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Thread replies: 265
Thread images: 71

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Its way way more than normal. It is very obviously a campaign of divide and conquer its like throwing firebombs into the living quarters it fucks us up and baits us into getting made feeling defeated and arguing with eachother.

Theres some major shit going on with the French election, obvious rigging, thousands of Torn up Le Pen ballots, 9 gigs worth of Macron wikileaks. Entire riots after the French Election being squelched by french (((Media)))


Multiple threads during the height of the election trying to tell you the Exit Polls were rigged get deleted or archived and multiple defeatist threads are left up since early this morning.

And to top this all off around the same time Matt Furie decides to kill off Pepe?



Macron may have won the election but that fucking frog jew is dangling above hot water.
This shit doesn't stop! Its constant! All day! Look at the file names!
2 alt light divide and conquer threads in 2 mins. been like this all day.
the bait is CONSTANT!
>since yesterday
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More divide and conquer!


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>P-people are posting opinions different from mine >What how did Le Pen not win this is rigged
>oh no anonymous posted a post that obviously isn't a LARP
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More bait! I've seen boogie hate threads all fucking day!

its just antifa NEETs larping
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you fucking retard libtards don't come to pol. they are obviously here to slide good threads.

You're either a newfag redditard or a shill pick one.
They are coming for us. Resist

its fucking CTR with the help of CIA nigger.

>I needed you to tell me this
And you must fucking be autistic if you didn't expect anything else to happen after Le Pen lost. Literally kill yourself
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I shouldn't have bet $2500 on Le Pen

atleast I found a new waifu
No one cares Sergei. You lost, get over it. Trump was a one time thing, never going to happen again.
>since mid March
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maybe not you cuz not everyone is a goddamn retard but it needs to be said cuz our meme magic is fucking scattered to shit. i can feel it.
this board has been getting raided hourly since trump won.
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agreed but it's reached a peak since yesterday and has not stopped.


trips have spoken
>obvious rigging, thousands of Torn up Le Pen ballots
theyve always been here. get use to it.
yeah its called shitposting been a thing since moot randomly showing up talking about his hard dick while snacks collected rare pics
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We've been occupied for a long time.
I voted le drenf and I regret it. I should not have bet my wife on her winning, now muhamed owns her.

Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
>since 2015
4chan has been flooded by shills since at least early 2016.
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Have no fear, it's only Quarter 2 of ShariaBlue's fiscal year.

The newest 2.5 million dollar installment has just been deposited so of course they're out in full force.

When August rolls around they'll only have 35 million left to shill. We'll be fine.
I make sure to shit on everything just in case
>Anon acting like attaching the cringeworthy Anonymous motto means it should be taken seriously
Were primordial serpents ever explained, tho?
heist when
this salty HAHAHAHAHHA


not gonna lie,watching a burger cry brings joy to me

keep crying,bitch
>since yesterday

I'm going to have a serious talk with your bull, you have been a bad boy.
Spread it
the issue is a lot of the shill posts look like obvious bait. For a while i believed it was just people on pol shitposting but in the recent weeks it does seem as if an outside force is trying to subvert the boards ideas and destroy what made pol a force to be reckoned with.
Is this what ((((They)))) call an echo chamber?

> shills do get $0.03/post eh
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Spread pic related because we actually want you the donald faggots to leave.
Slit your wrists.
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>since yesterday

in the past few months there has been so much intense non-stop shilling i don't get how you could possibly quantify yesterday as some notable new effort.

That said, yes, of course the ani-le pen shills have been running wild.
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>in 2017
Oh come the fuck on, who takes this shit seriously? It's obviously some fat insecure loser thinking he's hot shit for ddosing someone
yes but summer newfags are always an issue
We're privately funded, nerd.
meme magic and kek are reddit.....
fuck off newfag

sage in all fields
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At this point, the sheer amount of groups attempting to subvert /pol/ is staggering, so the word "shill" is just too broad to use.

