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I have a masters degree, good job, and am not ugly. My worst

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I have a masters degree, good job, and am not ugly. My worst flaws are that I have a flat affect and don't show too much emotion

Where are these women in their mid 20s who are willing to date me? Sure I could find some moneygrubbing whale but I am talking about a girl who is equivalent in looks to me (7/10) and is willing to either work or do household work. All I see around me are chad hunters or landwhales.
Rural areas.
Try modesty for a change.
>I am entitled to sex

this is why women aren't lining up around the block you fucking retarded niggerfaggot
You don't know American women. I am not asking for the world. An average women my age who is not fat and willing to work or take care of the house.
You have to leave your apartment for something besides work to to meet women.

Seriously it's as simple as that, just get out more and you'll find a girl.
Where did I say I'm entitled to sex. I just can't find any women who fit my modest criteria who want anything less than 6 figure chad
Post your picture and let us judge if what you're saying is correct.
I see nowhere sex mentioned in the OP. If that's the case you can say women believe they are entitled to sex based on the OP's pic.
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>get out of car
>some guy and his gf walk past
>his gf looks twice back to smile at me

what did she mean by this?
University completely destroys women. They get so addicted to fucking around/traveling to other places and fucking around that they can't stop.

But this guys got the right idea, find yourself a farm girl
Do you live in southern CA?
Post a piic
go look?

ps if you cant think of places that arent bars and clubs you dont deserve a relationship
She wants you to fuck her while her husband masturbates in the corner.
Also OP here

I get hit on by women in their mid-30s or older all the time and I am 25, but I am not dumb enough to get into a relationship with them even if they are hot. What do I do? Do I find a hard working ugly girl and hope her other qualities make up for it? I actually don't care about looks much at all as long as she isn't fat. Her being fat and lazy is the only deal breaker aside from having kids already
Every time I call a girl to hang out they refuse
And This girls are rank B tier (E to S)
Is /pol/ anti-women all of a sudden?
I know Church is a good place but I am an atheist
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so should I now feel good about myself or what?

turk pls
I will put a baby in literally any woman who asks me to
the problem starts with them doing it at all, getting used to it is just the next step
You're a beta. Too boring, basically. They only want you when the more interesting men have stopped bidding on them. And by that time, she might as well be an old model sports car. Ridden hard, leaking fluids, needs a bunch of expensive maintenance and generally not worth it.
I just gave up mate

Having a muscular body wasn't enough for them and my small dick meant I will always have low confidence

It's was hard but I just gave into sucking cocks to have some form of intimate contact.

It's pretty two faced. I say I love my boyfriend but really he's just a representation of my failure as a heterosexual and a coping method for human loneliness
then you only deserve stupid whores you dumbass. you arent smarter than your forefathers, you are just easily taken by obvious jewish tricks.
As suggested by >>126348792
If you have hobbies and friends, network through those. Invite your friends from work/hobbies to events and things, and tell them to bring friends. That's how you meet people with supposedly similar interests, decent single girls your age are going to have hobbies and keep themselves busy.
Why they have this behavor?
So humankind are not monogamous?
>feeling good about sluts wanting to eventually cuck you
whats wrong with you?
you arent as good looking as you think faggot
I will take a baby out of literally any woman who pays me to.
Most men in general arent femints or for thrid wave femenisms. Doesn't mean hate or sexism all the time.
I will admit I am not muscular. I am not fat but I have a decent face/frame and am 188 cm. I would say I am a 7 but I know dudes who are legitimately 8 or 9 who are just as successful as me and oftentimes more interesting who also can't manage to find even average women without a massive struggle or time sink
I can't tell if that is a joke or not

As a rule, I'd settle for a 5/10 who could carry a conversation. It's been years since I've met a woman who's interested in more than TV and 'relaxing on the couch after work.'

That's not innuendo, either. Their daily plans are almost universally: (A) Go to work and put in bare minimum effort, (B) Go home, change into sweats, lay on couch.

No hobbies, no interests...just TV shows and texting.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it commonly agreed among men that children are the worst possible outcome of sex? Did I miss the memo? Was this in the minutes at the last meeting of the Patriarchy?
>Childish men are to blame for womans decisions in life.

>Bitter tarts pissed off men refuse to knock them up and have their lives taken over.

>REEEE give me half your income, I deserve govt benefits.

I hate this planet.
I have fucked like 3 really hot girls in the past but each one was a massive slut and I may have not been the only guy they fucked that day. I was lucky not to get a disease, and as I said I get hit on my older women multiple times a week
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but in that case I would do the cucking.
>this thread again
>300 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
Get out of your basement and stop judging society based on dubious, clickbait news articles
He said he didn't want land whales.
>My worst flaws are that I have a flat affect and don't show too much emotion

Sounds like me, I'm also narcissistic though.

I learned to not go looking for a woman, let them come to you. Engaging as friends isn't bad, but don't throw yourself at one.

It gives women a power complex.
>As a rule, I'd settle for a 5/10 who could carry a conversation.

This seems like a realistic goal. I would actually be happy with this if she is physically healthy. Just hate that online dating culture boosted women's standards to unrealistic levels

FMY This is all I ever encounter either. Any women with real ambition to do more has been sucked in by the feminists trap of being a career woman
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>cram as many cocks in your ruined vagina as you can fit until you're thirty
>realize hot guys no longer want you find beta to settle
>this is mens fault
She likes your car.
Not according to christians and Varg.
Nigga u r gay

Mail order brides from Botswana
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Reality is reality, babe. It always comes backs to bite you.
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Its a 20 year old rusty shitbucket
I let women come to me but it doesn't happen that often, and I have only rejected 2 because they were fatties. One hot one tried dating me but when she found out I didnt want to take care of her kid she got mad at me and tried friendzoning me
yeah, but masters in what field?
>not wanting a fat wife
>reasonable expectations

You're a funny motherfucker.
The millennial girls are looking for older men in their 30-50's. Mix of daddy issues, hypergamy, and fear. Guys in their 30's to 50's are more than happy to rob the cradle for a more naive, prettier girl than the rapidly aging ones in their age group.
This here is why I left my last girlfriend. A lot of women (and men to be fair) are like this nowadays. Very shallow with no real interest or hobbies to define them. Just a love for TV, texting, and surfing Facebook.
Meanwhile the girls who want a decent guy get ignored for not putting out right away because everyone wants easy casual sex.

Get in good shape. It's a good use of time, will make you much happier/healthier in many aspects, gives you chances to meet people (gym girls and guys who have female friends), and girls will consider you more attractive/dominating when muscular.
same problem desu
Depends on the person. Some people are born with high sex drives.

Some people have different sexual morals or soceoty encourages them to be sluts.

