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extended updated TIMELINE megapost

TLDR (Images /Screencaps ):
Brad Bauman, the family spokesperson who made the statement today, works at The Pastorum Group, which does PR Crisis Management for the DNC.
He is a fixxer for the DNC
Bump the fuck outta this shit
I tried to make an info dump with relevant information as well sift through it and see what you find I'll be monitoring, cataloging and arranging.

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OH WOW! It's FUCKING NOTHING! Once again, good job you idiotic, fucking Seth Rich truthers. How many times do you need to be told that there is NO CONNECTION between his death and the podestas/clintons? Fucking idiot "MUH SETH RICH" narrative pushing fuckheads. I've looked into this extensively and there is NOTHING TO IT. Just head to bed right now or else. I am fucking sick of you people constantly pushing our buttons. STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS GUY
DARE YOU to read this

>Just head to bed right now or else. I am fucking sick of you people constantly pushing our buttons. STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS GUY
'Fuck off, DNC shill
>two news items posted in the same day

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>wake up
>a theory we knew about 1 year ago(maybe more) is now all over

what... happened? people knew about this and talked about it last fucking year.... why is it exploding now?

i cant seem to find any new info, did some important person get ahold of it?

why the big deal now
Reporting in 4 justice
There has been some new information yes. And I know this is an anonymous 4chan post but there is more reliable evidence as well that I haven't saved. Itll get posted if it hasn't been already
Damn never knew Assange mentioned Seth Richs death when talking about the high stakes for sources in the US

If there is any evidence of him contacting wikileaks why dont they post it

It would literally kill CNN, WAPO, NYT, FBI, DNC and CIA all at once
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Someone(?) hired/paid for a PI on behalf of the family in march.
I think he went public (against the wishes of the family) because he got scared for his life when he realized cops/fbi informed the DNC about it.
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Sounding pretty rectum wrecked there Johnny.
because they're baiting the shills, along with the media, and DNC to go in full denial/panic mode

only then, will they release.

only then, will they have permission to die.

also bump

mainstream media here talking about the first toughts of impeachement are official.
our media doesnt make much up if its about foreign news but this says alot of how much they are pushing the shilling over there. nothing has been said about seth rich and trump suddenly has lots of shit going over him.

they must be desperate to hide something awfull. can a burger confirm this or am i mistaken.
Wikileaks posted that too

They seem to be taking rather an unusual interest in the Rich situation if you would believe the family's spokesperson...
Oh :O :-O Benny boy, your Fishbuns are fucked!
Why doesn't wikileaks just release their emails with him and say he was the source

They would kill the entire media once and for all

If I was the source and I got killed Id want them to tell so they dont get away with it
>Look mommy I corrected the record using a proxy! We can buy poptarts now!
Since the guys dead, wouldn't Wikileaks be putting an end to a lot of misinformation by confirming or denying it?
Wiki leaks aren't sure what side they are on yet.
Oy vey goyim. (((we))) have anonymous (((sources))). Who cares if (((they))) are instantly debunked by on the record statements from individuals actually involved. (((Our))) made up (((sources))) statements support (((our))) nonsensical narrative. What do you wanna go investigating the truth for, goy? (((We))) already gave you the truth, dontcha watch the (((news)))?
>man literally on trial for being a professional liar

nice credible source OP
now i see why you voted for trump you drumpfGOP
those things make me sleepy
time to take a nap
Kim Dotcom is a very reputable figure. Everything he predicted about the election and Clinton came true. /sarcasm
Seth Rich had no semen in his balls at his time if death. Possibly worrh looking into...
Gives an impression that leakers are legitimate assassination targets, sort of prevents leakers from wanting to leak
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i don't even blame him for promulgating dumb conspiracies involving hillary clinton
the democrats are disney puppets, wholesale, and they wasted a ton of resources extraditing him from new zealand to do their bidding
if they didn't extend copyright for a gorillion years i'd think differently, but pretty much eat shit

tjonge jonge

Their policy is to not disclose who leaks to them. Obviously as Seth is dead he can't tell them "go on then, name me". And then once wikileaks has set the precedent of naming sources on only their own authority then this may put off other leakers who want to leak but never want to be known as a leaker, even if they end up dead for doing it.

If wikileaks name Seth rich, it may be last meaningful contribution they ever make.
And David Brock seemed to have his cock hunger slightly sated afterwards for a period of about 5 minutes. You may be onto something
Pizza Party @ Pegasus

Rich copped one from a pistol calibred rifle on the tower of Pegasus, which is direct line of sight to where the police found him conscious
James Alefantis owns Pegasus btw

Yeah, you're totally right. We have a second government running the show that were working on isolating and purging, but the fuckers are like cockroaches, always scattering with any light you shine on them. Their time is already here though, and now all we have to do is get the normies riled up enough to start hunting these fuckers down with torches and pitchforks.

Also, a friendly reminder to all my fellow anons to NOT REPLY TO SHILL POSTS AND THREADS. Don't keep those vermin and their toxic ideologies alive.
Four burgers reply to post unironically
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but seriously, we can't let this guy near the nuclear codes
The tower that also has a direct line of sight to a playground?

There were rumors last night that the pizzagate connection to Seth Rich is bigger than people think. Is this it?
if it pleases /pol, riddle me this:
>If the murder was declared a botched robbery by random individuals, Why would the police need to recover Seth's laptop? Further, why do they still have it and not have returned it to the proper owner if it was not his? Why would they take it to begin with?
>How can the police definitively say that there were no communications to wikileaks from the laptop if they had no warrant to search for said communications? Why would they look for it, if it was not suspected? (no warrant)
tl;dr --> Why the fuck do the police have the laptop still and why are they looking for communications to wikileaks if they were certain he didn't do it?