This may include but not be limited to:

>social media contractors, either affiliated with the government or running independently (there are fucking hundreds of different ones, its terrifying) that pay hundreds of employed to plant Ideas or steer users away from undesirable ones
>purposed-made entities within the government itself (see COINTELPRO)
>entities from foreign governments
>"raids" from forums and online communities that hate us, including a bunch we probably don't even know about
>individual angsty SJWs who are just pissed off at us because we exist any may be incited to post here because of current events

This is only what I can think of. This probably doesn't even scratch the surface. And /pol/ is absolutely by no means the only website on the internet that suffers from shilling.
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It's not unlikely, given the length of time, that one saurian species made it to sentience. There's a book called, "The Cryptoterrestrials" that goes into the theory of primordial serpents.
Saged since you didn't screenshot any of my threads.

See the divide and conquer shills are even in this thread.
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You're just now noticing? Ever since the fourth or fifth prediction came true (A lightning bolt will strike but will not kill or whatever) that went along with the Syria bombing and the disillusion that came with the Trump presidency, this place has been insanely normalized. Could it be a coincidence that around that time Bannon lost power and Kushner gained it? I believe /pol/ is currently being shilled by people who wish to divide and conquer, yes. If you also noticed, the memetics that went into Le Pen's run were also fairly different and weak.

/pol/ has either been co-opted by David Brock and Shareblue, or Bannon was shilling here all along and we just enjoyed it.

Either way. /pol/ is listening to a death knell lament unless we return to our memetics ways, leddit-tier or not. Worshipping kek made you feel better, didn't it? You felt included, right? Maybe you had real life friends like myself who also shilled our dumbass shit as well. Nonetheless, our board culture was a net positive and united us into a strong force- one that actual deep state operatives and politicians commented on and were actively afraid of.

Don't allow /pol/ to become ground zero for populism, nationalism, libertarianism, and the entirety of traditionalism- let it be the modern home and proving grounds for it eternally. Continue meming, no matter if the shills have convinced you it's a leddit-tier thing to do. Kek is our god, and he commands us to create discord and chaos.
i agree, the new orleans shit looks like a total psyop
>made pol a force to be reckoned with
/pol/ was never a force
Old /pol/ is killing /nupol/. That's it, you fucking anti-racist fags are killing the board with your autism.

Newfags are fucking up the sage.
President Kushner has been doing a BASED job. If you can't see that, then you are obviously with CTR and probably a pizzagate pedophile!

YOU are the newfag i have been on 4chan since 2006 and don't even have a reddit account. suck my fucking dick.

You shills will fucking hang once this paradigm shift completes.
>divide and conquer
fuck off leejunfag
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
meme magic is a 4chan thing that was adopted by reddit once pol decided to colonize rthedonald to "red pill reddit fags"
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high quality post
No, we just want you red.dit fags gone becuase you kill the lulz and are generally cancer.
Go jerk off to based black guys you fucking queer
we are a good propaganda machine that can influence popular culture, even if the process is slow and rarely noticeable.
>since yesterday

Give me the leak links plis i have some time to crawl
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This here, old pol will turn this place into a nazi paradise because it will run the donald away.
If you read this and you are from red.di go the fuxk away.
At least we aren't boring.
Its one of them, i saw this new style of green text this last days.
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I've been saying this for years; i'll say it again. Shills either quit in disgust or join us. Why do you think we keep getting stronger.

Red pills. People end campaigns fast when they notice we're the ones winning.

Paid campaigns are a complete joke and never last more than a week. Imagine paying for your enemies general.

My weekly reminder of our real trend. That's a growing base and it's not getting smaller.

You don't get to go back and take a blue pill.

Shit people say in Canada..
We=Reddit faggot
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YOU are the divide and conquer shill i already said I have been on 4chan since 2006 and DO NOT HAVE A REDDIT ACCOUNT.


Here anon.

And heres the leaks


Do good work and share what you find out in a new thread and here too!
posting gore seems to work but mods don't like it.

Jesus Christ. is OP's pic the most cringe-tier thing ever? wtf man.. I couldn't even read that shit wtf.. lool


C R I N G E . A L E R T
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anon I...
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Day of the leaf is coming soon little nigger
calling everybody a reddit fag because you disagree with them is not helping the situation especially when real reddit fags are shitting up pol.
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Should have also added that our own mods and janitors are probably in on it to some extent and are given instructions on what ideas to actively suppress.

