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Why La Pen didn't win

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Thread replies: 307
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I'll describe my experience living in Paris as an foreigner.

>Gypsies were all around Paris begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.

>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Paris

>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to force you to buy their shitty merchandise.

>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.

>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in Paris which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.

>France is under state emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets.

>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keeps happening. Paris voted to ban pictures of Muslim extremists in news to not generate more Islamophobia.

>Dangerous no go zone district all around the city where ambulance and police are attacked.

>Paris is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Paris, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.

>Housing in Paris keeps getting more expensive, taxes keep raising, both wages and benefits keep getting cut everyday. The Parisian middle class and working class keep suffering while the upper class moves to tax havens out of France.

>The most common belief among Parisians is that French national identify,culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity does not exist in France anymore, it's all virtue signaling now days. France is authoritarian fascist state where any criticism of the state is meet with censorship and imprisonment. Their country is literally a copy of Putin's Russia.
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She gained 40% over the last election. This is unheard of. No regrets.
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>la Pen
The rest was quite accurate, except for the amount of mosques
>no regreds guise

Was civic nationalism ever the answer tho?
>Their country is literally a copy of Putin's Russia.

If only.
Wow! She gained some support from people who will now live under policies put in place by someone who will open up france borders even more! A victory indeed!
Even if the refugees set off nukes all over france, I bet they'll still vote for more refugees.
It seems France can only change through revolution and bloodshed.
That's racist. You just don't respect French culture. Maybe piss and niggers sleeping on the street is part of their identity?
>The most common belief among Parisians is that French national identify,culture and ethnicity don't exist.
When it has been removed from your sight and preached for decades that it does not exist... This is not hard to convince. It is why Rural areas are those which vote in favour of nationalism. It's because they still have their identity and they don't want to lose it.

It's going to be near impossible now for France to reverse their modern day realities. The metropolitan centers cannot fathom supporting anything which opposes that told to them to be the societal accepted view. The nationalist vote may increase but I believe if there was ever a best chance for it to win a majority it was this year. The coming years I think it will be too late to destroy the doctrine of the SJW converts.
They'll rig the system before the next election. Nigel reckons she'll win then, but I'm very doubtful.
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You're a Peon

Here's Yourope. thanks for the (((evolution))) eurocuck.
>Their country is literally a copy of Putin's Russia.
had me until there
>copy of Putin's Russia
I'm not fond of current political situation in my country myself, but we're doing much better here in Russia compared to that you described.
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>Why La Pen didn't win

Because, just like every other far right wing party, they are still growing from single digits, as they have been for the last few years?

I love this narrative weaving.
What the fuck Bjorn

>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

Only in minority-heavy places; most of Paris is white. Segregation is powerful.

>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in Paris which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.

No sh!t it's election time Hans

>Liberty, Equality, Fraternity does not exist in France anymore, it's all virtue signaling now days. France is authoritarian fascist state where any criticism of the state is meet with censorship and imprisonment. Their country is literally a copy of Putin's Russia.

Good for you Amerifuck, don't come back.

You're a fucking cancer. Kys. Paris isn't like that.
Nice gf by the way.
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Sounds like fucking hell on earth
very close anon

You made this thread yesterday, and this cunt (>>124549974)even replied to you.
I was planning on going to Paris with my missus but was told not to go right now. Has the Paris tourism trade been hit badly over the past few years?

>Not cucks

Choose one. Everyone with half a brain saw this coming. Did you ever wonder why most of the frogs posting here are fucking retarded?

Macron is going to naturalize all the migrants after flooding the country with more. That millions of free votes. They don't need to rig anything because of course the migrants are always going to vote for globalist parties handing out gibs and continually appeasing them. Now factor in the low birthrates of natives as well as them leaving at the highest rates ever plus migrants incredible birthrates. They've just opened the borders and paved the way for unconditional support for the kikes.

RIP France
It went down in 2015, but got up in 2016 AFAIK.
You can go, just avoid the suburbs & you'll be fine.

Don't trust Americucks to talk about a country they barely visited, trust me. Better yet come see for yourself.

It's too crowded but better to live in than most US cities.

I tried both and would always choose Paris.

>Better yet come see for yourself.

Nice try, Mahmed, I ain't coming to your deathtrap.
Btw nice to know you're telling the truth, fat prick



I knew that silhouette couldn't have been Americuck




Yeah it shot down after terror attacks and has steadily been declining ever since.
I suppose it shares a lot in common with London in those senses. Yeah it is surprising how close Paris is to me really.
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>Elects a interdimensional vampiric demon as president.

