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/sg/ - Syria General - ROAD TO VICTORY Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 97

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Everything you need to know



>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>DeZ Apr26
>Palmyra Apr26
>Mosul Apr26
>W Qalamon Apr26
>Raqqa Apr25
>Qaboun Apr25
>N Hama Apr24
>Daara Apr14

Developments Apr28
>N Hama:HTS tried&faild to take Al-Massasnah village
>Palmyra:SAA full control over Al-Bayda’a Mountains near the Jazal Gas Fields
>SAA initiates offensive to expel US-backed rebels from Sweida province
>Kurdish militants blow up Turkish radar station in cross-border attack
>Jew airstrike nea Damascus International Airport hit Hezbollah supply hub
>Sy gov:French report "campaign of lies” against Damascus
>Around 50 rebel fighters surrender to the SAA in Latakia
>report:Turkish-backed rebels sold 8 turkish armoured vehicles received to IS
>SAA launched special operation to secure E Damascus desert
>IS informs that they have killed 10 HTS soldiers in an "anti jewish" operation in yarmouk camp
>30+ Saudi-led fighters killed by Houthi forces in N Yemen
>Saudis ready to attack Yemeni port-Hudaydah, drop flyers asking pop to not cooperate with Houthis

Previous: >>123278325
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will check it out thank you :)


please check out my new Asma collage and give it a like if possible
I'm a bit new to these threads, what's our stance on the SDF? Are they bro tier, cautious allies, enemies, what's our position towards them?
They are terrorist and shall be annihilated by the based Turks Inshallah.
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how's dez guys
absolutely this
doing okay
2 years ago I supported them so hard, I thought they were SAA allies.
Now they're just like the average k*rdish militia
So basically they're trying to create Kurdistan out of Syria?
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must watch

American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
>Syria: Not a Revolution: https://youtu.be/8prwbWLa7f0
>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets: https://youtu.be/8aAaReVn2I4 | https://youtu.be/Es7oBV6b43Y
more on white helmets: https://youtu.be/tseqwNIXhDQ | https://youtu.be/792ODrhwKkk
White helmets killing a child for UN https://youtu.be/9nj6fc69qjM

>Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
UN Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg

>What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
>The Face of American Regime Change: https://youtu.be/T634A6AWR9c
Assad visits monastery for Christmas: https://youtu.be/aG_SutViEmQ
Soldier met family after 5 years: https://youtu.be/zHoeU9mZ1Xss
>The Lies of Syria: https://youtu.be/TjHniRRgOao
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

>SJWs march from Germany to Aleppo "over the course of three and a half months"
Progress: 20 left out of 3000+ at the start, after crying around at the Slovenia-Croatia fence and bitching about visas, on march 12th they entered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 21st they were in Macedonia

Thread reminder to watch Threads.

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twitter is good way to get easy read on media controlled maneuvers...looks like kurds are gonna earn themselves some backup against turkey. look for some dead babies soon lel
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The SDF are an American proxy above all. Much of their importance is related to the American stance of the moment. The majority of SDF are Syrian Arabs who won't fight for a kurdish state if it means being seriously attacked by any of ISIS, Turkey, Russia, or Assad.

/sg/ does not want an SDF or any Amerikurd division of Syria territory.
>USA plz help ;- ;

I wouldn't be surprised if Donny sends more troops to back up the Brave Kurdish People™ though.
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>syria war accounts I follow are now making fun of Trump
Ah, so if the US were to go full frontal on Assad, they would do it by SDF, and not by FSA as Hillary would have done it. Two sides of the same shitty coin.
>The majority of SDF are Syrian Arabs
i was saying in /sg/ that trump would use the CHINA option soon
Been at work most of day, anything I missed in Syria?
trying out my GearVR

it's like I'm really on /sg/
>You wouldn't download a car
>pic of car in /sg/
Download the car, I dare you.
Oh nvm looks like a smarthphone
What do you mean?

China wasn't exactly all that supportive of America today at the UN
that China will start following american interests and act against russia, yeah they need to pretend they hate america sometimes
there are a bunch of burger flags on syrian turkish border now
he really belittled himself with that one. i think he is overwhelmed.

As in allowing China to move in and usurp little Kim?
China is not going to do shit. Today at the exceptional goncern UNSC meeting chinese FM basically opposed everything Tillerson proposed.
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Can someone tell me who are the people in the pic?
>not putting the syrians in authoritarian left

If the US goes all out China risks losing a satellite state on it's border to western imperialism, however if China leads the charge they may be able to install a puppet of their choosing and still keep N.Korea aligned with China
There's 0 chance that the SDF could make gains against Assad. The US would have to commit militarily and other foreign powers. No US proxy is strong enough to defeat Assad.

OK I was wrong, they are only 1/4 Arab. Still enough to inflate their numbers, they are a paper tiger.
who is the guy on the bottom right?
I don't see it. China and Russia have become very tightly knit over the last several years, economically and militarily.

I don't see what America can offer china given that they know they will be next if America manages to turn Russia into Yugoslavia
china won`t start it, but it will end it if it has to.
>If the US goes all out China risks losing a satellite state on it's border
This is often overstated. China doesn't fear the US as a land power and the US has doesn't want anymore land wars in Asia.

China could actually benefit from the collapse of NK. Unification is a painful and expensive process that the US won't be willing to bankroll. If Beijing gives Seoul a call and offers that aid in exchange for ditching the US, it still works out pretty well for them.

