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commie fags WISH
Yes, yes. You've beaten us, goy. You can rest easy now.
how cool!!, can I be your friend? please?
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You wish

Even Milhouse makes better memes
I have actually noticed this. It's an increasing trend to ridicule liberalism and be full blown Marxist now.
wtf i am communist now

>millions dead are an argument against collectivism
>but over a billion aboriginal peoples dead from capitalist invaders isn't an argument

wtf i love central banks now

I have people on my facebook feed liking these sassy socialist memes. They are also people that I know aren't working. What a surprise.
Wow, aren't any of you fellow commiegoys ready for a nap? I'm sleepy.

I still remember even after all these years.
I think you meant to say Thrillhouse
>Be current year
>Not smart enough to realize that the media right now is putting out articles that are literally made up with no factual basis, just to appeal to feefees
>Think because some cunt on Vice says memes are getting teens into Marxism it must be true
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
>leftists being able to meme
pics or it didn't happen
>What is survival of the fittest
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>ukrainian peasants
>Commies taking over meme culture
>Still use meme faces from 2006
Yeah you keep telling yourself that
This. Especially at college, Equity not Equality is the rule now. Long march of Marxism.
Marxism is the default ideology in western countries, implanted straight into youths' brains since birth at school, in the media... Why do those faggots suddenly act as if they were a fringe movement of resistance against the system when THEY ARE the system? Why are they so cringy?
>billions dead from capitalism
nobody is dead from capitalism cause capitalism is about economic trade. people die cause you conquer their land and kill them

nothing in the soviet or marxist doctrine says you aren't going to murder and conquer the world retard. you already did but worst of all you committed genocide against your own fucking people. at least capitalism kills foreigners and not its own citizens in the hundreds of thousands
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The Meme Wars Of 2016.jpg
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What do you mean "We"....commie shitbag?
If only there was a third way

who ever did this needs to seriously consider suicide
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>nobody is dead from capitalism cause capitalism is about economic trade

good ol "TRUE x HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED" argument
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Is that why Bernie Sanders won the prelim and election.......
If socialists can claim "not true socialism" then I can claim "not true capitalism".
>takes in millions in donations pretending to be anti-establishment
>hands it over to the establishment
yeah what a champion of the middle class (((bernie))) is
>wanting to be a dirt farmer
>wanting THIS BADLY to be poor and dead
>n-no dude I'll be a permanent revolutionary haha that'll be my job not farming or factory work I'll just keep the revolution going haha that's my skillset
I wish every day I am alive that people had to live in the consequences of their ideology, with no take-backs, and no escape
>>Things that never happened
>fedora and a blunt
Nice 2014 MLG memes grandpa.
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just awful did a government employee make this
how come internet commies never meme pol pot and mao? have they forgotten about uncle mao? he had people killed for less

everything good about our "capitalist" society

>non-lethal labor conditions
>space technology
>computer technology
>nuclear armistice

came from collectivist efforts
Calm down you hyper queer, you aren't controlling anything
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You will never wrestle the memes of production away from us, pinko scum.
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tfw you make ironic memes that are solely identifiable with all the embarrassing moments of your teenage years and will never be reflected upon positively by most people as they mature after their teenage years, putting them off of the ideology entirely
leftists can't meme
even Reddit makes better memes than commies like you
press f for dead ideologies

tfw you make immature memes for immature brains
>commies claim an ideological monopoly on human cooperation
>despite this they are the most disorganized atomized snowflake faggots on the planet
It's really tragic that you don't know how much of a useful idiot you are. I really really wish you could get what you want without endangering the rest of us.
nobody used capitalism to genocide their own citizens. nobody used capitalism claimed it's going to make everybody equally rich. capitalism isn't a magic bullet for a perfect society where 65 iq subhuman muslim transgender women can become president and have 10 billion dollars

it's communism who kills their own fucking citizens. it's communism that promises a false utopia. it's communism that has to disappear its citizens because they ask questions. it's communism that says 40 iq gorilla transspecies black mexican otherkin actually are genius and should run our society
>our records cannot be corrected
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tfw you make memes only 12 year olds identify with and find finny like goofy sunglasses crudely photoshopped onto karl marx 2014 mlg meme style
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That wasn't real communism bro
>non-lethal labor conditions
more people died in the labor conditions of "attempts at acommunism" than any other system
>2015: shills are paid to shill
>2016: shills do it for free
>2017 shills are charged tuition to shill

Imagine being so butthurt you turn raiding 4chan into a school assignment.
Commies try to rebrand that fat fuck Marx and his faggot disciples as "hip and cool" for every generation and it's always cringey af.
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tfw never saved any neoironic hilldawgâ„¢ pepes

can't wait til idiots have to pay to jerk off to hentai and shitpost because of net neutrality legislation and half of you become socialists


>it's communism who kills their own fucking citizens

>backwards asian peasant countries liquidating their peasantry in a race to mobilize against globalism is somehow the fault of some German Pamphlets and not the result of being backwards asian peasant countries racing to mobilize against globalism

>useful idiot

lol you idiot faggots memed another kikeloving globalist into office
>War is a capitalist concept


Lemme break it down for you skinny.

1. Invent idealist society based on collective identities, redistribution of wealth, and everyone only getting as much as they need. Kill everyone in the prior government and implement it, because it will make the ideal society!

