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Eric Clanton lecturing on alternatives to prison https://ww

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Eric Clanton lecturing on alternatives to prison


>that gay ass voice

guess he is going to experience the prison system first hand
Is he straight?
there wont be an alternative for him
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post yfw he inevitably commits suicide
I watched 2 minutes of it and he is by far the worst speaker I have ever seen. That includes speeches by the mentally handiabbled

Also he makes a shit ton of assertions without explaining the reasoning behind the thought.

Guy is a mental midget
According to his dating profile he is, or was before the entire cell clock nutted in his colon.
I don't know but when he gets out he won't be
this is worse than those class presentations you'd cringe at because the kid was nervous or unprepared. this comes off exactly like that. guy is a TERRIBLE speaker, let alone teacher.
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Clicking remove was my favorite part.
You think he'll be raped gay? I cpuld see the opposite. Getting out and rampage killing men who stick their dicks in other men.
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>he makes a shit ton of assertions without explaining the reasoning behind the thought.
That's mandatory antifa/SJW behavior
>why anon?
>HE JUST IS!!!!1111!!!
I pity the junior college fucks who had to sit through this retard's bullshit.
He's fucked. He will literally be torn apart in prison. Also for those of you saying he's gonna commit suicide, if he doesn't complete it then they're definitely gonna fuck the shit out of him even harder.
Those kids probably bought into his bullshit though. I doubt people would take his class if they had the option, and if they wanted an easy A they could just bullshit some papers for him and not attend class.
You know what's funny?

He probably got PTSD from the Sacramento thingy where they tried to attack actual Neo-Nazis and ended up with several stabbed, then he later when all BASH THE FASH without realizing that they weren't the same actual Neo-Nazis.
im surprised liberals arent more open about wanting prisons abolished
Has several anti-fascist tattoos, no dude, he's going to live in his cell 23 hours a day.
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This is nothing more than a sheltered delusional college baby
I doubt he has ever done any physical labor in his life

I am surprised he does not piss himself while he speaks the way his nerves are.

People pay for this ?
he might not be raped, but prison in CA is racist as fuck, you're only allowed to talk and sit with your own race, and if someone happens between races you're expected to fight for your race, like you don't watch 2 black guys beat up a white guy, or you get beat later. pretty sure he'll come out a pure racist.
When you are a liberal and you can't argue the facts, you resort to calling people fascist or racist.
Junior college kids just want general ed credits.
For the most part.
Classes are over full and they take what they can get.

He is horrible absolutely horrible... I've heard and held student presentations that were leagues above this mumbling.
Just as a reminder for those who are not familiar with Eric Clanton's sneaky aggressive attacks on peaceful citizens.
Eric Clanton in action at 0:15 sec his face covered with black mask, he is hitting guy in red shirt with metal U-shaped bike lock.

For those who will try to support Eric and try help him to avoid being judged and sentenced to few years in prison for his attacks with metal bike lock, (remember that Eric Clanton did this few times before to others)
there is a huge difference when you throw few fist punches at opposite site protestors but when you use hard metal objects like U-shaped bike lock and hit others over their head from a sneaky sucker punch like attack
and they have no chance to see you so they can protect themselves from your attack that deserves very serious prison sentence,minimum 10 years in prison with no parole for so called good behavior.

Trump supporter smashed in the head with U-Lock by masked Antifa Thug in Berkeley.
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Damnit, he's going to enjoy prison. Not fair.
student ratings at
He's a piece of shit, but youre retarded if you think someone has a right to know a head of time that they'll be attacked. Sneak attacks are effective. There are no rules in violence.
Eric Clanton in action attacking another person, that guy was lucky that he was wearing head protection otherwise he might be dead from Eric's brutal hit to the head with metal bike lock.
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>Nazi gangs won't protect him because "muh bashed the fash" and Antifa tattoo
>No other gangs will protect him because white and physically worthless beyond fleshlight that cries and screams
>Prison guards won't protect him because he literally campaigned to put them out of a job and Antifas insistence on turning police against them
>Literally only chance of survival is to become prison snitch and exchange intel for safety with guards
>His own "comrades" have already found out he's working with "muh pigs" and are pissed off
>ratted out for being rat
>own lawyer basically says he's a domestic terrorist: https://youtu.be/zCNMNndqD4c
How the fuck did he get his job?
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>How the fuck did he get his job?
Here's a thought
Huehue a commie goes to jail to get butt fucked.
It's a good day after all.
>want to be an anarchist
>experience anarchy in prison
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>but youre retarded if you think someone has a right to know a head of time that they'll be attacked. Sneak attacks are effective. There are no rules in violence.
That's why I said this:
>there is a huge difference when you throw few fist punches at opposite site protestors but when you use hard metal objects like U-shaped bike lock and hit others over their head
Eric can not hide behind reasoning or be helped by his lawyer that Eric was acting in a moments impulse during the protest, no Eric Clanton was prepared for those sneaky attacks on unsuspecting people,
and Eric Clanton attended those events planning to attack others with metal object.
It's called premeditation to hurt to inflict bodily harm.
Why you are taking bike lock with you, bike locks meant to be put on a bike to prevent from being stolen, only if you are planing to use them as a weapon only then you will carry a metal bike lock with you.
And Eric Clanton did just that, Eric Clanton was planing to hurt other protestors with his metal bike lock.

And because of that Eric Clanton is a very dangerous puke and must be sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison.
giving the right dudes blowjobs and handjobs, just like the only way he'll survive prison
He really ought to get the rope instead and hang for all of Berkeley to see.
Communism is not an option fellas

What happened to his "bike?" My guess is that if he didn't have a bike to lock up, that would be additional evidence of evil intent.