Man, am I getting sleepy.

Think its about time to hit the hay

Let's call it a night and continue our investigation tomorrow.
Now that's shitposting.
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Just a reminder, this is all stemming from a private investigator saying his anonymous source at the police department where the computer is locked up told him that there is a cover up and there's evidence on the computer of contact with Wikileaks.

I thought you guys hated this anonymous sources crap.
Hello fellow deplorables!

I think we might be making a mountain out of a mole hill in this case.

It seems to me this was a botched robbery attempt.

Talk about barking up the wrong tree.

Anyway all this internet sluething is tiring!

I'm gonna blow off some steam by playing a First Person Shooter in my man cave.
Can you explain why they have his laptop locked up after several months on a botched random robbery that had nothing to do with his laptop?
What could possibly be on that laptop that would relate to his murder, that they felt it was necessary to lock it up? Why was it never returned?
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I said it yesterday.
Everyone here knows about Seth being the leaker.
But look on twitter, news outlets, social media, ...
It's gone. The hashtags are gone, the news has stopped.
The entire Seth Rich story is done.
The pieces of shit at the DNC succesfully smothered the story.
Unless Trump tweets about it, something new pops up or Assange/Wikileaks confirms it's seth, it's done.

This is our only shot at finally getting this story going viral and they're doing their absolute best to smother it and it looks like they're winning.

Assange/Wikileaks could end the entire "muh russia" narrative and BTFO the DNC for a few dozen years by just saying: "yes it was seth" and giving proof.
But he won't.

Feels bad.
Are you even trying? Fellow deplorable?
Yep, that one.
So is this the correct address for Pegasus?
3518 11th St NW, Washington, DC 20010

If so, it looks like there is a short distance between Pegasus and Seth's home, but the direct line of sight would include a shot through Howard University???
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Remember, they didn't just kill Seth Rich, but also Shawn Lucas, and Joe Montano. The link is the rigging of the convention and what that could mean for the survival of the DNC.

Seth Rich (died July 10th, 2016) leaked the Hillary emails to Wikileaks, which contained evidence which could be used to prove fraud at the convention.

Joe Montano (died July 25th, 2016) was the DNC chairman just before Wasserman Schultz took over. He could have been called as a witness.

Shawn Lucas (died Aug 2nd, 2016) spearheaded a class action lawsuit against the Wasserman Schultz rigging the DNC primary, stemming from Guccifer 2.0 leaked emails (prior to Wikileaks).

Wasserman Schultz tried to have the lawsuit delayed for months due to improper service, however video evidence clearly shows proper service:

Lawsuit still ongoing, donors seeking repayment:

The fact that the lawsuit is demanding repayment of donations is huge. The DNC doesn't have that kind of money: $85 million dollars.
The DNC currently has $11 million on hand: https://www.opensecrets.org/parties/totals.php?cmte=DNC&cycle=2016

If they are forced to repay they are bankrupt. They can't expect to legally raise tens of millions of dollars from their supporters, people they have been proven to have defrauded. The only way they can survive losing this lawsuit is if they have a massive political win to convince people to give them tens of millions of dollars. This is why the democrats and the media are going INSANE right now. They need a huge win and they need it BAD.

>Realistically, what can we do to help?
Find more hard evidence to support the class action lawsuit against the DNC and give it to One Source Process.


Make the DNC lose the lawsuit before they and their media cronies can manufacture their big win against the Trump administration. If the DNC can be bankrupted quickly, the entire democratic party will take a huge, possibly mortal blow.
He was bruised and conscious according to the police report

He was walking to somewhere from somewhere, and didn't immediately drop... not from a .45

We found transformer boy's flag, this should be a piece of piss in comparison
Well, you're going to be next on that hit list. They won't stop at Seth. They'll make an example of you too. That must be some good money. Good luck shills.
Regardless, there were a lot of rumors that James Alefantis personally threatened the person who was digging into Pegasus. I think his name was Ryan. In there event there is a remote chance Pegasus and James are linked to this it would make more sense as to why James would make these threats.
for motivation
Makes sense.
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His name was Seth Rich
Steve Kangs is a missing piece.

Look up his suspicious death and you will see the Seth Rich connection

Im being blocked from posting so make the knowledge count
How well is this trending on the normie sites?
His name was Seth Rich
its all there. operation mockingbird is still a go.

Trump is literally being attacked by a rogue intelligence agency, the CIA

Operation MOCKINGBIRD — The CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets.
connection to Haiti child trafficking


Haiti — The chaos in Haiti grows so bad that President Clinton has no choice but to remove the Haitian military dictator, Raoul Cedras, on threat of U.S. invasion. The U.S. occupiers do not arrest Haiti’s military leaders for crimes against humanity, but instead ensure their safety and rich retirements. Aristide is returned to power only after being forced to accept an agenda favorable to the country’s ruling class.
Please, everyone who reads this, keep pushing Seth Rich.
The DNC effectively smothered the story to a alarming degree with that "spokesperson" that was already shown to be a DNC plant.
This is as close as we're gonna get to this getting blown the fuck open.
Unless something new comes out, Trump tweets about it or by some miracle Wikileaks confirms it was Seth, it will be forgotten in a few days.
It's already forgotten in the mainstream.

"Seth Rch had contact with wikileaks"
MSM: completely silent, no articles nothing, starts pushing instantly debunked russia thing again.

"Seth Rich family spokesperson that works for the DNC says it's untrue"

doesn't that look suspicious?