2. Turns out sentient beings like to be individualistic to a degree, which goes against the idealist ideology

3. Turns out people don't like their hard earned wages being limited and capped and redistributed when they either don't see the short term effects of it, or it is redistributed to something completely away from them

4. Turns out people actually like competition, striving for more, and being rewarded for their actions rather than being capped at a state designated one.

5. Work is diminished because workers don't feel motivated to work for capped wages, have their wealth taken from them, and their individualistic identity to be undermined

6. Well the ideology is ideal and perfect and if everyone followed it we'd have the ideal society. If they are not following it, THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM! Use authoritarian muscle to "enlighten" the wrongful individuals

7. They are going against the state, which is upholding the flawless ideology. Can't have that, lets revoke their rights some so they learn their place and follow these rules, because it they do, everything will be ideal and efficient!

8. Spy, abduct, and silence anyone who speaks against the ideology! They are wrong for wanting to go against perfection that just awaits them if they just comply!

9. Become big brother state with thousands dying, dissenters jailed, individual rights limited, and economy slowly deteriorating. But never admit anything, weakness proves us wrong, and we are following the ideal path for mankind.

10. Country either falls or is saved by helicopter wielding capitalists

Literally the story of every Communist country ever.

literally lie

>genocide is collectivist

What will 2018 bring?
de dime for de argumens is ober

It's really just that the middle is eroding.

The right is getting increasingly racial and nationalist... while the left goes full Maoist.

It's like the economy -- more at the poles less middle-class
this is perfectly fitting for communist

>have the ability to work and progress in life
>want revolution for equality
>kill all the people above you and take their stuff in the name of equality
>society collapses
>you're now a dirt farmer who is starving to death and has to eat dead corpses
>the vanguard are living like kings and in palaces worshiped as deity as you farm dirt and slowly die
>you get upset and demand equality from the people living like kings
>they don't want equality so they kill you
it's poetic justice
muh gorrilions
Do we fight this or do we meme classical Marxism-Leninism until the snowflakes end up in the GULAG?
How is it not? That's fucking tautological
>people don't want to be part of your collective
>well, looks like we gotta kill them cause they don't agree
yeah genocide IS COLLECTIVIST. if you aren't part of the collective then you need to die and if the collective wants what you have and you don't give it then you die.
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Fuck commie pigs
>Billions of abos dead from capitalism
>Even though capitalism was devised in the 18th century
>well after Europeans had conquered the world
>and governments only began applying it as a matter of ideology in the late 19th century
Really activates the old almonds...
They can't meme for shit
He's just an anti-white faggot. By capitalism he means successful white nations and empires.
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I only know Hannah's sister Brooke.

>people don't want to be part of your Western capitalism
>well, looks like we gotta kill them or enslave cause they don't agree

argument works both ways
>not being NatSoc

>capitalism was devised in the 18th century

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they think they can meme us but they will get redpilled by being here long enough
Yeah, there have always been useful idiots. And communsim has always tried to spread by pretending to be "cool."

But Yuri Bezmenov tells us that these false commies would be the first to have their backs against the wall when the revolution comes. Because dissenters do not make good communists. They make decent revolutionaries. But communism does not allow for disagreement with the government.
enslaving people is financially inefficient you fucking retard, nobody benefits
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>caption generator on a random image is a meme

normies are a strange breed of creatures.
This. The Gulag Archipelago is the most important book ever written.
Disease wiped out more indigenous peoples than capitalism. Read a fucking book dickhead
of course it dates back to the Mediterranean, the Levant in particular. What does this mean??
there's north korea, china, and somali. there's other random south american countries. there was the soviet union too

what happened to all the communist countries? why isn't there a communism country you can move to? it's so strange. hmmmmmm. this ideology is perfect and works so great but there's no communism country to move into and have an equal society? why is that explain this please
writing an article doesn't make it true
just look at all the articles they wrote about 4chan...

genociding people is collectively inefficient you fucking retard, nobody benefits
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You got the wrong political spectrum there. They legitimately think fascism is left.
Capitalism is an economic model describing markets. It can be applied for desirable outcomes, on occasion. Capitalism only claims to be an efficient descriptor of economic interaction.

Communism is apseudo mystical all encompassing view of sociology, culture, economics, history, politics and morality that is all combined with an active goal in mind- to implement a state in which market interactions as described by capitalism do not exist. Since capitalism is just a description of economic tendencies assuming freedom, the only way to accomplish this is to limit human freedom. Which is why Marxist states are invariably dictatorships.
Go back to /fullcommunism/ on reddit you faggot, all commie memes consists of are "seize the memes of production xddd, capitalist are pigs lol look at this photoshoped pig of drumph lul, meanwhile nazi scum are worshipping a fictional frog lol" I used to be a communist then I took the red pill. You're being influenced by your enemy open your eyes you autist
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They can't tank your economy and destroy your country if they're dead. It's an investment.

disease wiped out more people than communism, read a fucking book


Norway's incumbent government is literally communist
Basically memes are pushing young people to extremes. So centrists are fucked
you don''t control any fucking thing you stupid nigger. You're 14 and use reddit
fuck off commie
>caring this much about us politics
Communism requires state power (socialism) for implementation.

