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Which country has the purest, most loyal women (the ones perfect

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Which country has the purest, most loyal women (the ones perfect for preserving Western culture and ensuring a life of happiness?)

I'm going to have to go with Russian women. The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart. They get their shit together at a young age and don't seem to race mix or cheat

what say you, /pol/?

Russian or Polish women. The only two white ethno-nationalist and conservative countries left in the world, I think.
The only question is, where does one go if they want to meet Russian women here in the US? I've only ever known several over my 30 year life, just out of sheer luck.
Russia without doubt. They are goddesses uncorrupted by degeneracy like rap and twerking
The thought of that bull sucking her bear nipple turns me on
What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Confirmed for Trump election rigged by Russia
Stop trying to go after our women niggers.
Such marriages often attract the worst women anyway except in a few lucky cases.
Go out and find an American girl that's right for you. But for that you have to be worth something yourself. I dont believe they're all as bad as you claim
russian woman are from pure, trust me.

t. russian living in goymoney
far from pure even
>I'm going to have to go with Russian women. The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart.
Russian women are pure trash and Russia is a multi-culti shit hole. It's basically America but with gopniks instead of Blacks and central asians instead of Mexicans.

t. Pole
sardinian, maronite lebanese and christian women from israel, they're the hottest as well.
Why are American posters so naive and ignorant of Europe?

All Western nations are filled with toxic, vile women. There is not a single country left where this disease is not present.

There is no romantic ideal left, if you want tradition you'll either have to be lucky or go to a different race.
>Russian women
they come over here to ride the turkish cock carousel every year
so much so that the name "natasha" is equivalent to "whore" in turkish
also russia has africa levels of aids
I need those nips in my mouth.
>t. Pole
But of course
Not in Aus, that's for sure.

Ask the opinion of literally any Russian/Polish man and they'll tell you otherwise

You just misunderstand how they are because of the culture/language barrier
Gets it. Only decent women here are gooks tbqh, the redpillers dilemma.
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none everything in life will trade just give up and accept it
fuck off cunt.

>GET a
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>traditional women
>posts a whore
All Russians will disagree with you.

The grass is greener ect.

The best women are your own women. Unless you want your new Russian wife to import her brothers Ivan and Sasha, who will squat inside your house all day long getting drunk and doing schemes for money.
Who takes photos like this? Just farming in a spaghetti strap and no braw
I agree fuck the gooks, but are our women totally braindead?
It's true, swallow the gook pill mate. Traditional gook girl raised in strict home >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> degenerate hedonist whore white girl
Anything that goes against racial purity IS DEGENRATE
Fuck Reptilian women. Trash
Okay buddy well you go marry a roastie whore who cheats on you, divorces you and has the courts take your kids from you. Meanwhile I'll marry a girl who wasn't raised on jew propaganda and is actually loyal.
they're in high demand here, many qt strayan women around that guys fall over trying to get.

My friend's strayan wife cooks his food everyday and when I hang out at his house and he wants another beer he gestures to her and she without hesitation goes and gets one like a waitress. Literally no woman here would ever do that. Not that I want a waitress for a wife but seriously, wtf.
>he thinks that mongrel subhuman offspring goes against the apparent jew narrative
no you fuck off you worthless fucking scum go crawl in your mothers fucking anus and die quietly in there you cunt ass piece of shit
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How can I meet a nice young Russian women in America though?
what the fuck? Russian women are literally known to cuck american betas for greencards, they're the most unloyal and heartless women out there.
This. There's non-slutty American women out there. Just gotta find them.
>tfw I found one but dumped her because she was saving her virginity until marriage and I just wanted to fuck her
I'm such a fucking idiot.
Now that i finished laughing, i can tell you that the ONLY difference between russian women and women you know is no marxist political shit but twice greed and gold digging. Go on, find one for yourself and bring her to murrica, you you cant even imagine how surprised you will be how well she understands your marriage laws and her profits from it.
Don't forget to buy your son a rifle.
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Oh You Know
The rural non urban south or upper Midwest and greatplanes.
None of them really. Some countries have especially shitty women, like uk, but if you ask the posters from any country they'll all say their women are shit. Women as a whole just aren't great, perhaps even worse than men. With that being said there are good women everywhere, you just have to make yourself into someone that good women want, and more importantly you have to get lucky. If I really had to say one country I would say Poland, but poles on here have talked about how their women are whores too. People are too diverse on an individual level to really say for certain.

Although most of the American women I know are just really fucking boring. I'm a boring person and they bore me to tears
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>What is a modelling shoot
no there's nothing to try for out there everything will reject you end of story.
Adam? WTF does this have to do with Adam!
lmao what? Girls here and in russia are the biggest whores out there mate
Russian women are the most degenerate. They are incredibly stupid, slutty and mercantile at the same time
Maybe you should order one in the mail!
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I've been to canada, and your women act exactly the same as ours. You friend is a lucky man.
i dont want gook kids
she has wheat

this is purity. its currently being devoured and destroyed by 'tolerance' and 'cultural enrichment'

> in just 1 more generation, this will be gone from the earth forever, in favor of dirty savage acid throwing rapist with no education or restraint.