Mech eng. I'm on the spectrum, but I'm still a normie. I should be able to find a wife, no problem. But I can't.
In a mexican girl with a visa ;) pls post pics of your face to see if i would date you :p
Order a 6" tall Asian wife from the internet
You can't. This article and the other stuff is basically projection. Where they blame the consequences of their own behaviour and lunacy on others so as to feel better about it.

Freedom without responsibility does. University just amplifies it. If your action carry no weight, no matter what you do others will be forced to take care of you and you are outright encouraged to indulge you will. Given what is now coming out about female psyche and ability to build meaningful relationships and how it is affected by sleeping around these factors coming together is basically a huge disaster.

Rather than reflect. They now blame everyone but themselves for it. Because a guy needs to MAN up and wife them. Sure they will divorce you, sure they will be horrid partners and worse mothers if they even have a child and mostly only one at that. But you need to take responsibility for all their problems, issues and baggage they bring along because otherwise YOU are childish.
How about stay in your shithole instead and just you know, never come here.
>on /pol

Ok, good. As long as its not a masters in feminist basket weaving you should be fine. You need to put yourself out there.
>keep reading stories about how people met their wife/husband in college
>be in college
>everyone walks around campus texting and snapchatting constantly, before class starts they text and snapchat, the instant class ends they start texting and snapchatting

i think i missed my window. attending college after social media has made it impossible to find a "college sweetheart". there's just no natural way to approach people since they're all in their own little bubble 24/7
Because she only wants to come just so she can vote for gibs. Nobody should fall for this shit, America needs more whites and less third worlders.
See image attached for why western society is fucked until it's collapse
But i have a visa to enter legaly :(
I have a masters in political science.
It's literally not
Women these days only get husbands as a social status or Accessories.

Not love or tradition.
It's not about freedom without responsibility , university women are easily fooled and they think what's socially normal is to get dicked down by a different guy everyday
>Meanwhile the girls who want a decent guy get ignored for not putting out right away because everyone wants easy casual sex.

Funny. In my experience girls get mad or lose interest in me if I don't try to fuck them on the first date.

"Don't want to kiss me before we go out? Want to take it slow? Teehee lets just be friends!"
Yeah but then you'll try to stay here illegally and have anchor babies.

I think I'll have to start dating the basket weaving types. There's no women in engineering. And I'm not going to date a high school educated girl. What the hell. Maybe the single life really is best. I can't date a feminist.
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Nobody and I mean nobody wants more of you here, Just fucking stay in your shithole and never come to America. I don't care if you're 10/10 we have literally enough of you mestizo rapebabies.
how small is that dick though?


Of course some whore blames men for not wanting to provide for it and its bastard offspring.
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>All I see around me are chad hunters or landwhales.

TO get a gf (white obviously) in california with a woman who isn't obese you MUST be the following:
1) 7/10+ attractive at least
2) Outgoing, but dominant personality
3) 6'
4) Have a nice car, live in your own place
5) high 5 figure, 6 figure preferred
6) lots of friends and social media

This is a lot of luck and very hard fucking work so what do you get in return? Typically a skinnyfat woman who has taken lots of dick, has a gross bitchy unfeminine personality, doesn't want to stay at home and take care of kids, doesn't cook or take care of the house, will likely get fat, cheat on your and possible divorce you.
Its like the worst trade you can make.

I'm poor and I found a qt to marry me. You just have to stop being a cuck and talk to them. If you are an autist, I suggest just pretending to be a normie. It worked for me.

If you had a msc in finance or were an mba in investment banking youd be swimming in pussy.

picked the wrong career
If you aren't making 6 figs with a master's you have a meme degree.
>masters in political science.

So basket weaving. That's awesome. What man wouldn't want to date a third world, politically opinionated feminist?
The landwhales and chad hunters is most of what there is.
the 7/10 grills are mostly taken and even the 6/10 grills want the chads that are 10/10.

Try going out, maybe youd find something.
Most arent feminsts. But lot are cunts or sluts.
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Hope you have a lot of white children desu, Childfree bullshit is nothing but a Jew lie. The Hillbilly life is pretty cool.
Female Standards are fucked and so are mens', but guys standards are too low which boosts female egos

See all the chucklefucks in here attacking you for asking willing women to be more than fat uninteresting slobs
gamergirl here and no I will NOT date u lolz
Tbqh famalamadingdong you gotta get out. Go to a library or a bar and just start talking. You'd be shocked. A girl I went to school with for 3 years didn't start talking to me until our last week of school cause she just never had the chance to and I had no idea she was as close to my dream girl I've ever met. Take a chance nigger.
But i dont want babies :(
Ok, i guess you dont want a german-mexican girl that her grand parents were in the SS and scaped to Mexico.
Then they're sluts anyway. It's very weird to me that girls want to be fucked by strangers. I would need some sort of commitment first- at least a relationship- to feel like I wasn't being used for sex and then dumped.
But I did grow up with Christian values- sounds like you need someone who has decent morals but won't try to convert you.
go on
>But i dont want babies

Then you're pretty much useless, aren't you?
I feel like my pool is 6/10 girls which I accept, but like we both know they want 10/10 dudes or 8/10 guys who are loaded.
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>Look at me I'm 1/16th German and my Grandfather was a Janitor of Hitlers, so please let me in so I can vote democrat and beg for gibs and talk about how evil whitey is

Shortly after we started dating, she agreed to move with me from the city to the country. No fucking regrets.
>someone who has decent morals but won't try to convert you.

Sounds like my dream, but no fucking clue where this exists. I have a few female friends that are legitimately beautiful and are like this that I converse well with but they all married in college before I met them. One tried hooking me up with one of her friends but she was an intense catholic who stopped talking to me when she found out I wasn't interested in religion
You guys are so rude and i dont know why i even come here :( im pretty sure i look more german than your anime nigger girls :p
Stfu you dont.

Gtfo. Women are the rudest cunts.
You're gonna make it germany.
>That's not innuendo, either. Their daily plans are almost universally: (A) Go to work and put in bare minimum effort, (B) Go home, change into sweats, lay on couch.
>No hobbies, no interests...just TV shows and texting.
lmao that's hilariously accurate
>tfw 19
>tfw don't even want a gf cause too busy and girls at this age are boring as shit
>tfw born just in time for a trad gen z qt waifu 10 years younger than me eventually
Literally hours ago I listened to some girls cheering each other on for wanting to be "free" and not wanting to be the caretakers of children in a normal human relationship. Was kind of scary.
It's to the point where feminists won't even listen to other girls who want a family. Social engineering bombardment from every angle.
tits or gtfo
stop larping as a girl paco, fucking cringey shit
youd get cucked we shes done with you, cucking is a cycle.
How prison gay can one get?

