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Guys, why the fuck are middle-aged moms coming to our secret

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Thread replies: 337
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Guys, why the fuck are middle-aged moms coming to our secret nazi fascist club?
middle aged my ass, shes a gilf just as I like em
If she wants to join, she can join.
Tits or GTFO
She's there with her 35 year old NEET son.
GILFs looking for a fash to bash their gash.
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more proof that Americans are the worst posters on this board

all Euro posters literally look like pic related while all the American posters are obese manchildren
W-what's wrong with inviting my mom?
Somebody has to bring the orange slices.
Murrica, FUCK YEA!!!
Gilf here, i come here for the spicy memes.
Where are their necks, they look like turkeys
Wow, it's almost like even normal people understand the left is retarded
obese man children VS ugly skinny actual children...hmm tough choice
Post tits plox
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UC Berkeley Antifa protester arrested for not taking off his mask. Finally.
Because lots far right groups on facebook named /pol/ that report on anti-white news are becoming ridiculously popular over the last year via sharing.

Lots of you niggers were not joking with the 'redpill the normies' meme
Post nudes!

What are the cops even there for? Just let the civilians bash each other and get it out their system.

somebody has to fetch the fuckin' tendies
He's asian so you probably want him to keep that mask on. You don't want him spreading bird flu all over central booking.
A friend of mine from high school's mom was full MAGA printing out memes on her company's public printer because she didn't give a shit. If HWDU proves anything the picture of the average /pol/ user is divergent from our actual imagination of them.
> Wearing socks with sandals to the battlefield.
Hahaha this!

accurate as fuck
"hey mom hold this sign!"
"autistic snickering"

>redditor detected
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Old people on here feels grosser than nonwhites on here, go away
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>She's there with her 35 year old NEET son.

Y'know it's a funny insult, but at the same time it's kind of heartwarming that they're out protesting antifa and normies together as a family.

/pol/ is a board of peace, love and family outings.
>do you think fasion can bloom, even on a battlefield?
He looks FOB-y, he's probably not even antifa, just a germaphobic chink. I've seen plenty of those

This is great. We're expanding our base
I've been found out!

*unzips teleport behind dick*
This is our lawn, kid.
im pretty sure hes german
A lot of loyalty for a hired protester.
You ever been on a /pol/ discord? Most chicks there are over 30
Moms, always making sure you're eating enough and not gassing the Jews...
Fuck off eternal september faggot
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If you need further proof that /pol/tard views are stupid and bluepilled as fuck, you can stop doubting when retarded old women start supporting your cause
They know this is a hub of freedom
They want to protect their children
Those are Feds
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hits too close to home
Because any reasonable adult thinks antifa and all these leftist narratives are degenerate trash
>tfw /pol/ is full of nazi grannies
>ywn have an bodyguard of mummies armed with AR-15s who know when to give you tendies or cummies for the white race
as if there aren't any old ass grannies in pussy hats
You're confirming what I've said.

I'm 56. How ya like me now, motherfucker?!
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you make no sense

>wait, does this mesn every trap lover is a gilf
fascists are left wing

right wing are capitalists


I think much of this board is older than most people realize. People here dont hate socialism to fit in, we do it because we make decent money and hate to see it taken from us.
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>tfw the oldposters are the ones actually influencing /pol/s ideology
>young whippersnappers such as yourself are just being played
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Those middle aged women probably fell for the "diversity" meme and sent their kids into "diverse" public schools. Where Pedro and Tyrone run amok without the administration doing anything about it and their kids paying the price for it.
I'd still fuck you.
you mean let antifa beat up old folks
My wife and I both post here and we're 38 and 34 respectively
Tell me a story gramps
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Does your wife's son post too?
another one of them tanned krauts eh? :^)
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>Guys, why the fuck are middle-aged moms coming to our secret nazi fascist club?

Because most of the members of this club are not allowed out without their moms.
it's not just /pol/
don't forget /k/omraden
who the hell do you think can afford all those guns
>/pol/ is mostly shitskins and middle aged white women

o i am laffin
it's true this board has been around a long time and it's very noticeable when you read all the twink comments
They must be concerned about the future of their children. What's odd is no more old people come here.
>retarded old women spout trumptard /pol/ memes and pretend to be le redpilled because they support trump
>retarded old women spout feminist faggottry and pretend to be le redpilled because they support feminism