Democide (killing by the government) cannot be conducted without government power.
Milhouse is not a meme
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>its a shitlibs still dont get that they dont control the narrative anymore episode
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Why am I not surprised?
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Here's a new Hilldawg pepe, fresh out of the oven my dear.
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>good ol "TRUE x HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED" argument

thats facebook tier retardation
>us politics

Communism is an economic model describing ownership of means of production, it can be applied for desirable outcomes, on occasion. Communism only claims to be an efficient way for workers to own their means of production.

Capitalism is a pseudo mystical all encompassing view of sociology, culture, economics, history, politics and morality that is all combined with an active goal in mind- to implement a state in which market interactions as described by capitalism do not exist. Since communism is just a description of economic tendencies assuming freedom, the only way to accomplish this is to limit the ability of workers to own the means of production Which is why Capitalist countries are invariably dictatorships.
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Nice and succinct
I have never seen a communist meme that wasn't shit. I say this not as an insult but as a factual statement.
>being NatSoc

Not only are there no communist countries, there are no communist hotels or hospitals, or businesses, or theme parks where you can pretend to be a communist and practice a communist society and then go back home for the weekend.

Heck, why not invent a communist video game. Think people would play it?
>non-lethal labor conditions
Vastly more people died in collectivist labor incidents then ever died in the worst of Gilded Ages factories.

>computer technology
Punch card machines were invented by free agents.

Capitalism requires protection of private property (state) of implementation

Democide is never conducted without the seizing of capital involved.
Depends on the people. Everyone benefits if the muslims are wiped out.
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Vastly more people have died from lack of access to healthcare than in the worst gulags or chinese concentration camps combined
Look at the difference between forced and voluntary collectivism and there's your answer, you fucking dipshit.

Look at the difference between forced and voluntary exchange of capital and there's your answer, you fucking subsidized bogan
Or just read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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I love watching commies argue. They are like the Muslims that instead of addressing the problems wrong with their religion or culture, they cite instances or uses of the same or something similar in Christianity that justifies it somehow in the "well they did it too! So it makes our instance ok!" Fallacy.

"Muslims kill? Well what about all the Christians who killed during the crusades and inquisitions!? Ha! See Islam is the way!

"Communists deprave rights and genocide? Well what about all the capitalists who had Jim crow and trails of tears! Ha! See communism is the way!"

Like, you can recognize that your system did the shit but yet still advocate for it. Why not just come up with a better system?

Oh wait you aren't smart enough because you're a deluded special snowflake who needs a contrarian ideal relative to what you were raised in to validate the worst you see in society even if it has failed countless times. If you advocate for it you're making some change, right?
These faggots are delusional or just lying to save face and change momentum.
I'll go with the latter
wtf I hate national socialism now
Are national socialists just socialists who believe socialism can only function in an ethno-state? They seem to hate both communism and capitalism. I've also heard people argue "they aren't real socialists". What's their form of economics?
Well, if we define "capitalism" as any free market interaction, it was probably invented between 70,000 BP (when humans became behaviorally modern) and 6,000 BP (emergence of decipherable writing). If we define it as seeking benefit for the individual, I.E. profit, it was invented by the first sexual organisms. But if we are talking about it as it emerged as an actual theory and an "ideology", it only e,edged with the writings of Adam Smith.
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>being Jewish
You can attribute every single death to have ever occured to a lack of adequate healthcare
That's bullshit book though. Better to read this from the same author http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/Rian5Lp8/file.html
>It was written as a comprehensive history of Jews in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia between the years 1795 and 1995
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This is the worst attempt at an absurdum argument I've seen in a long time. Communism is not a description of tendencies that remains tethered to reality. Our world and our history is literally littered with the smoldering counterpoint of your edgelord daydreams. The fact that your ideological opponents couldn't wish a more terrible fate on you than for you to get exactly what you want (in isolation) should tell you something. I wish like fuck that I could give all communists an opportunity to live in their own commie paradise, with the stipulation that they could never come back. I bet none of you faggots would actually go. You'd miss eating too much (typical bourgeoisie sensibility)
>Monarchism and Nazism on the left.
>Anarchism on the right.

I love watching capitalists argue. They are like the Muslims that instead of addressing the problems wrong with their religion or culture, they cite instances or uses of the same or something similar in Christianity that justifies it somehow in the "well they did it too! So it makes our instance ok!" Fallacy.

"Muslims kill? Well what about all the Christians who killed during the crusades and inquisitions!? Ha! See Islam is the way!

"Capitalists deprave rights and allow needless millions to die? Well what about all the backwards asian dictators who genocided millions! Ha! See Capitalism is the way!"

Like, you can recognize that your system did the shit but yet still advocate for it. Why not just come up with a better system?

Oh wait you aren't smart enough because you're a deluded special snowflake who needs a contrarian ideal relative to what you were raised in to validate the worst you see in society even if it has failed countless times. If you advocate for it you're making some change, right?
You would have to be as retarded as a communist-voting sheboon to find that a good one.
>the commie has resorted to copying people's answers because he's run out of arguments

They really are children.

russians lost something like 70 million people between 1920 and 1950 and somehow national socialism is the bad govt

Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, due process, trial by jury, and limited government are all good things that were not established by "collectivists".