Good luck, frogs, you're gonna need it.
>that pic

He's right, you know.
Yeach actually Paris is more fun than Harlem or South LA for sure.
>>Gypsies were all around Paris begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Paris
>>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to force you to buy their shitty merchandise.
>>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.
1/2 false, 2/2 true
>>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in Paris which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.
>>France is under state emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets.
>>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keeps happening. Paris voted to ban pictures of Muslim extremists in news to not generate more Islamophobia.
1/2 false, 2/2 idk
>>Dangerous no go zone district all around the city where ambulance and police are attacked.
>>Paris is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Paris, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.
>>Housing in Paris keeps getting more expensive, taxes keep raising, both wages and benefits keep getting cut everyday. The Parisian middle class and working class keep suffering while the upper class moves to tax havens out of France.
housing bit is true, rest is false
>>The most common belief among Parisians is that French national identify,culture and ethnicity don't exist.
>It seems France can only change through revolution and bloodshed.
You underestimate the French
Meme Magic requires both sides.
Trump embraced the Meme. That's how he won.
Le Pen didn't.
you are all that plus hiv/drugs
this thread again
>Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

not "French" but masonic ideals. wake up.
She was frightened of being perceived as an evil racist mega space Nazi though. The problem was she was already viewed as most of the above. Would have been in her benefit to take the meme route online. Her voters would have remained even if she was shit at it and she would have had far more coverage of the youth.

What was the Youth % vote for Le Pen does anyone know yet? Would be interesting to view the age demographics
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Spoken like a true Yugoslavian
I was in Paris back in 2009, it was definitely most dirty city I had visited, i never forget the smell of pee and litter in the city centre. It's probably much worse nowadays. Segregation was pretty much obvious, at least neighborhood-wise. Don't remember seeing much mosques, well didn't really look out for them, but in general Paris is overrated city.
I know. It was fucking funny to watch this when there was a debate between candidates and a dozen of millions of Poles heard him accusing jews of trying to destroy Poland. This man is so fucking based, I must translate some of his speeches, just for /pol/
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>Liberty, Equality, Fraternity does not exist in France anymore,

According to Donald Tusk that is exactly what exists in France now. Great triumph for those values today.... >>124551778
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>tfw family members were all high ranking commie party officials
how the fukk did you know
do it faggot
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Cant understan this, is there no WHITE PEOPLE IN THAT COUNTRY
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All of them are true except
>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in Paris which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.
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Yeah, make a poignant montage about it as well.

That's our equivalent of Harlem.
You gonna post pictures of black people in Harlem and say New York City is 80% black muslim?
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>Hitler loses to Hindenburg by 6.000.000
>by 6.000.000

oh the irony
I hope you do anon.
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>France is authoritarian fascist state
>Their country is literally a copy of Putin's Russia.
lol, no. One country had almost daily terror attacks last summer, the other is Russia
France just elect Macron, thats a proof france is 80% muslim
Le pen didn't win because the le pen family is a joke among commoners.
The father le pen was a prime autist wearing an eyepatch for no reason and saying outrageous things on tv like a poltard.
You may be right /pol/, you may be true but you're not cool. You're lame.
since when is norgay the new australia?
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I was in Paris a year ago and it was already total shit. I wish I could send them a bill for my expenses. It would've been cheaper and probably safer to visit Mogadishu for the same basic experience. It's a shame what France has become. Their ancestors would disown them if they could see what pathetic wretches the French people have become. I'm just glad my grandfather, who fought his way across France and into Germany tooth-and-nail -- I'm glad he's no longer alive to see what it's become.

The French are pathetic and weak, and France is a dying country. They offer nothing to the world except problems going forward, same with Germany. They deserve each other in the bastardization that is the EU. They deserve the brazilification of their ancestral homeland. They deserve the chains they've placed around themselves. They deserve the suffering and the poverty they demand for themselves.