Also, there are fucking AI programs that not only post shit here but can actually host a conversation with human /pol/ users. We got a glimpse of this many years ago but no one seems to talk about it now, hence the obsolete word "shillbot".

Pic related.
I mean I browse /g/ and /fit/ but I come here to shitpost whenever one of your retarded candidates loses. Talking like it's your secret club is exactly why everyone thinks you're fags
>since yesterday

Hhhh newfags
back to china with you
Try since forever
I have never been on Reddit once in my life. I bet you have an account, but its for "trolling"
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Oh I absolutley know our mods and janitors are deleting and archiving threads that help Le Pen and allowing multiples of Macron shill threads up.

Would love some white hat hackers to clean up the fucking mod problem. Maybe get some patriotic oldfags involved
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if i do that you lose
It's pretty obvious. A shit-ton of shilling is to be expected around any big election.

I've you've paid any attention to what i said i said it hit a PEAK yesterday. Its been going on since before the conclusion of the election. I know.

I ALSO know of a time when Pol didn't have any fucking shills. WE just had a few shitposters and some gore threads or some shit.
Yes, I'm a JIDF, Share blue, Globalist shill. My name is Mutumbo Mandingo and I will make your wife gag on my 12 inch Sudanese penis while you take care of your wife's 32 mixed race sons.
you must have missed all the communist threads they were axing before the raids started proper.
I think they just gave up this time.
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they explained nothing

US Election*

Dude, go outside and get some fresh air.
>my sides

I understand

It's a living
>since yesterday

Mate the only thing we've been flooded with since yesterday is you.
You're the maskfag autist aren't you?
It's a lot more simple, you retard. People got disillusioned with Trump.
/pol/ has supported Assad since the beggining of the war. Trump had promised that he'd take action only against ISIS. Then he proceeds to bomb the only chance for stability in Syria and /ourguy/? No one wanted that
Trump has also achieved very little, which is not at all what anyone wanted. He's been cozing up with the neocons, with old money estabilishment and following old Republican policies which are aimed to help the elites. He hasn't even been able to go through with his most important project - the Wall. It's been a very tough time to actually support most of the things he's done so far

The memes have become weak because we lost a cause. Trump is a shitter. LePen was French, so we couldn't even understand most of the things going on. No other country has any chance of going the right way, so the enthusiasm is falling.

I don't think /pol/ will ever be as fun and influential as we were in 2016. And things probably aren't going to go our way from now on
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You're so new it hurts. Don't you motherfuckers get How obvious you are?
Try the last few years
>since yesterday
wtf is wrong with this one?

If they give up they might as well just also be shills. We need to solve this shilling problem for good.

I think its obvious they use scripts what if admin did something that shuffles the scripting of the site around to fuck with shill scripts? It worked for MLPOL somehow. remember that day? April 1st was amazingly shill free. Somehow ponyfags wound up being far less cancerous than the jewish shills.
I am happy with trump solely for the reason that sjw tier people consider him hitler even thought Hitler would gas Trump for helping kikes.
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I also have some pics of some very rare instances of (((their))) sophisticated shitposting AI's going haywire.
People are just sick of the red.dit shit. Real pol wants the donald cancer to go
is mlpol still up or has it been removed?
You have to understand this place's purpose is for the gays in the rest of the forum's subs to make fun of you

You must be a nigger because your reading comprehension is atrocious.

I said it PEAKED yesterday retard. Look again. I"m no idiot i know it started getting bad during the US election.
>real /pol

Fuck off faggot

Pretty sure its gone but i haven't checked.

Something needs to be done though."

The shilling is costing us happenings.
Shills are faggots

I'm really sick of argentina niggers shitting up my threads.
if the board is still up i'm tempted to move from pol to it, the downside will probably be lack of posting.
it wouldn't happen if you didn't insist in calling us niggers

you made this to yourself
aaa what the fuck is a bicycle?

Not an option. we need the traffic.

