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Aus/pol/ Q&A Pre-Drinks Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 54

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>Mark Latham to join the Liberal Democrats


>Q&A starts in a couple of hours lads:


>The official Aus/pol/ Commercial and theme. Get in the mood:

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Tonight's Q&A panel
Link to the previous thread:

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>not copy and pasting the news from original thread
I hate the way that autistic chink Melbourne cunt describes things.
>Copy pasting the fake news narrative the melbournite falls for
well everybody hates you so it's okay
It's gonna be a boring q and a.

I think I'll catch up on some Walking Dead tonight, you cunts been watching anything any good?
>Copy pasting /melpol/ news in /auspol/.
McFucking kill yourself.
Better Call Saul is the only thing I watch as soon as it comes out.

It is okay. Moves a bit slow though.
Designated Survivor is a pretty good show if you ignore the lefty undertones and overtones.
Just skip the muzzie arc and it's pretty good.
hey gay cunts
TNG, always enjoyed sci-fi but never got around to watching it.

Its pretty overrated to be honest.
I quit after the second season - is he a criminal lawyer yet?
ur gay
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Hello m8. How are you tonight?
Yeah it is garbage. Even Voyager is more watchable.
Enjoying that "Down down, prices are down!" ad followed by the FreeTv wank?
Not yet.
>Foreigners get $15bn in welfare payments

This needs more attention. Put this in the OP for next thread.
make a separate thread for qanda aye

pretty good lad n u
3rd season he hooks up with Gus and then it will pick up from there.
They've really shat the bed then, Breaking Bad was fun because they got into the deep end on the first season.
BCS is just slow and boring with no real action or intrigue.

See: >>124629585
That's good to hear m8. Yeah I am okay. Have been on a diet and I am feeling better. Didn't realise how all the food was fucking up my sleep and making me feel tired and miserable.
Nah its on my HD, along with the original series, DS9 and Voyager. The only time I ever seen it before however was occasionally on eleven.

>"Down down, prices are down!"

I used to work there full time, it never ended.
1. alright
2. dunno probs shitcunt
3. guarenteed lefty shitcunt
4. Dunno
5. Dunno

looks like a shitone tonight lads
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>eating after 8pm
fat cunt what the fuck did you expect
things to point and laugh at [add any i've left out]:

>(((uni jouirnalists))) mad they were denied access to the budget lock-in
>(((fairfax))) journalists stage walk-out after getting a fuckload of staff sacked
>Dave Hughes
Used to work at Target during Chrissy when I was a young cunt.
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth..." sends chills up my spine like scrapping a popsicle stick between your front teeth.
> mfw Leyonhjelm, Latham, Bernardi, Gichuhi go hard at the next election, get senate spots and form a solid voting block

We're going to take over the fucking senate cunts, LDP + AC.
This is flawed data. Not comprehensive enough. It needs ethnic or visa divisions.
I can't stand this broad brush deception, essentially it is saying "non citizens are ~40% of the population and use 10% of the welfare" This kills the narrative.
The problem is not the non-citizens it is the ethnic or visa groups that need to be looked at. and the argument for this is that it allows for greater integration while the non-citizen set of data allows for marginalisation via poorly targeted policy.

yeah shits fucked much easier to eat trash
LDP already holds Federal and State senate seats.
I love how the shills aren't trying to tie AC to ONP with white nationalism and have moved into trying to tie themselves to liberty.

Next they'll be professing the virtues of environmentalism.
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>State senate seats
Who are the shills you're referring to?
You know what I meant.
"State Legislative Council of WA"
They only won a seat in the WA LC because voters confused them with the Liberal Party again.
I bet I could smash every cunt in this thread
Has Latham ever been on QandA?
cunts based
Literally no, Liberal party was near the left of the ballot, LDP was towards the right hand side.
They won a seat with preferences and real world actions being reported in the media.
every cunt in this thread is a soft cunt and couldn't even stand to me soft cock pussssssies

leb life
Be the only type of cunt you'd ever willingly smash tho.
I will be back in a minute to prove that wrong.

