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Before I begin I just want to say how super happy I am to have the honour to be here to give a lecture on crime and punishment from an anarchist perspective.

Oh and by the way I'm totally not guilty of any wrongdoing, any similarities between me and that antifa chap are purely coincidental.

Now without further a-do let's begin https://youtu.be/rt49erw89cE
comfy thread
please stop talking class and listen to me talk instead https://youtu.be/rt49erw89cE
He talks like a fag too, he's going to have a great time in prison.
Guys I don't talk like a fag, I'm just super non binary gender fluid and a little nervous ok. I'm as Alpha as anyone.
my friend is an anarchist criminologist, he's super interesting to talk to
I'm actually stoked to get the chance to teach some prisoners about how violence is wrong, and should only ever be used against Nazis, I just hope they have a white board and a few pens for me to use.
Where did his bail money come from?
>white board
Damn you're right, I'm going to hit myself in the face with a bike lock as reparation to people of colour
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Vat avout mein furher teacher??? Vou did nut give of praise to our furher Adolf Hitler!! Into gas chamber Vou!!!
>tfw live in california
Fuck I hate the teachers here in college. They are lazy as fuck and never teach you anything. They expect you to read the book while they get a free paycheck.
200k, don't you have to pay 10% there?

Bail bondsman, rich relative? I know antifa didn't stump it up, because they're all losers and freaks with no prospects, maybe Soros rewarded him for being good goy.
10% is correct. He would need a non-refundable $10,000.
Pathetic. Thanks for preserving this piece of history. Dumb theoretician tests the limits of a corrupt justice system. I bet he's seething with indignation in his cell.
And his shit's all reatarded.
>keep your butthole tight
He will soon learn that black is beautiful
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I was happy this little shit was brought to justice for breaking the law but after hearing his voice drone on about "restorative justice" I don't have the words to you all how proud I am of you all for helping our boys in blue send this garbage to to the dump.
Night night professor, keep your butthole tight! (while you still can)
Fuck me. That voice. Is he gay?
Probably his dating profile said non binary or some other SJW gender thing but we all know that just means he sux dicks.
He's too unclean to be gay
Then he'll be the most popular guy in the cell block.
it was a beautiful thing, like Columbo or something, I guess he's not as smart as he thinks he is either.
he's definitely low test, probably uses Regain to grow that Anonymous goatee
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I hope someone makes some really well rendered rule 34 comics about the savage violation and utter ruination that every hole drilled into his tender frame will receive via unending troops of BBCs. Maybe with a semen inflation fetish mixed in so he's taught with black cum by the end.
The radical past of Diablo Valley Professor Eric Clanton's leftwing lawyer

Eric enters, Erica leaves
fuck I wish there was a stream for this hearing

This being socialist California, we'd have to pay for his sex change surgery
man, i'm not listening to 26 minutes of that shit. he sounds like a huge queermo
> he's not as smart as he thinks he is either.

This was the cherry on the sundae for me. How his whole world is probably falling apart. How all his moral and intellectual superiority just landed him in jail forever branded a violent criminal. I can only imagine the pure and unending torrent salt this man is producing every second. It makes my nipples so fucking hard just thinking about it. We completely ruined his life.

Great job boys.
that faggot can hardly speak. sadness.

He's such a pseudo-intellectual, my biggest happiness is that he won't get to poison any more young minds with his complete fairy tales, that'll only end them up in poverty and alienated from reality if they buy into it.
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get out of here rat
He sounds like the class stoner that drops out after the first exam which he failed. Then he just hangs around the university selling weed and refusing to grow up.
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Dan Siegel
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>mfw his little stunt made him feel alpha for a few minutes and then completely ruined his life

>mfw all the people he thought were his allies would turn on him if this successful >>127581215
With Jews
You Lose.
did he really snitch?
"His class can be very confusing and kind of boring. I had difficulty understanding what we were even talking about, but if you try really hard to pay attention and take notes, you should be okay. "
"Professor Clanton ensures that not only can one understand the original intent of the theorists and present-day influences they have a part of, he also brings incredible additions to the field of discourse that are invaluable to determining how we might evolve ourselves and have a tangible impact in our vision of life and all of it's subtle tones. "

"A new professor at DVC, Clanton offers a younger take on Philosophy that is both appreciated and valued. A knowledgeable and inspirational professor. "

I bet he wrote these himself
dunno, that poster looks parody, look at logos on bottom. It would be great if he did though, maybe shine some light on that demon Soros in the process
some of those RMP comments are brilliant
I can't believe he's really allowed to lecture, his board writing is weak, his presentation and verbal skills are very weak. He just exudes weakness and amateurishness.
>I bet he wrote these himself

no doubt, sneaky rat that he is
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HAHAHA I hope he did
Yeah FBIanon confirmed, he didn't do the interrogation himself but apparently he was told Clanton cried and possibly ratted out a few higher ups of BAMN tied to NAMBLA that have CP collection.

