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AUSPOL France is pathetic edition

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Thread replies: 323
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>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad


>cow tits cocaine smuggler wants our tax payer dollars to defend her in Columbian court against her coke smuggling charge


>police state AFP gets $321m funding boost to hire extra personnel


>Australia MUST allow shitskins from polynesia to immigrate once their shitty islands sink, says World Bank


>TPG capital offers to buy S M H, The Age and Domain - nobody cares as nobody reads that horseshit anyway


>cunt gets busted after dakking half a mil worth of ice in his jocks


Last thread: >>124441495

Discord: https://discord.gg/RgSvKQZ
>that first article
what the fuck
>Australia MUST allow shitskins from polynesia to immigrate once their shitty islands sink, says World Bank
Fuck that. Why can't SEA take them. Why's it always got to be us.
That means I'll get my inheritance faster!

Oh wait, damn.
reporting in to request more patriots who hate the nanny state or cunts who like trolling facebook.

we've been bringing the banter pretty hard for a month or so now but need more cunts
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>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad
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>40 mins ago

cunt could of timed it a bit better so i could of added it to the op
Well I like you, my American friend. We've always been the best of friends and will continue to be till time ends.
Shit like this is what will wake up the normalfags surely.
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Are your libdems as pathetic as ours?
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Can someone give me a rundown on parties and how kiked they are?

I want to know which part will give back our freedom and remove pointless laws imposed on the citizens.
I guess we /LDP/ now? I thought Latho was really anti-gun though? Hopefully Leyonhjelm has convinced him to change his mind.

The libdems here are libertarians. Yours are like basic bitch centrists, right?
No our LDP are arnarcho capitalists
>I want to know which part will give back our freedom and remove pointless laws imposed on the citizens.
Only LDP basically. Maybe Shooters and Fishers, too. Labor and Liberal are nanny statists, and One Nation, while good on immigration, wants shit like identity cards.
No, ours have based Lionhelm who wants to give us our guns back and stop PC faggotry.

One nation
Why are you in favor of medicare fraud?
Ahh ok, thanks.
I still can't believe we're not allowed to defend ourselves etc. here...

>give us our guns back and stop PC faggotry.
'bout time

>Identity Cards
What are we? Commies?
>Lou Richards is dead
Im sure we can make them fuck off to france or canada
>I am opposed to keeping a database of people eligible for medicare and instead, it should be given to anyone with no questions asked.
Because they can put them here and dumb assholes will attack the islanders instead of the banks pushing their immigration
We already have medicare cards. What's the difference?
We /LDP + AC/ with PHON attack dogs to kamikaze for a few elections until they collapse.

The only thing he really disagrees with platform wise is guns but fuck if he can bring some good media and some old labor supporters then all the better.
It doesn't have a photo, it might as well be plastic dog shit.
We're spending money to heal other people who don't even stick around to pay tax.
1. LDP
2. AC
3. ON
4. ??
You're a retarded cunt.
PHON is the Macron. Green movement failed so they're going for the center.

PHON has never voted for anything good and votes for everything bad.

You thinkin Xenophon or Pauline Hansons One Nation party mate?
Kirralee joined the AC, cunt.
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I find Mark Lathams outsiders to be a headache to watch, it's really low level discourse.
It's like he's spent 5 minutes here, dunning kruger effect. It's all symptoms, no seeking the root cause.


Both are retards
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Then just make it so that the person who is getting healthcare gives their citizenship number or something. Maybe even tax file number.
PHON = Pauline Hansons One Nation party

I agree hence attack dogs. LdP + AC = proper voting block.
Wow I guess that means it's a completely different party.
AC is there for one thing and one thing only. Encourage mass immigration and Israel.

Both of those are infinitely more valuable than a photo.
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Whoops the right eye was messed up...
Our lib dems are fucking based.

I like them but they have some retarded immigration policies
their libdems want to cancel brexit
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Latham is all too aware of his need to be a stereotype boomer faggot.
But he doesn't have much to lose anymore, so I think he should drop the act.
Look at Katter the other week, let it slip that he wants 'None of them here' and the media shit their collective dacks. But he's safe because his constituents know why they love him.
Latham is the same as long as he's not tied to a (((major news organisation)))
They are alright, but Leyonhelm goes out of his way to support jews.
holy fuck i didnt even realise

what the fuck, Borders are the only thing both major parties are relatively good on.