This is the worst attempt at an absurdum argument I've seen in a long time. Capitalism is not a description of tendencies that remains tethered to reality. Our world and our history is literally littered with the smoldering counterpoint of your edgelord daydreams. The fact that your ideological opponents couldn't wish a more terrible fate on you than for you to get exactly what you want (in isolation) should tell you something. I wish like fuck that I could give all communists an opportunity to live in their own ancapistan paradise, with the stipulation that they could never come back. I bet none of you faggots would actually go. You'd miss basic human rights too much (typical Stefbot sensibility)
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>How Meme Culture Is Getting The Jews Frightened
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>antifa faggots
No one is more insufferable than you commieboos, comrade cocksmoker.
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Leftist memes don't work because nobody but leftists/ rightists understand them.

>show normie Lenin meme
>lol who's this bald guy
>nobody gives a shit

>show normie Hitler meme
>Oy Vey it's anotha shoah! Everyone look at this disgusting meme
>meme unironically spread due to controversy, some react favorably

Nobody giving a shit about communists is both their greatest weakness and strength.

>people collectively deciding how their means of production and living are run is not collectivism

its like im on bizarro earth
>violent apes hate nazis: the image
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Champagne socialist should he hanged
That's the best part about these homos.
They think that when communism takes hold, they are going to be ushered into the ruling class. It really activates the old almonds.
Why do commies live in a dream augmented reality?
Why do they feel the need to make the world conform to their fantasies?
Don't they understand there will be unforeseen consequences along the way?
Why aren't the examples of the failure of the historical failure of the ideology heeded?

technomaoism is the only way forward dumb ancap
No one has ever gone Marxist from high quality memeing
They must be thinking their Facebook trash memes are legit
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>modern men economic hardship and pick ultranationalism instead of communism

just face it goys, communism today is for the rich burgeoise who have nothing better to do

we are the new populists
well, there it is folks

commies advocate for killing humans
How do they get to do it collectively? How do you ensure everyone gets a say on distribution? How do you measure how the distribution is fair? You have a lot of problems that need to be solved for things to be 'fair'.
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Also Fascism is the only way.

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If capitalism could provide everyone with adequate shelter and nutrition, we wouldn't need communism nearly as badly.
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>disease wiped out more people than communism, read a fucking book
His point isn't that disease, in total, has wiped out more people than is attributable to capitalism, and capitalist deaths therefore aren't a problem. His poin t is that, in the course of the conquests whose death toll you attribute to "capitalism" (which you are yet to define) almost all of the deaths came about as a consequence of disease not directly related to the pursuit of profit. The situation is not comparable for communism, because little of ''tis death toll is attributable to disease whose spread could not be stopped.

But I suspect you already understood this.
No they just subconsciously recognize that they're the shit tier bottom 20% of people, they'll never be wealthy, desirable, or even interpersonally successful because of bad genetics, bad attitude, bad luck. Communism promises to make everyone equal, so for a dogshit scumbag mouthbreathing hunchback with crooked teeth and a limp dick this is like winning the lottery.
Fascism is a left ideology. Most of the shit they use is straight out from Marx's play book except it is nationalistic.
This post didn't really work out how you thought it would...
Much like communism.

How do they get to do it voluntarily? How do you ensure knowledge between parties in a transaction is equal? How do you measure how the trade is fair? You have a lot of problems that need to be solved for things to be 'acquiring capital through voluntary and free exchange of goods and services'.
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if everyone was equal, your statement would be correct

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there is no such thing as positive rights
Pretty sure Marx never smoked weed, wore a fedora or hipster sunglasses made in China.

This pic gave me cancer
Yeah... he helps the (((middle class))) alright guess who gets to pay for "free education" you retard.
I almost forgot how fucking awful the bernout maymays were.
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They wish.
The left can't meme, they have nothing.
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Who said I was advocating capitalism? I'm just saying we've done the communist song and dance and it doesnt work, stop trying to use the sons of capitalism to prop up yet another failed system.

Seek out another way. Only reason we can all bullshit here on 4chan is because the captialist countries we live in happened to be founded on more enlightened and we'll meaning individuals that weren't sworn to the ideology, therefore we got out rights and liberties. At the moment the Constitution supercedes the captialist system and provides the luxuries we can afford like free speech and the like. So instead of advocating for a system that would trample what luxury you do have from that, why not seek to fix the gimped capitalism of the west from the sins that plague it seeing how you have the safety net of the Constitution to back you or make a better system?
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>okay we give up
Except meme culture is actual turning kids into Nazis

This is why trump president and not Bernie

It's also winning for the rest of the bottom 99% or so. Do you really want to waste your days wagecucking to make some rich faggot even richer?
But doesn't it? Capitalism runs off trade. If more people want something and voice it loud enough then there will be business that would help people get it. Hell the most capitalist societies on earth had the best shelter and nutrition money can buy. Communism never helped with that much.
Ah the retards with non-arguments start to show themselves. Beautiful. Show me an example of a non-voluntary exchange in capital.
>give me free shit because I'm a drain on society
Typical delutional (((cultural-marxists))). Most of us live in reality and not some cornered off all white socialist neighborhood
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>censoring any information that could possibly lead to the verification of the assignment
Yeah this is totally real
>some people starve

>everyone starves but this is considered normal and if you voice your dissents you are shot
I'm going to disect your arguement like it's the insect you are.

You missed the point in your first and second arguement, in that while historically Christian's and Muslims have killed people in large numbers, it's the Muslims who are STILL DOING IT.

third arguement. Name one capitalist non-dictatorship government that killed thousands of its own citizens in order to stay in power. Compare that to the numerous communist non-dictatorships that have. Oh wait. There were none that were capitalist that killed people! (And none that were communist because as you fuckers say every time your commie nation's fall, "it was never really Marxist ideology")

At this point your forth arguement isn't even an argument. Backing someone is not a bad thing in and of itself, it's what the person your backing works towards that matters.

