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Thread replies: 380
Thread images: 160

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>Tops on cuck and inbred porn watching
How is Serbia even a country?
>Inb4 MUH kekbab remuvr meme
Lol Serbia has the mosque with the highest minaret in Europe
Lmao just KEK
No wonder these people lost to literal farmers with riffles both in Bosnia and Kosovo
*furiously wandering around the house with shoes in hands*
>the mosque with the highest minaret in Europe

Nothing wrong with that
this. wish we make a higher one
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google trends.png
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>not posting this
you had one job
Lmao its real
Lol Serves BTFOd
servs need to be gassed tбh
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They will still find a way to blame the Albanians even for them being degenerated
kys scum
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>tfw albos used to be cool before they got mudslimed

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Serbs on suicide watch
s*rvlets were never cool however
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>Serbia nr1
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This is the most bulgarians i've ever seen in a thread
Trudeau we know it's you. Get off the proxy.
delet ;Dd
Why look at porn? If Serbs are that turned on by humiliation they should just read a Serbian history book.
Bulgarians are the tenth biggest postergroup in /int/
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m*slim b*lgars come out in droves to defend the fatherland
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t. country with biggest minaret in europe
They make mean BBQ but I guess they like the BBC. Sad!
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>Albania having room to talk shit

You're an ever bigger joke than Serbia
>No wonder these people lost to literal farmers with riffles both in Bosnia and Kosovo

who said we lost?
you have to go back s*rvlet
Stop pls this is an open wound for my countrymen
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>Pomak having zero arguments

top kek
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>serbs heavily pro-trump
>trump loves the cia
>trump now supports NATO
>trump's defense minister supports kosovo
>vs google actual maps
>first in incest porn
>third in cuckold porn

Seriously talking. Maybe your people really need some islam.
>The largest source of English speaking traffic on the internet is the largest source of any English search phrase
Really makes you think.
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literally had to flee his shithole lmao.

vojvodina next and sandzak after that
Absolutely, Serbia is the most emasculated and pathetic country in Europe. More pathetic than Albania. Every single on of its neighbors (Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia) are leaving behind shithole serbia in the dust.

Sad, sad country.
biased fin cuck. obvious selective bias going on here.
>kikeing results
>argueing about maps
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The only reason Banja Luka is Serbian is because NATO and UN begged us not to attack it.
>muh another refugee crisis
Why biased and towards what?
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>cuck and inbred
>IQ lower than Mauritius, an African country that still sells slaves
Why does Serbia still exist lol?
>Sicilians, Albanians and Monteniggers = bros

What's wrong with that?
Still no arguments in sight, no wonder why Balkan threads suck

Im sorry that Albania is an even bigger joke
>> reddit bomb

kys stupid shiptar
past year you russified t*rk
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shit map, here's a better one
>> NATO and UN
>> begging you

okay special, i'll leave you be
What is this supposed to tell us?
nothing to argue about tbx. servlets are not only with lower iq but cucked and mentally sick too
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seriously tho whats with serbia and incest
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Kek, I didn't know that even Macedonia is better than Serbia. I have nothing but pity for Serbia kek.

Haven't been to Macedonia, but Serbia's neighbors (Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania) are so much better off than Serbia that it's crazy. Probably the EU factor.
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>Serbs make their internet run by going around a mosque with shoes on their hands
>not listing best korea
This is incorrect
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>Kosovo not even available
That's pretty fuckin pathetic still, Balkans are a fucking joke

Imagine being this insecure that you have to argue who got fucked harder when you all did
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>Nu/pol/ will defend this
We were kilometers away from Banja Luka waiting for the signal to attack. Serveroaches were literally on suicide watch. Amerisharts and Europe pressured us to back down. It was a huge mistake and everyone knows it. The great servia meme would finally be destroyed if we took Banja Luka.
not an argument s*rvlet. balkans might be shit but servia is on whole another level
Albania is the shit stain of europe. There majority muslim. Therefore against there own values. Albania shouldnt even be a country
Having visited the Balkans, can confirm that some countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia) are much better off than others (Kosovo, Serbia, Moldova)
i wonder what is wrong with bulgarian folks, i just can't figure out, maybe i'm stupid, but what in the fucking god's cock you have against serbs?
T.Muhammad ibn Pajeeti Al-Britani
you have to go back gastarbajter scum
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These serveroaches infest your territory and demand you to give up your land. What do?
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Damn imagine being Albanian and the only history you have is WE WUZ ILLYRIANS but they got btfod by Slav conquistadors

Nice fake news you pussy ass muslim NIGGER

>14.9 vs 15
That's like barely
I took a Danube trip so I visited Austria to Bulgaria. Bulgaria and Serbia were literally the same.