Antifa in prison. Fucking great. The only one they can turn to for protection is the white brotherhood ahhaha. Get raped by niggers antifa.
>Is he straight?
not for long
>What happened to his "bike?" My guess is that if he didn't have a bike to lock up, that would be additional evidence of evil intent.
Exactly, he come with his bike lock to hurt people, it was premeditated it was planned it was intended by Eric Clanton to inflict severe damage to the heads of those who's opinions were different from the opinions Eric Clanton had.
He won't get out. Even if he snitches on all his antifa buddies he won't get less than 10 years total for all his charges. In those 10 years he will get zero protection from anyone since all the guards are redpilled, the blacks will see him as nothing more than pussy, and the whites will never accept an antifa like that. I can picture the whites striking a temporary ceasefire with the blacks by offering him up to them as a pussy tribute
>no honour

Checks out. Good show, Tyrone.
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>>that gay ass voice

Reminds me of every single male voice on every single political political podcast that you can choose from on Spotify. I went through every single one and every host(s) had this voice, except for the one that was for neocons which was Bill Kristol and some other jew. Couldn't believe how all 20-25 political podcasts Spotify hosts are liberal. The gay lisps on every cast was the cherry on top though.
It makes whatever they have to say instantly sound stupid
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Welcome to 90% of the humanities department. I hate it here.
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I looked up "Restorative Justice" and it's basically a system of justice for people who place no value on their freedom and therefore don't consider incarceration to be a punishment. Basically the sorts of low agency types for whom comfy captivity is better than difficult freedom.

Sounds like it was thought up with niggers in mind. Since most of them are parented by institutions from birth they place little value on independence and so prison isn't an effective deterrent.
So under Eric's twisted logic, he was performing restorative justice on people whose crimes consisted of not agreeing with him.

What a guy
To Eric Clanton's FATHER.
Just like to say few words to Eric Michael Clanton's father who was seen in the pictures attending court procedures.
If you as a father are going to protect your scumbag son if you are going to provide him with finances for the lawyer to save his ass from going to prison, then you Sir are the same piece of shit as your cunt son is.

It would be better that you ejaculated on the carpet instead into your wife pussy, it would be better if she aborted him if you are going to support him and help him to get Off Free from those charges.
As a father it hurts you to see your son being charged and facing serious prison time, but as a human think really hard what kind of person your scumbag son really is.

If it was your son the guy in the red shirt in this photo bleeding after being struck in the head by metal bike lock you would seek justice for your son and punishment for the attacker, so don't be hypocrite now and stop providing help and protection for your worthless son.
Be a human first and let the justice prevail, be the father second Sir, or rot in Hell with your worthless son Eric.

(anons please share this text on other forums hoping that Eric's father might read this)
>provide him with finances for the lawyer
Lawyer is doing the work for free.
Probably not. Though it would be funny if he was forced to publicly apologize and pay all their medical bills. "Restorative Justice" is mostly about replacing prison with monetary restitution or apologizing.

It's a way of convincing stupid white liberals that blacks shouldn't face punishment for TNB.
You can tell he doesn't really understand what he's teaching, or hasn't done enough reading to speak authoritatively on it. He's a horrible speaker, and not very bright. Why the fuck are people paying to be taught by retards?
You're a faggot.

Is there a term for this high-pitched numale accent? The word "uptalk" comes to mind, but I don't know if that covers every aspect of it.
is that you Eric Michael Clanton?
or is this his father
Wow hes faggy.
>mentally handiabbled
this made me kek and i dont know why
>prison exists to protect the structures of capitalism

then what were gulags for?
>share this text on other forums hoping that Eric's father might read this

That's an autistic plan, do some digging and figure out his dads email

is that a professor? who dresses like that to lecture...
No, just paid ynder the table by higher ups
Do you guys think Eric Michael Clanton is safer in the prison or on the outside, free
You can tell he lacks testosterone just form the pitch of his voice alone. Does lack of testosterone lead to becoming a liberal?
snitches get stitches, fucked either way >>127583542
>Is he straight?
Either way he is coming out pretty crocked.
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>every buzzword used in the first 10 mins
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Kek like pottery
>Does lack of testosterone lead to becoming a liberal?
Yes, either that or brain damage.

Two types of leftists:
-Those with no confidence in themselves who feel they can only accomplish anything as a group. (That is why they are socialists)
-Those with literal brain damage (caused by a variety of things including antidepressants) that are basically only capable of fear and anger who are easily brainwashed into thinking that they are the victims of society and the world owes them something.

Its actually a good thing this guy is such a scrawny low-test fag or else he might have had the arm strength to actually injure or kill someone.
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The idea is not only for his father to read this (or similar texts) but also for Eric's supporters, to get into their sculls that Eric Michael Clanton is a domestic terrorist and should be charged by The Law as such.

You missed the third one
-Those who are terrified to face public censure for self destructive behavior like drug addiction or putting things in their butts.
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Made a triggering flag
I wonder if we can turn this into a hate symbol

>Death to all who stand in the way of obtaining the freedom of Pepe
Pepe is the religion of peace, plz no violent rhetoric
I'm tipping my fedora at Clanton, this is the first anarchist flag that was used in Ukraine.
Most boring speaker ever see !
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>Eric Clanton lecturing on alternatives to prison

tell it to the judge.
>Is he straight?
On his dating profile it has a bunch of buzzwords like non binary pansexual, so basically he's some kind of faggot.
That's what happens when the media puss the 'all Trump supporters are nazis' meme too hard.

It seems like a combination with you yankees losing your regional accents and then low t.

I work in the tourism industry, and yanks below 30 rarely have accents. Yanks above 30 have a variety of different accents, redneck accents from Texas and Tony Soprano accents from NYC. But the same yanks 30 and under from these places all have that high pitched numale voice and an accent where everything they say sounds like a question.
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