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Why are France's youth so racist? Almost half of them

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Why are France's youth so racist?
Almost half of them voted for Le Pen
May have something to do with the fact that they didn't get to grow up in a French France.
It's because the old people still think FN is the party of nazi collaborators.This time the elites selling out the nation are not front national. It will be much closer next election

Spot the nigger.

This gives me hope, when those old cunts pass on, the muzzies and commies will share the gas chamber.
Because they're the one that will have to deal with all this shit.
Old boomers just want more people to pay their pension and don't fucking care about the future.
Used to be the other way around, old people would vote FN because "oh god, these negroes and arabs are invading us" and young people would vote left because "I have an algerian friend and he's cool!".
>Old boomers just want more people to pay their pension and don't fucking care about the future.
>44% of 18-25 vote Le Pen
>80% of female 18-25 vote Macron

So like 70% of male youths votes for her. Damned sexist women.

They have to grow up around Muslims.
Old people associate lepen with her father, young people don't.
Boomers are the fucking worst, I wish they'd all fuck off and die already so we can get around to making actual states again
These cunts, we'll have to pay their bill and fight their war
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Young frogs can into english, read internets, gets at least some memes.

Old frogs can't into english, only read parchment scrolls and stuff.

Also old hags swooning over that grannyfucker Maricón.
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>It will be much closer next election
There will be no next election.
Being a left wing slime ball is basically the culture of France.
>tfw your whole family votes for le pen and are not selfish cunts
this is love
Gen Z coming for you globalists, it can't be stopped. Just waiting for the old fucks to die
It's not a meme. Generation Z is the most conservative generation in a long time. They are being force-fed this this "diversity" bullshit from birth and they can naturally detect that something is wrong.
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>tfw you cant keep the old goys alive forever
Lol France's boomer hippy cuck generation
Old people only care about their pensions
they still won though
Leftists basically hate all the current races and wants to wipe them out and replace them with one global race, yet it's the right who are called racists. I don't get it.
because they are going to have to live in that shithole Muslim infested country and shed their blood when the shot hits the fan.
i fucking hate boomers
Actually it's the opposite, almost all Lepen voters were elders, while Macron voters were communist and brainwashed kids
That disenfranchised male youth is just one economic crash away from being recruited into the brownshirts.
Some people don't like being run over by trucks very much I guess.
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Le Pen

>Men 33%
>Women 37%

Le Pen is a socialist. It makes more sense for communists to support her than Macron. Macron is a cuckservative like Jeb Bush. He just wants to boost the economy at any cost, including replacing the French people with cheaper muslim workers.
>Macron voters were communist
Most of the far left didn't vote because Macron is a centrist banker.
It would be nice if you or OP whipped out your sources and see which one stood up to scrutiny
ww2 guilt wearing off
Jean Le Pen has cursed his daughter with his bad reputation.

The sins of our fathers eh?
The youth have their finger on the pulse. The future will see a race war.
Because old people in France are downright commies.
To them the solution to a failed socialist system is more socialism. Its probably the only country where the Elder ones are the problem and not the young.

With this stats, there is not going back. Globalism is death and sooner or later france will leave the eu and globalism.
>It's not a meme
Everything is memes
>alternative facts
But without the dad Marine would be nowhere.
So that's why they voted for the more free market guy?
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Dude, isn't it the reverse for you?
All the young women and city fags wanting more "Diversity"
Everytime our news report news from Iceland it's how the youth are doing petitions to call on the goverment to increase migrant quotas or wage gap stuff
the rules of the old and dead should follow suit with the people.
So you are most likely to vote le pen if you are an unemployed woman under 24?
also most of the working class vote Le Pen
Women are less cucked than men.
Same thing happened here too.
So wait, the right wing controls the youth of France?
They're just being little rebels.
because they grew up with arabs in their school. Arabs are aggressive vermin that not only refuse to learn from teachers, but will assault the kids that get good grades, and overall love to disturb every fucking class because their familly told them they should rule and not be ruled by infidels. Respects is unknow to those fucking piece of shit.
Except (((they))) are not included in the race mixing.
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All of this is pretty fucking surprising to me.