Do you post on /r9k/ often?
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Fucking LARPing faggot.
It's hard to find women and men who aren't religious but also have morals. If you're a rare type of person then you're not gonna have normie girls lining up around the corner.
Bullshit, lad. Yellow fever is the answer.

t. rural anon
No no dear
i mean continue on and post a face pic
no tits
just face
Why bother marrying a normal woman when she'll be a whale 2 years into your marriage anyway?
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Here's a pic of me. You and me are basically the same skin color (I'm a turanid+med hybrid, and superior genetics) so dating me would be a huge plus.
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>Yeah goyim yellow fever is the answer, Just forget about bringing your demographics back on track and have fucked up mongrels instead

Fuck off Schlomo, White babies are slowly becoming a minority. No need to shit the place up even more.
deja de hablar con estos gringos y vente aqui para formar una familia...si eres bonita pues por supuesto
Tyranny of the majority.
Yeah the good ones are taken early. Of both sexes, it seems. Although more decent guys left than girls. Like I said, keep trying with the hobbies- gym or whatever else. Make new friends who will introduce you to new friends. Networking really helps.

Also what state do you live in?

Wrong country dude.
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>this so much
Watching tv isn't the problem, I enjoy watching tv or movies with my girlfriend but we watch it pretty consciously, always pointing out flaws or pausing to say theories or whatever. But the problem is when that's all they ever want to do. Thank God she has other hobbies outside of that. Find a girl who you can find cute features in that can carry a conversation. Also opposites attract is bullshit, try to find someone who has the same interests as you.
Easy answer as to why. Because girls put out right away in most cases. If she does not sleep with you right away it means she's basically treating you as a sucker. "Oh sure, I fucked that guy I just met in the club on the toilet but I wasn't serious about him. Now you go and wait a few months to show your commitment!" They do NOT get to go back and forth between those two options. They are either sluts or they're not. They don't get to selectively slut out then pretend to be a decent girl who doesn't fuck right away.

Unless they're a goddamn virgin, which nowadays is like finding an unicorn. Get the fuck out of here with your idiotic games at finding some sucker who treats you like a chaste princess after you got gangbanged by the football team a week prior.
If you can find that unicorn, then go for it, anon. I'm done. At least I'll actually have children one day.
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If you're going to claim you're a girl, you know the rules here. Otherwise, GTFO.
You look like a tall 15 year old,bro
you still good looking though i guess
Serial monogamy is no different from slutting out. It's merely putting a "nicer" spin and some paint on the very same behaviour. Good job, you had relationships with 10 guys, she fucked 30. Where's the goddamn difference?
Women at work talk about nothing but tv shows and facebook. I just sit silently at lunch because I can't relate to them at all and find their talk boring as shit.


Yes I am currently resigned to a depressed state of eternal loneliness because I feel like I have the bare minimum standards of finding a woman who has morals and isnt fat (even skinnyfat is ok). I just get occasional feelings of hope to keep my depression from stalling.
I hate racemixers as well but honestly its hard to blame them with the absolute state of current sex relations.They should still be roped and their hapa spawn smashed against the rocks though.
Go to >>>/mlp/ and I bet you can find someone who will be your "unicorn" for you
>Where are these women in their mid 20s who are willing to date me?
You have to ask them.

>I am talking about a girl who is equivalent in looks to me (7/10) and is willing to either work or do household work.
Women tend to date up and men date down. In other words, you will likely end up marrying someone less attractive or successful than you.
I hope you're being completely frivolous

>At least all have children one day

All race-mixers should be Anti-Natalist while white couples shouldn't. Nobody likes mongrels they are less desriable and less successful. Name one successful thing that has come from them? The EU? The refugee importing Zionist pact? I thought so

Mixers fear the horse
You are putting way too much stock into your appearance and not focusing enough on the fact that you're a social autist. You aren't getting women that are interested in you because you aren't showing interest in any of them. Be a man and learn how to flirt or at least compliment women, you fucker. Put yourself out there fag.
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I hate you /pol/ im leaving thanks for being rude and have a nice lonely life :v
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Both sexes are to blame
I often look at myself and my life and feel ashamed, I am indistinguishable from a child, but doing a useless degree because I was just going with it. I have no accomplishments of my own. I play too many video games because I can't put my future above my enjoyment in the moment, made worse by the fact I don't have any plans for the future at all.
My father is so much more a man than I it sickens me.
Men and women both have it bad in their own way. /blogposters/ are faggots but I don't mind
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>the nose knows
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>They should still be roped and their hapa spawn smashed against the rocks
Good luck, lad. I'm behind 7000 copper-coated lead projectiles.
I willingly took it up the ass
Yeah I post there a lot

I am insecure and want for physical contact so holding onto my bf is just a powerful subconscious response
>Women tend to date up and men date down. In other words, you will likely end up marrying someone less attractive or successful than you.
To add I would say that you're best off marrying a woman more attractive than you and less successful. And women should marry someone less attractive and more successful. I think that's an EXTREMELY important dynamic to have
Usually these people grew up with a religion and then got too many questions and don't follow it anymore.

Not sure I understand your point. I'm not saying girls can go back and forth, just saying that it seems that the chaste girls are not appreciated by many guys anymore. And vice versa.
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I'm sorry but you do look like 15 year old
men are pretty disgusting, not sure how women could find 90% of them even tolerable, let alone view them in any romantic sense
>muh fucking entitlement

Kill yourself beta cucklet. If women aren't coming to you then you have nothing they want.

t. Married for over a decade
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How does it feel knowing you might become an enslaved minority like how whites are in South Africa and Zimbabwe? Hope that ugly white hating mongrel was worth more then keeping your demographics the majority.
Aww, that probably the nicest thing anyone's posted on /pol/ all day. Toodooloo, sweetie.
It's slightly different, because the chances the fault was with the man in the relationship are higher in the 10 monogamous relationships. A slut slutting 30 times takes the blame every time. A girl can get fucked over 5 out of the 10 times and just be unlucky
>just want a woman i feel could be the "future mother of my kids"
>all dating advice online only applies if you're bluepilled and comfortable being a stepfather or your gf having 10 different ex-bfs she still texts, or "redpillers" who just give you advice on how to pick up bar sloots
>everyone who finds a great woman has some stupid way they encountered her like "lol i rear ended her in a parking lot and we just clicked and we just happened to be perfect for each other, we're getting married in march"

