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Previous thread >>>122319442

I'm still perusing my business of exporting kittens to the western countries. Today i met with Somali Health Minister and he assured me that my idea is a brilliant and fail proof and he will do whatever he can to assure that we flood the west with Somali baby kittens.
I hope you strike it rich Somali bro, but my advice to a fellow capitalist is dont flood the market, then private breeders will buy your stock and breed purebreds for themselves
Fuck off Mowasongo Mohammed just stick to robbing Jewish ships
I have cat that looks like your.

so fuck you. I'm sure you planted the bomb inside the cat.
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soon you will all have the privilege to have Somali Cat in your house and a Somali Immigrant in your country.
Damn dude I didn't think you niggers had internet


and desu I'd buy one from you. Post your info.
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>private breeders will buy your stock and breed purebreds for themselves

can they actually do that. WTF man
Obviously he should neuter the ones he sells and keep the breeders for himself
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our internet is faster then Australia broadband.
Cats already give us toxoplasmosis, do they need to give us AIDS too
can you setup a proxy so I can proxyfag as Somali?
This. thanks burgerman....but i'm not sure animal doctors in this country know how to do that.
That's why you need to make something that you can license off to other sellers or patent a product and sell the patent
> T.whatidid
Maybe you could partner with a veterinarian here in the USA to neuter them as they arrive and handle the business end here

You could probably get on shark tank
Shouldn't you be sailing the high seas looking for treasure?
What's stopping them from just buying a non neutered Somalia cat?
What you need to do is create a more pure race of Somali cats and then sell those marketing yourself as a premium cat brand
Are you the only somali with internet access?
This Somali nigger will be the only approved exporter by the Somali Health Minister

State enforced monopoly

He'll just have to give the health minister a taste. Probably like 5-8%
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that is a brilliant idea, how much will they charge me for their service do you think?
You should find a somali immigrant vet to do business with.

maybe like 30-40% partner

Look in Michigan for a somali vet
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>What you need to do is create a more pure race of Somali cats and then sell those marketing yourself as a premium cat brand

can you elaborate please, i will deposit some shekel into your account once i become filthy rich like Soros.
kind of, other people do have internet, but they only know how to access Facebook.
how will you ship the cat without killing it in transit?
>somali immigrant vet
i doubt there are any. we have few goat and camels vets here, i will see if they can neuter them.
Someone can smuggle the cats out you know. Then they can breed them and start their own business in the US or elsewhere
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Good luck somalibro. I hope you will get filthy rich and stay out of my country

Also; neutering pets is easy. I'm pretty sure that even in that shithole of yours someone knows how to do it
i really dont know, but i read that white people take their pets with em overseas.
Have different lines of Somali cats
Like single out the ones with rare markings and breeding them to make more of that type
Or feed them premium food and groom them all nice and advertise that you're a premium Somali cat exporter and back that statement up with how great your cats look (be the apple computers of cats in advertising). Only export a fixed amount each year to create demand for the product and let you charge a premium
The hardest part will be all the vaccines tough. If you want to take your pets abroad you will need to have shitloads of permits, vaccinations etc. but if you get a good connections it's just a little bit of paperwork for you
you motherfuckers are acting like as if this is a serious business idea and this nigger is not larping.
The kraut in the other thread already made clear why this wouldn't work anon.
Hey.. anything to keep niggers out of europe. Not like you know anything about it turk
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thanks Finnbro, i have zero intention to migrate to your beautiful country and rape your politicians.
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It's so weird to talk to a 4th worlder. I interned in Cameroon and the average IQ was like 40 I can't imagine what Somalia is like. Hope you sell dem cats man.
Somalians? More like SOME ELIENS kek
Seriously, whats wrong with your foreheads?
Sold. Those cats are super cute.
Thanks dude
Your flag looks pretty nice
What you do is sell breeding rights for X amount. I breed sphynx & I charge $1000 extra for breeding rights, otherwise the cat gets neutered.

>you mean like this one.
This man is a finnis imigrant in sweden. Disregard the flag.

Could you provide some proof actually being in somalia? I really want this to be real.
i took an online IQ test last week i scored 127. SOON i will be ruler of this shithole.
youre pretty innovative OP
if you werent a disfigured mud id say you would be a nice fit in america
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dont know, i guess its genetic.
Looks like a nice cat.

