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Faggots removed!



I live 3 blocks from city hall in Berkeley, these faggots are out there protesting like every other weekend. Helicopters hovering for hours over your house gets annoying real fucking fast. Sick of these entitled idiots who think they can overturn an election by being obnoxious dickwads.
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Anybody have a video on this?
kill yourself, monkey
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webm of the hit


at :31
Is punching women considered a cool, manly thing to do now?

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Webm of the entire brawl
its a twink
first, i doubt he could even determine the gender before he swung

second, equal rights, equal lefts
What a fucking idiot. I bet that thing he is punching has fucking aids and now so does he.
if shes a leftist pos with dreads, yeah
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Lets be frank, he's only got another 3 years to either do everything, or have the country turned the corner enough to win re election.

He isn't going to win on bluster a 2nd time, so this shit needs to be sewn up in just 36 months.

There are no such thing as genders, sperglord.

Remove all communist thingies equally.

He did not even punch a human
Umm, sweety, don't assume genders, okay??
yup, fucking cry about it bitch
Fuck's sake.
Good follow through.
As cool and manly as hitting a guy (it's 2017 after all!).
awful form on the punch

Always swing it around and pop the chin for knockouts

Need to take some basic boxing lessons if you want to streetfight like a chimp

If you don't knockout with the first punch in a streetfight you are playing with even more fire.
the duck does '4"8' mean lol are you retarded
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2:04 dropkick kek
>lol silly facist drumpfers can't take a hit why don't you crawl back to your racist cops you little pissbabys
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did you just assume its gender, shitlord? also
>commies are humans
umm no, sweetie
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This is literally Weimar Germany tier
>That neon vestvguy
>Jesus will judge you
Commie Fedoras btfo
punching 101

Hitting the face is pointless. Always aim for the chin and to hit with a swinging blow. The maximum amount of damage is done to the brain this way, aka knockout. Hitting the face directly is much less damage.

Always swing your punches and aim for the chin. If you sucker punch someone they should be knocked out. This running forward/hitting forehead is basically the dumbest shit. He probably did more damage to his fist than her brain.

If you want to be a tough faggot on the street at least know something about fighting.
nice video but someone need to start taking the shoes from antifa. they should walk home without shoes

She/he/it is not even a human. The only good communists is the dead one.
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Based fist man confirmed
>Making a pack twice the size retreat
Good job lads
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Did you just presumed of xir gender, shitlord?
And all 57 genders are equaly capable to be punched in the face.
Wait what? Why are these guys holding up "defeat fascism"?
In her clan, is it now acceptable to drag her home for sandwich?
With all the hoods, it must take forever for sandwich!
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W-what happened to the guy in the green steelpot and what looks like WW2 gear?
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>that roar that goes up when PATRIOTS charge antfia was glorious.
Because they took it from antifa
Hahhhahahhahhahahha fuck yeah

Btfo the fuck OUT
I'm not a tough guy retard. I don't chimp out and fight random people on the street.

This is just basics of fighting. None of these faggots in any of the videos are properly throwing any blows. It's lots of arm punches and shit.
Equality of 2017, nigger.
You do it and you deserve it.
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>coming back from a rainy day at work to see antifa's getting their skulls cracked while enjoying Easter chocolates and hot coco

is there a better feeling?
>Punch a nazi everyone will support you
>Holy shit nazis punch back maybe we shouldn't punch nazis now
oh damn
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hi can i hav sum top teir finnish meems
that's a banner that they captured from antifa
I would rather just throat punch and collapse the windpipe.
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This is literally you and kek right now.

I'm jelly.
not all genders have even face. educate yourself.
I thought they did have a numbers advantage?
That's what happens when woman go to potentially violent protests and cover their face. He probably didn't even realize he hit a woman.
My phone corrects to duck every god damn time
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Based Nathan Damigo. Take a note, Dickless Dickie Spencer, that's how it's done.
bitch please...you are making me laugh.
>its this same spic
those are the worst hitler youth haircuts i've ever seen.
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non anon, that pic is me and you

happy easter!
Welcome to equality.
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She waa fixing to punch somebody else. So yes.

If you don't want to get hit keep your fucking hands to yourself.
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>manlet punching a girl is considered alpha

that twitter account belongs to a faggot
oh wait, he has proved my point already

Dickless Dickie Sphincter needs to be shamed anytime anywhere for being a coward.

>antifa cucks getting btfo'd by a manlet

I think that makes it more humilliating.
Richard Spencer didn't run away though. The masked shit eater did
Good night no pride
4D chess mate. You need to understand the goals behind all of this and how it can work in our favor.