being family oriented and in your 20s is to know true suffering
you probably have autism. bitches hate autism.
>muh mongrels
>says the anglo neetsoc diluted with smelly german blood
nope its women wasting their time in college and ruing marriage.
can cofirm. i live in the city but when i went to a rural town on company trip the women were creepily desperate for attention. some obviously never had sex so they are surefire virgins
One of my best friends is a 10/10 girl who is a hair stylist but she is married to an ugly construction worker who makes as much as me
Women are pretty disgusting and slobbish, too. Have you ever lived with a woman?
I'm 6' thanks.But height means nothing. I wish people liked me for my intellect.
Wanting to have a family is childish. Enjoying the baby is childish. Sorry, but the most immature people I know are moms and dads who could not find
anything better to do so they had kids
Women are childish and can't do
shit besides spit out children.
Then, they can't raise their kids right
without a man.
Men are too busy trying to keep this world
afloat to bother with their own
families, unless they are total morons.
The later men wait, the more money they save
and men pick whatever age of women they want 18-menopause to marry.
Women are stuck marrying men their own age,
unless the old bitches find a good young cuck
to save them from loneliness by giving them a real live babydoll to play with
Yeah, I myself was raised going to church and attending catholic school, but it got to the point where the god I knew made no sense logically. I still believe in god, but not the catholic one. Try finding a woman who comes to that conclusion on her own, fucking kek.
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You are really pretty though
>I wish people liked me for my intellect.
are you a woman?
I do flirt and clearly and explicitly ask them out and all that shit. It just seems that most girls I do somehow go out with are sluts that either try to use me or get pissed for not wanting to fuck right away and never talk to each other again
hmm...mas linda que las demas
pues finalmente si te accepto pero vas a tener que venir a vivir aqui porque no hay question que vaya a vivr en un pais echo mierda como mexico
It depends though- if it's one or two prior relationships, that's fine in my book. That's way better than having a ton of them or just fucking no string attached.

Well I don't blame you man, there's guys and girls that feel that way but unless we actually think up ways of trying to reverse the social engineering, most of us are going to be frustrated for a long time.
I spend my days stuffed with Venlafaxine and Valium. I couldn't give a shit even if I wanted to. If you're reading, sorry mom no grandchildren for you.
Children are the correct outcome for sex, after all that is sex's primary function.
Post proof about that
/pol/ told me serbia was white
>I am insecure
And pretty much without dignity as well.

Does the bf know he's just your "everyone's a winner" medal?
Please never come back
treat them as if they're old and disgusting. let them know they're past the expiration date by far.
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Im sure you are very charming and smart anon
you just gotta put yourself out there

Yesterday's memes.

AI will lead to the ascent of a hyper-intelligent master race of human cyborg hybrids this century.

All of the discussion on this board about muh white race or anything of that nature is already hilariously archaic.

To strike a useful analogy, it's a bit like complaining about being served cold soup on the Titanic.

There's plenty of humans around already, whether you choose to have a family is not a racial survival prerogative but merely your own personal lifestyle preference.

But it is ultimately trivial and totally, totally irrelevant to the near future.
I did grow up Christian (Catholic) and later stopped believing in it
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Why do you want white children to be an abused minority and allow anti-whites life instead? What are Slavs? Aren't they traditional as well?
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>Hehe Goyim, look at this AI that's programmed to even hate you
>This is the future goyim accept it we have too many whites
>average women
>not fat
That is not the average American woman
>My worst flaws are that I have a flat affect and don't show too much emotion
>Sounds like me, I'm also narcissistic though.
I am basically the same way, but I am also a schizoid. I find interacting with most people extremely boring and socialization often feels like a chore, so I don't exactly have "friends" to interact with. It's probably best to just go MGTOW.
Of course not
Why would I tell him that. I just put on a submissive fag act to keep him pleased so I can have human warmth
Women aren't having kids early because kikes brainwash them into being "stronk wymins" with careers. Women in the work force has destroyed the family unit and devastated European birth rates. Women fallow their men, and men are chained and enslaved by the Jew. Unable to help their helpless women who are so easily corrupted.
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>(I'm a turanid
top fucking kek anon although poli-sci is interesting i took a couple intro levels for shits and gigs
Pump and dump them. Never marry a woman olddr than you.
If you were narcissistic you would not be single. Narcissists do not remain single.
You act like I'm making half-niggers, anon. If you've got a chaste marriagable sister, then present her. Otherwise, fuck right off.
All that hair. And why are there 25 bottles surrounding the sink?
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Mao offered to send tens of millions of China dolls to the U.S. but Jew Kissinger saved the White race in North America.
Everyone on /pol/ are just the last White people left. The whole world is a yellowbrown peepeepoopoo world
No, I hate women
look at the picture again. You will probably be emasculated because of how good looking I am. Women see me, and they flock to me. They are doltish creatures led by dogma in society, but at the same time are very sociopathic and evil.

That picture.

My God.
>rear-ended her in a parking lot
Took me a second to get your actual meaning here lol
But yeah this is pretty accurate. I just love hearing "it'll happen when you least expect it!"

Yeah, just gotta find girls that managed to keep the morality without the brainwashing. They are very rare indeed (but do exist) so I wish you luck. No idea about IL girls, I know west Michigan has some
LOL when did he say that you stupid whore
all I want to put anywhere is my dick in the mexican girl
>I do flirt and clearly and explicitly ask them out and all that shit. It just seems that most girls I do somehow go out with are sluts that either try to use me or get pissed for not wanting to fuck right away and never talk to each other again

Either you're attracted to sluts and unconsciously gravitate toward them or you're in a city filled with cosmopolitan whores. I live in a rural area and many women here are traditional. I mean--there are plenty of whores of course, but there are many traditional women, too. They are Christian, though, and since you're a fedora it probably wouldn't work out.

Remember, if you want to date and eventually marry a quality women, they may not be the hottest girl in the room from a physical standpoint. Try and force yourself to gauge a woman by her personality first and appearance second. Even the wigger Eminem said it best, "Fuck bitches. Give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes." She doesn't have to be a land-whale, but most hot girls are conceded and know how to play the part.

tl;dr: you're attracted to and/or chasing the wrong women.
>I just put on a submissive fag act to keep him pleased so I can have human warmth

Dear god humanity reached a new low this day.
>Blame the men because woman either have too high of standards or look for shit qualities in men.
Fuck this
I'll just have babies with my side bitch who's white.
I'm a 7-8/10 and she's a 7-8/10 too so our kids won't be ugly looking mofos
average height and build for our kids and were both smart so it gives it good genes.

im sick of going on dating apps and only getting 3/10's and bitches who are uninteresting.
Serbia is white though, read what I said. I live in turkey. I'm an ethnic turk. Why would I want to be a subhuman, Slavicized Thracian? Ottomans are superior
Asians hate whites just as much as niggers do my friend, People like you will make us become a minority because you fell for a jew meme.
Yeah, and to top it off most girls my age are indoctrinated by social justice as well
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>being family oriented and in your 20s is to know true suffering

Fuck why does it hurt so much
dude you look like a mexican. why are you in yurop?
I live on the outskirts of Chicago
thinks anyone on pol gives a shit about a poly sci degree
what a waste of fucking time and resources.

no thanks
Lol. American mongrel, your intrinsic inferiority complex is showing now.
No time stamp, just some googled picture.
She was smiling because Chad was wearing the same shirt as you.