Clanton's looking at life imprisoned in a world ran by actual nightmares. Apparently took less than 10 minutes for him to snitch. Just look at him in that lecture video and imagine him in a holding jail with hardened criminals, of course he snitched.
>imagine him in a holding jail with hardened criminals
I do so with great pleasure
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poor little white boi with a lisp will not fair well in one of the harshest prisons in the world
>the field of discourse
I want to brain him with a bike-lock

Think he will join the Aryan brotherhood for protection from the Nigs and Spics? He's about to get a really informative lesson in race relations. Its gonna be really different from the usual "day of action" type deals he has attended on college campuses.
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>possibly ratted out a few higher ups of BAMN
please let this be true

Of course we know it will never reach the highest ups.
>Clanton's looking at life imprisoned in a world ran by actual nightmares
Meant to write 'actual nazis' but had the word nightmare in my mind thinking about him in there with the AB, sentence turned out better with the mistake
It is interesting how this shit tier teachers got their degree in (((western))) education
A glimpse into his near future
When can we know his sentence? Not familiar with law

Now that I think about, they probably won't take him.

Let the nigger lover hang with his friends. I'm sure the Crips need a new bottom bitch white boi.
>That night, Donaldson was lured into a cell by a prisoner who claimed that he and his friends wanted to 'discuss pacifism' with him in their cells.
>discuss pacifism
New meme, boys!

Eric is just a pothead. Notice how he can't stand still for even a moment, that is a sign of brain damage by cannabis.

There is gonna be a trial, but he would be better off taking a plea deal. The idiot didn't get rid of the evidence, so the police of the bikelock, the sunglasses, clothes and backpack that /pol/ was obsessing over these last few months. They also seized numerous circumstantial evidence tying him to Antifa and Anarchy movements, as well as fucking selfies of him dressed up in his mask the day of the attack.

The dude literally believed he had done nothing wrong. Its the only excuse for such idiocy, especially since it was clear people had figured out who he was pretty quick.

If he takes a plea deal, he'll probably serve 4 years in Prison and be eligible for parole in 2 years, and a 40,000 dollar fine (10k for each count).

If he takes this to trial, he could be facing 16 years instead.
I thought professor was a protected title.
That guy doesn't even remotely compare to any professor I know.
He was never a real professor. More like a lecturer.
He'd probably just get community service here.
What is he being charged with?

Community service is impossible.


Its a 4 count felony indictment, Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Caveated with "Causing Great Bodily Injury". He was arrested by the Police Homicide unit. Pretty much tells you how much shit he's in by that alone.

They also tacked on a misdemeanor for wearing a mask in the commission of a crime.

No way he does not spend at least a couple years in State Prison.

OAKLAND —- A former Diablo Valley College professor accused of assaulting several people with a heavy bike lock at a pro-Trump rally last month in Berkeley pleaded not guilty Friday afternoon to felony charges.

Eric Clanton, 28, was charged with four counts of felony assault with enhancements alleging that he caused great bodily injury. He also was charged with wearing a mask during commission of a crime, a misdemeanor.

Clanton has been in jail in lieu of $200,000 bail since his arrest Wednesday in connection with the April incident, which occurred during protests at Civic Center Park on Martin Luther King Jr. Way.

During Clanton’s arraignment at Oakland’s Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse, the courtroom was crowded with media and protesters. At the start, Judge Thomas Nixon announced that the court had learned someone was live-streaming the proceedings over the internet. Nixon warned the courtroom would be cleared if he could confirm that.

Clanton’s attorney, Dan Siegel, told the judge he was being followed, and that he and his client had received threats.
In a statement Thursday, police acknowledged that a video of the incident, shot by onlookers and posted on social media, helped them identify Clanton as the suspect behind “several violent assaults” during the April 15 demonstration at Civic Center Park.

Police confirmed Clanton can be seen in videos hitting people in the head with a U-shaped bicycle lock; three of them sustained “significant injuries,” police said.

Homicide detectives handled the investigation because of the seriousness of the assaults, police said. Clanton was taken into custody without incident Wednesday at an unspecified Oakland location; investigators also had a warrant for an unspecified San Leandro address. During a search at the Oakland address, detectives recovered evidence associating Clanton with anti-Fascist and anarchist political groups.

Clanton was arrested in January 2014 during a protest on Highway 24 in Oakland, according to court documents.