You literally have a portion of Turks living in your country and are descended from a Turkic group that has your country's name. You are a total fucking meme.
>kilometers away
oh fuck, you didn't i was there in the city, you would loose big time but okay i promised myself i wont discuss about that since it's very slippery

enjoy your victory, and your county
>you're literally surrounded by cucks
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Bulgaria shouldn't exist either, same as albania
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You stole and brainwashed macedonians you rat
why not
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this but teach me how to be a proper muslim bro i drink too often
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>oh fuck, you didn't i was there in the city
>muh anecdotes vs military records

>you would loose big time
You can't be serious, roach? We were having victory after victory and your rag tag roach army was on its knees.
so there is your anger? go and have them, i don't give a fuck, they're shit anyways

also we got there first in ww1 so fuck off we didn't steal anything it was spoil of war, now go and have them we don't need them
t. James al Islami
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I mean at this point is Serbia even trying.... Its the epytheme of a meme shit country

Even Montenegro would rather join NATO than stay with you servlets KEK
>who said we lost?
The flag under which you just posted that
Bulgaria's history shows its one of the biggest fuck up nations theres been
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U just offended a anglo motherfucker. How dare you !?!?!?!
Bulgaria did the heavy lifting in BW1 and you didnt keep agreements.
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You're right on Albania, but desu countries like Bulgaria and Hungary, who have saved the world from Muslim invasions and are some of the oldest countries in Europe,absolutely deserve to exist. Much more noble countries than Britainstan, and the future of the white race is in these countries.

Don't confuse Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania with non-countries Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
In two decades, that flag would probably not even exist, nor would a third of the Balkans honestly.
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welcome to balk.jpg
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Hajde Turqi/Balcan, let us discuss this more in-depth in Discord.


Balkans welcome. Anglos are not.

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Why is cuckolding always a bbc. Why no love for us average size guys?
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needs this attached
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The Danube goes through the riches serb parts and the poorest bulgarian parts, so that's not surprising.
nice cherrypicking on pictures though

also, keep believing bullshit you believe in it's really okay
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Britain went from giant empire to muslim shitstain. Kek.

Bulgaria's history is definitely much older and in my opinion much richer than Britainstans. All of Eastern Europe's is.
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>le kebab remover xD
>servlet delusions
lmao with current rates servia will be the size of luxembourg soon
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Say no thanks
Canada wouldnt even be a country without the british, your a plastic brit. plus bulgarians are pussies, romanians and hungarians stopped the muslim invasions in the east, spain, portugal and france were the main ones in the west
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Let me propose something..
>desu countries like Bulgaria ... saved the world from Muslim invasions

Looks like from this thread - they didn't finish the job.

Cry me a river, Tatar subhuman.

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Enough to bath in your indian blood
This is nothing shocking. During the Ottoman empire, Muslim men had the right by law to take the virginity of newly wed christian Serbian women.

In many cases she was fucked in front of the Serbian husband while the Serb husband masturbated and cleaned up the Muslim cum from her pussy.
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>On 1 May 1985, Đorđe Martinović, a 56-year-old resident of the Kosovo town of Gnjilane, arrived at the local hospital with a broken bottle wedged in his rectum. He claimed that he had been attacked by two Albanian-speaking men while he was working in his field. After being interviewed by a Yugoslav People's Army colonel, Martinović reportedly admitted that his injuries had been self-inflicted in a botched attempt at masturbation. Public investigators reported that "the prosecutor made a written conclusion from which it appears that the wounded performed an act of 'self-satisfaction' in his field, [that he] put a beer bottle on a wooden stick and stuck it in the ground. After that he sat 'on the bottle and enjoyed'."[1]

>A petition signed by Serbian intellectuals asserted that "the case of Đorđe Martinović has become that of the entire Serb nation in Kosovo." Three years later, a group of Serbian women marched on the Serbian parliament to lobby for the removal of Kosovo's autonomy, declaring that "we can no longer stand by while ... our brothers are impaled on a sharpened stake."[9]

>he doesn't know that Danube trips offer you to visit the countryside
There's literally no difference when I did crosscountry. I don't understand why you idiots get so mad about it. They were nice regardless.