Their shortsightedness, hedonism, and indolence will burden each successive generation more than the last, until finally one will rise up. The future France will belong to them.
Do the Japanese even visit Paris anymore?
that touched a nerve? You'll want nanny Merkel to block more of the internet for you in the future, there will be more things to mock and shitpost about
Fuck you Pablo, go back to shitty south america.
Your ignorance shows

moshi moshi zaibatsu samurai
Japs don't but I had a nice talk with a chill Pinoy last time I went
If whties are too retarded to control themselves and are so easily decided by jews than "we" dont really deserve a statue beyond that of a cattle, you know, according to suprioer race logics
>shit that isn't true

Kill yourself
he looks like tywin lannister

how is poland so goddamn based?
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>visit france

Lmao no thanks, sort yourselves out first, maybe then I'll come spend some money
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>avoid the suburbs

Nice advert for Paris.
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if rapefugees enter the country because of this I hope they rape Lapen first
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I know, anglos don't have the balls to face their enemies
We do
We used to have the biggest jewish minority in the world for a few centuries. We got redpilled the hard way on jewish tricks.
Little angry French cuck calm down, your life was probably already shit, now it's just going to get worse. Just try not to get run over and enriched so you can live to whine another day
Enjoy your minority white Canafuck in 2036, canuck cuck
Did you guys hear La Pen is right wing and extreme? She's right wing and extreme guys because all the journalist keep saying it. It's really starting to sink into my brain that she's a right wing extremist because I've heard it so many times.
these look exactly like mine wtf?
Kek, stfu and go lick your masters boots
That's because people like Donald Tusk believe that "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" means revisional liberty, equality, and fraternity. I.E., because the French treated brown people badly in the past, then brown people should treat the French badly in the present. Then somehow eventually it will all even out and this will not lead to a cycle of violence that results in permanent racial hatred.
And to say I wanted to go to paris.
should have went earlier, jesus christ.

Guess HUNGARY is my next destination.
Visit our brothers in Japan. Tokyo is clean, conservative, and has beautiful scenery.
>The most common belief among Parisians is that French national identify,culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Just as planned. This is the fate that awaits all white lands. It's happening now in the US with the traitors wanting to tear down monuments and erasing of history. By wiping out national consciousness and a sense of shared culture, you destroy the native people.
>BREAKING; Reports of wild riots in several citys in #France. Thousands of police on the streets, reports of wounded.

France, the nation of peace.
Look! It's this thread again!
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>your dhimmi candidate win
>riot anyway
what did they mean by this
remember the 6 million
The problem of Le Pen is that she couldn't get enough support in the rural areas/small cities because the French agriculture gets so much gibs they put even Poland to shame. With the highest subsidies in the EU, there's no way they'd want to vote for someone who wants to leave the union.
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Give us your names through google cookies goy
sauce or stfu
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LePen ballots destroyed; at least 500,000 extras created for Macron

Many people know about the half million plus extra ballots that were printed up for Macron, only to vanish into thin air (obviously to re-appear on election day) But now, countless ballots for LePen are arriving destroyed, along with intact ballots for Macron in the same envelope. If a ballot is significantly damaged, it cannot be cast, and many many thousands, if not over a million LePen ballots have arrived torn to the center, in the same envelope with perfectly intact Macron ballots. In cases where families received multiple ballots due to multiple voters in a household, all ballots for LePen are destroyed the exact same way, with not a single case of a ballot for Macron arriving damaged.
France isn't cucked. I'm curious to see the real level of abstentionism of this election. Also, Le Pen had a too big of a weight to carry because of her father.

Truth being, if an outsider like Trump, with the same bodacious bravado he displayed during his campaign, having the same level of distrust for most of the political intelligiantsia, could sway public opinion.

This was 2002 all over again. But at least now there's hope.

Search for it yourself frog
Macron leaks

Here is a secret document from Macron's files which outlines the procedures to succeed in a complete Islamazation of France and Europe. I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, but to use them as pawns to destroy societies is simply wrong.

>La Pen
didn't read
France didn't deserve salvation, Any nation that allowed themselves to be so cucked needs to stay cucked to make a example out of them,

So we can all watch the horror show of children being dragged into the streets and butchered like pigs in what many previously thought were first world countries, It will serve as a warning to the rest of the world.
New York City may not be 80% black Muslim, but it's definitely only 45% white.
Paris has always been like that, a beautiful shithole.
I visited Paris last year for two weeks, and it was nothing like as you've described.

Yes there are people selling shitty merchandise at tourist hotspots, but that's the same in any city that attracts tourists. You just walk away, only dumb americunts like yourself get hustled like that.

I used public transport continuously, and went to Versailles on it, no problems at all. Walked around at night with no problems.
Armed guards at the louvre made me feel safer, not heighten a sense of danger.
The only protest I saw was a group of Chinese people screaming through megaphones, no fights, no riots, no burning cars, just unhappy Asians walking peacefully to Bastille.
You're talking shit, buddy.