I hate that you make me bother to look this shit up m8.

Stop being ignorant and wrong with such confidence.
Dave Hughes - Comedian
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Kek, baby want his bottle?
I could smash you easily you soft cocked homo
I bet you still suck on mommys tits cus you can't cook fried rice
essentially it is saying "non citizens are ~40% of the population and use 10% of the welfare" This kills the narrative.

You've pulled those stats out of your arse. There are aproximately 2.5 million non-citizens (aprox 10%) and they get 15 billion per year in welfare out of 150 billion (about 10%).

so fuck off Mohammed
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See here at the bottom dickhead:


I took a screenshot for you too.

don't underestimate how dumb some cunts are anon
Q society shills attempt to co-opt reclaim australia movement, then tried to co-opt ONP movement, now they try to co-opt LDP.

You would see their shills during the election when they thought white nationalism was the cause, in a FB commerce group you'd see someone going on about gene pools with very hostile rhetoric, then you'd see the same comment from someone else in a different group, and then you'd see the same shit on MSM comments. Cruz missile tier posts that you just laugh at, but they were everywhere on FB.

They've been trying here for months, the LDP is their latest attempt.
Ultimately they are only there to promote Israeli nationalism which is seen as irrelevant in Australian discourse. They are a foriegn lobby group posing as a party.
It should be okay though because they don't get it and the LDP constituency isn't likely to leave LDP.
Gday cunts!
Heard on the radio today that the next Triple J Hack Live show will be on male privilege, dont know when its airing though but I reckon we could have a laugh together watching it
>Screencapping reddit
>essentially it is saying "non citizens are ~40% of the population and use 10% of the welfare" This kills the narrative.

You've pulled those stats out of your arse. There are aproximately 2.5 million non-citizens (aprox 10%) and they get 15 billion per year in welfare out of 150 billion (about 10%).

so fuck off Mohammed
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Ahh, I'm South West, so I distinctly remembered Libs being on the left.
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>not knowing Antony Green's blog when you see it
I could literally fight and beat every cunt in this thread.
Count me in, laughing at Tom Tilly make a dickhead out of himself is a guilty pleasure of mine.
He's been on a couple times
Is this a meme? I don't get it.

time and place cunt
I could bash the fuck outta you
Actually I did karate when I was 6
I swear I saw these cunts shilling like robots on the ALA page when they had that massive financial backing from the Q society. They didnt speak like Aussies.
I do love seeing him try to moderate the shitstorm that occurs. When I find more info over the coming days ill post it up in Auspol
Really shows just how smart your average liberal voting boomer is.
bait or shitpost? i cant tell....
Yeah the stat was pulled out of my arse, good job sherlock, the point remains.
The argument is that immigrants use welfare disporpotionately and this data kills that argument, though the data is heavily flawed and generalises.

But good going to say "Huuur your irrelevant data point has a '~' on it"
I wonder if he'll get ANGRY tonight.
I could bash every cunt in this thread without trying.

You can bring a weapon I'll fight unarmed and I'll still win
whereabouts are you m8y? northside bris? time and place?
what, do you have a black belt in cuntfu?
come on cunt
Meet me in Punchbowel, Western Syd
I'll fuck you up
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>100% aus flag thread
I could outtype all of you. 45wpm.
i'll punch your bowel cunt
Every cunt in this thread talks tough behind his mummys pc but they don't know I could smash them
Bring any weapon I'll still win
American posting soon. Calling it.
#1 on reddit currently is a post about how the Trump Admin is planning to smear some woman in the DOJ tomorrow but theres no ACTUAL proof that what is being said comes from the white house.

Its also been #1 on the site allll day. Has it been stickied there by a reddit admin or something?

>inb4 reddit
>inb4 >>>out

sounds like what you get up to on the weekends m8
>Talks about reddit front page
>Uses reddit spacing

You have to go back. Fuck off ya queer cunt.
What if I brought a nuke?
Is it possible to fill your car with petrol without standing there holding the trigger?