>proving the point of how the Balkans will go tits up again
Your Balkan intelligence once again shines
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ITT: croats, bulgarians and albocraps merging together to loose yet another future war

godspeed lads
>Danube trip
There are no major Bulgarian cities on the Danube though.

Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia are much more advanced and much faster developing than countries like Serbia. Thanks to EU funds, these countries have a future, Serbia does not.

The country is about 10x older than yours, burger. Kek.
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>not subhuman
Pick one and only one
but youve been invaded more times than childrens virginities in your country. one victory, good job. but match this
>winning anything
wew lad
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>It's another episode of Europeans bashing Europeans
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Hahahaha Kosovo je serbia, right?

You are pathetic, emasculated, stagnating, and have no future. Pity.
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bulgaria just another day.jpg
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You're not even a real country, you smelly gypsy bastard. You're what happens when a Turk rapes a Romanian.
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t. serv from republika spska
Uh Albanians were never conquered by slavs but occupied by turks, nice try though
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t.servshit talking about losing wars
this, also whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes
Through this concentrated Bulgarian barrage, the infantry pressed gallantly on in the night attack, and everywhere entered the enemy's lines, only to be driven out again by the heavy fire which the Bulgar guns opened on their own captured front trenches, and by determined counter-attacks. Down by the lake our men twice reached the enemy trenches, but had to fall back each time. On their left they met with strong resistance, and the few of them who got into the enemy's front line were not strong enough to stay there. A battalion attacked Petit Couronné, and by midnight were reported to have won a footing there. Other units, too, gained temporary mastery of their objectives. But the reinforcements sent to strengthen them could not get across that death-trap of Jumeaux ravine, into which the Bulgar trench mortars were dropping a barrage of projectiles as you might pitch pebbles into a trough. Such was the force of the explosions in that narrow space that men were blasted to death against the walls of rock by the shock alone: this was in addition to ceaseless shelling by their 8-inch howitzers.

Bulgarian reinforcements had been rushed up to the trenches from the ravines behind where they normally live in comparative safety. They fought with stubbornness and determination. "Come on, Johnny," they kept calling through the din to our soldiers struggling up the rocky slopes to reach the gaps in their wire.
get a job, and pay back your debts
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>t. Serb diaspora who ran away from his shithole to live in Britainstan, jealous that all his neighbors in his shit home country are much better off
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servia will get ks back right guys ??

buthurt bosnjo from sweden

kako je?
Canada is just a massive joke, they think there a country
t. Srboje Cuckovic
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I did crosscountry you doofus. I went to Sofia and Tarnovo and shit. They were nice.

>Thanks to EU funds, these countries have a future
m8 in a decade, those funds are going to disappear and we'll once again have another useless stupid war down there because all of them are stupid nationalists

>The country is about 10x older than yours, burger. Kek.
So? None of that history has helped them for centuries other than making a dickwaving contest to your neighbors
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yeah and you're Albanian lol
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Serbs itt
Why is there a massive gypsy settlement in the center of Belgrade? Why do serbs have such dirty skin? Why do they envy black culture? Why are they developmentally so behind all of their neighbors.

Serbia truly is the most pathetic country in Europe. Sad, emasculated, depressing place, filled with gypsies and shitskin serbs.
I watch cuck porn because it usually involves an older woman with a younger guy, which is my fetish. That doesnt make me a cuck.
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fukin siptarzzz
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Coming from a Britainstani, kek
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"remove kebab" is the worst meme, pure Serb propaganda

Serbs are kebab installers, they've never removed anything.
This 100 times
That's a joke.
Canada has more net migrants, plus nobody really cares if canada goes muslim. Its full of pussies and couldnt fight back anyway
i have nothing against you bulgaria, so please fuck off albanian proxy

There is a trend, every time things get a bit complex in global affairs you get some free load from whomever you're leeching about, right now it's USA, before that was Italy and before that was Turkey.