Coincidentally, 4chan is having issues.
They're killing the story.
They're killing Seth Rich's memory.

We can't let this story die /pol/
Do your part.
Do it for Seth.

Bump all Seth threads. Spread his legend.

you need to know the CIA before you can solve Seth Rich's death

his death is the lynchpin to bringing it all down
hes a cia plant

his organization is a cia front

the wikileaks about the cia are the piece that ties it all together

we literally have an "american" agency gone rogue
those who control 4chan control the world
Alright, Yes the DNC is corrupt. Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed. And yes it's disgusting. It's sad to say this, but Seth's death isn't really relevant. It'd be more pertinent if Hillary had won. I dont see why we should care about this right now when our President is trying to stand in the way of investigations against him? Bernie supporters/progressives definitely did notice and care about Seth's murder and added that to the list of gripes against the DNC. But even if the DNC does get into trouble for this, which I'm sure all of you know prolly won't happen, where do you all plan on going from there? For nearly everybody on the left, this whole Seth Rich thing seems to be a good way to distract yourselves from Trump's bullshit.
Justin Amash has been turned by the CIA if he wasn't already a plant in the Ron Paul movement

Unlike the CIA director, the AG has a lot of independent policy authority and prosecutorial discretion. I'm deeply concerned about Sessions.


his statements about impeachment are on purpose

the crash of the stock market is on purpose by the cia rogue elements

they want to do a 'nixon' as they know a 'kennedy' would involve americans burning down the cia buildings and murdering them all

so they are putting unrelenting pressure on trump via political, media, and now financial pressures
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You're investigations into Seth Rich are critical as the CIA murder elements will come out.

It will also push the assasination of Julian Assange to the forefront.

At that point you will have all the Bernie and Trump supporters unified against the rogue element of the US

That is their worst nightmare

Don't stop investigating Seth Rich but remember only a CIA asset could kill a Supreme Court member and kill Seth Rich

They also were part of the Michael Hastings murder
Oh fuck guys, Wheeler's been BOUGHT OUT


What do we do now?



I'm seriously not a bot. I'm asking you guys because nobody I know irl can actually explain it. The conversation just goes to the media/dnc corruption.
Admit you are wrong and seek mental help.

UK is the only thing affected wtf.

my boob images are loading slow.
Your abject terror is beautiful
Operation Mockingbird is in full effect since Trump was elected.

Buzzfeed, Reddit, WaPo, NYT, etc.

They are all compromised by the CIA.

4chan is literally the last battleground for this war for minds.

No we just have to prove that he was bribed. He wouldn't say this since we have proof that it happened!
to the top
4chan doesn't have issues. The issue is
/ourshills/ give me a quick wank, tothiley, noarchive give me clicks goy....
you are a bunch of bastards who deserve dead, no matter what issue you are tackling. Branding and storytelling on a chan will bring you down if you do it as artificially as you bois.

Go somewhere else.

RIP Seth
Fuck you nigger.
we'll have to post images the old way for now

His name was Seth Rich
On December 9, 2016, the CIA told U.S. legislators that the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded Russia conducted operations during the 2016 U.S. election to prevent Hillary Clinton[14] from winning the presidency.[15] Multiple U.S intelligence agencies concluded people with direct ties to the Kremlin gave WikiLeaks hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee.[15]


Seth Rich was killed by colluding members of the CIA which included their top brass.

Remember where the Russia narrative began.

Operation Mockingbird (WaPo) and the CIA
Haven't you wondered how all the news media colludes?

Operation Mockingbird is the mechanism for that collusion

Remember Remember

This is what broke Seth Rich:

>Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
>Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
>Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
>Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
>Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Yes, they probably arranged to have Seth killed.
Checked and introspected
>I'm asking you guys because nobody I know irl can actually explain it
Well the Seth Rich directly ties into the "investigation" that Russians "hacked" the election. If Seth Rich is the primary source for the DNC leaks, then the Russia narrative has considerably less ground to stand on. Your response may be
>But it never had much ground to stand on
That is true. There is one key thing you can't forget though. People aren't moved to action by a single thing unless they have a direct stake in the game. The point of all of this isn't to have a single thing change a single part of the average person's perspective of the world. It is to change their entire foundation for the way they think. You may be able to forgive the DNC for rigging against Bernie because people are foolish enough to believe "people can quit being corrupt". You will have a significantly harder time reconciling murder for political gain. Then when the weight of everything, the corruption, the murders, the hatred towards whites, the enslavement of blacks through welfare, the lies, the slander, the pedophilia, from your old beliefs gets to be too much you have no choice but to toss away your beliefs.

That is the point of all this.
Read the comments on that tweet, it's bullshit.


Wheeler gives good reasons to believe what he said. And while, yes, it is an (((anonymous source))) in the (((FBI))), take the rest of what he says and add that together.

Its a simple thing to see that this doesn't match up with the Hillary polling places.

The moment you realize that they were sending Bernie Bros to the wrong polling places is the moment you realize Seth Rich was the ultimate patriot.
His name was Seth Rich
See Seth Rich went to the media first to try to fix the Bernie problem in the primary.

But the journalists are being intimidated into not coming forward for him by the CIA plants in their own organizations.

Why do you think the press is dead in America?

The CIA has done the ultimate chilling factor to the American press, step out of line and they will just murder you.

See evidence:


But Seth going to Wikileaks with smoking guns of their wrong doings was too much and Podesta ok'd the hit like he did on Scalia.

That should be enough for any Congressman to drag that faggot in front of them and give them hell.
Here some stuff CODEFAG dug up last night.