I met a girl back in March who was 2 (I'm 27) and a senior in college. Everything I could ever want. I know for a fact she liked me. We hung out a lot, she thought I was a pussy eating wizard, we texted every day. Then one day I got absolutely shit faced and told her via text I wouldn't mind falling for each other eventually. And that ruined everything. She said she doesn't want a serious relationship and now wants nothing to do with me. Fucking sucks man. I should have known better because she's still young and hasn't had to live in the real world yet but now I can't get this girl out of my head.
Europe is better. Where should I live?
And no, if you met me irl you would say I look out of this world.
OP here

Try being family oriented, mid 20s, and non-religious

Also not into social justice
go for it bro
Are you interesting to talk to? Fun to be around? Do you make women feel safe and special?

Are you the sort of person someone would like to have dinner with every day for the next 50 years?
Women suffrage was a mistake
Enjoy your ugly son
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>I met a girl back in March who was 2 (I'm 27)
JFC it's terrible. Even the mostly intelligent girls in my bio masters program are on about female empowerment and sexual liberation. It's going to kill us all eventually.
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OP if you're posting here you must be a faggot. Have you tried dating men?
You will not get anything from /pol/, the standard tradcuck strategy regarding women is bury their head in the ground a pretend nothing bad is happening.
Same shit happened to me as well. Met a qt exchange student from Spain my freshman year of college. After 8 months of thinking we were together she told me she just used me because she was bored and wanted to leave her memories of America in America
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I love the modern beggars v choosers articles from people who are so ass-backwards in life that they dont understand why the next generation saves money, doesnt want debt, doesnt want kids, doesnt want a house, wont go on vacations, wont buy a new 4ktv every year, wont get married, and so on.

Holy shit, its as if there's finally a generation adjusting to the shitty market, low wages, higher inflation, and money grabbing bitches.

Its like when Apple released the iwatch for 400$ that still needed a fucking phone with you 24/7 and then the analysts said "GUESS PEOPLE WERENT READY FOR THE iWATCH". Wrong, people arent ready to spend insane amounts of money on marginal if any improvements in life.

We're living in the environment of each past generation selling out the one following it, constantly scaling down, by 2050 we'll all be third world and there'll be these same articles "Why arent millennials buying solid gold telephones?".

Im not adjusting any further to meet the constantly enforced status quo of how Im supposed to live an 80k life on 40k budget, time for the status quo to loosen up or die bitching along the way.
that nose and man chin tho
I've never been to Chicago--is it an extremely "progressive" and liberal city? I live in Indiana and Indianapolis is rather gritty and conservative by urban standards. I mean, it still tends to lean blue during elections, but many Christian women can be found there. Then again, I'm not sure how messed up the youth is nowadays since I'm 31. Maybe traditional women cannot be found among the youth any more.
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This is the politically incorrect board.
You need to go to >>>/r9k/
or >>>/adv/
Because they are NOT CHASTE. Serial monogamy is the very same thing as slutting around. Which means there is zero reason why they should treat a girl engaging in it any different. It's persuasive redefinition of the word chaste by comparing it to someone who is "worse". So unless they are a virgin, the only reason to hold out on sex is to basically test the waters with how much of a push over the guy is or to pretend they are something they're not.

If the slut fucked 50 guys and you had relationship with 10. Both of you got fucked by a bunch of guys. The "chaste" girl isn't chaste in any kind of way, she is just better at promoting herself. So there is ZERO reason for a guy that isn't an imbecile to play her stupid game, when he could get the exact same thing with less effort from the openly slutty one.
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Doesn't exist. Shit or get off the pot, lad.

very similar situation.

White males are less emotional and more analytic, on average, than the mongrel races.

Women across the races are emotional and childish. The reason women fuck niggers and mongrels when they are young is the same reason they like puppies and kittens. It stimulates their emotions.

don't reproduce with these women. they are evolutionary dead ends.
>not only do you have to be a professional who makes a good wage, stable, and competent and capable and responsible, but you also have to be an entertainer for 50 years

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>I met a girl back in March who was 2 (I'm 27)
>Fun to be around?
wtf does that mean, like am I a fucking clown here to entertain you?
I make people laugh with my mistakes or when I complain because I hardly do so.

I;m a quiet type of man, i dont need to say much or do much. I listen. I think and rationalize. if I say nothing is because everything is okay.

fun to be around...wtf nigga is this not entertaining enough!
That sucks. But it a way it's good, because it sounds like your goals weren't lined up anyways. She needs to experience the world before she settles down. A longer relationship would have just been a harder break for both of you.

Don't cling on to her. Tell her she's right, she needs to go out and do her thing. Encourage her to do so. Then, if it was meant to be, she'll come back.

>Are you interesting to talk to?
Yes, although I don't talk about shit most women talk about like facebook, bachelor, and other shitty tv shows

>Fun to be around?
Yes but again I dont like boring shit like going to bars and some bitches friends house to hang out

>Do you make women feel safe and special?
Yes I do a good job of this

>Are you the sort of person someone would like to have dinner with every day for the next 50 years?
Yes because I know how to cook well
>all of sudden
Do you know why /r9k/ was revived?
im waiting for the one woman who is just as sickened by this world as I am dude, she's the one

You might think thats bad, but try to be a conservative family oriented semi religious dude in fucking TORONTO

its absolutely imppssible to not want to commit seppuku every day

>Go on 4chan
>Call attention to the fact you are a female
>Surprised when men give you shit about it

The only reason to call attention to you being female is because you WANT attention FOR being female. Anon doesn't care. We want to see your tits because that is all you are good for here as a woman because we aren't going to fuck you.

Your sex means nothing, it means less than nothing. You attention from assholes? You got it.

Now post your tits or GTFO.
Help me obtain one lad
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You have to ask if Chicago is Liberal?

It produced Obongo.

They have the strictest gun control in america, and one of the highest gun related murder rates.

It's filled to the brim with liberals. It's basically smaller, less filthy, New York.
I know guys do this too but like fuck I don't understand it. I screwed around with this 22 year old 2 years ago and she was a virgin. I told her from the start we were never going to be a couple. We fucked for around 8 months and I had to break it off because I felt bad. She wanted to keep fucking but I couldn't anymore. But I laid out the ground rules from the start.
>Don't cling on to her. Tell her she's right, she needs to go out and do her thing. Encourage her to do so. Then, if it was meant to be, she'll come back.
and then you fucking deny her ass. the sweetest feeling in the world
Loneliness drives you to extreme things
>-is it an extremely "progressive" and liberal city
Extremely, especially where I live on the north side
according to /pol/ if you simply step foot in a church or stop for lunch in a rural city, you just instantly and magically get a chaste, demure wife-tier gf
She picked 10 times, she fucked up 10 times. Either her ability to make proper decisions is as fucked as she has been by those 10 guys or she failed to get a single one of those 10 guys to stick with her. There is ZERO difference between her and the slut, except the slut is more desirable in all ways. Because neither of them are remotely fit for a stable relationship when both have proven to be incapable of maintaining one.

