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We have successfully compromised you Nazis

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Thread replies: 104
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We FUCKING did it, comrades.

Not long ago those FUCKING bourgeois racists that dominated this board were doing the bidding of the 1% by memeing Trump into the White House and Britain out of the EU.

Now, it's our turn. France is only step one, comrades. The future is bright. Come out of the shadows.

These inbred cock-holsters for Hitler didn't even recognize the most subversive divide-and-conquer strategy in Internet history. We are the memelords now, and racists/white supremacists have no refuge anymore.

We have officially established dominance in the meme game, taken back Pepe, outsmarted the "master race", and divided the alt-right into factions of T_D, unironic Neo-Nazis, libertarians, an-caps, neo-republicans, and the spineless oldfags (to their credit, they were the only ones not falling for our tactics).
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>dominance in the meme game
The death struggle of communists, who are to be swallowed by the sands of time.
You will either see the light or die with your failed ideology, fool.
you wasted your time

you played the stupidest game, and won the stupidest prize
>he doesn't know about other /pol/
lmao what is this new faggotry


You think in such small terms.

You also wasted your time.
Cant wait for literal weekly killings and terrorist attacks from France.
Look at these faggots cry.
I haven't seen crying this hard since I used the word Tranny on Tumblr

We will fight capitalism, la fascista, and the racists together.

We are the new, united /pol/.

You cannot win, when you will always lose
Your ideals always fail
people always suffer
We want chaos

Keep it up
>he thinks the left is united

LMAO! Just wait until the 2020 primaries
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You haven't done anything except for automatically screech into the aether and you still can't meme for shit
/pol BTFO!

Only lazy niggers and pussies hate capitalism.
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By shooting yourself in the foot? Letting more islamist rape your family and making people convert to their retarded religion? Such progress dude. At this rate just give all antifa and commie women as jihadi brides
I'll stand by my comrades until the end. Fascists will lose come 2020. this is about raging against the machine you fucking pig
Cool music video larp
>Le Pen more than doubles her vote from the last election

/pol/ BTFO!
Ahhhh yeah must be summer with a post with that many edges

op is a faggot
Pendejo van a violar a toda tu familia gracias a macron even the commie women and antifa women
op is a fag
In what world do you think Hillary, Macron, and Bremain were not the bidding of the 1%? Liberals have unironically become shills for the 1% and still think theyre fighting the establishment lmao
op is a homo
HA. Looks like you're mad that Anonymous is on our side now that we've conquered this shithole

checked. hey OP you dumb nigger where are you doubles?
As I said, you both think in such small, small terms.
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Fuck off cuck

Pic related: your girlfriend
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This is officially a tolerance thread for mutual respect and understanding
also check 'em
>taking memes seriously
I'm not binary, i don't get doubles.

>told you we're the meme lords now. you think you're so fucking clever. trump memes are so fucking normie reddit tier.
Did you know it's possible to think both neoliberalism and neofascism are bad? It's true!
We elected a Rothshield banker, comrades!
the horse or the girl?
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>We have successfully compromised you Nazis
Nigger faggot
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We're done playing nice. Once the antifa alphas take over your board you want to play nice?

We'll wipe your fucking blood off our shoes after the silent majority of revolutionaries walk over your dead nazi bodies.
Op is a fag, /pol/ was never united at any point, anyway isnt /leftypol/ like 3 people?
You fucking nigger
>the future is bright

that's racist you fucking bigot, the future is dark
but macron is 1%
>i shat in a sea of shit

congratulations faggot, you havent achieved anything

anyways, thanks for weakening the stormnigger influence on this website, they have been a real thorn in my side for the last 7 years, maybe /pol/ can go back to normal now

gas all collectivists, most importantly, OP
>Done playing nice
Oh your buds are sooooo going to have fun here.
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>unironically being a communist
Utopian dreams destined to fail. You're the reason that society will never revolve. Marx is rolling in his grave right now.
/leftypol/ is 95% Reddit refugees now, even Bunkerchan is bogged down. They lost, they're destroyed.
This desperate scramble to claim /pol/ is evidence.
Good riddance. Maybe they'll experience revelations IRL and realize the true paths.
>The future is bright.
it's looks very dark to me
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>muh 1%

Huh I wonder who is extremely over-represented in that 1%?
>France is only step one
gommunists hate the center left. 0/10 poor bait
Revolutionaries? A revolution electing a globalist Rothschild banker, wow going to be such a revolution
>NEET sitting in his moms basement waiting on his tendies
>taking responsibility for getting an official into office
You didnt do jack shit. Most of the voting blocks for these countries are older people, maybe 45+ who dont even see your memes, their memes involve minions and 2006 /b/ memes. Same with Brexit, same with Trump, if you honestly think your leftist "memes" do anything your honestly a fucking retard. Same with the right, for the biggest section of undecided voters your memes dont do anything unless the media is retarded enough to report on it
do you know the widow's son?
>white supremacists have no refuge anymore.