Pol needs to be relinquished. It needs to happen. end of story.
there's /pol/ and not-/pol/

you're either with it or you're trying to stop it or make it Kosher

just because T_D is a horde of kosher nationalism faggots doesn't mean I'm going to spend the other half of /pol/ that isn't slide threads into a circle jerk about them

Prove you're not a nigger and stop being cancer.
it's a similar symptom to leaf posting
Why don't newfags know what shitposting is?
>completely anonymous board
>trying to control who comes onto it rather than using common sense

I hope everyone knows that this thread is literally made by a leftist cuck

If you must comment, please sage
kek I'm the coup guy
lel, we have like 40% more europeans than you do

if anyone has to prove himself its you
Now that's a shitpost
Go suck milos dick you kike loving homo.
Since Yesterday? It's been like 2 years of calling everyone a shill
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/bant/ was made to divide the meme magic
it worked

Shitposting isn't hosted as a concerted effort with millions of jew moneys. This is straight up kikery shilling.
Fuck off bot
Beep boop

>since yesterday
They started paying call center lackies to shitpost here during the days of /new/.
They know who influences culture. It's not them.

I'm not the one shitting up threads like a faggot. You are a fucking nigger leave this thread.
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Only a newfag wouldn't know that we've had shills here before
I had to live through pic related.
>since yesterday
where the fuck have you been these past few years
I think my reading comprehension is just fine.
>I"m no idiot
Maybe you just overdosed on burgers then..
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Kek has spoken
Go away, the last thing i'd expect from anons who browse gore and nazism is to be so weak minded they'd be easily played by d&c shills, this place is fuelled by conflicting opinions. The unity was ok during the election but that was only an anomaly. The worst posters are those who enter threads they don't agree with, shout "shill" and leave, i'd replace them with actual shills if i could.
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4chan penis revolution.png
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More like oldfags have gotten fed up and just about had it with all your shit. Trolling you dumb fucks is going to be good. It's going back to left libertarian like it used to be, to original content and lulz. You can't do shit about that because for 4 years Trump is going to be the mainstream candidate. His dumbass, Bush tier decisions and Neoconning is already blowing up in your faces and we will make fun of it.

Although I wish these fuckwits understood, declaring your attack with some idiotic message IS NOT HOW ANON WORKS. We had the Message to Scientology like a week after the initial rounds of DDoS on their servers and it came about because Scientology was a dirty tricks smear and lawsuit outfit and so we actually needed to look like good guys for once.

And /pol/ you are obviously not the good guys you're an eldricht abomination worshipping, genocide loving, hate spewing cesspit of pure evil. So at least Kek was right about your pit of darkness and our pit of chaos.

And lulz, like the chaos, afflicts everyone. Yesterday we laughed at SJWs, years ago at retards like Bush and Stormfront, and today we laugh again at retards like Trump and Stormtards.

Today, perhaps we shall piss people off by trolling as Communists. Or Christians. Or Nazi Muslims whatever. The prophecy of Anon eventually trolling the American presidential election in its entirety has been fulfilled. Now it's time to troll the president and his idiot supporters who didn't get the joke.
bant is just filled with canadians and australians and the occasional european that is butthurt about pol bants
Same lolz different day. Detach yourself from "owning" pol and enjoy it
this thread is complete shit, you are shitting up the board, taking up valuable space to post the one millionth "lol shills are JUST coming here", posting the billionth iteration of the faggoty "anonymoose is watching you /pol/" stale bait in an attempt to have a big thread filled by newfags

you are a fucking faggot OP, and you are actively killing this board



>>press s to spit on there graves
Why don't you just leave?

No seriously. You don't belong here anymore. You've lost the majority of your attempts to take over the western world. Trump will be impeached, Brexit is irrelevant at this point since they can't find anyone willing to oversee it, and the rest of the EU is intact.

So get the fuck off my board. We're tired of you.

>Since yesterday

They've been here since pre-election.
>at least Kek was right about your pit of darkness and our pit of chaos

You fucking retard they aren't shills they're just angry leftists who keep flooding in the more and more /pol/ DOES something popular. There are youtube channels who have hundreds of thousands of subscribers that talk about 4chan. Pewdiepie himself namedropped it for fucks sake.
We will win damn it Kek wills it


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2008 Aug.png
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Oh and btw OP
(((Trump))) and (((Kushner))) is still basically the same thing as (((media)))

They're all the same wealthy self important asshole elites

Worshipping such a guy, holy shit you are cucks
Nice flag bro
The election is over retard. I see blog posts by media matters everytime i go searching news subjects, that's all they are now, bloggers. The funding isn't there so hundreds of tech savy lefties can shitpost on 4chan in an attempt to change people who want a race war and genocide just so they'll vote democrat.

