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Thread replies: 336
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Third worlders only, second worlders also welcome, first worlders out!

Lets get comfy talking about poverty, corruption, etc.
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Fuck man if only the west hadn't colonized us(3rd world). We'd still be in our glory.

And there will be no one to stop us from killing muslims.
How's the Philippines doing btw?
hola senores
If it weren't for the spanish, I think we would be muslim

How's india doing? Any visible improvements?
How many cases of corruption have happened in your country in this year?

How's the new president?
next month im going from 2.5€/h to a 3.5€/h job

feels real good man, maybe i can even save for a new graphic card and play some vidya
Anybody else here hate his own life?
Do I classify?
what are you working as?
Salam Aleikum my brothers. Greetings from Molenbeek.
arent you already considered a developed country?
Yeah I do, fucking mudslimes ruining my day.
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>tfw only make $20 US / hour and dental isn't covered completely
>tfw drive 5 year old car

Is there an end to this suffering?
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Benisposter reborting in :D can I join pls senpai?
Well uneducated burgers, krauts and inbred anglos believe my country is 3rd world but what do they know, they're not even white.
> developed country
It sure doesn't feel like it.
Considered by whom?
Hey guys 1st worlder here.

Anyone here wanna supply me with cheap clothes?
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R I white ? No jokes pls.
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apu-san is always welcome
do you own a scorpion jacket?
>500 years of Mughal rule and hardly a dent on our culture
>200 years of British rule and we have comfy revivals amidst the famine
>50 years of Americanization and our 5,000 year old culture is hurtling into the abyss, the old ways are forgotten, people become consumerist bots that shit on their heritage and bow before feminism and LGBT 'because it's 2017 xD'

Anyone know this feel?
Nah senpai,too many GIBs people in country to actually change some thing.

Every tax Rupees is going into the pocket of greedy politician,bailing out banks,and poor people communism.

Economy is shit though,only way out is to set up a business and buy a land worth of a mansion in some outskirts,fuck this country.

As a Burmese, yeah...
mughals integrated
british exploited
americans just want everyone to become degenerate like them and serve the jews
bye bye
Shoo shoo

>British exploited

>basically made all worthwhile infrastructure in India
>introduced democracy
>but an end to savages who would burn people at the stake for being widows

If anything you still owe a debt to Britain. It transformed India for the better.
Corruption is still strong I see. Are you expecting a revolution anytime soon? Or is it too late?
mosquitoes didn't bite my ass that much last night

woke up with a wet underwear this morning because of the some power cut last night.

eyes are burning because of the pollution

thinking of killing myself with cigarettes though. Won't let the capitalists win with their chemicals in the air.

Back feels OK today. They're repairing the potholes it seems. It didn't hurt that much after the daily commute. Someone put in stones to patch up the road i think.

No apparent smells were noticeable in the morning so they cleaned the industrial sewer nearby it seems.

45 degrees heat. Ice takes 15 minutes to form in the fridge. Beer is like piss and tea feels like hot molten lava.

But at least i have /pol/
Bro how do you have internet?
Poland is only 2nd world
Ofc you are my pale friendo
>mughals integrated

KEK,there were high taxes to be paid if you followed Hinduism at that time,I guess most of them who were merchants paid it and the rest escaped the 'Empire'.

The worse is the "its Current year" shit,its cool to be a western degenerate now.
A gorillion.

Literally every major politician is implicated.
Yeah the British also put Burma and India under one, two vastly different cultures.

Thanks now no one even knows what a Burmese looks like, all assume either indian or filipino.
Can you explain yourself, Philippines?

What makes this American occupation especially dangerous is it spreads under people's notice, they'll still complain about Brits stealing our pepper and shit but won't recognize what's happening around them now
>Bank of ASSAD
>tfw slav bros and finnbros are here
We need to do something about burgers and jews
>introduced democracy

Thanks for introducing it my dear friend,you guys hardly knew how our society worked,then again you were Jews front men,so it was inevitable.

Thanks for making my vote equal to the GIBS me dat dalit who barely know how to read.
>His job doesn't give credit to its employee
Wait until you see just how many nations pay to the Philippines and the amounts

Middle class are minority now,some elite caste like mine,ie Brahmins,are leaving this country for good,because race mixing agenda and shit tier economy.