If I'm brown, where can I find these qt blondes in Paris? I'd like to racemix with them in a back alley.
I was in Paris just this January.

OP described Paris to a fucking T. It is a dirty, slimy fucking hell hole that feels like a third world African city occupied by an army of French Foreign Legion.

Paris is most certainly like that and you are just covering for it. The city is absolute shit.
Source nigga. I believe you but I need that source.
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>We used to have the biggest jewish minority
you must be pakis

The 3rd worlders aren't only there for votes but to divide the country and to eventually take it from the natives.

The whole plan is to have a "European" population with a max iq of 85. The only way they can achieve this is to move in Africans and Arabs.
Alright Quebec - learn the difference between singular and plural.
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>One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.
>No sh!t it's election time Hans

Uh... hate to be the one to tell you this but this is not normal for election time.
Of course not, even if Le Pen had won the most she could have ever done is limit immigration. That wouldn't change the fact that Mudslimes are out-breeding native French people. Physical removal is the only way, but I doubt it could happen via democratic means.
look at the fucking signs, this is USA not France
So when are they going institute sharia law and start the yearly purge?
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

Oh come on, you can't make a claim like that without having images of this happening on multiple occasions. Or even once for that matter.

If anything, it contradicts the "Mosque on every corner" point.
South LA is never fun because it is not a tourist attraction, it just a hellhole.
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Trump's support didn't help her either. Especially not after he betrayed all of his supporters.
Liberty Travel doesn't exist in France you gullible shithead. That's the USA.
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sounds more like Children of Men every day
>Paris voted to ban pictures of Muslim extremists in news to not generate more Islamophobia.
Whatever happens to France will be their own fault, they chose terrorism and they will have to stick with that.
that was my bad. i didnt realize what it was until after i posted. not trying to false flag
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lol the cucks in hear whining and bitching about the symptoms to an even bigger problem. Zionist kikes drive muslims out of their lands and into yours who should you really be directing all your hurt feelings towards?
Where I used to live in Paris, there was a mosque at the corner of the street but it was too small for the amount of people showing up on fridays, so they would prey outside in the street. It was a small street with no traffic though, and I haven't really seen that in other places.
>that use of question mark
Female detected
Went in 2016, it was pretty dank. At day you'd barely see any homeless people, at night a couple would gather in alleyways and whatnot to sleep (dirty af, but not a common sight) if you head to the Latin district it's all clean af, basically Paris intact, the same goes for most of the 5th and 6th arrondisements. Gypsies suck, armed guards exists, lots of black people crowded in some of the Northern arrondisements and that's about it.

Also lots of black hookers were trying to get me to buy them when I was walking through Paris at night top kek

8.5/10 would go again
>I tried both
>coming to U.S. and living in a crowded city instead of small town or country side
Are you retarded?
>implying he has a source
This is /pol/, maybe at best he'll post an image of some random blog writing about it
This is a pretty accurate description, it's rare coming from foreigners.
How am I suppose to continue to rail you if you politely admitted you fucked up?
This, in America we don't have much equivalent, maybe Ross Perot or David Duke

Sounds like Detroit/Chicago, but with less guns.
Le Pen was controlled opposition anyway, literally only there to provide a easy ride for Macron.

The purpose is to steer away from militant movements and instead have the right combined in one big political party that'll never win an election. It's like a carrot on a stick, every election they'll get closer while the shitskin migrant keep pouring in, no revolt because there is always next election and then they should win that, right?!

Why does /pol/ think you can win a rigged game? Even Trump is literally just Bush 2.0
Macaroon is going to crash Frances economy with no survivors is he? Sound plan.
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I was in Paris 4 years ago and got a tour at midnight from a homeless woman on the way home from the bar. I was drunk and it was my only night there so I figured why not. She showed me some really cool historical buildings and where Jim Morrison was buried so I was pretty impressed, but the entire time it smelled like piss and shit, we must have passed at least 200+ homeless niggers sleeping on permanent mattress in whatever small park or open space there was. At the end of the night she told me how she had been raped pretty frequently for the past 15 years while working on the street.

The Eiffel Tower also smelled like piss. There are port-a-potties on the second floor of it which is probably the trashiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Go home and get fucked frog.