I'm gonna use this as an emote on the Discord. Thanks cunt.
>labor is officially racist
and immediately caves to criticism, says we need moar diversity
that video of Katter was fucking gold
Pretty pathetic, imo.
Sure. Dunno what we should name it.
I was thinking Koalo or something.
I named it autistickoala, because that is what it is.
That's fine
Labor would be tolerable if they stopped trying to cater to millenials by being a lefty party, and stick to being a workers party.

you can be a workers party without being a leftist party. that'd be good
Labor will go the way of the greens in regards to social policy over the next decade or so, mark my words.
Make some more. Make an autistic croc, funnel web spider, red back spider, dingo, shark and snek. Thx.
Pretty funny that Albo had a cry over it. What a fucking loser.
Labour literally have the next election handed to them on a silver platter and theyre still somehow going to fuck it up

all they have to do is drop the PC shit and be for workers rights and they would genuinely be a decent option
how is leyonhjelm on immigration?

LibDems fall short on borders and immigration

The one fucking thing that is important
>spells "auspol" like a newfag/outsider
>links the normie discord

look i know we had general wars last couple weeks but i see why: these ops are fucking suspicious
probably just nu/pol/ shit still...

You decide. I rate 5/10
Let anyone in if they pay $50k cash
>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad

Im not mad at that, shitskins cant afford that anyway
I like being able to type in "auspol" and find auspol. Dumb assholes think I'm going to come here and put "/pol/" into the search function
its just a place for him to chill until he launches his long awaited Fash Australia party
90% chance he's going to try and dox people
Gas yourself into oblivion
Don't worry. I just wanted to make a place where like minded Aussies can congregate.
>>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad
I saw this on kikebook, and then one guy commented on it wondering what the problem was since Aus is like ~80% white. Cue everyone else losing their shit at him
Exactly, focus on class issues, not race issues and you get a free fucking parliament

Im a one issue/donkey voter so it doesnt really affect me but it pisses me off
Whats wrong with their border policy? Restricted borders, restricted citizenship and cut off welfare whats not to lov.
yeah you're that normie melbourne gook right?
yeah nah you're right newfagmate
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just saw this
we /LDP/ now
they should ditch reddit frog though
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>Druggie bitch wants Australian Tax Payer's money

I hope this cunt gets fist fucked by some brown shit smelling savage lesbo.
>normie melbourne
>newfag gook

White and been coming here since I was 14. I'm white.
>>Australia MUST allow shitskins from polynesia to immigrate once their shitty islands sink, says World Bank
Because Jews are determined to destroyed western and white nations and have us out bred and outnumbered in our own homes.
>cow tits cocaine smuggler
>cow tits

I demand photographic proof.
>cow tits cocaine smuggler wants our tax payer dollars to defend her in Columbian court against her coke smuggling charge
nah she's fucked, why spend money on her?
We're gonna need a bigger Nauru
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Yeah it doesn't make sense. It's been the "in thing" to speak out against racism for too long.
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He has made a big mistake. He is a blood and guts populist at heart. Liberal Democrats is for cerebral autists, not real Aussies. Real Aussies will not vote for a libertarian autism platform.
>country is 90% white
>ads have to be half black
Not bad volume.
Would attend Pump class under at failed gym
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>Cunt an heros on the train in the morningand Sydneytrains have fucking no clue what to do
>Mechanical failure in the afternoon
Why do I still fucking live in Sydney, why do I live in Australia.
I'm currently smushed against a train door.
Count yourself lucky. Been waiting for the bus home from the city for almost an hour now

BCC Brisbane Cunty Cunts
Use your elbows lad, that's what they're there for.
Do you know what station lad?
we could send them to hang out with the coons in the middle of the country
Sydney is fun for a visit but unless you're a clueless immigrant herding with others or very wealthy why the fuck would you?
What percentage of the carriage is white m8?
they can and will exploit policies like that. it is very very common for a group of EU backpackers to apply for work visas by each depositing the same cash each account when applying to meet the criteria.