"Pseudo chaste" girls are WORSE than sluts. Because they come with the same baggage, the same issues, the same psyche damage related to having a lot of partners women suffer. Without ANY of the benefits. While adding more problems such as pseudo morality, thinking herself a great catch, likely being a "prude" in a bad way etc.


Two cars, 80k, homeowner, savings, 401k - there is not one single woman without a child < 30 in a 250 mile radius
Why should I live my life on a woman's terms?

>I want to sleep around with lots of men but not you
>Now I want you to treat me right but you have to accept my past and that I wont be sucking your dick because I was used and abused by chads
>I'm now ready for marriage
>I want kids
>i want the world handed to me

Millennial women are a cancer on this earth.
>>Are you the sort of person someone would like to have dinner with every day for the next 50 years?
>Yes because I know how to cook well
That's not what I meant. What I was asking is basically, do other people think you are good company? Your answers are kinda abrasive and short and not very detailed. You don't talk about the other "shit most people talk about"? Condescending.
They won't listen, anon.
Are faggot seriously still talking about this article? Every time I come here there is an active thread about this shit! It's really not that hard to find a decent girl who isn't going to fuck you over. Just don't be retarded
Rural women are the biggest sluts of them all. They are all burned out drug addicted sluts that get knocked up by the age of 16. They would burn coal nonstop for sure if there were any niggers around, but there aren't so at least they are forced to have white babies.

It's ok though because they are all hot as fuck and will fuck you for cheap at the strip club to support their drug habbits.
I am you but in Chicago which is the same as Toronto but with blacks/spics instead of asians/indians
Fucking kek
spotted the pedo
the feds will be at you in 5 minutes
don't go anywhere please
You should whining and live life your own way.
This is exactly what I'm doing. Mentally I'm definitely clinging to her but I'm trying not to show it to her. I don't really blame her for wanting to live her life. And yeah from the start I knew the odds were against me because she wanted to move out of state to pursue a career and like you said it's probably better it ended sooner rather than later buti don't care if it hurt more if it ended after the summer. Would have been worth it for me at least.
What rural area has a strip club?
I'm not saying 10-50 relationships, I'm saying 1 or 2 within like 4-8 years. If a girl refuses to have sex unless she's in a committed relationship, that is not perfect chastity but it's the closest thing you're probably going to find these days.
Also depends on what the guy wants. If he just wants sex, of course theres no difference in the girl he wants. But if he wants a committed relationship and potentially a family, the monogamous one will be closer. Or he could wait it out for a virgin unicorn if he is so inclined.

Has it been this way since the early 20th century?
Yeah as someone who has lived in a rural area for most of my life this is bullshit.
whats wrong with toronto?
I live in montreal and here the women are mostly hot...hot but stupid, stupid as in they only got hired into good positions because of their looks.

oh and I meet the girl you want. in fact she's my side piece.
Not my job to be someone's court jester playing at a husband. This isn't high school
I'm a good looking loser musician/bartender who is now on the "late-30's" end of 35.

I dropped out of college and fuck all the girls who ask
>where have all the good men gone?!?!
several times a week.

I am fun to be around, talented and draw attention when in public due to the aforementioned... and fuck like a champion.

It's just how the world works man. Giving women any sort of rights to self determination outside of what to cook for dinner or what style of flatware to purchase with your money to entertain guests was the biggest mistake mankind in the West ever made honestly.

They are ALL whores (unless they are some sort of hermetically/cult-tier isolated, mid-western chiristian home schooled type of girl)

Sorry my man. You're just gonna have to find one who is genuinely tired of being used and abused and is
>ready to settle down now

I truly do feel for you... I'm not even lying about that. But there's no fucking WAY I'm gonna stop doing what I do because of that.

I believe in Metempsychosis and I certainly did something right in my last life.
Loneliness shouldn't drive you to just abandon basic principles, betray yourself and live a lie to both yourself and your "boyfriend".
maybe stop having such an Elliot Rodger mentality (autist who only desired normie blonde sorority girls) and you'll do better in life
>flat affect
So you're incredibly boring? No wonder you're single.
They all move out at the age of 18 and start stripping to afford rent and drugs in the city. Walk into any strip club and 80% of them will be farm girls.

But the best is if you can find one within driving distance maybe 30 minutes away because they will commute and they are the sluttiest of them all.
I just can't. I'm crippled around women.
Id rather be a fag than be alone again
>Post your picture and let us judge if what you're saying is correct.
The silence is deafening.
You sound like a loser tool. Does not matter how much money you have, if you act like a bitch, you are treated like a bitch.

20 something women don't care for education or monies. They want a big dick and a guy that makes them laugh.

You probably bore them with your picky assburgers.
>But i dont want babies :(

Then you're a fucking useless parasite. A waste of a womb.
>Y-yeah babe it's cool you just do you and live life I'll be out here getting a job and a house and when you're bored fucking Chad and Tryone I'll take care of you for the rest of your life ok baby girl?

Just kill yourself my man, the girl was a whore but was probably the first female to give you the time of day so you are blind. You are pathetic.
Most of them. You City slicks sure have some wild fantasies of rural life.
I also have a masters degree, I look good, and I own my own company.

It's fucking hunting season. I have had women between 24 and 60 wanting to fuck me, date me, marry me or breed me in the last six months.
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Sort your life out. Stop hiding from yourself.
That's pathetic.
Gay dominants are more accepting of shy submissive small dicked losers like me

It's worth the act to feel like I'm loved
How the fuck do you find a woman who actually loves you in that situation?

I live in a small Indiana town and I've never seen any strip clubs in any rural area. The strip clubs in Bloomington Indiana and Indianapolis are all filled with heroin addicts and university students. You guys are dumb.
Once again. NEITHER of them is a remotely decent pick for a stable long term relationship and having children. Which means that is NOT a factor from the get go. One is merely the more convenient but riskier choice for easy and continuous sex while the other one is faster to the goal but not mid term stable.

If you wife some girl that has banged a bunch of dudes but was always "stable" and such is "totes difference" given her psyche evaluation would beg to differ. You DESERVE her taking you through the wringer and I hope she and the court system does.
>But the best is if you can find one within driving distance maybe 30 minutes away

I made the mistake of dating a girl who lived 30 mins away in a smaller town who was 19. She was a virgin.She had no car so that means I had to pay for gas all the time to go see her.
I ended up dumping her because I was getting a shitty deal.

a few years later I dated her again. this time she was 22. she finally had a car but since she lived in a small town that means limited job prospect.
so unemployed. she never had any money for gas or to go out. she had lost her virginity and I finally got to hit that.

she wasnt worth it, plus people living in rural areas tend to be a little weird.
If you're so desperate you should rent a fucking hooker.
You should have stayed on your own side.
You crossed a line that should not be crossed.