Same here anon, Gramps didn't kill Nazis to see Europe fuck itself.
>No regrets.
minus not winning.
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SHIT its fucking real

>1932 German Presidential Election
>Hindenburg: 19,359,983
>Hitler: 13,418,517

Percentage 53.0% 36.8%
>Shaving your balls
I heard there was a pro-EU protest, did soros fund it?
Brussels is worse except for the protests

And the reason why Le Pen didn't win is because of her anti euro stance. Frenchmen were afraid of a Frexit
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why jerk off to russia? it's a fucking shit hole and it's fucking full of muslims. putin is a cuckold for muzzies.
Johnathon Bowden noted how, unlike most other Western cities, all the whites live in the centre of the city and the suburban areas are the most ethnic. Is this true?
The absolute sweetest thing about this is that Marcron is a banker. France will vote for literal shit so they can keep getting expensive African and Muslim cock. Never come between a Frenchman and a brown cock.
that's Jew York
France lost their balls a long time ago.
kek okay shill. your economy is fucking non-existent.

I have a cousin living in Paris. Well, she USED to live in Paris, but she moved to a smaller neighboring city because the situation in the capital just got unbearable.

I wouldn't advise visiting. Not only due to safety issues, but on a moral ground. Now that the Frenchies have opened their legs to multiculturalism and rapefugees, mindful tourists should avoid visiting the country to punish them and help them correct their mistakes faster.
All these Muslims in Paris. I bet all the long dead and not as long dead native frogs are rolling in their graves.
You're fucking bonkers lmao
>Good for you Amerifuck, don't come back.
he won't. and he'll tell all his friends and family and they won't go either. and every dirty chink will go home from paris and tell everyone how shitty it is. you will get less tourists every year.
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>francecuck this triggered
Sorry anon, you live in a caliphate now

>Don't be mad at the people literally murdering your countrymen because Jews exist

Nice try, Mohammed.
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Are mudslimes like soccer fans going out and destroying their towns when they win?
Maybe muslims wouldn't be there if france didn't try to colonize algeria in the first place you cry baby faggot. You guys made your bed now sleep in it.
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>Yeah Paris is a lot more fun than these notorious rundown ghettos
Is the sky blue? Are the kikes greedy nation wreckers?
people should just run over them really

blocking traffic is an act of terrorism
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Fucking rigged but media blackouts are incoming
*2 shekels deposited into your account*
>next will compare douched bungholes
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Too bad it has to come to that, once SHTF in France, the ONLY thing that will wake up those liberals-leftists.



i went in 2009 and it was FULLof gypsies and niggers but still well worth it. i can't imagine how bad it is now. i know i didn't get the same experience someone would have gotten going in the 90s though. i wouldn't go there to be romantic though. go to hawaii.

>it's a fucking shit hole and it's fucking full of muslims
Much like your mom.
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>You're not allowed to be mad at people who are trying to kill you because not every Jew has been gassed

*2 virgins will be awarded to you in Jinnah*

Fucking Achmeds are smarter than people give you credit for.
NYC is 80% blacks/muslims/spics
first post best post

She must groom a successor. She will be too old to run next time. She needs to improve the professionalism of her party and poach ministers from The Republicans. Or form an alliance with them.
Macron leaks

Here is a secret document from Macron's files which outlines the procedures to succeed in a complete Islamazation of France and Europe. I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, but to use them as pawns to destroy societies is simply wrong.

Macron Leaks contain secret plans for the islamisation of France and Europe
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Warm up the gas chambers everyone..oh wait they weren't real working gas chambers in the first place. RIP 6 gorillian non-existant kikes
>come to brasil
>come to paris
Pff dude the sadest part is that its not even half that bad to live in atm.. its going to take forever to bring this country down economically speaking, and it fucking pisses me off that the shitskin leeches will still have it amazing for a long ass time

>Not even responding to my point

Typical taqqiyah

I lived there in 2002 and everything he said was true except for the Muslim stuff.

Of course...this was Paris and every French person would say;

>What did you expect? It's Paris.
South LA is way better than Paris at least we have our minorities in check, your more likely to get stabbed by a muslim in paris than robbed by a cholo in LA
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mossad marion, duh
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horrible to hear - i was there for the summer in 2001 ... there was definitely a gypsy presence, but the homelessness was virtually non-existent and i was floored by how clean it was
I would believe this. SJWs working at mail offices were openly facebooking how they were destroying votes sent in by mail for Trump.

Found the shill. He hasn't betrayed any supporters
Oh no.. well Karma for Versailles treaty

lol really?