Now get in the god damned helicopter.
I agree. Trying to debate a champagne socialist is impossible, even if they cede points they'll stay in their way of thinking and justify it with muh feels. A culling is necessary.

Who said I was advocating communism? I'm just saying we've done the capitalist song and dance and it doesnt work, stop trying to use the sons of socialism to prop up yet another failed system.

Seek out another way. Only reason we can all bullshit here on 4chan is because the progressive countries we live in happened to be founded on more enlightened and we'll meaning individuals that weren't sworn to the ideology, therefore we got out rights and liberties. At the moment our collective laws supporting democracy provides the luxuries we can afford like free speech and the like. So instead of advocating for a system that would have you sell your organs to Mark Zuckerburg you do have from that, why not seek to fix the gimped collectivism of the west from the sins that plague it seeing how you have the safety net of collective rights to back you or make a better system?
Communists just don't understand

1.the famines in communist countries were usually directly resultant of communist policies, very few famines are actually caused "by capitalism".

2.There have been a lot more capitalist governments than communist ones.
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Just a reminder that communism is based on false assumptions about the development of human society that have been discredited by modern archeology.

Marx believed that things like war and religion were a result of class polarization, now we know that not only predate this development, but more likely caused it. The superstructure creates the base, not the opposite, you could say in Marxist terminology.

That's why communism can never work. Even if you got a stateless society ruled by worker's councils, the Iron Law of Oligarchy would make their managerial elite become their ruling class, and they would fight each other.

Ah the retards with non-arguments start to show themselves. Beautiful. Show me an example of workers wanting to own their means of production being a bad thing.
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read a book retard
>How do they get to do it voluntarily?
by not being poor
>How do you ensure knowledge between parties in a transaction is equal?
you don't
>How do you measure how the trade is fair?
you don't
>You have a lot of problems that need to be solved
no you don't
>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH sometimes trade is unfair
go cry about it autist
This is not correct.

If we put the two ideologies on equal footing, ignore the perceptions surrounding them and cultures that have risen up around them, and instead take a look at what the men actually wrote, this is what we find:

Marx's communism is essentially an asssertion, based off of German Idealism, that there is something called the "dialectic" in history when certain classes combine, and that this will inevitably culminate in a society in which people live in communes, where men will be rational and live well. This was an assertion, not actually based out of any sort of real history or economics, but an arbitrary application of a construct that has no existence in reality.

Smith simply described the outcome of voluntary human interactions on a market using observations of the economy of his small town and basic logic that a child could understand.

But Imdont suspect you're being entirely genuine.
I would give up half my quality of life to live in a nation that I felt like a part of. You faggots and the faggots before you have created a society so alienating and hostile to the productive class that I would literally starve myself as long as I could be sure you and your stupid friends suffered a little bit more than me. I'm not a hidebound ideologue, I just wanted to be left alone. Since you and others like you have made that impossible, now my only ideology is seeking your misery and humiliation. More like me every day. Millions by now.

I'm going to disect your arguement like it's the insect you are.

You missed the point in your first and second arguement, in that while historically Christian's and Muslims have killed people in large numbers, it's the Muslims who are STILL DOING IT.

third arguement. Name one socialist non-dictatorship government that killed thousands of its own citizens in order to stay in power. Compare that to the numerous capitalist hellholes that have. Oh wait. There were none that were collectivists that killed people! (And none that were capitalists because as you fuckers say every time your commie nation's fall, "it was never really a Free Market")

At this point your forth arguement isn't even an argument. Backing someone is not a bad thing in and of itself, it's what the person your backing works towards that matters.

Now get your head out of this *sniff* ideology
eat them alive.
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the reason why you are losing is because you try to hard
Marxism at its finest!
Leaching off someone else's work while swearing to the heavens you've done your part even though you know you're lying through your teeth and the rules of the peasants don't apply to you.

There weren't that many indigenous people on planet earth
refreshing considering we are about to be split up.
I could show you Venezuela, Cuba North Korea. Hopefully you'll accept those. Seems pretty bad to me. Also the holodomor.

This is not correct.

If we put the two ideologies on equal footing, ignore the perceptions surrounding them and cultures that have risen up around them, and instead take a look at what the men actually wrote, this is what we find:

Smith's capitalism is essentially an asssertion, based off of English Idealism, that there is something called "voluntarism" in history where all trade exchanges unmitigated by government interaction will be collectively beneficial, where men will be rational and live well. This was an assertion, not actually based out of any sort of real history or economics, but an arbitrary application of a construct that has no existence in reality.

Marx simply described that workers owning their means of production will benefit the collective health and progress of a society.

But Imdont suspect you're being entirely genuine.
When will they learn
Weak rebuttal my man. You blamed capitalism for the deaths of billions when it simply isn't true. The aboriginals that died from disease and colonialism combined did not number in the billions. Before the 1920s, deaths numbering in the billions would have meant that over half the worlds population would have died which simply isn't true.

The slave owners and (((slave traders))) benefit you fucking shabbos goy
Well, that's debatable. Personally I agree, however. So if we assume some state power is required, then yes, inherent in a capitalist society there is a potential to democide.