At least, this is what I heard from an ex-ONA guy.
If russia starts gaining influence in asia, ME and maybe africa, trump will use China OPTION.
it was used in the cold war, what makes you think it won't be used again?
btw you fags know that Erdoğan basically stole Assad's quote about terrorism the other day right?
Hey first time poster long time time lurker here. I'm just looking for a quick rundown on /sg/ and advice on gains, just aquired a job moving furniture and I want to excell at being a good warehouse laborer.
and i think this is interesting
If I knew I wouldn't made the post
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this one?
As long as China and America are competing for control in Asia as they are in the South China Sea, you'll see very limited cooperation. Russia isn't strong enough to contest Asia at the same time as the ME and Europe.
>there are a bunch of burger flags on syrian turkish border now
I didn't miss much them. Oh well.
I think what's really going on is Russia, China, and Trump are planning the overthrow of Kim, and how to deal 28th the fallout.
>Basically, China gets to keep the buffer zone
>No insane narcissist armed with nukes
>No Norkfugees
>No agony of reunification.
>Popularity plus for everyone.
america is going to lose a top asian ally like the philippines with duterte as president
Jihadi commander with a hello kitty notebook
>nice quints
Reeeeeeee, why does phone keep changing "with" into numbers?!
Nice quints
It was the one about terrorism biting back the hand that feeds them.Very likely it means nothing but if this means erdoshit and asshat getting closer then that's awesome news.
holy shiet i remember that guy!

top is headchoppers, moderate headchoppers and. bottom left is heroes of justice and righteousness and guy on bottom right is >>123300052
congrats on quints Ebin!!!
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/sg/ has a new telegram. If you are interested in realtime shitposting with your /sg/m8s get in here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEHfmRftF_-b-5B0aw
It's more than the Phillipines, all US allies are losing faith in Washington. China keeps challenging US allies over disputed territories in the south china sea and the US does nothing meaningful to stop them. It does nothing to stop the island building projects. The allies are starting to learn that the US isnt going to start a war over rocks and reefs in the ocean. Read about the Scarborough Shoal incident.

>China gets to keep the buffer zone
The buffer zone is overstated. Again, USA isn't interested in a land war in Asia and China isn't worried by US land forces. This will be a naval conflict

>No insane narcissist armed with nukes
Characterising NK is insane is dangerous thinking. Everything they've done is rational with regard to preserving the regime. They got scared shitless when they saw what the USA did to Saddam during Desert Storm and the 03 invasion, since they had a similar army to Saddam at that time. Nukes make the US think twice since it drastically raises the cost of engagement.
/sg/ redpill me on the Yemeni conflict

I'm probably taking a geography class this summer and one of the assigment is writing a 4 page essay on the Yemeni conflict.
>Hello kitty notebook
>Hello Kitty
Someone fuck me sideways with a toaster and stuff a lava lamp down my throat while watering me with fertilizer spray, this just got too weird.
Hello Kitty commander is Zahran Alloush, ex-leader of Jaish al Islam.
>It's more than the Phillipines, all US allies are losing faith in Washington.
i don't know man, when it seems that america is going to get BTFO, something happens and America comes back doing shit again
>Zahran Alloush
thanks! pretty much the first picture when i jewgle his name. lol
here is a great primer with up to date info
Well yeah and trying to predict the new administration is always a gamble. Still though, I thinkn it is possible to see the US getting incrementally nudged out of Asia by China. War isn't even necessary. What happens after that, who knows? Maybe Japan gets their own nuke program or something.
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Why do moderate beheaders want to moderate this?
>Houthi mountain caveniggers revolt in mountains to north
>they btfo saudi-allied government, seize capital
>they btfo govt again and march down to Aden.
>meanwhile govt is being fucked by AQ sanddesertniggers in the east.
>Saudis and Gulf States step in.
>bombings in capital
>Saudis push back Houthis
>Houthis invade Saudi
>Saudi is still fighting Houthis
>Houthis launch missiles into Saudi
>They reach as far as Riyadh
>Saudi scaredfeel
Anything I miss?
this guy gets it, but I'd like to point out that Russia is only interested in Europe direction for the time being, the reason Putin administration tries to make an influence on the Korean peninsula is that it would distract the Trump admin from Syria
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you got it anon
True, I could see Russia having a go at Central Asia, it's old playground, at some point in the future. But they're going to want to avoid turning China into a strategic rival, so I think its unlikely they'll be making overly aggressive plays in China's backyard. At least for now anyway.
Idlib > Dam*scus
I honestly believe Saudi Arabia will not see the end of the decade.
>They are losing the proxy war with Iran
>Their allies have begun distancing themselves from Saudi Arabia
>Their oil revenue future is threatened by Russia blocking Gulf-Europe pipeline, and Russia isn't leaving anytime soon.
>Wahhabists hate the crown for consorting with their enemies (America and Israel)
>They can't even fight an effective war against mountain caveniggers to their south, and Saudi has Air force, Navy, and Ground Forces involved in Yemen.
>assad wants to gas this
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Real Chinese?

As for the Trump tweet, i kinda feel sorry for the guy. So much (((media))) screaming how murica gonna kick ass, Xi our new ally, if Kim even try we destroy him fuck yeah.
So it's a second time Kim testing rockets since then. And only consequence is twitter screeching, as of now.
The start of things, which was the fight between the populist supported Saleh and the Saudi backed Hadi for president of the country which is what started the "civil war" in the first place.
The Houthi revolt was against the Saudi imposed government under Hadi, who refused to step down after losing to Saleh.
Last year, the Saleh loyalists (most of the army and the missile corps) aligned with the Houthis, uniting as a single front against the Saudis and their puppets.
That doesn't account for al Qaeda and ISIS activities in the desert eastern half of the country, which remains a problem.
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They're right, you know.
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You cannot "use" china option the same way as during the cold war. At that point China and Russia were at odds and US swooped in to basically turn China against Russia. Now, China is not some half-broken country with famine and shit. These days they are contesting US as a superpower, making claims in Africa, making deals in Asia and so on.
Also do read up on pic related and Art of War to really understand how the Chinese operate. Somebody like Trump can never play them.

