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Gavin McInnes: "How many women have you had sex with in

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Gavin McInnes: "How many women have you had sex with in your life?"
Tucker Carlson: "A lot... Hundreds."

He also smokes (((cigarettes)))

Guess Tucker isn't /ourguy/ after all.


Damn OP. How does it feel being such a beta male?
>doesn't smoke cigarettes

Have fun dealing with lung cancer homo
Tucker is the king of /ourguy/s
I love how rightwingers constantly flipflop between
"Men can fuck as many women as they want and cheat too"
"Nuclear family, marry virgin, monogamy"

Can't have both dinguses
Does this also mean I am also not /myguy/ anymore?

Maybe you should go back to /r9k/ kiddo.
I look a lot like tucker. I should really go out and start banging whores.
do you know how male female dynamics are intended to work based on biology? men are the chasers women are the choosers, this is because men can have a virtually unlimited number of offspring and women can have a very limited number in comparison
A good key unlocks many locks, a bad lock is opened by many keys.
This. Tucker is what ourguys aspire to be.
If you haven't plowed at least a hundred patches you aren't even a man.
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a key is meant to only open one lock., a key should not be able to open a lock it wasn't created for. shit analogy.
Fuck man. Im getting close to 30 years old and have around 40 conquests, but that already feels Degenerate. Part of me wants to stop fucking around and focus on my career and leave roasties on the sideline, but then my libido starts acting up

I'm calling bullshit on this. I can remember when Tucker first came on the scene and he was a preppy fucking gimp that wore a bowtie. Maybe he's made up the numbers since then but I doubt it.
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Will I ever achieve a perfect Aryan family like Tucker?

Gotta get off my ass, go back to school, and get back to work, but is it worth it?
What is a master key?
Its easy if you have it good. I'm a decent looking tall guy with a great job and I've managed to turn my number from 4 to 25 in a year. I could go higher, but I'm trying to start a family while I'm still under 35.

Its fun, but it feels empty.
They're just talking shit. I'm 18 minutes its just crap.
>marry virgin

Only the virgins on here come out with that shit.
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>What is a master key?
a lockpicking set. and a whore.

sex outside of sentimental love and marriage hurts the soul, and is degenerate. evolution is bunk anon, we're created beings attached to a higher power.
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>mfw retards fell for the virgin meme

Exactly. Its probably like 50-100 including the prostitutes he has paid for with his shill money. He has good genetics face-wise and height-wise so it could be. The biggest womanizer I know irl has been with 50ish women and he is in his 40s. Obviously there are men who have been with way more, but its actually quite uncommon if you don't count prostitutes. Iirc the median guy has been with two or three women, while the average is like six. I think even with gay guys who get free sex all the time, the average guy has been with fewer than 50 (according to that one chart that floats around).
But it's bad when women act on biology, aka fuck chads, settle for betas?
I honestly wish I never had sex, and was still a virgin.

t.(-.-)25 year old man
d u b d u b s speak truth
why everyone hates millennials? I thought we are cool as fuck
You should. If I were a chick I'd jump on Tucker and rub myself all over him. No homo. But I recognize a hot man when I see one. If only to scope out the competition.
Quite the opposite because our generation have become sjw soldiers to sjw leaders- who are old unhappy women of the previous generation writing a bunch of bullshit. At least we aren't baby boomers though
thanks for checking
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I picture those words coming from pic related' mouth and it makes me laugh.
It was that bad?!? I can hardly conceive of that.

Nope nope nope. He's charming and smart, and clearly likes women. That is a lethal combo.

I would love to know if Tucker's wife filled that "brief window" as well as he did though, kek. She's certainly cute enough.

You guys have to remember that Tucker is almost 50. The 80s was not like now. Young men got laid more, I suspect, because they were far better socialized than this generation reared on vidya and the web. Sorry but it's just true. Plus straights back then didn't worry about AIDS because it largely wasn't impacting us at all yet.
>fuck freedom
>It was that bad?!? I can hardly conceive of that.

its not that it was bad, its just the act has become depressing, pursuing lots of sex with different women makes your soul obese and disgusting the same way eating 10 bags of chips an hour makes you a fat disgusting slob
>Everyone here thinks he was being serious

He was married and had kids by 22. He wouldn't have had time for that even if way in cheating that still an insanely high number.
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He never fucked hundreds of women