Joe Capone the owner of Lou's City Bar, last place that Seth was seen alive was in a private room of the white house 6 days prior to his death.


Wow, it's fucking nothing. Can you say pizzagate 2.0?
Why does no one seem to care about this.

its yuge.
No one cares OP. eat a dick?
The reaction from all of you who suck Hillary's cock says otherwise.
Deep State will harpoon KimDotCom within 90 days.
Screencap this.
01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101100 01101100 00101100 00100000 01010011 01100101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01010010 01101001 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110010 01100100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000100 01001110 01000011 00101110
por que


didn't they killed joe montano for the same reasons. I believe it was two leakers too. seth somehow had internal support from intelligence
Hillary sucks AND this will end just as fruitlessly and embarrassingly as pizzagate 3 months from now. Watching this board drive themselves insane over conspiracies is hilarious
I don't speak mexican.
my internet is under attack as well

just remember

operation mockingbird is in effect and they are pushing russia

code fag is very close to knowing what happened to seth rich
You aren't very convincing.
His name was Seth Rich.
Last known post by CODEFAG.

>>125865461 he didn't use the tripcode for some reason but it matches the ID of. >>125865113
Did yours just make it where nothing refreshes? I had that happen last night... Entire forum frozen
You cant hid threads anymore! I hid over 50 threads and within 10 minutes they're all back. >>125871795
We need to find the death certificate. That will have the hospital. If not the hospital it will have the doc. From there can find the hospital.

Seth would have gone to a trauma center, level one or two.

ER trauma nurses, ER techs, CT techs, respiratory therapy would all interact or have a chance to interact. Look for ones involved in the union or with union positions. Docs too could know, but docs dont push meds, nurses do. A little too much fentanyl, or heparin instead of a saline flush, or a pulled back ET tube, or a vent with alarms off can all kill quickly and silently.

Nurses that are registry or travel nurses, same with CT and RT are suspect as well. Staff with history of admission to drug rehab, or drug related convictions or citations are suspect and in a position to kill and disappear.

Look at all this shit. Which registry does the hospital use, what registry staff was at the hospital that day. What could they access
Seth Rich, an American hero.

nothing new can post

Give (You's) where thy are deserved boys.
It's Yuge
Lets see some evidence.
Streuth, Bruce, you might wanna lay ooff the VB for a minute, cunt.
Right, remind me, how's pizzagate going?
bump for justice
Lets fuel this fire before the CIA took over WaPo

Police told the family, Joel Rich said, that a security camera from a small convenience store across the street captured a grainy image of their son collapsing and the feet or legs of two other people — possibly his killers. Officials with D.C. police declined an interview request. A police spokesman would not confirm the existence of a video or reveal what Rich may have said after he was shot, saying that that information could compromise an ongoing investigation.

now for the terrible part

“They were very surprised he didn’t make it,” Aaron Rich said emergency responders told him. “He was very aware, very talkative. Yep, that was 100 percent my brother.”

pizzagate was a diversion spun by the media, the only "pizza" part of pizzagate that was real is that the Podestas and other were using words for food items that are pedophile codewords

the pizza place was a diversion, but the pizza pasta and walnut sauce stuff is confirmed by an FBI document
Look at that damning evidence.

He was conscious and aware.

He could easily provide an APB.

Yet we have no description of the attackers.

We have no answer on how a conscious patient bled out in a hospital.
The closest hospital to his neighborhood is MedStar, which I didn't see on SEIU's list of contracts, but nearby Howard University is on the list. I don't know if the hospital and the university are connected.
SEE? This is what happens when a bandicoot bites you!

more damning evidence against operation mockingbird

fficials told the Riches that their son, who died at a nearby hospital less than two hours after being shot, didn’t know he’d been hit in the back by two bullets. He wasn’t in pain, they were told. But he was confused. When Seth Rich was asked where he lived, he gave a previous address, Joel Rich said.
to clarify, medstar is affiliated with georgetown, not howard.

I had to bug out last night.
This should be easy but until the police release all the CCTV footage it's gonna be much harder.
Lol dumb shills are in overdrive. Enjoy your $0.02 while we mop the floors with you.
>bug out
they have more than CCTV

Pieces of what might have happened were starting to come into focus as the family spoke to police, who suspected a botched robbery, and other emergency responders. The parents saw bruises on Rich’s face when his body was sent home to Omaha to be buried. They surmised there’d been a struggle.

Seth Rich has been established as being alive for 2 hours after he was shot, likely to make a recovery, having resisted the assault on him.



The moment you have to cover up murders as an officer is the moment you are no longer a part of the Justice system but the mafia

Bumping for Seth Rich!
unbelievable. I'm more ready than ever for mw2. listening to this one now. As far as testimony goes apparently this is quite informative for WikiLeaks/friend of. regarding the meeting in a dc park libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/121316-craig-murray-dnc-podesta-emails-leaked-americans-not-hacked-russia/
Checking it. I'm being blocked too. What's up with this.
Or else what bitch
you will be first against the wall faggot shill.
By the way.

This area is full of cameras and I mean full of cameras.

There are a bunch of ATMS in front of all of these building by Joes
fucking hell thats a sloppy post. sorry anon.
This basically

bumpty dance for truth and justice
Bumping for Seth

Rural and suburban retards give this visibility.