Tell your boyfriend that I insist he lynches you.
ik its really funny. The first thing that will shock you urbanites is how trashy rural areas rae. No, it isn't some kind of utopian community where everyone is good friends and the milkman delivers. Rural america has been devestated. The downtown will be a boarded up, weird people will be wandering around. Houses with chain link fences. Abandoned houses. Roads falling part. Dogs wandering around. Broken or dying cars everywhere. Old people. Tweakers.

Rural areas are just death and decay. That may change eventually but now is what it is.
That's kind of pathetic man. I've been alone for quite a while and would never damage my own and someone else's mental health by clinging on to them out of desperation like that. I even live in the same house as my ex due to financial situation and you just have to get over it. Keep yourself busy and enjoy looking for what you truly want.
I didn't say I'm going to wait for this girl. I'm not. I just don't blame her for wanting to pursue her job and her future. There's nothing I can do and it wouldn't have been fair if I tried to stop her or get in her way. To you it might sound like being a pussy. I know this girl was starting to like me. But all I can do is wish her the best.
Top kek. That doesn't sound anything like my town at all. All rural areas =/= rural Appalachia. You sound like a city boy spouting memes.
90% heroin addicts, 10% university students

Want to guess which category the rural girls fall under? Did you even read my first post? I was raised in the suburbs but work on my grandparents farm every weekend and there is always some degenerate ODing next door, and then the kids inherit the property and sell it for cheap so they can shoot up too.

There are strip clubs all over and they are full of desperate rural girls that got pregnant at 16 with most likely a drug addiction trying to make money the best way they can. You're better off finding a chaste city girl, there are a lot more of them and they aren't so morally bankrupt.
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>google 'melanie notkin'
>it's a thirty-something jew-looking woman with a thousand-yard-stare
colour me surprised


Then you're gay and you're lying to yourself.
my ex is now with a guy who beats the shit out of her, some people who know here told me she absolutely loves it

should've beaten her
>Want to guess which category the rural girls fall under? Did you even read my first post?

Why in the fuck would a "farm girl" travel all the way to the city to strip where there are fucking factory jobs everywhere (at least in Indiana)? You're a fucking moron spouting memes. Most "farm girls" end up on the assembly line.

You're probably just not getting out enough. Get a group of mostly single people and go out and just have drinks. It's definitely harder the older you get.

Do set your hopes up too high though. You'll have to dig through a lot of trash but there are some tolerable ones. Just bang as many women as you can and enjoy it.

All memes aside, get a traditional Asian girl. I lived the "chad" lifestyle for a little while and most girls are pretty much as described in this thread. Dating my first Asian girl and it's going great overall. Stay in shape too.

> American Woman
> not fat

You want the impossible
Screw you roasties. Go find yourselves a chad or a nigga to get arse-raped by.
>inb4 I can't leech him
>inb4 cI don't want to work
The fantasy of being a slave to a dominant couple makes me so hard, to be a sex slave pet to a sexy man and woman, submitting to their sexual power.

This story is the gold standard template:


I suspect though is would be one of those "cuck on reddit who instantly regretted it" type things that should stay a fantasy.
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The pure rural christian/farm girl is mostly a myth. They take dicks and do drugs at parties, and then pray the sin away at church. There was this book full of confessions at a christian college I visited for an academic competition when I was in high school. It was for people to leave messages to god usually asking for forgiveness. My friend and I read through it during downtown, and we were guffawing at what was mostly girls going into detail about all of the degenerate shit they did. I guess it's okay because they told god about it. It's that easy to not take responsibility. Jesus forgives.
Also no she wasn't the first girl to give me the time of day. She's just the first girl I actually liked in quite some time though.

Are you a tanned german?
If you have money the women will find you. Except if you never leave yo basement. So you need to go out more anon
Such utter bullshit. I was ready to marry, start a family and be a boring responsible adult when I was about 20, but none of the girls I dated ever wanted to get married or have kids. As far as I know, only one of them ever married though divorced after a few years. My last gf had a shitty dead end retail job she always complained about, lived with her parents which she hated, and the only thing she really did or could afford to do on her own was play vidya and stream on Twitch, was always depressed and was depressing as fuck, only ever wanted to complain about and get sympathy for her problems but not do anything to fix them and definitely not listen to any of my solutions. I spent 6 years trying to get this stupid bitch to grow the fuck up and see the logic behind her moving in with me, us getting married and starting an adult life together until I couldn't take it anymore.
Women are the childish ones and if a woman finds that all the men she's dating are "immature", it's probably because she's choosing that type of man specifically because he gets a lot of pussy and women all have this delusional belief that "I'm not like the other girls, my pussy is special and will tame him." It's not, your pussy is used up worn out shit and you're exactly like all the other girls.
>when there are fucking factory jobs everywhere

I meant to type. There are factories all over the place in rural Indiana.
Cats out of the bag, now my village is going to get pillaged by city Chads looking for some weekend fun away from home. Thanks anon you fucking faggot.
You have a dick, don't you?
By providing for her, creating a family, listening to her bullshit, and communicating. And not taking shit from her, she will thank you for helping her make smart choices and be a decent person.
Of course in this day and age you might get fucked over anyway, idk how anyone trusts each other anymore.

We're not talking about the same thing anymore. I'm not talking about girls that have banged a bunch of guys, I'm talking about ONE OR TWO previous relationships. Of course I agree with you about girls that have been with a ton of guys. But when considering people that have had few previous relationships that didn't work out for other reasons, those people might still be material for a decent relationship if they have figured their shit out or have met the right person.
That is true. Women can smell the money on you, even if you're not saying anything, I don't know what it is but they can smell it if you have it.
Listen here you little retard. Asian women only pretend to be subservient. They despise you behind your back just like any modern white whore would.
Yes why would a girl that already has a couple kids and not the greatest future prospects not prefer to do backbreaking manual labor for $12 an hour when she can sit around, listen to music, get free drinks, and suck a couple dicks for $500 a night?

Not to mention nobody from a rural area can pass a drug test. I think you are the one memeing.
I don't care about that, lad. I care that she won't be fat, much higher chance she's a virgin, and she wants to have babies before 30. That's more than I can ask from any white girl around here or anywhere else in the West.
>Yes why would a girl that already has a couple kids and not the greatest future prospects not prefer to do backbreaking manual labor for $12 an hour when she can sit around, listen to music, get free drinks, and suck a couple dicks for $500 a night?

They don't and you're just spouting memes. Most of the people I grew up with in my town of 18k are all working at one of the many large factories here in town. You sound like a bitter urban hipster that watched Deliverance one too many times.
Plenty want to. They want to be serious at some point.

Thing is, it's all bullshit.

Love lasts at best as few years, no matter what you do. That dream of everlasting love etc? Doesn't exist.

