

what woman?
The prevailing wind goes east.
Not like this. Theres more info snd links i havent posted. You can look up more on Google. Theres alot going on behind the scenes.
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Lets test Lord Kek power. If I will get triples it will blow within one week.
Probably the gypsy fortune teller that lives a few blocks from me.
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trips: happnz
>confirmed for the 88th time by some fag pretending to see stampeding animals near Yellowstone and also pretending to have ever been within two states of yellowstone
If this were true, you would post a pic. Other people would post pics. We would have links to articles about fleeing animals.
it was reported on 2/5/17
Nice. I have a bunker.
>you can literally grow food with artifical lighting aka blacklight

black pill confirmed
> add more sensors
> more detections
yeah, you going to get that sick energy to grow food from the solar panels under a sunless sky?
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Ive been there, a tour guide told us there are potential thousands of earthquakes in that region a month. Literally nothing.
ya dude. we know. mods on@4skin are fucking lame ass fagits that lick fecal matter de boar rectum
Do the bison plan to swim to China?
timestamp or it didnt fucking happen
They learned how the scavenge garbage and have been working their way inland from the coast, following human communities, for years. They're usurping the ecological niche pigeons used to hold.
No. This board literally runs on moronic happening threads around the clock...
What was tha...
>have to move
>my lease is up on august 21
>I signed my lease July 1st last year
The hell happened?
I'll die knowing at least it'll take out Commiefornia with me.
a partial eclipse is not going to do shit op

yes yellowstone is interesting but its not going to happen
Digits confirm

>88th time

Holy shit, dem dubz
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Good luck, Yellowstone-chan! I love you, Yellowstone-chan!

Type the words, save yourselves!
>what are non-renewable resources
Are you an idiot?
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claimed dubles? nice
This sounds reasonable. Where do they sleep, though, trees? I thought they had webbed feet?
If Yellowstone popped during the eclipse it would be legendary. I'm not being illustrative. I mean that 200 years from now parents would tell their children at bedtime.
>Then each of them was given a white robe and told to rest a little while longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers, were killed, just as they had been killed. And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind.…

W8, what fuck m8
>eclipses mean anything

We've been over this stupidity for thousands of fucking years. How are people still afraid of a natural phenomenon?
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>tfw the rockies, great plains, and midwest are the whitest areas of America and they're the areas that will be utterly BTFO overnight
>tfw the rest of the country will descend into utter anarchy due to the chaos of an eruption alongside mass starvation because the plains/midwest being where all the food is grown
>tfw europe won't take me as a refugee because I'm not a shitskin

Who else still hungry?
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OMG is nobady gonna say something about the digits
Well anon, I'm in Yellowstone now and it's sure as shit happening. There are worms coming out of the ground every kind of animal you can think of is on the move. We're about to pack up and drive as far away as we can in case it takes a couple days to blow, but you can all kiss you asses goodbye because game over man. Take that vacation to Florida and do it now. Yeah, it sucks because it's a bunch of tattooed rednecks and screaming Puerto Ricans but it's better than being dead. Also, Publix is pretty good.
Why do people NOT believe that a major happening is coming? Is it denial? Is it fear? Get right with god and live convictionless and you will survive.
>Sep 23
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This right here, humanity was a mistake.
Worst case scenario in regards to food is that we would have to use non-renewable resources, and grow food by artifical lighting, or consume things that do not require lighting (mushrooms).
is god going to feed us when all the farms get destroyed?
bet your in Toledo Ohio
>296 over 7 days
literally nothing.
In 1985 there were something like 3000 over a month and it didn't blow then. Anything below 500 a week is business as usual.
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Kek confirms
It's happening
August 21st confirmed doomsday for America
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>tfw the rockies, great plains, and midwest are the whitest areas of America and they're the areas that will be utterly BTFO overnight

This is the biggest reason why I hope it doesnt happen.
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>>131131777 (checked)
Oh shiiieett
>implying you can live on non-renewable resources for more than a couple years
O my kek those digits, its happening 131 131 777
Good luck Yellowstone-Chan! I love you Yellowstone-Chan!
Something like 2000 micro earthquakes happen every year at Yellowstone
Quake swarms are common
No, but I'm from Sandusky so not too far off. The earthquakes are happening so regularly I'm literally shaking.
If so happens, it is premature, it will cause an iceage. Ragnarök is not supposed to happen for thousands of years, but I guess due to all the degeneracy they are upping the game.