Should I spell it out further for you? The moment old, dumb, trend-following women start supporting your bluepilled worldview you know you've fucked up in your views
they were /pol before the internet and you babbies were created.
To flex
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Moms that were redpilled by their autistic /pol/ browsing highschoolers
Where are all of these meetings being held anyways ?
They have orders from on high to not do anything.
Its either stand by and watch innocent people get assaulted, or lose their job and be unable to feed their family, prolly even arrested themselves.
eh, then what's the good worldview to have , Pablo?
I could never forget the /k/omrads, Ive got 14 guns and shoot at least once a week.
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One that is rejected by the vast majority of women
i'll take obese manchildren over nu-/pol/ any day
There is a shitload of servicemen in here. What can you do, you deal all day with 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' and then you come home and if you so much as beep about how shit it is on Facebook, hatespeech police would be busting through your doors in few minutes. So you come here and pretend you are manchild neckbeard.
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trips of truth
in liberal hellholes
>There is a shitload of servicemen in here
pic very related
yeah there are no females or old people who are libertarians.
lmao dumbass paco.
This should become a new meme. We post a picture where the tits saga over a few posts like the kkk guy with the chicken leg on a fishing pole. It would be funny I bet.
What the fuck is with all these
"We don't want violence"

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>no Nazi-milf gf
hi, spook.
>Lots of you niggers were not joking with the 'redpill the normies' meme
That's because this isn't a game, or at least I don't think it is. Redpilling normies is the only way we're going to win this thing -- well, short of exterminating all leftists, but I still can't seem to get you guys on board with this... SO... baby steps it is.
>2 coats
i thought cali was supposed to be hot
republican men are big buff and not commy

everything a women hopes for

no wonder they swarm

they hope to offer minor nursing services after brawls where republican sweeps side dozens fo faggy democrats and gets minor scratches

then they hoep topull some moves on the repub dick
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i was in that thread, i don't want to think it was that long ago, nor the skullfuck thread.
tell us how life was during napoleonic times

Whats the point? Letting them throw public temper tantrums does more for our cause than attacking them ever could.
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bring em out to play
i asked her, she goes on here
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pls no bully

If white moms join /pol/ then /pol/ will be literally unstoppable.

Think of all the bullshit white moms have done to this country.

Literally the most powerful group of people on this entire planet of Earth.
This is probably a very confused chink that doesn't speak English and doesn't want to catch pneumonia.
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>antifa are jobless babbies attention whoring and breaking shit that the public doesn't give a shit about
>/pol/ are jobless babbies larping as heros who the public also doesn't give a shit about

meanwhile "da joos" are sitting around laughing at all this counting their shekels thinking of other nonsense to come up with to further fuck up society

>skullfuck thread
The Internet was awesome before everyone became deathly afraid of doxxing. Fucking Jews.
thedonald thinks actually thinks that pol will dox nazis
>burgertard reading comprehension
One of my mates grandads posts on here quite regularly but usually just goes on /b/ and spams cancer bananas and spidermen in YLYL, trap and fluffy threads.

I wish I still had grandparents.
No. And please bring the dishes and cups stacked up on your nightstand and computer desk to the kitchen sink please.
Probably one of their "Symbolic Arrests".
It's all about visibility. You get a picture (or worse, a video) of cops whacking college students with batons and it's gonna be anudda Kent State.

Even if they were 10000% in the right you'd still end up with all the cops getting fired, sued, etc. It's a fucked up situation. We need tort reform more than just about anything in this country.
what was life like before it got color
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just shut down the school
end it
so true lol. the alliance of autistic basement dwellers and their moms will liberate the world from the jew.
was cool when she gave jackie something to eat
Fucking socks and sandals to a rally. What an asshole
Ideologues, the jew's favorite pet.
> why do 4channers bring their moms to meetups
Hello Ancient One :))
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I'd shag it!
grannies know the score
gtfo pol dad you are at work
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>old people on /pol/ are disgusting

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haha, maybe.
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>If HWDU proves anything the picture of the average /pol/ user is divergent from our actual imagination of them.
This is actually a very very diverse board. I don't buy any of the stormfag bullshit that this board is 100% white all day. This board works because there is great info provided from many people with various amounts of life experience
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yeah why don't you go make a bunch of memes about viagra and colonoscopys and heart attacks

memes are a young man's game you withered old fuck
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This is the only acceptable result for this test
>prove me wrong
>people like this are now browsing /pol/
who do you think is redpilling the cancerous newfags? the other 16 year olds? get the fuck out of here
Hey there Shill. I hear you like to pretend to be a regular here.

Lets go over some basic facts:

RWDS are for the defense of freedom of speech.