It's called utilization of Trump=Hitler to goad antifa/violence. If the scenes on media are people in trump hats getting beaten up by terrorist looking people.

First thing you have to understand: These street fights are big picture pointless, antifa is a meaningless organization with no power. The Trump side people brawling or fighting are also basically powerless.

The only thing that matters about it is how the mainstream perceives it. Which is why if a month before elections a Trump or republican rally gets random blonde girls being hit in the head by antifa we win.

It's not about actually winning street fights or being tougher. The Chimp mentality of that is self-destructive. The retards in Trump armor are just as bad for as the antifa are for the left. What we want is great optics that turn mainstream against the left. That is the only thing of value from this chimp shit.

So go ahead and feel good if a right punches a left, but it's ultimately meaningless. It's not like the retards beating up trump supporters made him lose the presidential race.
Just drop a bomb on all of them and America would be so much better off. Normal, useful people don't waste their time with this shit.
>implying commies are humans
>implying equality is not a thing

>Is punching women considered a cool, manly thing to do now?

gender is a social construct
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>jesus will judge you
to be fair antifa are simply useful idiots of the globalist fascists. they are there to beat down the opposition of the new world order
What's wrong commie? Don't like it when people actually fight back instead of taking Adbul's cock?
okay karate kid

how about a 5 finger death punch if you want to do shit that doesn't work in reality.
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He's in Valhalla
> /pol
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>Is punching women considered a cool, manly thing to do now?

>fascist getting punched by another fascist

who cares, let them kill each other


kek this is just like hooligans fighting in europe


wtf is wrong with white people
4D chess mate. You need to understand the goals behind all of this and how it can work in our favor.

It's called utilization of Trump=Hitler to goad antifa/violence. If the scenes on media are people in trump hats getting beaten up by terrorist looking people.

First thing you have to understand: These street fights are big picture pointless, antifa is a meaningless organization with no power. The Trump side people brawling or fighting are also basically powerless.

The only thing that matters about it is how the mainstream perceives it. Which is why if a month before elections a Trump or republican rally gets random blonde girls being hit in the head by antifa we win.

It's not about actually winning street fights or being tougher. The Chimp mentality of that is self-destructive. The retards in Trump armor are just as bad for as the antifa are for the left. What we want is great optics that turn mainstream against the left. That is the only thing of value from this chimp shit.

So go ahead and feel good if a right punches a left, but it's ultimately meaningless. It's not like the retards beating up trump supporters made him lose the presidential race.

The goal is not to win a fight or have more chimp fighters in the street.
desu how can you tell who's on you side and who's not
I just now appreciate how accurate video games actually are. I'm sorry.
Kill yourself, nigger.
If it is a leftists then you are not punching a woman, you are hitting a lesser animal, a vermin.
Straight punches are for distraction a.k.a 1 2 3combo most basic combo
Jab cross hook

Tactics people, tactics
top kek
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equal rights means handouts are given with equal lefts aswell
this monkeys acts like bunch of niggers.
Can't stop laughing. Equal pay for equal work!
Originally planned rally in progress. Woman speaking about missing children.
Equal rights :)
>Punching a girl
It's the current year , bigot
Girls doesn't exist
Only equality ...In rights....and lefts
Most of you pussies are just hanging out here holding your dicks and shitposting while Nathan Damigo is actually out there putting actions behind his words and punching real women directly in the face.
>Is punching women considered a cool, manly thing to do now?
Well, that guy IS a manlet - they have no shame
0:58 antifa is crying
are there youtube videos up?
in a street fight you just go for a knockout. That shit is incredibly dangerous. You can't wait for the other person to throw first if they are instigating. Always, throw with full force at chin with a hook and run after. I'm talking if shit is going down.
Sry 0:48 for the keks

Why, are women more fragile and weaker or something? I thought we wuz all equal...
Looks like a dude to me
I know what you're saying, but if he pivoted his upper body more, he would have not been able to catch himself and would have fallen. I think the momentum of his charge put more than enough energy into it.
Assuming someones gender...you are literally Hitler.
Stupid monkey, Trump is a faggot who does not give a damn about Antifa or any of his promises. But good job American people for beating Antifa rioters.
I identified her as a man
Fucking comie
Every leftist bitch needs to get punched in the fucking face.