Horde food goyims, 3 years into the never ending fimbul winter there will be madness, Hel breaks loose with her armies. We will all die, but after it two humans will survive, and from them a knew and better mankind will emerge, that is us evolving again. So is it told by us from God him self, the father off all.

I never thought it would happen in this life
what an ugly slut
>tons of cities across the globe already do this, and millions have power to continue to live the way they currently do

I'm just wondering why you thought blacklight required solar power. It literally works with batteries too.
Let's (the white folks) just give Mexico the US and go and take over Europe and live there. Mexican and European problems solved, two birds one stone.
So this is 1/6 of the yearly allotment in the span of a week.

I'd say it's significant on that scale.
Digits man
zerohedge, express and nasa.tumblr are not valid sources

Express prints bullshit on purpose for clicks, Zero Hedge not on purpose but they don't have good quality control
yeah but they aren't living under a perpetual sky of ash and dust that would lower global temperatures by multiple degrees wiping out life in mere decades
Can confirm, the crickets were chirping once a second yesterday. Now they're doing twice a second.

Welp, nice to see you all.
I will hunt every human I see and kill them all. Humans don't deserve to live.
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For reference a period with hundreds of earthquakes at Yellowstone also occurred in 2010, 2006 and 2002 and in decades past as well.

Granted if the whole damned thing was going to blow we'd likely see this same sort of activity; but earthquakes like this aren't unprecedented so don't get too hyped for the habbening.
>there are tens of thousands of micro-tremors in yellowstone every week, since the dawn of human history
>300 earthquakes this week
>less than normal amount
2pm PST tomorrow
Be there or be square
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ill bring the condoms
>So this is 1/6 of the yearly allotment in the span of a week.
>I'd say it's significant on that scale.
Quake swarms are common faggot
how many bunkers have fleshlights in them?
you need entertainment
In Boise. Now that you mention it the crickets here are quite a bit more energetic tonight.
How would that affect non-renewable resources? Yes, crops would die, I'm saying that worst case scenario would involve growing food that can be grown with artifical lighting, and consuming things that can be grown without light. Note, this wouldn't affect the southern hemisphere a lot. The U.S. would have to import food too.
3 days..

Month three gonna be a real bitch then, white boi.
Singles and literally nothing is happening, confirmed by Kek himself.
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Watch out for cannibals . Its gonna be a long winter of ashes.

I wonder how many guns people have purchased because of this?
>time stamp
>indoor crops is feasible
maybe if you're at raven rock
earthquake in Sandusky? Funny that, I was born in Sandusky - no lie - Cedar Point, Put n Bay boy and the boot, Library built by Carnegie and fried perch - mostly German town now not so much - cheers m8
faulty inductive reasoning. They figure since people have predicted happenings that didn't happen, that this one is that much less likely to happen.
>is God going to keep feeding us when all the farms get destroyed?
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>Total Solar Eclipse

>creating a partial eclipse.
You think Yellowstone will give us COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION?
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Gone be fun.
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Last 2 digits the number of days we have left
Yellowstone is literally the only flaw in living in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Otherwise they'd be the best places to live in the US.
someone explain to me what the eclipse has to do with yellowstone erupting
Roll I lay longer than 34
Meanwhile in LA. We haven't had an earthquake in a year or so. Not even a minor one. Something is brewing down there.

It has all been told us thousands of years ago
earthquake swarms are an indicator that pressure is being released. Which is the opposite of happening, if there was like a good 7 months of NO earthquakes then you can shit your pants.
well, yep... haven't had a good rattle here in LA for over a year now.
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Scientists of Reddit

If they dropped a nuke on it would that make it go off?
Day of eruption. Also a biblical tribulation.
increased gravitational pull, sign from God, etc. You can be sure that God understands poetry.
no but it would be extremely painful
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You'd see elevated earthquake levels, extreme ground deformities, along with geysers and lakes evaporating dry if this was a fug worthy moment.