Is it possible to stick it in, and then have it keep itself going automatically without you needing to keep holding it?
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Hope we dont jinx it
also why would i travel 10 hours and 900km's just so you can not show up.

I watched the first episode of some show the other day while plastered, and now I cant remember what it was, it was good enough to elicit a strong feeling of wanting to watch more though, and I don't really watch anything these days, as its pushing too many kike agendas, but this show was good.

anyone know what it is, it was like 4 weeks ago so there might be up to 4 or episodes out by now?
Blow up your tribes homeland then u noonga cunt 'll still smash ya
Im gonna rape ur tight boipuss after i k/o you as well
i wish i was tough enough to threaten people on an anonymous forum
hahahahaah PUSSY
what a weak cunt
>Smash Aus pol guy.
>get kidnapped by mudslimes and thrown in a sex slave and torture dungeon.

They should drop one of those massive bombs Trump dropped on Punchbowl.
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Oh look at this soft cunt he's tryna act like he's a hard cunt
I bet you'd back down real fast irl you soft cunt
you are forever known as bowelpuncher

Fuck off cunt
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Reddit is a controlled environment.
I am not sure what you're getting at, if the choice is between the Trump admin and whiteknighting some unnamed woman employed in a role Trump was elected to dismantle, I would choose the Trump admin.
I think new Silicon Valley is out. I'll watch that I think. Not in the mood for the walking dead.
meet me in Northgate, Brisbane then. or are you a pussy?
>ID: OLAD4cra
>oh lad for crack
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thread's full cunt
>implying you could smash me
>implying I wouldn't leave you in a park at night to get your bowel punched by lebs after i leave you black and blue
No mate it's petrol. I do not understand people's affinity for automation, you should be deliberate with things like resource aquisition (buying petty)

10h - 900km

these numbers do not add up, 900k is only like 6 hours
I bet you are an Aussie cunt who just switched on his proxy to fuck with us.
chill out bowelpuncher
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Threads full burger.
I have seen it done overseas.

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Ya beat me to it cunt

Fuckin oath
Who else /wtf I love Bill Shorten now!/ here?
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>900k is only like 6 hours
Where in fuck are you able to drive 150 km/h for 6 hours straight mate?

>using 'like' unnecessarily
are you a twelvie?
>implying I would even set foot in Punchbowl ever except for maybe a drive through for the lols just to see how defiled it is.

If you wanna punch on come up to the northern beaches. I'll wear my Manly jersey.
Yeah I go on reddit a lot, go on 4chan a lot too.
More often then not im commenting on reddit more then I do on 4chan to tell liberals they are dumb cunts.

Go be a poofta somewhere else cunt
>shit tier music
>not australian blues
fucking end your life literally
Im just honestly surprised they are being pretty blatant about it and people seem to be eating it up.
Pacific highway is a piece of shit south of tweed heads, turns into two fucking lanes for a long way
implying a soft cunt white boi can even fight

lmao cunt
How will you smash me if I detonate a nuclear weapon on your position?
liked it as a kid, as an adult all I see is poz propaganda
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It's just the demographic. People will readily believe what they want to believe.
Because a dumb whiteboi like you can't operate such complicated technology and I'll just boot you in the jaw as you try to activate it, then I'll take it back to my FNQ home.
more like south of mugereeba
Fuck this gay country
>abo detected
lmao I'm probably whiter than u bitch
Only whites in here Fuck off we're full
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>This anally ravaged and demasculated that 'he' (if you can even call you that) has the tenacity to call it bait
Tell it to the nuke
>a chink larping as an aussie
back to sydney you slant eyed cunt
based abos
Lol you cunts are weak from all that shitty kebab meat. You know I'd win sand nigger after I dodged a few of your lame kick boxing moves.
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Fuck off, whites only
does anyone have a link to the non-normie discord server?
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>tfw when you're out of weed for Q&A
I'd smash you so easily because you have no test after jerking off to traps all day
Pathetic cunt doesn't even have 3 wives to fuck daily
>The argument is that immigrants use welfare disporpotionately and this data kills that argument

You don't need to lie to win this argument. Migrants personal incomes are on average lower than the average citizen and therefore they still are getting disproportionally more than they put it
Found out that Asians pretending to be Australian are called bananas. They are disliked by other asians.