>fake news


>fake nation
yeah you're retarded

off yourself - oh wait you already did. your children will be worthless fuckin' gooks. bloodline terminated
Iceland. We have the most beautiful women by far

Best women in the world if you aren't a queef.

and you'll raise sons of quality as the supreme gentleman

Eurasian men are beta at birth
You're talking as if all Russian females are the same. There are some conservative ones, indeed, but there are lots of sluts and golddiggers as well.

I can't answer for Russia, but stay the fuck away from Ukrainian-born women. They are a whole new level of crazy.

t. dated 4 Ukrainian-born women. Never again!
4 years ago

true my slav bro,

> be amerislav of polish/Belorussian decent

> talk to slav girls online

> talk to 5 i get close to

> 3 prove to be super materialistic

>1 proves to be a compulsive liar

> 1 is current gf for 3 years and has a heart of gold, and wants me to move to belarus with her instead of coming to burgerland, iv'e also usually live 6 months out of the year in Belarus now, with her and her grandparents

East europe seems to have "better" women than america, but no where is safe from bad women in western society in these troubled time
They aren't very loyal though, in the capital. If you're a foreigner with your own place then loyalty goes out the window.

The 3 chicks I hooked up with in Iceland all had boyfriends they told me about later. One of them was even sitting beside us while I was trying to pick her up, I assumed he was just some guy and not her bf because here I would be killed immediately for trying that.

The other girl I actually dated for 2 weeks until she told me the guy who kept calling was actually her bf. I got rid of her and found a third girl who again was taking calls in the middle of the night from some guy "Wait.. is that your bf?" "It's my husband, but don't worry he doesn't care" what the fuck.

Hope you don't live in Reykjavik. Iceland reminds me of the time I was in Sierra Leone and this local black guy we were friends with one day out of the blue tried to set me up with his wife. "She wants to try a white guy, why don't you take her tonight"

What does she look like
It is at least partially truth. There is as much coalburning whores in Russia as in West.
where online did you meet these girls? Please don't say Omegle

nice try nsa-ctr-shareblue

seriously but tall, blonde hair piercing green eyes

honestly i met them on some weird ass old style site, i think it was freerussiandating or something like that
>Green eyes

Nice. Very jelly. I regretfully rejected in my own idiocy one like that shortly after highschool. I don't think of the past often but that one stings now and then. She's was really into me and I was a fucking doofus.
Why? please explain.
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>Which country has the purest, most loyal women (the ones perfect for preserving Western culture and ensuring a life of happiness?)

Please don't bring your memes in to real life. it is cringeworthy.
GTFO Achmed.
Hey Somalia!
i don't see how tho... when i was in both russia ukraine and belarus +poland, i saw maybe a total of 3 blacks, all begging in metros or trying to preform street music. i got asked many times on how bad the negros act in america and how i can stand to live there. so at least shit tons of people have not bought into false egalitarian narrative there

hey it's captain cuckbeard in that picture
We have various muslim shitskins instead of negros.

Long story short, they are the most emotionally manipulative women I've ever been with. If you haven't been hardened from previous relationship experiences, they will BREAK YOU.

3/4 of them were Ukrainian Jews, so that could be a factor in itself.
This. You think Latinas are bad, strap in.
Ah, thank you anon.
Find out whatever local social media they use and change location to your city, you'll find them.

For example vk changed to my city to find all the foreign students /search?c[city]=1960291&c[country]=10&c[name]=0&c[section]=people

/id372852848 This one is totally a keeper, I'm down with the red hair and LARPing
Not a country, but a community.

Marry an Amish gal, anon.
>purest, most loyal women
No such thing.
>Western culture
Do you even geography and history, bro?

now that i did get a vibe of, many people think muslims are their best friends in east europe for some reason. but at least they don't import them by the shitload like west europe likes to, moscow was the most diverse city i was in and it was still 90% white

all europe including russia is western culture baltfam

>slavic girls

yea okay m8
Brazilian women look great and seem as loyal if not more faithful than the average aussie woman.
probs won't preserve your white race bullshit tho since you're a fag

>Which country has the purest, most loyal women

The one that has the bravest and most virile men (who don't want to run away to another country instead of handling their business).

Pussy men create wanton, shameless women.

Russian girls are golddigging whores.
Ukrainian girls are worse. Batshit crazy, and ONLY enjoyable in the sheets.
That and they're also guys.
like I said none of the girls in the world matter because everything leave me behind and it gives up on you so you should just give up on it

> 1/4th negro-2/4th amerindian-1/4th white

yeah Brazilians are not too pure
Arabic girls, particularly those of muslim descent. They have a natural inferiority complex due to their oppressive religion and you can get away with doing whatever the fuck you want to do with them.