Leftist women do not deserve any form of chivilary of protection
Nah, it doesn't look like a girl to me. Not even sure, what kind of biped this is.
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Man this is so great. Almost brought a tear to the eye. Fuck antifa.
But its a girl
idk I did a lot of explosive sports and It's amazing how much more power you get out of proper form and properly twisting the hips/transferring energy

I would be 10x more scared of getting punched by a shotput thrower than any other human.
Its really worrying that in this context of the woman being a complete retard, it might start being considered cool, because it opens a pretext.
This is how you undo the feminist agenda, or any other agenda: By being extremely retarded while defending it.
Good job girls
theres always a guy like you having to make this post
not really because the "antifa" just run when they see they cant yell and hit without consequences
If women want to step onto the battlefield with men, they should be treated like men. Equality!
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Be careful Nazis!!!111!!!

Dont make Anita break out the Sess
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I'm only disappointed they didn't finish the job and kill those rabid commie pieces of shit in the streets.
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>The retards in Trump armor are just as bad for as the antifa are for the left.

Hardly. There's a massive difference between instigating violence because you don't agree with a democratic election, and FINALLY standing up for yourselves after months of near constant violence.

I'm surprised it took this long for people to start fighting back tbqh.
It's always manly if she sides with Antifa. She's not your friend you white knight beta.
>I would be 10x more scared of getting punched by a shotput thrower than any other human.

That's a nice way to put it anon.
Maybe you shouldn't hangout these kind of protests, where you expect some kind of fighting, especially if you are a woman (and look in heat of a battle like a man).
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This is the equality Regressives wanted
Anybody wearing dreads should be dead.
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>those fascist haircuts
>that intentional white power hand signal
Pretty cool desu, I didn't realize they were actual Nazis but if they are I don't support them any less
Lol the chick who gets punched in the OP is from this video, she leans against the wall crying after watching all her friends get their ass beat. Fucking hilarious
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Very satisfying

kek, is this coke-head?
CF is a retard
Now it doesn't matter. Closer to elections it will hurt if we have stooges in trump armor stopping violence.

The optics of random trump hat republicans being attacked is so much better than even brawls.
BAM - right in the KISSA
This faggot couldn't even take down an average Trump supporter

Is this the video game review guy? FUCKING KEK HAHAHHAHA
Ah, Antifa...
Let me share some nice related songs on beatiful Russian language



Dickie walked away crying. Damigo left his "MUH RESPECTABILITY" shtick at home and showed how a REAL MAN fights.
This gave me a hard on
>Jesus will judge you
>beating the shit out of commies

Get fucked commie fedora scum
Hey man its just a little cocaine
No big deal
>What we want is great optics that turn mainstream against the left. That is the only thing of value from this chimp shit.

And valuable it is. The sooner Antifa start killing the sooner they can get the SLA treatment from the FBI.
This is how a non-CIA shill would act when faced with the ANTIFAtards.

This. Glad to finally see the right fight back in self defense.

Just wish they had better organizers and kept together as a cohesive unit during the protest. Antifas always attack the weak links who stray away
Go eat a taco you closeted faggot
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>gender is a social construct

equality and punches for everyone
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This would be a great idea if the media wasn't on the leftists' side. The people are going to think what they are (((told))) to think. They will know what they are (((told))) to know.
>not really because the "antifa" just run when they see they cant yell and hit without consequences

its sad really, because i bet most of these anti-fa are just kids that got brainwashed by marxists professors and aren't prepared for at for what they are actually pushing for , and maybe not even aware. just some

but marxism always ends in violence and bloodshed
White knight beta simp faggots such as yourself don't have (and never will) any authority over what is or isn't considered "manly"

Though in all honesty, you're probably actually a asshurt roastie whose resorting to shaming tactics because you see your privileged being challenged
just imagine her hairy unshaved legs and cunt that smells.
Black bloc caves in at the smallest amount of force
Wasn't the point of the formation to stay together when facing resistance?

Varg at the last frame?
>Is punching women considered a cool, manly thing to do now?

An enemy is an enemy. It would be better to kill them, and you too, if you disapprove.