That guy is crying that the presidency is too hard ffs.
according to CNN saudi arabia is a democracy while syria is a dictatorship
according to CNN babies getting blown up by "moderate rebels" after being lured into group with potato chips is just a "hiccup" lellllll
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The only democracy in the M.E. is Israel, goy.
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hello to you too

yeah imho China and Russia are pushed into an alliance by USA, which sees these two countries as its main obstacle to world dominance, to conquer and devastate them, USA needs to take both Syria (backed by Russia) and NK (backed by China), as powerful as USA is, they can't take both countries at the same time, so they are trying to separate China and Russia by making relationship with one another, luckily Xi and Putin see right through it because they know if one collapses, the other can't take USA by its own.

>Real Chinese?
yes, love that pic lol
the rice price in NK has gone up 50% and oil 75% since China stopped trading with them, the more Kim acting aggressive, the more likely he will back down eventually
To add to that, every time the USA fails to come to an ally's aid, it benefits China and Russia (and Iran) wherever it happens, since it undermines the US security order. When China makes aggressive plays in South China Sea, the EU states start to worry, which is good for Russia. When Russia made their move in Ukraine, Japan and co started to question American commitment. When one state succeeds, the other wins too.
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Last non shill general left on pol

What the fuck is with /ptg/? Is it a cult?
they still believe trump is playing quintanesimal chess
Brainlets who migrated over from /r/the_Cheeto and don't understand why people here aren't big on Drumpf. Since this isn't a safe space for them anymore, they try to meme IRL with expected consequences.
When are you gonna pay for that wall Pablo
What wall?
He's talking about the virtual border fence.
Are there a lot of ethnic Arabs on pol?

Its cool to see that we all might be fucked up in the head,but most of us still have our principles and rejected trump when he started to do everything we were against...unlike those cultists at t_d
I agree, the way USA distant its allies play right into the hands of its opponents, more recently is trump putting tariff on Canadian exports, which is hilarious, if allies are treated like that by trump, they might as well be his enemies seeing the "currency manipulator" aka China keeps getting away with it
>Turk roaches try & fail to shell Kurds so Erdogan feels important
>Kurds continue to keep kicking the shit outta ISIS in Tabqa after stopping for a few hours
At this point, it's impossible for me to hate the Kurd fighters honestly. They're doing a good job wiping ISIS out in their areas
Can't wait till that inevitable march on Raqqa. That's gonna be one hell of a climax
>ywn be Syrian and defeat goatfuckers and kike backed rebel groups with your Syrian bros
Post your unibrown
Going out drinking tonight lads, which character do I play to seem like not a fuckwit autist?
> building contractor Mike from Jacksonville, Florida
> unrepentant scouser Charlie from Liverpool UK.
> John, farming representative from Mt Isa.
> Onur from Turkey, autistic ottoman.
> Countrycuck general to get booted out of bars

I do this to make drinking around strangers not boring as shit, and the strip club sluts already know Mike from Florida

Oh hey Mao
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ahhhhhhh u got meeeeee
Go with John, sounds fun. Which state you in?
how did I end up here
Why does my ID keep changing?
Going to fortitude valley
welcome, couple of other syrians here
Also good choice, John was my first character when I went to my first strip club.
Nice man. Wheich bar? I'm a BNE native but moved down to Cuckberra for uni. Would love to be back home again.
Oh shit

BREAKING: #Houthi forces fire ballistic missile into Saudi Arabia
I don't follow this shit. Can someone just answer these questions for me:

1) Is Assad winning
2) Is ISIS losing
3) Are Turks getting BTFO

Thanks in advance!
Rojava and the kurds belong more on libertarian left

Maybe, I'll have to practice the accent

Meeting a mate at Retros and then going from there.
He's going to pretend to be a Ukrainian azov supporter, shaved his head and everything.
Nice, I'll have to check their facebook to see if I can spot your mate in the photos.
Mate, from the proximity to the beat, there will be dozens of shaved head poofs and dykes
>The majority of SDF are Syrian Arabs
I know jackshit about this whole mess: the post
True that. Keep your back to the wall.
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> what are gloryholes
Always fear the poof
>Is Assad winning
Right now yes, gains in eastern homs and hama. Rebels are in desperate mode and fighting each other. But the situation may change in the following weeks
>Is ISIS losing
Yes, getting BTFO in Mosul and SDF is making advances in Raqqa but the recent kebab raids are slowing things down
>Are Turks getting BTFO
Depends, if "moderate" turkish rebel yes

Thanks Perubro

One more question: will this war ever fucking end? Will the west ever let Assad just "win"?

And what are Turkey's goals in the area? To prevent a Kurd nation?
Fuck thats actually pretty funny, whats the aim of this real life shitposting though. How'd you even find mates who are into this shit
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>will this war ever fucking end? Will the west ever let Assad just "win"?

either it will end, or it will escalate. if no additional escalation occurs, if the current factions just fight things out the way there are with no major changes to the balance of power, then this conflict will go cold and be an insurgency within 2-3 years. postwar hostilities could break out during negotiations between K*rds, T*rks and regime tho.

But who can say whether or not any more escalations will occur? I don't have a crystal ball.

>And what are Turkey's goals in the area? To prevent a K*rd (no swearing in /sg/) nation?