Every single time, thing settle (during and the big wars) you get where you belong.

So this trend is going to repeat soon, brace yourself unintelligent being, it's going to be rough.
Nice try, turkroaches and albozerg. We will let Serbs have you soon.
Accurate. Serbs have done nothing but suck kebab cock their entire existence. They have always been cucked, up until modern times where they are losing clay to everyone and are not developing or advancing at all, unlike their neighbors.
probably ambushed by 10 Albo manlets
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pic related. Serbia sides with kebab, it has never removed it.
That most Eastern European countries have a much richer history than your country? No this is true.
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albos killing albos desu

Who's "we", Swede-cuck?
Kek and what are you guys doing? You have a muslim mayor in Londonstan for fucks sake kek
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after im finished with your beautiful sister you can do anything with me
Whats your history? other than being our bitches
>some Serbs fight for Ottomans just like almost everyone else in Eastern Europe did
>"yeah Serbs loved Turks!"
nice historical method you got there my leaf friend
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while on the topic of shumadian swineherds
better than your's cleary lol, also, canadians kinda over use kek, kek kek kek
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>force a meme
>meme is a complete lie
>americans fall for it
>le kebab remover
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Croat shitskin.jpg
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Look at all these Bulgarians
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Why so butthurt?
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servs are basically russified t*rks lads
Nobody else fought with the Ottomans, only pathetic serbs did
Fun fact: The remove kebab meme was an ironic joke made by a macedonian turk.
Bulgars and slavs didn't even enter Europe until the 600s ad. Anglo Saxon already had kingdoms by then.
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Except that we are better off than you, faggot. Even with Cuckdeau
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I mean seriously
Look at Serbia ATM
Literally a landlocked, politically, allywise and geographically cucked country and people that should pray to god every hour for still having Vojvodina, or they would be worse than Kosovo
>Literally the rest of the Balkans but you're so insecure about a specific ethnic group being memed as "le removers of religion"

Whatever you say man
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>imBlying we dont imagine ourselves being the BULL
I only see Serbia mentioned in the examples posted. That's ignoring how they helped keep the ottoman empire from collapsing after the battle of Ankara
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? Proof?
>watching porn in the first place
Degenerate. Fake Christian.
i would
i-i mean the girls not the dudes
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No, I mean, nobody else fought ALONGSIDE the Ottomans, like the serbs did. As seen here>>123954158

Of course Greece and Bulgaria fought against the Ottomans. Pic related. Not sure if Romania existed back then though.

Today Serbia has moved on from Turkish cock to Russian cock. This is why they are by far the wort country in Balkans
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>serbshit winning a war
Stay cucked, Turk rape baby

Breathing is degenerate.
How dare i inhale the produce of sinless trees.
forgot montenegro. vojvodina is next and then sandzak
>2 times more men
>almost the same amount of casualties

wow, serbs are literally pussies
Remember when illyrians used to occupy most of the Balkans and now it's Slavic land
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>posting a battle in a war where you notoriously backstabbed Bulgaria after they were the primary Kebab removers in the first Balkan war. pic related.
>acting like erbia hasn't been a vassal of Hungarian Empire, Bulgarian Empire, Byzantium, and now Russia its entire history
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You dont want to start this
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>serveroach can't comprehend that 430 years of roaches raping an entire nation vs 120 years of roach rape of select territories is not the same
I never said there aren't any roached people here, but your country is a mixed shithole. Almost everyone looks like a roach south of belgrade.

>has more men and guns
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>That one dot up north
The fuck is that?
Romanians were loyal dogs to the ottomans for most of their history.
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>mfw the Serbs haven't been BTFO'd this fucking hard since the Battle of Kosovo
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A white man of taste and knowledge I see
Fuck air desu senpai
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U.S will be Hispanic land soon also, back to the natives. What comes around goes around
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he was just being a realist
Serbians did fight the Ottomans you god damn retard. Literally every Balkan country did before the Ottomans made them vassals. Are you seriously this deficient on history?
Is Patriarch Pavle /ourguy/?
So when is albania going to the bottom of the ocean if thats the case
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>conquered twice
Pick one
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"back to the natives" LOL wew lad, you even history?
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Bulgar-Serb wars.png
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No, you dont know the history of the balkans. Serbians helped ottomans step foot into the balkans, for money, long before becoming vassal.
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Backstabbing Tatar Bulgar.jpg
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Bulgarians are the backstabbers. Even other nations know that.