I'm for Tulsi anyway, Drumpf sold out.
Yeah! They are capitalistic pigs!!!

The %1!!!

What are you getting hyped about.
We've been brigaded for weeks now.

Let them shill , maybe it will cleanse this place from normies.
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D-doy. It's an election day stupid.
Grow a fucking skin.
Learn to check your facts as much as possible.
Try not to blatantly advertise your status as a weak-puss.
Eat a of front loader of dicks and maybe try to be the better for it.
Don't be the shill in the mirror.
someone go pay a visit to shill headquarters again

seems to be a good solution
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You're a fucking retard

>I'm an oldfag
Lol fuck off JIDF

Go away /leftypol/
Take your own advice
fuck no, when do they even update the narrative

once a year? twice?

How do we do it? Also i'm not trying to get suicided.
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No that was deliberate. YOUR fucking pit. /pol/ has ALWAYS been goddamn retarded. They are basically the same dumbass scum that shut down muh /new/ board as blowback for raiding Hal (who was a fed plant btw told you so) and Stormtards. What, you think that stormfaggotry shit actually flies with people who hate authority with a passion? Cuckistanis dwell here. OUR site. YOUR shitty board. Mixed with those shitposters is a bunch of goddamn children.

One thing you probably never counted on about this Overton Window is what happens when you change the meaning of the mainstream and who's in power? It changes what the meaning of counterculture is. Just like sex in the missionary position only is now literally a way to troll people. YOUR shitty board ought to just become Christian to troll people. Deus Vult etc.

It is especially time to kick off all the goddamn children Jesus what the fuck I swear the average poster everywhere is 13 now.
Glass yourself, do it.
Trump is a kike puppet.
Their latest tactic is telling the interns to assert themselves as oldfags and that they're here to "reclaim the board". I noticed /leftypol/ and trolls picking that up too so it's ever more ineffective.
Fucking Facebook shills need to go back to doing what they do best and tell their client to shove those shekels up his ass.

Does [rich kike here] really expect a bunch of call center interns to change peoples minds here? Don't they know we're turning those interns into us? Don't they know we don't actually effect things that much and investing all this dosh does nothing?
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Only usefull idiots fall for this crap OP. If they are weak minded enough to be influenced by it, then I'm afraid there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Also subhuman tier IQ.
I have also been called
>white supremacist
The list goes on. And the butthurt of fools continues as the supply of idiots is unending.
Who the fuck cares about Trump dipshit? Get a real job.

I don't care about your room temperature IQ shut the fuck up.

>hurr /pol/ is one person
>hurr /pol/ is retarded
>hurr stormtards (Seriously are you stupid? Stormfront is so fucking irrelevant grow the fuck up and make a better insult this isn't /new/)
>hurr ur stormfags
>hurr Overton Window
Glenn Beck is that you?
>ur all underaged
>really expect a bunch of call center interns to change peoples minds here?

I'm pretty sure they gave up last month and are just punching the clock

expect MUH ALT-RITE MUH T_D until the Soros money is fully repossessed by individual states

My cunt detector is off the charts.

Fuck off, roastie.
if you are a oldfag then triforce
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I understand you're a troll, just keep in mind there are legit shills around and you're helping dillute their faggotry so really I have to thank you.
Keep fighting the good (but annoying) fight
you just walk over to it and go inside
Say Hi. remind them we doxxed a bunch of them

no one is advocating something absurd like
>What, you think that stormfaggotry shit actually flies with people who hate authority with a passion?

Yes, of course it fucking does, this always was Mad Max tier anarchy, not some faggot hippie commune

>Every homosexual is a latent heterosexual, every authoritarian cop is the shell over an anarchistic libido. There is no Vernichtung, no Final Solution, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you are not Saul Goodman, when you're lost out here."