Basically yes, and I'd say mostly for domestic political reasons rather than the wider geopolitical impact of an autonomous K*rdistan
> what's the point
To have fun and deflect any reprucussions of dumb shit onto nonexistent people.
It's all a bit of acting and pretending to be someone else so you can talk shit to your hearts content to strangers.
It's autistic fun

> where do you find mates who are into this?
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bread is getting stale! Australian shitposters pls do your part to preserve the thread.

t. page 9
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It always like this at weekends. I try to keep an eye and bump, if needed.
Russia would like to see Korean peninsula pacified so they can build a gas pipeline to Japan.
This is the first I hear of this. Can you elaborate or point me to some reading material?
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Dead kurd bump
I don't have english links, but there is discussion about it. In December of 2016 Alexey Miller said, that there is some talking with Japanese, but nothing specific yet.
Picture is not official, just one of possible variants.
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That's interesting.
Keep us updated.

Looks like everyone is planning pipelines these days
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Its all about fucking pipelines!
Assad will never win if by win you mean: the west recognize him as the legitimate ruler of Syria and let him be. The best outcome to the Syrian people, would be to the Assad regime win the war and Assad after a short time stabilizing the country step out and let a new ruler take his place.
yeah that too, besides geo-politics gains, a pacified Syria and Korean peninsula are also economically beneficial to both Russia and China
Wasn't there supposed to be a meeting between Iran/Syria in Moscow, where they would announce troops on the ground? Did that already happen?
Fuck Assad publishing photos of dead woman will do nothing but fuck his cause.
It was some years before when NK was behaving a bit more sane, when that mutual industrial park was opened for SK firms. Russia had a plan to put a pipeline through the peninsula to Japan since it was cheaper than going accross Hokkaido. But as Norks being crazy as they are..

obviously that is what is going to happen. Either the Tiger, Issam or some air force intelligence bloke is gonna take over. Assad will live out his life in luxury either in Latakia or Crimea.
>It was some years before when NK was behaving a bit more sane
I don't really think NK changed in the past many years. I think it's just the MSM and US giving them more attention again.
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Page 6

>extremely fast ruskie liberating at incredible hihg speed.jpg
When it's the russians it's called opressing, not liberating.
Don't you watch the news?
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>dead kurd, killed by turks or their puppets
>blame Assad
Or he'll go back to London and live his dream life as a ophtalmologist.
>I'm gonna put some drops in your eyes now
>No, it's not sarin, don't worry
>he doesn't know about the liberator meme
Have you never seen these faces?
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Slow bread, got nothing to contribute.

However if you could, please follow this delightful twitter user
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You're missing 2-3 layers of irony, tovarisch.
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Ah yeah, memeing vs reality. A thin red line.

Have a chubby Bashar for your efforts.

>I heard that Bashar himself actually requested that people not display photos of him or his family, presumably in order to stop the image worship that started with his father. I wonder if this was the photo that spurred that request. If so, I don't think I blame him.
>> http://bridgetpalmer.blogspot.com
May 8th is coming
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time for liberation))))))
Will commies take over Russia in the 100th anniversary of the october revolution ?
Putin Will arrest medvedev in the centennial
I'm hearing rumours and memes on plebbit about the possibility of USA helping to establish a new country in Eastern Syria/Western Iraq, some sort of Sunni state as US proxy (basically in ISIS territory)

obviously that's very long term but does /sg/ have any thoughts on the possibility? besides of course the obvious answer that Bashar will take back "every inch"
You mean the k*rds?
It won't go that far, considering the t*rks are bombing them right now.
Or are you referring to territory bordering Syria and Iraq, east of Deir Ez-Zor?
I haven't heard of anything about that area.
Upper left:
Joulani (leader of al-Nusra/TaS) and Muhaysini
Bottom right:
Zahran Alloush (former leader of Jaysh al-Islam)
Upper right has Abu Bakr and Bin Laden obviously

The idea of a Sunnistan isn't new*, but I don't see it happening now.
Iran isn't interested in a Sunni state in the middle of their Shia sphere, Bashar wants every inch back and Russia don't want a US proxy there.

The US already abandoned their ''''''moderate'''''' proxy and shifted towards the Kurds.

Did they post any sources?

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunnistan,_Shiastan_and_Kurdistan (muh jewpedia)
The sunni state between Iraq and Syria was the long term Saudi plan that ISIS sprang out of.
Deir Ezzor didn't fall, the Kurds managed to fight them off, and the Iranians acted in organising the Shias in Iraq to push them back, and the plan failed.
But it has not been shelved.
Currently the Saudis are funnelling money and weapons into the sunni tribes in the south western Iraqi desert likely to attempt the plan again once ISIS is defeated in Iraq. I don't see it being terribly effective, unless the PMU is bogged down in Syria, away from the uprising, say, fighting ISIS and the Turks in Syria.
The goal is to create a sunni state inside the Saudi sphere of influence to break the "shia crescent" that they fear. Israel is all for it because they want to cut the supply lines between Iran and Hezbollah.
Just finished watching interview with czech chemical military expert. Note that field hospitals and chemical units are one of the top within NATO (besides that our army is a meme ofcourse). Theme: Chemical attack in Syria on 4. April.
>It could have been used by anyone
>trusts that it was sarin or something similar
>it does not need excessive protection, basically gloves and shit
>people handling the bodies on videos could be authentic since it disperses quite fast
>if you are into biochemistry it can be reproduced at 20% purity such as the case of sarin attack in japan
>if you digg deep enough on arabic net you can find manual for manufacturing
>it could have been triggered by explosion of chem weapon depot
>chemical analysis of the compound can lead to determining if it was the government or the rebels
>in the military conflicts of 5th generation it is really hard to find who actually did anything. You can play dress up and kill civilians and blame it on Assad and vice versa.
>we have not seen videos of humans exposed to sarin before
>it seems like it paralyses your neural system and makes your heart and lungs stop while you are fully concious
>the photos may be fake but the video, especially since children could not fake it so well seems authentic
>the chlorine smell could be an agent designed to make people wearing masks suffocate, taking the masks off and get exposed to other gases
Why Rusia give SAA most moder equipment like T-90 and TOS-1 instead of shitload of old tanks?
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Not happening.
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Field testing.
They can't do that in Poland because NATO would give them a deeply concerned talking to.
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>tfw train line is closed so I can't go out drinking tonight.
Guess I'm stuck with you autists
Well you need training and expertise for the tanks and honestly its not like some RTS when you signal your fleet of thanks to take down something. Smarter and better, slowly, without casualities. That seems to be a way to go.