He just tucked them in
Freedom for me but not for thee
Brooooo that is some slick science
this dynamic didnt build modern society as we know it

youre the deluded slut thinking she isnt a slut and just (((free)))
I relate to tucker a lot.
this (((freedom))) youre talking about is a race to the bottom
Moral and Biology are not the same.
Thanks for clarifying
The Magyar is right. /pol/ seems to believe in a weird mix of biological determinism, Nietzschean values and Christian morality. It's best to just settle for one, more coherent ideology. Biological determinism is silly because the possibility of replicating the conditions of a state of nature is minimal. Better to understand that all morality is socially constructed, but we should construct a moral vision we consider ethical and practice and preach it.
>isn't /ourguy/
He sure is. Its you pathetic permavirgins who aren't /ourguy/s.
Fuck off to

You are very welcome. I'm here to help :^)
Being a guy who a lot of women want and deciding to maximize your potential as a man by choosing to marry and raise children with just one of them is what /pol/ believes. Everyone else is morally bankrupt.
>Iirc the median guy has been with two or three women, while the average is like six.

Sounds kinda low desu
[spoiler]I'm 30 and i've been with 9 women and i dont actively seek out women or sex at all
You're better than the average man at getting laid
Thats not female biology you mongoloid. Biology doesn't care about sexual pleasure, only about reproduction. Men can impregnate hundreds of women and therefore pass his genes with certainty. Woman biologically cant do that, they need to secure best mate they can and stick to him otherwise they would die together with child. It was that way for hundreds of thousands of years and up until just recently. And that how their biology works still.
Why do they fuck around? Because society tells them that cool. Look how happiness of women plummeted since 50s. Thats a clear indicator that society pressures them into the lifestyle that they don't like on the deepest level.
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>is a virgin
>inhales the smokey jew
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people aren't chemical or biological creates, we're electrical creatures based on energy.
Quality over quantity, maybe? Then it sounds like you are ready for a genuine relationship. Good luck. Give it your best and don't settle.
I suspect he was kidding, too. But if he started at 15 or so.....note that like Trump, he's pretty "high energy" despite his claims to laziness. And he's obviously a friendly extrovert, unlike me and many of us. So I doubt it was like, three.
A lot of you don't even ask. Trust me, I know this.

Try asking.
>good looking smart 6 foot blonde white man
>XD he wears a bowtie no way he gets laid, must be prostitutes

you people are fucking legitimate idiots

majority of 4chan is r9k tier when it comes to discussions of sex
>marrying a non-virgin
>calling yourself a man
Pick one.
>Look how happiness of women plummeted since 50s. Thats a clear indicator that society pressures them into the lifestyle that they don't like on the deepest level.
I believe that this is absolutely true. That said, women do have actual sex drives, and life would be really terrible if they didn't. It's all about being realistic when it comes to deciding where you put that drive. Modern women have been taught the wrong ideas about that, ideas which suit men but hurt women. I don't have a daughter, and my niece is a happy lesbian autist, so I don't get to dispense good advice about this in real life. I kind of wish I did. I hate to see how unhappy a lot of women are, and so much of it down to shitty societal programming.
hello tucker!
he uses gum now from what I understand
How does it feel to be less civilized than a gorilla?

Besides the point, /pol/ can't stop complaining about Tyrone fucking as many women as he wants, then they do a 180 and start screaming "master key shitty lock, legalize polygamy!"

Well polygamous societies live in mudhuts or fuck little boys in the middle east, while monogamous societies created the greatest civilizations on Earth.

But go on, keep yelling "muh dick", just don't be surprised when your wish comes true and you die alone
lol, not going to disagree with you there.
If Tucker, on occasion, visited /pol/ to shit post and fuck with anons... then he would truly be /our guy/.
Yes, but your morality is meant to override your natural instincts, if it *doesn't* override them, you are literally a nigger in everything but colour.
You mean the idea of "rightwingers" that you have observing mutants like Gavin and the faggots on here.

Which cunt is saying it's ok for men to cheat? Only /pol/ retards LARPing as alphas say that, or vindictive men. Cheating doesn't matter with a stupid slut but with a loyal and caring partner all it does is creates another feminist. No one here thinks cheating is acceptable unless they're overwhelmingly stupid, don't be a cunt your own self.
Anyone saying /ourguy/ is a pussy.

"Oooh gotta be on a team, please these people must have the same opinions as me because then my feelings will be mroe positive towards them"

Hahaha, bunch of 14 year old girls.