A former DVC staff directory on its web page said Clanton has worked at the school since 2015, teaching an “introduction to philosophy with a background in teaching ethics, critical thinking and comparative philosophy East/West” with “primary research interests” of ethics and politics. Although he taught part time at DVC in the past, he was not employed there this semester, DVC officials said.

So is he in jail or is he getting out or what?
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Peterson was right, this cuck can't compete in a normal dominance hierarchy. Physical cringe.
>I thought professor was a protected title.
Please... This is Murica.
The niggers are gonna rape eric clantons anus
out on bail, has more hearings and shit until sentencing. Ratting out as many of his "comrades" as he can to avoid a life setence apparently. He's pretty well connected with the recruiting organizers, apparently some of which are drug dealers and some that have cp and shit so there's a lot of panic going on inside BAMN and antifa right now, according to FBIanon
>Police confirmed Clanton can be seen in videos hitting people in the head with a U-shaped bicycle lock; three of them sustained “significant injuries,” police said.

He's a serial attempted murderer. I wonder if he's on suicide watch, he's facing long term prison as an absolute fag cuck weakling cowardly attacker.
from the article
The injuries to Donaldson's rectum were so severe that they required surgery, and he had to spend a week in the Washington D.C. Veterans' Hospital.[25] He later said: "The government sewed up the tears in my rectum which the government occasioned."
He doesn't even deserve to be called that. Couldn't listen to more than a minute of that bullshit.
Does the US not have an overlapping institute monitoring the quality of education? Or are we talking about some meme-tier community college thing?
exactly, going the old male feminist/SJW route to try and get under the radar and under a skirt.
Antifa had a fundraiser for him they would suck you dick for any donations
Top larp
He got bonded out
I reckon he was on a free one off, he made out it was his first time, and I can't imagine that warranted a 2nd, he's not suited to lecture at all, he's probably a menial in the college and brown noses liberal staff to try and get favour and influence.
Well I am not joking. I fully understand why the US charges him with that and I agree.
But he would really get off easy here.
Clanton was a student assistant at San Francisco State University in 2013, according to the SF State paper, Golden Gate Xpress. He worked at the college as a graduate teaching assistant until 2015. Clanton began teaching at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill in 2015, though he was not active this semester. According to Transparent California, Clanton taught philosophy for the Contra Costa Community College District in 2015 and 2016, and was paid as a lecturer last year by California State University.

“His work in political philosophy … centers on mass incarceration and the prison system,” his Diablo Valley faculty page entry read, though it has since been taken down. “He is currently exploring restorative justice from an anti-authoritarian perspective.” According to his brief DVC bio, he taught an intro philosophy course that included instruction in “ethics, critical thinking, and comparative philosophy.” Clanton listed “ethics and politics” as his main research interests.

Who paid the $200k?

>Clanton is pleading not guilty
after he is sentenced. He's been charged, but the actual trial won't start until July-ish. I would guess he's already out on bail for the time being.
If he's not pleading guilty, then there's no plea deal right? And judging that idiot lawyer of his, he's not going to be advised to plead guilty either.
Going to be a nice trial.
I hope he runs.
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On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees,
swarm around Erika.
For her heart is full of sweetness,
a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.

Back at home, there lives a little maiden
and she's called Erika.
That girl is my faithful little darling
and my joy, Erika!
When the heather blooms in a reddish purple,
I sing her this song in greeting.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.

In my room, there also blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Already In the grey of dawn, as it does at dusk,
It looks at me, Erika!
And it is as if it spoke aloud:
"Are you thinking of your fiancée?"
Back at home, a maiden weeps for you
and she's called Erika.
Forgot to stomp foot
Can someone make a video with a compilation of prison yard violence, the brutal prison gangs, Eric bitching about how racist prison is in ths lecture, and this track: https://youtu.be/4NZdggNUvq0

Post it in r/anarchism enough times and he will see it
>“His work in political philosophy … centers on mass incarceration and the prison system,”

I suppose some first hand empirical research into incarceration and the prisons system can only help mr. Clantons academic career.
The tone and diction of the two seems similar. It's especially hard to imagine a student writing the second one.
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Good morning Mr. Clanton.

I wanted to wish you the best of luck on your next court appearance. Also to encourage you to be early and don't even think about not showing up. That would have VERY BAD consequences for you. I know that for sure. Good night sweet prince.

And remember...