Also testing out the new toys, showing them off to the rest of the world. People seem to already show interest for Ruskies weapons.
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fuck, anything than deep concern!
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>tfw missing a /sg/ evening with Gruber
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>People seem to already show interest for Ruskies weapons.
The T90's will sell like hotcakes.
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>Karjala under Putin's arm
>from an undisclosed country.
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Guys, I don't usually lurk those threads, but I came to gather some opinions: what's your take on the (((sarin))) attack?

From what I gather:
>Assad DID have sarin
>then sarin attack on Ghouta in 2013
>Assad denies
>half-credible leak that the attack was planned to accuse Assad and executed by American contractors
>still no proof that Assad led the attack, and not some other rebel group
>Russia steps in and proposes to destroy all Syrian sarin weaponry under international surpervision and OPCW
>Putin gets sarin production machinery of Russian origin back to clear Assad and ensure he won't be accused again
>another sarin attack
>reported by ISIS propaganda outlets such as the (((white helmets))), rescuing victims with zero protection when they couldn't even get near it, and suffocating kids that they could have drugged
>US claims Assad did it
>Russia claims Assad bombed a rebel-held warehouse that contained sarin
>Assad is winning and there was apparently no strategic value in dropping sarin in this precise spot
>attack comes in right after Trump said the priority shifted and it's not about taking down Assad
>timed onslaught of msm with dozens of stories of sarin attack survivors and shit putting the blame on Assad despite no proof

A French intelligence report was declassified few days ago, which may have went under your radar. Trying to get my hands on it, for now only reports from my own trusted sources. French intel has always been reliable and unpozzed, from denying WMDs in Iraq and preventing France from joining this pointless conflict, to doubting Assad was behind the Ghouta attack.

This latest report claims the sarin used is of typical Syrian manufacture, because of the presence of hexamine in it. It's also indentical to an unexploded sarin grenade recovered after the Saraqeb attack on 2013-04-29. They conclude by doubting the whole sarin arsenal was destroyed because the original audit was full of holes.

So what's your take on it? Who did it?
Assad did it. That's my take.
this is copy/pasta right?
i am sure I read this somewhere before
Why would they.
Zyuganov and his CPRF just a meme party. He afraid any escalation, as '96 election shown.
Other parties, like United Communist Party, constantly trowing shit at each other (supporting Putin is a big topic, for example). But adequate communists don't really want revolution anymore, Arab spring and fall of ukraine was a good learning material.
Said Gafurov, for example, shows strong support to Putin and made a big contribution in Assad support, using both own and father's connections. He was among Russian observers at Syrian election in 2014 and visit Damascus numerous time before Russian intervention. So not all of our commies are useless.
No I just typed it, but I guess any recap of those events will be similar.
>A French intelligence report was declassified few days ago, which may have went under your radar.
It has been discussed greatly here and most people feel it doesn't provide any proof except that the Sarin used in 2013 and 2017 is the same.
Here is the English version:

My personal opinion is Al Nusra did it.
This explains very well why Assad probably didn't do it: http://blog.dilbert.com/post/159264981001/the-syrian-gas-attack-persuasion
I dont buy Assad did it then. It was most likely Al Nusra or some other more radical group aimed to garner international support. And apparently that is what they got since it seems like they have anti-air guns in Idlib now.
Safe af.
So Norks fired another missile, what now?
Is it true that the roach king blocked Wikipedia?
Can some turk check?
trump screeched in twitter. That was it.
American proxy to build the pipeline between Saudi Arabia and Europe. And cut Iran from Syria to protect Israel.
FSA of yesterday.
what is an adequate communist if you don't mind me asking?
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Hey goys, I'm trying to win an argument right now but can't find any good sources on Istael supporting ISIS.
Can you help me out with good some good stuff?
Weren't there supposed to be consequences?
Just had the wierdest dream.
>hiking in east Turkey/west Iran
>was tired and came to a log cabin
>opened a door and inside were Khomeini & Khameini, smoking tobacco and eating lamb and bread
>they've offered me some
>then a barefoot Afghani 18 year old came crying
>he didn't pass on his job interview, he was going to go back to his shithole village
>he asked me to help him get to EU.

Then I woke up.
From MSM sources (which is usually the only way to argue with normies) I only found that Israel was treating ISIS fighters.

Kpv 14.5mm.
go back to sleep and take him on the journey.
would make a great movie desu.
I think it'd end up as a "refugees welcome" propaganda flick, Jozin.
That's not the full report, just a quick rundown for high-ranking officials who don't have time to dive deep into the full version, and it's no better than what I could gather myself. Hopefully proof is in the full report, I'll see when I get it.

But indeed it seems ridiculous that Assad would shoot himself in the foot like that. Plus we haven't seen the vector recovered. There's no grenade nor shell this time, we don't know where the sarin came from. Until that is recovered and authentified, we won't know.

>And apparently that is what they got since it seems like they have anti-air guns in Idlib now.
Nice. Who provided the guns? Any sauce on that?
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>What else? We could simply back off fighting territorial ISIS in Syria and make it entirely a problem for Iran, Russia, Hezbollah and Assad. After all, they’re the ones overextended in Syria, not us. Make them fight a two-front war — the moderate rebels on one side and ISIS on the other. If we defeat territorial ISIS in Syria now, we will only reduce the pressure on Assad, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah and enable them to devote all their resources to crushing the last moderate rebels in Idlib, not sharing power with them.