Le Pen has more female voters than male, old people voted against her, youth was more likely to vote for her - not less.

Clear advantage among workers.

This goes against the narrative we're told about old white male racists voting FN. What does it mean?
They want their children to grow up in a France that was like their childhood and not the cultureless islamic shithole it's now going to become, quiet sad actually, come the next election cycle there'all be too many muslims in the country to ever allow another far right candidate to get a majority again. France is lost and when I have kids in a few years they'll never get to see the beautiful and safe country I saw when I was a child :(
I thought the youth was supposed to be super redpilled? Even if the French elections were decided by the youth vote alone, Macron still would have won, even if it would have been closer. Based on what /pol/ has been saying, I would have expected Le Pen to have a clear majority of the youth vote.
The youth want a better future, the older generations want nothing to change/cant see the shifting system.
RIOT YOU KEKS!! you are watching your country die!!
>Old boomers just want more people to pay their pension and don't fucking care about the future.
Which makes sense considering people are self-interested in almost every aspect of life.
it was the same with our guy Hofer
Galvanised old left voted against her.
Young left decided to get stoned and stay at home?
Probably because she's a woman, young people are retarded.
You're in the /pol/ bubble.
So basically no one.
That generation in particular is going to go down as one of the worst examples in history.
Boomers need to die already
What is the racial demographic of young people in France?

So what you're saying is in one or two election cycles, Marine le Pepe the Frog wins?
That very strange... French youth voting for Le Pen and old people for Macron ... in Brexit, that was the fucking opposite ...
The youth are sick of the mess their parents/grandparents created. We are over it. It's been proven the upcoming generation is far right.
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Its honestly incredible really. I find it amazing the samething here is happening in the US. Im in Montana and people will see college kids trying to force this diversity and literally get pushed off by police and others. BLM tried protesting up here, about 40% of the Uni booed and pushed them to fuck out. Amazing.
Now I can see why (((someone))) is desperately trying to get more young immigrants into Europe.
I wonder what the leftists that cried "old people shouldn't vote because it isn't their future" after brexit have to say now.
In five or ten years? The globalists are importing voters on a massive scale. In ten years even if 100% of the Frenchmen vote for FN there won't be enough of them to win.
Wait till all the old communists die and then you'll see a change (or just kill them now).
French kids are based. I bet the other voters were mostly no french. Amazing results when you think about it.
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They will grow out of that silly phase, you really think that their elders know worse? They know equality is what makes France great. So to answer your question again:

"Non!" as the French say!
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Aaaw yes.
France doesn't have that type of money for a gas bill that large.
Jews can't pull the nation of immigrants shit they like to in Australia and America to stifle ethnonationalism.
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>Macron supported by 80% of 65+
Of course they do. When Maricon (trend it) breaks up with his old teacher they want a shot to get with the president.
Yeah that very good. Too bad, old people don't like FN but i'm proud of our youth.
Why Le Pen didn't win

the boomers fuck things up, yet again
Easy one, the youth had to grow up with immigration kids and saw first hand how they behave in school/outside
Boomers serve the economy God and don't care about the future of their people or culture as long as their stocks keep growing so they can keep sitting on ass watching TV as the world their parents burns down around them.

If we get through this the boomers must be remembered as the worst generation to ever live. They could have voted all our current issues away without a fight.
Because the shit policies that Macron will continue to push have fucked their chances of getting a job and having a life.
Muslims should be around 15% of the French youth. If this is true, it means 52% of the non-muslim French youth is voting for Le Pen
Fuck. If 15% of French guys are Muslim, then figures shoot up to 82%.
If fucking old people didn't vote en masse for Macron, it would be much close 52-48 I think ...
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Because young people are entitled idiots that believe a cunt can just gift them jobs and wealth by bringing back the franc and bankrupting France.
don't you mean a Muslim wife?
God dammit pol, I read BACKED as BLACKED
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>France is not on the fast track to bankruptcy
>The euro won't implode and France will not end up with franc back, whether they like it or not
Because they realise that the legacy of their forebears is being taken from them by the moronic ego obsessed generations that had the greatest privilege and opportunity, and who are ruining their chance at a good life and will leave them with nothing but shattered country and no identity while handing them the bill on the way out.
No it's because the old fucks that love communism and black dick won't die.
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>teaching anyone about the economic viability of a currency
>gen z will be humanity's savior

we need to give them a based nickmae
At least this ensures the next Hitler will come from France.
It means that the French youth are completely at their wits end and see no hope that they could ever match the quality of life of their shithead boomer parents because of establishment governments that have consistently sold them out