4Chan literally broke when CODEFAG started digging.

and now this >>125890606
Ive heard rod confessed to having no evidence. Is this true, or just a media ploy to discredit rod?
Top Faggot.
they are blocking image evidence i can upload but go on google maps

Look up where he was shot

Notice a fucking ATM is right there in front

the cia fuckers 'released their tech weapons' to the wild to give them plausible deniability to use them against anyone in the world

now they are hitting people on pol that are a threat

on the seth rich topic, lookie lookie

an ATM, geez i wonder if they caught the assault

by the way, Seth Rich was a Jew that was a Jesuit and LOVED AMERICA

He had on him a very expensive Jewish item that would have been stolen by any criminal for its value

The Riches also learned that their son’s watch and wallet had not been taken, although the watchband was damaged. There was something else that wasn’t taken: an expensive Jewish chai pendant that Mary Rich had initially given to Joel, inscribed with the word “ditto,” an inside joke from their courtship.

Carry with you an enduring proclamation of your faith in sterling silver or 14k gold with this beautifully crafted Hebrew Life Sign charm.

what criminal wouldnt steal a literal gold necklace if it was a robbery?
bumping this post for S£th Rich
media ploy. operation mockingbird is in full effect
shit is getting real

holy shit
shills are going overtime keeping these off the front page
>they are blocking image evidence
Unlikely. Upload image evidence elsewhere, post link, spam it.
What happened
no its because you faggots make 302 threads of this per hour, ofcourse you'd slid this right off the frontpage
try and post with an image and see what happens.

I keep getting connection errors what the fuck
they are blocking all image uploads here



his girlfriend who he was speaking with
I just tried it. Holy shit bro
01001000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100011 01101000 00100001 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110010 01100100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01111001 00100000 01000000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01100100 01100101 01101101 01101111 01100011 01110010 01100001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101010 01100101 01101110 01101110 01101001 01100110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110000 01100001 01101100 01101101 01101001 01100101 01110010 01101001 00101100 00100000 01101000 01101001 01101100 01101100 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101001 01101110 01110100 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101010 01101111 01101000 01101110 00100000 01110000 01101111 01100100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01100001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01101111 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100010 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01111001 01101100 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101100 01101100 01110011 00101110 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100010 01100010 01111001 00100000 01001101 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 01110011 00101110 00100000
After reading over some of CODEFAG's other posts. >>125864180

not even 6 hours after seth was gunned down, the fucking joe was at a 5 star resort 2 states away... even though he had just seen Seth and talked with him for 2 hours
Seems like running from dodge to they were close enough that the owner "Offered Seth a ride home" but didn't stay after he was international news
as well as being a key witness


up side of 4chan being on a semi lockdown is there's no obnoxious slide threads.

Keep this going, anons.
After Seth’s death, Kelsey Mulka appeared on Crime Watch Daily to speak about the murder. She also told NBC Washington, “There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything…They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life.”

they apparently wanted to kill him quietly or abduct him but he forced them to shoot him

he still survived and thats when they killed him at the hospital
Organize! They are silencing you online!
Go outside and shout for justice!
Print flyvers with relevant info!
Get off the internet and engage with the public!

Why didn't the robber take the laptop?
ru srs?

no one cares
much bigger news going on
quick rundown:

- 4chan broke when this >>125887977 was posted (photos of the bar manager in the oval office days before the murder).
- all posting down for 3 hours.
- now image uploads are blocked.
- this is also currently happening http://downdetector.com/status/level3/map/

we're in the real shit now.
I specifically said that he can post links to an image uploaded elsewhere. Even if image uploading is temporarily not working on 4chan, it is still unlikely that "they" are blocking image evidence. If words can be posted then URL can be posted then image evidence can be shared.
you miss the full implications of this. If DNC was a leak not a russian hack than the entire narrative falls apart obviously - and the murder destroys the left's moral credibility
operation mockingbird and their russia narrative is an attempt to silence this botched cia & dnc operation

get fucked

their are still some honest journalists left not part of your cabal
semi lockdown?
what's happening
>probably overlooking whats at stake here anon
I'll love them when Seth's killer see's the blue lights
>>125892959 I had frozen front pages all over 4chan for 3 hours this mornin
I just tried to upload an image and I got an error.
image upload seems borked, thread cap can't be posted, the fuck is this?
see: >>125893279
Can someone explain how a "botched robbery" ends with nothing stolen and the victim killed? Usually the gun is just a threat, they demand something and try to avoid killing the person since it attracts attention. Are they saying the robber was so inept he pulled the trigger by accident?
they are super obvious

they are taking down all democratic controlled networks because of the drudge report on Seth Rich

this is the CIA in action boys, buckle up for this roller coaster ride to hell
But why didn't they take anything? Even if they didn't intend to rob him, it still would have made sense to make it look like they were. Surely government assassins can't be this incompetent.
Because he was assassinated
Want to see the shills go wild?

Last night a brave anon found something interesting. Thank you Codefag!

Thread from last night:

The owner of the bar where Seth Rich left was in the Oval Office 4 days prior to his murder. ***WAS GOING TO HAVE PICRELATED, THE SITE IS PREVENTING ME FROM UPLOADING IT FOR SOME REASON***
pic: http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1495002373326.png

Let's not jump to conclusions, but try to find a reason why.

Some more gems:

>Joe Capone — who had become a good friend — tried to get him to reveal his favored candidate.

>"I heard there was a bunch of robberies lately by a man with a silver gun in the area," said Joseph Capone, general manager of Lou's City Bar.
>"He was here just by himself that night, and even asked him if he wanted to stick around and get a ride home," said Capone. "He was like 'No, I'm going to go somewhere else and then I'll go home.'"

>Rich was unusually drunk. The 27-year-old DNC staffer could normally throw back Bell's beer for hours without a problem, but that night he was uncharacteristically unsteady on his feet as he made his way out the door.