>This is a time for Trump to be Trump — utterly cynical and unpredictable. ISIS right now is the biggest threat to Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and pro-Shiite Iranian militias — because ISIS is a Sunni terrorist group that plays as dirty as Iran and Russia.

Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.

>thomas Friedman

>Friedman is Jewish.[4] He attended Hebrew school five days a week until his Bar Mitzvah,[5] then St. Louis Park High School, where he wrote articles for his school's newspaper.[6] He became enamored with Israel after a visit there in December 1968, and he spent all three of his high school summers living on Kibbutz HaHotrim, near Haifa.[7] He has characterized his high school years as "one big celebration of Israel's victory in the Six-Day War."[7]

These two sources don't say for sure that Israel supports Daesh but they show at least a few kikes see the strategic value in it and advocate for something like that
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>opened a door and inside were Khomeini & Khameini, smoking tobacco and eating lamb and bread
Not so much support in terms of weaponry (they'd rather have their proxies handle that). But they clearly tolerate their existance on their border and treats their wounded.
Does HTS stand for Tiger forces?
true enough but plot twist
In Syria he joins the government forces and spends the rest of his time in Diez, fighting along with the Beast
Friendly reminder

"Obama hoped to use Islamic State as leverage against Assad, John Kerry reveals"

HTS = Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

formerly known as Jaysh Fateh al-Sham
formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra
formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Syria
cand find it atm but it obviously came from Turkey. Perhaps sent by US because of muh babies or something. It does not really matter who sent them but a fighter jet was damaged couple of days ago.
Said Gafurov, if you could not finish reading my post.
Also here's this


Ex defense minister of Israel admitted that Daesh apologized for an attack. The attack being this


This was a minor incident in the whole scheme of things too. All of Israel's neighbors have been getting fucked up fairly regularly by Daesh, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and ESPECIALLY Syria but there were no major attacks on Israel except for this minor clash. Certainly nothing like what the other countries have been getting.

You don't apologize to your enemies for attacking them. you apologize to your friends. And what I think happened was this specific Daesh affiliate is isolated from the rest of the caliphate and is thus more autonomous out of necessity and didn't get the memo not to attack Israel, hence that minor border clash
even if it is just an abreviated version, their reasoning is flawed. Traces of DIMP and Urotropine alone are by no means enough to reliable match two batches of sarin.
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>didn't get the memo not to attack Israel
>tfw ISIS calls HTS jewish
Ty colgate
This just dropped
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what makes him adequate? i'm asking for the definition of the term. they're not great communists but they'll do?
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@NatDefFor 1h

Only ~600 meters seperate the #SAA units in #Qaboun after the liberation of electric company+surroundings #Damascus
>0.6 kilomemes
0.6 kilomemes
>0.6 kilomemes
I wouldn't know about that desu, and was currently looking for more. I know I read many times that sarin could easily be identified based on its compounds, but then everyone just seems to parrot it like "wow everyone knows that!", but without any actual basis.

What do you know about that?
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>IS'S media arm claims breaking the SAA lines in Umm Mayal east of Khanaser and killing more that 30 SAA soldiers

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>but there were no major attacks on Israel except for this minor clash
And Golan heights don't even belong to Israel last time I checked too.
Instead of screeching about revolution or running around with red banned, he works on helping Russia become stronger, which will lead to improvement of everyone lives. Peasants and workers (tm) included.
Which makes him an adequate communist for me. If he was liberal, i would say he adequate liberal. I don't give a shit on how person calls himself in terms of ideology.
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>making lives better
>he really belittled himself with that one. i think he is overwhelmed.
It's actual 4d chess. He's using China's cultural norms to get China to do our dirty work for us.

In other words, when Donald Trump wants to know how to do business with China, he doesn't ask the experts; he asks the Chinaman.




What do you mean by identified? Determining if sarin (or almost any other organophosphonate for that matter) was used is realtively easy by checking for breakdown (or metabolized if you have blood/tissue samples) products, as well as things like stabilizing agents, common impurifications or byproducts of synthesis. Trying to determine if the agents used in different incidents are from the same stock is a lot harder, especially when you're dealing with old, not properly collected and stored samples.

Check the UN report on the 2013 incidents. Back then they were able to match the sarin used in Khan al Assal and East ghouta to be from the same stock. That took profesionally collected and quickly processes samples and two indipendent labs checking (and finding) not only a multitude of different chemicals but also their relations.

DIMP is a byproduct of one of the most common sarin synthesis routes. It's presence alone only tells you how it was made, not by whom. Urotropine may be used as crude stabilizer, but again, that tells you nothing about who is responsible. If anything i'd argue that the syrians that had a professional CW program for decades would use better stabilizers like Tributylamine but whatever.

Apart from the questionable reliability of ther methodology to match samples from this incident to others there is another problem. The UN investigation wasn unable to determine who was responsible for saraqib.
I'm sorry, but this commie made for Russia (and Syria with Assad) much more than many other officials. Again, i don't support return of communism, but i prefer to not become triggered because of hearing someone is commie or liberal. What he doing for country is all that matter.

Is there a "this war will be over by christmas" sentiment amongst the troops fighting in Syria?
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>breaking the SAA lines in Umm Mayal east of Khanaser and killing more that 30 SAA soldiers
This is fucking retarded.
>hesizing sarin, developed by the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) and
employed by the Syrian armed forces and security services, involves the use of hexamine as a stabilizer. DIMP is also known as a by-product generated by this process.
>d) This intelligence on the process used by the regime, which is a sign of its
responsibility in the attack on 4 April

What the fuck is this logic?
What I mean is that the chemical weapons rebels use are chemical weapons seized from the government. Of course they would use the same stabilizer, there's no need to replace it.