Called bananas because they are yellow on the outside, but white on the inside.
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Fuck off sandkikes.
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That sort of stuff is why Civic Nationalism can't work.
So I'll call you a banana then?
>implying I'm a shitskin

cunts I'm the whitest cunt here and I could smash you all I'm also an alpha in a polyamorous relationship
went 85 instead of 80 in an intersection in victoria. It was a highway and was like that just off a major intersection. Would i have been flashed by a camera
>le whoite boi blah blah talking like a leb cunt
Fuck off achmed you shit eating child raping cunt.
pretty sure my Chinese neighbours killed and at my cat
The thing about immigrants is there are immigrants and immigrants. Some are economically productive and some aren't. Lumping them all together isn't the most sensible way of looking at it.

There is a big difference between a pom who came here in 1957 and a Sudanese who came in 2012.
>So I'll call you a banana then?
Do whatever makes you happy anon.
>incel beta
>talking down to his superior

Haven't you got anime girls to jerk off to cunt?
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sorry what?
>western syd

confirmed for roided up leb

fucking kill yourself.
Taxation specialist

Yep he's jewish
>ad hom
Wew lad. Stop posting and neck yourself immediately.
Did you see a flash?
If so then yes, otherwise no.
enjoy your STI's when your (((3))) wives are finished fucking abbos
Lisa Singh. She's half curry and in Tasmania. So much for tassie being white.
>implying i'm not a whiteboi living in penrith stealing all tha white wimminz

incel beta boi is booty flustered
>Yep he's jewish
I have never even met one in real life but they are always on the TV and in the papers.
stop larping bowel puncher
Look. If you make me a kebab and come up and deliver it to my house I'll forgive you and I won't fuck you up. Stupid leb.
how would you know
Honestly if you're getting poos it may as well be Sikhs
I haven't seen it for a fortnight and they are filthy chinks
I could literally smash every cunt in this thread. White bois have forgotten how to fight it's truly pathetic.
I have this idea for an adervt in my mind.

It would start with a white bloke taking a can of dog food out of his fridge, he'll call for his dog and tap the tin with a spoon but the dog doesn't come.
He goes into the backyard calling for his dog, then the camera refocuses placing emphasis on the Asian family next door.
Then the guy says "Should have voted for one nation" and the clip fades to white with the ONP logo centered on screen.

You could do so much with a "should have voted ONP" hook, like the meercat commercials
haven't gotten enough (you)s mate?
Welcome to society, if you have to fight, you already lost.
Pussies talk shit on the net.
Fight me. Punchy station, 1930 tomorrow by the railing out the front
>should have voted ONP
It'd be accused of racism and every word the left could think of under then sun, but it'd be funny as shit and might work, i'd love to see this
>Welcome to society, if you have to fight, you already lost.

bahahah says the weak little whiteboi

have you ever been in a fight you soft cock cunt
No need.
>Punchbowl station
This guy is legit. Bet he does fucking sick skids in the carpark.
Stop replying to the lebbo cunt who wants to fight everyone, hes just doing it for attention

dont give him anymore (you)s
Bring it cunt I'll meet you at Springwood station 3pm after i finish work
Just got here. Stop talking like a nigger, faggot.
These cunts fishing for (you)s should be prmabanned


Here is your nothing you stupid cunts
>no need
lmao pussy
i bet you wouldn't defend your non existent waifu if she was being raped by a pack of niggers
Just bored and bumping the thread anon.

Black people can't afford to live near me.
good evening a.s.i.o mods, lurkers, miners
Greenline cunts are poofs. Fuck off cunt
Not even worth the effort
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Wigger pls
us blue mountain boys can smash u northern beach cunts
come on cunt
springy station 3 pm
or katoomba at 6 iff u bring ur crew
It has been really disappointing seeing how many people have let the thread be derailed by taking such dumb bait.