Antifa are the agitators who show up all pussied out and hiding their faces. They make a scene, and everyone sees your true colors.

Antifa makes for a great recruitment tool. Regulated opposition. We force you to act, because if we are acting our part, we are standing on the higher moral ground.

Go be a shill somewhere else
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He deserves to get arrested just for that fashion sense...
He came to start a riot in shower shoes.
You won't exterminate anything.
>Women that have realized the boomer generation was wrong all along, and getting on the Nationalism train
>After they are way beyond fuckable, of course.
Figures. Let em' join. I mean, dogs aren't people, and they have feelings, so might as well.
>i wake up
>it's 1:00pm
>lift fat rolls off my legs and heave my fatty sweaty cum stained mess of a body to the side of the bed.
>use what little muscle fat I have in my legs to lift my moist ass from the bed
>equip fedora
>oil katana
>I can't be stopped.
>begin plonking one foot in front of the other.
>I'm glad I skipped mommy's breakfast, I'm surprisingly light on my feet.
>4 steps in now
>mom sees my and wants to give me a hug and kiss, sorry bitch I'm on a mission
>I spin and arch my back like a majestic swan gliding through the dawn's rising sun and avoid her
>I go outside the house.. but I can't drive
>she's sobbing..hmmm.. Why? Is it my birthday? No... I turned 34 two months ago...oh...it's ctamps.. That time of the month.... Ew
>we get in the van
>i sit in my throne in the back and cue Naruto on my tablet
>need to get the mind ready for combat
>23 minutes later, we arrive at the rally
>mommy gives $40 because of my good boy points and because my appetite will be big after this glorious battle
>my enemies will feel my wrath
>mommy leaves
>time for war
>i see a beautiful girl pass by
>*tips fedora*
>hello m'lady
You got dem bigs tittays though?
Your post: Proof republicans can't spell and can hardly read.
/pol/ is one of the last places that hasn't been contaminated
Sorry, I ain't met too many euros that didn't look like fags.
Mfw Antifa faggots are being opposed by their moms
Wait, I thought we were all middle-aged moms here.
Impblying she isn't out there to shame her 16 year old anti fa degenrate grandsin
i like to think /pol/ is entirely populated by sex-deprived stay at home 40-something moms except for me
I like this larp

76 year old retiree here, pain meds just came in boys anyone wanna hang out and have a bonfire.
>implying we weren't always here

Lurk moar newfag
I am probs not as fit ,but i must admit he shares my face features.
>Trump pics behind him

Well played.
What I see in this picture:
"Mom........ I accidently shit myself after you made those tendies before we came out to this super cool Nazi rally to piss off lefties. Look at all this brown shit on my pants mom and grandma! LOL Hold up the sign higher mom. Lets exterminate democrats and lefties, lol top kek, my mom and grandma can be my human shield, top kek. it feels so good to shit myself after eating tendies."
Always knew milfs were on pol


>old/pol/ revelations
>no wonder /pol/ is so conservative
>nazi facist club
i thought this was a taiwanese glass blowing forum
Some grannies are pretty based. My aryan grannie has been bitching about Soros for the past 15 years and has always told me there was going to be a race war and that the government is evil.
My guess is they are really fascist plants attempting the old trick of "if we pretend to like it then our kids will hate it".
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>finding out your mom posts on /pol/ from this picture
typing and nit pick grammer is for plebs
I went to top 15 university
did you?
do you own a company?
what does it produce?
or do you suck on the tax tits and should u rightfully be starving to death until you learn engineering and biz?
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> Our country us doomed with such a low white birth rate!
> Bring back traditional family roles!
> Have more white babies

Yet the second a woman with actual conservative comes to this board to be part of a community much bigger than herself, and to see what she can do for the cause - even if she's a housewife - you all turn up your fucking noses and dismiss anything ANY woman has to say on this board. Are you not happy that a middle aged white woman frequents this board, apparently? Are you not happy to have others, like a 20 year old new mom come to see what the buzz is about? Why do you shun women while lamenting your lack of solutions?

Tibetan metallurgy enthusiasts forum, actually.

sign lady is a legit 8/10 gilf.