However, since most interactions are not involuntary, property rights are generally respected, and people have some capacity to defend their own power, the amount of centralized power required for a state to maintain capitalism is vastly less than the amount required for a transitional socialist state to siege literally all private property, and centrally plan its distribution so that we may have a communist society.

More power = Great capacity for democide.
Nigger come up with your own arguement and stop echoing back shit, you sound fucking retarded and your points keep landing miles off. Capitalism in our society has not failed and has been working for a whole century and longer, communism has failed numerous times, all capitalism demands is that you do something to earn money, be it make and sell something, offer your labor, or provide your input where it would be considered valuable. Giving free shit has never yielded a lasting harvest.
I thought communists couldn't get anymore retarded but once again you've outdone yourselves.
Vice News is like that 30some year old aging hipster covered in tattoos who's a manager at a Hungry Howies you'd see at a bar or coffee shop bragging to young girls that he knows where to get weed
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>collectivism of the west from the sins that plague it seeing how you have the safety net of collective rights to back you or make a better system

What collective laws? What collective rights?
>forced exchange of capital
literally communism
Starting from what point? And what constitutes death from lack of access to healthcare? Only those in a capitalist society who did not have healthcare?
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Cмepт бopoгaм

Homosex OP memes stronk. We not worthy.

Trillions dead by being born. wtf I hate life now.

Nigger come up with your own arguement and stop echoing Stefan Molyneux, you sound fucking retarded and your points keep landing miles off. Collectivism in our society has not failed and has been working for a whole century and longer, capitalism has failed numerous times, all collectivism demands is that you work with other people to improve society, be it make something, offer your labor, or provide your input where it would be considered valuable. Destroying the environment will kill us all.
Anarchists have no answer to the parable of the tribes, the argument is over, it's been fucking settled since the first granary was built. We HAD anarchism, and we built this instead you fucking idiots. Answer the parable of the tribes right now to logical satisfaction or go back to your fucking cringe-tier Facebook groups and click like a bunch of homosexuals about how you btfo /pol/ with your sick porkie memes you insufferable FAGGOTS

>you have a 10 days notice to vacate
literally capitalism
Would you explain the tenants?

>Heh, you might think Communism has killed a lot of people, but it's nothing compared to the people that all non-communists throughout the last several centuries have killed for a myriad disparate reasons, which I'm all going to lump into Capitalism. Didn't think about that now, did you Porkie?
Nice try still not happening.
Aloha Snackbar
More like the blue haired obnoxious retard who gets loud and in everyone's face but knows they'll get the shit knocked out of them so they run off to load up on amyls and blow niggers in the bathroom.

Daddy issues
So this is the power of communist intellectualism.

its where we eat mangos bioengineered with nanomachines that turn us into gods and we all do Chinese Opera in the neurovoid for eternity
There's definitely been a bit of a left-wing resurgence as of late due to Chapo, CumTown, /leftypol/, etc. I also think a lot of the Alt-Right stuff is fizzling out. But I don't really see you guys as winning long-term unless you go NazBol or something. The demographic situation is too bad to ignore. For there to be a left in any kind of meaningful sense, you're going to have to convert the white working class, and I don't see that happening unless you adopt some of form of civic nationalism, but this is extremely unlikely because Marxists are incredibly dogmatic and refuse to allow for any explanations that don't involve class.
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Communism is the retards ideology.

Fig. 1.

>Retard wants a boat
>Retard takes a loan he can't repay
>Bank forecloses on Retards house
>Retard looses house
>Retard is angry and wants communism

Fig. 2.

>Retard doesn't want to study
>Retard gets a worthless degree
>Nobody wants to hire retard
>Retard is angry and wants communism
And once again. The communist fails to make his own shit. But at least I get one thing out of it. The fucker admits Muslims are shit. Way to go. Also.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. There, some collectivist who killed people. Now try the same for a capitalist nation. I'll give you a free one. Pinochet.

>Heh, you might think Capitalism has killed a lot of people, but it's nothing compared to the people that backwards asian dictatorships throughout the last several centuries have killed for a myriad disparate reasons, which I'm all going to lump into Collectivism. Didn't think about that now, did you Pinko?
If someone has to report on your memes in the dino media for anyone to have heard of them, you aren't memeing succesfully at all
the long march to the gulag or the short drop from the helicopter
>you don't control shit shlomo...national socialism is on the rise and the Jew will be named and shamed again...this time you will not win.
The pendulum is swinging back to libertarianism on /pol/, a wonderful opportunity for appealing to non-jewish marxists, anarchists, etc fags.

>Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.

>backwards asian peasant countries liquidating their peasantry in a race to mobilize against globalism is somehow the fault of some German Pamphlets and not the result of being backwards asian peasant countries racing to mobilize against globalism
>English Idealism
This is not a philosophical school, and Smith never cites any connection to it, unlike Marx who has cited German idealists.

>that there is something called "voluntarism" in history where all trade exchanges unmitigated by government interaction will be collectively beneficial, where men will be rational and live well.
The claim of voluntarism is that, if not forced to engage, people will make choices that benefit themselves and their loved ones to the best of their knowledge, which is true of any human or any animal a son is observable through the simple laws of nature. From here, Smith laboriously and tediously explains the implications of such interactions using math and simple logic tests.
What is this picture? Those black guys look like French troops, so hardly allies of the Germans.
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>the bottom 99%
how do they keep expanding if capitalism is such a shit system?
the bottom 99 percent in 1800 was a billion people, now its 7 billion people
>refuse to acknowledge any arguments that don't involve class.