Chivalry is for equals, not to be applied to vermin. War isn't sport.
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Slightly relevant comic

If antifa kill someone a month before election with video being available we will sweep
did you just assume its gender?
>getting hit by a manlet
today, he was 2 feet higher
Even 1-3 years from now MSM will have less control

it will still circulate.
Theres a fucking drummer LOL
4 foot 8 inches tall you silly burger
>white knighting ANTIFA thots that want you and your family dead

You're lower than a cuck, /leftypoz/
Cheese eating surrender faggot, just do your job and elect Marine
if youre a manlet then yes
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>trumpcucks are now celebrating a beta punching a woman
holy fucking cringe
And she had it comeing. She attacked him first and lock at her gloves, I'm pretty sure those are considered a dangerous weapon. Funny, how suprised she was, when actualy someone defended himself. In my book a women, who wants to be treated as one has to at least somewhat act like one. If a female attacks me with a knife i'm personally quiet sure, that i will defend myself.
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>holy fucking cringe
I am in full support of leftist women being punched in the face. Moderate and extremist
>n-no goy, don't fight back
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If it was uncle Varg those leftists would have been stabbed to death

>its sad really, because i bet most of these anti-fa are just kids that got brainwashed by marxists professors

Both deserve the rope.
>When you wanna fight a guy but he's been powering up his spirit fist.

Holy shit I jerked back just a bit when I saw the miss, I just knew that fucking swollen ass arm was holding back raw power to be unleashed.
>Uses his body to go into the punch.
>Dosent even go full power on the punch.
He stops short!
>t. moron
What's cringe is that females are involvt in politics.
They are just completely confused about politics or america

They don't get the left are the fascists
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>antifa getting dropped by gnomes
don't assume xer gender shitlord
I wish he fucking didn't cause it made him look like a cuck but both of them walked away
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best day ever
Yes , i know this faggot is your heroe now for punch a girl,but its pathetic >>121270577

Bunch of faggots in black fighting a bunch of faggots with a frog flag.
Gas them all.

gender is a social construct, you dirty faggot
Puncher filling the dreadlock cunt identifies as female, just because they feel that way...so EQUALITY...faggots!!!
Not bad burgers.
No, that was an adult woman.
>4foot8 manlet with no achievements and talents other than "muh white pride"
>punches woman in the face

yup makes sense hahaha. These are the saviours of the West?
He pulls back his arm to punch, she raises hands in defence, a clear case of an unprovoked assault on a woman by a misogynist, does he attack grown men too or is it just girls he likes to hit ?
Manlets are some aggressive mother fuckers. Napoleon complex. Im 6'2 myself but those little fuckers will keep coming at you and wont stay down.
Back to /mlp with you faggot.
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Look at all the betas defending antifa "women". These fucks give no quarter. The proper response is to return the favour, 10 fold.
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>The fucking snare drum being played on top of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Holy Shit this is good stuff.

..excuse me. My dick demands I impregnate something.

>the roar on the charge
>the coordination of the crowd
>the fucking drumbeat for the march

These are literally the opening battles of a civil war.
That's a sucker punch. Are we really going to align ourselves with this?
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She wants equal rights? She gets equal fights.
>Jesus will judge you
>Beating people
you fags have that green retard from that show as your mascot.

>muh Pepe
that frog is literally a character that pisses with his pants on the floor.

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webm of the moment /ourguys/ charged and broke through antifa lines
Communists doesn't have gender. They are not human to begin with Achmed. Learn something about your host country and look up the IB affair.
cuck that hits alt right reporter gets hunted down and pol hates him

how is this any different


She wants to play gommie then she's going to get treated like an enemy combatant.

>Drums playing
>singing Battle Hymn of the Republic
>marching forward and routing Antifia

Fucking glorious
>green guy pushes back the entire antifa crowd


More like Shlomo.
Nice to see someone is awake! :)
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Commies only count as 0.5

Is this a copypasta? I swear I've seen this before.
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Some say his glasses are still flying.
I'd literally drive across the country for the chance to stomp a mud hole in Sessler all while yelling "I'm GIVING THIS FIGHT A 5 OUTTA 5"
He chose an equal sized opponent. Nothing wrong with that. I would have curbstomped that bitch
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that's actually even more sad that you get fucked up by a midget more or less jeese :/
>bildelberg group
>implying he will not be just linke any other jewish
Am i shadowbanned?
if we try to aggressively suppress communists from attending the public debate, then we are just as bad as communists. better to embarrass them and their incomplete ideology, publicly.
Fuck yeah guys! We need an anti-antifa-squad in germany.

In a few days tens of thousands of these scum will protest the AfD congress.
They are probably just anti-faggots that found out we are meming this cunt so are here to try and piss in the ocean of piss.

When you put women on the front line, they will be treated as though they are an enemy combatant on the front line.
Fuck yeah! Get some!

I hope she got braindamaged,. fucking antifa cunt
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^^Fucking this
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Oh god that dreadlocked idiot getting her shit pushed in is pure glory.
Is there a longer clip of this?
>America was never great

LMAO what fags. I guess going to college, having food every night, a constitution, a bill of rights and the world's largest economy means your country is shit right.