>Mad Max tier anarchy

>fascist culture control

pick 1, ShariaBlue.


not so fast!

you only get one!

I might have the location but i dont know if they moved.
When have the majority of French been down for the struggle.., ANY struggle? This would be suspicious if they had voted the right way. Also, the Le Pens have lots of baggage over in Frogville. National Front should have nominated Jean Claude Van Damn. Then we would be all good. Anyway, France joined the opposition, how is this bad again?
>Every homosexual is a latent heterosexual, every authoritarian cop is the shell over an anarchistic libido. There is no Vernichtung, no Final Solution, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you are not Saul Goodman, when you're lost out here.
>Every homosexual is a latent heterosexual, every authoritarian cop is the shell over an anarchistic libido. There is no Vernichtung, no Final Solution, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you are not Saul Goodman, when you're lost out here.
>Every homosexual is a latent heterosexual, every authoritarian cop is the shell over an anarchistic libido. There is no Vernichtung, no Final Solution, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you are not Saul Goodman, when you're lost out here.

Come back when you grow up, kiddo
This is par for the course
Do you think we want you reddit faggots here? You people are like a crazy ex girlfriend.

welcome to /pol/, lurk more
>He fell for the faked shill screencaps
The JIDF took over the_donald and use those retards to flood the board calling anons shills, and to flood the board with anti-islam normies who think Israel is "BASED".
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>the location

Oh shit, are they murdering a bunch in a false flag? Would that be one sweatshop that REALLY underperformed and got called out, or random, RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD-style precision killings of fuckups?
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>Mad Max tier anarchy

>fascist culture control

you can still only pick 1, dude

I mean post that shit again, only four times, maybe this time it will work
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Heh keep telling yourselves that, friendo.

We invented this shit. Who do you think was here before you? You all got trolled hard in this election and are still, like any target idiot audience, too dumb and stubborn to admit it. I mean nigger who the fuck do you honestly believe you're talking to?

All the tactics you're using, ALL of them, we did. And we're better at it too I mean GG what the fuck was that? At least Pizzagate and HWNDU was actually funny. Also why were you stupid enough to think a rich NYC elite like (((Trump))) wouldn't betray you all? They backstab their own countrymen all the time to get there. He's already cozy in the establishment. He lied to you, and with his trip to Saudi dumbass liberals are still upset about his supposedly "anti-Islam" nigger it's exactly the same fucking shit as the last two presidents:
Pro Greatest Ally
Pro Saudi Arabia that totally isn't the worst terrorism supporter
Anti-Iran (see foreign policy #1)

and now
[Solidarity intensifies]
Here's my 2 cents:
Macron won thanks to the fucking african migrants, If you look online you'll find many interviews with french niggers that voted for macron "because he is pro immigrant". He won by letting Niggers vote.
In italy the same thing is happening:
In the last primary elections For the fucking Democratic Party, Renzi won.
Than the press wrote that the Democratic party paid niggers to vote for him.
From immigration centers to the booth via bus. Now in italy we don't have the "Ius soli", which means that a nigger who is born in italy it is NOT an italian and can;t vote.
Now they want to change that so they could defeat grillo.
It's the fucking kalergi plan and it's working.
The majority of the mods are either SJWs here trying to filter what we say, or lazy jackasses who are only here because they think their position as mod somehow merits social status.
The mods won't do shit.

We need to look into this election. I smell a rat scurrying about.
They realized with the US election that simple propaganda isn't enough anymore. They need to affect the votes themselves.
You can't only pick one, you pick both at the same time, at all times. You are thinking in categories because you are a fucking child
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And you as well comrade! Don't stop at one group troll the moralfags and hatefags, the_donald and Nazis and SJWs and media at the same time! Tovarisch, we must secure a future for Kurdistan and Iran and Syria!
You never go full shill. You end up getting opposite reaction that you intended. I miss the days of JIDF. At least they were subtle and funny. You've already lost if this is all you have.
It's not just conflicting opinions. It's a psyop campaign.
I am now absolutely certain you are a dumb nigger.

You can't have fascist control in an anarchy you god damned retard.
>Also why were you stupid enough to think a rich NYC elite like (((Trump))) wouldn't betray you all?