>serb charges unarmed albo with ak
>albo disarms serb
>serb flees
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You backstabbed us when you took macedonia for yourself.
Go back to >>>/int/ children

>Ottoman–Bulgarian alliance

My grandfather grew up in Budapest when it was part of Austria Hungary and he told me to never trust Serbs and they are back stabbers.
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backstabbing serbs.png
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>posts the usual propaganda paper from a country that supported them

Kek. You are the backstabbers of Europe. Luckily you are getting repaid for all your backstabbing, by losing clay to ALBANIA and being a shithole that is getting left behind in the dust developmentally by all its neighbors
t. not a real country
don't break our cover!
LOL you're lower than Sierra Leone xD
t. subhuman Hun Tatar
Your grandfather is a smart man. Serbshits are backstabbers. Now they are an emasculated, pathetic, sad country with no future
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oy vey.png
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Fucking Khazars man
Honestly I did not even know about most of these engagements
Kek. The sad part is that Bulgaria and Hungary are quite literally 10x the country that Serbia is. I bet that makes you so mad, knowing that your neighbors have a bright future, meanwhile you are losing clay to Albania and are poorer than FYROM.

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>wikipedia link
Bulgars BTFO ashkenazi jews
Everyone from that part of the worked says that serbs are known backstabbers
why u even live in that shithole dictatorship anymore
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Byzantium - Bulgaria wars.png
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Only true rival for you guys IMO.
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Yeah because some of the nobility were stupid idiots who were squabbling over their "Empire" after Uros died. Do you know why Kosovo Polje happened?

The Byzantine ones were more brutal. Christ you fuckers drank a byzantine emperors skull and those Greek blinded your POWs by the thousands
Leafbey we know it's you.
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You compare ww1 with 1200s? Are you retarded? Check bw2
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>Be Serbozerg
>Slowly dying because it's fucking cold
>Emperor settles you in the warm lowlands of Dalmatia
>Mingle to oblivion and beyond with the natives
>Years pass
>Have Zerged half of the upper Balkans and pushed the natives southwards into metropoles
>Backstab the Byzantines in their most crucial moments
>Sell yourself to the Turks like a cheap whore
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>Christ you fuckers drank a byzantine emperors skull and those Greek blinded your POWs by the thousands

Yes this was a serious rivalry. Pic related
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*tri prsta*
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>Second Bulgar-Serb Alliance
>Bulgarian victory

Actually if you read the context of this,this is probably the most retarded shit the Bulgars did,and that's quite hard to beat.
The Byzantine wars were the only ones I remember from school, nothing about Khazars, Genoans, Venecians etc.
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I hve houses in my neighborhood older than your history
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albanian kids.jpg
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The technician who made the power installations in my house told me that its the khazar jews keeping Bulgaria down because of the ancient wars
>kilometers away
Dude, you are and will always be a couple of miles away, its not like we are such big countries. I can shoot up with a rifle in the zagreb direction and score a few kills
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Whew, what's with the hate we get from non-nations like Serbia, Macedonia or Ukraine?
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kek kardes
>posting this image 82952389 times
Albanians are getting woke
Lesson learned
"Final banishment" is not good enough, we need a "Final solution"
So what?

You didn't even have a country until 1913
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Kebab removing.png
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>anon why are you looking at my butt

how respond
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>mosly women and childrens
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toppest kek
>saviors of white race
>implying that's a bad thing
oy vey great job Jakub Marianbergovic.
t.pajeet al-britani
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albanian diaspora.png
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albanian diaspora is lowest of the low
you're literally using poorly colorized ww2 photo to prove serbs aren't white, you inbred 82iq mongrel
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You lost 500 years ago
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>Serbs banter with everyone else about how dumb niggers are
>Their face when they realize their average IQ is only a few points higher than the average IQ of an American black
ima l' jedan rvacki dijasporac da zna "svoj" jezik?
>serbian diaspora realizes bantz have gotten out of hand so he increasingly stressing tries to calm things down saying w-we a-all e-eu-euor b-bros r-right?
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Sure thing Bythqirovič
Bio ahead and give me an Roanoke of an independent Albanian state prior to 1913
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But, do they have the IQ to comprehend that fact and its implications?
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Liberator of Vukovar.jpg
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Here's a closer look of the same serb
well we do have kosovo according to that statistic, it would explain a lot
butthurt madjar pashalak
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Don't speak gypsy lad
>Raid a village
>kill all the children and throw them down a well
>Break the well in, hoping nobody finds out
>"lol we dindu nuffin dere is no pruf"