Genocide is not the option,because Current year,again there might be a Muslim BTFO,but still we have a large majority of nig nog in Hindu as well,so yeah things will change for good,but it won't be a paradise as it once was.
give us back fiume
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>500 years of Mughal rule and hardly a dent on our culture
topkek, half your country is gone dude, and one half of that has nukes pointed at you

>mughals integrated
>(((Democracy))) is best. Listen to us Jewish bitches.
>No Democracy = 3rd World Dictator
>Asians MUST follow Western Ideologies
>West Smarter than Asia

The west in a nutshell.
Honorary 3rd world here
My family escaped the rule and went south,we are the only pure Brahmins left in India,rest are Muslim rape babies.
Hello fellow thirdworlders.
we use palm trees to receive signals and coconuts as routers
>West Smarter than Asia

They took the whole world down with them desu.
Where are the Brahmins going? Are there forming into communities abroad?
Seems like India has a good dose of liberal retards, I am sorry m8.
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Third world best world
I can get away with things that in any first world country, I'd get a ticket
And they call it the "long peace"
Long peace for them, but not for us who suffered colonization.

But never give up, think of the empires india once had.
We left long before Mughals Ahmed.

literally where shills try to herd anons
If you post in this threads without being paid you are a sheep
You still couldn't get away with the Falklands.
First world countries.
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You got me confused, lad. I am sympathising with your predicament which is directly a result of Ambedkar and his American "education".

p.s. PVN Rao was one of the best Indian prime ministers.
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Don't "Sorry"
Let nationalism take over Europe once again.

And once the mudslimes and the (((folks))) are eradicated, go help out the countries your ancestors once colonized.
Oh my god it's this shit again.
Oh my bad.
>tfw basque people sailed there at first
>tfw basques are the sailing master race
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sup boys, chicago here.
>dat dabbing edgelord
here you go faggot
Fuck off mate. If I worked there I'd come home here filthy rich
See you guys in 2050~
Holy fuck dude, I'm sorry. I'm assuming you're in Delhi or Mumbai (worse).
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Chicago.v2 here aswell
we're 3rd world now right?
Piss off, Fritz. You've lost all credibility after you fucked over based Höfer.
Why not rape some hot qt3.14s in first the world and live like a king in prison without working a single day instead of being some managers slave for 2$/hr in the turd world and dying virgin?

FUCK AMBEDKAR AND FUCK DALIT PEOPLE. Imagine how powerful India could have been if that cunt had been aborted. We need to sterlize all lower castes/dalits/untouchables and kick trouble making Muslims back to Pakistan with a massive educational reform sans reservations. Then, India has a chance of ever becoming a superpower.
As a third worlder, what pisses me off is that I can't throw toilet paper down the toilet or it'll clog ... only 1st worlders can do this.

It's so unfair that I'm thinking about joining Islam
Which prison has the most complete ammeneties?
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butthurt paki detected.
Hail to all Favelabros around the world.
>implying it isnt the switzerland of latin america
Ironically, over here I can throw paper down the loo, but where I lived in the US I couldn't
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you'd probably get killed on these hardened streets for looking like a weak pussy. you can't handle chicago m8.
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I like this general lel
Hi broes! How is third world life treating you?
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What would you pick

>Third world but comfy weather and no muslims
>First world but shit weather and a lot of muslims

Pic related, first world
My friend who immigrated there lives in a good neighborhood and works downtown everyday on an office job.

Such is life.
Singapore isn't third world you dumbass
Wow what a nice counter, very edgy, just like your god emperor's missile strikes.
Bet you've made some 12 year olds cry on youtube with dem comebacks
Norway, that's where Breivik is (He complained about not getting the latest Play Station model)
hello fellow third worlders, finally a thread that can regroup us all, i'm so eager to talk about the problems that hit me :)
Varg says those extremely isolated Norwegian prisons will drive you mad though
He's Burmese but doesnt realize Burma was never great
But I feel like I won't be able to visit 4chan anyways because it's monitored
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calling someone a butthurt paki isn't edgy, it's a reference to a better time. you wouldn't understand that, because you're a newfag LARPing as an indian with a proxy, which is about as pathetic as it gets on this board.

stay butthurt paki, m8.
Varg is a cuck, he spent 16 years in prison when he killed a fucker cool blooded for autistic reasons and he still complains
How comes flips and brazilians are always the worst on any online community especially gaming?
Yesterday directors of one the largest public works contractors of the country, which have been arrested for corruption, accused the current and the last 3 presidents of accepting bribes and illegal campaign donations. Also most of the main potential candidates for the upcoming elections have been accused, and a lot of high-ranking congressmen.
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>tfw no avrg Venezuelan protester qt
it's our nature, sorry man
reeee why do spanish fags ruin everything
shitty ping, can only speak broken english, low skill level, low understanding of social dynamics, overall really shitty teamates
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checking in
Ha, can't beat the peenoise huh
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posts a dabbing meme and calls others newfag
>LARPing as an indian with a proxy
and what are you LARPing as? a nigger with an internet connection?
Maybe I'll hear of you getting "trayvoned" on the CPD scanner thread
I do that all the time. I've even thrown newspapers sometimes when i'm out of toilet paper, which happens a lot because i'm lazy and poor.