...I'm watching
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who the hell is this fbianon? why does he handle all the /pol/ sensitive cases?
can he be trusted? i want to believe

is he really out? after his arraignment his lawyer said he would try to get him out ("perhaps even today") and that bail was set at 100k. Did he really get out in the mean time?
he was being held at santa rita prison. looks like a really shitty place to be

>Does the US not have an overlapping institute monitoring the quality of education
Sure they do: The Department of Education governmental body. Responsible for such curriculums as common core.
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This cunt is no anarchist. He's commie scum
and a terrorist
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This shit is really why I love you all so much this is great and reminds me of that time Safety Squad got Pictureplane kicked out of his illegal warehouse tinderbox commie hive. Not too long ago they razed the building to the ground. He sent some absolutely delicious tweets full of high grade buttmad and in fact still tweets his lamentations for his long lost crack den. I hope the professor writes about how many times per day he gets raped on tear stained rolls of toilet paper so that we can all enjoy that one day.

I don't even know what this is about. Is that his house?
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It was an illegal venue/arts space/communist hovel that he played in frequently. Pol helped the fire department crack down on fire code violations and got ALOT of these places closed down reporting visible fire and building code violations to tip lines. It was one of the greatest salt mines I've ever seen. There was news footage of police evicting commies into the cold December streets. It was beautiful.
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>police evicting commies into the cold December streets
I presume it was also not zoned for full-time residential occupation.
Did you hear the guys voice?!
This guy is as straight as a fucking corner.

He is lucky he is not in jail because he would have to suck 20 dicks a day just to stay out of hospital.
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rofl thanks
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Oh boy you don't know the half of it. None of them were residentially zoned but the commies tried to hide their nests. They couldn't hide their illegal venues. They were all deathtraps. They had hazardous materials stored improperly. Extension cords used in a permanent manner. No fire suppression or sprinkler systems. Single points of egress. No clearly marked exits. Even inward opening doors! It made me fucking sick. Don't worry though they all received the gift of safety rather they wanted it or not.
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I hope they all got their medals for becoming safe.
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His next court appearance which will begin the trial process is on the 14th; Trump's Birthday and Flag Day.

It's pottery.
>can he be trusted?
No, it's just a faggot role playing. Only retards buy it.
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He has an Iron Front (Anti-Fascist Communist tattoo) on his left bicep.

You're damn right the Fascists won't take him.
KKK flag

seems like the larping anarchist has a larping lawyer too

need a stream for this case so bad
peg boy
1. In seafaring, a young male sailor in Her Majesty's Navy, usually of slender disposition who was designated to sit on a peg to keep his anus loose for penetration by the other sailors.

Would a bicycle lock substitute for a peg?
That was so awesome back then. A shame these threads got deleted lateron. The butthurt was incredible, seas of salt.
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Damn, I missed it.
fbianon is like 4chan, the hacker.
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We have spies on Antifa boards right? What has their reaction been to Clanton's arrest?

it's more people than even attend the school
Clanton's dating profile
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On /r/Anarchism, they said; "Maybe if more AnSynds get arrested, we could start a prison commune and protect each other."

The biggest concerns seem to be if he snitched and if 4chan will out the other 3 rioters Berkeley PD is seeking info on.
"hey Erica, stand in a Nazi salute pose bitch, for 8 hours, or you'll be rubbing my jolly ranchers on your neck tonight"
Would /pol/ accept him with open arms if he gets redpilled while in prison as his comrades betray him?
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Not sure, see Angela Davis.

Leftists may see his crimes as martyrdom.
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So how is our progress on outing those faggots?
Clanton twitter archive
>we could start a prison commune and protect each other

They just have no clue, about anything, do they?
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Eric, you think you're so smart, did you learn gay in college?
I have seen fuck all in the way of threads dedicated to that in the way we were for Eric.

Can we get anyone keeping an eye on the "handlers".
The honest follow up was something like "Not a bad idea, the Revolution will happen soon, so it's not like we'd be in prison for that long."

Their delusion knows no bounds.
You are not an anarchist. You are commie scum
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>maybe Soros rewarded him for being good goy.
yep, pro bono lawyer and bail money

he is connected to a tentacle of the octopus, we have established that
The funny thing is if we actually did have a communist revolution, these LARPing faggots would be the first ones lined up against a wall and shot.
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Well lets fix that and bring those fucks to justice! All hands on deck. Man the harpoons. We're going on a hunt.
>antifa prison commune to protect each other

What's wrong with those fucking retards? What planet are they on?

antifa would be the free prison blow job service for all races
I would go Bolshevik just so I could pull the trigger.