Because they're so oppressed they're freaky as fuck in bed. Just watch out for her 9 brothers and her father.

>agreeing with a roach

I've been dating a Russian girl for almost two years. I intend to marry her as soon as all the documentation goes through. She is great, however I can't speak for all of Russia. She is very religious and most are not.
This will sound hypocritical, but I've been to Russia more times than I can count and the people there are really just as degenerate as here, on average. They do, however, respect gender roles much better. The women will come across as more "redpilled" because they don't have any illusions about how relationships work, and they are pretty blunt about it.
Find a nice Christian girl, it doesn't matter what country.
Do Icelanders like white Americans?
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I'd be more concerned with finding a woman who would deal with a degenerate who frequents this board before searching for any ideal
every woman in this world is is a waste of time
Poland is a meme when it comes to wives. A lot of people there may be Christian, but have Jewish blood. If you are already Polish, their language is hard to learn, probably the hardest slavic language.
Women were a mistake.

Lol, Brazillian women are definitely whores. Then again, I can't really compare them with Aussie women as I've met very few in the States.



See Sweden, for example.

iv'e founf that christian girls really don't exsist outside of certain tight knit communities in burgerland

sure your tatted up college slut will bullshit you about how she loves jesus between sucking two dicks
russian women make great whores
Eastern european. They keep there traditions.

Whats the story with her?
>russian women
AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA you stupid fat ass
Just a random leftist women I found while browsing Twitter.
What are Hungarian or Lithuanian woman like? That is my ancestry (plus polish)
No, they are the most dumb and degenerate whores in the world.

maybe because a roach is making more sense than you which means you need to kys
all the women are whores what times do I have to keep telling you this don't care about us all they care about is getting dicked down give up on them and give up on life

swiss is almost as bad as leaf these days
>dumped my girlfriend because she was using her pussy to coerce me into marrying her as soon as possible
>im such an idiot

pick one
the only way to get a woman is rape to them but that doesn't even work
When one speaks the truth, it does not matter where one is from, for the truth is still the truth.

>bull in background

cuck post
Not true. Small town girls with conservative parents are everywhere.
no you're not
. Small town girls with conservative is a myth and a legend just like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster and aliens
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>most loyal not-degenerate women
Russian women are straight up sociopaths.
There are rare decent white women everywhere but if you want consistently good women you need a Mormon or Muslim.
Goodness, she's pretty.
it's lame stop talking about it there's useless and nothing water come out of them
Everyone knows Lebanese Christian women are their version of sluts. Still better than most white women but the worst of the Lebanese.
My Croatian gf is everything you described. I'd say croat or serb.
Lebanese are horrible everything's horrible
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Russia ,Poland ,East Ukraine,Japan
They aren't though, esp Gulf countries. Iranian and Lebanese maybe but Kuwait/Qatar/Saudi fuck no.

If you have blonde hair or blue eyes, go sit at a cafe in any Kuwait mall. Every single woman will toss you a crumpled piece of paper as they walk past in their veils. It's their phone number so you can go to their house and fuck them while the Sheik is busy in Dubai.

If you want chicks that don't fuck before marriage your options are Armenia, Azerbaijan, or Morocco. Those girls are unlikely to easily give it up if there isn't some kind of marriage deal on the table for them.

Iran you can get a temporary marriage, and essentially date any girl you meet on Tinder there. Some good waifu material there though lot's of blondes in Armenia actually though you would have to put up with muh Turk genocide everyday for the rest of your life.
Brazilian women are arguably the least loyal on the planet. They're so bad all of South America makes fun of their whoreishness.
Literally every Brazilian woman I've ever met
>OMG I'm so in love with ___
> the second her boyfriend leaves the group even momentarily she's either in someone else's lap or hooking up with someone else
They also believe they can "love" multiple men at the same time & at first sight

>If you have blonde hair or blue eyes, go sit at a cafe in any Kuwait mall. Every single woman will toss you a crumpled piece of paper as they walk past in their veils. It's their phone number so you can go to their house and fuck them while the Sheik is busy in Dubai.

I learn something new everyday.
IDK anon, i've heard that Russians are crazy AF.
you guys need to realize that all girls are whores
>top kek