>“That was just not Seth. I never saw him drunk or even tipsy.”

Was Joe Capone involved?

Also, Codefag please check in.
(His internet was brought down last night after posting all this.)
It wasn't professionals, the CIA uses contractors.

The professionals come out when you kill someone like Scalia.

This was most likely a "rough him up situation" or "put him in a coma situation" that was worked out with a local made man like Capone.

Seth resisted to well and they shot him and ran.

The reason they panicked is this all went down in front of an ATM camera.

Someone much higher up came and cleaned up the mess at the hospital as Seth Rich was still responsive, in contact with the media and the FBI.

But no witnesses, no FBI or media case.

Or in short, no Snowden of the DNC.
He had to bug out see

>>125893322 checked. This. is. YUGE.
all threads getting slid
Well if he was concious maybe he said something. Is it possible to contact the hospital staff or maybe his family to see what happened.
thnx leafbro, knew about the freeze up, but not the other- the fire is rising, no doubt
Nah he just (unironically) went to bed after stumbling onto the Joe Capone in White House dealeo. This is still our virtual safe space
The final piece is these incompetent fucktards are taking down DNC affliliated areas to prevent them from learning about Seth Rich and blocking people like Code Fag from digging deeper by blocking image posting and dropping this site.

/pol/ has gone to war with the Deep State and no all you fuckers are on lists with the rest of us.

Why? You are breaking the entire leverage they have on Trump by independently destroying their stories against him.

Now the fucker has room to fight if his team picks this up.

And they will since the NSA is run by a patriot again.
"Intel leak" that everyone in the room says never happened?

$0.05 has been deposited into your account shill.

My only hope is that the dnc investigation gets turned into a RICO case and you all go to prison for murder and treason.
Are you implying he was given GHB by the bar owner?
It works in their favor to have it look like a murder, to shut up leakers.

I just wonder how an earnestly attempted robbery can ever look like straight up murder.
pulled the trigger twice by accident
Man I feel tired. Aren't afternoons a great time for a nap?
Where is the ATM Camera footage?
God's strength to You all.

Holy shit fucking kill yourself
We live in a nightmare that the Hilary and the dnc are so bold to do something like make Brad Bauman the spokesperson for the rich family


Sorry sweeties. Nice try though, detracting from Trump violating the constitution.
[wgtb] [vgtw]
are you retarded? fuck off
>pizza pasta walnut sauce im a faggot please rape my face
pizza gate began from a single photo found in the podesta emails, of an asian woman and a very young girl about to bite into slices of pizza with the email claiming "this is the life"
Here is why you better all get strapped fuckers

On December 9, 2016, the CIA told U.S. legislators that the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded Russia conducted operations during the 2016 U.S. election to prevent Hillary Clinton[14] from winning the presidency.[15] Multiple U.S intelligence agencies concluded people with direct ties to the Kremlin gave WikiLeaks hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee.[15]

The DNC & NeoCons & CIA are but buddies in this conspiracy.

And all us dumb mutherfuckers are the biggest impediment with our search into Seth Rich against the push by the Deep State for Impeachment against Trump.

So we are going to an hero or get medals fuckers but its on like donkey kong

Thanks Seth Rich for the biggest happenings

May you live in America heaven forever
also bump for justice
The police said they had it per the family but wont show anyone.

How can we help the fuckers if they wont give an APB?

Seth was concious as well and would have told them what they looked like AS HE FUCKING WRESTLED WITH THE DUDES.
Can I get a ground report? How well is this news breaking through to normies?

Down the page a ways here there is the police report from the police who responded to the Seth Rich murder. Some people are saying they can't see it. Obviously it may be censored for some people, because it is coming in from Twitter (I will get it onto this server here later).
The police report makes it clear: The main assisting officer's wife worked within the Clinton campaign, and directly for Hillary Clinton. Seth was not shot in the head, and was alive and concious when found. Then, somehow he died. Maybe the injuries were enough, but I'd say having someone so close to Clinton respond to the shooting was probably the main factor in Seth's death.

The police report, and the officer's wife's (Nandi Robinson's) linkdin are embedded in this column. They work from here at the time of this posting. If they don't come in where you are, they are getting censored.
I am starting to think Trump really was playing 4d chess as some have said. I think he waited for everyone to hang themselves, and then acted. I am even starting to think the cruise missile attack on Syria was part of the game, because Trump notified the air base 40 minutes before the missiles arrived, and most of them missed. But it appeased his enemies. Whatever happened with Trump, having the Seth Rich story explode at this time could not possibly be better, Hannity is all over this and other major players are all over this also. I posted a warning from preacher Jim Bakker. The last time I saw him was decades ago, but he is probably onto something and I think people should listen. The left is cornered. They are going to fail with Trump Watergate. And when they fail (it will be soon) they will probably move quickly to kill Trump. Because if they don't they are going down, they cannot possibly get through a Comey firing and then have the truth about Seth Rich, which many of them were involved in murdering, come to light.
My place was raided I was lucky and saw them trying to stealth pull up. Who would have thought watching CSI would have taught me how to notice that.

I got out and am squatting in a library for a bit trying to activate the nest. Probably gonna relocate here soon.
So the CIA was created at exactly the same time as Israel and is intimately linked to Mossad and both use the same tactics. Also there assets are mostly jews and sociopaths who probably have jewish DNA (psychopathy/sociopathy being a jewish genetic psychological trait).

I don't think we should lose sight that he problem is jewish
Holy hell man .. Can we do a FOIA request? or do they have some bullshit response such as " We cannot release information, as it is an ongoing investigation" or some shit.