and when they're here and broke they're selling drugs, doing cash in hand work on farms and shoplifting at Coles like a plague of locusts. i've seen it happen a thousand times.
>living in sydney
yeah i go to MQU and its nice not being in the city everyday, I genuinly like the city but i know id hate it if i was there all the time
The governments new policy allows people to come in if they pay $10k cash, as long as they have children here


>people here still vote for the (((Liberals)))
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wew lad
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Take me in oh tender women.
>Boss wants to chat we me tomorrow
Looks like neet's back on the menu, boys

>tfw north qld and a 10min drive to work in the morning would be heavy traffic
I'm not voting for anyone until Tony is leader again

He's the ONLY monarchist in our fucking government. I hate the (((republicans))) so fucking much
Nar cunt he's gonna promote you because you're a hard working Aussie.
>introduced mandatory metadata retention

Central. Because if you're going to off yourself you might as well inconvenience as many people as possible.
What for son?
Is the boss a black cunt?
What did you do m8?
why would you willing want to be controlled by another country?
George Soros can though
Monarchy is the least of the issues we face you poofter.
Medicare fraud won't be stopped by identity cards senpai, your identity is already linked to the card.
It's mostly hospital admins and dodgy therapy providers doing the rorting too.
I.T systems around any sort of public health infrastructure are archaic as fuck here, which is half the problem. GL working out who is gaming the system when the system itself is falling apart.
Good luck fixing it too, from the little government side source I've seen, it's mostly Pajeetware spaghetti.
t. programmer in health systems
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who's keen for our QandA watch tonight?
Is anime actually illegal in Australia?
>Pajeetware spaghetti.
fucking funny
Yes, a guy I went to school with is doing a 5 year stint in prison for downloading Evangelion.
>Recently I attended the (((liberty conference)))
If we could only harness the cumulative assblast of all of you cucks here post French election, we will solve virtually every energy crisis in the world fukken kek. What's even funnier is that your hero Trump is a Jew puppet. /Pol is the eternal cuckold.

Continue being this mad it's so heartwarming to see you bitches eat shit.
Fuckin noice.
Who is on the panel m80?
Not yet, but hopefully soon.
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>being excited for a leftist circle jerk
Don't know yet. Manager told me this arvo the big boss wants a chat. Sometimes I show up a bit messy and unshaved, so I think she was giving me a hint to look good tomorrow
Can only see part of carriage because squashed against wall.
White? Maybe <30%

True white? Shit all, I'm the only person I can see with blonde hair.
Here's a crocodile...
Might not do the rest though.
I'll make a shark maybe
It's only fun when queen Pauline is on
You clearly have no idea how far the rabbit hole goes
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That image made me smile. Good night Stacey.
>another country

Learn government please

I agree but if we get rid of it, theres no going back. Constitutional monarchy is the BEST form of government and we're fucked if it goes
>no pic

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mine told me to stop turning up to work hungover so I just started having a couple of beers before work
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no it's not

>mfw i see one of our indian workers has set every single one of our databases to 777
You shouldn't be on public transport m8. It is not for us any more.
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cheers senpai, made it myself
Thanks m8. Looks awful.

Hopefully Hughesie will be out of his depth, shown up as retarded and generally embarrassed.
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Shit episode gonna watch chinese cartoons instead and jerk off

>Foreigners get $15bn in welfare payments

Reminder that the (((Liberals))) will never do anything about this
how'd you even get internet in pakistan?
Probably a 50 metre Ethernet cord from India
Nah, ours are awesome. During a radio interview with the ldp senator and a greens senator, the ldp senator told the greens senator to "go and get fucked"
Alright m8. I'll chuck it on the Discord. Get to work on the autist abbo emote now.
>we're fucked if it goes
Our level of fuckedness is not related to monarchy or republic. Our fate will be the same (good or bad) under either of them.
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She looks like she had hit the already wall anyway.