Mormons, Arabs, & Muslims are the last decent women by & large outside of rare exceptions. There's only 1 arab pornstar & she's a hog. Don't get with an ex-Mormon unless you made her leave her faith because they go full degenerate when they learn their religion is nonsense
finally someone is realizing what I've been saying this entire time

every group you listed is a cult
I agree, im living here but im not Brazilian. they literally explain you that they don't reply because Husband/Boyfriend is in the house. It's kind of sad because there is plenty of beautiful woman but the vast majority is cheating garbage.
take it from someone who lives here, thats the exception
>East Ukraine
I hate ottomans but I hate women more so I'll give you a (you)

fuck ottomans
>Unless you want your new Russian wife to import her brothers Ivan and Sasha, who will squat inside your house all day long getting drunk and doing schemes for money
Sounds fun
Anybody want me to give legitimate advice on how to find a quality girl?
give up
There are none. That is the true redpill
All women are gold-digging, vapid traitorous whores, expect nothing from any of them.
That's some really shitty wheat
if I gave it to you, you'd only get cheated on in the end
>t. whiteboi living inside his own fantasies
In Iran that temporary marriage only exists between muslims and is still very taboo and looked down upon. In practice it's virtually non existent. They only allow it because it was allowed 1400 years ago
As a non muslim male you cannot have a temporary marriage with a muslim female and would still require her fathers approval like any other marriage.
Pls respond
and would still require her fathers approval like any other marriage even if you were a muslim yourself*
Look for the ugly ones. im serious.
you'd think so but in the end they're just even more eager for chad
Here's the checklist:
> doesn't or barely drinks... Women use alcohol as an excuse to be whores... if she used to drink lots she's an ex-whore & avoid
>dresses conservatively of her own choosing without being an uggo
>places a high priority on family & listens to her dad.
> parents aren't divorced & are happily married. Parents view divorce very negatively
>requires an emotional connection before anything physical happens including kissing
That's why Mormons, Arabs & Muslims have the best women.
. _.
Maybe muslim woman are the most loyal because obvious reasons. nobody wants to be stoned i guess.
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Hey, how many Poles does it take to... save western civilization
you can just pretend that you are a muslim lol
Why are her nips hard?
I've been to Iran twice, and I've been married twice there.

It's not "non-existant" whatsoever. There's no father's approval either. Stay mad, pedro it's a common thing these days, a lot more common than when I did it in early 2000s https://www.thebrokebackpacker.com/tinder-in-iran/
Haha as a mormon, I'm degenerate because I browse 4chan and masturbate. Eventually I'll marry a decent woman.
From what I've been told, compared to Sharia bitches, they're sluts, but compared to Western women, they're chaste Nuns.

Pre-war Syrian women used to be much bigger whores than the Lebanese.

Still, Islamic culture does have a better solution to the Female Question, and it bleeds into the Christians of the region. Also, merchants are openly despised and would've been punished by the native Muslim populations if they tried the same shit they did to the West.

I wish I had enough money for a good surrogate and good eggs. Loser's bet gambling with women in the West. I would wanna be a divorce lawyer, but marriage is already dead.
She doesn't care because she isn't doing anything with the wheat. Like all femshits she places herself in a working position for a photo-op and nothing more, picking up a bundle of dry, stale wheat and then holding it there while she lets down her vest because the slutty demeanour is the only genuine thing in this entire photo, and the only thing women can ever accomplish. Immediately after she will put the wheat down and fuck off to do something more fitting of a femshit like whore herself out. You can tell the whore never worked a day in her life, no muscle mass, flawless skin, no dirt or wrinkles. That bull in the photo is more "natural" and "beautiful" than this opportunistic cunt will ever be.
Because that innocent girl is fucking the photographer. I guarantee it
>Wants to preserve western culture
>Goes East to Russia to do this.
Non-muslim arab women are just as degenerate as any other nonwhite non-muslims.
They're basically latinas
As a white man people would already be super suspicious of you and you'd have to prove it.
Nice larp
Poland !!
Women are not loyal by definition you delusional imbeciles. Women are irresponsible and emotional, like children. It's their nature.
You want them to be loyal to you? You need to teach them that. No other way around.
And slav chicks are even more prone to coalburning than regular girls, since dark skin is something unknown and therefore exotic to them.
>They are goddesses uncorrupted by degeneracy like rap and twerking
Yeah, they have krokodil, vodka, and and hardbass instead.
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>I'm going to have to go with Russian women. The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart.

If you fuck a Russian woman you're basically fucking an albino negress. You should consider dating an actual black American woman before a Russian at least you'll speak the same language and she'll be less likely to be alcoholic or have AIDS
They wouldn't and I've been to Iran just like leaf. Plenty of Iranians are "white passing" themselves (hint: not everyone is a tajik or Arab descendant subhuman)
I agree with everything you've posted.
Sadly Islam & Mormonism is the cure to (((degeneracy))) apart from massive real red pills which 95% of the population won't do. I'm not talking Trump who's cucked by Jews red pills I mean real ones
No not for non muslims.You have to get extingued by Allah will look what allah did to ur woman he made em whores
NL seem alright.
In all seriousness OP you sound like a massive beta cuck or about 14 years old