Not habbening. Only benis.
I fucking hope so. We have to kill Chris before he can stop the saturation though.
Digits confirm
Or, they reveal lies
usually we get like 3 or 4 good jolts a year in LA... the last 365 days however... nuttin.
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>that palindrome
good point
>Implying kek would respond to someone like that. He works in chaotic ways.
Enjoy the fiery ash burial, anon.
thats not even the same fucking continent as yellowstone you fucking leaf
Not really.
In the worst cases, temperature around the planet would get lower, and sure, a few hundred miles around the volcano would be covered in ash, but humanity would easily survive.
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>tfw Chris Chan is ultimately more powerful and entertaining than Yellowstone Chan
That ass is nigger tier digusting
read the road
thats going to be everyones fucking life if they survive


The global elites will hide in space stations and underground cities while the rest of us die. They will eat preserved food and assfuck child slaves.
Read this and McFucking kill yourself, happeningfag
do you even know what a palindrome is you fucking retard





nothing will survive. even roaches will freeze to death under the ash cloud.
This is my first time ever posting on 4chan I only look at the pictures thank you for your beautiful hiking pictures god bless
No they can try, but they will go nuts and kill each other over food, just as God said, brother will kill brother, then 3 years in Hel she breaks loose with her army, and we on this home we call the home ball will fight them aside with the armies from Valhöll. Þorr wil die, Óðinn even , but Baldur the one you call Jesus will return, and he will become God
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so everyone does a solar eclipse which is the alignment of sun moon and earth create bigum tide? maybe pressure on the earth itself?
I dunno I dunno I dunno where I'm a gonna go...
>famines are a meme
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2 months isn't going to last you the 10 years of famine when crops fail due to lack of sunlight because the stratosphere is full of ash
Can also confirm. I was walking my dog and usually when he takes a shit he faces north. Today he facing toward yellowstone and looked very stressed while starring off in that direction. Picked him up before he could finish and ran home. I'm smelly and scared.
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Future is latino anyways lol
Wouldn't lots of small quakes just release the pressure without a major eruption?

Like letting out many small farts instead of one big smelly fart.
Yeah his post ended in a palindrome. >1132311
Wesker disapproves of this message.
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that's why I build my underground hangar vault. Who's the crazy one now!? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

>Tfw pic related
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of course famines are very real and a great number would succumb to starvation, third world countries would be devastated, first world countries would suffer greatly yes but we would persist. Hydroponic farming would become very popular.
That's true. Now I need to go start working on some super atomic monsters
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Oh fuck.
For you
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He's here lads
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Is it a coincidence that the Mormons are centered right over Yellowstone?
this is just to cover something happening in the middle east like they always do, see how history channel started talking about volcanos aswell
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Anon, what does it mean to be a citizen?

It feels like the powers that be know the end of the cycle is coming. Look up tech billionaires and houses in New Zealand.

We're the breath before the plunge.
It wont happen, unless we meme it hard enough.

we need a death god, nay, a god of disasters to worship.
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The ride never ends.
I will take you in grandson personally, unless you are a swede or nigger. But you must understand that this eruption will cause an iceage, Ragnarök, nothing will grow anywhere. The ashes will block the sun world wide, Kattla is just a fire cracker in comparison
its because the second coming of jesus will happen when the volcano erupts

the volcano is jesus's mouth and the lava is his flaming sword
If d*gits something world changing and tragic happens in Berlin
Being a citizen means having the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility.

So you're saying Jesus is some kind of Hebrew volcano demon, come to reclaim the souls of the living?
If diggitz humanity will perish.

Kind of like that terrible movie Tycus except the white people get btfo
Berlin remains a shithole.

Too bad.
You call him jesus, but you still kiss under the misteltoe to honor him. It's funny really, you don't get it.

But no he will have no sword, he will have a spear, he will pick up God's items on idavellir. He is the noice goy, he always was
its gonna be a site to see anon. cant wait I hope all these fuckers scream and cry out in agony. After all its all meaningless, trivial bullshit anyways.
Humanity survives.

