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Muslims are like Mutants from X-Men!!

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>In X-Men, angry protests calling for the expulsion of mutants from society and the rise of the far-right, and the indiscriminate attacks on mutants, owing to the slightest indication of their identity, are all examples that can be referenced to Muslims today.

>Politicians who want to use mutants as a scapegoat to seek political power, such as Senator Kelly, who proposes and implements anti-mutants acts and initiatives

>Mutants such as Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), who have suffered oppression, torture and injustice at the hands of humans, results in the formation of a “Brotherhood” of fellow mutants, all of whom are united on a single cause: to use violence and terrorism to exterminate the human kind. Groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram reflect these sentiments.

>Liberals think guns need to be registered and regulated
>Liberals think super weapons fighting against registration and regulation are the good guys
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Sentinels when?
Nigger, Muslims are shipped in by the boat loads because of "muh white man's burden 2.0" how the fuck is that like xmen?
Aren't mutants oftentimes demonstrably dangerous though?
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>Muslims are like Mutants from X-Men!!

wait.. X-men behead atheists and throw gays off tall buildings??
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Liberals actually believe this... BAKA. Marvel's Mudslime analogy are the Inhumans. The X-Men are being killed by the Inhumans' bombs (no joke, look at Death of X).

Currently the X-Men are beind beaten by editorial. The X-Men represent the death of the Western/White society. It's time for us to adopt Magneto as out mascot.

>Superior Race
>BTFOs Shithumans/Mudslimes
>Nuclear Family
>Western Values

Magneto is the ultimate redpill.
i always sided with magneto against that crippled cuck
Really? Every comic book shitlib I ever knew was "Pro-Registration" when Civil Wars was in print. It helped me develop an innate sense of distrust for them over a decade ago.
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Yeah except they all have the same super power; self-destruct
Muslims choose to be Muslims
Mutants don't choose to be mutants

What kind of stupid logic is this?

That being said, of mutants were real the humans would be wise to do everything to crush them less they go extinct.
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It's the only logical option anon. Mutants are the obvious Superior Race, it's a fact. With Magneto's rule, both Genosha, Asteroid M & House of M were perfectly stable.

People get hanged up on the Jew part, but Magneto is literally /ourguy/. I've been saying for a while now that we should adopt him (and Doctor Doom) as our mascots. It'll drive the libtards crazy, plus it makes sense.

If you want more evidence that Magneto was right, the X-Men eventually sided with him, and after a while Cyclops became even more radical.

The X-Men are literally the perfect analogy for the death of the Western values by the Mudslimes right now.
>X-Men represent Muslims
>X-Men represent gays
>X-Men represent nerds
>X-Men represent whateverminoritypopulationhere
Never heard this argument before.
actually i self inserted as magneto shitting on westerners for unjustly inflicting misery on me and my people
fuck your western valeus you greek piece of shit you have middle eastern values
you identify with the west out of sheer butthurt
you're a self hating mutant
Isn't it (((magneto))) thou?
>With Magneto's rule, both Genosha, Asteroid M & House of M were perfectly stable.

yeah thats why they all utterly collapsed and his (then) daughter pretty much ended 99.9% of "mutantcy"
>People get hanged up on the Jew part, but Magneto is literally /ourguy/
Of course. Dude gets out of a concentration camp and the only problem he sees with it is that it wasn't him running the show. He's kike Hitler.
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Magneto doesn't care about your way of life though. In every case where he ruled the world/a nation, he always put Western values in place.

But expecting you to have read the source material is a bit too much to ask for, I know.
He doesn't identify as one though. Peopel know he's a Jew only from the movies. It's rarely brought up in the films. He's a Mutant, first and foremost. He's a massive supporter of the Superior Race.
you either have only watched the old cartoon and never read the comics or you only ever read the comics for the brief time in which extinction agenda was going on or similar story lines

most of the time there is no human vs mutant shit going on. hell half the fucking time its not even related to shit from this world. humans arent even a after thought in a large portion of the story lines
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Dont worry Folks, i know just the guy for this problem
Pretty much. Magneto has been taken over by the Left, when he's literally ours. It's Xavier who's the libcuck who goes around with his "peace and tolerance". Even Cyclops had enough, BTFOd him, took Emma Frost and joined Magneto.
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Instead of using facts to explain why Muslims should live here, they use children's comic books to support their argument
Fucking Normies and their "literall me" shit. The X-Men have some of the most convulted canons out there. Celestials, Eternals, Deviants, Shithumans, Time-Travel. The minority shit became a meme only cause of the Singer flicks.

If anything, the X-Men represent the Superior Race being overrun by the weaker race and them being too beta to act.
>Celestials, Eternals, Deviants, Shithumans, Time-Travel.
that isnt "x-men" shit, but general marvel universe shit

> The minority shit became a meme only cause of the Singer flicks.
no. since the 70s x-men were a stand-in for anything that didnt fit within normative society
>>Mutants such as Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), who have suffered oppression, torture and injustice at the hands of humans, results in the formation of a “Brotherhood” of fellow mutants, all of whom are united on a single cause: to use violence and terrorism to exterminate the human kind. Groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram reflect these sentiments.
Except the X-Men daughter against magneto and the brotherhood because the daughter peace between mutants and human. They never once stood by silent letting their own people murder innocent lives.
This doesn't represent Muslims at all. There might have been a time when it represented blacks but it doesn't even correlate with this day and time.
Genosha was destroyed by Cassandra Nova.
Asteroid M was destroyed by inner rebels.
House of M collapsed 'cause of PIS (Layala Miller). It's not really Erik's fault that both of his twins are fucking scum. Thank God for Lorna.
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I thought I found another /co/mrade until I saw you pic and red the following.
>Magneto is the ultimate redpill.