Its all these fucking idiots responding to (you) fishing

Out the front
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Started working at Vodafone today, $23.01/hr working 37.5 a week FeelsGoodMan

Hoping to find a corporate job in the 6-8 months once I finish Uni.

Life is finally getting better boys FeelsGoodMan
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WTF??? I love Liberal Democrats now!!
Thats said about us and 4chan to. Up to all of us to be aware of the danger of confirmation biases I guess
How's it going lads?
Yeah, my two comments there were seperate.
like, In the middle of Queensland, like obviously
Just waiting for 2017 to end anon, how about yourself?
Congrats. Any positives about the recruitment process you'd like to disclose for your fellow Aussies?
I still don't get it, is this like the lebbo version of "Madam President".

Recruitment process is pretty easy, just be outgoing, personable, and "passionate". If you make it seem like you really give a fuck about the customer and the values of the company, you can easily get a job.
tf does that mean?
Even comment is aussie
Meet me at Warnbro skate park at midnight cunt.
Reddit demographic: Young middle class american angry because just moved out from home and realised can't afford to maintain lifestyle, blames world.
> Northgate

Are you me?
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There's a slimy jew on QandA tonight, I'm sure there will be plenty of ammo to spam the twitter feed with.
I should be studying but I'm too invested in shitposting on auspol
quite possibly, do you work in Nundah?
Wait no sorry I was misreading what you wrote. Thanks lad.
Lurk more.
nothing can beat that huge flaming kike that showed up on Q&A last month
>tony abbot finally grows a pair and joins AC
>Labor sweep the next election
>turn around and now facing a strong coalition of LDP and AC

This is the best way forward. A labor victory is inevitable. Its the only way to ensure that labor is stopped everytime they want to do something. We need to stop relying on these damn liberals
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Hey boys, just got diagnosed today with autism at 30. Not even memeing. I literally have autism.

The psychologists don't think I'm mentally fit to work, and have already barred me from attending upcoming jury service.

I don't even know what to do now.
Np dude.
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wtf I am now a centipede for kirra lee
how did that come about? Did you drink the gay frog water?
Get DSP, obviously.
How did u get the diag? Can I get it too? I post in 4chan, is that a start?

Its used purposely so as not to give out (you)s, you stupid fuck
Nah valley m8
Same bud
Just kinda want some Apex niggers to raid my house right now
Get fuckin reel
>The psychologists don't think I'm mentally fit to work,

Bullshit, why can't you work?
Yilmaz pls
then you are not me. i think, i sometimes also work there
He shouldn't get DPS. He should act like nothing happened and get on with his life.
going to bed lads
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>The psychologists don't think I'm mentally fit to work, and have already barred me from attending upcoming jury service.

Go to Jury service, anon. Make sure your non-white accused hangs for his crimes.
good onya for knockin'-off
reminder if you don't post a g'night post you're a dogcunt
Yep Labor and Green have got it for the next 6 years for sure. People are sick of cucks pretending to be men. So may as well go full cuck then.
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good night grandpa
He can work, he just exposed his butthole to them and let them have their way.
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Good night m80.
>Really shows just how smart your average liberal voting boomer is.
>those idiots with their 8 properties
There is too many people doing that for free these days.
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most of the abo's are
Tony Abbott should defect as well and Julia Gillard could join as well... a political party of super Bosses!
who fingered a bird on the weekend?
looking for the discord with the users grouped by state
there used to be a little latch thing on the trigger that'd lock it down for you so you didn't have to squeeze the entire time (and it'd still stop when full like it always does)
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settle a bet, anon. is there a (((financial))) advantage to identifying as Indigenous with regard to higher education?
is this even up for debate?
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yeah pic related
Does it stop when full?