They will want to suck you dry every night, cook for you, let you know how good of a partner they are. All until you commit, then they feel they don't have to do any effort anymore, their pussy dries up and they end up stuck in a convenient relationship with the desire of fucking someone else. We as men also go through similar things anyway.
The other thing about Asian women is you never do marry just her - you marry her whole family. Her mother, her father, all of her siblings, possibly her cousins, etc.

Which depending on if they're useful to you, might be a good thing, but if they're a bunch of assholes, run, even if she's good looking.

I'm not doing bad with sloots atm (manage to get a few per month when I put in the effort into texting/going out). However I know that as a man who is about 5-6/10 (short, decent face, good body, decently sociable), that the key to going from a slow trickle to having women chase me is to gain some sort of money, status or fame. So right now I'm working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day doing various projects and working on myself and my knowledge. If preparation meets opportunity I'll get more female attention that I do now if I'd go out every weekend, and if I don't then at least I learned something along the way. I'm looking forward to setting up a start-up within a year and that excites me far more than any woman sitting on my junk ever will.

Go to sleep, Gerry.
This is true of every culture except Northern Europeans
>see: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Why? There are so many dating sites and prostitutes. You're at least bisexual, if not gay — straight males don't end up with a boyfriend, even if they suck dick. It sounds more like you crave an intimate emotional connection, and if you look closely you can find other outlets for that.

I'm bi and in a 6yr monogamous gay relationship, and although I occasionally miss girls and feminine energy, I like gay sex and our power-couple status. If I ever got lonely or angry and wanted a woman, I could visit a prostitute; but not now as that would be cheating. I could even ask my partner about spicing it up or missing it and he might protest but we could play together.

Also, how are you in a gay relationship if you were too ugly or boring to get with basic bitches? Even thick girls? Or non-white girls? Are you both a 2? And why sucking dick? Oral sex is not my favorite, I don't care if I'm being worshipped. I prefer giving or receiving anal, things guys do better.

All that said, if we broke up, it'd be easier for me to start a traditional family, I wish (as the hated Milo says).
That is exactly the same for marrying a rural girl, lad, except she's taken 30 dicks, and one or more of them has been a nigger dick. You city lads are in for a surprise if you ever marry a rural girl.
Like an idiot I was worried about college and a career before marriage. All that's left for me are women who have been through 1-3 divorces. They have you believing it's the mens fault when you first meet them. 6 months into the relationship you realize they are the fucked up ones. The worthy of marriage types were grabbed up in high school. Good luck...
you don't belong here if you cant handle the banter

Projecting roasted detecto
I would have never considered committing at such a young age.
High quality women do NOT stay long on the market, and more often than not they never do show up on the market to begin with, they're already spoken for. They are RARE. If you see one, it's like seeing a lambo on the street.
>I care that she won't be fat
You poor little baby boy. Go google some pictures and see what happens to Asian mongrels once they hit menopause. It's horrifying.
Small penis and lack of confidence tho

I couldent even fuck a flesh light it fell off cause I couldent stay hard and was too floppy and small
>written by a woman in her 30s wondering why she is still single
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Way ahead of you, anon.

Truth. We're brainwashed to "see what's out there" "plenty of fish in the sea" and the ones who don't believe it.. stay committed through high school and college >

It's not, it's a confidence thing (sorry, I know you're British). There's nuance and a difference between: confidently wearing your aspirations and quirks and talents on your sleeves (and if you're creative, money is less important in the short-term) -and- being a douche. Look good and read body language. Talking is great, particularly when asking them questions about themselves (75%) and relating with their answers (25%). The right amount of polite disinterest and compliments. C'mon dudes.
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>My worst flaws are that I have a flat affect and don't show too much emotion
That is your problem. Improve your personality and shit. You don't have to have anything else to get a woman to fall in love with you.
>Meanwhile the girls who want a decent guy get ignored for not putting out right away because everyone wants easy casual sex.
That's funny, because girls treat me really weird when I don't get overtly sexual with them or when I get turned off by them getting sexual far too early and easily. Maybe I'm just archaic, but I want a girl to at least put on the pretense of trying to fend me off for a respectable amount of time; when a girl offers up the whole buffet when you haven't even asked for a taste, there's something off-putting there.
i would love to commit to a chick while in college

please point me in the direction of chicks worth committing to

walking around campus on friday after classes let out, dozen chicks on their phone chatting about how they can't wait to get wasted at the bar/club district in the city. geee, would love to marry one of those gals...
I know exactly what you mean. I've been on dates where the girl wants to kiss after the first one and it's weird. I definitely want to kiss them but the fact that they're willing to... I don't like it.
>Unless they're a goddamn virgin
Honestly, if a girl isn't a virgin, there's really no reason to waste much effort or resources on bedding her, certainly not on courting her.
You entered a world where you simply do not belong.
You should leave that world.

You can gain or lose size (especially thickness) depending on your hormonal status, diet, age etc. If you take maca/citrulline/garlic/yohimbine/zinc/horny goat weed/forskolin you're going to have a boner 24/7 even if its your gran's funeral. Some guys who take roids and HGH also think they grow a bit on it. Honestly female orgasms are 90% based on how hot your face looks and how dominant you seem. Also the more girl likes you the bigger she thinks your dick is. One of my exes thought my dick was 2 inches longer than it was, and that I was 3 inches taller, just because I was the best guy she had been with until then.
Screw that

Loneliness is worse
>I have a masters in political science.
Gross. Maybe if you had a masters in home economics and were from Ukraine or something.
>some fat sweaty fuck is using a proxy to rp as a Mexican girl
God this fucking site disgusts me.
according to that nyp article he is

I didn't go to college. Majority the women I've met (I am a woman too!) who've decided to go aren't committed to family life / even thinking of it... UNLESS they're involved in teaching kids. I'm talking kindergarten and younger. PreK.

I would suggest that or church. Though church will always come with its own bag of crazy or some kind of insecurity if she's 20> and single..

Nurses. Childcare. Those types of careers are a goldmine. At least down south.. Not enough time to fool around, love people and kids (enough to probably want their own), needs commitment to make that happen.
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Women love men who manage to be as big douches as possible (in the sense of making dominance displays), while not losing social status or being alienated from the group. It subconsciously means other men and women have to put up with your shitty behaviour. I don't personally don't usually that, but it definitely is effective. Even for your normie dating, throwing the girl out of her comfort zone is pretty effective at making her like you more. Show her affection and then make fun of her for something small in a light-hearted way.
>illegal alien
That's what he said. Mexican.
What happened to Serbs removing things like you?
Loneliness is not worse.
What you did is wrong.
It's even wronger than wrong.
What you did is unforgivable.
>Nurses. Childcare. Those types of careers are a goldmine. At least down south..
What makes you say this when you didn't attend college yourself?
>that asian is clearly not in menopause yet
ok retard
Oh boohoo, im lying to my living dildo
>not watching your back for the vaginal jew
I do not care about some fool.
You simply do not belong.
Leave at once.
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