They seriously believe they will lead a 1917 style revolution soon. They can't even fire guns and have the Beta physical strength of a 90 pound girl.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so Chris-chan levels of pathetic.
Link to where FBIAnon is posting this stuff?
Time to clean your room, m8
Sort it out
He pleaded not guilty to 4 counts ADW
In California
With all the evidence the police collected
And videos of him doing it
That four strikes right there
In California

I don't think 16 years man. Tupac said three-strikes law is drastic, a certain death for us ghetto bastards

He's a fucking auto-lifer
Eric, meet Bubba, I'm sure you boys are gonna get on real swell.
He finally has a chance to show that he doesn't want to benefit from white privilege
>They seriously believe they will lead a 1917 style revolution soon. They can't even fire guns and have the Beta physical strength of a 90 pound girl.
>It would be hilarious if it wasn't so Chris-chan levels of pathetic.

crazy, they couldn't lead a dog down the street without getting beaten up and the dog stolen.
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How many years is he getting again? I don't want to defend him but 40yrs for a none murder involved crime is kinda bullshit. Five to six years tops should be what he deserves for a none murder


Yeah, that seems more reasonable. I mean shit, if I did a year for each person I've punched my entire life I'd be doing 15yrs easily AND he didn't kill anyone. For good behavior and such he should be out in about 2 years or so.
>Facing 40 years
Has he been fired yet?
He'll plea it down. Probably get 5 years on one felony count with accessory.

He took SELFIES of himself on the day of the riot in the mask and kept them on his phone.

This is where he was until he bonded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZd3u4AxZfo
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Day 1, and Eric was starting to realise that an anarchistic environment isn't as romantic as he thought it would be
We found his profile on some dating site, he did in fact describe himself with some combination of tumblr qualifiers that has enough adjectives to put D&D prestige classes to shame. I didn't save the pic, though. Maybe somebody will repost it.
He appears to me to be unemployed so he can't be fired.

There is more info at
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>I don't want to defend him but 40yrs for a none murder involved crime is kinda bullshit. Five to six years tops should be what he deserves for a none murder

He won't get 40 years for this shit in CA. Even so, look at him as a domestic terrorist because that is what he is. He is here to threaten and intimidate people into doing what he says, he is a threat to the USA in a big way, because he represents an organization that is. He was looking to give permanent brain damage or possibly kill people that were exercising their rights as Americans. He wasn't killing someone for a car to buy drugs, or for money to eat, he was trying to kill people that disagree with him. Then look at his lawyer, they always appeal to emotion, they always try to present themselves as weak. Watch the video, watch him hide behind two female antifa members. He used women to shield himself, then he tried to crush the skull of a guy who was out there to say he liked Trump. If HRC had won, he would be getting our IPs so he could come to our house and kill us or get us to lose our jobs. The guy is worse than the typical violent criminal. He is a terrorist. Don't get weak around his type, because if you do they will play off that weakness and next thing you know you will be out in the street getting curb stomped because you didn't vote x on issue y. He needs to go away for a long time.

Fired? Hell, he'll have tons of universities fighting over him to give him a tenured professorship when he gets out. Bill Ayres actually killed people and he's considered a hero to the left and academia.
Yeah, he's pretty well fucked. Personally, I'm not really in a great spot right now. I've been having trouble with some unexpected bills, my health's not doing so great, and I hate my job with a black, caustic loathing that defies coherent expression in any human language. But for the last few days I get up in the morning and think "At least I'm not Eric Clanton", and I go face the day with an honest-to-God smile on my face.
not only that, the guy he hit was a literal peace keeper trying top keep things civil
I wish you weren't right but I think this is a very likely scenario.
18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
If he's a domestic terrorist, he can be tried by the US government in addition to being tried by California.
No, no, offering an Antifa member a Pepsi totally warrants an attack from behind with a bike lock to the head with the assailant running away right after.
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Holy fuck sweety that butty looks very pumpky dumpy.
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I gotta say, how absolutely STUPID to rat
thefirst thing 50% of those fuckersin their are going to look at you like is did he rat? their big problem in there, is half the PIGS. So the first thing half of them are going to do when you walk in there is look at you like, did you rat?

he could of been a child molester, or been himself, and at least got half the peoplke on his side to start with, cause he doesnt give them problem.
He definitely is, and antifa is a domestic terrorist organization. They just seem to operate out cities in California that shield them. Nobody has called them out because our Republican idiots have refused to really look into this, it's beneath them. They are wondering why they keep losing but they won't look into the fact that these guys fill up our universities, minimum wage workplaces, and even highschools. I've had to deal with them before, I know a few of them. That's why I can't get behind this >>127597744 mentality. These people take names and remember when you disagree with them. They will come after you if you happen to run into them at the wrong time, and they will make your life hell. They will enjoy it too. Unfortunately, the Republicans come off as idiots when they call them the "black bloc", which is just a tactic groups like Antifa use, or they call them random anarchists. They sound about as stupid as MSNBC does when they discuss us. They have these guys assaulting their constituents when they go out to support Right wing causes, and they don't even bother to find out who they are.