The only way to live life and get any satisfaction out of it is to be Chad, give up your tradcuck dreams or
You'll just go insane
There are many small groups of Russians in the more eastern states like Virginia or South Carolina, look in the churches and you should find many good ones. However the problem lies in the fact that they have preferences for Russian men and chances are that you're a desperate last choice. There are some who will want an American so keep your hopes up.
t. Russian-American
t. sex tourist LOL
>295 â–¶
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>>>129296454 (OP)
>>I'm going to have to go with Russian women. The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart.
Thats what i tought. is true that they are mostly batshit crazy too?
Hungarian ones are trash, excep young sub 30 women. But even those are fucking bitches
I say you can buy them cheap on the net.
I'm an Iranian pham, I know the law.
"white passing" Iranians are azeri's, not persians.
Assuming you're not larping yourself, you being russian might get you a pass, but in general white people are seen as outsiders and treated very cautiously.
Nice meme
>Assuming that anyone would listen to a literal cockroach
Russian women are fucking whores and have no personality.
I'm an oilfield engineer and I've been all over MENA.

If you want to pick up chicks in Kuwait you simply stare at them, turn on bluetooth on your phone and give yourself an identifier, like say 3. Then she looks at her phone after you stare at her. You take three fingers and brush the hair out of your eyes with it. She sends you her number. Then you plow that usually at her house, because her husband is never home.

Our swede coworker with blonde hair had numbers crumpled up and tossed at him repeatedly everywhere he went. Some of those chicks were easily high 9s and multi millionaire chicks living in a palace and he was a total nerdy looking swede but was the King of Kuwait when it came to plowing model looking chicks there.

In Saudi Arabia I went to off the hook giant pool parties with local girls in bikinis. Everything you believe about the middle east and north africa is totally wrong, they're just like us but it's hidden better.
I mean, can we think critically for a second?
Some harlot being sold like trash on the web isn't a worthy wife is she?

Wouldn't most Russians have subhuman genes anyway?
You know that that is not the case you retard.
>it's le arab blooded mongrel tries to present himself as Persian episode
believe it or not, the south island of new zealand, is full of pure loyal white women. its a very homogeneous island (93% white)

they've been lucky to stay this way, and have carried on traditional morals and values.
A Leaf cucking a Kuwaiti , sounds possible but would you have the balls? everybody has an AK47 there anon. i will need more than that to believe.
listen to him or you're going to learn the hard way. the court will guarantee her half of your assets, so don't ever let her trick you into rushing anything.
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>Don't seem to racemix
Saudi Arabia

Hahaha no.
As bad as Americans?
Slavic and some Mediterranean Countries (especially Portugal) have the best women. Still, this means that instead of 90% women being impure, you got a 30-40% chance of finding a good woman there.
no women are worse than american women
There's worse but what about as bad?
The Kuwaiti has 10 wives in 10 different countries he's never there. They collect wives like a black guy does shoes. They hardly ever use them and keep them as a status symbol.
through (((media influence))) all women in the anglosphere are as bad as american women
Hahahaha...I don't fuck fat pigs.
>parents aren't divorced
I always see this. My parents are divorced, maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend
What are Italian women like anon?
>Saudi Arabia
Maybe but procreating with one means hiigh risk of retard kids. Any woman with a drop of Arab in them is a product of inbreeding somewhere in the senpai tree
you don't fuck at all
>t. Settling for used goods
Dude the situation is the exact same one both ends. A girl who will fuck you can take half your money. You know the statistics with divorce rates and sex partners for women.
If you are all so paranoid make them sign a prenup.
>using the Kardashians, whom aren't even fully Armenian, to gauge all Armenians.

You're a moron. Lots of Armenians are super conservative/religious, even in the U.S. where it's harder to be as such.

On a side note, they're not even an option for conservative whites because: A. They don't really consider themselves to be white (ethnicity is more valuable than race) and so B. They only ever marry other Armenians. Save for a few degenerates, of course.
Typically women with divorced parents have issues. Sorry it's not your fault. Doesn't mean you're unmarriable but it's a stride against you.
A good mother in law is worth her wait in gold. Parents that aren't divorced means the mom stuck with the dad through some shit & will advise your wife to do the same with you when things get hard.
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just go to a rural area and look for a Girl with parents who arent divorced
Cityniggers are the same degenerate shit everywhere on earth
Yeah it's not like judges ever throw those out or anything

Oh wait
do you understand that she still gets your shit even with a prenuptual? Especially if you had children, she'll get those and even more of your income
if you want to go out with an Italian woman, go for a lady from the South: they have better values than most women from Northern Italy.

t. an Italian in London
Armenians are known as the whores of the Middle East. Still better standards than non-MENA girls but not by a lot.
I'm a leaf man I've had experience with people from all nationalities. I've boned 3 Armenians one was half leb, 2 were religious Christian sisters.
Ethiopia speaks and we must listen
I saw a ton on the east coast in resort towns.
My phone and it being late is hell bent on making me seem retarded
Stride= strike
Wait = weight

