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Are liberals able to make any form of point without resorting

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Are liberals able to make any form of point without resorting to entertainment to push it?
Of course not how do you think they gained such a foothold in the first place
Who cares?
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>/co/ faggot
>I was excited about watching Wonder woman
>my social media got flooded all over by feminist shit
>stayed home instead
Moral of the story: Capeshit is trash
Putin would Nuke her pussy until it detaches like Crimea.
I don't get it.
Where's the joke?
They're so desperate that they wish for Wonder Woman (because god knows they don't have a single real man).
>If putin did have information on the president why would he give it to Megan Kelly

Do they think that you are not allowed to lie to the press?

Especially foreign Press?

Jesus fucking christ these childlike midget-minds.
>"Our president"

Wonder Woman isn't American.
I think they're suggesting that U.S.A. intelligence agencies should kidnap Putin and keep him bound and restrained until he answers "yes"
Fantasy to answer a fantasy = proof for leftards.
What is even the point of this? It it supposed to be funny without any punchline? It reminds me of that autistic "*grabs him by the throat* back off?!?!?!" shit, or whatever it is.
Watch Pirates of the Caribbean instead. The villain is the best type of villain, the one that did nothing wrong
>Our President
>Wonder Woman is Greek
>GA is a hardcore leftist
>Hal is being a retard
>Flash is being the voice of reason

Everything seems about right.
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>Thinks there's an actual difference from liberals and conservatives
Keep dancing monkey
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Wonder Woman Interviews Comey: "Yes or no: Do you have covering up compromising information on Shillary Clinton?"
>Do they think that you are not allowed to lie to the press?

Well yeah. Remember, they were the only ones allowed to read the Podesta Emails. They have a lot of authority.
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Their entire world view comes from shitty pop culture so I doubt it.
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If Putin was to say shit about Trump, why would Americans believe a fucking word he says anyway? He wouldn't be saying it out of his good heart, for ethical reasons.

WW used to incarnate ideals to strive for, it would be great if she could stay this way.
so they are now in favour of water boarding and torture to get information?
>it's not true unless we agree with it

Not much of a difference when it comes to the politicians, but the people are very different.
That would be a declaration of war.
If women read comics they would know the Justice League are under an oath that makes them not give a fuck about human on human bullshit like politics.
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Liberals having a valid point would be a surprise on its own.
Her lasso makes people tell the truth.
> Is the fact, that Trump is best human being on this planet compromising?
>Ναι ή Όχι: Έχετε συμβιβαστιkές πληροφορίες για τον πρόεδρό μας?
>Чтo гoвopит этa cyкa? Oхpaнники, вы мoжeтe пoзвoнить в Гepмaнию? Им нyжнo зaбpaть cвoю пьянyю шлюхy, пpeждe чeм я cнoвa oтключy cвoй гaз
how the meeting would go
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New ebig reaction face
No wonder woman's lasso makes you tell the truth.
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> aмepикaнcкий
> cкий
I think the name "Wonder Woman" implies she is female.
>our president

Motherfucker, Wonder Woman comes from a secluded Hellenistic society with a direct line to the Greek Gods. She's not a fucking American. Jesus fuck...
>no punchline or payoff

so this is the power of American liberal comedy... woah
Translation for western spy pls
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Longing for simpler times. Better times.
someone pls translate
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Wonder Slut BTFO
The lasso isn't a torture device. They're just stupid and wish they had a magic means of confirming their bias.
Thank you based liberators
That's actually interesting. Have you ever wondered why is that? I think it's because every nation needs some kind of mythology, that it not necessarily believes in, but that is there and unites them. USA has no mythology, nor does it have culture, so it tries to create them artificially. The results are pathetic IMO, but who am I to udge
Johnny Depp said on his Twitter that he didn't want Trump voters to see the new pirates

It's not even comedy. I think they are just using the medium to express impotent rage.
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I love the fact that Cap grew up in WW2 when the us was still segregated but now he's some sort of multicultural lover
Putin: No.
The Media: Wonder Woman confirmed Russian agent.
>Johnny Depp said on his Twitter
>didn't want Trump voters

Why do they do this to their own films? Just shut the fuck up and take money, goy.
~Le future is female~
~So based, wonder woman, the hero we need!!!!!~
~Jewish actress praise Israel attacks on Palestine~
~Le hero for the little guy and girl, for justice and truth, against the ebil militaristic man... no nationalism for u goy!!!~
> Damn it!
> comrade Drystenko, if you ran into a ravine, I'll fucking shoot you, again
> I'll take a look around
> who are you?
> I'm Wonder Woman
> *soviet rape face* WONDER! WOMAN!
Putin BTFO!!
Guess on which side Wonder woman is?
You americans retards put T-28 Soviet tank of the early 30s as WWI German tank. The rest need no translation. Except one:
-Who are you?
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>Longing for simpler times. Better times.