It wouldn't take long to make the connections and figure out that they are domestic terrorists, but the truth is they are all probably somehow connected and networked together. The Republicans are probably somehow connected too if you looked deep enough into it.
Your not a real anarchist. Dont say you are. Oh yes antifa a big problem? or our govt? A real anarchist targets the corp not the people
Good man. Stay strong. You can get through this...because you are not Eric Clanton. You are better him and will be more free, live more comfortably, and probably won't get raped as much he will in the coming years. I wish you all the luck in the world with your problems. I have mine too, we all do. Probably not as many as as Eric does though.
A real anarchist is too busy growing food and building things to waste time on this childish shit.
LMAO @ Donaldson decided to embrace his role as "punk" and do his best to keep his men happy.[26]
No. Certainly not. I'm all for redemption and making allies out of former enemies who've seen the light, but Clanton went too far. He didn't just spend his academic career spreading socialist poison, he actually went out and attacked the people who defending freedom with a deadly weapon. There can be no forgiveness of that.

Clanton is a damned thing, reprobate and beyond salvation,
Stop speaking German you fascist.

>pulls out bike lock
>puts on mask while taking selfie
>proceeds to rape german speaker with bike lock
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>FBIanon confirmed
>antifa tats
Prisons most wanted booty
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you mean weev 2.0? We have enough "undercover" SJW nazi larpers on here already, and I don't want to see more people get stabbed on a bus to make Trump look bad. I think it would just be time for him to get a job and call it a day, and consider himself lucky he got out alive.
All that's missing in this thread is the leaf law expert and his 3 strikes copypasta. Where the fuck are you leaf? We need to know about the relevant statutes and how Clanton's going to get 3 life sentences.
>Or are we talking about some meme-tier community college thing?

We are indeed. He works for Diablo Valley College, which is a community college https://www.dvc.edu/
knives go in the top, poo comes out the other end. learning in prison is fun.

Jesus he is literally retarded.
Why is this even a thing in a college
You learn more about crime an punishment going to a weld program and working in a machine shop with Ex Cons
Ayres used bombs to commit vandalism and didnt attack people. His gf and friends died while making one of those bombs, by accident.

While the hard left is going to be fine with braining anybody who disagrees with them and is therefore a nazi, thats just not going to fly with the moderate left. These people despise violence, and the damage Clanton has done to the left's image hasnt even begun to be seen.

That's why he was such a valuable target for us. One thing is justice, and seeing it served. Another thing is winning this war. The communists lost a major PR battle and we need to make sure middle-america knows it.

Don't let up, /pol/. Keep it in the news, keep digging, there are more of them out there and the cops need our help. Just don't do anything stupid.

t. danebro
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You are wrong about Ayers. He was a killer, he killed a cop. If you believe the lawyer speak then you are fucked up. He was a domestic terrorist that fucked up American lives just for being and acting American. He's also responsible for creating brainwashed drones like Clanton.
Ayers is a fucking murderer. Don't believe me? Just ask San Francisco Park Police Sgt. Brian McDonnell.
I admit dont know all the details, just the general story. But thats what counts, because the general story is what gets him accepted by the general public. Clanton cant get away with spinning himself out of this one, the video on pepsi-bro alone is absolutely damning.

Ive got normie family in the states. Theyve all heard this story on the news. They are all disgusted. This was a big win for us, and there are more out there. BAMN in particular needs to get brought out into the light.
Thanks, will read up on that. Dont get me wrong, I am in no way an Ayers supporter. I busted my ass working to organize the Clanton search and didnt sleep for several days until I got banned for it.

We all want to make America great again.
Some UAW member started a thread yesterday when he realized his union dues were paying for the defense of clowns like Clanton and other BAMN & Antifa faggots.

I suggested an ironic meme campaign stating how proud he was that the UAW was behind a fair trial Clanton.

I've suffered through that entire video and still have no idea what restorative justice actually is. Hope he doesn't plan to do prison education while locked up.
I would also suggest finding some way to spread the message to members, directly or at least in a networked fashion.

I can imagine that a large majority of their members would not be cool in any way with that kind of connection. If we managed to tip a major union because of this, it's guaranteed national press.
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Antifa and Weather Underground are all the same. This time they are being handled the right way though, people are recording their activities and reporting them to the authorities. The best weapon against them is solid evidence. Just watch Clanton's video and ask yourself if he looks like a violent criminal. They mask their real nature behind a friendly liberal face.
is assault with a deadly weapon a felony?
Thanks for searching for scumbag Clanton. We owe you one. MAGA
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Will Eric Clanton be here ?