No helmet.
No brains.
No cummies for stacey ever again.
Don't worry lads, Shorten is just being pushed aside to make way for Plibersek so at the next election you will be fooled into thinking you have a more contrasting choice.
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Leyonhjelm is /ourguy/
m8 do you think I am a millionaire?
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He's not /ourguy/ but he's pretty good. I'm glad Mark is joining their ranks as it'll only lead to greater things.
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becoming a republic is the gateway to changing the flag, and our british identity will be pushed out

we are literally better off under the monarchy
>he's never watched QandA with /pol/
>our british identity will be pushed out
It is being pushed out anyway. It is immigration and leftism the main factors there.
It's our cultural backbone, man. without it we'll go through hyperprogress socially and fuck it all, like america
i dont know shit about his policies but i want a leader thats not afraid to tell dickheads to get fucked
Ignoring my personal pride in the crown I believe a republic will be used against us severely as having an ethnic identity.

It serves no purpose and would only push us towards South Africa levels.
also we will have a president and it will just make politicians into even bigger cunts
No, the pace of change will be the same. Being a republic or not is not the relevant factor driving it.
Yea mate, I can tell your from china.
It's pennies for you.

I'll try my best. Here's a shark

If Latham pushes the LDP to the right on immigration it will literally be the perfect political party
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>No, the pace of change will be the same

are you forgetting that Melbourners and the Green's voterbase are the biggest supporters of the republic? says a lot doesnt it
>>124623259 >>124623324

You are more likely to be turned into America desu, but just less powerful. Without your colonial legacy the "have a fair go" mentality will be adopted as a national identity, which is just inviting immigrants in on "land of opportunity" levels.

Can only imagine the cucked half abo flag (((they))) will come up with if it would actually pass

We'd be leaf tier laughing stock
caught the bus today in brisbane. Bus was like 15% white, and there were 20 school kids on the bus, with only one of them being white. cunts fucked.

also witnessed a girl with a hooked nose giving out socialist alliance pamphlets at uni. lol
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Beat out a Pajeet with far more qualifications than me for my current job after they showed no ability to program in the interview.
Kek'd heartily when told about it.
Not in this day an age. A republic will mean all manners of law revision, and unless its done under some glorious fashy cunt then we're just going to become some great asian subcontinent and be a poofactory in fifty years.
You're kidding.

First off we wont be a republic without us directly electing a president. That fact will be the biggest divide in the country EVER.

Notice how all it took was one election in the US for everyone to hate eachother? thats a fault inherently with making one single partisan so important.

Having the Queen as a non partisan above all else keeps us grounded as a people. and it keeps the pollies from getting too full of themselves.

all australians love the queen but not every australian would love the president.
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Fuck me cunts, my bus is now an hour late, and every single other one after that hasn't shown up.

Who here gets /real-feckin-mad/ about translink and BCC cunt-fuckery?

>raises fare prices
>costs your left nut if you don't have a go-card
>getting concession fare now involes submitting paperwork which is going to cost more than it will save

most white people don't use public transport because they aren't poor
>90% white
i think you mean yellow
not quite sure what ur arguing for mate. Im an englishmen and im arguing against republic (unsurprisingly) on grounds of the egalitarian idea of republic being used to push immigration, what are you on about?
>this state pretends it's better than NSW and not just 5 years behind
I'm for the monarchy. Ultimately I want to see the monarchy either reinstated or have a lord protector of Cromwell-tier to assure egalitarian marxism shit is quashed. So yes, we absolutely want the same thing.
I read your post and figured you were in favour of a republic. Apologies.
someone get me a hookup for bud in Darwin
Frog girls are cute, let's accept some white frog refugees.
just ask one of the coons
Someone red pill be on lib dems. What do they stand for, are they (((well funded?)))
Tell ya bud he's a degenerative cunt
we need to go the lichentstein model, allow the monarch to get veto power.

That'd mean we'd probably need someone else like harry to be our monarch since liz will be busy,

Or just make the governor general required to be a royal
I fucked a French girl once. Still the hottest rostie I've ever had. The language divide helped minimise my autism
>this fuckhead wanting a foreigner overlord
>thinking the Queen is nonpartisan
>thinking all Australians love the Queen
standard libertiaustists. Far from the worst, but they'll never be anything more than a minor party
fuck harry, hes a cuck
Not everyone lives in Sydney or Melbourne, Chang.
news.com.au is targeted towards millennial women, that's why he links the article that scolds Shorten as a racist instead of an article laughing at his flip flopping.