I have never dared to get that close.
yeah no shit i was five fingers deep on saturday. sydney nightclubs are skitz
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>fingering a lebbo in his stinky shit hole

gay cunt
Hey Karl. You ever fuck Lisa or what?
fuck off larper

you're like that one tool in year 7 who craps on about how tough he is until he tries it on some year 10 kids and get his head kicked in
what cunt? she said her name was spell or some gay shit, she took it like a champ
yeah she has a roastie cunt
easier than trying to larp as a leftist desu

larping as the class fuckwit is far less effort
did you lick her trans pucci smegma off your hands?
Fuck lads, how good is a bevo
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you fucked in the head or somethin cunt
pay denbts
playground at recess cunt, be there or be square
Doesn't qanda start now?
>says the cunt who fingers whores with yeast infections and licks it off his fingers
nah i make vag bread

I'd rather have asians next door than the bogans I have right now. asians would work hard, be good neighbors, and the tiniest effort on my part would ensure solid relationships.

my current neighbors play loud house music all day, have a yippy dog that never shuts up, and one had a flood light as bright as the fucking sun pointed at my living room

hard working conservative aussie family > asians > bogans > muslims > abbos
i bet you got warts on your finger now for fingering a gross roast cunt
nah ya mum gave me some cream
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9:35, not 9:25




>gets called out as being a dodgy cunt at the wogball
>gets violent, tries to start shit, gets his BSanglo to escort him out when it doesn't pan out
>complains the next day that the banter is to blame and contacts the authorities with the extreme victim card

we need to remove every wog
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seen the new pooftie trikes?
What was wrong with the motorbikes?
pretty sure the cops were investigating wogboy
> dying industry blowing money on gay ass new wheels

What the fuck AusPost
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Not pooftie enough
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fuck i hate wogs.
you can see in his apology that they think just removing all abbreviations makes them not sound like the dumbfuck stooges they are

not enough space for parcels; t. online shooping

this is good news if all the old bikes go to auction, would love one of them.
Don't australia post have vans for bigger stuff
Sup /auspost/

Student journo here looking for an answer: become a sellout & work for somewhere like the ABC or freelance and keep my conservative values ?
i am in exact same boat as you.
what do
freelancing is probably more profitable if you stick at it
>we need to remove e
Yeah but the posties on the bikes still deliver the smaller parcels. That is what is in the big bags on the sides.
The post office can never die.
I agree. I have one of those dogs near me it drives me mental. It's completely ruined one of my rooms I can't work in it because of the dog barking.

Hard decision to make cuz don't wanna be a poor dole bludger after uni.

Any ideas man ?
Why the fuck do they have "comedians" on a political analysis show?
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Every episode in the 3rd season has been amazing in my opinion. you still have the typical shit like mike driving a car for 15 minutes with jazz in the background but overall its good shit
Don't be a "journo" at all. Do something else.
Fucking journo's. Hope you love sucking kike dick, cause you will only be able to tell kike approves stories. Fucking sell-outs.
what's a good job to get to balance with uni

Got that IPhone auto correct going on.

Australia Post forever
join thedingoes.xyz cunt
kys oxygen thief
To be honest i've been dole budging in a way throughout whole uni exp- Also did dip in media studies don't know why.
So the idea of dole budging to do something independent after uni isn't so scary.
What uni are you at?
You should work in a more respected field such as Law , Politics, or drug dealing.

alright but when your news ends up as liberal propo and ya gal is getting raped by Ahmed next door but it's ok cuz the news confirmed Muslims are good people don't cry.
so you don't want an alternative?
>Labor's 'Australians First' ad accused of being racist

(((SBS))) (((VICELAND))) gives its two shekels on the matter
>implying that isn't already the case and all you would be is another drop in an ocean of shit.
sure told me buddy.
Are you talking to me?

I go to QUT & UQ in Brissy.

Can confirm that UQ is a literal liberal shithole with Socialist Alt. Walking round and a Pansexual and LGBT flag flying in the courtyard.
dave hughes is such an insufferable cunt. he literally has no idea what he's talking about on any issue, why do they put cunts like him on
Take what you can get. Better to wagecuck for lefties and eventually get to a position where you can make a difference, than to be some powerless neet. Really you just want to work towards having some real agency to make an actual difference. You would probably be doing more by making an outlet like the ABC a little less partial than you would preaching to the choir as some obscure right-leaning freelancer anyway desu.
There is no alternative until the current system is dismantled. People have tried "alternate news" before and it just isn't taken seriously. But I suspect you don't want to change the system, just be a part of it, in which case just off yourself already.