Both those things are kinda shitty. Ruskies want to burn up stocks of "modern shit" like the T-90 to make place for the T-14 and the others.

The russian military doctrine is shaping up to be like the american war, aka "we won't fight a normal conventional war any time soon" and thus starts emphasizing with interdiction/intimidation with meme weapon systems (see S-400/500) rather than actual effectiveness.The T-90 and the others are obviously worthless with this doctrine in play.
we don't know that, it's uncertain if rebels ever got their hands on CWs from the government. Only one of the former CW facilities is in rebel territory and it stands to reason that as incompetent the SAA may be they'd clean it out before letting it fall into their hands.
>account suspended
>Anti-Trump general on a Trump board
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russian muslims (former airborne soldiers) joined the battle against assad regime

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>It's actual 4d chess. He's using China's cultural norms to get China to do our dirty work for us.

>In other words, when Donald Trump wants to know how to do business with China, he doesn't ask the experts; he asks the Chinaman.
They have controlled other CW facilities in the past, have they not? But if they have *ever* seized chemical weapons from the government, then the stabilizer should of course remain the same. It's not very decisive, anyway. I'm gonna read on
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>Anti-semitic general on a semitic board
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no, just one if i remember correctly. But anyways, i doubt they got their hands on government CWs. Also the french report is in no way able to reliably match samples so it doesn't even matter.
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Why is Fahad al-Masri so damn cuddly?
>“These strikes undoubtedly weaken the role of Hezbollah and Iran and all its militias in Syria, but these strikes must be intense and broad in scope and we call on Israel to include in its military strikes all points of the armed Palestinian factions located on Syrian soil and also the Iraqi and Afghani militias,” he wrote.

>Masri has delineated specific areas of Syria where he would like to see Israel strike Hezbollah: the southeast Damascus countryside, Qalamun, Homs countryside, Quseir countryside and south Syria.

>“There must be coordination between us and the IDF so that there is movement on the ground for the Syrian [opposition] factions with Israeli-American- British-French air cover to crush the Iranian, Palestinian and Iraqi military presence on the land of Syria. For this we [would] welcome the formation of an Israeli-Syrian committee of coordination and security cooperation which has become necessary at this stage.”

>Meanwhile, Moshe Maoz, a leading Israeli Syria specialist, said he believes Thursday’s attack had tacit understanding from Moscow. In its response to the attack, the Kremlin stopped short of a clear condemnation of Israel. It called on “all sides” to refrain from steps that could increase tensions and stressed that Syrian sovereignty should be respected. It said it is in touch with Israel and called on all sides to show restraint.
>VIDEO: Islamist militants fire at civilians to dislodge protest in eastern Damascus
>Residents participating in the demonstration were chanting for rebel forces to unite
>Al-Masdar News could not determine whether any civilians had been killed nor if the gunfire was aimed directly at the protesters or just intended as cautionary bullets.

so not actually AT civilians.

whats up mossad
>Dozens of dead and wounded from his ISIS terrorists in the vicinity or inclined after Syrian army repulsed their attack northeast of anasartha Brive milking
Not bad, hiding up in my room so my mom doesn't know I'm breaking Shabbat. How's it going by you?
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Some friend of yours, or someone you know, is to face a test soon?
Hey, no shaming. Bad!

This sounds about right from my perspective, who are these guys?

Hope Hezbollah doesn't start actually moving on Quneitra, this is about the closest Israel has ever been to peace with Lebanon.
Trump lost the trust of /sg/ the moment he striked at Assad.
He seems to follow up in Obamas footsteps considering ME so there is no reason to like him.
>what is ownher gaydick
he's an islamist kemalist
assad already 'won' but syria will never be back in it's original borders, no chance in hell

im interested if turkey keeps its part and if un/nato will give them shit about it later to a point of sanctions like with crimea

honestly isis at this point is just israel/saudi(best alliance ever desu) sponsored meme, i just hope they will not get deir as it holds half of syrias territory from becoming part of kurdistan

real losers are avg kurdish people desu, given hope, americunts will forget them in 5 years, t*rks will bomb them everyday for decades to come, syrians will never be okay with them, living in a piece of shitty desert
>jews hiding out on /pol/ to avoid getting sabbath shoahlomed.com by nazi zealots
just like in my anne frank diaries
My mother would never put me in an oven. I'm too big.
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You're a big guy.
>just like in my turner diaries
At least Obama didn't strike Syria just because his daughter was crying over Al Qaeda's dead babies, unlike the G-D EMPEROR Drumpf.
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/sg/ btfo by the IAF
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im cool, busy supporting the syrian army and procrastinating my exams
Turks are fucking niggers fuaggits and the kurds are like subniggetes
Way fucking Jo erducunt shiteeer autist
Fuck man its dark and shit Fuck

I'm drinking with some fucking cock who thinks Russia ate funding isis fuaggits noggers
What can I get did the can't with?
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Cheers m8 have another drink

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it seems that those untermenschen really want to get buttraped by the turkish army
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Whisky mAte and we're boggle trees and shot to make fire big
Fuck in an weak can't I hate piss water but I like be that spirit shit I and cunts.

Duck i need to keep going a get slub and shot can't
For Jew.