In Delhi. Never come here. NEVER EVER.
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lol that is such retarded evidence of newfaggery. post dated memes if you're such an oldfg. protip: you can't because you're a larping newfag.
>hurr durr anyone who posts dab memes, regardless of intent or context, is a newfag. trust me goy, i take shits in the street
yeah okay buddy
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Mexico is a pile of shit right now, daily find mass graves and no one gives a shit.
Are we challenging Chinese hegemony? https://youtu.be/UwPOltmnins
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A-am I c-cool now senpai?
Is it really that bad there?
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Hello, fellows of a economically low production country.

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me right now.jpg
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I pick;
Go ahead be a purse owner
we got colonized for 350 years by VOC (dutch) and we became the largest mudslimes country in SEA
Get this, we are a 3rd world country but with first world problems
We have dangerous libtards here, proclaiming themselves as "peronists" (our thirdway politic party, Partido Judicial)
While that, we have negros with adidas clothes, like a gopnik. These people are known because "E amego, perro, dame una monedita vo', dame todo wacho tengo un cuchillo"
Help us please
We pay poor people to run on a treadmill that powers our electricity and use coconuts to get wi-fi signals from China.
you my fellow pajeet.
this post has summed up[ country/city.
kek'd and saved
Literally this.
Miami feels like a third world. Bunch of crazy ass cubans and niggers live here.
Fuggg big benis :D :D :D
Bhosadiwale kaunsi gandi jagah rehta hai
Yaha south delhi me kabhi light nahi jati. Ek mahine me ek bar 5min max
The only thing I envy from 1st world countries is their economy.

Here minimum wage is 52 dollars a week

That's why I choose being a Neet instead of a wagecuck
>tfw one of the biggest muslim country in asia
>family is a whatsapp religitard
Can someone just nuke this shithole
I live in Victoria, Australia. Does that count?
No Aussies
Y'all too good looking for third worlders
Nah fuck off unless you live in abo town. I guess those fuck are even lucky to have centrelink
>I live in Victoria, Australia
nope first world still
dear indian posters:

1 AUD = 48.9215 INR
what could you buy for 48 INR?

I live in a region with no jobs and possibly the highest methamphetamine use per capita, but no Abbos tho.
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The anglo zionits ruined this world for the sake of a zion supremacy, And now they've got their filthy hands deeply inserted into our governments and pockets.

Every single day i wake up with nothing but rage and hatred, the people are leaving their own homelands just to breath freely and away from the tyranny and insanity we live in, they do whatever they can to get out of their grave-like lives into a better world.

And those who decide to live and let live get nothing but pure suffering and can't do shit about it, since if you just speak about the corruption you're now officially an enemy of the government, god and the people.

One night i was on the verge of going postal after seeing a video of a divorced lady with children working in a tea stall, and in the video she had a rant about the government and how she's a victim of their corruption, only one week after the video got uploaded the government's dogs poured gasoline all over her stall and turned it into an inferno in the night (pic related).
>what could you buy for 48 INR?
a low quality beer(pint) in some parts
two bags of crisps 20+20
4 cigarettes 12 * 4
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>tfw i'm sitting here on a $400 chair in my airconditioned room drinking an icecold cola and i'm sad cause it's not the 'cherry' kind

really makes you appreciate
>highest meth use
We used to have that title, they're all dead now.
Questions for 3rd worlders:

1. How are you using the internet right now?
2. How fast is it?
3. How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?
6. Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
7. Do you have running water?
8. What is going on in your area right now?
9. What do you think about America?
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Are we first, second or third-world?
>1. How are you using the internet right now?
We had them since 1990s. How do you think do we flood every online gaming community with toxicity?
>2. How fast is it?
Not much, mine is 5 mbps but its workable.
>3. How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
Back when it was /news/, but visited 4chan years earlier than that for /a/
>4. What do you do for fun?
Stay inside the house with the airconditioning on
>5. Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?
Yeah, my first job is 425 USD a month
>6. Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
Of course
>7. Do you have running water?
>8. What is going on in your area right now?
I live in a nice community, though months ago, the police raided a secret drug lab hidden in a town house. Even my neighbors were shocked a drug lab existed there.
>9. What do you think about America?
Working a year or two there then coming back home could make us filthy rich here.
1. Internet cafe
2. Slow as shit and there's a chance you'll get kicked out because you're using it for browsing instead of playing point blank or dota or whatever
3. I'm a weeb that likes to explore things
4. Masturbate
5. I only do odd jobs
6. In my country we poop normally
7. Yea
8. Our mudslime assholes are currently trying to sue our government for insulting their stupid religion
9. I don't know much about America except burger and gun meme
After vacationing in Buenos Aires I made a personal pledge not to visit a third world country for the next 10 years. Shit is depressing as fuck senpai
Fuck off fat fuck
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Stone Thrower.webm
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1. Expensive WiFi
2. Ping 10ms Down 12.46 mbs Up 9.47mbs
3. Through /b/ memes
4. Motorcycle
5. I was retrenched, I was making R9000($670) after tax
6. I am white
7. Both a Bore hole and connected to Government Water
8. Crime
9. Love it
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>4 months since I started looking for a job
>still nothing
same feeling bro
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1. local phone ISP
2. fast but very shitty ping i cant even play world of tanks
3. 9gag back in 2007
4. drawing
5. no
6. i have loo and poo in it
7. yes but tap water taste shitty
8. fucking muslims especially hardliner still buthurt over speech by governor 5 months ago
9. tourism america= awesome fucking enjoyable no apeshit, clean, decent homestay all around
real america= putrid trash all these libtards nonsense are not meme at all, its pure crisis.
1. Internet at home
2. 4 mbps
3. Been lurking /a/ because I am a filthy weeb
4. Cry
6. Yeah.
7. Of course
9. I wish you colonized us.
drug cartels weird satanic rituals and murders and santas muerte death cults and other weird shit
cristeros where the ony real heros in mexico in last 150 years
Took me 6 months
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1. potatoes
2. potatoes
3. potatoes
4. potatoes
5. potatoes
6. potatoes
7. potatoes
8. potatoes
9. potatoes
31 ms
2.80 Mbps
1.01 Mbps
lots of muslims drugs liberals and cuks
shitty goiverment corruption freemason controleld oposition parties liying cunts to much welfare parasites/whores/
lots of leeches
nice meme.
Lol, the muzzies butchered you guys for 1200 years
Who else here is soon to be first world?
>1. How are you using the internet right now?
A. Spiritually

>2. How fast is it?
A. Incredible hihg speed

>3. How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
A. Moot called me

>4. What do you do for fun?
A. Post garbage

>5. Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?
A. I do not feel comfortable disclosing the amount of (You)s I get monthly.

>6. Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
A. What is a mere loo to a street owner?

>7. Do you have running water?
A. We do not have such advanced water features.

>8. What is going on in your area right now?
A. Something

>9. What do you think about America?
A. America.

this gave me feels

>1st worlder

pakistan is down the hall and to the left

>shit meme
Don't fall for the false propaganda that all burgers support (((them))) and their (((policies))). There is a (hopefully) growing movement of people that has woken up from the false muslim = bad, Jews = good narrative. You have to understand that Hollywood and the media continuously enforce this narrative - we are literally being brainwashed.

Most of us our part of the resistance here on /Pol/. The question is how do people like us organize, and can these monsters ever be beaten?
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Switzerland is third world

shiiieeeet son
why aren't you a doctor in the UK?
You need to move away from India friend. The population density is way too high in India - there is no fix for these problems.
1. land line been using internet non stop since '95, netscape master race motherfuckers
2. 82Mbps download, 60Mbps upload, 4 ping, 3 jitter
3. used to be a regular on gametrailers forums, people kept spamming 4chan memes and I started lurking in 2009 or so. Been a regular poster since 2014
4. what is fun?
5. neet all my life
6. yes
7. yes
8. not much but people will gather to gawk once I kill myself
9. bretty gud
>Questions for 3rd worlders:
>1. How are you using the internet right now?
From my phone, but I guess I'll answer the next questions as if I was from my pc since it's more interesting.
>2. How fast is it?
10Mb/s, sucks
>3. How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
4chan back in the orkut days, had some friends that browsed
>4. What do you do for fun?
>5. Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?
>6. Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
Yes, also I flush the paper. Am I first world?
>7. Do you have running water?
>8. What is going on in your area right now?
Shit's fucked but we try to hide/avoid it. Can't exactly say much more than that.
>9. What do you think about America?
You are cool but played world police too much when other countries were developing, now you are the boogeyman of leftists everywhere. I hope to imigrate legally someday so i can own guns, but that's a very far off dream.
1.how through phone, laptop, tablet, etc we're not that different burger. we are the retarded brother of the north.
2. fiber
3.I've been here since my North Carolina days
4.partying and fucking bitches
5.don't work am a med student
6.of course I have a loo and I do shit in it
7.yes, not so safe to drink like in fort Worth and as tasty from tap, but it manages
8.Easter vacation "spring break" everyone is off at the beaches
9.i love America will be going there when I do my usmle and shieet
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germany in 2 years.png
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pls remember to make this thread again in about 2 years so i can participate
>GIBS me dat dalit