OP is a millennial female or has the mindset of one.
Literally said sweet fuck all about shitskin invasion and gooks buying our houses since they got in. Not even a shitty internet video.

I'm 99% sure One Nation is a fraud and I think we need a new party to support.
closest thing to a libertarian party we have
grassroots as fuck
name me a partisan decision regarding Australia the Queen has made ever in her rein. Inb4 you think Kerr is the Queen
>>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad

if they want to be in labor ads they should fucking get jobs.
she's not a foreigner, your passport is in HER name, your citizenship is in HER NAME. fucking mong

She's non partisan enough and if you dont love the queen you arent Australian tbqh
Nah. They're usually addressed as the "looney" party by (((them)))

I'm going to vote for them and probably the shooters and fishers. This nanny state status quo is fucked
how about you guys support like a nationalist party that arent capitalist fucks. How come all you right wing cnuts happen to be libertarians? Have none of you considered that nationalism and capitalism are mutually exclusive?
>>Australia MUST allow shitskins from polynesia to immigrate once their shitty islands sink, says World Bank

thank god climate change is a hoax. im poly and even i cant handle most poly's. the black american "muh racism" has infected their minds.

polynesia is shit cause we dont have stable governments. nothing more to it.
how new
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>Being this retarded
It's called the magna carta, you mongoloid.
>Being against constitutional monarchy so we can give executive power to Shorten and Turnbull
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Even though we're from different lands, our problems are the same.

Hopefully he doesn't get his claws on the party platform, and doesn't replace Leyonhjelm as mouth piece.

>TFW voted for LDP in WA senate.
>TFW tricked my greenie mum and sisters into voting LDP no 1.
>TFW they're still mad about it.
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Here's my attempt at the abo
nigga been here forever, but you cnuts are always talking about the Lib Dems dedpite the fact that they will inevitably sell you out.
One Nation is an irrelevant joke these days. If they had a leader who was well spoken and hard to pin down as a racist they might do alright

start one then :^) we meme party country
>Pay cash and prove you can contribute to the economy.
>Block on all welfare.
>No rapefugees.
But I want to give helicopter rides
idk Australia first sounds alright on a doctrinal level
Yet if I go to UK, my passport is stamped FOREIGNER. Her country, thinks I'm a foreigner. Yet she heads my country. who's jewing who here?
It sucks because straya is ripe for nationalism but hanson is too dumb too pull it off. ONP needs to be replaced.
what a gay meme
Good shit mate. Do an emu now. Adding to discord.
spell cunt right or fuck off you cunt
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Really? I've been called "right-wing" for citing news.com.au articles in online debates before.

Confusing desu.
you have collapse of empire ironically to thank for that. You demanded to be treated as a seperate nation and not just england 2.0, hence you are regarded as a foreigner.
Its a terrible pun
It actually is.
We're a Federation of states, not a republic.
If we were to become an independent republic, it would remove the protection of state rights and open the gates to Melbourne dictating regional laws across the country.

We're pretty fucked now, but it's nothing like what would happen under a republic.
Yet we can still vote and become members of parliament in the UK without being citizens can we not?
Added to discord. Good job my autistic artist.
sounds a lot like being cucked to me.
>he can ride the bus if he forgets his waste of space bippy card
don't complain to me m8
Actually Nationalism is a left wing concept.
Having a nation allows you to have power in the hands of the many instead of the few.
Also the profit motive gets people interacting with each other, the argument for a philanthropic society is self contradictory as exemplified by the amount of charity work done by people have resources removed as a factor from their lifes (People on the dole) when compared to people who are doing philanthropic works as part of their PR.

Why are so many people on the left saying they want a socially cohesive society while trumpeting multiculturalism?
Culture is the protocol people use for communicating and mate selection. Multiculture is by definition multi-protocol, which is as far from social cohesion as you can possibly get.
Not only do you have to deal with the language barrier, but the order of operations 2 distinct parties will be using are different.
Arguments that culture lives in an arrangement of meats, vege, and sauce are not only ignorant but are also dangerous.
>Unironically support and independent Austarlian republic
>All the Australian Republican movements are run by leftists cucks trying to act hip and cool to get irreverent kids to think Republicanism is cool and trendy millennial shit.
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>popular abo footy player jokes that he used to have jungle fever but white is right
>has a white wife
Remember when Australia was best known for being able to joke about anything and have a laugh?
you might be able to if you claim hereditary citizenship, but then I wouldn't know because my family has been here too long for me to qualify.
No you are wrong. There is nothing structural about our system of government that has much influence.