Wait, this happened? Why are Leftypol bothering with MUH MUSLIM BAN, MUH WALL if there's something that is actually his fault?
of course you can moron, in fact is exactly what you have, how else are you going to fucking avoid governments from reforming?
ask around we found them before
washignton last I knew. they are a new company now so they may have moved
I didn't save any of it like a dumbass
really though no violence we'd never hear the end of it
D.C. that is
At that point it is a government.

>since yesterday

The demo makeup of this boards shifts drastically now with all the news coverage and spotlighting
>nigger it's exactly the same fucking shit
Thats how the US works, when the new president gets in he ""finds out"" that the goverment its ruled by the 7th floor and a bunch of officials that follow a plan crafted two decades ago that no one can contraict or remove. He gets in and they inform him why wars will help them and why the nasty shit they do around the word works, its the sad truth that most people wont notice until it apears on a history book 200 years in the future.
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Did you actually think you were ever going to win? We're in control now.
>why were you stupid enough to think a rich NYC elite like (((Trump))) wouldn't betray you all?
because your hilarious misuse of brackets
Agreed. Shills are a blessing if anything, we get to see their best arguments and deconstruct them.
Artificial Emotions are one of the easiest tells for leftist shills.
A really fakey pseudo-confidence, like they know that people who look aloof and find their opposition humorous and affect a smug, mocking demeanor are more convincing, but they only know how to sort of buffalo bill it over their personalities so it's just really disconcerting and artificial instead.
Oh wow, so anarchy can only exist in a single instant then, is that what you are saying? That is a worthless category with no implementation in nature because it doesn't take time into account?

Oh wow, and wait whats that? Fascist governments need a completely independent man to actually exhert the amount of will that controlling everyone and everything needs???

Oh wow, it almost sound like the nature of power is that an authoritary character is the shell over an anarchistic libido, that all homosexuals are latent heterosexuals, that you are not Saul Goodman when you are lost out here.

Its ogre. The vast majority are now newfags who dont lurk and board culture is dying. /pol/ is a metaphor for the 20th century.
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shills began operating here long time ago, you need to activate your inner jew detectors and filters. I believe those who actually follow this shit already cross-hop between channels to get a clear picture of what is up, knowing these rats have infested and parked their assess everywhere already, especially here.

I just had a look at the catalog and out of 10 threads maybe 1 was not utter garbage. I do sort of find it slightly amusing that they think they're accomplishing something by coming here, after all its like pissing in an ocean of piss and kek magic is already taking itself outside to the real world.

dont forget, 9/10 are shillposters

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watch the video that exposes him

welcome to /pol/ newb
Great post anon; I have to explain this in every "lel why isn't trump doing this" and the inevitable "he's a god emperor he does whatever he wants" shit storms that brew.

He was a symbolic victory and a step in the right direction, but he isn't going to bring us to the 1950s
We see you.
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No! The Merchant are.

You silly goy

I'm not convinced that concern trolls about the state of the boards aren't themselves shilling. What's important for /pol/ and the only real indicator of health is the success of its projects. The Right Wing Safety Squads, HWNDU trolling, spreading fake hate symbols - this stuff is what /pol/ is really about. The current project, the antifa database, has them very scared for some reason. As long as projects are happening /pol/ is in good hands. Not the mods though, they've been infiltrated.
This thread has nothing to do with Trump your script has no power here
The real question is why are they bothering with a Mongolian Tapestry forum? I mean I know we aren't influenced, but this is just sad that they waste their time in a place like this, are they that pathetic that they think they can outshitpost people here?

The moment 4chan falls is like how in Ghostbusters when the containment unit was shut down. This will unleash shitposting untold unto the internet. The butthurt will be palpable from even the most obvious corners.
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I can't even tell if you're trolling, or just stupid.

Btw in case you don't know, part of why reddit is shit is because the post like 2010-2011 exodus many of whom were newfags themselves invaded reddit and fagged it up with their shitty new forced memes. Hence the present day nature of that place and their cancerous memes.