There have been a few articles about this floating around, like this one
Why is france's elders so communists?
ah, right, WW2
French is traditionally very left wing. This is the opposite of countries such as the UK or the US where that narrative works.
Hey French anons, is it true Le Pen is softer on immigration than she should be?
And then that algerian friend raped their female friend at knife point and the boomer laughed over a glass of red in a southern vineyard.
Completely different country
Completely different culture
Generation Zyklon
The future is bright.
Most of Gen Z voted for Macron.
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Le Pen backed by a minority of young people.
Macron backed by a majority of old people.

Wow, this is very informative and has completely altered my perspective.
Old people aren't the ones getting raped
Democracy is a false God. People vote for their own personal short-term self interest while the enemies surround the walls and their society collapses before them.

Who cares if social programs are bankrupting the nation? We need mo monay fo dem programz for muh keedz.

By the time the inhabitants of the West realize the destruction that democracy has done, it will be too late.
For the past 15-20 years the FN has cooled down its message to try to appeal to more than 15-20% of the population. They know they won't go anywhere if their leader goes on public rants about the jews and immigration and all that jazz.
A fucking Lea...
This, remember May 68?
ODing on black pills
Relax fucker
All boomers must hang.
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How fucking sad is it that /pol/ is trying to spin something like this as a good thing. This goes to show that this whole right-wing populist movement is actually pretty weak.
Well, that could be a big problem for you guys, because as we've seen in America and Britain, if it's a young vs old thing, the youth always lose. Look at what happened to the Bernouts. This is all the result of French birthrates being too low. If boomers had followed their parents example and fucked like rabbits, we wouldn't be in this situation
Is she okay with non-European immigration?

Who do you think we are? The kojkes?
Most of Gen Z couldn't even vote yet
Most of Gen Z voted for Macron.
/pol/ btfo.
Le Pen is just another socialist elite... why would we ever support someone whose ideology is the polar opposite of ours?

At least Marcon is somewhat capitalist / libertarian..
No she don't (she don't want European immigration either)
She want to end dual citizenship only for non european
The majority of Gen Z who were able to vote voted against Le Pen. There's not really any reason to believe anything will change as more become able to vote.
Because she's (( preferable ))
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In all seriousness, though, you can't expect kids to take up your values if your values are shitty weak values that let their mothers get raped and their friends killed.

The 1930s will repeat in the coming years. Except this time the attempts to preserve mother Europe will probably succeed.
Parisians are huge fucking faggots
Pieces of shit
do you not see the significance in backed who in this election. older generations support macron younger generations support le pen. what's going to happen when the old generation die?
Has there ever been a generation that can be ranked as shittier than the fucking boomers?
>The young are becoming a bunch of anti immigrant Nationalists

Yeah this will end well
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>tfw /pol/ would now cry how old people should be banned from voting but they wont because only rural and suburban retards and old people voted for drumf
Problem is that it isn't the right wing that has mobilized armed militia like antifa and all the Islamic gangs

RWDS when?
>younger generations support le pen

No they didn't. Only 44% did.
Seems that the old, the senile, those without a future to protect, voted macron.
Because the other candidate is a betrayor !
They know not to poke the Jew and anger God this time, so yes it will end well
>44% of youth to draw recruits from

there's hope

It has nothing to do with racism. France's young people are going to be living with the mess created by mass immigration for decades to come. The old people don't give a fuck that they've destroyed their own country - they're not the ones who will have to live with the consequences.
>implying this number won't grow over the next few years as immigrant crime and terrorism becomes a part of gen z's daily lives
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You're in a bubble.
they travelled back to stop them from killing half of europes population

it is because of hitler we have all the problems of today
liberals are paralized from their fear of being compared to Nazis
You're in a cave