Btw, this happened to the Berisha.
Serbs are surrounded by enemies and only have back-stabbing russia as an ally...i'd say their doing alright considering they dont have the backing of your pedofile pope in Rome. They're like Armenians; only better looking.

>a serbian film

why are servs so obsessed with incest
Fucking phone butchered my post.

Give me an example of an independent Albanian state prior to 1913
>We dindu nuffin
>Kosovo alboz did it
>They don't have internet do
KEK at Serbian damage control
And no, Kosovo IP is Albanian in those, just like in 4chan, so those rates are for Serbia without Kosovo
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i hate when i'm too late for these threads.

if it wasn't for america and europe and the rest of your babysitters i wouldn't be so sure there'd be an albania for you to live in.

>kebab removers
refer to the previous sentence i wrote.
and if you want to talk about your brother roach, let me tell you that we fought 26 wars against the biggest empire in the world at that time and we won 16 of them.

allright, I'll give my take on the balkans

Serbs =bro tier and based
Croats = same but catholic
Bosniaks= Muslim (some) but actually very descent people

Albanians= Literall roach tier

the rest = meme countries
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>American education

do you even have a mental capacity for an argumented, civilized discussion or does your whole posting consists of overused cherrypicked gyppos you found when you googled "serbs niggers"?
jesus fucking christ
0% jew,nigger or spic,thats for sure,stay mad (((white))) boi
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>be serve
>speak bulgarian up until the 16th century
>Croats already have their own dictionaries
>Karadžič (a turkish name, kara meaning black in turkish) copies the Croatian dictionary 200 years later, ads 10000 turkish words
>m-muh turkified "language"
I like how our threads always reach >300 replies in minutes.
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ok pendejo
the map says it all

>servian english
i just realized that shqips are so disgusting that they even make croats support serbs.how do you live with yourselves?if i was that subhuman i'd have kms, genuinly...
Wait until Komandant tracks you down and kills you Sven
t.crying after getting gangbanged by everyone
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>mfw the true face of serves is slowly beginning to show up even here in the internet where they play the holy warriors that defend Christianity satire

>mfw the whole world sees their true colours

In case you are wondering where the servs are in that pic I suggest you look above the fyromians head
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I would but you sub-90 IQ people wouldn't understand
toliko smo vam ukrali jezik da ste ga devedesetih maksimalno promenili kako bi se razlikovao od jezika koji smo vam ukrali
posto vidim da te i dalje drma kriza identiteta daj mi jedan vas recnik pre vukovog
Serbs are a lower tier than Albanians.

Tier 1: Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Croatia
Tier 2: Montenegro
Tier 3: Bosnia, Albania
Tier 4: Serbia
Memes: Macedonia, Kosovo
why should I care if one of our girls is with that shit skin? She's nothing special compared to the average chick here
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>your opinion
>of any relevance
>Croats support s*rvs

The only "Croat" I've ever seen support You was half spic and born in the US
American education lmao
That's better then being known as the gypsy capital of the world
>says the are literal half-bulgarian half-hungarian mongrel
opinion discarded
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iq map.jpg
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fucking lmao
i sincerely doubt you know more than 20 english words you just repeat over and over again
I am ok with this.
If you're Christian i don't mind you, but if you're Muslim, then you can fuck off back to Turkistan.
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>post meme map
>expect to be taken seriously

Why are Serbozegs so cancerous /pol/?
Can't read i see. I said independent
nice mum
Europe really should be grateful to romania, poland and serbia for stopping the shitskin turks.
Catholic born and raise in a catholic municipality in a 100% catholic county,
Are bulgarians trying to outbutthurt the butthurt belt? Fucking pathetic lmao. Only thing the country was ever known for anywhere is cheap whores.