What is western Marxism? What is the Frankfurt school? Who is adorno and Marcuse? What is feminism, CRT, whiteness studies?
>If only there was a third way

because fascists never killed anybody!
>The pendulum is swinging back to libertarianism on /pol/

but libertarianism is a Jewish ideology
neither capitalism nor communism have killed anyone

communist REVOLUTIONS have killed a non-zero number of people

argument argument
>billion aboriginal people
Even if you mean the entire new worlds indigenous population, the entire precolonial population never reached a billion people.

Also most of the dead injuns died of disease

Also colonialism predates capitalism

When your entire argument is based on fiction it really doesn't help your claim
Pinochet killed 30,000,000 people? Damn I didn't know. Oh yeah cause it's not true
Give me one instance where both capitalism failed and it wasn't replaced by communism. Your system literally only has two answers to an issue. "Kill everyone who is dragging your system down and make it sustainable" and "infiltrate another country, spread the ideology, and topple/take advantage of a government when it collapses and make communism."
they attempted communism. where did they get these ideas?

>Classes, wealth inequality, and social hierarchies exist in all three
>heck, private property exists in Venezuela

Cuba made a good start, but none of them go far enough.
you are a dumb nigger

there is no legitimate challenge to capitalism anywhere in the world.

End of (((history)))
tfw I'm actually a libertarian agorist and got all these anons who duped into arguing their stupid ideological hangups

never so many (You)s

>just wait until there's a Communist Revolution in a place that isn't plagued by civil unrest and prone to revolution. Then we'll see what real Communism is like!
you left out put the country in prison camps and work them to death.

Modern medicine, gotta keep your wage-slaves alive so you can get more years of labor out of them!

Though not all of them are doing well; right now we're at like a billion people without enough to eat.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
enjoy the red pill friend
>commies have to pretend to be racist for a minute to square the circle of their bullshit ideology
Can you PLEASE try to seize power now just do it now what are you waiting for
Aren't they all? Young people just want to be left alone to have a good time. They already did a 180° on their stance on firearms. Soon speech as well. I look forward to watching them follow in our footsteps.
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yup, thats why ayn rand didnt have to go on social security, all of her rich jewish financiers who paid her to spread ideas that would totally help the jews and not at all allow a free society where you could legally disassociate from jews
How bout we split the difference and say capitalism and communism are both kike bullshit and we don't need either?
It's impossible for commie Marxist to make clever memes
This is the reason why you THINK you can.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
>Implying that that isn't fair
Every post I make on this thread I can literally add another communist dictatorship or a communist "republic" you want to see a socialist country killing it's people today? I'll point you to Sweden where their government has practically announced it plans to replace it's native population with the sandniggers.

what is false about it?

commie memes appeal more to the normie masses desu
Pretty much yea
It mostly seems like leftists trying to latch onto anything to save their aging movements. But everything they do just feels forced and unnatural, take their faggy "raids" on /pol/ for example.
It was unbearably obvious too you were just baiting but people still took bit.

I'm sure some were just playing along though.
>his universal ideology only sort of shittily """works""" on a White Island with no Jews
Good luck

> I'll point you to Sweden where their government has practically announced it plans to replace it's native population with the sandniggers.

youre delusional if you don't think globalist powers in the US aren't doing the same with hispanics
Imperialism != capitalism

jesus 30+ something (You)s
God point, we have never seen capitalism do that either.
Suggest the third way and make it a convincing argument.


>Natalya Reshetovskaya, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's first wife, wrote in her memoirs that "The Gulag Archipelago" was based on "campfire folklore" as opposed to objective facts. She wrote that she was perplexed that the Western media had accepted The Gulag Archipelago as "the solemn, ultimate truth", saying its significance had been "overestimated and wrongly appraised". She said her husband did not regard the work as "historical research, or scientific research", and "The Gulag Archipelago" was a collection of "camp folklore", containing "raw material" which her husband was planning to use in his future productions.[14] However, it is possible her memoirs were part of a KGB campaign, orchestrated by Yuri Andropov in 1974, to discredit Solzhenitsyn.[15]

It's just another woman tries to fuck over ex husband episode
They are, why do you think we are working so damn hard to get them back to Mexico, why do you think we are trying to push Cali red, why do you think we are trying to get these 9th circuit assholes out of their seats of power. Do you not realize communism is in fact the origin point of the globalist we see today?
this image triggers me, mainly because i can't tell whether it was originally intended to trigger me
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no such thing. to suggest its existence is to argue that sex and rape are the same.
a fully grown adult brain either has the ability to consent to things, or it does not.
do you own your body?
>right now we're at like a billion people without enough to eat.
white people invented strains of agriculture that is fifty times as abundant as previous strains. black people still do not know how to manage fundamental logistic infrastructure but its much more fun to believe in a mustache twilrling capitalist overlord making this happen, who by the way is totally not jewish, all the rich people are evil whites doing things in the name of white-ism


all humans are networked to a single physical body with many virtual perspectives for each conciousness, saving resources and centralizing security but also allowing for individual subjective liberty

perfect blend of individualism and collectivism

>ideology doesn't get implemented
>therefore it can't possibly work

Marx didn't advocate unaccountable, bureaucratic, all-powerful vanguard parties, but the abolition of private property, carried out by the proletariat as a class, as a step in a democratization of the whole of society and the emancipation of all mankind.