Too bad.
Confirmed. I am in Florida now and my dog just barked.

It's over
it depends on how bad it is, how well humans are able to cope it could be an ELE event or
it could just give our agriculture belt fertilizer for the next 200 years
Near Yellowstone. It won't fucking happen.
Americans so dumb they plan on hiding in underground bunkers not knowing that's exactly what the volcano wants
I'm in California and I just farted. Armageddon confirmed.
>>All Eyes on the Sky for the August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
This little tidbit kind of discredited your whole thing OP

Solar Eclipse is an astrological event that has literally no connection to volcanoes.
This is some paranoid delusion schizophrenic bullshit
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>Quick Rundown pic related.
See you in September!

Shadilay bro!

https://youtu.be/wqczaF0KT3Q [Embed]
was reading somewhere today that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was real - and I thought how absolutely degenerate our society has become and people really do not even seem to be aware how perverse and well degenerate things really are so i have no problem with thinking that whomever might think it is a good time to pull the plug on Yellowstone
The exact words of the text. But do you understand it? Do you believe it?
The number of people that are stupid in the world far outnumber the number of people who can actually do anything productive on this site...
can you put that into an equation that I can understand?
Dumb people more than productive 4chaners
fuck off, it's friday night and you pretty damn well know we're all shitfaced. Nothing makes sense right now except, well, getting shitfaced on a Friday in your trailer park.
amerisharts need this. then we can kick off the race war against niggers and spics, execute degenerate faggots and race traitors, round up the big wigs that own the country and gas them and their families, and finally shoot over jew on sight. make america white again
Had the most vivid dream of my life of a huge explosion going off in the direction of yellowstone ash started rained down after
Good luck, Yellowstone-chan! I love you, Yellowstone-chan!

I'm a Utahfag pls no Yellowstone don't blow up the best part of the country :(
It is not my fault that most of the world, if not just the United States, are markedly dumber than the productive ones. In socialism, whoever runs the factory owns the factory.
i shit 3 times the other day, one of them was really yellow from eating nacho cheese with cheddar sun chips the night before.
That is the worst age quality ever. Can't see shit.
Today is Saturday, at least for EST.
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>tfw the great plains, The Rockies, and midwest are the whitest areas of America and they're the areas that will be utterly BTFO overnight from the eruption
Good luck yellowstone chan and utah fag from a California fag. I know California is a lost cause and I wish it were us dumping into the ocean, but let it be known, a few of us still defend the stronghold of kekistan here in Cali. Good luck and shadilay my dudes! Make the west red again!
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STOP MEMEING FOR IT THEN holy fucking shit! You think technology will help us when there is global starvation and misery, no real sunlight because of ash clouds and crops dying, water souring and becoming toxic. You think we (7% or whatever we are) stand a fucking chance? Halt the memes now after you check these digits for a full scale global disaster and the societal reset we need but which will be so painful :::: checkem faggots ::::
I heard 500 quakes
Really? This is what humanity has come to...
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Can confirm. Pic related; they just stole my car an hour ago.
nowadays you have to call them african-american... just like you have to call white people european-american
That's odd because I saw 701 buffalo run by my house today.
Caffeine free? What are you, a conspiracy theorist on a budget?

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>Isn't in the gulag
What's the hold up literal nazi bigot?
>Didn't seize the means of production
Being this cucked
>Never put a dog in space
Why live?
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This degeneracy all makes sense, shall we be the lords soldiers then? It could be harsh, and we will fall but we will not yield to the likes of the demonkin. Bring your weapons, bring your honor. We will die as real men.
Nazis these days don't support animal cruelty.
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I wonder what statement will make the president right after the eruption.
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Hopefully it just project bluebeam (virgin mary projected on the eclipsed moon) and not yellowstone.
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>that feel when California is spared thanks to the Sierra Nevada
Blacklights don't emit the proper wavelength dumbass
The MSM will claim Russia hacked the volcano.

And underwater thanks to the san andreas fault triggered for the impact that yellowstone will cause.
That's ducked up because I released 702 Bison in to the wild two days ago..
cool outfit man, how much??
military discount...