Western breeds would probably cost a lot more, comparatively, if they were sold in Somalia. Good thing you third worlders don't give a fuck about cat breeds and just adopt ones that walk into your house.
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somali cats look pretty cute

really makes one wonder how and why somali 'humans' are so fucking disgustingly ugly
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we are inseparable sven, you better get use to it.
Come on faggot show some id or niggers getting beheaded with a timestamp.
its the bonnie blue, we made that flag great again.

Mexicobro, the wall? any news?
fake proxy
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i have posted many times in /pol/ with timestamp...please refer to the archives.
oh, cool

You guy have weird dogs in Somalia.
what's wrong with your wrist btw?
post sex maid or gtfo
holy shit thats amazing
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do the goats make you horny, ahmed?
Kek, you're alright nigger. I hope you can realise your dreams of becoming a cat warlord.
yeah m8 flood the markets with kittens im sure you will get 400$ for each one...
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sven why is your government still taking somali immigrants by thousands?..my cousin abdi and his 13 kids sponsor just approved last week by your government. i feel sorry for you guys.
are you the guy who had the qt maid?

anyway good luck with your kitties!!
My dream is to come there and become a pirate, is it possible ?
Burger is right. You need to start off by marketing them as a super highclass and exclusive kitten. That way when imitators try to undercut your price you can say they are inferior.

All official Somali kittens should come with a Somalia flag branded on their tail
ahhh, so you know about my qt maid...search the archives for her pic, its there.
how you doing brah
Export some hyenas, they are legal in new York City.
gib lewds, pls

I want to hear about her family murdering her in the future
Somali /pol/ sharktank selling cats. I think we can crowdfund billions for that.
So can you literally sell 1 of them and live like a king for years?
You should just get in your pirate ship and blast them out of the seven seas.
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why not just become a pirate on the Med and rob the boat niggers?

All the cool kids are doing it.
So where are you planning on getting your first cats from man? Are they really common there?

Fuck... you're a fucking genius in Somali terms... please remember me when you ascend to the throne... those billions of dollars you will make taxing your pirates
I want OP to succeed
Can't be that hard to provide a timestamp though.
and get 100 years in jail or get shot by police/coastal guard

Plus what im gonna rob the niggers, they don't have shit
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That's an old time-stamp... it doesn't check out..
yes brugerbro that me.
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>Plus what im gonna rob the niggers, they don't have shit

The Greeks have been robbing the boat niggers and getting like $25,000 a boat.

You don't want the Greeks to punk you out again, do you?

We even tried to assemble a /pol/ navy to rob the boat niggers a couple years ago.
I like this guy
Good luck my nigga please invite me to your country and I will teach you how to make tacos and meth
Fuck off Reddit. Learn your board culture. Somalibro is pretty well-known. Virtually impossible to get a proxy there.

Somalibro, will Somaliland ever get its independence?
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yes you can, if you have the balls for it.
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As if toxoplasmosis wasn't bad enough.
fuck off to reddit
How can i join a crew ?
>I will teach you how to make tacos and meth

Breakfast of champions, imo
good bro. why is it so hard to get citizenship in your country?
ive got like 12 cats wandering around here and those are just the ones i feed. within a one mile radius there's prolly 100 fucking cats.

but sure, we wanna pay 500 bucks for your shitty nigger cat
You guys pay good money for those leafs you like to chew? (can't remember its name)

That drug of yours.. How much is one Kg?
>t. Somali immigrant
Day of the rake when nigger
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>"hey guys i said 'nigger' do i fit in yet"
t. reddit
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>we wanna pay 500 bucks for your shitty nigger cat

While I agree that is too much money, somali cats do look pretty rad

Just neuter the ones you export.

I'd ask if you were really considering shipping people unneutered cats but then you are Somalia.
Where the fuck did he get an MG42?
new meme is funny and refreshing
you should know that you can't neuter kittens