Leninism was a bad idea which failed in the ways many Marxists (most famously but not exclusively Rosa Luxemburg) expected.
True oldfags here

"Work for me or starve" isn't meaningful consent. Coercion is at the heart of capitalism because proles are forced to sell their labor to others in order to survive.

The food's there, but that doesn't mean shit if people can't access it.
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wtf I'm a bernout now lads
That would be a god damn nightmare, what good is it to have your body be a part of a machine to have your mind wander off, it would in essence make people zombies. I could kill you and only feel relieved after hearing that suggestion, I want to be able to at least unplug from that Lovecraftian nightmare.

you have no way of knowing this isn't already the case ;)
you know whats the problem with you reditard fagots?
you and your useless fagotry and long shitty plebit posts make this subhuman commie filth have something to hang on to, now he comes here believing that he is gaining some sort of grounds, that he is doing something productive towards whatever

your fucking arguments are useless, and thye dont matter because by default any commie isnt worth arguing to so all you need to do is shill the fuck up, but since you fucktards come from plebit yure uncapable of doign shit... you fucking suck go suck a fukcing dick and gtfo
let me guess, there is still a way bernie can win?!
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>put sunglasses on guy I like
>it are meme now
Your not forced to sell your labor, don't want to work for our money to pay for your food? Start farming it and feed yourself, go hunting, leave the country and go somewhere that gives free shit, and I won't tell you to go join a church and stand in line at the soup kitchen, I know you commies hate religion. We aren't telling you to starve and nobody is forcing you to abide by the social contract, if you want to go and live the hard way, that's your decision.
But millhouse was never a meme you fucking (you)
it's still a nightmare
Oh good, you're more redpilled than we thought.
If it was the case the minute I found out I would be doing everything to escape it. Would you not or are you commies just that insane?

how much would you pay off a corrupt bureaucrat like me to find out
lol marxism is for fags bro xDDDD lel leddit army we did it t_d
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It's spicy in here tonight

Everyone must be gearing up for pikeville tomorrow

You can't control the memes of production.
I would probably shoot you before I paid you a dime for being a corrupt beurocrat but for that information I would probably hand over enough to buy a car, but I would first need proof that information existed and a way to prosecute you if it were false and I have been tricked out of my earnings.
communist would control the memes of production, comrade, as well as all other forms of free speech and expression. Only concerning white men though because colonialism was and racist was bad so we must flood white countries with minorities who are racist twards whites so you LEARN
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Let them believe what they want

They still get the stick
That meme...
Is absolutely shit
You fucking retard
Post your repulsive paedo pic all over the web, please. It looks like DLT on his way to sign the sec offenders register!
Why are the articles about shitty commie memes positive while the articles on pepe memes are negative?

Really makes you think.
"Milhouse is not a meme" is still a meme.

btw I'll tell you for free this is actually already here
>is the media bias????
kill yourself newfag go back to /b/
>>but over a billion aboriginal peoples dead from capitalist invaders isn't an argument

When did this happen
they probably mean the poor refugees who came to america
I like how they use this for their own agenda

They could literally just say "How Meme Culture Is Getting Teens Into Radical Politics"

But no, let's completely ignore how many people voted Trump and believe in Alt-rights views because they were exposed to 4chan memes. Only the left has political memes!
>Being this desperate
I want a stick now
>start farming
on what land?
>go hunting
on what land with what tools?
>go somewhere
with what means and transportation?

I'm not saying your wrong about everything but you're wrong about this.
Low tier bait, nice try fag.
Communism. The defacto fallback of failures and do-nothings. It never fails. Once things take a turn, you have someone screaming... 'I have the answer, I have the answer!' That always... always leads to the death of millions. Always chanting, always yelling in the face of reason - 'It will be different this time. This time we've fixed it! If you only let us lead, it will be different this time!'

Fuck off. I know the patterns now. We see your game.

This time we will fight to the death.

I am not a robot.
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>Why do communist revolutions only ever take place in countries with a large population of plebeians who are not content with the way the patrician class is ruling? Surely true communism will come from reasonably content lower-middle class working people in the developed world deciding to risk life and limb for a few extra shekels!

Come on, man. I understand that you're a commie, but even you can't be this retarded.

wtf I am communist now
In the early 1900s communist Jews staged a revolt against the German government shortly after the end of WW1. They failed and needless to say the group that attempted this fleed to Russia and the west. The group that was in Russia created the USSR soon after, having spread communism, while the group that went to America started settling In and stayed quiet. Once the end of WW2 came, the Holocaust gave the communist the opportunity they needed to begin seeping into our entertainment and education systems. The KGB even had a defector state that is the goal, to change American perceptions so they would be so demotivate they won't be willing to defend themselves.
>exchanging goods voluntarily is the same as FIAT state agents stealing from you for the greater good.
I want you to start a revolution so I can identify you and kill you.
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Thanks for the laugh, but I seriously doubt it was made unironically
Conquest is capitalism?
I thought communist countries would also need natural resources to function but I guess I'm not thinking ideologically enough.
> by Hannah Ballantyne
Literally have never heard of (((her)))

>nuclear armistice
we all really happy about that one. Especially paki fucking stan

>collectivist efforts
>literally forced to do it
sounds about right. so you were saying, we need more of that?
s t e a l t h
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