They probably will "lose the evidence" it reality
this is some top notch gold
this guy predicted the DD0S

something extremely big is going on
God speed codefag.
And no major media reports on the oddness of it all, or the payoff to the family.
Ignore larpers.
the death squads will take justice to the left, bulets to the backs of their heads
stay safe anon, godspeed
They are shutting down the Bernie bros access to the info via level 3 outages.

They went after an Anon for finding the missing links in this story.

They are pissed that Brad has been exposed as a fraud.

This thing is so fucking dirty and such a mess its the key to knocking down the whole house of cards.

So yeah fuckers, if youre playing in this sandbox with the rest of us fuckers that are willing to fight for America you better get ready.

Cause this fucker is a powder keg.
get the fuck out of the lion's den man
Wikileaks would be foolish to play into the narrative-its not their dirt or place to uncover-they did their part, now wait
Earlier Tuesday, Brad Bauman, a spokesman for the Rich family, released a statement in which he said the family had "seen no evidence" to suggest Seth Rich had been in contact with Wikileaks.
>seen no evidence
>because family is always shown everything right?
Neck yourself you non reading faggot
How will we know if you are still here? Set up a dead mans switch or something.
God speed codefag
Is someone fucking with this board? I can't make a new thread
the solution also was. dont fuck this up with anti semitism.

fucking seth rich is a jew that gave his life for his country, America.

can you say the same?

fuck the Mossad though, they have no place operating in America or their Israeli kikes

but any Jew that wears an American outfit unironically and dies for our country deserves the highest honors
It's like this across the site
Bro, post a picture of yourself saying "if I die, it WASNT by SUICIDE, -Codefag"

If you are being serious, I would STRONGLY advise you heed my warning. A man in the public eye is much MUCH harder to put down than a lone anon..

Good luck.
Nest is compromised do not trust people who claim to work with me.

This may be my last post I am running.
01001000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01010011 01100101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010010 01101001 01100011 01101000 00101110
God speed Codefag!
i have a feeling this is the only larp shit that will have results
you cant, its already been tried.

someone in the washington dc police force needs to go rogue with the evidence

they need fbi protection to do that and comey couldnt be there when it happened
Its been happening all day so far.
I agree with this anon codefag. Don't let them suicide you.
Alright is there some maintenance I wasn't aware of? If not this is REALLY fucking suspicious considering it happened when this shit came to light. Board was not moving at all earlier
Stay safe Codefag. And do this: >>125894919
God bless.
if you ALL do not have hf/uhf/vhf/ radio equipment - you had better get some and learn how to use it, this is more important than even weaponry, which is obvious by the strength of pol, communication will be the most valuable tool to have when shtf
>They went after an Anon for finding the missing links in this story.
What happened? Didn't hear about this.
You are now.
then have the cia/nsa find your ass through facial recognition
have clandestine place, let us know if you need help
01001000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01010011 01100101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010010 01101001 01100011 01101000 00101110
Fuck. Bump

Impressed, leaf
If the fags in this thread are accurate, someone or Gookmoot himself is blocking images and other bugs
What if he does a pic of another guy with that note?
>You are now.
Do you have a link or info on that story?

spread it, I've yet to confirm it, but save it incase
oh wow. thanks. so much going on, I missed that.
You only deserve one scoop for that post
NO. Fuck off kike shill.

Codefag, cover you face if you want, but brother... honestly... you have ONE shot at providing us a timestamp that we can flood the internet with if you ever mysteriously die. The fact they've already visited you proves they already know who you are, what you look like, affiliates, etc.

Don't let them do this to you....
I hope we can get the truth out before it's too late. Too late.... To clean your room
This codefag. I know you're running but do it.

quick rundown:

- 4chan broke when this >>125887977 → was posted (photos of the bar manager in the oval office days before the murder).
- all posting down for 3 hours.
- now image uploads are blocked.
- this is also currently happening http://downdetector.com/status/level3/map/

we're in the real shit now.

does 8ch still work?

why not post images there until Gook moot can fix this shit?
And this is why their narrative makes no sense. How many "robbery" victims have their laptop seized and searched and not returned if nothing was found
>almonds activated


good work.
If I remember correctly they always announced maintainence or problems that would have this effect. Considering the timing of this outage and the censorship elsewhere it's probably not a coincidence and a reaction like this mass censorship of this topic makes me think even more that there could be truth to our investigation
Fake news

What's your status codefag?

Oh Austria, you cad.
Probably but nobody goes to 8ch for anything outside of my le epic secreter club or furry porn, the point is that it's happening here where people actually go
Proof of the Russian hacking now

It sure looks like Seth Rich was murdered.

And the DNC acted strange as shit in the aftermath of the death.



Helps Explain Why Assange was so upset after Seth Rich Died Under Mysterious Circumstances.

And we need a special prosecutor to look into the DNC.

Is it possible that everything that the Dems have done and said since the Trump election was done just to muddy the waters and throw suspicion off of the Democrats?
Why don't they realize coverups and censorship like this makes people want to look into the subject a lot harder. It's basically confirmation that we're definitely onto something
Operation Mockingbird won't shift us from finding the killers of Seth Rich.

Get fucked.
This. I'm getting scared of all the winning. It's too much winning.