They're not big enought, so you'd have to wait until they were old enough to neuter them before you put them on the market if you want no one to breed them

which by that point they won't be kittens anymore
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i can supply them, but white people are too scared of hyenas...here we eat them and they are considered a delicacy, but they will eventually hunt you down and kill you. they kill those that consume their meat even after decades. they never forget.
gofund me based Dinko.
How does hyena taste like?
Mmm I could go for a hyena burger. Put some Swiss cheese and sauteed mushrooms on that, delicious!
>"hey guys i said it again can i join ur club"
Can I trade in the immigrants for the cats?
>Baiting this hard
This is why no one will ever take leafs seriously.
cant when your navy is lurking our coast under the pretext of protecting the (((shipping lanes)))
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you will never change our board culture, faggot
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I bought one and it started sending out emails saying it was a trapped princess.
i'm currently building the shelter to store them.
Why is (((/pol/))) helping a literal somalian nigger?
Have any pics? Where are you sourcing the cats from?
>somali nigger breeds cats
>get monopoly and become rich
>breed army of pure bred killer cats
>rule Somalia with an Iron cat fist
Good luck combating all these animal-import regulations.

The cat is cute and all, but I'm not sure if exporting kittens is a great idea.

You have to bring some adult cats to where you want to sell them and make them breed.
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Do they come with cocaine and ::::
ak-47's & or rpg's.

Just saying
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I like cats.
>not iron paw
Cocaine is not that common in Somalia.

Khaat, on the other hand, is.
Just get whoever you sell a kitten to to sign a spay/neuter contract.
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stop letting your fucking cats run around in the streets shitting in my garden and spraying piss all over my shit and sleeping on the roof of my vehicle scratching the fuck out of it
So he wont end up becoming an illegal immigrant and stay in his country.
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I had a somali they are great.
Friends always called it a dragon cat.

I don't see why you would come here though concidering you could be running around with these and climbing Gheralta rock.

Still, running straight into the hands of the Jew while selling you organs so you can work for Uber does sound like fun.
Cats are welcome. All cats are white
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I see. What about chaz or whatever they chew on to get bent
I had a boat hijacked by one of your fucking kittens.
Are you the guy with the maid?
Cats are niggers.

Gas the cats. Race war meow.
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>Gas the cats. Race war meow.

You just fucked up, big time.

Do you know who you are fucking with?
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/pol/burgers have special place in my heart, i will crown you the chief of the pirate fleet.
you have to go back
i like poland because they are more racist then we are.
thanks los zetas
tell him bro, fucking reddit fags are flooding this board.
what the fuck is that?
just comeover, do you have any useful skills.
its called Khat, i'm chewing it right now. i'm chewing some premuim today it cost me $23USD
LMAO I'm picturing a Somali pirate surrounded by cats. Keep up the good work Somali bro.
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Need investors?
Hey Somalianon, be honest....do you have any firearms? How easy is it to get an AK over there?

Never thought I'd see the day where /pol/ drops the "hurr nigger" shit when an actual somali 100% nigger shows up and is a /pol/ack
kek, leafbro in all honnesty whats wrong with Somalians living in your country.

Valued Somali business man can you help convince our politicians to give Somali cats welfare handouts just like their human variant?

I'll adopt a dozen.
>Somalia finally getting into free market capitalism

While I find your country distasteful and your culture apalling, I welcome you to the world market (as long as you stay where you are).

Actually if anything I think if /pol/ agrees on anything it's that raping liberal politicians would be good and cool, just putting that out there.

it tastes ok but it smells nasty, people eat them to expel bad spirits.
>Somali cats are worth more than Somalians
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>things are so boring that we're shitposting with a Flava Flav look a like who's trying to sell cats.
>do you have any firearms?

newfriends need to lurk moar

this somalianon already posted his ak and I suspect he has a few grenades as well
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It absolutely could be much worse. Let's all just enjoy peacetime while it lasts.
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Will they rape my other cats?
Mind linking his threads? I only caught two of his threads, one where he posted his hallway goats and the other showing how he's an english teacher and such
Looks like a regular cat to me, and you couldn't pay me to take it. I regularly have to poison feral cats because they are fucking annoying.
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>Feral cats
>El Salvador
Well, i guess you see the problem here?
How is somalia?
Dude somali bro did nuffin wrong

Brother, it has already happened. >>123112717
Build/ go to a town accessable via flights and breed them one to each household. Let the cats fill the town and then sell it as an attraction. Sell other products like coffee as high value with artisnal pottery that the consumer can take away with them, "sustainable design" is where the trend is going...


...and the concept as a way for Chinese/Indian/American/European/African business people to relax. Africa is also in need of spaces for artists to conglomerate to build art scenes, because their statues are shit at the moment and everyone was dissapointed with the outcome of the African Renaisance Monument


so a living art district is also a great idea. You are going to have to protect such a place from negative influence and scammers, which will be hard.