Basically the closer they are to the Middle East geographically and culturally the better the women
She's pretty cute for a bear.
check out these based black guys *squee-eeek*
Probably Iceland
And I'm a wendy's chef with a 12 inch cock making $500k a year
>Basically the closer they are to the Middle East geographically and culturally the better the women
Which is a pure garbage statement, as Levantines, MENAs and Co are complete perverts and degenerates
rus bro knows whats up

i could flash a 5 dollar leaf bill over any russian hoe and she'd let me do all sorts of things to her
I've been to tons of bars in Yerevan, picked up Armenian girls, got blowjobs from them and then a speech on how they will never, ever put out unless a ring is being offered. Every local guy I talked to there confirmed that yes, it's highly, highly conservative and religious no chicks are going to ever put out and risk spoiling their 'purity' without security. Azerbaijan is the same thing, except the girls there look 100000x better than Armenia. No blondes though, I have to marry blue eyes to carry the genetics so I'm stuck here trying to find a white girl in a sea of azns.
>racial purity
found the retard. let us know when you find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
>its a butthurt /pol/tard going on the internet and making up lies because he's butthurt his women are all whores episode

I don't believe you. At all. You've almost certainly been talking out of your ass LOL typical leaf

This is something where you have to be specific.

I've dated good Slavs and bad Slavs. Gotta go after a good Ruralite Slav who attends church.

The problem is these women generally settle down with a man from their town so foreigners are fucked.
My gf is from eastern Europe, roots in Russia/Ukraine/Moldova, while she's awesome, you're delusional if you think Russian women are any differen. Russia have the same vapid whores in TV, they run same lame reality TV shows as the west that the youth are buying into.
Plus the fact that most grow up with alcohol problems somewhere in the family.
I have met some honestly amazing selfless and honest russian girls through my GF, but I have also met the opposite.
Just like I have with native Danish girls.
inb4 Elliot Rodger 2.0
you linked 2 different IDs.

i don't give a fuck what you believe, you're almost certainly a yellow zipperhead running a dry cleaning store in Melbourne
Can't tell about arabs but I've seen lots of churka girls from Caucasus, coming from ultratraditional environment.
Almost all of them who moved to Russian cites became mega-turbo-sluts as soon as their family wasn't able to control them.
got 'em

Seriously OP, you're getting conned

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>t. pole
What a surprise
You're replying to 2 different leafs.
That's my experience with Armenians.
A girl sucking random cock at the bar protecting her purity KEK
im not a gook actually

i doubt there are any on this board, I mean why would you post on a white supremacist forum?
How are small town girls in Russia generally. I've only dates Ukrainians but there was a massive difference between city girls and country girls there.
This. Grew up around a lot of Russians and even though I like blondes, I never even gave them a thought. A more trad-minded American is prob. the best type of girl.
The US. Stop being a degenerate and stop looking among degenerates, it's that easy.
>part arab subhumans said claim Persiandom
Ditch that shitskin trash and find yourself a normal woman of your ethnicity
>genetic altruism
The only thing OP was right about that they're smart. If you're average burger, russian women will suck you dry and do everything, so you would marry her. After that it's a green light for her, then she can move her sneaky ass in US and find there some more rich dude.
I mean that (((traditionalist russian girls))) perfectly know price for their pussies. And they will exploit that.
So if you met russian gf and she's super loyal to you and ready to lick your butthole then know - for her you're just ticket to the US. Then she will drop you and find another rich Chad.
Ofc you have a chance to meet loyal gf, but that chance not higher than for western countries.
East Ukrainians and Crimeans are top knotch
West Ukrainians are far more likely to be degenerate because they're more Westernized.
The reason East Ukrainians are better than Russians are because to the average Russian chick America & the West looks awesome. To the average Eastern Ukrainian chick Western Ukraine is degenerate.
Tossing in a lonely vote for Estonia.
Followup to my post

Sorry to crush your dreams:
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>The amount of leafs LARPing in this thread
I'll keep this in mind when I travel again.

Basically it'll be my first real time since the first time I was just traveling through to get to Russia.

What should a recent arrival do and where should I go to find good women my age (22ish) who actually want to settle down instead of leave me penniless.
Probably muslim ones, since their culture and laws really makes it a bad deal to cheat or even have sex outside marriage. Heck, even getting raped can get you stoned.

Your second best bet is other religious groups and countries were there's lots of religious people - Scandinavian countries are off the list since pretty much no one is strictly religious. And even if they are, they'll most likely marry someone within their religious and social circles.

Despite Scandis not being religious, in their culture honesty and respect is valued high. They are often kind, helpful and polite towards other people. Kinda blue-eyed and innocent also, but still. I think you can often even see it here, Scandi posters are rarely too radical, angry or hateful towards others.