Regardless it will be fun trolling /pol/ as a Communist. All /pol/ managed to do was elect some guy who fucked their ideals, but at very least did select the chaos candidate who trolled everyone--even themselves.
It was removed the next day
Why do you have such a boner for reddit?
Believe it or not, I've personally never been there, even on a raid.
We see you leftist.
Every single grassroots user in this thread knows. The next thread you go to you will out yourself immediately as well. We will always know.

They're getting money from their masters, they won't cut off their own gravy train as long as the shekels pour in. They know that control of internet discussion is vital in these times. Right now the only foothold they really have is facebook. Anywhere anonymous discussion is possible they fail; only by threatening you with social and monetary consequences can they get people to buy into their schemes.
funny thing is this screams of "not 4chan"
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>our meme magic is fucking scattered to shit. i can feel it.
Really seems like a waste of shekels though. They can pour billions into trying to subvert this site, and it will prove fruitless.
I agree comrade, /r/anarchism is the only good part of reddit left, the last bastion of free speech on the internet
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Actually what is funny is I'm probably trolling JIDF more than /pol/ right now.
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Democracy is a fraudulent system. It is designed to make people think they have choice when the vast majority of the time the candidates are bought and paid for by Jews or other special interests with lots and lots of shekels. Democracy is a joke.

The traitors and their masters cannot be removed by election, because they control that.
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To a guy like Soros its worth taking a 5 million dollar flyer on trying. That's couch cushion money to that animal

Ranarchism is as banhappy as they come. You can't misgender someone without catching a ban from those kikes
The system is actually very well designed, we are completely inoperant doe
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I don't use reddi--wait indeed tovarish! I hear /r/Marxism is excellent as well!

Shadilay nigger it's the nature of the Workings when using chaos for lulz

Also the people actually arguing with suspiciously not even chan tier threads I wonder who could be behind those posts
4chan has been flooded by shills for years.
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Here's a tip for y'all


Here's a tip for y'all


Here's a tip for y'all

This is also true. The founders set it up right knowing the nature of men and nations and made it deliberately to stop the cancer for as long as possible, but sadly we had still somehow become a corrupt authoritarian shithole.

What I find interesting is there's actual idiots on 4chan of all places now who unironically want a brutal dictatorship. You might as well demand Stalin. At least the memes flow from each according to ability, to all according to need. I would advocate a chan government, but know that is probably a terrible idea.
Don't worry mate this happens all the time.

They'll get bored and fuck off long before we stop being autistic

Shills? On MY 4CHAN?

Color me surprised....
I struggle to put to words how pathetic and cucky libertarians are. THey completely fail to understand that niggers and undesirables have no respect for their freedom ideology. Libertarianism only works in white nations.

Matt Furie lost control of Pepe a long time ago.
People are tired of mainstream leftist faggots like yourself that is for sure
this. its just 4chan attracting a bunch of leftist faggots. They want big government, wealth redistribution from whites to non-whites, and restrictions on free speech to not hurt peoples feelings
could be
this post
I feel you OP. Shills are getting craftier. People keep taking their bait. It's not a good look for /pol/.
>y-your a faggot
no really, you're a fucking faggot
no shit, 156 threads hidden
>somebody disagrees with me
>jewish conspiracy

Mods are fags. Do your jobs and ban all of these high schoolers.
lol you treat pol as if it has a soul, or decency.
ya lost an election, time to whine and cry, because you didn't get your way...
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They will go away eventually.
They a;ways do.
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Yes, I almost died yesterday, and I'm pretty sure it was ShariBlue. I ordered Sprite at a McDonald's, but saw that my drink was orange, I threw that shit back through the drive-thru window and drove out of there as fast as I could.
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america was once a proud, strong nation
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>triple eight is dead forever
Don't fucking remind me
Should dox them and pay them all a visit.
/bant/ is no different from /pol/ whatsoever. All the same shill threads, all the same troll threads. Creating that board was a mistake.
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Ignore shariablue when you can. Let their threads slide.

When they use the Russia narative, post pictures of Putin with animals. They hate it!!! There are endless cute pictures of Putin with animals.

Otherwise, its time to put pressure on Shareblue. They have connections to China. Expose them! Americans hate censorship.
Thread posts: 265
Thread images: 71

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