I'm >>124562201and I found the homelessness/blacks/gypsies and pure filth overwhelming. Only Western city I've been to that would compare would be L.A. and if you want to count it as Western, Naples. Both of them were almost Bangkok tier.
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>paris isn't like that
Pic fucking related. Your children will have muslim names. Your grand children will curse your existence.
>It seems France can only change through revolution and bloodshed.
wall.exe not found

*engage maximum kiketry in whitehouse*

*fire fag missiles at syria*
Well fuck. We didn't win but we're growing at an exponential rate.
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>Most Transparent Administration in History
How's that betrayal taste
Blacks are mostly in the 17th and 18th district, hardly anywhere else in large proportion. Other than these 2 districts Paris is a pretty safe city that gets a bad name because foreign media can't distinguish between Paris proper and the northern filthy suburbs.
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wrong, they are preventing us from uniting, if we actually did we could crush them. But we are too divided along class lines, nationalities (fucking Poles just cant give up their Russia/German hate to do something for the common good, same with Baltics/Slav-shits. If we could all pull our heads out of our asses and see their is a common enemy actively trying to subvert our sovereignty we'd form a real resistance instead of just shitposting our autistic ramblings
this is 75% not true

Everyone hates the Jews, but that's not enough to unite people: people still hate each other.

I was in Montmartre. Was Arabs and Africans as far as the eye could see.
Fuck the surrendermonkeys. They have bent the knee to their new globalist masters and offered up in sacrifice their culture, language, country and themselves. It is themselves they do not care for and nor shall I.

The Frenchman is now a blight upon this Earth and a traitor too. Worse than the Mudslime or Jew.
Montmartre is in the 18th district. This whole area all the way down to gare du nord is africa, but the rest of Paris is nothing like it.
Le Pen was a bad loss but it could have been worse. From what I know Macaroni is relatively center right on economics and supports free trade, at least it wasn't Melenchon.

why 4chan thinks my posts are spam?
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mudslimes were happy staying in their countries until israhell decided it wanted to expand its borders and send the mudslimes to europe.
Bet my ass he did.

I was there many times when I was a kid. Use to go every year to Paris.

Went back as am adult last year and, the lace had changed.

Paris is like what Rome must had been like during its falls, evidence of a once great empire and civilisation, now shattered and in disarray

And once again, like Rome, destroyed by Barbaric cultures, religion and incompetent leadership.

Either Le Pen wins on 2022 and becomes a Caesar, or Paris will suffer the same fate as Rome
>Going to Paris

That's your problem. Outside of Paris, France was great.
bosniaman is right you know

I guess it's a good thing we keep importing the nice red-pilled sand monkeys then, they'll solve the ((((Jewish Question)))) for us and we'll all live Shariah happily ever after.

Well, except me, but I guess that's the point.

This isn't an economic election, its a cultural one. Those fighting in 1914-1918 for their countries existence and who frighted in the resistance a generation later, did not fight to see France surrender her Culture and identity

I've never seen a car on fire in 3 years I lived there .
There are no no-go zones.
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Aaaaaaand another loser that never left Urinated States of Assmerica writing lies for his cronies.Oh, boy, what a night! Go back to sleep, hun. But first take off the fedora and go take a shower.
Yeah, the no-go zones are in some of the (mostly northern) suburbs. I've lived in these shitholes and in Paris itself and it's not at all comparable.

You got me there, I do think Israel is p. based and I don't really have much sympathy for Palestine but I'm not a Zionist so that's neither here nor there.
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To the leaf who posted this
You made it m8
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>>>France is under state emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets.

Bitch every city has no go zones shut the fuck up.
Now there is a list of communes to dump extra mudslimes into.
This is a dangerous meme. DELETE!
>mudslime talking shit about being expelled, muh refugees
You sand niggers enslaved, killed or expelled all the christians the middle east, Syria, Egypt, Turkey all those countries were christian before the followers of the savage pedophile of peace came along to share their love for beheading the kafir. You have no moral grounds to complain about being kicked out of anything, because muslims have made more refugees and victims than any religion or political regime out there.
It's true and false. There's military men in most public places (train stations, airports, museums etc) but that's been the case for over 15 years, and their number depends on the current state of alert. They're also not exactly military patrols, they're under the authority of the cops and they can't do anything on their own.
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>ever thinking France would elect Le Pen
>France electing an actual former Rothschild employee
Sit back and relax lads. Watching France dissolve into more sectarianism and cultural enrichment will be entertaining to the rest of the Western World.
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Money is no excuse. Better be alive and poor then literally destroy yourself for a few shekels.
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>Muslim immigrants destroying Europe
>Dumbass leaf angry at group for being great at killing Muslims
>by 6.000.000
I was about to ask if this is real, then I got the joke
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>le 60%, faggot
>Also 30% kike
And I'm dating a blonde hair blue eyed aryan qt who won't have to fear getting blown up by a bunch of Muzzles
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The west is shrinking so WTF are you enjoying goyim?
Fuck the french
My sister was constantly harassed by niggers when she visited Paris, she said it was a horrible place and not what she expected at all. Have fun with your no tourism and useless niggers.
I was there in 2014 and everything he said was true.
is your sister hot? post pics
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In the 20 years I've been living in DF (Mexico City,) I've never been mugged or anything once.