I'd bet my money that it's better to marry someone who isn't held back by law, financial factors or any other external force but who chooses to stay faithful to you cause she loves and respects you. Sure it isn't a fool proof way still, but you are just an insecure control freak if you are so scared of getting cucked that you need every tool there is stop that from happening. In that case you aren't capable of real mutual love. That yields from mutual trust and respect.
as the black boys say, "all women are thots"
I think op might also have second generation Russians immigrants in mind, who haven't completely assimilated to American degeneracy.
>Which country has the purest, most loyal women None of them since women by their nature are not pure and loyal unless men force them to be.
>I'm going to have to go with Russian women
I would not do that especially if it actual Russians you are dealing with since you do not know what the fuck is going on in their heads they might be just plotting their divorce against you after the citizenship is final or even worse cry domestic violence against you.
>The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart
Stupid women are better as they are too stupid to get away with something or to outright plot something against you.
>They get their shit together at a young age and don't seem to race mix or cheat
If they mix with American men they are race mixing as you are not 100 percent pure Russian you Italian mick mongrel even then if they smart they will just cover their tracks gringo.
Do not meet a girl at a bar. That's not going to be a quality girl.
Do meet them at volunteer events, community events, or take a post secondary class there.
Eastern Ukrainians place a high value on culture and the arts. Maybe something there or at the botanical gardens.
>a fucking leaf
Western Ukrainians consists of Nazi-loving racialists. The rest of Ukraine is populated by part Crimean tatat/jew/Armenian non-white subhumans
Not looking to do that, she's better than any of my previous gfs so far on almost every parameter.
Plus, somehow, the average danish girl her age, looks 5-8 years older. I don't know wtf is wrong the danish genetics in terms of aging. Some 23 yo's looks 30+
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There aren't any best just to kill'em all and let god sort'em out.
Hope NMR deals with your shitskin loving ass

I will screenshot this and take your advice fellow leaf.

I am going to be joining the peace corp and help rebuild infrastructure in East Ukraine so I'll probably be there for 1 to 2 years. Hopefully I'll meet good trad woman.

Thanks for the advice again, mate.
Again what do these things have to do with a virgin wife? The situation is the same you are actually arguing against marriage in general
When I moved through I noticed it got blonder the more north east I went.
The Western Ukrainian government is literally Jews.
Their Nazis are literal retards. Hitler would be the first person to kill them off.
Eastern Ukraine has heavy populations of ethnic Russians and Germans with values shared with the Russian government that's why they sided with them.
Most Russian girls in Russia resent Russia.
Eastern Ukraine is the heart of Ukraine's economy so they know that Western degeneracy isn't necessary for economic success. Many Russian women in Russia assume the degeneracy is tied to the success so by being more liberal they'll proper more.
My MIL is from there. They're top knotch women.
She's a 12/10 looks-wise for her age. Gorgeous face & she's in her late 50s.
The fact that you're volunteering to help them will score massive points & apart from that shows you're a good person. Best of luck.
Eastern Turkraine has literal kike mayors and shitskin DNR idiots. Jews are in Kiev and Kievans are largely the same Turkicjudeoarmenian subhumans like in the rest of the country
>Germans in the East
None lol
t. German full blood
>Gorgeous face
>late 50s

pick one
Dated a Ukrainian descended thot from Whitby.

She was smoking all around and had the best ass. Her mother looked almost as good in her 50s.
>Russian women. The few I've known are compassionate, loyal and very smart. They get their shit together at a young age and don't seem to race mix or cheat

Wow, what fantasy world do you live in? 99% of russian women are mercantile whores.

t. russian
The fact that you're volunteering to help them will score massive points & apart from that shows you're a good person. Best of luck.
My MIL is ethnically German, her family was purged by Stalin but nice try dickhead.
You're obviously (((Russian))) which is why you're shitting on the pro-Russia side that's predominantly ethnic Russians.
Everyone in your country smokes too much, drinks too much, and gets too much sun to age well.

Everyone I met in Australia over the age of 35 looked like a leather hand bag.
Saved for later. No fapping inb4 coffee.
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>Russian or Polish women. The only two white ethno-nationalist and conservative
You do realise that women have no tribal instinct?
Your argument is wrong by defenition.
>DNR is pro-Russian
>Russian government is pro-White
Leave leaf. Russian government = subhumans ruling for subhumans and supporting non-white subhumans around the globe.

The only thing I support is racially pure Europeans sticking together
Most women are like that literally everywhere. The trick is finding the diamond in the rough or.going somewhere where there is a decent ratio.

Also, women are as well behaved as the men in their lives. Please get your shit together, Ruski.

When I went there I could've gotten laid every night with 12/10 blondes simply because of all the women damaged by their alcoholic father's and drug addicted brothers.