Former STARS Member here, its hilarious watching Chris crash and and burn but seriously we cant let him get his hands on the bazooka.
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Definitely become a myth.
Yoou don't even realize that the word Devil has nothing to do with christianity, it's a heathen figure. Very related, song related FIMBUDJÖVLAR DEYJA!!! DIE FIMBUL DEVILS!
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It's ok friend, we'll just conquer South America, Africa, the Middle East, or parts of Asia.

No biggie, really. Disasters make conquering other areas very popular.

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Volcano-chan is superior Desu.
sorry here

“Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter”
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>checks the Fuck Off We're Full signs around the coast.
>sits back and cracks another stubby of VB
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amerilards about to become morrowind ashniggers


>2 months

You're already dead anon


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>is actually off by 4
what did he mean by this?
Major Sgt at Burger King here, can confirm volcano is exploding and troops are shipping out, make your time
It will affect us all, just look at when Kattlafjöll blew up, and when she has in the bast (Surt lives there) it cause a mini iceage all over the globe. If Yellowstone blows up, we're in for it all
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Fidget-chan beats all
You got a higher res picture?
Fuck you Im surviving.
Please Yellowstone, take us before the West dies
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wow a 4.4 for quake
you can almost feel that one
fuck off larper
Then why do plenty of things grow with blacklight? There are vertical farms that use blacklight to grow food.
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I know but it will be cool won't it
It's literally nothing, I can't tell if this is newfaggotry or just bait
i just saw some fish leave too

They never did. The fuhrer loved animals and was quite fond of nature in general.
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Tfw we'll become gray niggers.
>They never did
>the jews are animals
pick one
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do you think one the 4chan mods is in league with yellowstone supervolcano?
Mate, we're talking about the biggest fucking volcanic explosion in human history, far more powerful than anything else. Humanity was almost wiped out at one time because a volcano exploded, a volcano that exploded with much less force than yellowstone would.


Off by one digit you mongoloid.
fuck off macaco everyone depends on eachother

if gringolandia dissapears economy goes to shit
Your cosmonauts left a dog to die in space. Hope sputnik hit you in the head.
Oh well, at least jews will die for good now.
YES. Finally I'll have a reason to return to the white man's home: Europe.
When and if Yellowstone blows I shall be living comfortably on the east coast. Paper thin ash ain't harming me!
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the media are covering it up, no one knows how bad it really is
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Would the only food source after this be fish and seafood? Find some high cliffs and mountains right next to the ocean to avoid tsunamis then go out and fish.
Please try an reach Ottawa and toronto
Can confirm, I'm in Africa, spotted herd of niggers moving North just now.
Holy fuck I want the Yellowstone to erupt already and to wipe out this cancer known as the Americans. It would be the Earth's own chemotherapy.
Oh shit that's spooky
Get in here boys, the time is now. Winter is coming, are you ready? Soon you things will be deadly. I've said this before and Ill say it again. Ready your honor ready your rifles and say amen. Your fellow man your fellow friend those who will walk with you till the end. Know their names, know their shame for it will be the final game.
If that's true they probably have special blacklights that emit the correct wavelength, which wavelength is also dependant on the type of chlorophyll. Seeing as most backlights emit UV light that's why generally they wouldn't work.
I love you, Yellowstone-chan!
I don't care if i die!
rather be blowed up than slowly suffocate slowly slowly and painfully - I'm on east coast too btw
if Yellowstone erupts fully it can, and has caused up to 75% of all plant and animal life on earth to die and alter the climate worldwide for centuries. Lowering the world like 10-20 degrees killing off most plants and animals that cant survive outside of their respective climate zones

There is no coming back for anyone. even in india you will be suffering from nuclear winter and crop failures. Global economy completely collapses and famines would be wide spread.

assuming you don't starve or die from lack of water, or in some sort of attack by bandits or from respiratory ailments from the ash, or freeze to death, even if you make it past all that you still live in a collapsed society run by tyrannical strong men and warlords squeezing out meek existence probably with little to no electricity or clean water on whatever plants and animals dont die off within the first few years.

whatever humans remain will live in that condition for generations.
Most Canadians live near the US border. A lot of the food also comes from the US. With the US gone, Canada wouldn't survive a week
If Zero Hedge says its Happening? It isn't.
>Trudeau gaynadians eurocucks mudslimes and gooks left in charge
no thanks
What year was that?
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If not YellowStone a huge economic crash may August 21st as well.