You need to go for something more substantial that involves more people if you want to do something others cannot do as well.
Why don't you sell your story. Instead of Sense 8 and Dear White People, Netflix could have a show called. Crazy Africadventures: Somalia Better Recognize.

Cat selling sounds like the perfect pilot honestly. I'll call some Jews I know.
>do you have any useful skills.
Like what ?

Best i can think of is me luring the ships to stop because im white so i can pretend im lost or some shit.
Cat scratch fever ;)
Wait, SomaliBro

You mean a hyena can always tell if a human has eaten hyena flesh?

And they will take revenge?

That's bad-fucking-ass, holy shit
yes richburger, i will give you 30% of my company.
no i dont have firearm, Ak47 are so abundant, even kids carry here.
Please sell as many cats as you can to dumb Americans and rip off the snowflake liberals who virtue signal how multi culti and intellectual they are by buying overpriced animals from """exotic""" countries. Idk shit about selling species but I think you can make the buyers agree to spay their cats they get from you so people won't try to buy a few and breed their own. You can also get some other cat type and make a weird mutant designer breed, people will literally pay a thousand or more dollars for designer cats and especially if they're from Africa. Good luck bro.
Have you figured out that they are going to need a pet "Passport", vaccinations for everything under the sun and probably an identity/GPS chip under their skin.
My mother had to do that for her dog just to go to Germany from the UK.
I reckon its probably going to cost more than they are worth to ship them even without the other stuff.

Cats can have sex before marriage.
your country dont even have walfare system. well thats what my cousins who live in your country always tell me whenever i asked them to send me money.
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>what the fuck is that?

It's a type of small parasite that has a life cycle in cat's digestive tract. They reside in the cats shit, rats then eat the cat shit and get infected. The parasite then makes the rat suicidal and put itself in situations it's likely to get eaten by a cat to start the cycle over.

They've found that people who own cats can be infected by it, and the way it affects human behavior isn't fully understood, but there are some strange statistical correlations, such as infected people being more likely to get in car accidents.
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>some western nigger moves to Somalia and /pol/ believes he's a native
thanks m8 Ive been looking for your flag for a while

I think you're being rused my dude.
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go to your Larpin happening threads, no one wants you here.
Fuck off Jimmy Bob, your country have fucked the world more than any niggerhole. OP is based.
>Crazy Africadventures: Somalia Better Recognize.

Too clunky of a name, but a great idea.

Let's come up with some better names.

>White Man's Burden in Action

>Lifestyles of the Poor and Indigent

>Subhumans Pretending to be People
Toxoplasmosis is a disease which turns rats into pee fetishist and humans into gays
not even niggers are stupid enough to do that, are you mad?

While I share your non homosexual love for the OP, I would like to remind you that Italy was part of the holy roman empire, and that if anyone fucked up the world it was the people who put us on the path to jew worship.
somalibro, whatever you do dont email people, unless your a prince
>Lifestyles of the Poor and Indigent


Shit-stained wishes and cadaviar dreams
of course they will, and your puppers too.
El...what, where the fuck are you from?
aussie failing at bantz, its not your day.
i always have hard time understanding what brits are trying to say. is it only me?
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>I regularly have to poison feral cats

El Salvador genocide best day of my life.
Willing to trade illegal immigrants for kittens
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You're going to need to get the animals quarantined and vaccinated when they enter the country. Have the same doctor do the neutering at the beginning of the quarantine period so the cat can recover
because he's a living meme

he's a somalian and rather than becoming a pirate, warlord, or european immigrant his idea for the future is to sell cats. its fucking funny
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>Why don't you sell your story
sell my stroy???? i'm not a cancer survivor or rape victim.
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>Somali Cat
>actually not from Somali, but from the US

You aren't fooling anyone
Then we set it on fire right? I dont understand the endgame here

I mean I'm glad you might get a business opportunity, but those cats are probably going to be abused to hell and back. Pet farm stores are cancer. Even California told Petco to fuck off.
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>he's a somalian and rather than becoming a pirate, warlord, or european immigrant his idea for the future is to sell cats. its fucking funny

Well, we do have a well known penchant for the feline kind here, after all.
my brother went to visit home country and he told me that all the kids shoot cats because theyre all cuck catholics that think cats dont ward off rats and scorpions
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