At least the other guy can see through the bubble

Well women voted for lepen more than men
Could it be?
Generation Z?
>rural and suburban retards
>forgetting that rural areas and suburbs are where all the doctors and professors and educators and engineers and scientists live
>forgetting that the only people who live in cities are nogs, spics, and the occasional billionaire

The "muh rural and suburban retard" meme is really half-baked, whoever came up with it must have been an actual retard
You're future is in a casket defeatist faggot
While 80% of the 65+ voted for Macron. Young people definitely want Le Pen more than the rest
>t-twitter said so

string yourself
65+ is the '68 generation, they grew up with little in the way of responsibilities, a very homogeneous society that they found stuffy, and rebelling against racism, nationalism, Gaullism, militarism, colonialism, and just about anything old or traditional. Also most of them associate FN with Jean-Marie's crudeness and penchant for inflammmatory provocation.

Significantly large numbers of young people don't share these experiences or attitudes.
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Once again the boomers are at it
Will there ever be one day where they will not get away with ruining our lives ?
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Being this incapable of analyzing things objectively.
Deport nu/pol/
gas the boomers age war now!
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Brexit => Old persons that remember the Last Day Dawn of the British Empire, who want to bring back the UK to it's former glory.

2017 French Elections => Old people being brainwashed with the Liberté, égalité, fraternité motto to the extreme, where they think brown people /mudlsime have the rights to it and will conform to it.
deport yourself from this earth with a bullet
I don't know where you got your numbers.

18-24 ans: 66%
25-34 ans: 60%
35-49 ans: 57%
50-59 ans: 64%
60-69 ans: 70%
70 ans et +: 78%
gas the boom-niggers
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you are fake news
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>Emmanuel Macron Wins the French Presidency
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That's completely in line with OP's post
Maybe you should read it more carefully again
>>124551727 (OP)
Both are from surveys and mean little.
In 4 years time that numbers going to grow by 15%.
More like Boomers spent all the wealth of WW2 and now are stealing the youths money to pay their pentions. Boomers are the worst generation, I always see old guys with fucking sports cars like they're fucking 16 or something. Dear Boomers, either grow up or die already so we Gen X, Y, & Z can finally clean up the mess you made of civilization.
You just redeemed Canada today.
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Boomers think poor illiterate migrants who don't even want to be French let alone speak it will fund their retirement.

Boomers about to be made into Halal
but that still means 56% of youth supported Macron youst upid fucking retard
>Implying that won't change.
You really think 56% will still support him after another 4 years of terrorism and rape?
2nd round figures aren't all that useful since a lot of people voted against a candidate rather in support of the other one.
True. Also figures have shown Generation Z to be the most conservative in decades.
Dear France,
If Le Pen doesn't win your country's French culture will be lost and you'll be taken over by RADICAL Islam- Macron will suppress you by SHARIA Law. Look at Canada, fight now because their is no later!! May God help you.

>Our guy hofer

Really activates my almond.
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Anti-Shill Discord
Please go back to plebbit.
We don't want you.
Should... Should we tell him?
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I wonder if they commit the same fraud in france as they do in Germany.
If you vote by mail you merely need someone to sign the paper for you if you are not capable yourself.

So parties like the SPD run retirement homes and fill out the papers for old people who are not capable anymore.
Where are they getting these stats?
Millennials. And we're only like 25-35 years old, we've had little chance to leave our mark on the world. Our generation is going to fuck up the world ten times harder than the fucking boomers. I hope gen x is wise enough to holocaust us.
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probably, I imagine that is a common tactic, both "big" parties here in Austria are great at doing that too.
Sorry, I think it was gen z that came after millennials, not gen x.
Look, I understand why you think that because I have some experience teaching math to retards. You think that 44+66 equals 100 because your underdeveloped brain sees 4 and 6 and just assumes that it adds up to 10.
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thank you sweet canuck
now I see it
but the numbers with the elders are still correct
not sure if it's the same in France as in Portugal but, at least here, old people don't understand democracy, they vote for the same party till they die regardless of their policies
They don't have jobs. They have no faith in the system.
Yeah were pretty bad. There's no substance in anything our generation does.