Can we get some Gifs with shopped faces of Eric Clanton from Scared Straight ?

I have no photo shop skills btw

I think he's saying a criminal should pay back the victim by mowing their lawn or some pie in the sky shit. I'm not even sure he knows what he's talking about, just referring to other lefty works, and trying to creep his way into giving lectures, to pass himself off as an authority figure to young girls as far as I can see.
Yeah, we had a lot of discussions during the hunt about the best methods in the future. Demasking them obviously is #1, but a close second is simply marking the fuckers with splashes of bright paint, of several colors to ease pattern recognition. Of course, none of this would be necessary if the cops would do their fucking jobs and bust them for masks in the first place, but unfortunately lots of environments arent going to be on the up-and-up and quite a few police departments are just hoping to bust anybody after they let it escalate.

One thing regarding PR that struck my mind while scouring protest videos, was the effectiveness of bright american flag themed costumes on our side. It was especially accented when our guys started chanting USA USA. Thats just so fucking impossible for CNN to spin in any way against us. Even Antifa tended to hesitate when that started up, you could see them almost doubting themselves or at least their physical position, dressed in black like terrorists, on camera, facing off against blatant patriots.
Eric will need more toilet paper than just one small roll. Also, some lube would be good although I'm sure that the brothers prefer spit.
>fell for the FBIanon puppet
I wish I could meet the leaf who first linked his profile.
>could it be this guy? he's a definite antifa member and could fit the build
I owe that guy a serious beer.
Kek, scared shitless into a trauma coma, wishing he had the balls to kill himself now and avoid rape.

Still, at least taking those black cocks with help him pay back people of colour for slavery and shit.
>eric clanton hasn't tweeted
what gives
What's the point of setting it at 200k then if he only needs 10k
he deleted it soon after being called out
his voice is super cute. i love flamers.

shame about the rest of his being.

prison will set him straight! (I mean, not literally.)
>Clanton’s attorney, Dan Siegel, told the judge he was being followed, and that he and his client had received threats.
Literally a lie, nobody knew who he was until the moment he chose to have a press conference outside the courthouse, after the arraignment. His name does not appear anywhere in the press associated with Clanton, and as the arraignment was the first opportuntity to appear as a lawyer on record working for Clanton, how was anyone supposed to know he was working for him?

The threats are either from within your own ranks, or you lied, shyster.
enjoy single-payer, lol
It's only 100K, reduced from 200K. He has to give the court 100K. One of the ways he can do it is to borrow the money from a bail bondsman. The non-refundable bail bondsman fee is 10% = $10K
It was reduced to $100,000 and a bail bond was used.

About correct for someone with 4 felonies that didn't kill anyone.
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He also alleged that there were KKK flags outside the courthouse. The pic shows one of those KKK flags
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I feel like Clanton will go into the Prison proclaiming to be a champion of BLM and SJW movements

I really do not think the niggers will care

Furthermore I believe that Clanton will try his social justice warrior methods on prison guards because he is
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He said whenever he used a fake social media account, the post was Zucc'd as fake news right away. So I told him to print out flyers for the shop floor, then secretly distribute them samizdat style.
do you have the one where her pic is covered with baby talk? i saved it but cant find it
Clanton doesn't look like he bathes a great deal, so maybe he won't need to bend over to pick up the soap.
entrepreneurship should be encouraged

he, on the other hand, is just a leech
no wonder he's in jail. motherfucker can't even count the k's. how did this guy become a teacher again?
Pretty sure the word has been put out privately not to discuss it openly, as some of them probably have direct access to the lawyer/handlers. I suspect the lawyer chosen for him is more a handler to keep this case from opening doors to more prosecution than anything, this is damage control. It might be too late.

I wouldn't expect the AntiLarpers to discuss this beyond people they actually know, in private.
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>Furthermore I believe that Clanton will try his social justice warrior methods on prison guards because he is

He needs to beg for solitary on day one and learn how to show respect to COs or he is literally and figuratively FUCKED. He can't even try to tell them he has "studied" prisons or they'll instantly hate him. His reputation precedes him. There is no one less amenable to prison than an SJW academic.
>how did he become a teacher
He's the poster child for higher ed in Kalifornia

Idiot, it's hilarious but destroys any semblance of realism for the Antifa.
>Growing up in a working-class Jewish household in New York City, my parents taught me at a young age that Jews could not get jobs at big banks or the power company.

>Jews could not get jobs at big banks

BAMN has official ties to NABLA.
Prison is a nasty place to be, but inmates brutally enforce hygiene standards. They see it as disrespectful not to wash your ass.
He's no longer listed on the staff page at DVC - his resignation was most likely assumed by all parties.