Deportation when?

It´s the road/sidewalk difference
still funny looking pic, saved for future trolling
>Won't stay down

Implying the manlets aren't the ones wrecking you the whole time you lanklet faggot.
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I am constantly afraid to speak my mind in university due to antifa militants. One of these days I was saying false rape accusations are bad for women who have been actually raped and some people started gathering around me and boy were they mad
You are delusional and a coward. Females aren't some sacred beings above all laws and norms. If a female acts up she should face consequences, and yes it's not my ideal to get her punched at a "political event", but for her to get the well desvered spanking by her husband or father is pretty unrealistic in our times. For those, who are a little bit slower, consider this analogy your enemy attacks you with females. You could easily defend yourself and kill them and surive. Are you really this stupid and would chose to lose, because of them having a hole between their legs and some breasts?
anyone else get intense cravings to kill people when they see violence like this?
I am a normie. These people are all failures re-enacting a civil war that never happened. Gas them all.
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that is the glory of equality shitlord.
this is why leftist faggots like you will never grow to be real men/women. you want all the privilege yet do not want to take any of the responsibility.
get rekt you subhuman filth
This was beyond a street fight but the idea is the same. Target rich environment. Neutralizing a target as quickly as possible and moving on to the next is the name of the game. Literal medieval battle tactics. Every enemy you take down is one less to worry about.

Obviously you can't kill them, but a swift beating will typically sap the morale of your average person and get them to turn from Fight to Flight.
Pornhub: Midget Fists Lesbian in Public

> Human
> Commie
it's leftypol shilling concern shilling for her

>b-but she's a woman
they're assuming xer gender and punching isn't the goal. the is to murder xer and purge all commies

This is the best timeline. I haven't stopped laughing all damn morning.
My favorite quotes from this are:

>Why do they pit us against each other?
(in whiney nu-male voice)
>gets beat up by a manlet

is there such a fate worse then that?
no point posting actual tactics here it will just inspire retards in antifa etc

No one cruelly diabolical was on either side.
>not even trying to argue
I'm convinced this guy punched a woman because he is 5'3"
they don't have any police because they wanted to let antifa fuck up the free-speech people but instead they got btfo cause there wasn't police to protect them
Why is this man punching a woman in the face?
She has the palms of her hands on his chest pushing him back in a scuffle.
Getting punched in the face by a fist hardly seems to be a reasonable response by a man faced with a smaller woman.
I hope all Trump supporters aren't such lowlifes.
Well I never saw your post so you might be.
I like your style
constitutions has been toilet paper for decades.
largest economy because of petro-dollar and fiat paper as reserve currency of the world. give the rest of the world paper, they send us their assets. its a good scheme but the crash will be horrible.
/ourguys/ need some self identification marks. Something so we know.

Antifa all look like ISIS so its easy to identify them
This, millennials are degenerate.
He doesn't hit a woman. This is a communist, communist are NOT people.
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lel ok typical poltard

>t.hans ionlyfightswithwomans
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Holy shit :) something tells me the locals that actually live in Berkeley are pissed at antifia.

>avoiding potential manslaughter charge is dumb u guys!

I smell a jew here. He'd rather see a jew woman knocked out so the white male can be imprisoned.

Watch what lead up to it

It was a scrum beforehand
Look how they fucking scatter when faced with even a bit of strength.
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Here, someone posted it on /v/ but the thread got deleted before i got to post it.
>A woman

STFU with your heternormative falsification of realities of gender, did scum
I can't believe I hear this shit in 2017
Did you see it? Thats no woman.
Watch the video on youtube.
It's a girl.
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You're a moron

Antifa/blackblock are excplicitly pro violence and pro illegal activity

This is what happens when you decide peaceful protest isn't acceptable.

This is the fault of antifa retards the police. They are the escalators of the violence and chaos.

There is a reason society requires peaceful organization and free speech. Antifa are explicitly against the basics tenants of american life. This bitch should have been knocked out, suffer brain damage, and then stomped a few times.

She learned nothing from any education about how a democracy or free society works. She is parading as antifa while being authoritarian and violent.
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I don't get it
This. Never hit a woman unless you want to rape her. Its like killing animals without eating them. Very wasteful.
>get your ass handed to you by a borderline midget
If I were you guys i wouldn't go spreading that info around, if anything you want to pretend he was bigger.
this desu

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A cross counter!?
Freikorps now.
The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jew commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.