When I went to Paris for a week, I was robbed, and scammed too.
>dumbass murican neckbeard to stupid to walk and breathe at the same time

That was true of Italy too though, and they didn't even need the blacks and arabs to do it for them.
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ive been to Paris

id say it was 90% white (i know that is wrong)

but every non white was hassling you for money, or selling things on rugs that they could pull up and run off with if the police showed up (the rugs had ropes attached)
Yes which has been a gold mine for spain. Tourist come to spain instead of shitty france. We broke records last summer and we'll break them again this year.
State of emergency only happened once, it was during the war with algeria, I think he meant that france anti-terrorism response has been on the highest level for a while now.
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Christian nations have been colonising muzzie countries for centuries as well other non muzzie countries like the one you're in you fart smelling phaggot.

two reasons:

1. france is 99% faggots.
2. usa hacked the election
Italians are part nigger, especially in tje south.
She's not even that hot I guess. I suppose anything above a shaved gorilla is a plus for a stinky coon.

What's the matter christfag, you don't like other "cultures" and religions taking over your land?

Well guess what motherfucker, this is EXACTLY what you did to my Sweden/Scandinavia/the rest of Europe a 1000+ years ago. You killed the people not willing to convert, you built churches on top of our holy site's.

And WHO are in the for-front of todays invasions? THE DIRTY FUCKING christians!! They welcome this with open arms. Had this been 1000+ years ago, we would have killed them all by now, no problem. BUT, some greedy scum traitors in our own line's sold us to the kike. But even them had remorse, look up Erik Segersäll, he understood what he had done (tor down the old pagan temple in Old Uppsala), and on his deathbed went back to the gods. His son was not so smart, he was a greedy (kike's do that to you, no?) scumbag and continued the faggot-religion that is christianity.

And here we are, Europe is on fire on a daily basis. And it all started with that kike-carpenter "hesus". DEATH TO ALL christians!!
I agree, but I still am very libertarian on economics and that's something I stand by.
The cultural war is essentially lost for a few years, hopefully something really major, like 9/11 happens to turn the tide.
also i have been to spain, i saw nothing but spanish people, it was really great
>Gramps didn't kill nazis to see Europe fuck itself
Uh... yes he did

>One of the oldest nation of Europe is dying
>Spanish retard is happy because tourism

Makes me think...
and there was no muslim countries before they rose up and colonized them. remember islam is the NEWEST of the 3 faiths of that region.
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YFW Grampapa killed the one who saw the true enemy 70 years ago
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The US backed Macron. We fed him bribes and helped hide the money. The organization we used to do it, the NED, was behind the Maidan and the Arab Spring. Democracy is a sham. What comes next?

Definitely would rather go to Spain and drop my tourist dollars there. New Yemen and Macron can fuck right off song with their precious niggers and sand niggers.
I was confusing state of emergency and president exceptional powers under article 16
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This. The West needs an "example".

France must die for our sins.
no harm no fault.
Do you even understand what you posted ? It says they want to avoid victimization of Maghreb countries

welcome to brasil
the hell of it is that the french MSM will not report on any problems caused by refugees. everything will have to be reported by crowd sourced journalism that can be easily dismissed or claim to be discredited. europe is almost lost
MSM did report about the hell that was the Calais refugee camps and the clusterfuck of refugees trying to get to the UK, harassing truck drivers and all that shit.
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you almost understand

70% support for being in the EU, because of gdp growth and gibs from Merkel

the people going to the marches are opposition politicians and old people living in the cities (my old aunt, etc.) (like, consider what voter group has it close to a march in the city and has the time to do it?)
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blacks and muslims are literally subhuman. god we need to kick them out before it's too late. nuke africa and mecca now.
Dude, I've been to paris. Many US cities are safer, cleaner, more homogenous and more welcoming than paris. I'd take US over paris any day.
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Good goy, your learning
You do know France took a small number of réfugiés, right ? Or maybe you count every brown people as refugies.
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>I'm just glad my grandfather, who fought his way across France and into Germany tooth-and-nail --