God forbid I try to have an actual conversation with someone before they whip out their phone and go "uuhhh huuuh"
Post modernism was made popular by the French intellectual of the 70s. French Boomers were always hardcore leftists and Marxists whilst British boomers voted for Thatcher. Totally different culture.
This lines up exactly with pic related. Very much recommended. Once again, our parents don't understand what the concrete practice of their ideologies brings forth.

> Being for your own home / country
> is racist

lol. try harder, leftard
You mean Gen Z and millennial men...
See here.>>124554448
French women are truly traitors. Despite the fact that they have most to lose by this mudslime immigration boom like more rape and terrorism, they seem to worry the least. This goes for every European nation. This just confirms that modern white women are traitors.
They know the welfare system propped up on ethnic replacement won't be distributed to them, anyway.
French women are a special kind of traitor. See: Nazi occupation.
80% of french female youth voted for macron.

Take out women (useless in the race war) and mudslimes and suddenly 85% of french male youth are ready to gas the kikes.
Allah willing.
Na, women don't vote for dick. They vote for welfare. Anyone that says "I will do the stuff that husbands would normally do, so you won't need a husband" gets their vote.
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Good post.

A Canadian not shitposting on /pol/. Truly we are blessed today.
Women like to say men think with their cocks, yet they're the ones voting for open borders and globalism because they prefer Ahmed's dick and oppressive culture, over the welfare of their own country. Giving women the vote was a horrible mistake. Women have always been the willful servants of globalism. (((They))) knew this when they created cultural Marxism and targeted young women for their ideology at university. Women will continue to be the Achilles heels of western civilisation and (((They))) can always count on women on women to do their bidding.
80% of old people vote for Macron.
37% of women vote Le Pen against 33% of men
See >>124557421
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>yfw they won the battle, but not the war
We're playing for the long game. Kek has been waiting thousands of years, he's a patient one.
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young people lack the foresight that comes with age. Emotional irrational. it has it merits but its also number one cause of doing stupid stuff that kills you.
As an American who bitched about Obama thru both of his terms, I can't wait to sit back and see Europe (specifically France's) youth incessantly bitch about the shitshow that is about to commence.
boomers dont look that old. Those are GI gen bruh. (huh, on second thought maybe my parents are just healthier than most of their contemporaries).
this is why not everyone should have the right to vote
shits gonna be fucking bonkers once they retire and cash out on their stocks. FUCK!!!!
I say we export multiculturalism to Israel!!!
Return madness to it's source!!!

the elites aren't stupid, this was a highly successful trial run for them.

Basically they just got some semi-attractive young guy who was almost completely unknown outside of the elite circles and propped him up as some sort of "moderate."

unless FN fields a much better candidate next time they'll just run this back. Macron is going to change absolutely nothing. it will be business as usual. even Le Pen would have had a hard time actually doing something about the situtation.
Also True. But I still think sexual relation with these foreign Muslim men can warp a French women's perception of the Muslim community. I had a few female French classmates at university and one thing I noticed was that they all previously at one point had north African boyfriends, and they all had good things to say about Islam, and even participated in the anti Islamophobia rallies, whenever someone critical of Islam spoke at our uni. Since it's the popular for young French women to experience flings with Muslim men, I think this may have played part in young French women's decision not to see the damage the Muslim community has wrought on french society. You also see this in white women who've previously had sexual relations with black men. Their whole perception of the black community is warped, they become black activists or support black movements,even when those in their own white community are being killed or harassed by those inbred black community and blacks become more like anti white militants. There's a reason men throughout history forbade women from having sexual relations with the enemy.


Australia won't be much better. Every year the fucking boomers raise our retirement age (we don't even get a pension anymore ANYWAY, this just means we have to wait longer to access our OWN money unless it's an emergency) and sell off more and more of our country to the Chinese. Some boomer will sit on his 5 houses rented out to hordes of Chinese and Indian students so he can fund his daily golf game after retiring at 55 on a welders wage, while his own kids will be living in borderline squats when they aren't going in and out of jail with their meth addiction.
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