>Go Haxyy amepikah whore whore

>our president
It took 4.5 months for liberals to accept Trump as their president. Slow progress, but it's something.
I don't get it tho. Does wunter bitch have some superpower that makes her able to tell lie from truth?
He did take the money. Lots of it. Like 125 million shekels worth + 25% royalties. And now hes dead broke. Agents just auctioned of 3 of his houses

He got cucked by a toll payer and bought her 3 paintings for 900k each for her birthday. His agents are suing him, he has defaulted on his loans.
It sucks that later a mysterious assassin put powdered kryptonite in her drink.
Press F
No your country is.
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>not using your space-time machine to go back and fuck your arch enemies mother
any other use would be a waste
Really? I can't find It. Source?
go fuck yourself american whore.

It wasn't that hard, was it?
Calm it down Sputnik, we get you're bloodthirsty and have glorious tank army
Go on dick american slut blyat
It was the one that accused him of rape?
Big talk for a latvian, I bet I could even outsquat you
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Funny that you say this while the thread is still up
> Sputnik
I'm not a satellite, m8
That's the last thing liberals would want, because all it would do is blow their talking points out of the water.
>I bet I could even outsquat you

daym bro

Are you going to let him say that, Latvian bro?
Yeah, change the last two letters to "aя" and it's the bomb.
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I identify myself as a medium tank and i got offended by tankophobic poster of this shit movie.
At least the acknowledge trump is the president now after 4 months.
He's a potato bitch
Essentially the Ireland of Slav countries
He won't do shit
Well, it was only a matter of time that this movie (decent, not great) would inspire shitting New Yorker comics
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Wonder Woman is sitting right there
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>Are liberals able to make any form of point without resorting to entertainment to push it?
Well since most of their "facts" are fiction anyways, why not prove your point with pop culture fiction.
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>mongol runes
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>Бypгep пocтит Cтapикoвa

Чтo зa вpeмя, чтoбы быть живым
My lasso can compel people to tell the truth, but it cannot stop mansplaining

so they add no punchline and have putin standing his ground unhappily vs their mary sue hero?

fucking retards
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R34 when?
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I didn't even traslate blyat or blyad, whichever was there. Missed it.
Strictly speaking, "blyat" is not even a word. Elementary school kids on the Internet are destroying the Russian language.
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Really makes you think.
whats the difference besides spelling in another language, which really has no difference besides your own personal preference?
Блядь = whore / an interjection expressing anger or surprise.
Блять = a popular incorrect spelling of "блядь".
It's like "лoжить" vs "клacть", the fact that many people use the former doesn't make it the correct choice.
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Why would they ever hire her? If I was in the shoes of the UN general secretary, I would resign and dissolve the UN right after they adopted that pulp-era dinosaur turd. Crap like this damages almost non-existent reputation of this organiztion even more then billions stolen by Kofi Annan
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>personal preference
>шлюхa блядь = whore whore
Blyat in an interjection, not a noun.
what a waste of digits by an illiterate schoolboy
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Is this something that happened in the movie? No way in hell I'm gonna watch that kike propaganda.
Tell me where I am wrong.
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BTW in the new trilogy Lucas made Palpatin true machiavellian politian and probably the only leader that tried to make out of rotten and corrupt, rinned by libtards Republic something worthy.
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mfw i still have never seen someone relate politics to metal gear
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Not going to lie best 10 min in the whole movie was the Salazar backstory. He literally dindu nuffin. Pirate scum deserved worst. He was just taking out the trash.
Heт тaкoгo cлoвa "блять".
>tfw Depp is trying to tank (((Hollywood))) from within

Think about it. Trump voters are the workers, Democancers are for the gibs. You can't swap foodstamps for movie tickets. He's sacrificing himself as seen by his auctioning of property because the Jews are wise to his plan so they need to get him back in sync with the other cogs.
Wait, wouldn't that be easiest "no" in his life?

Diana is an Amazon of Themyscira, I doubt he has anything on her mom.
However, it is used as an interjection and one is commonly separated from another.
she is lifting a soviet 30-40s middle tank T-28 on the poster

(the tank is actually like 10 times bigger than on picture)
well, he got right in MGS2 that the crowds are controled by the media and people will eat any shit you want if you're the one who has the remote control.
At least Deus Ex and Metal Gear are both SOMEWHAT grounded in reality, referencing actual historical events and wars, building a narrative around things that did happen, rather than complete fantasy that relates very little to our problems

I wouldnt even probably be here if it weren't for Metal Gear
Nah, Deus Ex maybe, but Metal Gear is as grounded as shonen battle anime.
Well, if "блять" is commonly used, then RuNet is full of illiterate dumbasses. Shameful, isn't it? It should be.
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Wonder Woman is Greek.