It is cultural and demographic change that is killing us. It would kill us just the same under any form of government.

The cancer needs to be attacked at the cultural level. Worrying about the structure of the government is a distraction.
10/10 reading comprehension.
Step it up
It's actually pretty based, we tried to have one here in WA, including a range trip, but no rental range would/could accommodate a few dozen autists and due to the current state of laws, anyone who does not hold a WA firearm's license can not use a friend's gun at a range.
We ended up piggy backing on a hacker conference, met some bretty cool people.
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Could i claim hereditary citizenship?
You demanded autonomy, you got it, its shit, now you're complaining. You could argue for greater integration with england but liberals dont want that, pretty much no-one wants that because you're too high off the mining boom and your own complacency for realise that a pretty homogenous population of 80million whites, even if 60million live across the globe is better than selling your soul to asia
Nope, you just can, none of that shit required

as long as you're in the commonwealth and have a UK address you can vote and run for office, even could have voted in brexit
Sam Thaiday has managed to piss off all of the left wing just by comparing a game of footy to sex.Probably the only likeable abbo in this country.
murica ruins everything
grandparents were poms, so yep
You sound like a child.
You can only claim hereditary citizenship if you are black.
Englishmen have to go through the regular immigration into PR then citizenship.
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Such a cuck.


Yeah Murdoch owns it
Sam Dastyaris video was pretty funny, Labor are too retarded to be trusted much though.
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Daily Reminder possums
He is, definitively, the only voice of reason that pierces the mass media.
He has bigger tits than my missus.
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here you go, have a maori construction worker. representative.

That's fucked. There isn't any alternative? What state is that mate?
Shorten is like the nickelback of oz politics. Fake as fuck. Stands for nothing.
Pure liberty.
Basically AnCaps but with roads.
They've had more say in the senate over the last 4 years than Labor, thanks to their minority position.
delete this
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>Actually Nationalism is a left wing concept.
Its a mix actually, of the "fuck you I got mine" mentality of the right with the egalitarianism of the left
>Having a nation allows you to have power in the hands of the many instead of the few.
cant see your point
>Also the profit motive gets people interacting with each other, the argument for a philanthropic society is self contradictory as exemplified by the amount of charity work done by people have resources removed as a factor from their lifes (People on the dole) when compared to people who are doing philanthropic works as part of their PR.
Literally none of that is the case. Philanthropy and charity is due to culture mainly, which is influenced by economic system. Case in point, in victorian england there was a great drive to look after the poor, as a sort of backlash against industrial capitalism. It the time is was fairly common for people to give surprisingly large chunks of their income to charities for orphans and the poor, despite not earning as much back then (adjusted for inflation) as they do now. Middle class artisans and workers sometimes would give up to 10% of their income to charity, not out of material gain, but because their culture expected them too, i.e profit motive had not completely run amok, and community still existed.
We want you to do this. Stop shitposting and get the party going.
>white country has white ads

How long till people demand niggers be on Home and Away and Neighbours?
>fuck manufacturing we need more inner city poofter baristas
No halt or reduction to immigration. Possibly even an increase. But you can still blow your hands off in your garage mucking around with firecracker gun powder.

Why not I give Lib Dems one of my earlier senate position votes.
Cucktoria. Fortunately I drive 95% of the time.
Go look at the NHVS or the NFA.
They are massive, concerted efforts that required billions of dollars in pandering and lobbying from the federal government, because only the states has the power to implement them - and even then, each state has a slightly different version.

States have ridiculous executive power under our constitution, its just a shame that they're headed by cucks.
The last premier to openly challenge federal jurisdiction was fucking Gallop, shame he was a lefty.
You sound like a pretty boring person.
Latham on Bolt report in 5 mins to talk about joining the LDP.

Now we just need Buckley elected in QLD & a good female figure and the movement will be on a fuckin role with Bernardi's group in a loose coalition.