Also that's a lot of alboroach proxies, not this many have internet access.
sorry bro, I didnt count u as balkan just, my apologies
Kara means dick in your mom
I see your damage control and I laugh you slavshit
>serbtards do the same threads daily for 5 years in a row
>spill the same 3 memes with the same 20 english words
>eventually burger tards and other virgin neet buy into their muh remove kebab maymay
>1 albanian decides to bring them bantz
>they get shat on in literally 1 thread
>start crying, asking fro logical arguments in a bantz thread all while posting gypsies with albanuan flags and niggers with croatian ones
Oy vey, it's like 1999 all over again. Remember the 6 gorillion hospitals bombed by NATO. Dey be keeping us down.
I know that serbs were, as seen here >>123952438
Didn't know this about Romanians though.
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>American Education
>everything i don't like is fake
you albozergs are hitting new levels of delusion
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R8 me pol
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>Europe really should be grateful to romania, poland and serbia for stopping the shitskin turks.
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you should be grateful to us
what they did was killing balkan peasants
>calls everyone slavshits
>considers bulgarians and croats bffs
Say hello to your goat when you fuck her tonight :*
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ahaaha so you're a buttthurt magyar tigan after all
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im here to banter
Unpause Balkans war when
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>sourceless meme maps are real if they fulfil my confirmation bias

Why are Servs so illogical? Is it the inbreeding?
because its false, are you stupid? the most romanians did was pay some tax to the turks until they got fed up and put stakes up their asses.
I remember when I was 10 years old and went to my Serbian grandfather's town of Gračanica in Kosovo, and got to experience the existence of Albanians and their daily lives.
The squalor was unbearable, the Serbs in the area actually cared about hygiene so the houses of my grandfather's mates were actually decent, but the Albanians....never have I seen a shorter and weaker people, and I live in Portugal. These subhumans were shorter than my 10 year old,170cm tall self, seriously felt like roaming a town full of muslim Gollum's, the shadiest, most disgusting brown people I have seen. There's a reason why people hate Albanians, and it's because once you meet them you never want to see them again. Worthless people, the whole lot.
Hitler called slavs literally shit but still honored croats by "good boys" and "bro tier lil shits" alike nicknames.
That's not independence and you know it
yea they are an extension of turkey
>serveroach thinks he's some kind of economic/cultural center in the Balkans
>7+ millions "people", mostly turkish remnants
>lower GDP than Croatia with 4.2 million people
>russian mongoloids give them some dinky soviet tanks and jets
>muh army

>serbroach scared of speaking English

>daj mi jedan vas recnik pre vukovog
>karadzic riječnik, released in 1818

>Vinodolski zakonik, 1288
>Poljički statut iz 1440.
>Slovnice: Kašić Križanić i Dellabella 1728
And many more.
>kosovo servs
Whats the matter, the fact we dont fuck goats makes you angry or horny maybe? I know its hard for you to look at goats and manage your boner.
Dude all Romania it's known for is gypsys and orphan prostitutes
The only people in the Balkans that have anything in common with European Turks are Greeks. And nobody has anything in common subhuman Anatolian shitskins
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Riiiiiiiiiiight, I understand the moortoguese shitting all balkans threads iwht ALL ALL CAPS AND bAd GrAMMAr MOw
Lol no,Thracians where described as Bloonde and Redheaded.
seriously your bants are retarded, consider switching to better tactics
with this you're just proving how much you're butthurt about the whole thing
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love letter to muslimes.png
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once literally the rest of europe and america decide to tell their baby boys to fuck off we ain't supporting you anymore, then they will see if they will ever post with that flag ever again.
>autonomous means indipendent
>"dats not indipendence"

How me the guy where you train for such mental gymnastics, it must be really good
you don't wanna get me started on inbreeding too you goatfucking subhuman
>sees flag
the irony in this post holy kek
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Its not.
yes, because croats and some other slavs were his close allies
i doubt he'd respect them after the war had he won it
>serbs receive some banter
>can't handle it
>resort to posting coffins
every time

meanwhile in reality

the map says that only vojvodina has these searches and southern serbia 0, which means either hungarians are really really cucked or the statistic is shit

nice try tho
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>Servroach thinks he can kill Albanian men that are x100000 his superiors

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