>yfw its thanksgiving.
>family sits down at table
>lovely feast for kings!
>ham, turkey, stuffing, conbread, yams, casserole, biscuits
>sit down anon time for prayers
>92 y/o granny leads the charge, family tradition for eldest to do so
>Praise Kek for this family to be so based and un-cuked

/pol/ btfo
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Latvian Terrace Gardening?
>Why do you shun women while lamenting your lack of solutions?
They do this so that adults can tell who is obviously too immature to understand the abstract concepts.
I'm 50.. at least a dozen of my coworkers visit here very often. all over 40. /pol/ isn't a bunch of kids like the seem to believe.
Pretty much this. If someone outs themselves as younger than 25 I instantly ignore their opinion because they may be knowledgeable about politics but don't truly know shit about the real world yet. The true litmus test should be something that denotes if a poster is a homeowner or not.
you will still be here when you get old.. deal with it. I'm 50
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Where can I find a gilf?
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The Eric Clanton debacle? It made the news all over the net. Problem is /pol/ don't need no stinkin friends. /pol/ operates most effectively when unhinged from social mores.
You'll be in the same boat when you're older. Remember, once you're here you're here forever.
>co-workers go on /pol/
I'd get fucking lynched if i told anyone at work feels wierd man

/pol/'s milf positive $quad
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they cans stays
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It's the Great Conservative Diet.
How the fuck is that 'redditor detected'
We need to allow any like-minded individuals into our group to push our agenda. Do you really think pol consists solely of edgy 16 year olds?
All kinds of bitches and old dudes are using /pol/ memes and now know where they came from because of all the media attention from /pol/ capturing the flag and identifying bike lock man. Old Americans are all over Twitter with the /pol/ memes, you can spot them because they always say #MAGA #ISRAELFIRST in their bio.
Fuck off kid.

this is one of the better threads at the moment.
>no grandparents

I know that feel bro
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>"I'm a women" in post for no reason
Call her out this site is anonymous just because she has a vagina doesn't give her opinion any more or less weight.
>"I'm a women" has a legitimate place in post
Only Newfags would call it out. That or /b/tards. Either way just ignore.
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>skullfuck thread
You have my attention. Any idea what it's about or source?
yeah totally haha....
dude found a skull and put his dick in the eye socket or something, idk it was years ago.

Such a faggot.


Did your wife's boyfriend fill that out, Sven?
Do you guys think this really is some secret white guys club? With only young 19-25 year old white dudes on here talking about politics?

I'm not sure why this place attracts so many people but I always had the feeling that wasn't the case
Loads of us old timers on here, 46 reporting in
>eeh, when I were a nipper...
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You can't lad.
It just won't happen.
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There goes the fucking flag market
To be fair it is the 6th rarest flag that's posted on this site
What's the rarest?
This. I've seen threads where someone brought up that they were a woman through relevant conversation, no one said tits or gtfo.

She also wasn't attention whoring or any of that other annoying shit women do for attention, she was just giving her opinion on the topic at hand.
Is this who I'm talking to on /pol....
French Southern Territories, Bouvet Island, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, US Minor Outlying Islands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands and Western Sahara, but all of them have either never posted or never will because of a lack of IPs. The rarest that's ever posted is Mayotte.
1 tendie deposited into your neetbux account
>rarest that's ever posted is Mayotte
But I thought the rarest one was Micronesia :^)
I could be an underaged faggit, Shia, or I might be porn star Dylan Rider.

You will never know. (I'm 18+)
Yeah this thread makes me feel kind of disgusted with myself
Time to move to greener pastures
RIP Micronesia's attendance :^(
it's much worse
No, he was arrested for wearing fucking socks with sandals, and not just socks but bright green socks, and not just sandals but black velcro sandals. jesus
Middle-aged mom here
is this a problem? My son told me about this site and I wanted to make sure he wasn't getting the wrong messages so I checked it out for myself.
Now I am hooked
also autism by the looks of it
Hi Anthony Cumia.
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MOM!!! WTF???
decent larp 7/10
That's pretty awesome I wonder if they're just proxies or how those fucking people figure out about /pol/
What the fuck is a heard island and why did it steal my fucking flag.
suck a dick, asspained shareblue
can someone show me what a 50 year olds meme collection looks like?
Thanks for the bumps, shareblue.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




87, I fought in Nam, now get the fuck off my lawn.