Other theories include terror attacks, deepstate war,
Wind and rain are a thing. It won't be that bad on the east coast. Food prices will certainly jump, but that will just weed out the poorfags, and all the illegals will suddenly be super enthusiastic about going home. When it's all said and done the US will be a better place.
Not sure if I care anymore. I have seen what is to come and do not wish to be around for it. If you think I'm just fucking around look into the connection between gamergate, common core, darpa, video games, and education. If it's too complicated for you I'll indulge you. They are purposely making teachers unreliable and incompetent so learning via screen and AI teaching becomes a thing. Oh, wait.. can't do that unless they have control of the majority of the video game industry. But they do. Through gamergate. It's all so fucked.
I'm an antisocial creature who loves the indoors. I can just get a gas mask, stay inside, and use the internet. Hope you stay alive!
Are all Norwegians faggots or just you?
Leafs will be the first to go. You can't eat lumber and oil sand.
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https://youtu.be/Gs069dndIYk [Embed]

0:15 only light shown is red

Acts 2:20

20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come.

Lyrics are just as mysterious as "see you in September". Almost seems like he's talking about the rapture.

Do you remember the twenty first night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love, remember
How we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September
Only blue talk and love, remember
The true love we share today
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
The bell was ringing
And our souls were singing
Do you remember
Never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
Break it down for me (say do you remember)
Dancing in September
Ba de ya
Say do you remember (Do you remember?)
Ba de ya, dancing in September (dancing in September)
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day
Uh huh! (bring it back now)
Dancing in September, uh huh!
All the way down to the summer
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the only thing quaking is your economy's butthole while asia is fucking you up the asshole kikeboy.
The amount of rain I get is horrendous. Maybe, just maybe, luck shall prevail, and rain in New England that month.
Good luck Yellowstone-chan!
I love you Yellowstone-chan!
what doe that mean?
Are you saying we are going to be wiped off the map while Funk music is going to be playing?
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>The last significant swarm was in 2010, Stickney said, and the largest he’s observed in his career occurred in 1987. In addition, Montana was host to several earthquakes in the 20th century measuring over magnitude 6.0, including in 1959, when a 7.3 earthquake struck the Hebgen Lake area, killing 29 people.

>Despite the apparent danger, the caldera isn’t likely to erupt anytime soon.

>“Yes, Yellowstone is a super volcano,” said Stickney. “But the chances of it exploding are extremely remote. It’s an extremely rare occurrence. There’s a lot of activity at Yellowstone that does not portend to a big eruption.”

>Stickney said it’s possible for seismic activity to precede an eruption, but other signs including changes in the gases that come to the park’s surface, ground tilting and harmonic tremors, none of which have occurred. In addition, the quakes haven’t occurred on top of the caldera but rather 12 miles away


>Will the Yellowstone volcano erupt soon?

>Current geologic activity at Yellowstone has remained relatively constant since scientists first started monitoring more than 30 years ago. Another caldera-forming eruption is theoretically possible, but it is very unlikely in the next thousand or even 10,000 years.

>How much advance notice would there be of an eruption?

>Most scientists think that the buildup preceding a catastrophic eruption would be detectable for weeks and perhaps months to years.

>They expect that the buildup to larger eruptions would include intense precursory activity at multiple spots within the Yellowstone volcano. As at many caldera systems around the world, small earthquakes, ground uplift and subsidence, and gas releases at Yellowstone are commonplace and do not reflect impending eruptions.
Some occult BS shall happen, he'll be spared, something like that.
>green text overload
Let it erupt while I'm asleep so I can wake up in hell.
None of this shit is even politics. Take your fucking spooks here:
Whatever happened to Sage & Report
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>Located on fringe of predicted ash fallout
>3 year food supply
>Basement with air filtration system and hydroponic garden full of vegetables
>Propane generator fueled by 2,000 gallon tank
>Gas masks and filters
>6 month water supply fed by a well
>AR-15, 5,000 rounds of ammo
>FAL, 3,000 rounds of ammo
>Body armor
>Toilet paper
>Pain killers, antibiotics, full surgical kit
>List of families in a 20 mile radius with hot, teenage daughters