I haven't been this scared since I was a teenager on Sept 11th and thought WWIII was starting. Dangerous people are cornered. On the whole, I trust the CIA and FBI, but they have many players who cannot be trusted.
Video uploaded on 3/29/17
didn't bother watching, kys


easier said than done.
I am literally praying for you, man. Godspeed, CodeFag
i think all of us are

Can somebody post a serious hijack instead of the stupid pimply teenage kek molok shit I see in this upcoming shit show diversion?
same here anon, where 2 or more are gathered there is power in his name
post a hijack link then

WTF? Are you a hero or something?
So when to we kill everyone in the CIA, starting with the shitheads watching us at this very moment?
I have been looking for that video for 2 days now. I remember seeing it when it 1st came out. I was very surprised they would release something like that, so I watched it but didn't think anything of it.

It didn't show Seth Rich collapse though. It just showed 2 people's legs as they were walking away. The news said it was release in hopes of anyone recognized anything. It was only a few seconds long.

I have not been able to find it. I didn't think it was a big deal. Now I'm convinced it is if they scrubbed it from the internet. wtf.
I''m sorry but who is CODEFAG?
Hopefully not an unwitting an hero...
BUMP. Who can tell us which hospital he went to? Can we simply ask his parents???
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. Now fuck off
see this anons post>>125895374
ambu EMTs/paramedics will have a runsheet that should give some kind of explanation of the severity of Rich's injury. Depends on their level of documentation though.
fake instagram post

cuck = face.
Most likely you are already dead Icarus. /kill switch.op
kek do you believe the facebook photo post?
r/le_donald tier fake news
what am i looking at?
Is it possible it's a LARPer? Or is it for sure hat can no one else use that name?
God speed brother.
seems like a legit facebook

hospital staff won't say anything because 1) of HIPAA and 2) they work in DC long enough and they'll understand that shit like this goes down in DC, that it's safer for them to stay quiet.
Could always say fuck this and look into the fact that the Clintons are looking for investors to dump more money into Africa, also United Arab Emirates-the Seth Rich timeline is over, they fucked us. Clinton wasn't going to go to War with Russia-they we're going to continue the Obama administrations expansion of the ME and btfo the Jews, they were /ourguy/ on that front-this is why they didn't feed into the "radical Islam" narrative, it reinforces Israels stance

If you're referring to Codefag:
and domain name applies double to you, newfag.
Can we find out what Seths most recent Amazon purchases were?

Seth knew there were fake polling places. He might have known about ballot swapping. Evidence of two sets of polling places exists online (someone archive!)
He leaks this to wiki. He gets killed.
He's shot twice in the back but there is evidence of a fight (presumably first) and he is alive when he gets to hospital.
Two issues here. We should focus on the former. Two sets of polling places. Tell everyone. Then it doesn't matter if we ever get justice for him as the news is out anyway.
Then as leafbro explained, Berniebros sue the shit out of the DNC.

Hospitals in vacinity of murder
DNC acted strange as shit in the aftermath of the death.



Helps Explain Why Assange was so upset after Seth Rich Died Under Mysterious Circumstances.

And we need a special prosecutor to look into the DNC.

Is it possible that everything that the Dems have done and said since the Trump election was done just to muddy the waters and throw suspicion off of the Democrats?
i think he was talking about the facebook link anon
>Allie Capone

I hope so, hence the preface. If so, sorry anon. But these days...
The strange thing about the Assange/Rich link is that Wikileaks have since claimed that none of their leakers have ever been harmed...or am I making that up?!
? Clicking links and getting blocked. Fuckery is up to some shitdiggery!
They can't technically say it happened unless proven in court of law Bla Bla Bla etc

also this:
underrated post.
He didnt start with wiki is the missing piece you guys dont have.

He started leaking to the media and to the FBI.

When Bernie still lost, he began leaking to wiki leaks as a last resort.

That was the final straw that got him killed.
can somebody give me a quick rundown? if its 1624 replies, it must be huge...
Fair enough-

▲ ▲
Their sliding to page 7 now! Can't let this nigger free!
▲ ▲
Bump dead maxed bread

▲ ▲


Why would they put reward money up for him
File: hitler2.gif (277KB, 240x287px) Image search: [Google]
277KB, 240x287px
The CIA took over Wikileaks with the death of Assange.

They leaked the releases they did in a chess move to give them full deniability with these new wave of attacks.

The ransomware, level 3 outage, etc. aren't some hackers sitting out there.

That is the CIA live testing their weapons on a global scale to show the havok they can wreak.

The CIA is filled with Mossad and this is Israel showing they have a version of the Samson option for online since modern missile defense can stop their nuclear attacks ala THAAD.

Hope that clears the picture.

What you have is the CIA which has been heavily infiltrated by Israel and other rogue factions is now launching a full war on President Trump as is standing against them.

Nixon was pushing back against Israel and the other Deep State when he was impeached.

Its the same narrative, same plan, etc.

Except this time Seth Rich fucked their shit up by being a patriotic Jew that loved America and royally fucked them over in his support of Bernie Sanders.

A Bernie - Trump alliance is the Deep State's worst fear as they both agree on the destruction of their evil ways and if their supporters unite, than the fucking degenerate garbage left becomes the most obvious of shills.
I'd need to see a link to that. I don't recall Assange saying anything of the sort since June '16.
Assange can't do that it's our job
shills will not suceed
>death of Assange
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because of digits.
way over bumb limit already
but it wont 404 since no new threads are being made


who is shutting us down?
i think we poked the fuckers right in their hearts when seth rich became a topic again
they are fucking afraid!
Shift click hides threads in the catalogue. Hide all non-seth rich threads. Wait 5 minutes and hit f5 to see the shills in action.
The fire rises.
I won't claim that Assange has made that claim, he might have-Wikileaks has on their Twitter tho
the shills don't want to be associated with murder; hence the massive panic we've seen since the seth rich stuff got out
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