If you guys started becoming more alpha like you were 40 years ago your women wouldn't be like this.
>no tribal instinct
And therefore they let themselves be fucked by whatever trash happens to be around.
No niggers = no coalburners, even if they'd love to burn it.
>have no tribal instinct
They do, it's just times we live in that are sad
On average most beautiful women in Western Europe but they're also real ball breakers...
Pretty much true. I have spent my life hiding from the sun for that reason.
All 3d women are whores
yes quite ironic
Russian women are culturally prostitutes. Good luck finding your Ruski waifu.
Russian women are bad because they often envy the West.
Polish are bad because Poland = Jewland & Polish women are usually slags. It's well known.
Eastern Ukraine, the Stans, MENA, & Mormons or bust with rare exceptions
>Also, women are as well behaved as the men in their lives

"russian" men have always been like that, because 95% of them have mongoloid blood. Look at how poo tin looks and his slant eyes. Mongoloid with mongoloid genes and morals. All of them need to be genocided.
This. Their only purpose in life is selling their snatch to the highest bidder.
80-90% of russsians must hang
>loves subhumans
>shills for Russian government
Color me surprised
Oh you're that butthurt Ukrainian or the Chechen.

Most russians I met were Scandinavian looking.

My grandfather studied their genetics and 95%+ were basically Scandinavian genetically. In the east and in Moscow they were a little mongoloid but literally 2km outside any major city and its negligible.
>Marry some bitch without wver fucking her
>You're not sexually conpatible or she's frigid or you don't enjoy sex
>Marriage goes down the shitter because you just had to indulge her Disney princess fantasy and golden pussy

Hint: mosg women saving their virginity for marriage just haven't felt a strong sexual attraction for anyone yet. If you geg her dripping wet she will fuck you in a heartbeat because what she feels for you is "speacial"

kek, nice projecting worst korea
Stop doing heroine.

He literally trashed Russia in the same post you replied to.
>were basically Scandinavian genetically.
Ethnic Russians are Baltic Slavs with minor Northern Germanic component and sometimes Finnic one. They are not Nords
If you think that MENA subhumans are not degenerate, I advise you pay them a visit

Global quest of humanity is to exterminate non-Europeans
Russian women are gloryhunters. If you have money you have them.

I'm going with Icelandic women
There goes their "Eastern European pure maidens" fantasy.
If you count early European stock genetics then yes they are basically Scandinavian, especially in Ukraine.

If you're talking in the last 2000 years, so phenotypes, then you're correct.
>browning up the only remaining white landmass in Europe
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You're either a shill or an autistic 12 year old
If these existed, we wouldn't have a species. Women are meant only to be inseminated as frequently as possible by the most >>>/fit/ males. Purity and especially loyalty have nothing to do with them.

rural girls in my experience are the most shitty granted iv'e delt with them more than city ones, one of my friends had a fucking nice job, petrol engineer, was pretty much a chad, dated this bitch 3 years out of college, and she was fucking around with a mexican convict while he was working off, now she is a single mother
>You countersignal my autistic screeching therefore I am going to call you 12 or a nigger.

Nice low iq point you dumb ape.
Ukraine (West aside) is a sewage of Slavic, Jew, Crimean Tatar and Armenian mongrel. Visit it. They are dark slant eyed subhumans
So women are shit everywhere?

(for your own good, stay far away from spaniard females)
>Such marriages often attract the worst women anyway
Truth. Every man should keep that in mind. Whenever you decide to race-mix with a woman you think is pure, just remember that she is a race-mixer and that you are the turn she's denigrating her people for and should be ashamed.
In some areas.

The one village I went through I literally saw only two non blonde people.
I try not to think about it.
>Sounds fun
>muh anectodal lie > genetic research
>Eastern European women
>Compassionate, loyal, and smart

Yea most have decent street smarts but you are kidding yourself if you think a majority of them aren't vapid whores. They will see your western wallet when you land in their country and will use you as a fast track plane ticket to the US or W. Europe then drop you. They know they are white and pretty. They use that to rob beta men. While the men have it coming for being cucks, they are helpless because of their nature and upbringing because of cuck propaganda. Taking advantage of this makes these women terrible people. Gold diggers the lot of them.
never liked bear nipple so much
A lot of Belorussians migrated into Ukraine, you might have seen one of those villages. Most Ukrainians are brown/dark haired because of Jewish admixture.
This guy is clearly in it for the Shekels ignore him
>largest amount of mudslimes in "EU"
>white ethno state

Placer County, CA, about 20 miles northeast of Sacramento, is home to a huge Russian and Ukrainian community. Also the most conservative county in the state. Weathers awesome. Jobs everywhere. NIggers are close though... Sacramento is too close for comfort.
Can confirm, a close friend's brother married a russian girl he met online, then moved out of his parents house with her (his folks were helping him with the rent until she'd get a job, they're well off), not only was she not working after moving in from Russia nor actively looking for work, she apparently ran from putin ilegally and had to be deported.

I don't believe I have ever met a Armenian. How do I find qt blonde white armenian girl to raise 8 baby with on property innawoods?
>A girl sucking random cock at the bar protecting her purity KEK

No hymen no ring.
I really doubt icelandic women meet the /pol/ ideal...
> coalburner deprived of coal is a good thing

oh boy... i smell a beta about to get cucked
Probably Japanese
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