I actually like that Family First are chucking in an anti-welfare kenyan woman who is immune to PC bullshit, you literally can't pull the victim card against her and she'll join up with Cory eventually she just needs to get her bearings and Cory + Leyonhjelm will extend their hands to help her out.

Good times lads.

Talking loud means he is right and funny don't you know.
i rate 2/10.

i like david's "liberty all the time" approach, but i disagree with the ideological notion that freedoms can't be taken away.

crime, dangers to personal safety, and invaders by their very nature deprive the native population of liberty. saying that "people have the liberty to move to any country they want, and do there what ever they want" is like saying "people have the freedom to choose a cage".

On a more practice note, "liberty of movement" is completely impractical. even if we just accept the crimes against citizens as "acceptable, just part of living", it's economically unsustainable to treat these criminals humanely. The death penalty will have to come back, and the terms of it's use expanded.

Dont get me wrong, im 100% behind re-instituting the death penalty, but only for rapists and pedos. expanding death penalty to say "any non-citizen charged with a crime that cannot be imprisoned on another countries bill" is an authoritarian overreach.

so i think that some of david's ideological libertarianism over-steers into the other direction, if you will.
Lel. Spotting a wog is almost like spot the Aussie these days. I remember when you cunts were all hoons and you were basically the gangster niggers. Now you're just insignificant dorks.
>she'll join up with Cory eventually
They probably don't want her to. She'd have to go first on the AC SA Senate ticket at the next election. Cory probably has someone else in mind he'd rather be there.
On the contrary, I don't think autonomy is shit. I want more autonomy and true sovereignty. Have done since well before the mining boom.
That's the most fucked up thing I've seen all day Anon
>On the contrary, I don't think autonomy is shit. I want more autonomy and true sovereignty. Have done since well before the mining boom.
Why? You would be selling yourself to Asia completely, your white heritage will go completely down the shitter as you sever your links to europe and your national values as a result of your colonial past will be used against you to promote immigration.
Not necessarily? Remember he amalgamated Family First making her an independent but he's asked her to join she's just not ready to declare just yet.
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what are we gonna do for the budget, goys?
probs too boring for a livestream party rofl
should at least be prepared to for discussion
Discussion defs, they're doing a lot good/bad which is more than can be said than election time which was minimal and vague.
Ain't that what Sheepshaggastan is for? One way gate across the ditch to the end of the ewnaverse.
>The Liberal Democrats would increase opportunities to live and work in Australia

Just awful.

If you saw leyonhelm on the street you'd just think yeah righto another boomer cunt that got his house for 50 bucks now he thinks he's king shit and wants infinite money no matter what happens to the less fortunate, and you'd be right.
m8 that is all a bit of a fluff. If you read between the lines, it is clear they know she won't be a team player and will not be worth the bother. they don't want her.
I'm loving Andrew Bolts tie aye.
new zealand isnt expendable
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>Live in sydney, most of my rides from work to home and vice versa are comfy and unpopulated beyond the occasional bum, or SEA

Y'all faggots need to leave the city. Sydney is a beautiful place on it's outskirts.
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Latham might just kill himself over this lads
the problem is "the outskirts" continually keep moving outwards.
>Now we just need Buckley elected in QLD
What are his policies besides WEED?
>I'm leaving and will never return, you have abandoned the idea of representing Australian born Australian citizens.
Oooh, thems fightin words. That'll just cement him further right than he's already come. One thing about Latham is you go him he goes harder, should work out well for LDP if he runs. He'll bring some people over from Labor so that's always nice.
LDP through and through, he sounds a bit more sensible than David so he's a bit more of a likeable voice.

nah i get that. i want to be able to proudly vote labor like the days of yore, but fuck daniel andrews, and fuck how much shorten likes him.
David is peak sensibility, just he knows how to trigger the mass media and get free advertising.

LDP has spent fuck all in advertising, but how many times are they featured on the news because Leyonhjelm is raising shit and dropping cunts?

The more people they piss off, the more people that look him up, and by extension the LDP - some find that the party resonates with their beliefs and start voting for them.