They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.

In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism; but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning, especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when, as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.
>slowmo by shlomo
Never played devil may cry? sad.
It is an action game where you get a style meter depending on your performance.
The extra things are basically the hud.
No, he will blame it on muh PTSD

dumbass commie punching isn't so bad. when the war happens it's gona be bullets to the head.

you think being a female better? they actually need to be purged the most cause they're all feminist commies mostly.
Richard was right to walk away desu.

Same as in DC, cops told him to do what he did but monday night quarterbacks think they knew better

get in here pol

The frontal lobe is pretty well protected by the skull. Probably the thickest part of the skull.

He made the right decision hitting there. It would be more than enough to have her back down and not so far that charges could be pressed.
>uncle Varg

This faggot is living off benefits in France, he's scum
that is how mayweather fights.
>pushing him back
She is lunching a punch aiming at his larynx
What class would you guys pick? I'd pick medic.
>we are a violent organization to stop speech we don't like
>get beat up and cry

It's like they don't understand anything about society.
>that's a man baby!
royal guard lmfao
Large unit tactics sure. But personal tactics ingrained into multiple individuals will offer a larger sense of unit cohesion and boost effectiveness.

Maintaining spacing while on the move to allow avoidance of projectiles. Prioritizing anyone that's armed over unarmed opponents. Ensuring that any friendlies that are engaged with exposed backs don't end up flanked/surrounded by covering them, etc.

Basic battle buddy shit.
nice of him to prevent the bitch from smacking her head in to the wall after the punch
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He missed a perfect chance to crush her nose and went with the forehead punch instead.

Wasted opportunity.
>t. Hernadezimtoafraidtostandmygroundagainstanyone
Gender is a social construct. He is male, clearly.
Ah ok, I played them many years ago on PS2. I stopped gaming about 5 years ago now.
Why do Antifa have "our" haircuts?
Wait... Are you saying women are better than men? I thought we were all equal? Don't be sexist bruh, women can get punched too,
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the fucking yellow jacked kicking the dude on the ground with the text JESUS WIL JUDGE YOU.
Get the fuck out there faggot
This Trump guy may get arrested for assault.
These scuffles are all being video taped and uploaded.
Your argument won't be allowed in court, so this guy may end up with a conviction.
How about not sucker punching antifa women to keep your own ass out of jail?
>not giving your wife a good beating once in a while
thats why she fucks Obolo'mbulululeke'lek, because he knows how to treat women, a good fuck and a good beating
>assuming gender
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haha serves the bitch right, next time she might rethink he anarchist teen angst before getting in over her head.
Stop being sexist.
those aren't antifa, those are /ourguys/ posing with a captured antifa banner
No idea if that particular guy is capable of anything more than punching some dreadlocked cunt, but all the most violent and most effective motherfuckers I've known from the local hools are full-blown manlets.

I guess when you can't rely on just being bigger than the other guy, you take training seriously.
choke yourself, shes obviously laid hands on first.
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Marxism isn't a fight club.
What are you trying to tell us?

Yeah you should probably start punching your women..
It's like Americans have discovered football hooliganism.
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>TFW literally living in Weimar America
Haha, they're not faggots, they're "alternative."
It is good to see that young america found way of fun. Move on.
better than shooting shit up desu
You're going to have use big boy words and provide sources buddy. No one knows what you are talking about.
Gender is a social construct
As someone not unfamiliar with law, I would assume he has a nintey plus percent chance nothing happens. Antifa attacked a lawful protest, really stupid idea under american law. She had her hands on him first. Looks pretty good for him.
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>Weimar Germany tier
No Stahlhelm, no Reichsbanner, no SA , no Rotfrontkämpferbund, No gunfights between political groups in the cities.

Not yet mate not yet.
>how is this any different

Because the reporter wasn't fucking attacking people you dumbshit.
What's your point? That we should disavow the chadlet who punched antifa?
She was in the arena tbf
>shes obviously laid hands on first.
Nope, watch the slowmo, he pulls back fist, she raises hands in defence.
its still a weak girl have some decency

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serious question ameribro's. When the civil war starts, were can us foreign volunteers report in?
>its still a weak girl have some decency

That's her problem.
>gender is a social construct and doesn't exist
>he punched a girl
Narrative meltdown intensivfies
Will patriots vs antifa be the first deathless civil war in history?
What will the war be called? Need to meme it
Wonder what Soros thinks, he must be disappointed that his shekels went to waste today.
>civil war 2
>patriot war
>the Marxist war
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