True there's not much you can do on a freelance platform.
Don't wanna be seen as another crazy ass Tomi Lahren or Lauren Southern, but will probably be labelled as such anyhow.
Burn the flags. I'll come down and watch.

The Queer Collective will hunt me down. Not even kidding, there's a safe space for them there.
>I used to work there full time
didya ever sue them?
Good. It's an NUS policy that all affiliated Unis including small & regional offer queer and women's spaces. I supported it in the policy book. Have a sook.
this is just dumb.
i said an alternative not alex jones "alternative" news.
also dont know why you would suspect i don't want to change the system?
pretty baseless comment.
Go down swinging you soft cunt.
Destroying the educational institutes of our country. Fucking kikes, why you do this?
well he has them laughing not clapping, so he brings a nice change.
If you honestly intend to change the system, then best of luck to you. But I think you would be naive to believe you could go up against an established system that has everything to lose by you making ANY headway at all.
>giving a group of people a room where they can feel secure is destroying education
If anything the availability of safe spaces probably attracts a wider range of students to uni, and gives them a space to make friends and therefore engage more with uni life. It enhances education.

Okay, but this now makes it that I can barley express an opinion ?
Thanks for killing Freedom of Speech cuck.
Mark (((Leibler)))
I'm sure that's true anon. I'm sorry we hurt your freeze peach. If you want to have a sook, I'm happy to listen.
naive? without question.
but really, anything else is just cuckery at some level.
>segregation and enabling echo-chambers enhances education.
Are you legitimately retarded?
fuck off wog cunt. ill get 50 uzis on ya yilmaz cunt
reminder you are literally paying for that video
also enjoy this too:

I got on the show fuckers. I was the "Le Pen wins in 4 years" guy
I guess gendered bathrooms are also segregation? If the segregated group is electing to segregate themselves and is at all times able to be in the non-segregated spaces of university (at least 99.99% of the available space on campus), why is this bad segregation?
>enabling echo chambers
Please, PLEASE explain how this is the case.

It's a shame you have to have a safe space to cry in when someone accidentally misgenders you.

I have nothing against LGBT people. But I'm not going to treat them any different to how I would anyone else. If we have an LGBT/Pansexual flag flying, why are we segregating a particular demographic and giving them a certain treatment?

Where's why my white safe space so I can discuss with only white people ? Like, cmon. No one is special.
nice work kunt
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Please explain to me, keeping in mind that the growth of human knowledge often requires a "pushing of the boundaries", why an educational institution that is supposed to foster an environment for free thinking needs to shelter specific individuals from opposing opinions; instead of encouraging said individuals to engage in legitimate and civilized argument on the topic.
I am more than happy to share a bathroom with females.
how many kebabs we fighting over roach?
It's about the denial of science that occurs in a safe space
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>I have nothing against LGBT people. But I'm not going to treat them any different to how I would anyone else
You're not everyone. It's like content warnings. I don't have any triggers, I've never had a panic attack or anything close to it. But I'm not everyone, and if a notice as to what sorts of content a given unit deals with is helpful for some people, what's the issue with that?

If having one room in a campus that probably contains thousands, if not tens of thousands of rooms, half of which are empty at any one time, is helpful for even one person, what's the problem?
This isn't part of the curriculum. It's a service provision usually (in fact, always afaik) offered by student unions that the specific groups can take advantage of between classes. Just a space to unwind, study, socialise, eat, etc.

So the suggestion it's about sheltering people from opposing opinions is mistaken.

I saw that, nice one
So we agree that males and females should share toilets. I'm glad you brought that up, these social constructs like male/female toilets are too limiting.

It would be great for productivity, as more space could be allocated in buildings for work.
this bloke looks like a fuckin mouse
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