Is that the Indian equivalent of the shitskins that live in the outskirts of our towns, have 16 kids who go out in herds to rummage through thrash and try to beat people up even though they fall down rather quickly since they haven't eaten properly because their parents are too busy buying alcohol and making more kids for alcohol monies?

Also do they thrash everything that the city tries to set up for them?
You can still fix it. Trust me, you'd rather not be 3rd world
Topo keko
>tfw no sadistic white waifu to conduct the second reconquista with
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>tfw you make 8.30/hr and cant pay for shit
We have enough third world people here, can i join?
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Michigan reporting in

Third world shit niggers will never enjoy this meal
Not a sensible chuckle I'm telling you, more like audible.
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You do know that taste is relative ?
Your favorite dish might be unbearable for anyone else
How third world can you be if you have access to a computer and internet?
>Slow as shit and there's a chance you'll get kicked out because you're using it for browsing instead of playing point blank or dota or whatever

What the hell. Are you paying to play on a computer or just to use it. It's an Internet cafe not a Gaming cafe.
Looks disgusting.
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thats over, with the help of the fourth reich mauricio we are safe, for now. chill.
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>1. How are you using the internet right now?
>2. How fast is it?
7mbps down, 3 mbps up
>3. How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
From canv.as, used to post there around 2010
>4. What do you do for fun?
Alcohol and vidya mostly
>5. Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?
>6. Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
If you think that pajeets who post here have designated streets, then you're taking /pol/ far too seriously
>7. Do you have running water?
>8. What is going on in your area right now?
It's peaceful where I live
>9. What do you think about America?
I think you know the answer to that question, pic related
>british exploited

They uplifted you.
You're still using the infrastructure they built for you.
Is it the poop kind?
>Be year Macuilli Calli of the Tlacaxipehualiztli
>Still whorshiping foreign gods from dirty Eutlokpan
>Not honoring the old ways of the Toltecayotl
>Not using your blessed Tecpatl to sustain Mictlan with the life It needs so Tonatiuh can keep up with his eternal war against the Tzitzimimeh
No wonder this land seems stuck in eternal darkness...
Panjeet reporting in, sigh when will the ride end anons
you're just some dumb islander fishermen, what glory are you talking about ?
Anon I swear he has it really bad I don't even remember the last time we had a blackout
What's your address

I'm coming to your country to pay you a personal visit after I pay ten dollars to fuck 8 or 9 of your women

Pretty much I'm gonna beat the last breaths out of you while smelling like chink pussy
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When Philippines take back mindanao?
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this entire post
wew lad

>getting off his ass
>going out
>crossing the pond
>actually fucking something that ain't his hand

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>tfw it's election season and all manners of political corruption and voter intimidation are coming out of the woodwork.

I got to get the hell out of here man.
It's funny that even mcdonalds workers in this country can go to any 3rd world nation and buy almost any woman

I honestly wouldn't doubt that a min wage worker here could have a shot at a third world presidents wife
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Flip fag here, that looks terrible. Our native food is superior.
Been 5 months for me now.
Yeah well niggers are still fucking your white women....for free.
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1. with a computer, retard
2. 30 mb/s
3. i was searching for spooky stuff and found 4chan in 2013
4. working out, getting arrested for racism etc etc
5. not at the moment
6. i'm not indian you fag
7. yes
8. nothing, everyone is white in my city
9. fuck drump and fuck brown people
Just fuck my shitty eternal hot and humid country mate (Except January)
Philippines is doing fine now thanks to dutdut.