I'm good.
Same here, it rains like crazy at least 4 days a week lately. If that keeps up the ash will get washed away within a month. A few dust masks and some basic budgeting to afford higher food prices for the next year will make it survivable. That budgeting part will be the downfall of niggers and opiate junkies, which is actually a win.
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I have known for a long while in my heart of hearts that while the Islam thing is a bummer and Europe has lost it mind or is under some sort of supernatural spell. (really it is that weird to me) it will be the chinese stepping over our dead bodies to claim this continent. really
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Pic related is "Yellowstone erupting"
There has been more supervolcano happening threads than earthquakes
Stop spamming, (((anon 131128747))). It's for the betterment of all that you stop.
theyre gonna come for you prepper
Least' we wont be N'wah

--> >>131134161
--> >>131137661
holy shit, how much did all of that shit cost?
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Ikr, but beware of the big noses! They hate budgeting.
thats probably what they said just before the last supervolcano blew up
Diigits says this anon is wrong
>Larping this hard
zero hedge wrong every day for 20 years.
digits say you're both right
Good luck, Yellowstone-chan! I love you, Yellowstone-chan!
Sadly kikes will survive, and likely make money by scalping the fuck out of shit like dust masks, air filters, canned food, etc.
dude is larping
>fuck i hate disaster junkies...just kys already.
What does kikes mean? Stupid question, but I've been out of the loop lately.
Fuck off. "Prophecy" and misinformation belong on /x/
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>beleaving what jews tell you
Is it true that you cannot argue reasonably, so you lower others to make up for your shortcomings?
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>tfw Trump is the chosen one

>Too many coincidences...
Am I safe in Orlando>???
Unknown. Hope for best.
>science doesn't even real unless I like it
leddite cancer.
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>"With hot teenage daughters"
There you go again with the put downs. At least try to act like you are kind to others, except pedophiles.
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If the eruption is as bad as predicted it would be millions everywhere would literally die.

Food and water resources will collapse, shortly followed by a mass die-out of people animals and plant, millions more in the chaos and anarchy afterword.

It would put civilization back centureirs and the next several generations would live a hard and terrible existence until nature recovered after a century or two.

Even then the number of plants and animals will be greatly diminished meaning less robust diets for our the humans that survive, they will be smaller and less healthy. It takes 10's of thousands of years for the biodiversity to return

I dont know how humans would do during this time but its possible that we could have a coplete revert back to stone age/bronze age level of civilization for thousands of years.

And by then whatever would be left of our civilization would be heavily eroded, all plastics metals, glass and wood items long since rotted away. Only some concrete and stone skeletons in dry and arid locations would last.

Our histories, our civilization it would all fade into myth, most forgotten.

we would be the Atlantis legends of some future primitive civilization if the species even survives.
>Holy shit its happening
>a few earthquakes
>tectonic in origin
>no evidence of volcanic activity
Calm down, you dick smoking queer, nothing is happening, or going to happen. In 1985 they had swarms of 3000 earthquakes.
This is humanity we're talking about.

>tfw you realise who you are talking about...
>Literally a Nazi faggot
I don't have to be kind to science denying stormfags
Yellowstone erupts every 700,000 years or so. its currently at 650,000 years. The chances of it actually erupting are low, but its technically possible at any time.

The US is getting a total eclipse on august 21st.

aka Midsummer.

There are alot of ties. Gravitational pull theories/biblical tribulations attached to this.
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if mt st helen was this spoopy, imagine yellowstone
Imagine this but larger
thought it was over due actually erupts every 650,000 and we are at 700,000
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SymLFY3Ld2E [Embed]
a bidet can be a sink? capcha
I am very close to Yellowstone. My dogs are going absolutely insane and shitting on the rug. I'm very worried. Mother is going to absolutely melt down once she sees this mess. I'll get blamed again for sure.
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