LDP has a seat in WA, which was by far the hardest centralist region - we just don't get meme parties in power here, they should make a big splash in QLD.
>tfw my mum is a labor MP
he should really get on q&a and dispense some redpills
>Foreigners get $15bn in welfare payments
This needs more attention.

based leyonhjelm
this guy gets it
name her
100% true. people dont get this. irish, slavs, and truk-slavs built this country. were not a 'country of immigrant' we're a country of indentured labourers.
Paint yourself up in blackface and rape her until she's on board.

Mate, they won't let him on Q&A, he just ruins lefty cunts.
Fuck yes! I'll need some bantz to use on twatter.
Also gonna try and call in after the show to drop some 'wifes son' may mays
murdoch is right wing by australian standards, but a massive left by global standards.

was the person that accused you of being a horrible right-winger a massive cuck of and F G T?
what the fuck? How can non-citizens not even living here get benefits?
Well, we're a country of people who came here and worked hard to put a roof over their heads and food on their family's table.

Ask any Italian how their family got there, 9/10 times the patriarch of the family came over on his own and worked his guts out to get him family over here - no welfare involved.
There's a reason half of Australian industry is owned by Italian immigrants.
Who here /LDP/?
>labor is officially racist for not including enough shit skins in their ad

Feral cunts like this come out of the wood works to have a winge there are too many white people, then cry the hardest when the get barebacked by luddite coalition MPs. Fuck them, they have the government they have earned.

yeah ill give em credit.

my grandfather-in-law has a million and one stories about working on the dams and such.

he was telling me that all the wogs thought they were in interment-style labor camps cause the food was meat+veg, and no wog food.
i like him and i like that he responds to all his emails.

id like to give him preference, but his immigration is pretty cucked.
You wouldn't get meat at an internment camp.

those filthy wogs had probably never even had fresh meat before they came here.
Thank god you haven't been exposed to the Transperth Storm Trooper Battalion. Bus driver gives you the wrong ticket? You are pretty much fucked.

They don't care about the drunken lunatics though. Completely ignore them. No point in dealing with them as you can't extort money out of them.
>his immigration is pretty cucked
His immigration policy is an expression of an overall ideology, and it is that ideology which is cucked (and fucked and gay) at core.

He is an adherant of an impossible, autistic, Jewish ideology. He is useless for anything other than the odd meme.
Kek, I honestly live older wogs - third gens not so much.
>Charge entrance tax for migrants.
>Eliminate welfare for noncitizens/persons without proven long term contributions to Australian society.
Boom, no more niggers/indians/chinks.
I once had the cops throw a drunken abo onto the train I was riding because they didn't want to deal with him.

work in her office and leak shit
>I once had the cops

Bet Transperth did jack shit despite having the same arrest powers in WA.
So then why attack the whites fighting the system?
The only reason we have immigrants is because they're unwilling to fight the system in their home countries.
the part i dont like is that illegals can get in on bail.

more of my thoughts:
You bet, I must admit, u was a bit fucked up after a heavy night and nearly got into a fight with him, drunk me being a white knight and all (he was trying to hit on a white chick who desperately trying to ignore him).
My friend dragged me off at the next station before I did something retarded and the chick jumped off with us.
hughsie is always out of his depth. he's a b12 deficient retard. people only think he's funny because they think working class accents are funny. good on him for working it; but my fucking god is he a retard.
>almost 10% of the welfare budget ($15b) is going to foreign non-citizens

Wtf. Good on Leyonhjelm for digging this up.





imo he's a better journalist than most aussie journalists.
A lot of them are probably elegible to be Australian citizens they just haven't bothered.

The biggest group is poms.
This is fucked it shows an absense of disporportionate use of welfare between the immigrant portion of the population and the immigrant portion of the welfare.

Needs ethnicity divisions. No doubt there's certain groups using more and certain groups using less.

Now, now son, don't be silly. You should know that Translink and especially QRail hate people with any money and places to be.
Buses are always fucking late, filled with shit skins from every country and cost almost $6 to go in one direction. It is just cheaper to buy a car in the long run.

Trains are just as bad but have all the feral bogans from north and south in them when you just want to get somewhere.

Upper North Shore fag here. Much prefer living in the subrurbs over the city, but it's coming closer. There is something like 300 apartment blocks going up in and around the area I live, which is already starting to burst at the seams with Curries and Chinks, is going to become more and more inundated with brown. So that sucks.
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