Commies can burn!
Where was this photo taken??
You realise you will become older as time progresses don't you? You are like little baby
Once you turn 30 you should have your computer taken away
Out of support for their son
fancy ass kid rock and his apple orchard nepotism
> be 67 yo conservative lady
> post on pol daily w positive responses
> husbo is 70 yo Vietnam Purple Heart alpha af
> we red pilled many before election
> why age a deal ffs
> Trump is 70
> MAGA takes all of us
>muh sekret club
Fuck off she's in
>t. original pre-06 oldfag
That's what happens when you get old.
I don't want to age
I'm just gonna kill my self at 30
No problem
Bring your mom too
I'm over 30 btw
id smash
at least america is a real country
It isnt 100% white but the acceptable nonwhites on here are generally okay with forms of white nationalism because they are smart enough to see these are OUR countries and will be better served to stay that way, they know that if changes actually happen, society will break down and whites will chimp out which is very bad for the whole world
dude went to the catacombs in paris and stole a skull then he brought it back home and stuck his dick in the eye socket (he provided timestamps the whole time so it was legit)

i definitely have it saved but my folder is unorganised so i cant find it right now
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this is /pol/ lmao
Canadian posters look like that too.
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mm this will look quite nice in my collection
goddamn I miss my grandparents. I'm not even religious but I miss saying grace. It can't hurt to give thanks.
Video of the arrest:
This. All the faggots who actually go to protest at Burkley are LARPing niggers and Redditors who come here to make threads when they don't get enough up votes.
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I doubt if anons really give a fuck if someone's female, as long as they aren't attention-whoring. Comments made in passing where you can tell the poster is a woman usually go uncontested. I'd rather have it this way, desu.
You guys actually just gave me a good idea. I think I'm gonna start flag collecting and get the most flags possible. Sounds fun.
Although that is surprisingly bizarre, I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm quite glad that normal everyday people are able to absorb the information posted on here.
Besides, in America, a vote is a vote.
I see you
older people are based. Nothing better than mature people who are unafraid to speak their minds to norps. cheers from a 44 y.oldfag
He was asking HOW to bring it back I don't think he did bring it back so as he was asking on how to nobody believed him so he ended up skull fucking some French ancestor but that is what the muzzies do nowadays since some of them do live in the catacombs so absolutely nothing wrong
>Kuwait isn't a real deployment
File: catacombs.jpg (739KB, 2933x2323px) Image search: [Google]
739KB, 2933x2323px
found it

>mfw when I was in that thread
>mfw I just now realised i have spent a fucking decade of my life on 4chan

sacrificed my youth and wasted the most important years of my life in exchange for memes
They probably just make soup with the bones
Admit it. You'd like to build up the courage to do the same. Just have a good time
Jesus, that was decade ago.
Spicy is so tiny.

Who is the babe on the left?
are you seriously only JUST NOW starting a flag collection?

fucking hell, is this legitimately you first month on /pol/ or something?
No, I just never really thought about doing something like that.
middle-aged moms? that's a middle-aged man and his geriatric mother
I have literally never seen a Euro man who wasn't a complete and utter faggot.

I've been to England and France.

...I'll admit the Parisian police looked pretty based but that was it.

Jesus, I'm crying and doing my very special emphysema laugh. Thanks froggie.
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Rare template.png
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Good luck anon.
And have fun.
I love my mom but I don't want her to be a /pol/ack.
36 here. I lurk and save the maymays to my C drive.
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Because, shocker coming up here, white women are redpilled too, it's just not as socially acceptable for us to be "Nazis," we're supposed to support bullshit like feminism and be caring and sharing with every abdul that knocks on our door.
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2MB, 3240x4320px
It's fun!
thats like never thinking about starting a pepe collection, you would have to be amazingly retarded to never that idea if you have been on her for more than a week
File: Unknown.gif (212B, 16x11px) Image search: [Google]
212B, 16x11px
how rare is this?

someone post the pol flag edit of the iceberg meme so I can rate my collection
dont remind me of the fucking skullfuck thread. I told the story to my middle school friends and they didnt believe it.
Pretty rare. It happens when a non flag board thread gets moved to a flag board.

If you look at this pic >>123104408
There's an XX place for it on the Atlantic Ocean box.
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We are called oldfags for a reason newfags and even NUer Fags
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goodnight my sides.jpg
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>a bunch of old newfags who probably came here because of the election or around 2013 because of the counter SJW GG debacle are ruining /pol/ with their tired, shitty old ideas and low IQ jewish boomer era lies

No wonder this board is filled with people who shill for Israel, social security, college, etc It explains all those faggots defending Reagan, posting tired old as fuck references to shitty western films and probably think Bush wasn't "that bad"