She should pay denbts.
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Deus Ex, more so, however Metal Gear shouldn't be discounted completely. Yeah, all the nonexistent tech and superpowered bullshit, over the top.

Though, when reading the badly written dialogue and Snake repeating everything someone would tell him, you want to make some sort of context as to what the hell theyre talking about and why its important, like DARPA, the Balkans, nuclear proliferation, the military industrial complex, globalism, all things the game touches on. Deus Ex was much better written and probably pretty close to the future were heading towards considering the advancements in bionics, creating something like artificial intelligence, and the ever bearing threat of globalization and basically corporate feudalism
so glad i learned how to read Cyrillic
No, because fantasy is the only.world in which anything they believe is real
>I was excited about watching Wonder woman
>Wanting to go see a movie about a woman
>Wanting to go see a movie about a Greek female demi-god that gets changed into a kike demi-god
>Fuck me, and I thought /co/ was hardcore about sticking to source material
Want to know how I know you're a faggot?
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....Jesus Fucking Christ.
Liberals are, very literally, mostly children and those that have not yet grown up.

Analogies to cartoons, movies, music, and VERY current trends are the only way to express any abstract (and alas, many not-so-abstract) concepts to them.

It's politically-induced autism, and not even the weaponized kind like ours, more like the staring-into-a-sno-globe-for-eighteen-hours-at-a-stretch kind.
>Character based off Robin Hood, even his antics we're pilfered from the old tale
>Likes niggers and is an SJW instead of hating shitskins and thinking women belong in the kitchen
DC has fallen so far since the silver age
is this entertainment?

>America can capture and interrogate leaders of foreign countries because we're the "good" goy-er guys.
The US was segregated by force of law, dipshit. Laws are there to force people to not do things that they want to do like treat eachother as individuals and associate freely. Contrary to your apparent beliefs not everyone was on board with Jim Crow, which is why it was hotly contested for decades and overturned.

The only mistake we made was switching from forcing segregation to forcing association with anti discrimination laws. Should've just not made new laws and let the cards fall where they are. It would make you less bitter about minorities and the true answer clearer to see as it would be in hindsight by now. Youre right about marxists pushing their propaganda in that art form as well however.
>our President

They don't share Presidents. SHE'S NOT EVEN FROM AMERICA

Also the lasso can't stop mansplaining.
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And now she is gonna crash the space race WITH NO SURVIVORS
I went to see it smirking thinking about it, the only SIN against Drumpfies it commits is Mary Sue styled "Smart As Fuck And Also Well Spoken" female lead. Very entertaining flick otherwise.
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Step up your game senpai
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I got what you are looking for.
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>You americans
Wasn't us
To be fair I praise Israel's attacks on "Palestine"(not a real country) as well
More dead sand niggers is good no matter who does it
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One day
there is no joke, that's the thing about liberals, they aren't funny
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I'm not changing anything you sexist pigs.

Putin has compromising information on everyone worth more than a couple hundred mill.

That's not really a revelation, fampai.
I'm too lazy to archive but: https://www.buzzfeed.com/keelyflaherty/wonder-woman-tweets

I had no idea they out nigger amazonians in this
Holy shit it's worse than I thought
>Answers in Russian
>Wonder woman has no clue what the fuck he's saying
Way to put your enemy on a pedestal.
>Only a superhero can bring him to heel.
This. Because they had to show how evil the patriarchy is they forced men calling her a witch for... astronomy. Not only that, but men could study it, if women did they were witches. That's not how the witch hunt happened

Well captain shart, you and her sound like real heroes to me
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This is beyond pleb-tier
>Not enjoying dead kebab
What's it like to be a cuck if the caliphate?

>Caliphate in BR

nice try faggots, we are CRENTES for the lord in this shit
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Technically, jews are just yet another type of sand nuggets.
That shits not even clever, just using a current trend to be relevant and mah Russians

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Jon Stewart was "funny" back when his stuff was fresh and it made fun of establishment neocons. Now it's just the same shit over and over again to the point where everyone who isn't a manchild who never grew out of their Daily Show phase realizes it's a bunch of BS propaganda (IE: John Oliver fans and people who still watch Daily Show).
Deus Ex and MGS at least has some deeper thought behind it. SW and HP is just gud liberals vs bad nazis.
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