He was part of the problem, fuck him.
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>Gramps didn't kill Nazis to see Europe fuck itself

Your gramps a shit and the reason Europe is a hell whole now.
if you want to get shot in the street by an AK47 wielding arab. at least respect yourself enough to get paid for it and join the military instead, where they even give you a gun to have a fighting chance
Autist detected.
I say we export multiculturalism to Israel!!!
Return madness to it's source!!!
You are actually the reason why Europe (and whole west world) fuck itself. Just living degeneracy reviving meme-tier ideology.
Is this why Japanese tourists go into depression when going on trips to France?
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How tsundere are euro arab girls
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>"Far right"
Stop accepting this ridiculous MSM narrative, they say any party that opposes open borders is far right. FN is firmly on the left economically and accepts various "progressive" social positions. Arguably they would have got more of the vote if they did less of this cucking.
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My great grandfather died fighting in France for this. Damn shame.
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Want to save Europe?
>Try to accelerate the economic collapse (go on welfare, use as much government resources as possible,...)
>Spread truthful information about race and diversity http://thealternativehypothesis.org/
>Spread truthful information about Jews
>Prepare for war!!!
Your problem is really Christian nowadays huh?
OP is 100% accurate. You are a 20 years old college student in Paris, and just like all the other lemmings you fiercely defend Paris not because you believe France has any culture (heavens forbid), but because your islamomarxist professors told you America is the great Satan.
Yup like the israel groomed Wilders
This is why


>hey this isn't near as bad as /po-
Reported with your shitty spam
Fuck off macron shills
she didn't win cuz she's an unskilled psychopath and only america is dumb enough to vote in an unskilled psychopath
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Nah sorry thats how I founded it.
Good, good...i see our arch-enemy is going down the drain...good...
Fuck Paris, Fuck France !
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>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.
Muslim here. My life would be easier if this was true but they really aren't.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
Literally never happens, except twice a year (during the Aid hollidays)
>le no gozones meme that even news channels admitted they lied about XD
Are you even trying ? If you had done your research you'd know that a couple of these exist in Marseille but it has everything to do with mafia, drugs and crime, which degenerate fucks wanted to legalize in the first place.
GG France. Your fucked. We dodged this bullet in the US. It's not amazing but it's a LOT better than what Hillary would've been.
Absolutely rekt xd
The situation is bad enough but you don't have to lie

>Gypsies were all around Paris begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.

True if you're a tourist

>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Paris

True, not only black people tho

>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to force you to buy their shitty merchandise.

True if you look like a tourist

>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.

Simply wrong

>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

Simply wrong

>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in Paris which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in Paris is someones car on fire.


>France is under state emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets.


>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keeps happening. Paris voted to ban pictures of Muslim extremists in news to not generate more Islamophobia.


>Dangerous no go zone district all around the city where ambulance and police are attacked.

Absolutely wrong

>Paris is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Paris, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.

No worse than New York, much cleaner than San Francisco

>Housing in Paris keeps getting more expensive, taxes keep raising, both wages and benefits keep getting cut everyday. The Parisian middle class and working class keep suffering while the upper class moves to tax havens out of France.


>The most common belief among Parisians is that French national identify,culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Not very sure about that
Also physical extermination of Jews
>Muslim here
i stopped reading there, you don't belong in France, go home to your shithole that you and your people already ruined instead of ruining someone else country.
T:What will you tell your children when they ask why did you not invest in to western Detroit?
>Aid hollidays
you're not a muslim cunt you cant even spell eid
nice lies tho
> literally never happens, well except for twice a year
You pieces of shit actually blocked the roads well praying? You should be treated with the same graces your brethren treat The French with a bumper to the side of the head!
considering that there were laws passed banning christmas decorations in fear of mudshits committing arson last christmas, things are pretty bad
*outside of designated zones
Really makes you think how many times the 6 million figure keeps appearing in WW2

6 million jobs
6 million jews
6 million shekels
>And once again, like Rome, destroyed by Barbaric cultures, religion and incompetent leadership.

Yet the Byzantines managed to last just fine for another thousand years by embracing all those traits. Maybe the Italians are just a shitty people?
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> Look on my works ye mighty, and despair...
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Checked. I couldn't agree more
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>cucks gong full retard

Literally no one is surprised anymore, so why do you bother?
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