I'd bet the DVC legal office shit a large pile of bricks over this, and they may be reviewing hiring processes to weed radicals out, in the future. DVC is and always has been a non-political campus, very middle of the road - they just crank out suburban kids to 4 years schools and teach wetbacks and Apu English. Oh, and they have air conditioning and welding certs.
got anything good saved?
>the word has been put out privately

what? this is /pol/, everybody is anonymous what are you even on about? how would that even work, oh wait, it wouldnt.

not hunting these guys down helps only antifa and BAMN. get the rest of them. there is a guy stabbing people with a screwdriver, a guy using a knife, several more with blunt objects, and im sure there exists some more photos of moldylocks and pals tossing m80s and glass bottles.

There are also older handlers in the crowd, dressed in civies, directing black-bloc youth, they need to be outed. As well as the antifa girls who act as decoys and human shields for the attacks.

Finally, there are the high-end links. Who is funding them, what are the upper-level social connections, especially people in positions as educators or in government.

These people need to be outed for running a domestic terrorism gang bent on overthrowing democratic institutions.
No, I never saw a single tweet unfortunately. Not sure any of us did.
Bill Ayres did not kill anyone. I'm not defending Ayres, but that's factually incorrect, you stuttering faggot. The left lies and makes shit up, you should be ashamed for posting bullshit you pulled out of your ass.
>Guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a country.

He bombed a police station.

>but but at least he didn't kill anyone

fuck yourself
He did not kill a cop, you brain dead spastic. Stop posting shit you pulled out of your ass - that's what liberals do.
>tfw far left radical terrorist goes to prison
The anon who responded to you is retarded. 10% of $200K is $20K.
He needs $20K non refundable or assets with that valuation possibly.
The chutzpah levels are insane.
Nobody was charged in that case, you fucking spastic. Ayres was mid west and east coast, he never operated in SF.

Wow.... a literal weimer republic tattoo. He probably loved Bill Nye's show
His bail was reduced to $100,000.

He was out of Santa Rita on Saturday.
Does it matter? Spread it anyway

See >>127603482

My recollection from around 1970 is that they had Ayers nailed for the murder, but there was something wrong with the evidence such as an illegal wiretap. Then Ayers wasn't brought to trial.
For someone who isn't a law breaking nigger, what does bail mean exactly? Like you pay the bail and you get out of staying in jail until your court date but like do you get the money back if you're found guilty?
I'm talking about anarchist groups, you fucking ignorant pile of shit. I can't believe you need this fucking explained to you. Do they have to reteach you how to fucking breath every day?
Stop posting factually wrong bullshit, you fucking spastic freak.
>that voice
is he a jew?

before worrying about restorative justice, this nerd faggot better look into restorative surgery for his anus
The bail was set at 100k at the arraignment, you dumbfuck beaner. You know, that thing that judges do to all of your relatives.
tell me more
You get the money back if you show up for trial. However, you can pay 10% to a bail bondsman who will put up the entire amount. You don't get your 10% back.
Your recollection is wrong.

Liberals lie. Don't be a liberal. Bill Ayres is a piece of shit, but he was never charged with murder. The only charges he faced was conspiracy associated with the bomb that killed his girlfriend, when she was helping make it.
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There is this dirt bag here where I am
Space Coast Florida
The guy kills a mom and BF , I think Baby also
Justin Heyne

A couple of the guys I went to high school with are prison guards

This guy was in their unit for transfer,

They spend there time punching him, keeping his seat belt off and slamming on the breaks of the transport van

There are Guards are absolute sadist
Eric is a tall pansexual flirty wood sprite? Who enjoys a fleshlight in the cold moonlight.
Remember - if it's a leaf - don't (you).
Iron Front is not the same as an Iron Cross

pic related
>Ayres was mid west and east coast, he never operated in SF.

Leaders of San Francisco's police officers union have accused Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, of taking part in the 1970 bombing of a city police station that killed a sergeant.

"There are irrefutable and compelling reasons to believe that Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn ... are largely responsible for the bombing of Park Police Station," the letter says.


>you fucking spastic
US$20k isn't a lot of money, anon. My bet is most people here could drum it up 2without much hassle.
not being charged = not guilty
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plz be more politically incorrect or we will have to shut it down oy vey

The Iron Front was aparamilitary organization formed in the Weimar Republic and banned after Hitler became chancellor. I stand by my words
Very cordial of you to explain the misunderstanding to me. Thanks, bro.
holy shit the first minute of the video.
>total revolution through 'other creative forms of action' (aka assaulting people with bikelocks)
>resorted justice aka justifying assaulting people with bikelocks
>teaching at prisons
now the teacher will become the sex slave
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restorative justice*
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