Muzzies and commies liked and fear him so a decisive peace talks is on the way. The police and the Military is in high morale. People are happy. If by any chance he was ousted or assassinated, blood will flow on the street like a fucking uprising.
1. Broadband provider.
2. 25mb/s, allegedly.
3. Some 6 years ago a friend of mine frequented brazilian chans. Since they were mostly trash, 4chan was the next logical step.
4. Play DotA.
5. Not right now, although I'm selling Herbalife through Ebay right now. I used to make about 550USD monthly. Which is plenty.
6. Yes.
7. Yes. I can drink from the tap with no worries too.
8. Easter. There's some gang wars, but it's been going on for the last 20~30 years with no end in sight. It doesn't affect me, though.
9. Coolest place on earth. Biggest freedoms, cheapest commodities and the best quality of life a mulatto like me can get. I dream of going there one day.
we are fucked
Third world, but i get to stay myself so i can be a white god banging the horde of brown qt's
> fibre internet.
> 15 mbps but drops to 3mbps after 150gb of usage
> been here since 2008 because our boss back in the office used to browse this to find ways to prank us.
> Art and studying
> Yes, it depends on what job order I get. but most of the time it's around 1800$
> I've no clue what a loo is but we do shit on a western style toilet.
> yes
> people are asleep 1 AM.
> America's pretty okay. they act weird sometimes but still pretty good.
Pick one.
>shit on their heritage
All of them.
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1. Why wouldn't I?
2. DOWNLOAD 15.01 Mbps UPLOAD 2.08 Mbps
3. Don't remember. Came in around 2013. Left. Came back and started browsing /pol/. Left because of BLACKED posters. Came back in time to the election.
5. Yes/Codefag/24K USD
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Raining, /comfy/ weather, pretty chill.
9. I think you are the source of every conflict in the world. Stop being a puppet to Israel and you will be fine.
Shit I forgot one.
4. Jerk off, feel guilty about It, read japanese comicbooks, work. Mostly I just read the news and play HoI4.
>How are you using the internet right now?
Mobile data.
>How fast is it?
>How did you find out about 4chan and /pol/?
When reddit fucked up with its privacy,used to lurk in some good sub reddit,hooked on to r/conspiracy,got redpilled about Rothkikes,then jumped the /pol/ bandwagon and I am redpilled to oblivion,and being a redpilled indian and see delusional people all around,makes me want to Kys at this moment.

>What do you do for fun?
Hollywood movies the old ones not the recent one with SJW bullshit,air rifle 30 m,harmonica,documentaries.

>Do you work and if yes what do you do and how much do you make?

>Do you have a loo and do you poo in it?
every india who is in this chan definitely has a loo in his house,setting up a toilet is too cheap here literally we don't have to pay the hauling company,we have too many nig-nog cheap labor here.

>Do you have running water?
24/7,juts have to turn the pump on once in a while.
>. What is going on in your area right now?
Its a shit show,nig nogs are standing in every corner of the street shouting,but they are not like blacks they just keep it to themselves in most cases,cows are sitting on street a dog is poking that cow,anytime he is going to get what's he's asking for.

> What do you think about America?
Though we make a lot of fun about you,but you truly a kind of modern empire,believe me early america was like heaven before 9/11 and Afghan war,my dad got his canon camera during 97 when my sister shifted to hose.

Your gun culture,your songs and movie if you kick the jewery out of it,Clint eastwood,Henry fonda.
The problem is your popularity was used as a bait by the Jew mafia,many here in my class think that its cool to follow every other american movies,hardly do they know its a trap,well their loss they didn't adapted to the present culture and majority of them are too selfish to be honest and too dumb to redpill,let the fucking civilization collapse already,civilization rise and fall and this is the end,so be it.
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shit, my mistake lad
pretty sure USA is well on its way to third world shithole by this point

all we've got left is our military
Most of us have something in common:
>being USA/globalists bitches
How can we fix that?

Invasive question but do you know your IQ?

Curious, not trying to offend for whatever purpose.
I scored 125 when I was 16.
Chinese bitches here.

Im pretty sure that for us, there is not any fix possible soon.
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>tfw you will never be american
By stop lying to ourselves. Being a """""""US bitch"""""""" it's irrelevant. Our government is corrupt as fuck. It's not America's fault we suck.