Pic related. About the only thing magneto was right about.
Eh, not really. Mutants are canonically a Celestial experiment. Cable, Stryfe, Phoenix, Evolutionaries, Shi'Ar, all that jazz are completely X-Centric.

As for the analogy, it first became a thing with "God Loves, Man Kills". But throughout the 80s, it was only a small part. By the 90s it was nonexistant. When the 2000s rolled around, Morrison went all transhumanism with them.

The X-Men = Literally Minorities Meme came from the movies, and Singerfag's Iceman "have you tried not being one" scene.
Normies don't care about the source material anon. They had a petition for Wonder Woman to wear a hijab a while ago.
>cassandra nova
16M mutants of varying powers couldnt stop a single big ass sentinel. The same that the Astonishing X-men stopped with just a 5-person team. That doesnt sound like a very stable state.

>Inner rebels
exactly. it was sustainable

>House of M
It collapsed because reality was fighting back against. And it caused part of the damage to the multiverse that later ended up with the incursions.

There is a Marvel U-muslim analogy tho, and i don't know why you dont know about it.

The Skrulls. Even the whole event "Secret Invasion" was a blatant allegory for muslim terror in the west
>Cyclops became even more radical.

That's bullshit.
First off some mutants would have to blow up humans for not being mutants also rape the human women. Then most mutants will need to support this.

Then the mainstream will have to defend them
Magneto might be like a Muslim he is a supremisist. He needs to rape more the xmen need to quietly support him and the media should loudly support him.
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Yup, standard libtard arguing.
I am a /co/mrade anon. But Magneto is technically right depending on where you sit. Mutants are the Superior Race, that's a fact. Xavier managed to do nothing other than bend and bend for the human inferiors. Magneto actually got shit done.

They never let him have his own country. They always sabotazed him. They always got in his way. Ult!Mags was a fucking lunatic, but 616!Mags made some good points.

Basically, you're either a Jedi/Xavier "calm yourself and through love everything will be fixed... eventually" or you're a Sith/Magneto/Doom "take the reigns and act" person. Granted, we are talking about fake worlds, but you get the point.
>people think Trask wasn'T right
>implying filthy sandmuties don'T need a kill on sight order
Fuck muties and Fuck OP
Actually, the X-Men are Jews.

To self-hating Jew Stanley Leibowitz, the Zionists of the Jewish Defense League were the bad guys, not the niggers who regularly robbed amd murdered Jews in American cities. Magneto is an unflattering caricature of Meir Kahane.
>Mutants are canonically a Celestial experiment.
This was only retconned to be so later. Celestial stuff was mostly FF fodder.

X-men always were meant to represent the non-normative. This doesnt necessarily mean minorities, but anything that is considered outside the accepted social norm. Hippies, integrated blacks, etc in the 70s. In modern times, that is mostly immigrants because in the US they are encouraged to not integrate and keep their own costumes, language, etc.
Those were literal normies though. I doubt they had any useful powers or knew how to use them. The X-Men were trained since their teens.

>Asteroid M
I'll give you that

But that's literally Plot. Reality-Warping doesn't really exist. As a society though, it was stable. New discoveries were being made, war didn't exist. Everything was clean and tidy. It was a utopia. Granted, you still had the other chapters looking to userp the throne, but you get my point.

Eh, maybe. But the Skrulls got BTFOd in the end, so dunno if they could pull that card. The current shithumans are a literal analogy though. It's pretty much spelled out in Secret Empire. What with Sam Wilson helping them illegally cross the border and all.
Fine, he was a fake radical, but he went toe to toe with the Avengers and told SHIELD to GTFO. He started giving no shits. And they killed him. Rightclops is the true hero.
Retcon or not, it's canon. Besides, even without that, the X-Men was always a sci-fi book at heart.

Eh, they represented the outcast as much as Spider-Man did. They appealed to the nerdy kids who just weren't popular. Currently, with editorial and all, they make more sense as the alegory of a dying society which is constantly attacked by the "good group".
Trask was right
Magneto was right

Depending on which side of mutants you were born on
Before they blew up shit up or morphed into their super-skrull shape, they would literally say "He loves you" in a calm, beatific way.

And they are called religious extremists by """""moderate skrulls""""" (who have also advocated for the invasion of planet earth in other situations).
Exactly. If you are a human, you need to protect yourself from the walking WMDs. If you are a mutant, you are literally Superior (well, mostly). It depends on who you are.
Mutants are not the superior race. Their powers are unpredictable and often times the mutant themselves cannot control. Good luck trying to govern or for even a group of wildly powerful and unpredictable being to coexist while also being extremely different from one another.
They still got BTFOd though, so dunno how they could spin it and make them "sympathetic". I swear to God, if I see a story with them supporting Skrulls I'll cancel everry single Marvel book I'm getting (they're like, 3, but still).
That's why Magneto was always gunning for the stable and powerful ones. He was literally Hitler: Mutant Eugenics Edition
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