FUCK anyone over 40 on this board. Boomers and the like are singlehandedly responsible for this country's demise. They probably just hopped on the latest meme generic anti PC conservative bandwagon that FOX news, and other internet spheres propagated. They think they're smart when in reality they're dumb old pieces of shit who are just consuming the basic most watered down and packaged Trump meme bullshit. Get the fuck off 4chan you old fucks. About time you dropped dead. You have no insight or actual self awareness and are just chock full of 60's-70's cultural egalitarianism. You should have all died in Vietnam or been nuked by Russians. You're fucking up /pol/ and 4chan by proxy. You can't meme for shit. You have slow and shitty reasoning.You fuckers just have to ruin everything whole and independent don't you? Turning this place into a targeting marketing goldmine thats what you're doing. You don't know anything about 4chan or /pol/. Fuck off if you actually believe you're wanted here.

t.31yrs old and seeing the damage old fucks like you do to this place because you probably fell for shitty memes made by the stupid /pol/ colony on /r/the_donald

All old people should be dragged out into the streets and shot. Especially if they're boomers. Good to know they're still just a stupid as ever.
>only the lowest quality people
seems about right, but how much does Putin pay for liveshills?
That's actually good news, the political parties think we all vote Left, so they don't bother with white men. Then we ignore them and go right and they lose votes all round, but they never figure out why because it would never occur to them we are so sick of their shit.
You know what man? I've been here for TWO YEARS. I'm not that new, so just fuck off.
You have to go back (to rebbid)
>Newfags vs nufags
This is the perfect distinction
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>implying i want to look like this faggot

Bless us with your wisdom
A long time ago people needed to be smart to get old
Now everyone does
bretty gud start desu

R8 my collection guys
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watch this.gif
176KB, 1134x572px
You are like a little baby.
>People here dont hate socialism
Okay lolbritarian
part 2
I came to this site for the first time a few months before the first Habbo raids. Am I old enough?
Eat a dick kid, old people hold enormous power in this country and have the power to influence the shit out of things. Plus a lot of them are redpilled as fuck.
does anyone have the old green lybia flag?
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Lybia old.gif
998B, 16x11px
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43KB, 584x778px
HAHA! You will never have one of these in your collection!
if im the cancer what are phoneposters?
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cs Serbia and Montenegro [old].gif
356B, 16x11px
And this.
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>muh sekrit glub XDDDDDD

what's the Overton window, faggot? If we can get geriatric boomers into kike gassing mood would that be positive or a hindrance? Be extreme, this either drive boomers away or it will radicalize them, or at least normalize our positions in their minds. None of the above is a problem for us.

>t. 32 y.o. 4chan prisoner

Remember, they are here for ever too after all
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an Netherlands Antilles [old].gif
359B, 16x11px
And this one.
white moms are insanely powerful. The reason why the drinking age is still 21 in America is because of the powerful lobbying group known as Moms Against Drunk Driving...they don't even do it for the money
That's a good one

i have been looking for these for fucking ever
Hello newfriend
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915B, 16x11px
Here's an ULTRA RARE
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That butt plug must really have done a number on your reasoning there. Yours isn't even a real country.
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Anyone else get neo-liberal?
Whut? Fruit stripe gum is rare?
No. Gas yourself
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>I've been here for TWO YEARS. I'm not that new
pol gets super cancer in us hours
(((classical liberal))) retards
>what's 2013 /pol/

Come on fagget
Mongolia isn't that rare. It's just that it never posts more than in one thread. You're just unlucky senpai.


Niue is rare though.
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575B, 16x11px
Need some milfs on this thread
WELCOME to my collection Mali
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497B, 16x12px
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Apartheid South Africa.png
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the only flag that matters
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What the actual fuck, how did you get these?
When ISIS derailed that thread, obviously. The others are shoops.
Other anons. There was also a time when you could choose which flag you posted with, and I'm looking for the rest of the ones I'm missing.
Of the ones I can still remember, I'm missing JIDF, Rebel Alliance, Empire, Pirate, and I'm not sure what else.

Here's a useful link :^)
File: Screenshot_20170427-191507.png (371KB, 1440x2560px) Image search: [Google]
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you can still choose if you have extraflags
Also, I assume >>123107819 what he said for the others.
Didn't know that, good to know.
I'm not that serious a flag-hunter though, I suspect my collection is close to its limit.
you used to be able to post with whatever the fuck flag you wanted

there are also flags for
>International waters
>International airspace
>The Sun

those are the ones I can remember
File: flag Iceberg.jpg (629KB, 1167x2908px) Image search: [Google]
flag Iceberg.jpg
629KB, 1167x2908px
found it
t.46y.o. granny from Irvine
theres an edit where it has the names associated with all the flags, if anyone has it please post it
Thread posts: 337
Thread images: 74

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