Just give commies helicopter rides and see everything improving. How come one of the top 10 economies in the world is a fucking third world country? It's beyond inane.
You know what is a rare flag that you never see here? Guyana. All my time on /pol/ and I have yet to see one guyanese flag. Do they even have internet down there?
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>when you eat meat

>when a bus finally arrives, and you manage to cram youreslef inside

>when there is electricity
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I'm hungry guys
That should be an isis flag, shart
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> eating meat
> not eating superior cardboard
want some bro?
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best 3rd world country reporting in, even our commies are hot
I live in Appalachia. Do I count?
I shouldn't be here, so I'm just passing by
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Why isn't there fucking no inverted poland/ monaco here REEEEEEE WE WUZ SULTANS AND PRABU AND SHEEIITT

t. not singapoor
Can I'm go in yet?
I mean I'm the father/uncle of most of you raised from the dirt of earth enough to realise there is something better to aspire to,yet surrounded by too many retards to achieve it due to corruption and people doing nothing about it isn't it familiar my friendos? That's also spain

Muslims aren't doing your country any harm,tho.
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Is it scary living where you do? Do you avoid strangers? Say what you want about Canada, our leader, and our dollar, but the quality of life is very good here in regards to safety. Its made me nervous to travel. Hope you guys are doing okay, be safe anon.
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Hello, my fellow third worlder!

We need nationalist politics that aren't sociashit, commie or neoliberalists.
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>Internet so slow that picture takes more than 3 mins to load
>cardboard triggers my empty stomach and I get even hungrier
Fucking Chavistas the ruined everything
Finally a thread where I feel safe and comfy.
When China suspends imports of your meat due to health concerns....THAT is fucked up
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It's not American, it's technical, America just happens to be at the forefront of technicization, so we're the face of technology. Such is life.
So you're a xenophobic coward.

Most Americans have traveled overseas, visit other states in the US and live around different people.

Cancun was the hottest place to go vacation at. Canada? Not so much. Maybe Montreal but that's not Canada.
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> go to college
> qt3.14 approaches
> hey anon can I walk to the station with you, I'm afraid of being raped
feels good

Where is all the fucking oil wealth going?

There is no way you people can be even slightly poor in the first place when you have that many oil reserves.
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I've traveled a decent amount in my life. I wouldn't let that tinge of fear stop me, but there's that doubt in the back of my mind. Obviously you only really see the worst examples in picture and such but man, it's worrisome.

Not bad. Can you do me a favor anon? Take a picture of what's outside your window. I just want a random example of Brazil.
because they are hypocrites dog eaters faggots
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i made them for all arab countries <3
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>wife was born in the 3rd world
>first to go to college in her family
>learned to program on some shitty cardboard box
>came to the US for her Masters
>we met in university

Feels nice having a wife who appreciates the US and the First World.

When I go overseas to visit her family and relatives I bring about 100 $1 bills and hand them out to little kids who are behaving well. They act as my eyes and ears when I'm out in public so I don't get stabbed or robbed.
Suicide is a popular pastime over here.
you're not 3rd world you fucking retard
It's not america,they are just burgers,i used to feel same way about my culture and country loosing it's traditions into some bland shit but i unironically start thinking it must be the fucking globalist kikes that want us all to become the same shit for in their eyes we are but subhuman animals. To me everyone has a place on earth and i don't want to loose mine apart from that I love you all shitskins
Supposedly all that money goes on paying debts with Russia and China, also all those chavistas are corrupt people, stealing everything on their reach to fill their pockets.

>captcha makes me choose pictures with food

Do you just skip and give up on loading webms like me ?
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>says the Saud

How you holding up, champ?
I wait till midnight to watch webms
What really happened with Dilma in Brazil? Heard the new president is full neolib, then again also heard Dilma was full blown commie so I can see why some would actually oppose her.

lmaoing IRL
Just returned home from Leg Day.

I opted for the leg press machine instead of squatting, since I barely pushed myself into going to the gym, they are certainly more psychologically demanding.

Overall doing well. Thanks.

Same, it also helps of no one else is using the router at home.
I'm glad you had a good day.

Give me a throw away email to contact and I'll buy you an amd RX 480 8gb.
Glad you're holding up well Syrian bro
What country?

Thanks m8os
My car is from 1994 I make 11 bucks an hour. It could be worse anon.
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Do you have any armenian kurds or something like that living in your cunt?
Checked, what kind of computer do you use? How brown are you if you don't mind me asking?
Favelado LUL
Thanks friend.
The buildings seem to be in bad repair but the scenery itself seems like it would be really nice without them. I was hoping you'd surprise me with really nice buildings but oh well. How nice are the people around there? If you needed directions would you hesitate to ask someone on the street?
A normal desktop computer. The case is kinda old though.
No idea. I live on the coast so I have almost no contact with kurds.

I think there are assyrian kurds or something ?