I should be writing up a TTRPG campaign, but I'm too lazy.
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The truth.png
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How do you handle the redpill lads?
Redpill overdose is a thing, you gotta take it slow

Never go blackpill
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You think you are redpilled? You merely adopted the pill. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a bluepill until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but insanity.
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Info From Yemen.
Russia Communicate with Long Time Ally Ali Abdullah Saleh want Establish Naval Base in Yemen and Future of Yemen Government.
Oy Vei, my saudi cousin got shoah'd.
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Based Rand Paul about Yemen
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Shit if Russians keep at this they will have 3 new ports just from last 5 years.
now Yemen

US is getting cucked hard.
Crimea isn't a new port for them.
And you are missing the one planned for Egypt, on the Libyan border.
Have Naval Base in Yemen, it mean Controlled Busiest Strait in the World.
US get rekt
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/sg/ thoughts on him?
not as good as his father. Apart from /sg/ he's an open borders cuck
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is this true ?
no. the world has become americanised.

death to <60%
He Already has been killed by RUAF
Abu Rofik btw
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Yes and no.
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Verpiss dich, Omar
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BREAKING — Erdoğan on PKK presence in Sinjar: Turkey knows what to do and when to do it, we may come there overnight all of a sudden
serious question lads why do people bully syria? assad seems like a pretty cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything
It's an allusion to the cyprus operation.

In addition the gentlemen in the top right of the top right is Abubakar Shekau of Boko Haram.

The bloke to the left I don't know however. Anyone?
Everyone bullies the weak. Must be strong.

honestly, they are just as bad as the commies, at this point
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Any news from Tiger Airborne operation to liberate Khan Sheykun? It's been quiet since the last picture of Tiger training was leaked
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GRAPHIC: Corpses of Daeshbags filled the battlefield after they were repelled by #SAA
Yeah, I meant the fact that if Ruskies let Ukraine drift towards NATO they would probably never get to use it.
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More pics of ISIS militants after swift encounter with SAA soldiers
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but that compass sucks desu
>jew propaganda
Jews are not strong
Jews a weak do cannot faggptxvunts

I will cunt punch you kikecfaggot for sling munched nose cunt
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Neener neener.jpg
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Fuck I.need a piss
Post more dead isis cunts
explain for the burgertard
good post
Just like in my protocols of the learned elders of zion
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Quality. Imaginative.
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Feeds my own eraction
Keta a shit for vodka a drink shit mate fuck
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deir ezzor meatgrinder.webm
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Take this m8
Muslims are truly worthless.
someone post that rambo rebel gif please
the talks for a cyprus operation was going on since 1964, and greeks were making fun of turks by broadcasting this song on radio:
"I have waited but you didn't come" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyC5dvzxgNU

turks were broadcasting this song during the invasion 1974:
I might come up one night all of a sudden
Drunk induced
>one planned for Egypt, on the Libyan border.
I'm still mad that Russia's supporting Haftar instead of the National Coalition government. Lybia should be in Italy's sphere, and Russia is backing a borderly hostile element, instead of the UN (and Italy) backed government.
I'm still drunk from yesterday lmao
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Brigade IQ 51.webm
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Italy supported Ghaddafi's temoval though.
Now youre drowning in rapefugees.
Maybe your government's choices of who to support are not that great.
Ah. Enjoy you empissment.
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I want to out drink you med pack
Also since you Medic, with this get infected?
I think I cut on a burning palm trees fuck
I can't see it is it bad
You too Mr black Sabath

Question /sg/

why did ISIS apologise for attacking Israel.

More specifically, what was the media-given reason?

Have they just given up pretending they're not a Mossad-CIA joint-venture?
why are the they so dyel?
seems like Russia will support anyone the west opposes and vice versa
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The zog were on some good shit
Probably some dumb shit about them being afraid of "mighty israel" or some shit.
Does not look bad, will likely get a bit infected. Put a bandaid on it.

As Israeli, I think they just don't want any beef with us. We are perfectly willing and able to fuck them up if the fuck with us.
like they're coming close to supporting the Taliban even though they've labeled them a terrorist organization
Lack of recent gains

why would they be afraid? allah is on their side...
it is funnier when you consider that the first song goes like this:
I have waited but you didn't come
Didn't you love me even for a bit?

whereas the second song goes like:
Don't call me with such sincerity
I might come up one night all of a sudden.
>Italy supported Ghaddafi's temoval though.
We were dragged in by NATO. Berlusconi tried to usher a diplomatic solution until France decided to bomb Lybia.
Our governement choice is always to stay as friendly as possible with all parties. We have sponsored peace talks in Rome for both the National Coalition (UN backed) government and the Tobruk (Russia and Egypt backed) government, while trying not to endorse either of them too much.
Too bad neither of them are willing to collaborate with each other.
viel spaß im foltergefängnis, käsefotze
>We were dragged in by NATO.

I laffed.
I love belecini, where did he go?
He called that fat batch Merkel an unfuckable lard as and that was cool.
The eurokikes kiked him out on some blackmail shit they leaked to ruin him in retaliation for him blaspheming against mother merkel magdalene (brown penis be upon her)
Italy had a leading role with US, UK and Frogs
>where did he go
He's 80 years old now. I think he has unofficially retired, even though he's still the president of a party that will get 20% of the votes next election
Nothing will happen don't worry

Pour some alcohol over it
cheese cunt, right?
I drank it all
>literal papercut
Throw up over your hand
This is literally what happened. We couldn't go against both NATO and the EU, we had to chose which ally to forfeit, and knowing which one was going to lose, we chose the obvious side.
We knew we were going to be fucked in each case.
So from what you're saying, Italy didn't really mind Qaddafi?

Kept the lid on terrorism and represented stability, or?
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kept a lid on terrorism and sub-saharan migration.
I will kill you with weapon Biggers funt
>Italy didn't really mind Qaddafi?
Some did, but Berlusconi (and his government) was a personal friend of him, and he knew his importance in keeping stability in his country.
After the 2011 happenings, he knew that, eventually, Gaddafi was going to be ousted regardless of Italian involvement. We were faced with two choices: do nothing, let the other big boys oust him (and get rebuked for not helping our official NATO allies) or intervene with the colition (mostly to destroy Gaddafi's air force) and get the good boy points. The option of openly siding with Gaddafi was of course out of the table since day one.


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