Hey, yo, black guys... you want a white girl, right?
>People Replying to this Obvious B8
How far you've fallen /pol
if you think that's crying you need to get your extra chromosome checked
Stupid fucking newfags cementing a strategy. This is how they get countered stupid. Fucks never learned our strength lays in the chaos. Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. But no. Lets jump on le alt right , "PRAISE KEK GUISE!!!1!" Its all so tiresome.
Jokes on you, we always shit on each other. The one common unifier is the greater hatred of normies
Lol wtf are you talking about you delusional fag?
Kek, this.
This board is just for shits and giggles.

does your wife have a son?

i'm only asking because my husbands' daughter asked me to when we woke up this morning
we get it, you love niggers

yadda yadda
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You may have won this battle, but I assure you that the war is far from over. We will not be defeated
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All of you fucking idiots responding to my bait have just proven a point I have been trying to prove to myself.

I'm not an antifag, I just wanted to prove my theory that this board is completely fucking ruined by autists who don't have the slightest hint of social awareness and can't realize when they're being baited.

Which is exactly why /pol/ has been consistently fucked since early March.

Sure, it comes in waves, and the tides turn. But you fucking idiots haven't had the slightest bit of resistance towards unironic Marxist larpers shills; whether they be from reddit, shareblue, or ItsGoingDown.


Pro-tip: Stop falling for the shill tactic of them trying to make anyone right of center cringeworthy and edgy. They're trying to become the cynical, clever, counterculture. But there's one thing keeping them from doing so. They can't say the word nigger.
Its not bait you mongo. The shilling has been pushed for months know. It actually worked. Not surprising since the majority of the board do not know board culture from even a year ago. Oldfags are just lurking now.
nice novel
yeah the 1 percent hates having a globalist investment banker in office
If you were trying to prove you're more autistic than all of 4Chan you succeeded.

>inb4 that was also his plan
I never announce my sages. But I always try my best to sage bait threads. Unfortunately not everyone can do this
This is Obviously b8
And you niggers fall for this shit
>1 Reply by this ID
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Thanks it's actually my manifesto, gonna fuck my shit up and huff some carbon monoxide fumes tomorrow.
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It wasn't my plan. But thanks for giving me some self-awareness. Gotta strive for that every chance you get.
>thinking a rothschild banker is not going to cater to the 1%

whew lad, I want what you're smoking comrade.
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Hello, Antifa. Nice to see you cucks again. I'm pondering starting a live stream on YouTube of some sort of a flag denouncing you for the degenerate Commie wanna be cock holsters you all are. When the stream goes live, your challenge will be to locate the flag and capture it like how /pol/ found Comrade Shia's "He Will Not Divide Us" flag. I honestly doubt any of you are smart enough to pull it off, and if by some miracle you actually did....it would not be within 36 hours like /pol/.
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so what exactly did you do?
>didn't even recognize the most subversive divide-and-conquer strategy in Internet history

You were really obvious the whole time

BTW I hope you aren't seriously stupid enough to be a communist
I called out to the galactic community to tell them of all of the warfare by deception tactics that were ever used against /pol/
>i was just pretending to shill
is this an epic new meme?

anyways thanks op for the cheap laughs
>outsmarted the "master race", and divided the alt-right into factions

The alt-right was never united in the first place.
wew lad you found out this place is reddit good job

Nice b8 mate.
>support a neoliberal
Really made me think.
>Antifa alphas
Thats an oxymoron like saying muslims who dont fuck goats, just doesn't appear in the real world. cheers for the laugh though m8
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If you believe this you are retarded as fuck.
World politics doesnt revolve around /pol/ threads.
Jesus fucking christ its like watching people believing 1 of those campy soaps on tv is real
her parents must be so proud.
kek you do realize that meming trump into presedency was just that, a fucking meme. Its a fucking prank bro
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How can you take back that which was never yours? A gold star for you
Good job OP. The Greatest Generation is proud of you.

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do what you must, we have already won.
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Good goy.
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>Antifa alpha
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>Antifa alpha

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>Antifa alpha takeover
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But you are the new nazis therefore you are wrong.
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Tankies are literally 2nd worst next to Nazis.

As soon as we get done killing the Nazis in the streets, Stalinist and all other authoritarians are getting their heads on pikes next.
Don't you realize that we are the ones who are actively fighting against the interests of the ruling class? Why does so much money get poored into fighting against our candidates? Why does every single media outlet say trump is the scum of the earth?

Face it us racists are the real revolutionaries and you are the puppets of the elites.
like I said we are the ones actively fucking the system. you wanted to get the epitome of the system elected
you failed to consider the Trudeau principle...

If you defeat us, we win.
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Ha-ha, are you retarded anon?
That doesnt make sense dude
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Oh look it's a bunch of fags circle jerking in a cum dumpster thread meanwhile /pol/ has taken a trip to the Winter White House to watch from a distance.

Keep it up boys, we're entertained by how easily you're entertained.
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Some of us don't even exist.
We are digital zombies and shitposting is our unlife.
Thread posts: 104
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