What are your favorite canned foods??
No. It's a normal residential area. The rent is cheap for a college student. It's better than living with my parents.
Ah, I see. Some armenian/syrian/kurd retard who I went to primary school with just got sentenced to 6 years in prison because he stabbed someone :^).
Oli jkasjaksjaks
I don't really talk to anyone. And no, I wouldn't.
I don't eat canned food that much, mostly vegetables
I've seen worse.

What are the girls like in Brazil?
My fellow 3rd world brethren..

Does anyone else only buy used clothes that are imported en masse from Europe ?

I don't know what this trade is called in English, but essentially, these clothes ( in excellent condition, probably never worn) are imported by weight ( x price of a tonne, for example )

They are of really good quality, much better than locally made ones.

This is especially useful with shoes, the ones I buy this was usually last me two years or so.

Glad to hear justice is being served.
>the people are leaving their own homelands just to breath freely and away from the tyranny
ya and you goat fuckers look like you really appreciate us giving sanctuary. Fuck off dirt nigger.
Wew lad, wanna make eastern europe great again?
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Jesus Christ I hate my coutnry so much

I actually believe that if I wasn't born in (((that))) country I wouldn't have become morbidly depressed.
Let us switch
Attractive yet filled aids
Traps everywhere
They are Ok, some are beautiful some are total garbage.
It's mostly ugly because It's the street behind my house. The front street is nicer.
Get your shit together bro
Are you an actual Syrian or is this a VPN?
Are we 4th worlders welcome here?
Anon why you are not doing your diet?
I also buy used clothing here cos' I can dress myself up for 5€ and don't give a fuck how much I spend on beer.
Oh shit, how are you Hugo? Venezuela seems like a proper shithole if you don't mind me saying.
We are bro, we are
I bet that better than most of your suburbs ahmed
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chicago is for bitchboiz who cant handle real places
If we're that bad then you slavshits should stop coming here.
Don't know about that but i know low end american clothing (old navy, abercrombie) is considered expensive and high end here
As if you cunts have anything besides Ahmed to worry about.
It IS a massive shithole m8

We have a lot of kebab in here as well, but ironically they have a lot of money
What part of Brazil are you from?
>We have a lot of kebab in here as well

Why would rich Muds move to Venezuela?
The real deal.

Same here.. They are considered a luxury now..
I got the fuck out from your mudslim filled shithile as soon as I didn't pay my taxes hah. Ok, I'm sorry, hoe do you feel about the decay in there? I lived in Reading, West Hill road near city center, two cathedrals near, aaaaaand no life because muslim ghetto surrounded by hindus.
I used to, here it's called "ropa de paca" and it's mostly american clothes, may be either deffective, charity or lightly used clothes.

>They are of really good quality, much better than locally made ones.
Depends on your idea of quality, sure they may look and feel of high quality but branding plays a role, I can get new clothes of similar quality of local brands for the same $ if I really look for them. Have you looked hard enough for local options?

>This is especially useful with shoes, the ones I buy this was usually last me two years or so.
Shoewear is where one should never skimp on.
>bought 2 pairs of nike and 2 dress shoes 6 years ago
>all still in ok condition

>tfw no empire
killing Iturbide and Maximilian was a mistake.
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Fellow anons
Should we do this weekly? maybe include relevant news from our countries like a new law passed or something like that?
Cos' they have a plan my friend.
but I live in SP now.
Text me when you'll have toilet
I'm from Scotland, my city was shit even before the Muslims and Slavs came here m8.

Things are getting worse every year though, especially with your gypsies from Slovakia.
you couldn't hide the nose jew
Beats me, most are from Lebanon where I live, they have stores everywhere where they hang out chanting spells and shit
hang in there Syria, I wish our kike president wouldn't side with the us in the upcoming world war
I'd down for it.
Yeah man I feel you but to be honest it's so great that they keep leaving somewhere on the island and even voluntarily
That's my thumb
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Sounds good
I actually have, longer than your country has been in existence. What's your number now?
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Where do you live? How dangerous is it?

There's so many things I could ask you man
Still the most powerful race in the world
Ayo hmu with a GTX 1080
>Does anyone else only buy used clothes that are imported en masse from Europe ?

I read somewhere that in parts of Africa these are known as "dead white men's clothes".
I'm on the border, I know of some lads that load up these trucks. businesses across from me actually specialize in that kind of operation specifically. Its pretty sweet buying Levis and wrangler for 50 cents a pair. Buying by the pound is even cheaper.
It was a joke pal chill.
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