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it's just banter. calm your tits.
And why do you think it's the same people saying those things?
Maybe it's just your inferior brain that can't divide it into two separate folders, so you just think "hurr, right wing people say this... but I also see right wing people say this other things... therefore right wing people think both at same time".

It's possible for people within a "group" to have different opinions, dingus.
Tucker is, and has always been, a television weasel.
having sex for the body instead of the soul feels no different than beastiality. not a matter of quality over quanitity, but direction of action and intention. you're right on the genuine relationship, but I think I'm pretty much just going to go for a girl that's willing to get married within the first 5 minutes of meeting and doesn't want the whole dating game bullshit.
Banter is for fags. Get serious, bitch.
There's nothing wrong with getting pussy
Wilt chamberlain is my idol
Touché. But we're also matter.
Who does confirmed browse /pol/?
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and are souls have ultimate authority over this matter. genetics and the 5 senses are tools to seal the soul away and hide it.
I feel you. I'm 24 and I've banged around 20 broads. At this point the pursuit of flesh holes feels completely empty. I long for real companionship.
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actually it would be Toki's mouth. He's the finn.
It's not cheating if you never commit
But it's still somewhat degenerate
Enjoy being single for the rest of your life
It's like /pol/ forgot what tucker was like when he was on cnn....
tucker is degenerate, gee, thats a shame
Time stamp? I don't know where this at in the video this is at this video is fucking an hour long.
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... ... ...milo.
>he was posting black dicks a few weeks before the pedo shit hit the fan.
It bothers me that it is in black and white.

Galvin is a cuck for never smoking. Even hitler smoked up until about sometime in his 20s.
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I love Finland, I want to learn their elven language one day.
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Fuck Gavin McInnes
Gavin doesn't flip flop he says you should do the former in your early 20s then by around 25-30 it's time to get married and have kids
You guys don't understand how celebrity and status work for attraction.

It's women's number 1 turn on.

He could fuck 2 girls every day without trying, just go out in a public place, talk to them then ask if they want to come have a drink at his house.
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I'm incredibly handsome, and don't exist on the alpha/beta hierarchy as i've transcended it. I could be dating 10 different girls but I choose to be single because dating 10 different girls isn't fun, its depressing.
amen brother
Tucker is a cutie patoot. Get em leafboy
He's handsome but he needs to drop the bowtie and the hair mutt

he was around show business people and he was young and hot. of course he did. Stupid.
His hair sucks and he needs a bigger chin
>wasting your precious male yang chi in some harlot's yin
If I was fameous I would fuck so much my dick would probly fall off
I already fuck when I want
pattaya beach thailand changes your perception of american women
More like GAYvin McASS!

>but muh degenerate meme

/pol/ is full of faggots who can't get laid, so they justify it by saying they are being virtuous and of a pure soul.
>not /ourguy/
Just because you're a loser doesn't mean the world is as well m8
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my soul was dirty. I took the time to clean it.
Gorgeous family. I kinda feel envy whenever I see some image like that. I am incapable of attachment.
I'd fuck Tuck
I'd fuck you too, I bet you are easier after a nice cocktail with a Xanax slipped in.
He married his high school sweetheart and still with her, he was lying/joking. And he never said a number just alot. Fake news.
See I like certain aspects of gavin, but based off some of this shit he has pulled. Does anyone else think he might actually have some sort of issue or deficiency
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Where is tucker from? He looks like the archetypal Carolina frat boy. Reminds me of college
Not where you're from
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Lots of degeneracy itt lads

100% this.

I tried to love a girl, but I couldn't get over her being with other guys, and I was ashamed of the sluts I had fucked. It ruins our ability to truly love one another
Once you get over the whiny I'm so alone stage it is really nice. I can spend all my resources as I see fit. People think you are weird though. The fix to that is never see people.
Uh don't you want a key to open as many locks as possible?

Whereas a lock that opens even when you jiggle it a little is a terrible decision?

>terrible post

>people aren't chemical or biological creates, we're electrical creatures based on energy.

Everything is based on energy. We are not electrical like you seem to think. Neurons work using electrochemical signals. They use ions and potential gradiants across membranes.
>Everything is based on energy
Nope, information. Thermodynamics and is all about information (for fuck's sake, entropy is literally counting microstates)
>all those blonde girls going to school in DC
I'd be shitscared desu
Tucker seems like the kind of twerp who lies through his teeth when asked that kind of question.

Or he might not be, who cares.
I just want to have sex at least once. I always get depressed when I talk about it. I've been wanting to see an escort for years but it feels wrong to me.
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